r/EntitledParents | CAN'T PLAY ROBLOX

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another on slash entitled parents don't forget voiced veterans to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story was called my entitled and shattered my two thousand dollar PC about one or two years ago when I was moving out of my mum's place my awesome mom threw me a housewarming party at her house don't know why she just said I could invite anyone I wanted to and who I didn't want to go she would deal with I invited all my friends and about half of my family I told my mom I specifically didn't want my aunt to be there it was a blast I enjoyed all of my friends company and even my family who I don't like to socialize with it all since none of my family and I have the same interests after the party I had my friends or the ones that were left anyways which was about three or so come up to my old room and we played on my PC we played our six CS minecraft fortnight even but at this time it was about 8 p.m. and the party was long over and all my friends have left so my mom invited my entitled aunt over I despised her and her crotch : they are the most entitled I've ever seen my mom calls me downstairs and asked if I could watch my cousin's I have two cousins one male one female I don't mind the younger cousin who was the male 11 or 12 at a time but the older one 13 at the time is where the headache starts the conversation with me and them goes roughly as follows so how are you guys doing I'm fine let me play your computer AC don't be so rude shut up I see and play the PC with me sorry but at this point she's trying to shove me off my chair I shut off my PC and this conversation engages hey cut it out that's enough she's quite startled as I've never raised my voice near them but today was a long day and I wasn't in the mood jeez you could have just said no he told you now to begin with shut up why she she is now full bawling at this point she runs downstairs and I assumed to tell her mom why is he stayed up with me and we joked around a bit about it I could hear the steam coming from the ears of my ei and I braced myself for impact she slammed the door into oblivion and began storming me with insults and legal threats I'll try to keep it as PG as possible but this is how it went how freakin ya you speak to my child that way you do you have any idea who we are listen I am not in the mood I'm not finished I'm going to press charges on you for child I cut her off no you're not doing anything you're going to get the freak out of my room or I'm calling the police she took this as a challenge oh yeah go ahead see how much I give a Frick me pulling out my phone and dial nine-one-one you got it at this point my mom was at the door confused as heck what's going on here he hit me I'm livid at this point yeah your son hit my child and even admitted to it john believes yeah i'm dale lying shut the Frick up I see no one asked you at this point there is yelling everywhere and in the commotion I later saw this in my room cam he snuck behind all of us and started unplugging my PC I noticed her leaving with it and I start trying to take it back from her give me my PC what do you think you're doing my aunt noticed me yelling at her and started helping her pull it away from me now as I said before my door is right in front of the staircase EA and EC are on the outside of the door almost of the steps then although you may hear it a lot my freaking finger slips and I lose the grip of my pc my aunt and cousin do as well and it gets thrown down the steps it was shattered also this all happened in the span of about four minutes then as my PC hit the bottom step I saw the red and blue lights I got so relieved my aunt and cousin tried running but my savage mom yanked both of them by their hair and locked them in the bathroom meanwhile YC was getting the police officers and telling them about the situation they'd come inside looking at my shadow PC and came upstairs to hear EA and EC banging on the door trying to get out the comfort with me and then goes roughly as follows so what's the problem visit them pointing at the door yep and that pointing at the PC was it yours yep and it now shattered what was the price for it two thousand dollars police services eyes widen and says open the door let me deal with them he cast them on the spot and asked if I wanted to press charges I gave a solid yes I also found out the next day they'd broken both of my monitors well you can see why he didn't want her at the party huh there are sometimes those people who they always happen to behave a particular way like every time they're at the party there's always something that upsets them and they ruin everything you don't even have to recall everything they've done it's just psychologically built into your as like a warning system do not go near this person do not invite them to parties this story was called EP demands right-of-way regardless from a lot of years back and thankfully my one and only EP encounter so far knock on wood anyway I was walking back from the shops in a quiet suburban area when an old guy runs across the road ahead of me but trips on the curb and goes headfirst into a garden wall then smacked down onto the pavement not moving much so I run up to him he's pouring blood from his head presumably from the garden wall and his wrist is at a funny angle presumably from the pavement I'm straight on the phone to get an ambulance and then trying to comfort the guy who is in a lot of pain stem the blood flow etc so I'm obviously kneeling on the ground at that point I hear excuse me but I ignore it being busy then it comes again excuse me I need to get past please move I look up to find a woman pushing a big old-fashioned pram looking at me expectantly I just say I can't get up you'll have to use the road eeehm ain't happy and nudges me I told her again I can't move she will just have to get in the dawn Road it wasn't busy poor old guy was groaning to maybe in pain maybe at her stupidity thankfully the ambulances arrived at this point at parks right by us now she has to back up and go to the road to get by so she Huff's and walks off and that was the last I saw of her as paramedics did their job and took the old guy away that's all no threats no screaming just a selfish idiot that cares about no one else the thing is she had to use the road in the end anyway except now there are more witnesses to her stupidity yes we get it you've got they're hard to navigate and usually if you ask someone to move politely to the side I'm sure they would but you know what if something's a medical emergency and they need an ambulance chances are you moving past them is not a high priority is it gonna cause you some inconvenience yes it is but you know what next time you're in a situation where you need an ambulance I'm sure you would want to be the priority - this story was called little sister destroys e/m and DK at a fast food play area so this happened a number of years ago when my daughters were seven ish and five ish the weather had been super cold and snowy for about a week and the kids had been cooped up in the house because of it we had a string of snow days and this particular day school was canceled for super low temps I was off and once things warmed up if you call it that into double digits I decided to take the girls to a fast food place for lunch and let them blow off some steam and the big indoor play area at the restaurant had we go get our food and get settled the play area is moderately busy and fun times commences kids are playing well taking a bite at a time and having fun in walks accountant with a boy who is big for his age there is a height limit posted and he is about an inch over but still obviously about the same age as the other kids playing the ek immediately begins acting out as e/m tries to force him to eat before playing eventually his screams breaker and off ek goes once in the play gym he starts with a bully type behaviors cutting kids off being bossy trying to make rules for the other kids p.m. just keeps playing on her phone not noticing or caring now I have always been a let kids work it out parent as long as it does not get too far but there were other moms there who took major exception and confront an e/m about her child's behavior of course p.m. saw nothing wrong with her angel and proclaimed it was not his fault he was a natural leader this went on for a bit and several moms packed up and left but my kids wanted to stay now am was not oblivious she knew what he was doing but still did not care eventually ek started focusing on my older daughter who was a little more timid he was blocking her way to go up the playset to the slide by gesture to the EMT her attention and politely point at what is going on and iam says my son isn't touching anyone and I don't see a thing he is doing wrong and goes back to her phone now big sister is timid but little sister is hell on wheels little sis was able to just run by the ek going to the slide as his focus was on big sis as she ran to the table to get a bite we heard big sis start to cry did not get hit she was always a mad crier little sis springs into action Sprint's up to the playset and pushes ek off the step ek goes blood over teakettle down the play set and erupts and screams and wails he did hit pretty hard little sis Fuller's him and gets in his face on the ground and says leave my sister alone I'll beat you up again yams shrieks oh my gosh baby what happened for his subs he says the little girl pushed me eeehm starts to scream at me I say to her what did you say she says I wasn't looking when it happened I'll split assists what happened and she says he tripped and fell when he was being mean I saw the whole thing I look at him and say that's what I saw - maybe you should monitor your son better off so he doesn't get hurt rage e/m stop screaming and threatening now he K's up but humbled still crying he amaz now to the nucleus stage and the manager comes in EN begins making demands for police and phone numbers manager tells her she has had several complaints about her son who was too tall for the playset anyway being a bully to other kids and she needed to leave immediately eeehm erupts like Krakatoa manager escorts are out manager who recognized us from frequent visits anyway gives my girls some cookies and play resumes little sis got a high-five from me and each kid got $5 to not tell mom what happened but how did the kids explain how they got the five dollars sometimes it's the littlest kids that become the heroes in these situations they don't really have a sense of scale as much and so they're just like I don't care that he's bigger than me he's being a jerk and I'm gonna tell him sir where's for all the older kids their self preservation kicks in they're like well I don't want to get in trouble so I'm just not gonna say anything which is sad because I sometimes feel like that's the world of adult as well this story was called pay my daughter's insurance for a crash that was entirely her fault this happened to me and my mother a little while back here's the cast for the story mmm my mother me gasps ooh nd nice daughter Andy em Karen we were driving into the city center of our city and we got to a roundabout and stopped it was that quite a busy time for that roundabout all of a sudden we feel a very slight nudge from behind us a car had rear-ended us the impact was only at about 15 to 20 miles an hour so I'm guessing the driver just didn't stop in time these things happen neither me or my mother is hurt and neither is the driver of the other car she turns out to be a young driver MD we found out later that she's 20 so the same age as me and she's so nervous throughout the ordeal we assess the damage to my mother's car and to hers Andy has a few scrapes on her front bumper and one of the nails that holds up her number plate has fallen off nothing too nasty my mother's bumper has been dented in and is slightly hanging off the left-hand side nothing too major but something that will need to be sent off to the Ford specialists she's super nervous as she's never been in a crash before neither had I but my mother had been so she knew what the story was they exchanged insurance numbers and took a few photos for damage to our cars then set off since we weren't at fault my mother's insurance company would pay for the damages done to her car the damage done to Indy's car wasn't too bad so wouldn't cost too much to fix right when we got home there's a message on our answering machine hello this is a.m. I believe you were involved in a crash with my daughter Andy earlier please call me back when you get this message we call am back I saw my mom - put her on speakerphone in case she gives us a story for this subreddit hello hi this is mm we were involved in a small road accident with your daughter earlier today uh yes hello I ever says the damage to both your cars in her car and from the photographs Andy took and we've worked out that you always about 1,000 pounds to fix Andy's car bearing in mind the damage to Andy's car was a few scrapes and another plate out of place I'd have thought the repair bill wasn't even past 100 pounds I'm sorry what you always 1,000 pounds to cover the repair cost for Andy's yeah I'm not paying that who would I'm not paying that I'm not at fault and I highly doubt that it's gonna cost a grand to fix a few scrapes and a dislodged number plate but we have to send it down to his specialist we have to get a tow truck my car had far more damage than hers it's getting sent down to a specialist and even if I was paying for it it would cost me around 200 pounds you mean you're not paying for your repairs because I wasn't at fault so my insurance will yes you were you stopped somewhere you weren't meant to stop it was around the Baus have rush hour anyway then give us 200 pounds heck no sorry see you in small claims court we never heard from her after that I'm assuming she tried to get a lawyer but no lawyer would take her case and there's no way she'd win what's the bet that the daughter went home and totally made up some story like yeah they just randomly stopped and I just ran into them just to kind of cover her but that doesn't excuse what the entitled mom did however calling and harassing them about it and then expecting some ridiculous payment as well she should know better that if you've rear-ended somebody you're always the one at fault and maybe just teach a daughter some more responsibility to be more alert and aware while driving on the road maybe get the daughter herself to pay for the repairs then she'll have to learn the hard way if the accident had been a lot worse there's a lot more that would have been lost post your stories memes and fair not at our /yc here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one 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Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 68,856
Rating: 4.9205909 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 132, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: 4goyyOI7pcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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