Tutorial - Advanced Chroma Keying in Davinci Resolve Studio 18

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this tutorial is on how to do chroma in the v resolve for this footage we used AGS for a green background and three lights on myself the key light F light and the hair light AGS intensity was said to be just bright enough to upset the shadow C by the key light you can see that shadow to my right the key light was set to about 50% and both feel and hair light to 25% intensity there are two two common ways to do chroma Keen in the v resolve one is to use this 3D ke and the second is with the use of fusion my personal preference is to use the fusion because it provides far superior result once the footage is loaded into the edit tab we can switch to Fusion first we have to add a couple of new notes to add a new note press shift plus space on the keyboard and from the selected tool option type noise and choose the noise reduction option then click add all digital footage requires some level of the noising due to the nature of simos sensors there are two types of noise reduction available temporal and spatial for this footage we will only use a temporal noise reduction first we're going to zoom into the footage into the area between the hair and the green screen and from the options we are going to choose better and we will also uncheck the Luma chroma same threshold because we want to control Luma and chroma threshold separately we'll increase chroma threshold all the way to 100 and for this footage we will set Luma threshold to 50% this should give us a good balance between details preservation and Luma chroma noising we will not be using spatial noise reduction for this footage which is mostly used for an extremely noisy material however it will greatly reduce the level of details so use it with caution now let's add a new note click shift plus space on your keyboard and type sharp and then choose sharp a node obviously at first this is too much so we'll reduce the amount down to about3 this should give us back some of the details lost in the noising stage let's quickly rearrange the notes to create some space the next note we will be adding is nam Delta Kier we will zoom out on the right side of the split screen and then we will drag and drop Delta Kier note onto the left side of the split screen click the note hold the mouse and drag and drop it onto the left side to better observe the Delta key substitution we will change the left side from color to Alpha next we will select the Picker and drag it over the green background and we will be moving around until the area around the head and the hair turns black don't worry if the pixels far from the head are not as dark we will clean it up at a later stage with The Clean Plate and so is next we will be adding The Clean Plate click anywhere in the node section to deselect any active nodes and after pressing shift space type clean to add a Clean Plate node now we will connect two nodes noise reduction to The Clean Plate then drag and drop Clean Plate into the left side of the the split screen and choose color from The Clean Plate option click on the Picker and drag it over to the left side and pick anywhere on the green background zoom into the screen and we want to make sure that clean plate covers the body and the fine hair to do that we will have to slightly erode until we get all that hair covered after that we can zoom back out and we need to cover this hole that represents Me by increasing the slider called grow edges you can also click on feel if grows edges was not enough next we are adding the blur node to smooth out The Clean Plate drag and drop blur and then from the option increase the blow slider until it looks smooth in order to better see what Clean Plate does we will switch back to Delta K by dropping it back to the left side of the viewer and we will switch from color to Alpha now we connect Clean Plate into the Delta key as you can see our entire background now looks much better what we are trying to achieve is that everything we are trying to substitute should be pure black and everything we want to keep should be Pure White the hair is somewhat an exception and we are going to talk about it a bit later because the hair needs a bit of transparency therefore some of it will be in the gray Alpha now let's take a look at leftover imperfections that still need some cleanup first we will add two more nodes one is background pick that icon and drag it to the node section and then select merge node icon and also drag it to the node note section now connect background and the foreground into the merge node then connect merge into the media out node let's zoom out a little bit and select the background note change color to Pure White this gives us a better look into what we should adjust with the background zoom in and select the Delta C node to get rid of the leftover Shadows switch to mat Tab and adjust the low threshold until the background looks Pure White next zoom into the alpha and we want to adjust the high threshold so that the majority of the hair is no longer transparent we will keep the outer portion of the hair in Gray Alpha to give it some transparency if we reduce our high threshold too much it will produce harsh edges in the hair now we are going to advance our footage a little forward to take a look at the hands on the hands we can clearly see some fringes which are caused by the beay in the digital camera to reduce fringes we will slightly erode we will revisit this step later on when we do finer adjustments but for now we are switching to The Fringe tab here we will deal with the spill most common method used is well done however I will use the burn method just be careful because it is very aggressive I will only go halfway in spill suppression volue if you move it too far the footage will turn red but using burn will help further with the mask in the fringes let's make a bit more room then select Delta K and we will add one more node called m control with m control we can further fine-tune the Delta ke without modifying the Delta ke itself we are going to slightly reduce the gamma value which will further Mass the fridges depending on the background you'd have to judge which value up or down produces better results after that we switch to the spill tab choose green spill method burnt and we're going to get another 0.5 to spill suppression and another note called color corrector because we have it positioned after Delta here and met control we can now modify the foreground separately from The Background by default the V resolve has this not set to affect both background and foreground so what we need to do is to go to color corrector option and click on privide post multiplier now any changes we do in the color corrector will only affect the foreground so now we can go back to the correction tab of the color corrector and play a little bit for example we can reduce the amount of lift to give it a bit little bit more contrast also if needed slight to reduce the saturation zoom in into the left portion of the screen to the edge and then select Delta cure Noe then select mat Tab and give the edge a little bit of blur Just a Touch because this is a white background we want to add an illusion of light warp first we add a new note called wireless link click anywhere on the Note section to deselect and then type wire and select wireless link rename that node by clicking F2 and name it for a ground and now duplicate this node with the control C control v action and rename that node to background click anywhere on the noes section and add another node called bit map copy paste it and rearrange then connect for ground to bit map 1 and bit map 1.1 click on bit map 1 and choose invert click on bit map 1.1 and in the paint mode select multiply click on the background note and let's add a new note called Luma here and also another note called blur now we slightly rearrange it and we want to assign foreground and background select foreground note and then from the left side of the note structure choose color corrector and drag this note into the input choose background note and then from the left portion of the note Tre click and drag background one into the input to see what it does let's zoom out on the left side of the split screen and then dragon drop the bit map 1.1 and you'll see those faint looking edges to control we select bit map one and when we increased soft edges the edges will grow in size this represent the amount of light warping around the edges to get rid of the warping effect at the bottom that has no Edge click on the image Tab and then select frame as cliping mode as you can see the bottom warping is gone now let's connect this effect to the main output first we need to introduce an another merge node then connect bit map 1.1 output into the blue triangle which represents the mask from the blor output connect to the foreground which is the green triangle depending on the background you may want to adjust the blor amount to blore the amount of background that is spilled over the edges disconnect merge one from the media output one and connect it into merge two background input which is the yellow triangle and finally connect out output from merge 2 into the media out one input to observe the effect go to bitmap 1 switch to controls and move the soft Edge use the wet that best represents the light warp illusion if we zoom out we can see the edges of the AGS so we can mask that using the garbage mat select the polygon icon drag it anywhere into the node section and draw a shape that covers area not covered by the green screen and then connect the output of the polygon into the Delta Q garbage met input which is a gray triangle now let's move onto the color tab in the Vinci this is going to be our final stage we want to add a couple of nodes to reduce the fringing effect in motion right click on the existing Noe go to add note and choose add serial from the library look for motion and then drag and drop motion blow for motion type choose Better In Motion range choose large because when dissipate Swift movements also what I personally like to do is to add another serial note we are looking for halation we are going to slightly reduce its value reduce strengths down to 165 and spread down to zero this will give a slightly glowing look to the skin let's see what it looks like now it looks pretty nice if you zoom in we can notice that part of the fingers are not well defined this is due to the loss of the information in the original footage this is caused by the camera's and ability to capture fast moving objects in general be mindful that when you record video in front of the green screen and there is a swift motion the camera needs to run at the highest FPS and a high resolution in order to capture sufficient details and here is the final post-process [Music] footage [Music]
Channel: SUB2r
Views: 681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rYNVK6tBcmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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