Psychiatric Nurses Share Their Creepiest Patient Experiences - AskReddit

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she would grab her arm with her teeth and tear the flesh away in huge chunks and then she would chew it and swallow it employees at mental health wards what was the strangest creepiest or scariest experience you had their warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences I work as an intern within the Psychiatric er nothing really creepy so much is the simple fact of how far reality can slip from you notable experiences man was brought into the ER on a mental health hold for grave disability by the police he shut down the entire power to his buildings complex because he literally thought the neighbours were sending him harassing messages from the microwave completely delusional but only on that one thing talk about anything else and he would have no idea about his illness woman with dementia that hadn't bathed in two months gave her the MMSE a snapshot at someone's baseline functioning their awareness to reality etc and she scored a 10:30 which is super bad for context I asked her what time it was and she had a watch on she looked at the watch and then said October 14 2008 her watch was functioning and this happened just this month lady had a stroke at age 30 had additional brain complications as a result they performed surgery but took some very important tissue out she was presenting as manic but it was not due to mental illness it was technically a medical condition as a result of the stroke and surgery one minute she'd be crying the next minute she'd be laughing then doing jumping jacks then asking for salt then saltines then ripped a hole in her pants and flashed her junk but not before dismantling her bed and knocking on another patient store her body was unresponsive to any meds we gave her to knock her out Leslie just how many people are suicidal and when you asked then their story most times than not it's pretty dark and hard stuff that leads them up to wanting to end their life this was a patient who I saw on my first day I wasn't conducting the assessments only observing them at this point anyways we had a story on the guy from the police that he was running down the streets screaming vague threats that he was going to kill somebody and later kill himself naturally a neighbor called 911 one and brought him to the ER in restraints they gave him some meds to knock him out and then my supervisor told me in a few hours we will wake him up to interview him before going in there we pull up his records and sure enough he's been to the hospital for psychiatric stays his utox indicated he used meth alot so I'm freaked out I have to interview some meth-head who wants to kill people then my supervisor says okay I'm going to have the nursing staff remove the restraints and we will interview him apparently we don't interview when people are in restraints news to me we go in there and wake him we ask him how he is doing and he just grumbles and ravenously begins cramming beans in his mouth eating as though he has never had a meal in his life he was dirty and disheveled malodorous we tried to ask him a few questions like how he got to the ER what happened today etc and he was giving the most nonsensical stories and responses we started to ask about psychiatric symptoms and was telling us that he was seeing all sorts of things only hearing one voice but only during lunch etc my supervisor asked him if he was homeless and he said he was we asked if he was feeling suicidal or homicidal and he said no mind you this entire interview is happening as he is cramming down the food and periodically trying to ignore us and go to bed at that point she ended the interview and we walked out turns out homeboy was faking it to get a meal and a warm bed to sleep in and it's sad because we can't hold him we are not a homeless shelter but he will likely go on to live another day and trick another police officer into bringing him to the ER which only leads me to believe he likely is impaired to a degree why won't he use the resources homeless shelters soup kitchens etc then we give him are we letting him slip through the cracks my supervisor told me this story and it's my favorite guy comes into the ER on his own accord hoping to get this device removed from my belly immediately the ER staff is like what he explains to them that he works for the government and he sends them radio transfer waves from his belly to report the city's activities the ER do an x-ray and there is nothing there so they sent him back to the psych ER for a mental health evaluation my supervisor asks him well why are you here he gives her the bit about the device and elaborated how it is usually right by his belly button but it's sunk in a little too low so I wanted to put back up she asks him why it's a problem and he gets his voice down real low and says well the device causes me to get erections at inconvenient times and it's embarrassing so she continues well are you going to cut it out yourself if it can't get removed would you kill yourself oh goodness no I love my job I would never she then asks him about homicidal ideations which he denied she also ruled out the guy wasn't gravely disabled so she asked him what he's going to do because the hospital can't remove the device his solution stand on his head for 10 minutes a day to correct the device's position and go forth under the world boner-free working for the government we discharged him he was in suicidal homicidal gravely disabled yes he was ill but he was functioning and that is not enough to merit hospitalization in 2003 I was an intern psychologist finishing up my training a mid-twenties woman with bipolar one was in a manic phase and hypersexuality was one of the symptoms she was desperate to have sex and was propositioning all the male staff she finally removed her underwear snuck up on one of the psychiatrists a very formal man in his late 60s wrapped her underwear around his face and her body around him in a bear hug and started screaming how he should smell her scent and be ready for her to mount him for the ride of his life the underwear was soaked in period blood and after three of us managed to pull her off his beard and hair were covered in blood one of the scariest and funniest in a morbid way things I have ever seen my clients have dementia and there's one who creeps me out a lot during the day she's the sweetest old lady but at night she sleep talks and it's not normal sleep talking her eyes are open and sometimes she's sitting up sometimes it's impossible to tell when she has gone from sleeping to being awake until she turns to you and asks if you've seen the little girl that was just here that she was talking to she talks about people being there all the time including a little boy that has died and she wonders what we should do with the body a little girl that sleeps with her a man that orders her around and her dead husband who is always looking for her I heard her talking once and she was being very loud but as I reached the open doorway she said silent they're all sleeping better not talk about it now and she promptly stopped talking and just lay there very still I had a patient who accused a colleague of mine of raping her she'd follow her around whispering you raped me you raped me you raped me over and over again after a while it became boring but at first it's really creepy to have that voice following you around another patient pulled two of her own teeth out and put them under her pillow for the tooth fairy except we didn't know so when we came into her room she just had blood flowing out of her mouth but she was so happy a guy was in tears once because he was convinced he had eaten someone in his sleep the worst for me though we had a patient who was decided to kill herself nothing we could do would change her mind we had to always have someone watching her because you'd never know when she would start trying to kill herself she assaulted a nurse with a fire extinguisher and then tried to hit herself on the head with it she tried to pierce her wrist with a fork she stopped eating threw herself at the walls and at the windows and she would start crying if you stopped her we had to strap her down a few times and would either thrash like the devil itself or just cry and ask why we wouldn't leave her alone when someone looks you in the eyes and you can see they're not in their right mind and they beg you to let them kill themselves it's terrifying you can see that their mind is just completely broken I'm a counselor in a facility for people experiencing mental health crises recently we had a client in who was experiencing active schizophrenic psychosis with her hallucinations manifesting in the form of demons that follow her around it was really unsettling seeing her talking to them and frequently the discussion centered around being drenched in blood she also wouldn't sleep in her bed and slept on her floor Starr fished facedown checking on her at night was always a little unsettling seeing someone facedown star fished out like that on the floor worked at a nursing home 90 year old Alzheimer's patient and former nurse would frequently put on gloves and stick her fingers up her butt pull feces out if she was ever constipated we eventually ended up giving her every other day laxatives to prevent this from happening one day she did this and while it was in her hands she got the idea that it was no longer her own feces but it was soap she got down on her hands and knees and scrubbed the floor with her feces and then put the remainder of it in the soap dish in the bathroom which was not a soap dish it was her sleeping roommates denture cup it was the weirdest thing I ever walked in on her roommate was angry I have several experiences and it's hard to just choose a few a guy walked up to the desk looked straight at a female employee and said in my mind I just killed you keep in mind this guy is super creepy rarely talks but will just look at you with bug eyes one lady has very specific delusions that people are sexually assaulting her that it happens in the shower and the blood runs down all the walls she also believes people cut off parts of her body that they suture her including mutilating her genitals and then give them away she's around 50 or so and also thinks that someone has stolen her shed and flourish which basically is her youth beauty etc and gets highly upset thinking other people have taken it from her she also really really hates Justin Bieber for some reason she will go off about him and think that you were him that he has demon dogs that do sexual things with him that come after her she believes her members of her family are getting raped by black men that they sucked them through the seat of a car and that's how they trap them had a guy who would speak to his voices in one time while I was in the room doing work he started whispering and basically his voices were telling him that I didn't know who the king was and that he should be quiet or else I would find out they were talking all the while he says this out loud we had a lady who would go into catatonic states and just stop talking to you and stare like she was in a different dimension like she was staring into your soul but at the same time not she got mad at me once and said I'm not God but I'm close enough and stormed off she would also chase around one of my co-workers take into account she was like a frail 70 year old woman at one point she was getting onto the elevator and said she was taking her nursing exam because she was part-time when she got downstairs she had passed her exam and then proceeded to follow us around while doing rounds she wasn't physically intimidating but just looking at her you knew she was a real special one we had a woman who would see her dead dog outside and would talk to it through the glass she also referred to herself in the third person and would shout her name and say person X is a whore one lady believes she is a realtor banker or crime solver she carries newspaper clippings and beliefs that people break into her homes and take things from them or sell them without her permission particular some of her Hampton homes she makes a plan to stop drug crime in the state next to us because she's a detective one guy wouldn't give his vitals to the nurse because of the radio waves coming from the technology they put in his arm he said that he didn't have vitals because of it I had just started working as an HCA for the yanks Mental Health Tech in an acute psychiatric ward in London we had a client who was severely depressed and medication wasn't doing the trick this guy was almost catatonic and spent all day every day sat on his bed clearly in an imaginable anguish he began to lose so much weight and generally exhibited so many negative symptoms positive symptoms are things you do like respond to imaginary voices these are just stipulating negative symptoms are things you don't do like wash or eat that the doctor nurse in charge and an impartial patient advocate decided that the only recourse was on optional electroconvulsive therapy now I'd only been working in this field for a month or so coming from a barman background and a pretty serious disdain for authority when me and two colleagues escorted this poor man to the ECT clinic he broke his catatonic state to start screaming so here is a grown man literally screaming and begging and crying no not the electricity no please it hurts please no it doesn't hurt by the way but I didn't know that at the time so my colleagues and I are forced to restrain him hold him down on the table while some poor student nurse at the ECT clinic had to try and s the ties this guy but kept missing the vein due to his struggling causing him considerable pain he finally got the jab went under and the ECT was performed which took all of 20 seconds and didn't look too bad at all he was wheeled into the recovery suite where he woke after 15 minutes at this point I'm feeling like the bad guy in a movie I'm fucking traumatized I've been here a month and already I'm manhandling screaming men onto a bed to get blasted with electricity happy ending ect works within two minutes of waking up this guy was flirting with a nurse making good-natured flirty jokes with her this coming from a nonverbal damn near catatonic treatment-resistant depressed person he was literally a changed man although I kinda have a headache can I get some aspirin and ah maybe your number I work on a secure unit for women with personality disorders who have been sectioned for serious self-harm and suicide attempts its adult services but a lot of our girls have just come from a children's unit so they're still young the ways these girls will hurt themselves is unbelievable ligatures cutting inserting biting themselves burning hair pulling head banging the list is endless I'll never forget a patient we had she's actually been discharged now she really suffered she'd been in services since she was eight years old and she was at the time in her late thirties anyway Christmas time she has a few bad anniversaries rape friends deaths etc and she starts to struggle but she likes to bite herself and I don't mean just a wee little dig of the teeth she would grab her arm with her teeth and tear the flesh away in huge chunks and then she would chew it and swallow it it was like she was possessed well in a way she was as a voice used to tell her to self-harm then after she's eight a massive chunk of her arm or wherever she could reach in would go the fingers rummaging in her arm ripping at tendons and veins trying to inflict as much damage as possible I think she was in a permanent restraint for about three weeks because she couldn't stop trying to kill herself I'd only been working there a month there's many more but this one sticks with me a lot of staph vomited after seeing what she'd done thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and 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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, reddit cringe, best of askreddit, reddit best, top posts, r\/askreddit, reddit psych ward, reddit psych ward stories, askreddit psych ward, reddit mental health, reddit mental health workers, reddit stories mental health, mental health workers of reddit, r/askreddit psychologist, creepy psych ward stories, creepy mental asylum
Id: ajZ3jzSeGlk
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Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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