r/Entitledparents | Entitled Karen Thinks I'm Not Pregnant?..

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g'day there guys it's humane man Maki back at it again with some more entitled parent stories I upload here daily and if you don't want to miss out then you better smash that subscribe button and turn on notifications anyway Cobbers it's time to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy these entitled parents stories is that an injury I see on your arm disclaimer for sensitive people slight violence into mentioning blood for some backgrounds my brother 8 was visiting one of his friends who was 8 as well whose mother is our entitled parents I took him there in the morning wearing a hoodie and when I was to take him back I had just short-sleeved t-shirt I had an accident on my bike as in bicycle a few weeks ago and it's not that long wound on my left arm got at least a bit healed I apologize in advance for grammar and spelling I'm not a native English speaker the cast are me brother brothers friend and entitled mother as I was at the in tabbles mother's house to pick up brother I was asked by the friend about my hands then he says how did that happened to you oh it's a bit of a longer story but I fell on my bike on a rocky path oh are you ok now still hurts a little but it's fine thanks for caring entitled mother now came to the front door what have you been saying to my kid hello he just asked me about my injury my injury when his left arm he fell off a bike really yes entitled mother grabbed me by my left hand perfectly on the injury and pulled ow easy what are you doing I took a look and since I got binding down just the day before and had these butterfly like pluses to help with wound staying closed after some hits or pressure after the stitches were put out the wound started to bleed nothing bad there in total mother that's not from a bike incident it's from self damaging sure lady cutting yourself leaves the same injuries is falling at 35 kilometres an hour on a rocky path yes lady I damage myself by attempting to damage my stuff putting myself in extensive care unit while I'm at it me I'm not a biologist but the wounds from a knife cut look a bit less than the wound from smashing your arm onto a rocky path entitled mother where the F is that your blood is staining me me perhaps if you didn't pull like that entitled mother she'd tightened her grip and pulled me closer friend leave him alone mom he didn't do anything entitled mother no sweetie he's putting such a bad example me lady please let me go it hurts and I don't think you want to cause more serious injury in total mother tightened her grip again listen here you little sidenote I carry a stiletto switchblade of my pocket most of the time excluding school or other public buildings I pulled out the Stiletto which made her back up a little bit but still her grip her delight see you're even carrying that thing around it's called self-defense now let me go I'm calling the police you'll get arrested for assaults she finally loosened her grip but still held me friend and brother came back with some bandages surprisingly entitled mother has let me to bandage my arm stay here the police is coming after a while the police arrived enter p1 and p2 p1 two entitled mother so what did actually happen he assaulted me with a knife p2 seeing my arm in a bandage blood-stained are entitled mother's hand but no wound and several drips on the ground may I see the knife please sure I hand him over a perfectly clean blade Peter have you cleaned it since we were cold no sir then why did you pull out a knife in this play D it was self-defense she grabbed me by the injury on my arm to the point that it started to bleed could we see the arm please I put the bandage down ma'am if he assaulted you why does he have perfectly clean knife there's no blood opening injury and bruises on his arm while you seemed perfectly fine he cleaned it I don't think you can perfectly clean blood from a blade to make it look like it's just unpacked with a t-shirt or toilet paper he's also damaging himself please - that's a serious issue but not a crime is it true young man no I have the injury from a bike accident ma'am could I please take a sample of the blood on your hand why so we can see whose blood it is it will help us with the investigation entitled mother reluctantly let p1 take a sample she was then asked to wash her hand entitled mother washed her hands and what was that perfectly uninjured hands so ma'am since you don't seem to be injured young men here has opened wounds and several bruises I don't think he's assaulted you now I knew that my brother was and is raised too no matter what always tell the truth why don't the kids tell their thing that lady grabbed a pee first so he took the knife friend didn't say anything but I don't blame him police officer - ma'am and young man he both need to come with us at the police station we both gave our sides of the story I had to give the plate as evidence and the plot was tested no traces of blood or anything else was found in the blade and blood from entitled mother's hand was found to be mine I was asked about pressing charges declined but we'll have to go in as a quote unquote witness when the state charges her for assault on a minor injury and lying to authorities and yes my stiletto was safely back in my pocket I will try to keep you updated our next story was posted by user akin Adam only titled at two days past my due date I shouldn't have used the expectant mothers / parents with small children parking SWAT my pregnancy was ok up until the last month it was 95 degrees outside I was retaining so much water my sandals hardly fit on the biggest setting and that was constantly in pain it sucked I run or waddle to the store for a couple last-minute things for the baby and I was so relieved that there was a parking spot for preggers and pair sneer the entrance I pulled in and took a few moments to chug water and gather my things when I noticed a car pull up to my left they were half in the handicap parking stall and yelling something out the window I rolled my window down in here you shouldn't be in that spot you don't have kids my son shouldn't have to walk from the back of the parking lot or something to that effect I was a little stunned to be yelled at to be honest I calmly told her that I was very pregnant and this stall was for pregnant women too she kept talking to her son but at me you know what I mean like sorry son you just had to walk in the heat because this lady parked in our spots so I opened my door and hoisted my giant Landwehr Lesk body out of my car she was still turned around talking to her son and when she finally saw me I was about three feet away from her window I bent down although I did my head and said do you see how pregnant I am I think you and your son will be okay walking and then I saw her son he was like seven that kid can walk she just sighed and drove away I was her taked I wish I said more to her our next story was posted by user nanny Lynn 62 titled stop sending your kid over I am NOT a babysitter at first I wasn't sure if this was an entitled parent story because I think this woman is just plain crazy but after reading a few of these things I have figured out that crazy and entitled are one in the same years ago this new neighbor of mine she had recently moved to a new house in the street over kept trying for the better part of a summer to use me as a free babysitter it started when her kid who was really cute well-behaved kid about 7 years old showed up at my door at 7:15 in the morning we were all just waking up and getting around so I told him that my boys were not ready to play yet and to come back in a few hours that is when the kid told me his mom had gone to work this seemed a bit odd to me so I brought him in and tried to call his mom this was the time of only landlines sure enough she was gone so I brought him in and fed him breakfast he stayed with us the rest of the day and he got along well with my two boys who were 5 and 10 I had only talked to his mom about two times so I had no idea why she would think that this was a good idea when his mom came home I walked him over so I could talk to her I told her not to do it again I told her that I would be willing to watch him on occasion if asked first but not every day her response was well what else do you have to do all day this kind of took me by surprise I tried to tell her that I work at home on Commission's she rolled her eyes and told me that being an artist isn't a real job and besides I was married so I didn't need to work I should have pointed out to her that she was married and working but I felt myself getting angry and I didn't want to argue with her just don't do it again I said to her you have teenage kids home for the summer have them babysit she frowned at me and said they work I said so do I then I went home the next morning at 7:15 the kids sheepishly shows up again once again I bring him in and feed him breakfast and laid a lunch once again I took him to his home and once again his mother told me to please not do that again she actually tried to tell me that it was my neighbour Lee Judy to watch him and I told her that if she sent him home tomorrow I wouldn't be there because of a doctor's appointment she said that as a babysitter I should have given her several days notice about this i angry Lee told her that I was not a babysitter and then went home the next morning I made my 7 a.m. appointments blood work that's why it was so early I did some grocery shopping afterward and it was about 10:00 a.m. when I got home the poor kid was waiting for me on my porch he had been there for nearly three hours and the little guy was scared and hungry that night when I took the kid home I was angry I told her how the kid was scared and alone she actually said that she had told me I hadn't given her enough time to find anyone else and that his being alone was my fault I pointed at her and said I am NOT a babysitter don't send him over again that night this woman had her adult nephew call me to scream at me for not being home when his poor aren't dropped her son off how dare I leave a small child alone like that I told the nephew that his aunt's knew I wasn't home so it was her that left a child all alone I said that I had repeatedly asked his auntie not to send the kid over anymore and I was not a babysitter thus nephew freaked out at me when I said that and I hung up on his screaming at me this worked for two wonderful quiet days then right back to it I tried everything but this woman insisted that it was my neighborly duty to babysit and would tell me as much finally I decided that to solve this problem I would just get a job outside of home and that she would have to stop I was too much of a pacifist back then I no longer am I landed an interview for a position at a local library and I was ecstatic I told the woman to keep her son home because I had arranged for my kids to stay with their grandmother while I went to this interview the next morning I drove to my mother-in-law's house and took my kids inside when I went to leave I found this woman's kid waiting for me in my car she'd actually fired me there and put her son in my unlocked car and then zoomed off while I was dropping off my boys my mother-in-law was not the most flexible person in the world and she adamantly refused to watch an extra kid I had to cancel my interview I was livid I toyed with several ideas of this moment I could take the kid to her job and leave him with her or I could call the police and Child Protective Services I really wasn't sure how stable this woman's job was and I didn't want her to get fired and when I went to go call Child Protective Services I chickened out because I really wouldn't be fair on the little boy besides I had heard really scary stories about the Child Protective Services in the end I just waited for her to come home I left the boy at my house with my hubby I planned on doing a lot of cussing and I stomped over to her house and met her before she even got out of her car I shouted at her I told her she was dense stupid moronic and crazy I told her that she had lost me my job interview and if she sent her kid over to be watched again I was gonna call CPS and the police I told her that she was violating myspace and if it took going to court to get her to knock it off then so be it she then put her hand on her hip and in a most snotty turn said well if he didn't want to sit with him all you had to do was tell me I I really do not know how I kept from punching her right then and there this comment was so asinine I turned on my heels and started stomping home when I saw her husband pulling up now this was the first time I had ever met her husband he worked at a job that only allowed him to be home on weekends and I can't blame him I wouldn't want to be around to her either but when she saw him she turned tail and ran into warehouse he saw that I was upset and asked me what had happened I told him told him all of it especially the incident at my mother-in-law's this poor man was shocked he had been told that I was being paid and he had been giving her money to pay me he had no idea all this had been going on and he was very very apologetic over the whole thing in fact he apologized again to my husband when he came over to pick up the his little boy finally finally she stopped sending her kid over later I heard from others that she was bad-mouthing me and wanting folks about what a horrid babysitter I was but I took that as a favor I didn't want to babysit any kids other than my own and I still hate doing sir I don't hate the kids I love kids it's just dealing with the parents that I don't like the kid came over only once in a while after that to play with my kids after he called first to get permission exactly the way that it should be done I'm sure his dad had something to do with that because the kid only came over on weekends this is one of a few stories I've had involving this crazy lady her only entertainment in life seems to be seeing how bizarre she can act in this neighborhood I'm luckier than my other neighbors in the fact that she leaves me alone now and I am very happy with that howdy hey monkey AMI hope you enjoyed the episode as always if you want to subscribe click the big boy button on the screen and listen to our latest playlist by clicking that bad boy or sir if there's anything else you guys want to talk about feel free to hit me up in the comments down below Chuck this one will like and I'll see you in the next episode guys I hope you have a good day bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 4,378
Rating: 4.9338841 out of 5
Keywords: r/, reddit, top all time, r/top posts, reddit top posts, fresh, dark dom, Giofilms, Emkay, Oz Media, subreddit
Id: 9ylcEiHF988
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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