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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today my current neighbor won't stop cutting my grass after that guy tips big to impress date but returns later to take his money back and after that entitled kid wants free pizza forever gets banned instead now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get to mow anyone's lawn but it's so fun so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day my current neighbor won't stop cutting my grass i know the title sounds bad because she's technically doing me a favor but hear me out i work third shift and oftentimes get home at 5 or 6 am but can't fall asleep until about 10 am most days i'm a very light sleeper and i live in a trailer so my walls are extremely thin i don't get mad about my other neighbor cutting their lawn while it is annoying to listen to it's their lawn and i don't control them however i've explained to her twice now about my job and how i sleep and this is the third time she has started mowing my lawn i told her explicitly that she didn't have to do it anymore and that i would truthfully rather her not leave my own house chores to me i am a grown woman she seemed to understand as i write this she's mowing my lawn it's 11 30 am i understand this is a normal time to mow lawns but this is my property i should also note that she uses my mower and my weed whacker for this but doesn't often replace the gas in the mower or forgets to plug in the battery for the whacker i have a plug in my shed specifically for this i would go confront her again but that would be the third time and i'm honestly considering just beginning to lock my shed and at my gate i've never had a problem with her before other than the fact that she lacks a lot of common sense and i have to explain things to her often despite her being well into her 50s i'm not going to the park manager because i don't think it's that big of a deal but kind of feel bad that i'm angry with her for doing something that benefits me more than it doesn't am i the jerk edit the reason i don't want to lock the gate in shed is because our other neighbor an elderly lady comes and borrows our tools occasionally for her garden i'm going to be locking it anyway before i leave for work today and go back to explain to aforementioned older lady that she can use my tools but i'm hiding the key in an area close to the shed and that's where the key will be from now on i have a spare inside edit too i've taken advice from a few people and i'm going to get a copy of the shed key made for my older elderly neighbor and let her know the situation but be clear that i don't want her to take action she is the park manager i'm not going to be hiding my key just keeping it inside because she is observant and will probably find where i hide it without realizing it's hidden from her all in all thank you to everybody who provided actual constructive replies and helped me figure out my situation here's to hoping next week i won't wake up at 11 30 am to weed whackers outside my window cheers well what would you do in this situation would you try to get karen to stop cutting your lawn or not please let us know nothing better than a riding lawnmower and a monster energy on a saturday afternoon guy tips big to impress his date but returns later to take back his money we had a guy come in last night with his date throughout the evening he was the pitcher of courtesy and good manners he complimented me thanked me every time i came to refresh his water or check on the table made a point to be forgiving of a kitchen mistake super extra nice the dream customer really i appreciated it but didn't delude myself that i was the source and figured he was just in a good mood because the date was going well they were chatting laughing and having a great time so i assumed i was an indirect beneficiary he was certainly in some kind of celebratory mood because he was sparing no expense he asked for our highest quality wine she got our most expensive entree he ordered one of every appetizer for her to sample when she made a remark that she was having trouble deciding it was a real feast so the evening starts wrapping up and i get their check i ask if they'll be together or separate she starts to say separate but he makes a big deal of saying oh are you kidding together definitely together you never have to pay when you're with me babe and so on and so forth then slides me a credit card i get everything sorted and bring out the receipt he fills it out and it came to a 289 dollar total he doesn't even blink and makes a big show of leaving a 100 tip he thanks me for my service and emphasizes what a lovely night they had of course a tip that size is exceptional so i thanked him profusely he said there was no need to thank him and goes on a big tear about how underappreciated wait staff are and to just think of it as a stand-in for all of the in-grades who didn't treat me right going don't plan to tip don't plan to eat out you know looking at the mesmerized girl the whole time and not giving me a glance i could care less where he was looking i was looking at the upcoming hundred bucks i thanked him again and said i hoped to see them back soon and that was that so he helps her into her coat and off they go great night i was riding high about 90 seconds later he's back in the door without her going i think i left my then when the door shut and looking to make sure she was out of earshot he goes without the slightest shade of shame or embarrassment mark the tip down to 20 bucks hun i was just playing it up for my date you understand and turns to go uh i understand but not how he hoped i would but i couldn't make a scene in the middle of work that's not my place so i just said one more time in order to give his conscious a chance to sink in okay sir you'd like me to amend your tip from 100 to 20 dollars is that correct and even though i didn't show a hint of displeasure in my voice he shot back extremely hostile yes and if i see a sent over the 20 on there i'm going to dispute the whole meal with my credit vendor so don't try to pull anything the most frustrating part of this for me was not even going from an over 30 tip to under 10 percent but rather that this poor girl was being strung along with no idea of who the guy was behind her back it was extremely manipulative of him which is a major red flag i've had my fair share of toxic relationships in the past and really wish someone had pulled the blinders off my eyes so desperately wanted to do something to alert this girl to the trick the guy had pulled hoping it would be a catalyst to her questioning his other actions but again i was at work and that just wasn't my place so i altered the bill and that was bad then just in time something occurred to me and i darted outside hoping to catch them in the parking lot i got lucky they had parked on the street instead and he was still dealing with the parking meter so i flagged him down and rushed across the street nearly stumbling into traffic in my haste for a delicious moment his date was already in the car but rolled down her window since no one expects the waitress to follow you out to your car waving her arms like a crazy person i made it across and said more than loudly enough for her to hear me sir we amended your tip from 100 down to 20 as you requested but you'll actually need to fill out a different receipt reflecting your new total for our records your old receipt still has your original tip of 100 written on it but since you just came in and asked us to charge you 20 instead we can't have a discrepancy in our records i hope you understand this is just a bookkeeping regulation that goes way above me it has nothing to do with your retroactively downgrading your tip from twenty dollars to one hundred dollars we're just glad you enjoyed your evening his jaw was on the floor he tried to pretend as though he didn't know what i was talking about trying to give me some line about i think you're after someone else i'd only come back in because i forgot my keys but i would not let it rest the more he played dumb the more i repeated versions of you wanted to change your tip from 100 down to 20. you came back in and on and on so we went back and forth for a few more seconds when finally he went okay whatever sorry for the miscommunication if you need me to fill out a new receipt i can and i totally even killed was like you only need to fill out a new receipt if you want to change your tip from 100 down to 20 and i'm guessing he didn't have the money in his account because he did it he filled out the new receipt his girlfriend was visibly shocked and the man was staring daggers through me you could feel the rage emanating off him it was vicariously quite satisfying in place of the other toxic people i never get get that confrontation with and all the bad tippers ironically the exact kind he made a righteous speech decrying just a few minutes beforehand and then off they drove i'm sure never to patronize our restaurant again but hopefully never to go out together again either which would make it totally worth it entitled kid one's free pizza forever gets banned instead cast we've got the manager we've got me we've got nice employee mei and we've got karen the ever entitled entitled bomb so i'm a store manager for a large chain pizza place that charges a bit more than the competition but makes an arguably better product we try to always believe the customer and make them happy if something is wrong we have a loyal base of regulars who order often as well as a lot of other business from randoms in the several nearby hotels friday night entitled karen calls in in order very simple pep and jalapeno pizza driver delivers it 30 minutes later i'm asked to talk to an angry customer on the phone karen is this the manager i've been on hold for over half an hour impossible but okay me i'm very sorry about that ma'am what seems to be the problem karen i'm at the hotel and your driver was so rude and my pizza is burnt me sorry to hear that the pizza was not up to our quality standards can i make you another and send it out no don't bother you have already ruined my kids dinner and they are crying now give me credit red flag me okay ma'am i'll credit your number and when you order next time it'll be free i'm very sorry again have a good night whatever she hangs up i credit the number and think whatever that's the end of it saturday night hey this lady on the phone wants to speak to a manager me hello thank you for holding this is me are you all stupid how long does it take to answer the dawn phone me i'm sorry what we've only been on hold for a moment while my employee got me don't tell me how long i've been on hold i know how long i've been on hold for i'm groaning inwardly already a fun customer yippee me i'm sorry ma'am how can i assist you my pizza is burnt and you have the rootedest delivery driver ever they practically threw the pizza in my face light bulb clicks at this story i've dealt with this lady before me i'm sorry to hear that i'll definitely talk to the driver about it can i make you a new pizza to replace the one you said has burned no give me a credit me okay ma'am to ensure our quality standards are being met can i have a driver come pick up the burnt pizza so i can talk to my production staff about it no we ate it me you ate the burnt pizza yes we were starving and couldn't wait for a remake so give me a credit me for the pizza you ate it was burnt let me speak to a manager me i am the manager i want to speak to your manager you are being so rude and disrespectful you don't know who i am but you about to find out she then hangs up before i can say anything else being as she was extra i let my dm know about a possible complaint on my behavior and what actually went down just as i get off the phone with her i hear yelling in the lobby karen where is that jerk manager i step around the partition and see this karen wearing tacky bright green and orange with red shoes me can i help you i'm already done with this jerk because i know who she is karen gonna say something now give me my refund for the burnt pizza and i want gas money for driving over here me you didn't pay for any pizza it was free we don't reimburse gas for people driving to the store you think this is a joke you're going to give me my money or it's going to go off in this place i'm 100 done at this point me get out karen what did you say get out of the store you can't tell me to leave this is a public place no ma'am it's a private business and you are no longer allowed here i'm refusing to serve you leave now or i'll be forced to call the police to get you she continues to bellow this until the police arrive i had to hear every sing-song version of forget you for about 5 minutes police do you want to trespass her me yes she isn't welcome here anymore police in our town are super cool with us because we give them special discounts and occasionally donate a stack of pizzas to the precinct police just outside main door easily heard okay so you are now being trespassed do not come here to not linger in the parking lot or you will be arrested this applies for every single pizza store not just this one the defeated look on her face when he said that was almost worth the cost of admission not the most epic ending i know but what can you do speaking of pizza what's your favorite place to get pizza from please let us know and i could really go for some papa john's right now that butter sauce yes you're working 20 minutes more every day unacceptable in the early 2000s i was living in the commuter belt and working in central london for those not familiar london only has one train line running through it from north to south the rest of the lines terminate at somewhere on the circle line of the underground roughly for your average commuter that means your local train will go between one and four stations and so you'll favor jobs on your side of the city to save getting a bus or tube but for many it involves one or two of them too for me i only had one destination from my local station which was a tiny slow trains only one and it wasn't the station right across the road from my office to get there i would have to make a change this added to the journey time just enough that i was five minutes late to work every day however i've lied to you there was only one and only one train a day that went to the station i wanted but it left an hour earlier and got me in an hour and 20 minutes earlier there was also a single train back in the evening 30 minutes after i clocked off so my daily routine was to get the train with a change in the morning arriving five minutes late and in the evening i'd worked 25 minutes extra and get the direct train home with the station being so close i was fine to leave it that close to the wire i usually got a seat even cutting it so fine all was good for about 18 months for some reason i do not understand maybe it was my fighting with the guy who kept assigning me work even though he wasn't my boss my actual boss relayed that his boss the head of it was unhappy with me constantly being late i was young i was naive i thought they'd understand that i was working a net plus 20 minutes every day my boss was actually very cool and didn't want to be dealing with this but his boss was making a stink so he explained to his boss and the reply came back that i must be in on time because those are your contracted hours i was young and naive but that doesn't mean i was a pedantic little jerk i proceeded to get the early train losing an hour's sleep each morning and arriving at the office an hour and 20 minutes early took my shoes off put them up on my desk set an alarm and did my best to claw back that lost sleep as people trickled into the office i refused to work or even answer a phone until i was within my contracted hours come clocking off time i would pack up and leave to go stand at the platform for nearly 25 minutes staring off into the distance thinking about all of the work they are losing from me this lasted about a week before i was told i can't sleep at my desk so i found the smallest break room that had a sofa and made that my nap spot it wasn't comfortable but i was upset at how strict they were being of course i carried on going home when my contracted hours were up a few weeks later my chance came the crap had hit the fan and they needed me to work late as i said before my immediate boss was cool and i had a i know you know what i'm really saying when i say this conversation with him about how this was outside my contracted hours but i understand that there is a give and take and that when it's needed or it doesn't cause an issue give and take right after that evening i started showing up five minutes late again and nothing was said about it again i also started staying right up until my train was due sometimes edit to say that i didn't get paid overtime unless it was approved beforehand like the day it hit the fan i just worked the extra to finish up what i was doing and because i was young and dumb enough to think hard work got you somewhere also i worked late sometimes to make sure i was actually working the number of hours i should but i didn't cut it so fine for the train and i didn't do it most days anymore revenge of the highway construction boss first things first this is a story that an old friend slash co-worker of mine told me years ago this friend has since passed rip greg so i am unable to go back to him to get more details greg's family live near calgary alberta canada greg's dad was in construction working as a job site foreman and calgary was going through an oil boom in the 1980s and new roads and highways needed to be built the practice at the time probably still is was to get expensive surveyors to lay out the path for the road at the start of the project and the path was marked by wooden stakes in the ground these roads were going through some of the grasslands on calgary's outskirts and good progress was being made on the road in question then one morning the crew got to the job site and found out that all of the stakes had been knocked over calgary had maybe still has its fair share of yahoos and pickup trucks who like to cause trouble so from tire tracks they figure that during the night someone had found the job site noticed the stakes and decided it would be fun to drive over all of them i suppose today's yahoos and pickups would be deterred by cheaper surveillance cameras but this was about 30 to 35 years ago greg's dad was fuming but he had to call the surveyors back in to do the layout again before they could continue a few nights later the same thing happened again they arrived at the site found all of the stakes knocked out again another call to the surveyor's office later they had the road mapped again but greg's dad had a plan construction sites can have a lot of rebar and other types of iron and other metals lying around they also have lots of heavy equipment for applying force to things after the stakes were mapped out for the third time greg's dad got a crew together to drive an eight foot long piece of iron vertically into the ground directly behind one of the stakes near the end of the road layout with a top of the iron in line with the top of the stakes then he waited a small number of days later he got to the job site and found a wrecked pickup truck in the field along the road's path its oil pan and other undercarriage components had been ripped off by the metal post that was protruding from the ground they had signs all around the site indicating that unauthorized vehicles were prohibited entering was at your own risk so they recovered from a legal standpoint with the truck as evidence they were able to find its owner and have him charged with trespassing destruction of property mischief and anything else that they could make stick i have a long lost sister so this story was around two years ago back when i was 17 i had my own tennis clothing and equipment business until my 18th birthday my dad owned the business as well we were shared partners but i mostly ran the shop by myself which means the opening times were quite weird it was open monday to friday from 5 pm to 8 pm sometimes i would open it later due to the train connections from my main workplace to the tennis club and on saturdays it was open from 10 a.m to 12 p.m midday and from 1 pm to 6 p.m due to me still wanting at least some free time now on this day my train ran a bit late so i was rushing to open up my shop it was a friday and usually one of the more hectic and busier days many students of my dad and members of the club wanted to check out the new batch of tennis rackets and clothes that we got from the firm we worked closely with and wanted to try them out most of them were very understanding though and i knew them all by name at least most of them after opening up shop letting them in and having them look around and helping out wherever i could i went to this one lady and her kid who i had never seen in the club or the shop we shall name the mother tanya due to me knowing more entitled tanyas than karen's the conversation went like this me hi how may i help you ma'am tanya why didn't you help me before where were you at 5 pm god no one can do anything correctly here and letting someone so young here surf they should be ashamed i was personally very confused and a few other customers were as well since they knew i might have a panic attack and that i was the son of the coach here me ah i'm very sorry ma'am i couldn't be here earlier due to tanya i don't want to listen to your poor excuses give me one of those rackets and give me a 50 discount i looked up at where she was pointing trying to calm myself down from this stressful situation she was pointing at the most expensive and newest racket we just got today i then looked at the kid who couldn't have been older than 10 me ma'am is this for you or for your daughter my daughter of course just give me the racket so i can leave i know the owner since i'm his daughter i was very well confused at that point since well i didn't know i had another sister who was around 30 years older than me me ma'am i'm asking because i need the correct hand size for the grip and weight i tried to explain due to it being a major problem for giving people a tennis arm which basically means pulling a muscle straining your wrist too much and just being in pain i go crouch down and politely ask the girl to put her hand against mine to see the size asking her age and how long she's been playing all of the normal questions if you go to a good sports store tanya who is next to us started rolling her eyes and making clicking noises with her mouth and other noises that indicated she was being impatient the next thing i knew though she was grabbing my hair and pulling me up tanya just give me the racket this should be free due to me being the daughter i saw my opportunity and knew i couldn't wait any longer the others in the store were looking at us quietly and smirking slightly i nod my head and go to the back door which leads right to the tennis court where my dad is me dad your lost daughter turned up i yelled he looked at me confused but i made some eye movements indicating we had a weird lady in the store he nodded and went in dad so you're my long-lost daughter i didn't know i got my old classmate pregnant back when i was in school that's when everyone started laughing me yeah dad didn't know i had a sister when did you want to tell me that i had an older sister dad to be honest i didn't even know i had a girlfriend at the time the woman's look on her face was priceless it went from confused to angry to very embarrassed all whilst everyone in the store and her daughter were laughing she huffed and stormed out of the store basically dragging her kid behind her since then i've never seen her note i met up with a few other business owners in the area and they all had this same lady come in apparently but a certain fact is that most tennis stores in the area or in any club i think is owned by the tennis coach who never has an employee so basically you can't try that with us am i the jerk for not making coffee how my fiance wants it weird title i 23 female no but this has been a point of contention for a while my fiance 25 male is a foodie and is extremely particular about a few things one of them being his coffee we use a manual grinder get distilled water the water in our area is really hard and according to him affects the taste but i don't notice anything and we have an aeropress and a metal coffee filter to make the coffee i'm very much not a foodie unless being a sour patch kid's connoisseur is a thing my fiance weighs his coffee beans to make sure that he's using the exact right amount changes the setting on the coffee grinder depending on whether he's using the aeropress or the metal coffee filter measures the water and if he's using the aeropress lets the coffee grounds and water brew for a certain amount of time before actually making the coffee on the other hand i use a scoop to measure my coffee beans use whatever setting the grinder is on we'll usually just use tap water eyeball the water instead of measuring it and don't let it sit to brew and you know what it's fine it tastes fine it makes me happy the end thank you for coming to my ted talk problem is that this really bothers my fiance we've had multiple arguments about me making my coffee wrong and it's very normal for him to badger me to weigh my coffee beans or switch the coffee grinder to the optimal setting while i'm making my coffee if i'm making coffee for him sure i'll measure the beans in all of that jazz because i know that he can taste the difference but i don't think that i should have to jump through all of these hoops for something that doesn't affect him on the other hand he seems to be really bothered by this today as i was trying to scoop coffee beans into the grinder he reached around me to put the scale he uses in front of me and asked me to please weigh my coffee beans i was really frustrated because we've had this conversation so many times so i snapped the word no at him and he walked away and muttered you too saying that even though i hadn't said it i'd definitely been thinking forget you for the record i wasn't even thinking that so am i the jerk for not making coffee how my fiance thinks i should and for sometimes snapping at him when he gets pushy about it edit i don't know if this is important but i drink decaf and he drinks regular so i'm never making coffee for both of us i'm either making coffee for him or i'm making coffee for myself edit two i sat him down and told him that i needed him to never comment on how i make my coffee and how i was making it he repeated it back to me in his own words to check that he understood me a counselor once told me that this is helpful to do in an argument and then he agreed am i the jerk for leaving my friend's girlfriend stranded in another city last week i got a call from a friend asking me to drive her girlfriend into a major city in my country he asked me because he knows i enjoy driving and i don't get nervous and packed traffic plus the girlfriend barely drives and hates going into the city as there are lots of restricted streets and such i told my friend my plan was reading a book that weekend so he insisted a bit further saying i was doing him a huge favor since he was out for the weekend and that girlfriend would use her car so i didn't have to put unnecessary kilometers on mine after telling him i was just doing it because he asked and that i had nothing to do inside the city i finally agreed cue saturday i go pick up his girlfriend early in the morning we grab her car and i see it has only a half a tank of gas enough to get us there but not enough for a round trip she acknowledges it and tells me we'll fill up in the city whatever during the three-hour trip she kept complaining i was going too slow and that she was going to miss an important appointment i was going to speed limit the whole time once we got to the city we parked in a prepay and she asked me to pay since she didn't bring any cash whatever i wanted to go to a park and read while she was busy but i had to run errands with her because she didn't feel safe in the city center on a sunny day whatever she even got mad because i asked her to make a quick trip to the car to leave some bags because i didn't want to carry them and she told me her boyfriend always carried these bags and it was faster i started to get annoyed here and i told her no once she got done with all she had to do we went back to the car before i got in she mentioned i still hadn't given her the money when i asked her what she meant she said i had to pay for half of the tank as i had gone with her i got mad and said i was doing my friend a favor and i wasted my day just for her to buy random crap i wasn't paying she said something like either pay or you don't get into the car i stormed off tired and angry while she shouted something like yeah yeah you'll come back i didn't i got a train ticket and spent some four and a half hours to go home while my phone was burning up with calls and messages i turned it off i got home and the next day my friend called asking what happened apparently some poor soul had to go pick her up because she wasn't driving home i told him and he said that girlfriend can be difficult at times but i pulled a massive jerk move leaving her alone there at sundown so am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk or was the girlfriend please let us know i would have left her there too she sounds like a kevin junior to be honest please come watch this video next you won't believe what happens join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 42,748
Rating: 4.9399538 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: -0hmqonr6P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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