Can Honey Bees Really Do All This In 3 Days?

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all right folks it's Tuesday August 27th I'm in what's called Lake Vista Lakeview or suburb of New Orleans I'm with mr. Dave Goodman this is the homeowner and there's B's that recently populated the other side of his bay window okay the good good bit of B's okay and this late in the year I'm thinking that either a shed or a tree may have fallen down or been cut down or it was an absconder lated because this isn't really the time of year where the bees are swarming reproductively okay but it looks to be a good-sized swarm and today I'll open up the bottom of the bay window and we've been we have a nucleus hive with us today and you know the same deal we're going to try to cage our queen and put her in the setup and leave the box here and the plan is to come back at nighttime I'll be calling Dave later today with an update to see if the bees have entered the box or not when it gets really warm like this you know bees being highly social when there's a temperature differential you know they do want to cluster so that they can keep warm and generate heat but when it's hot like this you can see I'm sweating they don't need a cluster obviously they don't need to put out heat so it's hit or miss whether they're gonna be in this box tonight or the next night they will go in that box if we put that Queen in there so sometimes it's a waiting game as far as when when the temperatures are up like they are dave is a carpenter and he's been wanting to do some work to the bait window some like paint yeah so we're giving him a little push and we'll give him a little honey do I think the wife will appreciate that huh I think so so and so you come back here and you you're cutting the grass once a week basically right and you came back here you said Saturdays it was Saturday and there was none of this going on because I would have noticed it on Saturday okay yeah I think he would definitely notice we opened this up and there's comb and all that stuff then they were hiding well they're either hiding or they've given to me I was in the lawn mowing zone so I probably didn't all right well let's let's get into it hope you enjoyed the video [Music] [Music] hey folks y'all know the video I smoked her made a B proof well we're gonna smoke Dave a little bit because we had one B that was uh died bomb and I'm a minute ago so we're gonna give them a little smoke and hopefully this will mask any odors you want to spin a little bit for us all right we'll give that a try see if that does it and I'll smoke myself a little bit as well smoke the Hat all right so hopefully that makes you be proof Dave all right we're giving them a little smoke here and let's see if we can just pop this off so yank that that little piece of trim might need some attention to Dave he don't worry about it no problem Dave I'm singing a bunch of comb all right so yes so Dave yeah so uh so I do you know well they've definitely been there a little while but the whole whole thing's that's old but yeah they must have been chilling chilling out only a little bit when you came back they came by the other day when we knew they were in the bay I just I didn't expect to see you know this amount of home but this is what we got it's some propolis right here a little bit that's what we call B glue as well who smoked to myself out here so we're just going to go ahead and and tap this let me show you real quick a few hi beetles you see them here you always want to take an opportunity to squinch these as I've stated before if the hive is strong the bees can deal with the beetles it's when the the hive gets weak okay is when the beetles can start laying their eggs and it really doesn't take very long to see those Magothy little rubbery larvae I mean literally like within three to four days the hive could be inundated with beetle larvae so you know you always want to keep your hive strong so you know we're talking of course in a domestic setup let's say let's say you have a setup where you have say five boxes alright a big booming colony unbeknownst to you they swarm multiple times excuse me and a big colony is capable of swarming and a 10-day period I've seen it as much as five different times so let's say you got this big setup in five different boxes okay and they've swarmed five times and after that duration you show up and you see very little activity in your setup okay you need to go in obviously will you go in and now instead of having bees an old five boxes you have bees in just the bottom box maybe there's three or four frames of bees you probably have a Virgin Queen down there okay so you're gonna allow them to rebuild it to continue with things when being swarm they normally just don't empty out completely usually something's left behind to keep things going isn't that nice so what you need to do in that situation is remove the top four boxes and now you're down to that bottom box okay now I'd really like nucleus colonies five frame boxes or six frame boxes so if bees swarmed out of a fire box set up and now you're left with three frames of bees doesn't it make sense to now condense their efforts and to a setup that has five frames and six frames you're doing them a world of wonder if you do that folks okay all right especially something late in the year when you're trying to get him to go through winter and there's nothing wrong with stacking new dukes either all right we gotta tap these I'm just gonna go ahead and they're in there we're gonna go ahead and just tap these let's see if we can get them good enough all right we're gonna set this aside all right see what we got here hon Dave yeah we switched things around we're gonna go in from this and obviously that makes the most sense then and there stood on that in all right so we're gonna we're not using the be back today what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the smoker to run the bees off the comb sections so we can take them out so nice pretty white combs folks I'm thinking they've they've probably been here at least since um Bay you know the tallow flow starts in May and you know they showing me that I thought that'd be my best guess say sometime in May it could have been April all right see we smoked this side and that they've run off the comb sections a little bit more so I can get these pieces out you know this is what we looking at here folks okay and how long ago was it that you had the other colony Dave about a year ago so about a year ago they were actually in this wall right here folks which isn't too far from wherever you are now all right so let's get this done at times it may get a little crazy okay at least to you okay well you know these bees may even go airborne or something I'm not I'm not too worried about that I just want to get get it done with this heat it feels like shake and bake alright I'm gonna hand you this piece of comb right here Dave you want to try the honey just just go ahead and take a bite of this right here you want a meal down real quick yeah just where's my pancakes take a little bite and tell me what you think it's pretty good huh needs pancakes all right there you go put it on some toast with a little butter man hey your wife's gonna be happy tonight look you uh if you got a little container or something with a lid I'll put some more honey in there for you here we should have a little more for you to try and your wife do and we go you know want to let go [Music] I'm gonna let you hold this room or I'm gonna trim that for you okay alrighty so that I can wipe the honey welcome tans and actually I need to do that now alright folks and to step away a minute and get some more tools and stuff we didn't plan on a full-blown removal so he's dealing with a swarm today so I got my bucket with hot water right here has to clean the honey off my hands and my tools makes life a lot easier and a little more smoke a few alright so let's try to use some of these comb sections and frame them up but this next one is that's white it's new so it's gonna be soft and it's concave too so I'm not gonna use it but hopefully there's some usable comb in here somewhere I even cut that thing in half and not even in half and it still look how flimsy it is see so you know you're not gonna frame this up it's just it's just too flimsy all right so we'll just shake them off see how it just comes apart like that folks no honey on this one I'm gonna get here's a drone Dave I was telling Dave early about the males and all the females make up the majority of hive this is a drone you can see it's and they get a lot bigger than this actually Dave you can see it's it's eyes kind of bug out a little bit more no pun intended the back end is not really tapered it's more blunt and because I have fun with people and I always tell them this bee had a sting I wouldn't be able to do this I think I'll stick with the honey no I did not eat that bead just now okay I just put him in my mouth and I put him back out all right so there there he is all right nice little piece of honeycomb folks got a little pollen on there because I always tell people you know pollen is good for you lot of vitamins and stuff letteth a lot of B vitamins they've got that right off the bat folks I knew he would [Music] crack myself up what can I say you're gonna have fun you know doing you think folks looking that's it so that piece right there has got the way well I don't know for panel for sure that piece right there weighs over a pound folks okay you kind of get into just what we're doing here basically trance and I know most I'm a flying backup but eventually they're gonna start making this box their new home okay we're gonna trick me it's a little bit of honey here I can give you more more some more b-vitamins alright boy and they a little crooked again and it is hard folks it's about 117 degrees out here today I think that's what the humidity and heat index actuality and I don't know it's gotta be pushed 90 summer in New Orleans that is for sure [Music] of course these bees when I smoke them instead of I'm running this way I guess because there's you know like ingest and you know they running this way when the open areas which it makes sense that's you know I guess it makes sense because it's not what I want them to do I really just want to give them a little bit of smoke so they can run off the comb so I can get to the comb sections but they're forcing me to hammer them with a little extra to get them to run off the smoke is is achieving what I wanted to achieve but it's not doing it exactly you know what I would love it to do [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] okay see this is cap brewed right here this is where the Queen laid eggs all these would have hatched out within the next 10 days most likely shake these we're not going to use any of this because it's just too flimsy and it has a tendency to collapse on you in transit so see just bag this up we did we'll do is we'll make slits in the bag and put it away from the beehives and let the bees rob the honey out they'll do that this time of year promise you because there's lot not a lot of nectar being introduced all right so we're making a little more progress as you can see five comb sections a lot of that honey I've given to mr. Dave see what you got in there Dave [Music] it was about 94 degrees earlier it's a little bit cooler now we got I don't know how many film sections out over here but it opened this up because this two-day old hive also built in this cavity as well it's a homeowner laughing on the background there I got to give him a hard time new glasses dude laughs so what we gonna do at this point should we switch things up again and that is a lot of bees I'm gonna have to smoke them because we not again using the bee vac so we need to get to the combs that are underneath them and we need to get on with this so again we're trying to make this their new home we do have one frame of a brood comb framed up and I don't laugh when you see this okay you gotta understand the way this is set up it's triangular in shape so this piece that I that I framed up it's it's short and it's very triangular but this will go a long ways to attract some of the bee so you can see all right if only you could fill the frame but anyway that's a start okay and I don't know how much more that we can even put in there it seems to all be funny the triangle in shape or white very very flimsy they've been on edge a couple of times I got stung once but that was completely my fault that was a be sticking out over one of the cells and I put my finger over the cell and I got stung okay the homeowner got stung once and he's had him go after him a couple of times but just that one time we smoked him down a little bit we may not be proof we we need to get him to move off these comb sections so the conditional so we're gonna we're gonna smoke heavy right now [Music] all right girls and we definitely seen some darker comb here not not jet black or anything I think this is from this season but you know it could have been early spring one got you Dave yeah two days ago I saw this thing this thing if you would have been not over here three days before they went eminent Benavides thing it grab one and yank I'd have to cut that you know where we don't have a lot of room to work here [Music] one good thing is the ceilings not too far above us so I might have to pull these out pieces but I think we can one out video the one why did the bees march into the hive box okay we had some pictures of some Queen cups and you can see there's one here okay and if there's a queen Cup right there so that's on its way to a queen cell is there anything in it let's see no nothing in there so sometimes they'll be a larvae and they'll be royal jelly and if you want to scoop out the world jelly and assuming you can't I usually do that really jellies got a flavor all to its own so when we get back to that big ball of bees we'll be able to use the hive tool or a scraper and start the transfer bees I might even grab some thin gloves I might have some with me it just look grabbing a bunch of these and just dropping them in about alright so let's get this out you can part of it or clean cups in his queen cup nothing in it decent window to work and now now I can get up top move these triangles which should come out fairly well go ahead and try to frame some of this up alright still you know trying yeah I don't think we'll frame up too much more this folks really I'm just framing up some of this to be honest with you so that there's something that you know so there's no uh brood that the bees will want to cover okay an incubate again I know I might be contradicting myself even though it's hot but they still do want to cover brood come on up I wouldn't be surprised if he worked on this killing piece but she's not more than a nice gift they're making honey so when I shake the comb sections the white stuff comes out yeah that's that's honey not even funny yet so you don't top the frames that hasn't been cured so they bring you something on the drone all right [Music] check out a little thing that do that I've never mentioned before we want to hear when I shake those combs like that when I shake those bees off the combs I hold my breath want to do it because you never know when the might hit them frames and want to just fly right off and sting you so again you know that co2 you breathing off you hold your breath and you're not pushing it out - I always do that when I shake a frame that's full of bees hold my breath while I'm doing it works for me [Music] you know the beauty of this is if I wanted to I could leave right now come back tomorrow these aren't really going anywhere there's only been here two days keep telling yourself that Dave I'm working up there's no fast beat that's right they're on steroids be invited that's right plenty of them funny again and yes at home a breath so that all right so [ __ ] in there this is what it looks like in this point trying on this sheet rock back there okay this whole area of course was filled with comb and seeing that piece of bracing that was I wanted to remove I was working on removing that earlier if that piece out the beads are really piling up over here now they're probably running down on the wall as well so we're making progress but it's slow process progress and put one way another we will get it done if you didn't doesn't get done today it'll get don't be done tomorrow that's where we're at right now you can see what's been flinging out okay see fresh nectar tastes pretty good though Hey we got most of the comb out like 98 99 percent of it tonight I am gonna leave the setup here until tomorrow show you what I'm looking at and I'll tell you what we're about to do okay this is we'll be gone right now see that pretty good mass of these all right I'm gonna say the Queen's probably in there somewhere listen smarter that may be more its mortar good so we did get most of the comma you know you can see there's little bits and pieces and stuff once we get all the B's you know I do see a couple little pieces of comb tucked in that triangle try to get that out right now what we could do I would try to grab some piles of these here from this pile of bees and we used this frame right here in front we'll go ahead and transfer you know little masses of bees so what we're gonna try to do is drop some of the bees that are in this big pile right here look at that you stubby and unless we drop them on here that they'll spread out we're gonna look for the corner okay you smoke this but all right we'll leave them on after now I want to shake them because we don't want to flying back to the hive to the cost just let them spread out a little bit just put this aside for a minute and I'm just gonna use my flashlight and see if I can't you can use the smoker and see if we can maybe spot the Queen let's do that just a little puffy enhance you can get a spread out they would get lucky the spotter and all of these all right well I think we're gonna probably make all in a day we're gonna call it a day all right stay tuned for part two folks all right so if we back on this on this job and you can't see it right now but the nuke has a crapload of bees in it okay again I had an encapsulated a little bit of lemongrass oil on the bottom board a little bees wax and a little propolis and we got also a couple frames with some of their brood framed off rubberband in a place okay so that's attracting them in fact I see some of them you know putting out orientating pheromone right now all right so you can see we got a mess of the I haven't I'm not gonna open the box up right now this box is loaded right now all right so a different ballgame today we got bees in the box we're not gonna look at that right now we're gonna deal with this mass of bees here and I'm gonna use the be back right now all right so she's stung me after all I'll give you a little tip you got a bee that just won't leave you alone it's buzzing around you she's probably this thing yet so if you have to work around her you're probably gonna have to pinch her or walk away but that was one that just wouldn't let up and she did just get me all right so we got to go ahead and vacuum some bees up there we go Dave go ahead and just hit that button thank you [Music] so we vacuumed big cluster bees that was underneath the bay window but you can see we got a ton of bees in the nuke so never did run across the Queen check the catch box didn't see her in there so she might be in here I don't know but right now what I'm doing is I'm gonna fly all the smoke to the bay window and then we're gonna use a little repellent before we do that we're going to move this set up closer to you because we don't want the fumes messing you know with what we got going on here and we're doing this so that we can get the bees out of there for something to go to the nuke okay because I want to take these girls home tonight the Queen's in this void for some reason okay over the next day or two if we do leave the box here they're just going to leave this set up and go back into the bay so if we're gonna do repel it do lose smoke one of the bees out move the nuke forward once they're focused on the box then I'm like going in into the box and check to see if we have a queen and that's where we are right now so without further ado all right repelling I'm using it Oh No it uses quite a while my buddy Scott Derek from both would be company manufactures is a honeybee going during the process of giving them off the combs they really were stubborn they didn't want to leave the combs they were comb dependent are your bees comb dependence just about our repellents kind of caustic to the bottles you put it in you can't just put in any kind of spray powder you get like at the dollar store don't melt the plastic so I get these from Home Depot and I suppose it be able to handle you know all kinds of chemicals and stuff like that they usually hold it up pretty well so we're still flying around that spot but the repellent is keeping them off the bay so they we should start to see them trying to orient to the to the nuke but uh we'll give them a couple of minutes and see how this plays out folks we're going to go ahead and open the box and just take a peek let's see if we can spot our queen okay give a little smoke and I'm thinking there's a bunch of bees inside there but you never know it should be I don't think that all the bees we're seeing in this box are just on that entrance we'll find out right now yeah we'll loaded all right so you can take paper a little testy deceiveth I wonder why so we've evicted them without any warning really that's amazing the knots here in the catch box I tap the box and I look twice that's what all I wanted to really do it unless stress them any more than that here let's see how they're kind of linked together like that at the top that is called festooning okay and they usually do that when they're actually building comb that's just another thing that they do because they're highly social insects all right they kind of link together so they can work together or festooning at the top then see them kind of chained together throw them into chain to be chained definitely digging this Mook digging these frames let's go ahead and put that back in sometimes when you doing an inspection if you don't run across the Queen the first time let's go back and go over it again and now you'd be surprised you know just don't get fanatical about it take your time go back in and maybe you'll run across it at second time you might be thinking well why would you be on one of these frames right well I have run across Queens that one Foundation and just remember we simply smoke to hop this box before we went in so could have gave her a little push she could wind up on one of these frames check this one again and got my glasses on helps here Oh gave a little look-see anyway I'll be honest about it I really didn't expect that you the way they of their acting they're acting like a Queens not in here okay I know that might sound crazy but who would B's enough if you go in and there's like a hum or they're kind of edgy and kind of all over the place and that's what was kind of happening here but like I said she may be in that catch box I don't have a look at through there again tonight but either way for some reason we don't want up with a queen from this removal we combine them or just give these another Queen that's that's an option that I could take when you have resources you have options that's why it's always good when you're starting out to start with at least two islands two is probably good enough you don't want to go crazy start out with two hives that way for some reason one of the hives is not doing what you need it to do you can pull resources from the strong hive and give it to a weakened lot of times you can turn things around by doing that by pulling your resources alright alright folks so we are slowly but surely wrapping this one up rely on the bees to orient to the nuke just so we spray repellant now they're doing it right now I don't see as many bees over here so they're they're starting to land on the box it's not to do their thing so we should be able to put them on the truck tonight take them away I hope y'all enjoy this video hope you learn something just to recap our good friend Dave call me I ask my questions there in the bay window ok the bay window on the front of the house in the back of the house back in the house ok how often do you go back there once a week to cut the grass what were you back there last Saturday now cut Dave some slack ok there was an azalea here that we did trim okay he was more than happy to allow me to trim it and then with some kind of weed drink so it was kind of covering the area a little bit but uh but let these beets it had been there probably my best guess would be anywhere from four to six months that would be my guess once it's all said and done it was a good bit of comb and a good bit of bees okay so uh anyway yeah they would add two days consecutive days one of them might have been in May and then there was Saturday all right well that's it thanks for watching hope y'all enjoyed it to the next one I'm having a great day and I hope you are too take care now alright folks it's time to take the girls away they're all tucked in there's not a bee over here so I don't see any all right well I hope y'all have a splendid day or night whatever time of the day you're watching this video take care now to the next one [Music] new queen they made [Music] [Music] you see where they for the fell as a queen to Tory's up
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 347,152
Rating: 4.8738475 out of 5
Keywords: Can Honey Bees Really Do All This In 3 Days?, live bee removal, JPthebeeman, bees in a bay window, Dave's got bees, beehive removed alive in new orleans, honey bees, louisiana bee man, jpthebeeman 2019, jp the beeman youtube, bee videos, bee removal videos, live bee removal near me, jpthebeeman 2020, how to, how to remove bees from your home, how to remove a beehive, queen cups, emergency queen cells, honey bee videos, save the bees, new orleans, metairie, kenner, river ridge
Id: ijZfdAdciSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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