Bee Man Vs Column Full Of Bees

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Bee Man is funny, folks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Cappy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy seems like he gets a lot of stings

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madeamashup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great. Good pacing and honest work. My kids liked it too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zalenka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t believe I just watched that entire video. Fantastic job, great pace, relaxing music, funny jokes... He’s got it all!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/San_Diahgo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s nice to know what Dunkey’s father does for a living

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GalileoGalilei2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What I'm not clear on so far is whether the screws were countersunk. Hope we get a follow-up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/d7856852 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who doesn't want to be teletransportated to somewhere else?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/remain_calm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

loved this vid. can't stop watching. love the bees.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/piltonpfizerwallace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI see her caramel butt” -BeeMan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/julian7725 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey folks jp here i'm in new orleans we're tackling a round column today that's chock full of bees it's gonna be a challenge to open up the columns because uh the homeowner had a carpet there do a lot of work on these these columns used these loose door head screws and there's a ton of them and they're countersunk so i have to find all the heads pull them out and hopefully we can remove three sections so we can gain access to the colony and remove them and give them a new home hope y'all enjoy the video all right folks this is our column you see there's a few bees up there but not bearding as badly as i looked at this thing the first time which was probably oh man like six months ago i thought the homeowner changed his mind and he called me and he said hey remember me i'm ready to move the bees out of the comps i'm like all right so here i am all right so you can see all these little holes right here these are all countersunk screws i'll show you what one of them looks like they're not very large and they're a counter suck but there's a million of them so i'm gonna spend some time right now getting these things out so we can access the columns so anyway here we go so i spent literally like an hour and a half pulling screws out i removed probably 35 40 screws about that long i showed you earlier those stainless with the little store head and every one of them was countersunk we're gonna open up three sections wood sections of the column and hopefully that allows us to access the entire colony the idea is to open this thing up without ruining the column so i know at the bottom there's some maybe some breads or something that was shot in it i can't see but i'm gonna go ahead next move would be to work these planks off and expose our column and the bees haven't been hell bent to uh ruined my day but um i have gotten some stings on the back of my head i got one between the eyebrows almost got the appiah so i've had to smoke them several times so hopefully when i open this thing up they don't boil out on me oh okay you can see that this cog has been this column for a while folks it goes from the top all the way down to the bottom you see that old root beer colored comb you know these beans you know they didn't show up you know like yesterday these bees been there a while folks i mean look the whole column's full this is a healthy colony folks there's no doubt these sisters got it going on hell yeah we got it going on jp all right let me show you something this is bee bread right here see that bee bread's a mixture of pollen and nectar that's fermented it's got a lot of protein in it vitamins minerals a lot of b vitamins anyway that's what the young bees feed on and allows them to manufacture raw jelly the special gland in their head royal jelly is of course with the queen gets fed her entire life all developing larvae actually get a certain amount of royal jelly for a certain amount of time but the queen bee is fed raw jelly her whole life you know it's like if you were as a child given lobster for maybe uh four or five days and then it was taken away from you you never had it again well the queen gets fed lobster her whole life he's special that's royalty for you folks we've got another section of the column open you can see into the world just a little bit more look at all that root beer colored comb you like root beer i like root beer it's good with barbecue all right off track here look here look at that little b look at it running up one that's a young bee see how fuzzy she is it's kind of light anyway look at the amount of bees in this column and they're all working together being highly social insects that's what they do just imagine if the world worked together we would get so much more done because there's no such thing as insect politics you know when they're done with you they're done with you got that little tidbit from the remake of the fly with jeff goldblum great movie if you want to brush up on your teletransportation who doesn't want to be teletransportated somewhere else you know what i'm saying just make sure you don't have a fly in your teletransporter a b would be okay though that's what happened to me this is the last board that we're gonna remove from this column folks this is as much of the column as we're opening should be able to get it done it's a good bit of bees what do you think i think there's a few bees quite a few so they have calmed down quite a bit okay and that happens a lot of times the bees will actually chill down once you expose the hive sometimes they can get more aggressive there oh god stick at me right now oh [ __ ] i spoke too early i grabbed my smoke just some attitude all right that was a close one huh there's quite a bit of bees in there and you know these are on the edge of uh getting a little aggressive so we want to get their numbers down so they can throw in the towel so to speak that's normally what they will do and i think these are going to do the same thing so let's just get our numbers down and maybe vacuum up some of these guard bees all right [Music] our child face things took one for the team though folks [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so this strange looking little plug at the bottom of the column that's about maybe an inch and a half thick the carpenter put that down at the bottom of the column you also put one up top to b said they actually built comb underneath that plug at the bottom they didn't build it up at the top just at the bottom the carpet nailed the side walls of the column to the plug to give structural integrity because this column was in not the greatest shape this would probably yield a gallon and a half of honey i would think okay i don't know if you can hear that bee on me right now all right she moved i think she was trying to sting my temple but i'll show you again real quick all right it's so you know it's not that pretty you know spring honey but you know it's got a little bit age to it but some of this stuff here you know we're starting to run into some drone brood and some older cone with some pollen and stuff so this stuff i'll feed back to the bees i mean if you really wanted to harvest it you could but the good stuff is in that pot over there comb sections have two sides to them so you could have honey on one side but then brood or piling on the other side it's hard to separate the two now if you want to harvest honey that has brood in it you're going to be getting you know larvae juice and stuff in your honey which is kind of nasty so we'll feed this back to the bees so this is what we got left you know uh boy they they still have a good bit of honey but it's some older stuff and uh but i have a i have a nuke with me we're gonna frame up what we can in the nuke it's you know one of those one of those nukes the pro nuke pro a lot of people been asking me about this these nukes they're pro nukes by uh be pros be and stun right now in the neck that felt wonderful oh boy even after getting a decent bit of the hive out and a good many bees out they still did on edge these bees got a little attitude we have probably about two and a half pounds of bees in the catch box right now so i just wanted to show you where we're at we got hunting in the in the pots with the homeowner we got about two and a half pounds of bees which was about 7 500 bees somewhere in there if i did my math right we're going to frame up what we can in this nuke of course they're long skinny comb sections and i like to frame up the comb the way it was you know naturally how they built it so it's going to be long skinny sections i'm not going to turn them sideways do what you want you know i like to orient the comb sections how they work brutal hatch out if you situate it frame it up horizontally but they probably won't reuse the cone for brood i like to put it in the hive how it was situated and these are long skinny sections because this is a long skinny collar let's get back to this thing [Music] so you can see i use rubber bands to secure the comb sections in the frames usually a few days or so later they will have chewed through the rubber bands and they'll push them usually out of the hive and every now and then i'll give them a little helping hand hold what they didn't push out watching them push them rubber bands out it's the cutest little thing when you get these little bees pushing these rubber bands out because they don't want them in their hive [Music] [Music] see this little hole right here folks we're gonna seal it up because we don't want the queen to run up in that hole and take a bunch of bees with her so just for now we're going to go ahead and just use a little piece of plastic and shove it that hole that way we can prevent the queen running up and us having it wait it out or we're definitely not opening that beam up we've just about got all the comb out of the column there's a little bit left up top as you can see so i'm gonna pull that out and now we're gonna really try to focus in on trying to find our queen you'll notice that i'm having to struggle to cut these comb sections because they have some age to them honeybees they go through complete metamorphosis so there'd be egg larvae pupa young adult because generations of bees will hatch out of the cells there's an accumulation of cocoons dirt and debris that thickens the walls of the cells causing the comb sections to become dark and extremely rigid old dark comb can be really difficult to cut with a knife this is why you're seeing me having some difficulty cutting these comb sections [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] um you'll notice the bees flying around in the exhaust of the b vac that can often be an indication that we vacuumed up the queen and you can see that's what these girls are doing they're really interested in that exhaust not to worry if we vacuumed up the queen she should be fine and i'll give you an update on her a little later on all right well now we're going to see if we can get the comb out that's in between the bottom of that plug and the porch they actually cut out a hole in the deck i can't remove the plug because the plug is structural the side walls of the column are nailed to that plug so we're gonna pull out what we can and we're gonna let the other colony that's on the front of the house hopefully they'll rob out whatever's left in there clean it up really nice and then the homeowner can host whatever's left and then the carpenter can put the column back together [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well we're done let me show you a close-up of the catch box right now there's a ton of bees on it and uh showing you footage of uh these in the exhaust of the be back while it was running so i'm thinking the queen's in the catch box you know this weird plug right here there's one up top and uh what's really weird about this this one is they built comb underneath it and a decent bit but we can't remove this because it's actually structural it's keeping the integrity of the column down here intact you know if the carpenter guy wants to remove this he can clean up anything down there but we have another hive on the front of the house and uh i told the homeowner i said look if this was my house is what i would do don't close this up for you know two three four days or whatever i gotta come back and do the other but you know let the other bees rob whatever honey's out let them clean it clean things up you know they should do that they're right there so the whole column you know was full of comb and a good bit of bees so uh we're just gonna let uh nature take its course at this point and we'll let these other bees come in and hopefully they do a good job cleaning up where you know it's uh what are we in september now early september so uh you know we're kind of in a dirt i mean we got golden rain trees that are going to be blooming maybe in a couple of weeks but right now it's really not too much blooming so they should come over here and gobble this stuff up and clean things up all right i'll show you what the catch box looks like this is what we got picked up some on top so i really do believe the queen's in here we'll be uh looking at that in a couple days so all righty good deal i'll bring you update on that all right hive number two isn't this column folks hello ladies we're gonna get y'all out of this look like they do a little bit of washboarding it's hard to see though it was hot all day today all right all right folks we got the queen this is the following day i shook the bees out and they started spreading out and marching towards the nuke and i almost immediately spotted the queen caged her and as you can see even though she was vacuumed up by the v-vac you know she's fine she's full of energy and i'm gonna go ahead and uh put her in the nuke and a little bit later and i'll go ahead and transfer these bees into a deep setup for now they should be fine but it is a decent bit of bees so uh we'll go ahead and graduate them up into a deep setup and in a few days i'll go ahead and release the queen and i'll show you what that looks like we're going to go ahead now and release the queen folks [Music] take the frame out make some room there's no one edge it's gonna be on this frame right here ordinarily i like to release them right in front of the entrance but uh i'm gonna go ahead and release it on top it's kind of overcast so she's itching to get out see her in there let's see if we can uh show you that she should drop right there oh [Music] making it easy on me [Music] come on look how they're covering those folks they love him i think i might have to open this thing up let me give him a little puff so you can see i see her caramel butt and she comes here i think i think she's coming she went ah what a beauty nice tiger straight looking queen if she went oh it was quick but anyway she had a little more striping than i thought okay a lot of these have such a wonderful sense of smell they still think she's in there i guess because they're smelling her scent but she dropped down folks so let me shake these bees off the queen cage and i'll smoke them down and uh put the top cover on let's do it okay some of them still think she's in there look at that she's not we watched it come out [Music] shake them up all right empty all right folks i'm back on this job it's uh not quite a week later uh would have been him maybe a couple days sooner if it went for hurricane sandy passing not too far from us we dodged a bullet so we're going to tackle the second column today the homeowner says that this hive swarmed a couple of months back so their numbers you know may be down uh let's get it done this one appears to be nowhere near the size of the other one folks and it's not coming apart as easy as the other one believe it or not either let's just get this off i'll show you all right so this one starts ooh around here which is uh yeah this whole this whole thing looks like it's about maybe three feet maybe three and a half feet tall so nowhere near the size the other one was so i'm gonna go ahead and get these out that uh shouldn't take too long nothing like that other one not even close get this one done all right doesn't it just blow your mind with these little honeybees are capable of folks nature's little architects you gotta love them homeowners said that in may he watched his colony cast a swarm likely due to intense heat from the sun baking on the column they said they landed in that tree right there he said they never came back so maybe this is what started back up you know this little colony's numbers are way down they just might be queenless they must be related to those other ones not a lot of bees this is my second stick i want these are either going to have even have a queen folks let me go ahead and look at this we got to be careful because there are some small hobbies and there's not a lot of bees well they sure are defensive for a little amount of beads it seems they have because i can't see behind all these comb sections but they're nowhere near what the other hive was wow just to show you nothing in the cells but a little fresh neck see that small high beetle so you know when your numbers are down like this and if you don't have a queen you don't have good morale and those beetles can take over in a second but you know this hunt may have been doomed shortly from now i don't think they would have made it through winter there's just a little fresh nectar in some of these cells i'm not seeing any eggs no larvae no jelly no nothing you know so when they got that hum to them i don't know catching that that can be a sign that they claim this they have like this telltale hump it's like they're saying no we're not really that happy we don't have queen we don't have mama i think we got us i really believe we got us a queenless small little queenless colony that's not happening we're going to want to probably combining these with that other colony probably what we're going to want to do so we'll get the bee back out vacuum these bees up in a minute but folks i am not seeing any signs that they have queen all right let me back in these girls up right now [Music] i saw one egg literally one egg i think these bees were just nutritionally deficient you know they swarmed for whatever reason it might have been an abscond because uh too much heat was beating down on the column they swarmed in may and that's all they had uh they've been struggling little amount of bees as they have which you know they might have i don't know what's in here maybe a thousand bees if that you know they shouldn't be that defensive so i'm gonna check one more time to see if there's a queen there i don't believe there is oh well time to get later on that day i determined that the hive was indeed queenless and decided to combine them with the previous colony that we removed from that other column the colony is doing fine in fact i just checked on them a minute ago it's raining but they're robbing out honey that i'd put out for him it's win-win i sure hope you all enjoy the video folks and that you're having a fantastic day because you know i am until the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] um uh
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 1,181,063
Rating: 4.9285817 out of 5
Keywords: bees in wooden column, bees in column, honey bee removal, live honey bee removal, JPthebeeman, JP the bee man, save the bees, removing bees from a column, Bee Man Vs Column Full Of Bees, colorado bee vac, yappy beeman, yappy eye, jp the beeman, how to, bee hive removal, live bee removal, louisiana bee man, bee removal videos, jp the bee man youtube, jp the bee man 2020, bee rescue, how to remove a beehive, bee removal near me, jp the bee man, live bee removal near me
Id: jwlCRi0IWVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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