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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen's supervisor harasses me i get her fired after that entitled kid next door uses binoculars to peer into my window and after that exactly one pound you say sure now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets a bowl of pasta ooh what kind of pasta passed away so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day karen's supervisor harasses me i get her fired i work for a contractor doing custodial work for a casino to preface this i took this job mainly because it did not involve management in any way i have worked in management most of my career and was just burnt out when i started this job i was amazed where by the recruiter assistant who i will call amy she's lovely that a lot of the people that worked at the site only spoke spanish and that there may be some difficulties with communication from time to time this wasn't a problem for me as amy spoke english and was currently managing the contract because the actual contract manager was on medical leave due to having a surgery i am the kind of person that works very hard mainly because i take pride in my work ethic as soon as i started i downloaded duolingo an app that is used to teach foreign languages and began to learn as much spanish as i could so i could better communicate with my coworkers i'm still learning but know enough to understand my co-workers most of the time most of my co-workers are lazy they're often times on their phones while on the casino floor huddled in groups or hiding in their locker rooms to avoid doing work i on the other hand have regularly gotten compliments from the company we are in a contract with about my work ethic so much so that the president himself has sent emails to my company to show his gratitude for my hard work as well as giving me some free merchandise with the company's logo here's where the story gets more interesting we are ridiculously short staffed on a regular shift we're supposed to have 10 custodians working cleaning the machines the bathrooms keeping trash off of the casino floors taking out trash mopping the bar and restaurant restocking all the supplies etc often times we will have five people on a shift or less and with my co-workers being fairly lazy that means a lot of stuff doesn't get done i'm regularly doing most of the shift's workload by myself as well as picking up the slack for the other shifts because they are too extremely short-staffed the actual contract manager finally comes back from medical leave about three months into me working there we will call her sally at first me and sally got along great she thanks me for my work ethic and for everything i've been doing all of that changes when i asked for three days off we had been working mandatory overtime and up until then i was there for nearly 60 hours every week because we were short staffed initially sally agrees to my time off request i filled out the paperwork and made copies for myself just in case managerial background a week before the days i requested came up and she puts out the schedule and my time off wasn't applied i approached sally and ask her why and she says that someone else put in for time off this other person is the laziest of all of my co-workers and regularly acts as a supervisor because she's worked there the longest and is the only person that can understand a little bit of english i tell sally that i think this is extremely unfair considering that i put in my time off request over two months ago and it made sure that no one else had asked for the same days off beforehand sally explains that she doesn't have any paperwork to prove that so i give her my copy which i had placed in my work bag this is when sally decides to show her true colors do you want to do my job do you think you can manage this case better than i do no i don't pay you to come in here and argue with me you aren't a manager you aren't a supervisor you are a janitor that's it that's all i pay you for i keep what sally said in mind and just keep my head down at work for a few months after this at this point of my employment sally is getting in trouble by the higher ups for the lack of employees and retention that is occurring at our site as well as the company we work for not satisfied with her performance managing everyone it's not really a secret as we have a regional and district management coming in frequently to try and help get people hired and play peacekeepers between sally and the casino ceo finally we are getting new people hired on thanks to a temp agency that was contracted into help a lot of the new hires only speak english the others only speak spanish other than the lazy co-worker who is now on vacation three weeks the only person that can speak slash understand both english and spanish is me the morning the new hires arrive everyone is gathered in the office including sally's boss they go through orientation only speaking english for the new hires and begin to give everyone their assignments this is when ali comes up to me jay sacra art i need you to train the new hires today and make sure everyone else is doing what they're supposed to be doing me does this mean that i'm being made a supervisor sally who apparently forgot our previous conversation no but you're the only one that can speak english and spanish and so i need you to make sure everyone's doing what they are scheduled to do me with a blank expression i'm sorry sally but i can't do that i'm not a manager i'm not a supervisor and i'm not a translator i'm a janitor that's all you pay me for remember sally at this point is trembling with rage and starts screaming at me about doing what i'm told to do and dropping my attitude etc i looked her dead in the eye with her supervisor whom she forgot was behind her and pulled my resignation form out of my bag and handed it to her and walked out knowing full well that now they were going to have a lot more issues because their best worker quit and there was no one that could effectively communicate between the workers and the company we were contracted with skip forward to the next week and i get a phone call from mr regional manager hello jaysacral art this is mr so-and-so i wanted to formally apologize for the behavior of our former employee miss sally she's been relieved of her position and we would like you to come back and work with us in a supervisory position i am now a supervisor and they are paying for me to take spanish lessons which once i complete i am supposed to get a significant raise have you ever had a boss that was a total karen to you if so what did you do about it please let us know i saw real life karen at the grocery store today first she almost hit the old lady who was trying to get out of her parking spot then she tried to go in without a mask reddit boy and i couldn't stop laughing at her entitled kid next door uses binoculars to peer into my window backstory neighbors have three boys all of whom are under the age of seven in my first encounter with the mom she promptly tells me not asks that her kids wonder i naively thought that meant there might be the odd rogue ball episode or something so don't protest at the time our yards are unfenced and we share a driveway oh boy was i wrong my yard back deck front garden and even the inside of my house were seen as an extension of their space the boys would even have sword fight tournaments on my back deck off my kitchen the parents would literally do nothing i was put in a position many times to ask for more privacy as it was affecting my work and a general sense of well-being as i am a very private person it took some push but finally things got a bit better but they still wonder however to a level i am not willing to cause drama over this past early winter i decided to put in security cameras i live alone in a not so great area and i wanted some peace of mind i also wanted to document encroachments in case it got bad again in that time the cameras have picked up a lot of encroachment from kids but i did not raise the issue because the relationship with parents is peaceful and i wanted to keep it that way fast forward to yesterday my camera picks up a clip of the middle kid peering into my window with a pair of binoculars i send the clip to the parents explaining one of my cameras picked it up and that i'm not comfortable with this behavior it's inappropriate and an invasion of my privacy they send a note back saying he was only trying to see if i was home so he could say hello then they insisted on knowing more about my security cameras what they can see and if they pick up when they're playing in their yard i explain that they don't as they only pick up motion in my yard but if the kids are in my yard which they are a lot they are recorded the parents are insisting that i take the cameras down the lesson is entitled parents raise entitled kids i am frightened to see what kind of adults these kids will turn into who knows if i will be here long enough to find out edit thanks for your responses thus far i should have mentioned the fence and backstory how i would love a fence and will someday i live in an area that wood is twice the price and trades people are taking bribes for bookings it's not really possible right now but someday they are not only entitled but also deadbeats so i'd be paying for it on my own i did the one thing i had control of and that's installing cameras well what would you do in this situation if your neighbor's kids kept coming into your yard please let us know i'd get the biggest meanest dog i could find and train him to eat them sometimes people need to learn the hard way exactly one pound you say sure i'm a part-time home baker i took it up while i'm studying from home during the lockdown and it's basically a fundraiser for my charity since i can't do my monthly fundraiser bake sales on campus anymore i'm also the only person selling baked goods in my entire area so my items are very popular specifically this one particular type of cake i make that people absolutely love the other day a lady called me and wanted to place an order for one pound of this particular cake she said she had tried it at a friend's house and left it and wanted it for her niece's birthday i told her that i used the metric measurements so my cakes are actually 500 grams or one kilogram one pound equals 454 grams she said she wanted a one pound cake i dropped it because it was more or less the same thing important for later when i had made the cake for her friend i had run out of my one pound cake bases so i use the two pound cake base in my opinion this made the cake look smaller but it's possible that someone else might think that the cake was bigger edit to clear up some confusion cake base is the cardboard on top of which you put the cake i used two sizes nine inch diameter base for my small cakes 500 grams and 12 inch diameter base for my big cakes one kilogram when the lady's friend ordered i had run out of the smaller bases so i used the 12 inch base for the 500 grams cake after i took the order and quoted the price for her she started giving me more instructions the birthday girl is 16 so decorated according to a 16 year old i know super vague right add x y z stuff to it write four different things on the cake i explained to her that all this is not included in the base price and the kind of toppings she wanted would make it a lot heavier and pricier she said make it a one pound cake for the one pound cake price okay i get the hint you want a one pound cake with those specific customizations so i made it just that removed some of the ganache made thinner layers so i could incorporate her additions and still keep it at exactly 454 grams no more no less the lady came to pick it up and she went ballistic because i was trying to rob her in the name of charity and the cake i made was in no way one pound because her friend's cake was bigger i tried explaining to her why her friend's cake might have looked bigger and that this cake was exactly one pound as she wanted she refused to listen and was starting to create a huge scene said she wanted a refund so i brought my weighing scale out and weighed the cake out in front of her 454 grams exactly this lady saw and went aha i was right you are trying to cheat me it's 50 grams less i said no it's exactly one pound like you wanted i opened up google converter and showed her that one pound is in fact 454 grams not 500. i opened whatsapp and showed her the message where i told her i make 500 grams standard cakes and she said she doesn't care she wants one pound she was a bit gobsmacked and said i should have had some professional courtesy and made it 500 grams and i'm trying to cheat her i had it with her i told her ma'am you wanted exactly a one pound cake you said it to me four times so you can take this exactly one pound cake or you can take your refund and leave i can find other people who would want to buy a one pound cake she took her one pound cake and left saying she will never buy anything from me again and make sure to let others know too later her niece followed my page on instagram and dropped me a message apologizing for her aunt said it was the best cake she ever had and she will surely tell everyone about my bakery edit i don't see exactly where the weight confusion is coming from but basically i have two standard sizes for my cakes which are 500 grams and one kilogram because we use the metric system because of the american influence though people have become used to cakes being either one pound or two pounds in weight but don't often know the difference between the two they just assume that one pound equals half a cake and two pounds equals one kilogram edit two til america doesn't sell cakes by weight it's the standard practice over here that the rates are fixed by weight also the cake in question here was not a traditional cake so there was no way she wanted a pound cake actual final edit the amount of positive feedback i've received through this post is crazy i've had a very difficult few days and some of you were so nice to me a complete stranger on the internet and it made me a little emotional if i received this much attention on my instagram i could probably become a full-fledged food blogger one thing i want to address because so many people started messaging me about it i use gms for grams because it was drilled into us in school to not use g but gms g was apparently the symbol for something else i don't even remember what but we've had marks deducted from exams for not using gms so i stick with that speaking of cake what's your favorite kind of cake of all time please let us know right now dress leche all day bruh if you've never tried one you don't know the meaning of life am i the jerk for telling manager it's not my problem nobody can do my job so some background is needed here i'm 19 male and have worked at the leisure center in my town since i was 16. it has a gym a pool a function room slash hall and a cafe up until recently my job was cleaning the gym and hall and working in slash cleaning the cafe but obviously it's been closed for a while and i've been on for a while thing is my parents house is very toxic and it reached a point where i had to get out which i couldn't afford to do on furlough alone i took on two new cleaning jobs to cover my living expenses the leisure center opened again last week all apart from the cafe part and i realized just how much i'd be juggling now between work and uni since the two new jobs pay significantly better than this one but i can use all the extra hours i can squeeze in i elected to stop working in the cafe when it reopens because i think those hours will tip it over into the too many territory i told this to one of the two cafe managers and she said that's fine so the issue this morning the other cafe manager messaged me about reopening and stuff and asking if i'm okay to work the same hours i was before i replied saying sorry i think there's been some miscommunication i told other manager i won't be working the cafe anymore as i've got two other jobs now and it's just too many hours she was not happy she began complaining to me that the cafe is short staffed as is and they don't have another cleaner on hand to do it at one point in my life i'd have folded and said i'd do it but i'm trying to be better about advocating for myself so i said i'm sorry about the inconvenience but i had my notice okayed and sorting a replacement isn't my problem she then got upset and called me rude and insolent and said she's going to report me to the overall gm of the place for my conduct i'm really beginning to panic that i'm going to get into big trouble for this and if i could have handled this better am i the jerk for what i said edit a timeline of my work because some people seem confused 2018 i start working at the leisure center at 16. my jobs are cleaning the gym area and the hall function room if it gets used i later start working in the cafe when somebody leaves waiting tables manning the counter and cleaning up march 2020 lockdown 1 happens and the leisure center closes indefinitely and i get put on furlough july of 2020 lockdown one ends i go back to work and briefly furloughed again for the circuit breaker lockdown in october or was it november adhd brain i'm bad with time but go back to work again january 2021 third lockdown i'm back on furlough february 2021 the already toxic situation at my mom and dad's house becomes unlivable and i have to move out however my furlough pay and sfe payments combined aren't really viable to live independently on and i don't qualify for universal credit as i'm a student i apply at an agency and get two cleaning jobs through them one at a gp surgery and one at some offices it's significantly better pay and a better contract and allows me to move out and keep myself april 2021 the leisure center opens sans cafe reopens and i go back to cleaning the gym and haul as well as my new jobs i realize between juggling the gym hours and the agency jobs and uni work i'm basically at my limit for how much i can do i decide that when the cafe does reopen i won't be able to manage those hours too and the situation in my post ensues well who do you think is the jerk op or the manager please let us know definitely the manager i'm proud of op for sticking up for themselves i hope you report that manager they have no business trying to bully you like that entitled father wants me to pay his debts after cutting me off five years ago some context here five years ago when i was in my last year of university my parents divorced and for many reasons i decided to side with my mother and live with her he was not happy about that so he decided to ask for half of the worth of our home even though my mother bought it completely on her own to not lose our home i got three part-time jobs in the spare time while i was studying and we could finally pay him his share and he left after destroying many things in our home yes he stayed one year while the divorce was in process he just quit talking to me one day got a new partner and just left telling me that his stepsons were the kids he always wanted instead of a geeky nerd cause yes i'm an i.t engineer he didn't stop there as he also talked to all of his family my grandparents cousins aunts and uncles who also cut me off without even knowing my side of the story once i graduated with the best score in my faculty i got a scholarship for an mba in italy which only covered the basics plus the tuition so my mother helped me a lot since i couldn't work with my visa three years ago i came back to my country and suddenly i got a great position in an international it company at the point in which i bought a car a new apartment for us and we have had a great life in general suddenly he started to send me friend requests through facebook which i ignored and blocked his account yet he managed to get my phone number after i changed it and he started calling me telling me he and his wife are starving and his stepsons couldn't find a job basically telling me i have to give him money and that he spend all of the share of the house we gave him which was worth more than 50k paying the university of his stepsons and his wife's lifestyle i just told him i'm sorry but i won't do that now he has started going to the reception of my apartment telling me that i owe him this and i have to be a better person but he always loved me and i was the one who turned my back at him all of his family not mine at this point started calling me as well telling me i owe him a great share of my income and i have to give him that or else they will sue me that's bs i again just told them to buzz off that's none of their business the worst part was that they came to my previous house which my mother still owns and broke every window telling me that was just the beginning of it if i don't hand him the money he wants i just went to the police and got a restraining order yet some of my friends told me that i should forgive him and try to help him out as he's still my father i'm 26 male yet i cried all night remembering how he just forgot me all of his words and now i honestly don't know what to do as i could help him out without much effort by this time i'm feeling guilty of knowing he's possibly starving yet he's got a new family and now he wants me to pay for them too i really don't know what to do here but i think i can't forgive him right now well what would you do in this situation would you go ahead and give him the money or not please let us know i'd give him a visit from my friend larry larry's from new york and carries a big baseball bat with him am i the jerk for defending my boyfriend after he was accused of staring at my friend i don't know how to explain this but i will try i have a friend from school who i ran into recently after several years let's call her b we aren't very close but for the sake of meeting each other after so many years we decided to get lunch on saturday and she also asked about my boyfriend who i've been with since middle school so i decided to bring him so we went to this hip rooftop restaurant to get lunch and caught up with each other my boyfriend doesn't like her much so i wasn't very talkative and he was just there because i asked him to after lunch we got into the elevator as the restaurant was on the 15th floor it was the three of us and another group of three girls the elevator stopped at the eighth floor due to technical faults and everyone was panicking but we later calmed down as we knew help was on the way or at least the elevator would start sometime soon it was getting hot in there so bee removed her jacket which was part of her outfit so she didn't remove it earlier at lunch underneath she was wearing a crop top when she removed the jacket naturally everyone in the elevator turned to her but then looked away immediately but she loudly smirked and said s tell your boyfriend to stop staring and started giggling i was standing right next to my boyfriend so i would definitely know if he looked but he didn't he was on his phone she removed the jacket and we all turned to her but turned away immediately my boyfriend defended himself and denied that he stared at her he looked quite annoyed and honestly i was too bee didn't stop there she went on saying oh please i saw the way you were looking at me i understand that i was your high school crush but you are with your girlfriend now i was furious at this point because they were blatant lies my boyfriend and i were our first everything first crush first partner first kiss b and my boyfriend used to be in the same class and b had told me how he would always be looking at her but all of my other friends who were in the same class confirmed she was just lying b has this habit of assuming that she's the center of attention and any man who turns in her direction is interested in her plus in the 10 plus years i've known and loved my boyfriend he has never looked at another girl like that so he definitely has my trust if he says he wasn't looking i'm backing him off so i defended my boyfriend and it went back and forth finally she said it's a shame girls should have each other's backs but i understand you feeling insecure over me i lost it i told her to stop being an attention seeking jerk and she started crying the rest of the wait was silent after we went home i opened facebook to see her rant over how i shamed her and how it's her fault well who do you think is the jerk op or her friend please let us know uh-oh sounds like we've got a karen jr on our hands karen demands to plan our wedding and throws a facebook tantrum when i decline so this happened yesterday and i'm at a loss for words to be honest for those who have read my previous posts you would know that i 31 male have proposed to my now fiance 29 female back in 2018 and other than initial decisions on which venue we haven't made a single step in further planning our wedding with everything going on right now we decided to hold off future wedding plans until the situation is 100 solved well yesterday i was on a zoom call with several of my cousins just chatting up on things and whatnot at some point into the call one of my cousin's wives barged into the conversation and pretty much took over it she's not well liked at all in our family so the call ended soon after she invited herself in anyways about 30 minutes after the call had ended cousin's wife called up my phone and before i could even say hello she just started interrogating me about my wedding and when i said that we haven't planned anything yet she began gushing about how we should hold it at the venue she held hers at along with catering dj and so forth even going as far as to donate us her playlist she said she'll get right to it and she'll handle everything for us now if there was an award for the worst wedding ever cousin's wife would be in their hall of fame first the venue was a dump in the middle of nowhere with no roads connecting to it from the highway it was so bad many of the guests weren't able to find it so a lot of them were extremely late or ended up getting frustrated and traveled back home furthermore the venue was not handicapped friendly so it wasn't fun for the more elderly and wheelchair-bound guests including cousin's wife's own brother also the venue had no restrooms available and the only ones that were available were located about a 30 minute walk away adding on when we got to the venue we saw that there were a lot of cats literally on the guest tables and some guests were horrified to find cat poop at their designated seats and tables the staff took its time to do something about it so those guests left soon after next the food the food itself was terrible the desserts were in a horrible shape and were nothing but a crumbling crust and fruit paste that had to be scraped onto the plate the cooked dishes weren't properly stored beforehand and lots of it smelled spoiled which later turned out to be true since people began complaining about stomach pains third wedding ceremony in the midst of summer at an outdoor venue is not a good idea cousin's wife's wedding ceremony was incredibly long about two hours again it was the middle of summer at an outdoor venue so it was hot not only had staff close the bar for the two whole hours of the ceremony we weren't even able to get a glass of water fourth the staff they were highly unprofessional and while they did have fans set up at the beginning around the tables and dance floor they were later picked up and the owner refused to get them out even though people were starting to fry finally the music dj the music was ridiculously loud as in take the maximum volume on girard 401 speakers and multiply it by 20 times while of course it's only natural for people to have a different taste in music let's just say that the playlist cousin's wife had chosen didn't fit a wedding at all if anything it was more suitable for a kid's birthday party needless to say with lack of any ventilation and the extremely loud volume other than cousin's wife and her few sisters and friends the dance floor was mostly deserted i didn't stay long much either and left right after my fiance began complaining about severe stomach pains which later turned out to be food poisoning we spent the night at the er so that was fun back in the present cousin's wife kept running my ear off how amazing hers was and how ours could be just as amazing if we stuck to her plan meaning copy and paste hers onto ours when she had noticed i was silent she was about to pitch her idea to me again but i quickly shut it down i reminded how a good chunk of her guests ended up with food poisoning my fiance included as well as that several of the said guests later on sued the venue i then informed her that my fiance and i have already decided which venue we'd like our wedding to be at and basically informed her that while i appreciate her willingness to help out our tastes do not match and would prefer to consult people who are more familiar with fiance and myself i was upset and wanted to rage on about how her wedding sucked and our grandfather mine and her husband's grandfather nearly ended up dehydrated but i held it in and simply ended the call i knew she was upset because this was a woman who has rarely heard the word no throughout her life so i was mentally preparing for whatever hostile fire coming my way and sure enough cousin hits up my phone and demands to know what i said to his wife because she hasn't stopped crying since we ended our conversation i told him she decided upon herself to plan our wedding but i refused he was a bit hysterical at first but calmed down a bit after i explained myself he knows i wouldn't make this stuff up his wife on the other hand said i call her names then my fiance hates her she does but i've never said anything about it that we're going to sue her and that my family can't wait until my cousin divorces her i chuckled a bit and told cousin exactly what i said and even offered to send him a recording of the call all of my calls are recorded trust issues he said he'd like to listen to it so i later sent him the recording he later called again and said that they had a big argument and she went to spend the night at her friends later that night it was brought up to my attention that cousin's wife went on social media to say how i'm a horrible person who hates her and is the sole reason of why her marriage is crumbling however she soon removed the posts when people who knew better came to defend me and i even made a reply that i can share the recording with whoever's interested edit guys i won't be sharing the recording here because 1. it's all in hebrew 2. it was offered as a comment on her facebook post cousin's wife made but have since removed it as she got caught you won't believe what happens in this video so please come watch and we'll see you when you get there and support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of special video you'd like us to just head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 36,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: tvpQszAFaXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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