Remove any object in Davinci Resolve

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let's go guys welcome back to my channel I'm the vigorous shooter and today I'm going to show you how to remove objects from your scene right here in DaVinci Resolve now if you have a clip that looks somewhat like mines right here within a few clicks I'm gonna be able to show you guys how to remove those objects from the scene so you can make it look a little bit more cleaner if you're new to this channel make sure to subscribe because I'm always coming out with fresh content to educate and also entertain you guys as well let's stop the talking and let's jump right into the video so right here I have a scene with a girl in the park she's giving some type of presentation and as you can see there's this really obnoxious garbage can in the back so we're going to take that out as you can see I already color grade in my clip so if you guys want to do that as well because it won't make it a little bit easier to take this monstrous thing out of there to start off we're gonna right click on this on the clip and then we're gonna turn it into a fusion clip alright BAM so we highlight it again and then in the fusion tab and then we go right in there from here on it's very simple all you're gonna do is hit the paint tool right here right you could just click that right there or if you want you know to search it you could hit command shift and spacebar and that's going to bring the directory and you just hit type paint into it and you want to make sure you get the paint tool pnt with the paint tool right here what we're gonna do is we're not just gonna jump directly into painting things with it as you can see there's a little green cursor here and if we were to like paint immediately we get hey but that's not what we want what you want to do is you want to move to the right here we're on the panel's where it says apply controls and it's the second tool on the line right here it's this let me see if I get this right here and you want to make sure you click that and it's called clone once you click into it you're gonna have all your controls right here and you don't need to touch that so the next thing you need to do is go right up here all right you want to highlight stroke because if you hit multi stroke it's gonna allow you to clone stamp frame by frame and you don't want to do that really so you want to make sure you highlight stroke as you can see we have our cursor turned red that means it's ready to be activated so we're gonna zoom in right into the garbage can or the object we want to remove so what we want to do now with the paint tool selected here's our cursor right here then we're gonna start to paint this away it's literally just like Photoshop literally if you guys use Photoshop the clone stamp tool in Photoshop it's just like it so what you want to do is you want to hit option and click where you want to start sampling and it's going to leave that X right there or if you're on a PC I think it's all I'm not sure when I start doing now is you want to start painting right into it you see that takes it right out and you could change the size of the brush you could just hit command and click and drag alright then it's going to resize it for you now it's very important for you guys to pause the video right here and hit the thumbs up subscribe so you could see more videos like this alright after you guys are done here's a cool little trick that you could do to simply like smooth in everything out so what you can do is you could bring down the opacity of the brush right and you zoom right in there my cursor is gone oh I think what computers tap it out and then what a low opacity you just come in and basically smoothing it out with a low opacity when we go back to our clip garbage-can is no longer here and voila guys they have it from there on we have a super nice clip that we could view back and nobody could really tell what happened to it because we took our time and we refurbished it and we cleaned it up and we made sure everything was good to go as professional as possible right if you guys found some value within this video and if you guys really enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up thank you guys for watching this video I can't wait to share the next one with you guys and I'll see you guys on my next one deuces [Music]
Channel: Sticky Value
Views: 7,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove objects in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve object removal, object removal in davinci resolve, davinci fusion tutorial, fusion tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve transition, animated titles in davinci resolve, the vigorous shooter, make modern animated titles in davinci resolve 16 free, davinci resolve basics, davinci color grading basics, davinci resolve audio crash course, fairlight audio for beginners
Id: fSxd0CDMKss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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