r/EntitledParents | IT'S ALL GOING TO BURN!!

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what's up guys welcome to voic-- here this is your host that loves Frank Sinatra captain Zach and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled aunt would rather I die than refuse her cooking summary I recently moved back to the south because I hated wet cold miserable winters up north however I now realize there was one major drawback to moving back home I should never have moved within driving distance to the majority of my family and now my entitled on thinks I should die rather than hurt her feelings here's the cast there's me entitled aunt my mother another year another disappointing Thanksgiving of course the usual disappointments were all there his sister who thinks that being a single mom makes her a freakin saint instead of just someone that didn't remember to use birth control critical alcoholic cousins who can't wait to point out everything wrong with someone else's life but don't dare look at their own lives as they finished their fifth glass of wine in less than an hour with the turkey still having two hours to go the parental units who seemed desperate to reclaim their lost youth by pretending they still have authority over children in their 30s and 40s drunk uncles screaming babies hint way too much drama and then of course there is the biggest disappointment of all my demanding attention floozy of an aunt and her freaking sweet potatoes those god-awful two sweet freaking make my teeth hurt just thinking about them crappy sweet potatoes her pride and joy side dish that she insists on bringing to every Thanksgiving instead of burying it with shame in the backyard with the rest of the fertilizer where it belongs the dish she insists on forcing each one of us to consume I could be deathly allergic to those lovers and she would still throw a fit if I refused to eat it I even hate calling them sweet potatoes I feel like the name insults real potatoes everywhere why couldn't my aunt just have picked a dish made of real potatoes instead it's not like she didn't have plenty of potato dishes to choose from real potatoes are wondrous things and can be prepared stewed scalloped fried twice baked in so many other delicious ways real potatoes are simply wonderful real potatoes are also the only way to make a proper batch of fries fries french fries crispy taters chips freedom fries although that last one is a bit absurd even for me whatever you want to call them fries are delicious savory salty and a perfect complement to any dish of freshly killed and grilled meat if my aunt made fries and they were cold when the turkey was served I would still gladly eat those lovers instead of her stomach turning sweet potatoes on the other hand sweet potatoes are an abomination when fried people who make fries out of sweet potatoes have clearly suffered a psychotic break of gargantuan proportions and are now trying to take everyone else down the rabbit hole to cuckoo-land with them by attempting to trick us into thinking we're getting fries instead of freakin sweet potatoes I recently lost my oldest and dearest childhood friend to sweet potato fries he has become a casualty of the devastation caused by sweet potatoes not only is he eating sweet potato fries but to offset the sweetness instead of ketchup every god-fearing true-blue Americans choice for fried dipping he's dipping those lovers in mayonnaise mayonnaise this is the United States not the Netherlands no offense to the Dutch people but no just know I tried to talk him back to insanity I yelled at him sweet potatoes are not for fries they are for pie filling by freaking filling unfortunately I found him to be an unresponsive broken shell of a man he's lost and a twisted Wonderland where up is down hot as cold and sweet potatoes are made into fries but of course the nastiest preparation for sweet potatoes is reserved for Thanksgiving and somehow my aunt has made it even worse whoever thought of candying sweet potatoes with a brown sugar and maple syrup and then topping that crap with marshmallows is one we messed up escaped mental patient and to then make it a staple side dish on a national holiday well that some devious dr. evil level planned to destroy America so naturally my attention-seeking ons had decided years ago that this travesty would become her signature side dish to bring to Thanksgiving that monstrosity of a side dish has tormented me for years not only is it there during Thanksgiving but everyone eats it you don't have a choice as my aunt is the one who brings the sweet potatoes along with my alcoholic cousins that she spawned she insists that everyone must have some of her famous side dish we are then expected to fawn over her about how delicious they are and ask her what her secret is blah blah blah if anyone doesn't eat her candied marshmallow covered turds and complement her she will harass them throughout the entire meal constantly tell us how insulted she feels until we give in this year I decided to tell her no and pass on the orange sugary horror have some of my famous sweet potatoes Opie I'm sorry entitled aunts but I'm trying to cut sugar my doctor says I really need to lose weight well it's the holiday so those calories don't count yes they do in fact they count more as we tend overeat over the holidays and not exercise well you should have told me in advance that you weren't gonna have a knee and I wouldn't have made as much so inconsiderate of you I'm one person out of 25 here the amount you make wouldn't have changed you should still have some sense you didn't tell me in advance that's the polite thing to do you're practically spitting in my face by refusing i slaved away in the kitchen for hours to make them I know for a fact that she just pours them from a can ads maple syrup and cinnamon tops with marshmallows and bakes for half an hour I'm sorry but I'm overweight as it is I'm serious about trying to get in better shape I'd like to be around for a while why do you hate me so much after all that I've done for you I have no idea what she's done for me I've only ever seen her during the holidays and I still don't know why my doctor seems to care more about my health than my family entitled aunt then turns to my mother and says I can't believe you raised such a horrible child I'm freakin 40 tell him to have somewhere I'm never coming back to this house again I'll pee you know how sensitive your aunt is just have some and tell her it's delicious so she shuts up it seems I was left with only three options option a have some and pretend entitled aunt did a good job instead of trying to freaking poison me option B refused and hear her whining non-stop about how I insulted her for an entire freaking year option C take the honorable way out by removing the carving knife from the turkey and committing seppuku right there in front of my loved ones I'm still alive to write this so you can guess the outcome once again my aunt won this year I caved in to her demands to try some of her crime against food that she calls a side dish while she smugly smiled I pretended to enjoy eating her potential violation of the Geneva Convention while constantly looking for my chance to go to the bathroom and attempt to quietly vomit that crap into the porcelain DeeDee I don't know about you but option C looks better every freaking year first of all I man thank you so much for writing that so well that was just an absolute joy to read that was a blast Oh God eighty percent of that story was just him ranting about sweet potatoes I love it I absolutely love it I really really hope he posts again for Christmas because I don't know I just love that writing style they're just so stories like these are so good I'm done this story's called entitled mother threatens to burn down school I have been teaching for 22 years so I have a lot of crazy stories the one that stands out the most to me is a mom who lost her mind over me giving her son a B instead of an A on a project that he turned in late at the school I was working at during this time it was required for teachers to assign a Spring Break assignment we had just completed a full week of testing and my class looked like they were needing a break I decided that instead of doing the normal read these chapters and write a report then I would instead allow them to draw a picture of an invention that they thought was interesting or important and write a paragraph about the inventors life I expressed that this assignment was going to be presented in front of the class by me so they could watch their work for once instead of having to present it we all broke for the break and everyone seemed really excited to have a lot of their break for free time when we return from break I drew the names of the students for the order in which they be presented the first students I called on said that they didn't have the work done so I told him to bring it the next day the kids thought it was funny to watch me act out their presentations and it was a great time the next day I go on to teach the presentations of the next group the kid who missed out the day before going first his presentation was nice and I explained to him after class that while it was a great project I was marking him down a great letter for turning it in late fast forward two days I get a call from the office during my planning period that two parents were there to see me I agreed to meet with them and they came to my class the father looked like he had been dragged along and the mother looked like she was hyping herself up to get crazy with me I want to know why you are discriminating against my child who was your child kid's name that's who the Freak my child is have a seat let's figure out what the problem is her husband grabs a chair and pulls it closer to her she's still hyped up but he's trying to help her sit down I feel a fear people after their people has your son lets you know that his assignment was late and that I accepted it late because he's a good student screw that math I don't care about anything right now it was pretty clear that I wasn't going to get anywhere so I decided to leave the room and get another teacher to help me get the parent out of my class we didn't have security back then so I was on my own no more than a second after I stepped out of the room I heard a loud crash I turned around to see she had thrown a glass paperweight through the window shattering it I'm gonna call the police you shouldn't be here when I get back the entitled mother sprung to her feet and followed me screaming at the top of her lungs she was hopping up and down and clapping in my face telling me she was going to pine this hole mother-fricker down today the mother just kept grabbing her by the coat and holding her back far enough that she couldn't make physical contact with me she fell to the ground to slide out of her coach and was crawling towards me furiously at one point it's a small town the police could walk over faster than they can get in their car and drive here within minutes they were pulling her to her feet trying to talk to her she spits in the policeman's face in motioned like she was going to backhander he barely hit bumped her and she fell to the ground she screamed at the top of her lungs that she was being attacked her husband looked defeated holding your coat shaking his head she went to jail for creating a public disturbance and for gross misconduct with a peace officer the rest of the school year she wasn't allowed on the property the next year I was promoted with my class so it meant I had all the same kids as the previous year I saw her dropping him off all the time because the ban had been lifted she would always grind her teeth and growl at me I'd speed up walking because I didn't want her to see me laughing imagine a grown woman sitting in her car making loud growling noises hilarious no no the parents they found anime all jokes aside oh my goodness parents you need to hold your kids accountable I remember um my dad would always take the teachers side which I admired until it legitimately wasn't my fault and it was the teachers and competence that caused muta okay again I've said multiple times before that I love teachers okay I've only ever had good experiences with teachers I mean at least good teachers with some bad experiences but that's normal and there have been times where teachers messed up and I got to blame for it because my dad refuses to believe me which is very not healthy as a parent to do but anyways but this would have hung over it now I don't hold grudges this story's called entitled parents says that their child should be allowed to break housing law I live in a group of town houses I owned while others rent there has been an ongoing problem of children being extremely loud committing vandalism and playing ball games on common property this is all breaking the housing laws that we have for our complex I live with chronic migraines and another person in the complex also has health issues despite all the entitled parents involved knowing this they allow their kids to start screaming at 6:00 a.m. it's gotten to the point where multiple homes have complained and the housing laws are going to be enforced before this I feel like I should rattle off all the issues that have led to this point children playing at the top of their lungs in front of my window and in my front garden is starting at 6:30 a.m. and ending at 8 o'clock p.m. children breaking up rocks in my front garden into shards and leaving them where they can harm people and animals the same rocks and shards being thrown into my backyard this is especially dangerous because my dog's health dictates that my lawn is mowed regularly rocks can turn into projectiles when they meet mower blades things going missing from my backyard then turning up a day or two later at my backdoor 110 year olds urinating in my front garden damage to the front of the property and surrounding trees the children turning up and down the water pressure in my house the tap is located in my front garden despite tapping it up to stop it I would like to say that if the children had been respectful no one would have complained but they did and a letter went around dictating what laws were being broken and what ones are going to be enforced in the future one entitled parent approaches the other person living in my home today and says I'm not keeping my entitled kid inside all holidays we all need to figure out a time when they can bounce the ball and run around they have a backyard and don't need to play on common property they have all been told over and over again how hard it's been living with the constant noise the other entitled parent blames depression and his sick partner not being able to handle the entitled kids inside the entitled kids are old enough to know that sick people need some peace and quiet this is crazy it's not my job to deal with someone else's kids and I feel like they are being pushed onto me I want silence in my own home for more than the time that the kids are at school the temptation to fill my migraine diary with rude kids as a trigger is unbearable I will give an update when the other person in my home is contacted by the housing law agent you see this is actually a big problem you see when you're a kid you have all these adults telling you hey get off my line you're making them my own you know all the stupid stuff you see in kids movies with grumpy old mr. Fletcher Minh or something generic grumpy old person name but the thing is the kids are jerks they're little turds okay they break crap they're loud okay people pay money to be in these nice neighborhoods and all that stuff and then their kids the kids they come in there laughs oh god parents keep your kids under control I was a good kid when I was a kid I mean um actually when I was in like second grade I would um I don't know I can talk about this I would have liked a Fight Club me and my friends would just meet up like seven eight like kids I would meet up and beat the crap out of each other I was undefeated though all right would be a bunch of second graders I don't care I was still cool because I was a second grader too don't get it wrong this story's called it's my dog louder hurt it a little bit of background this happened when I was around ten I played for a football team called PB FL and I went there every Saturday and still do cast me why bother asking entitled massa haven't we been here before and tyanna kid I seem to remember this story I had gotten to my football pitch and was practicing with my football team and I was playing in go and turn titled kid I hear a Yelp from behind and turn around excuse me entitled kid keeps yanking on her dog's leash hey you're not to hurt your dog that way it's animal cruelty my dad watches the news all the time so I know about this you can't Tommy that's Adele well you are hurting your dog and that's is animal cruelty so it's my dog I'm allowed to do what I want with it no you aren't your dog can be taken away because of animal cruelty huh entitled kid walks away now I turned back to practice thinking good deed done another dog saved boy was I wrong Murray answer entitled kid dragging entitled mother along with her excuse me I turn around yes don't ever talk to my daughter like that again do you hear me not sure how to react I say okay I see her daughter crying behind her looking at me nervously they exit the scene now please don't criticize me for this I was only 10 and I had never heard of a Karen or even discovered the subreddit so I had no idea how to react if I was the age I am now with all of my current knowledge I would have reacted very differently but as I say I was ten I hope you enjoyed this post mmm you know what that kid good kid he saw something bad going on he said something about it that's how everyone should be pedestrian effect that's is not as crazy common as you guys think at least I've seen lots of opposing evidence to its prevalence in our world today and I'm and that's a good thing that's a good thing people they see and injustice happening they are inclined to speak up and that is something I'm so grateful for and this kid he's got that he saw this kid this little this little snot hurting a little a little dog and he's like hey you little you know what happened I just read the story don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 47,755
Rating: 4.8291574 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: re-56Ho9X5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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