The Days of Noah // The Coming of the Son

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[Music] so yeah so i have a word uh from the lord for tonight i'm really excited we'll see first time ever preaching it and uh we'll see how it shakes out but um first off what are some of you from from out of state you could just begin to come on look at this man balcony too i can i can hardly see you in the balcony i'm being blinded but wow where from if you can name some places new york come on who's louisiana louisiana i know there's a lot of different life here come on crawfish let's go wow you guys drove up or flew oh nice and uh where's new york in the back welcome everybody come snag my seats if you don't have any or come up on the stage or maybe i have to ditch the drums and put chairs back up there we'll see but uh where else ohio south carolina did somebody say ohio virginia west virginia welcome connecticut come on you flew a drop wisdom absolute wisdom yeah asheville my crew right here pastor sergio wave adam they're amazing right here where are you yeah um dear friend pastor in asheville they have a powerful church some of you guys are probably seeing our youtube with them and they are rocking it over there so such an honor to have them with us and pastor stevie come on up here please and wave adam i totally forgot last time she's amazing you might say just hello to him come on up here you need to hand it yeah just say hello to him hey she's so let me tell you pastor stevie is dangerous maybe you'll lay hands with us later or something she's a powerhouse if you all remember the church i preached at in moody alabama a couple hours that way i think she's the head pastor and pastor matt the pastors of that church seeing bonafide miracles strong deliverance ministry and just as infatuated with jesus her beautiful children look at an oral wave the whole family came and look young man get rocked right here but so honored to have you with us so you can minister later yes i love you and pastor matthew yeah awesome give her a hand uh pastor matt has to preach in the morning so hopefully he'll jump over and listen when they do stuff we'll just jump over and mob y'all's church it's gonna be awesome uh they are powerhouses they uh this and then the holy spirit hit their church and um pastor matt was telling me he said they had a thriving move he would yeah he would tell him enough but he began to want the holy spirit in a deeper way melissa oh i thought that was a stud muffin hubby what's up man how are you i thought that was you but i didn't see melissa i didn't know um yes indeed but he uh the holy spirit uh he longed for the holy spirit to begin to move and uh they just went all in and listen they're just seeing bonafide miracles that really get tight with randy clark and those guys and i love pastor matt we go fishing and hunting together but love and honor you guys big time pastor stevie was here with us last time over here got got smoked so um so so good so welcome everybody really excited to be with you all and how does the headset sound is our first time going forward or do would you rather the handheld is it good okay good praise god because i love to be i'm real handsy but if it doesn't work i'll go back to bondage and use the yeah so we're getting there and uh dear friend benjamin deanda what's up buddy love you he's on the front row and joshua yeah i've heard amazing things about joshua it's an honor to meet you and uh anyway i'll be here all night honoring everybody but most importantly honor jesus and uh yeah man and uh listen i'm not gonna keep you alone because that's the whole point of these things gloria knight's just him and i pray he wrecks us to we're all like kind of crawling out of here at the end so uh joshua are you up in the balcony wave come on buddy you might come and see me listen to this can you come down come on up here with me buddy look i got another backup now so we're good listen to this precious young man i was looking for you sunday sorry to make you do a little cardio but but we had a word of knowledge that a young man specifically young man needed to get born again and uh you know how many of you know a lot of lost people don't just flock to glory nights and then they're like yeah let's go to glory nights this weekend whoa and uh so when you when you hear somebody's not born again boy you sneak them by a word of knowledge and uh look at oh he brought you brought the bible look it we're matching buddy come up here let me give you a hug say hello come on up here man say hello to him bro love the slides super swagnified give me a hug buddy i miss you man you been good you're looking handsome as all get out so uh so we got we we found them in the balcony when we brought them up there and uh i said do you know jesus and he's like i don't know you know i said do you have a bible he says no i said okay he's the young man and i haven't rocked him and we're just looking for look we got matching bibles now hold him up yes indeed except you're gonna change the world way more than you know and uh i heard you play the drums you're gonna bro you're gonna you know just jump on over there and show us what you got but anyway just want to honor you bro and we're here for you and love you give me another hug and bless me i'll give it up for joshua you can have my seat again too if you want to ditch the family or i'm teasing he's like promoting division in the house but uh man so come on jesus yep so had a really awesome prophetic dream and it's my first time preaching you know on it so give me grace please but i love the now word of the lord how do you know we need the written word and his spoken word the bible says the letter alone kills but the spirit brings life and you want both and so i love both we honor both but this word he puts above his name psalm 138 listen it heaven and earth will pass away but his word never will we need some people that are really infatuated with their the the word in this last hour colossians 3 16 says let the words of christ the word of god dwell in you richly i want to encourage you guys to go deep in the word in this hour and uh but how do you know he speaks often through the prophetic which is kind of now words how do you know the bible is full of the prophetic that threaded together the written word you know and so it kind of gave us a blueprint so uh you know what i'm totally forgetting announcements i'll do more tomorrow but real quick our um you know this will be fun y'all have to go somewhere after no no i'm just trying to be mindful okay so this would be fun if it will work jackie uh sent me a photo of the yearbook if you don't mind if we share it here in a second so jackie's wife their powerhouses by the way jackie um they're moving to orlando i want to encourage you guys if you fell out of the lord yeah [Applause] to pray for them support his ministry he's rocking it on youtube powerful i've been in ministry for years and touching the world and they're right just sold their house today you said earlier this week okay and uh enter up and moving on the word of the lord but i don't know sometimes that takes faith and the lord never tells you the next step does he at least with me he's like just go just go abraham like what do i tell sarah i don't know just just go you know you know that's what he does and so so you just go and uh but anyway jackie's precious wife was in the same bible college school year with us i don't know if we can put it up or if we have it oh yeah here we go watch this yearbook i'm hoping y'all can see it look at yours truly over here you see me rocking the the goatee i mean okay but it gets better go up here eric gilmore hey look daniel kalinda yes indeed [Applause] that awesome i thought that would bless you guys bless me immensely man jackie sent that and i was like i am getting anxious i had like some orange fleece thing you zip up and like cheese in for the camera but just so happens you open that book and there's some of my dearest friends in all of the world eric gilmore daniel clinton had no idea and uh sooner they love jackie and his family they're going over there and gonna be rocking the gospel in orlando but that reminds me on our academy when i announced that again we have a two-year school of ministry called the bridal glory international academy that has been online thus far and this fall as many of you know in september where we're going live both in person obviously now having a campus and still online and so up to this point we've had um i think around 220 students from 18 countries of the world just going for it listen so how many know there's a breed in this hour they're a little bit crazy they're a little bit out there in a good way and uh you just can't tell them anything other than like they're gonna find jesus they're gonna have lamps full of oil excess oil and you just can't stop them and that's this company that we're seeing really transformed and hopefully going to thrust them out into the nations or if you want to stay here with us and ride this thing out you know to the end but by this fall i think we're going to be well over 300 we'll see and you can come in person online both whatever works for your schedule it is probably one of the most economically you know friendly uh schools at the moment because we've not had to have the campus overhead so that will change but i've been letting people know her get in now we're big on keeping our word so whatever tuition level you get in at it's your grandfathered in for the whole time so i would jump in before abby what is up come up here please do you mind sorry we're rabbit trailing but this is awesome you gotta hear abby talk she's from the uk she's like my favorite i love abby hey how are you been way too long give me a hug good to use like a cookie mother you know like like just say hello girl you can preach or whatever we've been in the nations together yeah it's good to be here is that amazing okay okay love you but listen love abby um she we've been she's been on many of our crusades she's dangerous listen you give her the hard case miracles and she's on her legs growing out she graduated at bethel school of ministry now over with dear friend daniel kolenda at nations church and you just got back from tanzania abby yeah are you what's that three months yep and uh crusades and just how do you know the lord's using women powerfully yeah much more powerfully than women sometimes i loved if you look in scripture the lord knew what he was doing he'd always put women around the big kind of encounter scenarios because he knew they'd get the message out let's be honest women use a little more words than men all right if you can see the lord's wisdom in scripture it's proven okay don't don't i'm not trying to get an argument it's it's proven it's scientifically i mean women use thousands of words a day men use like you know probably in the hundreds like a deep conversation for men's like what's going on man good good day real good all right man good talk you're saying women like girl i'm glad you asked you know first off i woke up my nails prophetically matched my outfit [Applause] and uh and it's awesome it's how it should be yes indeed but you see like he was like oh i'm gonna get the woman at the well i'll rock this whole city jesus knew he's there got her watch this rat her man a little bit she went back revival took over the whole city you wouldn't and then uh who were the first people to see jesus when he rose from the dead women go tell my brothers and sure enough and so women are powerful mouthpieces and if you're more more the quiet women you're amazing too but just you know it's really good so um anyway two year program love to have you with us night classes which is going to be awesome for people that need to work dear friends daniel kalinda eric gilmour michael corlianos myself ben fitzgerald he's powerful he'll be joining us he's shaking nations and todd white patricia king listen she's a general cindy jacobs incredible prophet prophetess um james gaul anyway the list goes on on the point is we're trying to keep it real full evangelist prophets apostolic to build and shape the body of christ to give him glory in this last hour so if you want to join us love to have you there's a strong community online that's building long-term kingdom relationships and then we'll go even deeper this fall it's going to be awesome we'll be right here at the campus just going for it and um so that'll be great um i think the uh now i'll skip those other announcements let's just go for it so anyway we'll maybe do it tomorrow ah i do want to forget this abby will you be here tomorrow evening or you leave out tomorrow oh nice hope we get to catch up with you and chat and everything um so tomorrow morning we'll be back here and hey lovely couple back here that jocelyn met and uh how are you all doing so good to see you again um but we'll be back tomorrow morning blow out just go for it love the lord i have a word i want to teach more out of unless the lord changes in our first john and then um tomorrow night we'll be in here doing something a little different teaching our third week of the school of his voice so we're in a school right now where we really go deep um it's more line up online precept upon precept release impartation take communion together and that's open if you want if you're still in town want to join us come join us i'll be on the floor in a more teaching intimate setting and uh my son jude is going to be on the guitar listen yeah it's going to be glorious he had my mom about weeping the other day upstairs and i just he just loves jesus zoe as well when we get to let her lose they've been digging trenches in the secret place for years you know and so we're hearing the lord let them use their gifts and grow okay so i want to share with you a quick dream build a little bit of a word and since you already told me you all got nowhere to go so i'm thinking midnight one no i'm teasing sergio you gotta preach in the morning oh wow see this is real pastors are a real ministry he's got to go back to outfield and preach in the morning and uh so i want to share uh july 8th just last week i went into this dream um michael michelle i'm just i'm seeing so many people and uh it's really a now word for the body honestly a real i was like wow blown away by it but also i just unlocked in scripture i believe something powerful is going to shift for many of us tonight so i want to raise your expectancy love how the lord does this never ceases to amaze me how he so intricately ties things in and he actually did it again he tied it in through the word to this exact night we're together and so really at the end i want to open the altar up go for it let the spirit move see what will shift and i believe a an old um set way still in the lord and it was good it had to get you to this point but the door's about to shut and a brand new chapter is about to open and so it'll make sense just bear with me so going to this dream july 8th um i'm taking a power nap actually i don't know you love naps jesus napped on the boat that's my scriptural verse for it and so i take these power naps i'll set my clock for like 20 minutes but my body's been so regimented my schedule over the years it just knows and i i don't even hear the alarm ever i wake up before that it's just a quick reset funny story is i was uh michael colanis was in town once and i was like bro we're gonna take a quick power nap we'll go to the gym how's that sound is great sounds great he always messes with me now and uh so i'm thinking my power naps there they really are they were super fast you know so did my thing go downstairs as we were still in baton rouge i knock on his door i'm like mike you ready he's like dude i didn't get to sleep yet what kind of nap is this and uh so he always messes with me yeah you have your glorious nap you know it was for me and uh so anyway just enough time you know maybe 10 minutes just those off kind of refresh and i was about to work out and going to this dream oh i can't hear oh there we go do i need to do something pastor stanley i can use the handheld please no but i go into this dream where i'm literally walking through what i knew to be a modern-day noah's ark under construction in my old construction mind i'm loving this i'm s and listen how deep it was into it and this is where it's it's real right now this hour in so i want to the sever you to feel the severity but the glory of it because i we're in really as believers and i know it's on the lord's heart and uh so i'm walking in the walls are being constructed already i'm seeing metal screen mesh to it was a modern day replica i knew a modern-day arc that we would we would construct and uh and i'm walking through it and it's well underway number one and i see the screen some things that noah wouldn't have had available that i know of uh they just had wood and it the bible records it to have been made out of gopher wood which is cedar so but on the metal screw you know screen and it was a modern day our day arc being constructed walls are going up scene immediately shifts and i see the northern lights whipping through the air you guys know of the northern lights the green and purple whipping through and i was like what and i come out of the dream about to go work out with judo i'm like what in the world and i began to pray until the holy spirit revealed to me it's a matthew 24. you know jesus says as though it were in the days of noah so will it be in the coming the days of the coming of the son of man so listen to this had no idea the lord's done this for years where he'll mysteriously connect you guys get it that are prophetic he'll he'll connect prophetic you know things in of knowledge and things like this amen uh in the now so i look up northern lights i'm not your guy for this stuff i don't i don't know anything about all that just i knew what they were they're beautiful just whipping through the sky and i look it up i kid you not the northern lights the ancient belief tied into the northern lights is number one they come at the darkest hour matthew 25 the bridegroom comes at the darkest hour at midnight it's known everybody's you can look it up northern lights best to be seen right around midnight the darkest hour and its ancient belief around the northern lights is that they would appear to announce the coming of the sun i was like she had no idea because i was like lord i get the ark and i get the days but like the northern lights what and i know more will unfold this just happened on july 8th but i'm telling you he's highlighting again in a powerful way the hour we're in listen we've been chosen for the we're in the the last of the last days so matthew 24 which is an exciting thing i'll read it to you i brought two versions because i like different angles on both i'll start here in the new king james and jump over but but listen to this in matthew 24 you don't need to turn there i'm going to be building a lot and doing the best i can this is the first time i've shared this but watch this matthew 24 36 jesus read letters but of that day he's talking about everybody knows matthew 24 is the most mascot paramount chapter for the end times i would encourage you to go through it slowly and just really meditate chew on it an immediate follow immediately following i've been preaching this since the end of 2019 i sense it was oil all over the virgins the 10 virgins and i didn't know why until 2020 kicked us into a new era obviously and the virgins pop on the scene you know matthew 24 didn't just stop and all this the number you know jesus said let's take a lunch break boys and then write you know matthew 25 later he kept talking so basically jesus gives you the complete breakdown of the end times and then immediately jumps into the parable of the ten virgins they're totally connected which says there'll be five foolish virgins five wives that have extra oil and they're all looking for the bridegroom you all know the you all know the passage so anyway matthew 24 jesus is building around the end times watch this he goes but of that day and hour no one knows i can promise you some people that are real king to the spirit are going to know the month of year though they're going to this is the day or the hour but as it gets close i'm telling you those that are real close to the bridegroom nevertheless uh not even the angels of heaven the original greek even says nor the son meaning that jesus doesn't even know the day but my father only and then here he goes but as the days of noah were remember i'm walking through the ark being constructed so also will the coming of the sun be and so i i obviously come out of this dream i'm walking in the construction of a modern day ark for our time the days of noah northern lights are whipping which are a representation of the announcing of the coming of the sun and i come out of it and so i've been mulling through this for quite some time want to build it and land it it'll make a lot more sense tonight how it applies but also i want to encourage you guys it's really on the lord's heart right now that like we're in the last of the last days you know this ark was being built and so let me take you back you say okay what are the days of noah and i'm just going bible here okay i'm not a um i'm not either or i just love the bible i love the word and so watch this what it says you say okay what are the days of noah i know no i know the story i know i know the ark i get it but if you really intricately look at the days of noah for what they stand out and what was representative of that day the bible is clear watch this i'll go to genesis 6 9. it says this this is the genealogy of noah noah was a just man perfect in his generations noah walked with god and noah begot three sons shem it meant uh fame hashem means fame his first son ham means hot he must have been a stud i'm seasoning it it really means like hot as far as temperature warm i think he's probably born in the summer or something they're probably like man thank goodness him is here his name he's hot you know i think he's born in the summer probably jff beautiful right three sons but here it is you if you would like to know about the days of noah because jesus listen red letters crystal clear jesus says oh you want to know about when i return the days of noah it will be exactly the same the days of the days of how noah were you know uh those days will be as though it were when the son of man returns the announcing of the coming of the son of man so this is if there's really two pillars that sum up the days of noah real clear in scripture it says right here the earth so noah this is a genealogy three sons fame hot and beautiful uh the earth was the earth also sorry was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence the two main things you see i'll keep reading that you see crystal clear it wasn't very complicated in the word about the days of noah is that they were very very corrupt and violent okay and trust me i'm not it's not going heavy here but we're just doing the word we're not doing doom and gloom but it's it's so good i love this watch this so god looked upon the earth and indeed it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth it's really wild if you read that slowly in its original text it says the earth was corrupt before god and so god looked down and sure enough it was corrupt he sits on the throne of justice and righteousness the bible says in heaven there's seven flames that burn before the throne i believe he governs through them the seven spirits of god wisdom knowledge counsel might understanding the reverential fear they burn they forever burn before the throne and he governs through them so it's like the earth he sees everything from his throne and so it says the earth was corrupt before him because he sees it all but also he then if you read slowly in the original text he looked down and sure enough checked and yep it was corrupt says it three times in two verses and man had corrupted their way it was also filled with violence right god said to noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence there it is again so corruption and violence and listen i know a lot of us you know there's these theologies that go around i'm not trying to get into debate but it's got to match up how you know it's got to match up to the word we've got to be people of the word whether you like it or not i just love the word i don't care what it is you know i mean if jesus is like listen your last day ticket to heaven's martyrdom praise god that's what you said love it i don't care i'm just saying i'm getting a little more crazy just so you have to follow me but i just love the word all right and it's real clear if you look at matthew 24 he's basically giving us a real clear outline the the days of noah the main two pillars that god saw in the word clarifies as violence and corruption this is another key it says the earth was corrupt before god so it doesn't matter if it seems corrupt before man that that never matters corrupt before god and man is a totally different definition it what matters is how god defines it you understand and that's that's to say so that's where the weight is i think it's isaiah 52 that says woe to the man calls an evil thing good and a good thing evil that's what we're in right now i'm just telling you there's some of the most twisted things that i can promise you before god totally corrupt and man's becoming so deceived they're just calling wicked goodness it doesn't matter what you think before god it's corrupt those days and violence and so watch this he says you know the end of all flesh has come before me and you know sure enough it is filled with violence so i want to jump to this version build a story around it that's wild and again do my best to land it for you guys so it makes sense um being my first first time on this but watch this i've been gonna skip through the breakdown from adam to noah and you see a really incredible thread of the times that lead on to noah that again listen jesus could have picked any era you understand to compare his return to he said as it was in the days of abraham gideon david saul samuel eli he he only picked one he said days of noah it will be he lived he he used all kind of other parables but he picked noah's day so you really study it out and watch this just follow me for a little bit you don't have to in scripture but watch this i'm going to skip through quickly so i don't bog you down too much with the word but when adam was 130 years old he begat a son this is another beautiful thing you'll notice that all the way through adam had seth seth had enosh enosh had keenan right and they're all if you read the original text hebrew it says they begat meaning they just uh the offspring that came forth from reproduction was so and so but if you get to noah's father it changes it says lamech was his father i'm gonna explain it says he had a son he didn't just begotten offspring and name him that he fathered a son and i'm telling you this last hour the father's true fathers and sons and sons and fathers the malachi 4 is going to be paramount right now leading to the lord's return true fathers and sons listen it's it's big that's a whole nother teaching but you watch scripture it literally shifts right at the end it says lamech had a son and then fathered him but watch this adam 130 years he waited kind of a while didn't he for until he had his first son anyway seth seth 105 years had enosh and start watching this now 130 adam seth uh 105. enosh 90. you see the years getting less 90 had keenan keenan 70. you see them keep getting less i feel like they were like i don't know i mean i kind of these women are attractive let me you know i don't know and in it things are going good but watch this keenan had mahalalel sounds like tongs [Music] uh mahalalel 65 had his first son you see it goes 130 105 90 70 65 then watch this it just matters that's all because with where the days are going then all of a sudden it says then mahalo at 65 had jared and jared fathered his first son at 162. you read that you're like hold up jared you watch you mess everything up you know everything was going good they were figuring out this marriage thing and and having kids it was good all of a sudden jared pumps the brakes on everything and and waits almost 32 years longer than adam well listen what what the the scripture records that i was also pulled from the book of enoch in the days of jared this is where all the wickedness ramped up that really brought the conclusion to the days of noah that the lord is comparing to and again i know he's got to build all this but it really matters so in the days of jared there's a book called the book of enoch not canonized scripture not the inherent word of god okay but valid enough that the word of god mentions it so i would say it's probably a little better than god of wonders written by brian garrett you know i'm saying that i mean get that one too but you know what i'm saying so the book of jude alludes to the book of enoch meaning there's some stuff there well sure enough if you look in enoch enoch says in the days of jared that was when the nephilim came down on mount hermon and made a pact and said they looked down and said women are beautiful we're going to go into them and in violence and corruption hit the air listen the whole thing with corruption and violence is just mankind merging with darkness always that's all it is it's the increase of mankind yielding to the wrong kingdom and then the byproduct is corruption and violence and that's listen that's what's happening right now this i don't know if y'all realize that there's pockets blowing up and i'm way late to it because we don't even have cable television i'm so cut off i don't like facebook i'm just being honest with you guys the only time i try and get on is is a community group i love them encourage them but i just and that's okay if you you all like it but man it's just i want the voice of heaven man i want the the raw presence of the holy spirit i don't need to hear all this regurgitated you know conspiring anyway sorry i'm gonna start talking about but news don't care about it the newsreel of heaven's always ahead of the game more accurate anyway so just hear his voice and so um but i'll hear second hand and uh and you know obviously the u.s a lot going on well right after columbia i have a deer contact a lot of you have been to uh andy you know a lot of you know they've been on crusades with us we were on the phone recently and he um the same thing hit there i caught wind of it way late i was like andy what's going on columbia and he's like man we're locked down he was having to go out sneak out get groceries and come back in with violence corruption like you'd never seen before cuba i guess i just saw no i'm just saying you're seeing pockets sort of blow up around the earth these are these are the days we're in it's corruption and violence and i'm here to tell you sorry to bust somebody's bubble but that's not going to decrease i'm just telling you the word just study the word listen if you back up in matthew 24 jesus christ read letters you you can take it to the bank he puts it up above his name heaven and earth will pass away never this thing listen guard us with your life joshua listen go deep meditate deep in this thing don't just memorize scriptures eat it and let it become you and so jesus says in matthew 24 you back up he says the days will be so so rough so much so if they weren't cut short nobody would survive and again i'm kind of like i don't care because if my lamp's full of oil i'm just i'm closer to jesus i'm more single i and that's the company in this last hour they're so single eyed upon the lord corruption that it it's just they don't know any other that's what you see enoch doing so i'm getting off track and we may go a little bit later is that okay because i really want to build this so so so anyway you see the the uh days of jared that's what happened the nephilim came in his day and i promise you jared was actually smart he sat back he's like hold up you know what i mean i'm good like he probably waited and even married late and started i don't know if i want to raise kids in this and wait till you get to noah it's shocking if you start how do you read through the genealogies real fast i've done it a million times listen the thread of the word of the lord is in there too if you go slow jared pumps the breaks because the nephilim left heaven made a covenant on mount hermon that they'll become one with women produce offspring on the center the other and wickedness really ramped up that you'll see later in in chapter six that's when the lord saw he says no uh it was getting really wicked then leading on to the days of noah watch this enoch uh jared at 162 begat enoch right enoch got us back on track he had a son at 65. he was like listen man i walk so close to god we're good you know i mean i'm a bomb of glory light my kids will be good and uh and he at 65 gave uh you know begat methuselah had methuselah now now we're getting real close okay and this matters methuselah was the grandfather to uh noah we're real close now methuselah um beget you guys want me to say had a son but yeah it's not totally not what we use is it i'm just i've been studying the word methuselah had a son named lemak this is noah's dad lamech right methuselah this this is really wild when you start to study it out he was the oldest man in scripture recorded ever methuselah 969 years old ancient uh adam lived 800 seth 912 enosh 905 um keenan 840 anyway all this matters methuselah grandfather that enoch prophesied about is the grandfather of um noah he has lamech and watch the the masterful even numerology with god how you guys that are prophetical love us with numbers and how he does it um he has a lemek father of noah and this is where if you study the original scripture it says he he had a son he then fathers noah lamack was at the age of 182. sorry about that um 182 methuselah 187 lamech 182 has noah and he has a son and he even names him accordingly he says he will bring us relief noah means comfort or rest and lamech knew he said he's there's something different about him in this generation days are so corrupt and violence noah's coming on scene he there's a call on his life he's going to bring us rest and shift us into this new era this and i'm telling you watch how it lands with even tonight prophetically for as you and i although i know it's a corporate word in the timing we're in but a total shift of an old error into a new and it's totally points to jesus christ on the cross and we know everything does in the word because the ark is jesus christ the whole the door on the side it's all the lord so watch this lamech um at 182 has noah right and then it says noah was was born a certain the other and lamech lived you gotta you gotta see this five once he had noah as a son the bible says lamech lived for 595 more years okay watch noah it says noah he pumped the brakes on everything the days are so corrupt in violence now because they've been increasing it says noah was 500 years old until he had his first child he pumped on all the breaks and walked with god lived righteous was perfect in his generation but he's like i'm not raising my kids in this i'm telling you that's that's bsv brian's standard version but i can you can see it jared pumped the brakes was like nah enoch walked so close with god he's like we'll bring it back but then it kept getting so wicked noah waited 500 years until he had his first son shin he's like not not in this day he entertains corruption and violence and uh but a good you know the good side to the new covenant we're in we're gonna you know not only have offspring to explode in the earth with the gospel and and you know adopt i say go forth the other way we're in a covenant but listen to our building 500 years and then as you keep reading uh had sham ham and japhath and then at uh 500 years noah has his first child right well if you read scripture it says that uh the flood started in the 600th year of noah noah was 600 years when the flood came right so his and it says that noah his wife his three sons and their wives all got on the ship that's eight people this is a new beginning and i had it on july 8th not seven is completion eight is a new beginning it's a complete new beginning i had no idea i looked up the replica they made one in kentucky or something i've not seen it but i look up that one i'm just starting everything about it and i look it up they they opened that one i had no idea they opened it prophetically the time with genesis 7 7 on july 7th five years and the day added to when i had the dream as a sign but i'm telling you this modern days of noah that jesus said we'll be in we're in people are thinking too far off and well it's not and i'm telling you it's all that matters is is it corrupt before god and i'm telling you it is i'm not doing a heavy thing i'm doing an exciting thing you'll see but also how many you know it helps to know where you're at in the timing of what's going on and if it matters to the lord it matters to me so i'm good uh london how are you doing you need a seat come take mine yes okay either way um but so watch this so so but where i'm getting that lamech but listen to this sorry i'm just i love this stuff lamech um has noah like 182 yep noah's 500 he lives 595 years meaning all of these godly men methuselah enoch lamech they were around watching the ark be built it wasn't just noah but listen to god's goodness with this last company lamech lived 595 years right after uh he had noah and his total listen to this was 777 years he's that's the only triple sevens you'll ever find in scripture right there at his age you'll see sevens all over the place seven spirits seven horns seven churches and the other but look at god the last man of the old company before he starts a new company in the new day and era he just seals it off prophetically with even his age of the triple sevens complete completion and lamech lives 777 years then he's done then eight people get on a new boat you understand a new beginning into a new era you know i'm telling you something tonight a full completion on an old era is gonna hit in this new doorway of going in is gonna happen and uh so i was blown away i just i guess me i always figured noah's out there with his you know jackhammer and just building a boat but like lamech's there 595 years meaning five years before uh because remember the flood happened in 600 years of noah lameck lived 595 more he was only five years out from the ship being built the ark which scholars believe it took about 50 to 70 years to build the ark there's one scripture why people trying to bank on 120 where god says man will only live 120 years but it's not accurate at all because noah had sons with wives and he didn't have sons till he was 500. you understand they had to be old enough and have wives even and then all eight of them got on the ship at the 600th year anyway lamech lived to five years before am i getting too too many details with you i'll land it but i love this stuff so lamech lived five years before the flood he saw the ark i'm telling he was probably walking around it with a cane like noah that's a horrible joint man get that cut that straight you know that's not a true 45 you know or whatever in a critiquing and whatever and uh listen to methuselah enoch's son grandfather to noah god was so good he let them all live out their days and not get taken out by the flood they all lived right up to methuselah i started doing the math i literally pulled out my fancy iphone calculator i was like hold on 969 days methuselah outlived them all he was still around what was he doing so i do the math and from the time methuselah 969 years is right up to the year of the flood 600 years of noah so i looked it up and scholars believe methuselah lived up to two weeks before the flood i'm telling you going to go for it noah you know the word of the lord it's coming in the bible and some people think even methuselah got taken out by the flood but that's not god listen if you read the word it says methuselah lived to be 969 years and then he died like a week or two before the flood he checked out and that was the last genealogy of the godly men left and when they were done god's like okay now lamech 777 that's when he said i'm done and he ends it right at the triple sevens it's the only time in the word with god's mastermind he with his age he tells everybody i'm done this whole thing up to this point it's all done complete completion then the eight new beginning of noah his whole family i'm putting him on a ship and listen to this i always knew this because of this this whole prophetic thing that happened at virginia but second month 17th day waters burst from the deep underneath uh the heavens opened it's where most people believe the earth divided if you read scripture before the flood it always says the land and dry the land came forth and that as one unified land and that's why if you ever looked at the earth like hold on a second why does south america look like it fits perfectly in africa have you ever done that that's likely because it was just crazy the bible says when the flood was done the waters are 22 feet higher than the highest mountain and so the runoff and the collision and the you know plate lines and i'm trying to sound smart i don't know any of that stuff but they believe that's where you know it happened and so but noah there's so much more here i uh i'm just gonna have to yeah we'll land it but noah uh they hop in the side of jesus christ listen what's happening now the ark i was walking through is the body of christ being built and they are the ark of this last hour you know uh the the ark is jesus christ right everybody knows that he's the prophetic sign that's where the door is in the side there's so many prophetic implications there but in this new covenant the body of christ is the ark and in this last hour you've got it we've got to go deep in jesus christ first and foremost through intimacy and communion with him and in community with the body of christ that's what's gonna you know implement this new beginning right now i'm telling people that stay in the old they're getting swept away more or less you understand in that this new uh era is coming and so it says second month seventeenth day waters births forth and five months to the day here goes god again with the prophetic five is the number of grace you step into jesus christ into the door he shut him in and then he allowed five months exactly to the day uh to then to where the ship floated above the highest mountains of the earth 22 feet and then landed on the uh mount ararat modern-day turkey and the day the ship hit new land to start new life erasing the old aramaic the last one of the triple sevens he was the completion of it all because noah was going to be the next one to carry over into the new world you guys get it and that's the eight new beginnings so you you finally can't do you look amazing don't love your hair [Music] glory makes everything good awesome get our lord so you get into the ark and listen five months to the day five's the number of grace it's the grace of god his goodness listen to mistakes whatever it was in the past the transition coming to happen he's trying to us high deep in the lord jesus christ and in his body in this hour you want to go deep in the lord and deep with his body you understand going in that ark being built the lord's building the bible says the lord jesus christ will build his church he'll do it i love all the different different programs that's sitting out there but his real church he's going to build it he can do it just fine he doesn't need any help you know we just yield and obey but that ark being built is his body in the earth and listen as corruption and violence increases it's going to we've got to go deep one with the lord and deep with one another while yet listen there's gonna be a mighty harvest coming in i believe that's the the depiction of the animals and all i know that sounds crazy but the the great harvest running in there's going to be a great grace and there is there's a mighty harvest right now on the lost um but it's listen to this i was reading through the word and it says to the exact day when the ship landed to start the new era right seven seven seven lamech we're done with y'all and i'll even be so gracious as to let you all pass and live fully and you can watch and coach and probably help hammer some of the ark with noah the bible doesn't ever say noah built it by himself it just says he built it i bet lamech was up in there you know you know some of them fathers they're just too micromanaging you know what i mean like you give me the hammer you don't know what you know and uh i was like but he spoke to me dad you know i love max like i know but you don't know how to use no power tool you know so uh with the ship out with the old era new covenant and it really speaks of the return of christ that's why it says it will be as in those days and uh if you read in that context he also talks about the people being aware if you back up you can see the violence and corruption anyway but listen to the ship lands to start the new era and the bible says it landed on the seventh month 17th day that's tonight yeah i was like god you are something he always does this with me so um so i'm really gonna pray for the now a mighty shift sorry if you see this on youtube later you missed it you can still still pull the anointing into the into the future maybe but uh but no i'm really believing i want to lay hands on you guys and um let the holy spirit move in a closing off uh beautiful completion and um coming deeper into the ark of the lord jesus christ first and foremost through intimacy and deep with his word there's something with a new chapter shifting and stepping you know the the old being totally wiped out and how does he do it by his grace he let exactly five months pass and that that's passed you know uh prophetically for us tonight and so complete grace only god can do it and he completely wipes out the past and then boom you land seventh month 17th day in a new spot new path new chapter everything's brand new eight people get off you understand brand new beginning eight people um got so such a mastermind obviously and all of this stuff so i wanna encourage you guys if you wanna stand i wanna pray with you and to let you know that yeah we are i'm encouraged i'm excited like how exciting is that that god allowed us to kind of carry the last baton so to speak in the relay race we're in this thing you know i mean seriously i'm walking through and the walls are being constructed and then the northern lights whip through which is prophetic for the announcing of the coming of the sun so um nearer more uh now more than ever they believe 50 to 7 years it took to build the ark and listen these walls are up so i'm trying to declare a time or nothing but anyway yeah if you want to just lead us if you don't mind jack you can dim the lights i want to pray corporately for you guys thank you lord jesus and just look to him thank you lord [Music] thank you lord for your word thank you for your spirit i pray even now everybody under the sound of my voice for a great and mighty shift and out with the old and then with the new i'll tell you what even now with your heart or if you have room just step forward prophetically even within yourself into the ark of the lord all right now we step into you lord jesus yeah into a new day a new way a new chapter the eight of the new beginning leading into the announcing of the coming of the [Music] sun you
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 13,906
Rating: 4.948998 out of 5
Id: w2mwow0kyWQ
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Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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