People Confess The Worst Thing They've Ever Done - AskReddit

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I grabbed my knife put my hand in his face and stabbed him in the stomach three times warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences what's the worst thing you have ever done my best friend and his father we're in a car accident five years ago we were both 16 his dad was declared dead at the scene and he ended up in a coma for 12 weeks I spent a lot of time at the hospital in his house and as a result his mom a couple of weeks after the accident she just broke down completely as she was driving me home from the hospital she told me she couldn't be alone at night and begged me to stay with her for a couple of hours we went back to the house and she poured me a glass of wine I lost my virginity to her while my friend's life was hanging in the balance his dad just buried I was having sex with his mom I had always had a thing for her I mean she was my friend's hot mom so I obliged every time she instigated which was a lot this stopped immediately after he was released from hospital and we avoid each other now the worst thing I have ever done was pretty recent and I'm trying like hell to figure out a way to fix it without destroying my life long story short I cheated on my wife how I did it makes it so much more terrible to put this all in perspective my wife is very close to her brother they are fraternal twins and have been inseparable their whole lives because of this I have gotten to know my brother-in-law and his wife quite well one night my brother-in-law was out of town on business so we had his wife over for dinner my wife got called into work she is a nurse in an ER and so me and my sister-in-law were sitting at the house along talking and drinking wine by my pool after a few glasses some horse-playing lead to her falling in while her clothes were in the dryer we sat and talked with her and nothing but a towel I don't know how it got started since we had gotten pretty drunk but the towel ended up coming off and the next thing I know we were having sex I wish we could just pretend it never happened and get on with our lives but unfortunately she got pregnant her and her husband had been trying for a while but apparently his equipment hadn't been up to the task he had been gone for a week by the time he and her slept together so we were fairly sure it is mine he was with her when she got morning sickness and made her take a pregnancy test he is out of his mind and has already told everybody we have somehow kept our cool so far and nobody suspects anything but sooner or later it will come out especially since my wife and her brother are Asian and both me and my sister-in-law are white she is now four months along and to compound things more my wife is currently three months pregnant I don't know what to do I can't sleep and every day is torture while I wait for my life to implode around me I used to beat up on my little brother when we were both younger we have a decent age gap between us which just made it more pathetic it was really bad I'd bruise him or worse one time I knocked a baby tooth out we would fight all the time or more accurately I would snap and lose it over something small he did I was full of Rage helpless being tormented in school and I had no idea how to deal with any of it so I took it out on him scumbag territory after something particularly bad I did my mom dragged me into a separate room shut the door and stared at me and discussed she said what the hell are you doing to your brother he looks up to you you know that hit harder than anything she could have thrashed me with hands shoes sticks whatever I felt like someone dropped a pile of bricks on me here's my little brother looking up to me and look what I'm doing I had become my tormentors but worse disgraceful I turned it completely around after that total 180 never lost my temper with him again apologized and tried to be the best brother possible we ended up on really good terms quite close and he's the family member I missed the most from back home and I'm still really really sorry for what I did I apologized to him personally many years ago he just laughed and shrugged and says it doesn't matter anymore but I feel the black mark on me that no amount of apology will ever get rid of that's the worst thing I ever did take out my helplessness on my younger brother I still remember that feeling when the weight of what I had been doing fell on me that moment when you realize you've gone way way over the line and you'll never make it up to them I accidentally kicked a pregnant girl in the stomach while swimming she later miscarried whether or not it was due to the kick I will never know but I will always wonder it was about nine years ago or so so the details are rather fuzzy now I seem to recall some of the other girls who were there saying that she bled all over the bathroom floor but I'm pretty sure they were just rolling in very poor taste a number of years ago I was addicted to cocaine part of that addiction was selling it in order to support my own habit which in itself is a pretty bad thing however I took it way further than that one weekend I had just bought a large amount with the intentions of getting a hotel room at the local six and hustling out of there for the weekend on my way there I had a friend in the car with me and he recognized a girl walking and wanted to stop and say hi to her I pulled over and they chatted a bit and he asked what she was doing she told him she was on her way to a local area that was known for crack I kind of laughed to myself because I knew I had the best coke in the area she asked what all that was about so I asked her if she knew how to cook her own she did so I told her to hop in no need for her to go get ripped by a crack dealer I had the best stuff around she jumped in and we went on our way my friend had already told me she was a crack whore and this got my cocaine fueled and same brain chugging along when we got to the room I sold her ten dollars worth and she cooked it up and took the first hit as soon as she could I swear her eyes got as big as saucers and she asked if I had enough to keep her going all weekend I told her as long as she had the money I could do it I spent the next two days straight watching her by a small amount cook it up smoke it up leave and do her business come back by a small amount cook it up etc I think I made about $2,500 offer that weekend while she horde herself out to anyone with $10 or more I didn't do it because I needed to I could have sold larger amounts to a few of my regular people and accomplished what I needed to in order to get high all weekend for free I did it because I had never done anything like that before and I wanted to know what it felt like while it was happening and I was staying high snorting it was a pretty amazing feeling looking back on it now I'm disgusted with myself when me and my wife first started talking some years back there was this guy that really liked her as well and had for much longer than I had known her fast forward a few weeks we became a bit closer and he just wouldn't give it up I told him over and over to just drop it since we were decent friends at the time and could be light about it of course he didn't so it became more personal and negative to the point where we almost fought a few times from him running his mouth a little too much now is the time to preface this with a small back story he had previously fathered a child with a girl on a trip to a neighboring town one afternoon they were in a car accident and killed he was destroyed by it fast forward to when he was at stalker level with my wife I finally sort of snapped and got a hold of him and told him that there was really no point in living anymore and it seemed to be about time for him to go be with the only people that would ever love him by offing himself at the time it worked wonders in getting him to literally drop all contact with her and I and he eventually left town he sometime later found another lady friend and they are married with children so he ended up okay I felt no remorse at the time but now I can understand that it was probably one of the most messed up things I could and will ever say when I was six years old my buddy and I decided to put a boulder on a seesaw and see if we can make it catapult I was a weak kid and couldn't get a proper grip on it I accidentally dropped it and my friend's hands got caught underneath the boulder on cement ground he started screaming and I got so scared I just ran away he stayed like that for a few hours it baffles me to this day why I did what I am about to tell you I'm not really a person that values objects that much I am frugal and hate spending money especially on objects that I don't need like new electronics I have an old phone at an old laptop that can even run Minecraft without eventually freezing in a secluded University computer lab late at night in the summer I noticed an iPod had been left at one of the computers I stole it it was the first personal item I have ever stolen from a person in my entire life I don't like the idea of stealing I don't really listen to music and I knew it was going to ruin this person's day but I did it anyway without a thought the headphones were nice too but I didn't really care about headphone so I disconnected those and left them there maybe the owner was glad to at least have those maybe it pissed him off more because there was no doubt in his mind that the iPod was stolen it was a nice 160 gig iPod I hardly even listen to music I must have put 1 or 2 gigs of music on there max used it for a few months when I was working out eventually it was stolen from me at the gym didn't even faze me just nodded and accepted that I was part of some apathetic circle of lowlife humans that don't respect the concept of personal property when I was a senior in high school I was asked out by a girl to the senior prom I didn't know her but I was told she had a crush on me and decided to be brave and asked me she was very nice very sweet but not especially attractive and a bit heavy she told me that she'd buy the tickets we could go dutch to dinner etc but she thought we'd have a good time we talked once or twice that I figured I'm single again so why not one day before the prom I got asked by my best friend to go on a skiing weekend with his family the weekend of prom his older brother couldn't get back from college in time so they wanted me to go with them instead free skiing for three days free cabin and I got to hang with my best friend and his family without thinking I said sure and promptly called the girl and told her change of plans sorry but I was going to go skiing instead I told my mom what happened and I thought for a moment that my mom was going to kill me she destroyed me just flayed the emotional skin off me for a good hour and then told me exactly what I was going to do which included driving down to the girl's house and grovel for hurting her feelings I've always been ashamed of that incident but it did make a lasting mark on me I never wanted to ever feel that shame again and I think I learned to be a better person afterwards I was walking in a big city in an area unfamiliar to me and evening this summer a few hours before sundown it was in a residential area about a 20-minute walk from the city center there wasn't a whole lot of people on the street and only a little bit of traffic now on to the actual event as I walk a car drives by me and turns in on a street I just passed the car is going faster than is safe and I hear a young woman screaming something from a half-open passenger door I think crazy buttholes to myself and keep walking as did everyone else who was out it was only later that night when I thought back on it that I realized something the woman had screamed help I was mortified the fact that neither I nor anyone else on the street did a single thing to help her made me feel sick as far as I know no one checked up on the situation no one called the cops no one did anything the worst thing is I have no idea what happened to the girl she could have been victim of a kidnapping for all I know as a kid I got bullied a lot bullies have various weak points that if you can exploit them can really mess them up of course in this interim they can also mess you up but I was depressed and suicidal at age 13 so I kind of hoped he'd kill me we'll call him Kyle Kyle was probably mentally unbalanced he was a skinny kid who wore half sleeves had pinhole pupils and messed up hair wiry guy too we had a big ox like guy who didn't mind beating up kids but wasn't self-motivated so he usually did so at the bequest of others Kyle got ox to whale on me a few times or he held me down while Kyle or one of Kyle's Dodi's wailed on me I got some pretty bad beatings and as I was neglected at home nobody cared I just learned to heel avoid them or hide until they went home one day it occurred to me during a beating that Kyle never got me alone I pointed this out to him he told me he'd kill me I said he didn't have the brains or strength to do it alone ox would do it or whatever because he was weak Kyle got this look in his eye that let me know I hit my mark for the next few encounters I'd say I see you with ox does ox know you won't fight me alone Kyle acted like he didn't care at first but I could tell it got to him kept telling me to shut up and you identify ever get you alone Punk walrus even ox started to lose his spirit only half beating me with this confused look on his face you always do what Kyle asks you to do you ever thought about beating him up ox didn't have answers for that but it gave him pause soon ox stopped hanging around with Kyle and every time I saw Kyle I'd say alone I'll alone and he got madder and madder it was unhinging him he started to look like he was going to kill me but he was all talk and I grew confident soon just mouthing alone to him got him riled up I'd also give him long stares at lunch time until he would start screaming at me and when people looked back at me I was looking out the window as a nonchalant guy at some point he had been calling me gay and fag I finally asked him what that meant and he didn't have a decent answer I told him what it meant at least as much as I knew in 1982 and said he liked having sex up the butt and other rather unfair stereotypes about the gay community oh this escalated his rage I mean he went from unhinged to hanging by a thread he started getting a tick in his eye and started pulling at his own arm hair in an OCD reaction one day in science class he was giving me some lip service because he had a supportive buddy with him at some point he started throwing paper wads at me I looked back at him mouthed alone and blew him a silent kiss that ended with a seductive lip lick he snapped he didn't just snap he turned into some wild animal and launched himself at me screaming some kind of incoherent shrieking like a kid being crushed in a combine he managed to get within a foot of me scrambling over desks and throwing everything aside like an enraged baboon before the teacher gapped him he stared screeching and clawing at the teachers face luckily the teacher was very tall and had better leverage it's okay Kyle it's okay let's just go outside in the hallway so you can calm down the teacher said and had to carry kyle skinny butt away like a giant flapping fish the door closed we heard more screaming banging against lockers and the teacher calling for help we heard more voices some of them were saying oh my god oh my god a teacher came in pale and told us all to stay in our seats she closed the door and witnessed the spectacle from the skinny door window once in a while more incoherent shrieking minutes later two cop cars and an ambulance drove up all his kids looked out the window and saw some people cart Kyle away strapped down tightly to a gurney he was now crying and like the tail end of a complete nervous breakdown he was screaming I'm gonna kill you kill kill die die kill but seemed to be shouting at no one in particular he had screamed so much he had become hoarse by this point and it was really alarming no one ever brought it up to me because everyone remembered Kyle attacked a teacher I never got asked about it as I was pretty anonymous at the time and anyone who didn't know the backstory would have thought I was no more a victim than the other kids tossed aside as Kyle made his way towards me never saw Kyle again rumor was he was taken to a mental hospital and stayed there for quite some time no idea what really happened to him but after that I realized how badly I had messed him up and I still feel a lot of remorse I took a year between high school and college to study abroad expand my horizons I met a lot of awesome people of all ages in my study program one was a newly married 25 year old woman I was 18 at the time somehow she and I discovered that I am naturally a sexually dominant male and she loves to be the submissive in the relationship I had her blow me almost every day for about five months send me dirty pictures all without her husband's knowledge fast forward two years she and her husband are divorced and she still clings to me although she claims that her divorce was the culmination of many marital problems I can't help but feel like I ruined this woman's marriage and maybe her life by thinking with my member this was about 20 years ago so it's been a while I grew up in New York the school I went to had about three white kids two Hispanic and around 2,300 black students I was one of the white kids I was a typical inner-city child listen to Punk skateboarded and all that I got jumped a lot to the point where I eventually left school but this story is one of the reasons I left so there were twins at the school let's call them John and John day they always picked on me I guess having a mohawk and liking the Dead Kennedys was enough to lump me in with skinheads so all the white kids at the school were labeled as skinheads even though none of us were I was standing in front of my locker getting books in both of them snuck up behind me I felt a really hard slap on the side of my head where it was shaved and the pain was actually pretty hence I turned around to fight whoever just hit me only to see those two and about 15 other kids the principal was standing on the other side of these kids with a smirk on his face I could do nothing except mutter you'll get yours alone it was later on the day when I got my chance I saw John walking towards the stairs it was a three-story school and we were on the top floor I lost all self-control as the anger hit me and I ran at him full speed I actually jumped and hit him with both feet in his back in the back of his head right as he hit the top of the stairs to go down he flew the entire 15 stairs or so and hit his head on the wall he was completely knocked out I could faintly hear the screams as I flew down the stairs to him people were telling me to stop even though I spent years of getting my butt handed to me by these guys and never being able to fight them one-on-one this was my first chance I hit the landing where his body was laying and I jumped in the air and landed both feet on his head that sound is something I will never forget from what I understand he had surgery from that I ended up in a boy's home as well because of it but to this day I feel incredibly bad that I ever did this to him it just goes to show what can happen if you spend so long getting physically abused by people and not having adults who are willing to intervene before you say I am absolutely horrible for this this happened two years earlier I was skating home with some friends we were on the road and who walks out of a store but the twins they see me and my friends and the first thing John the one I dropped kicked through a full Snapple bottle at me it hit me right in the nose and shattered the bridge of my nose they actually ran while my friends scrambled to chase them down and see if I was all right at the same time my childhood was a mess I wouldn't kill the person I loved she was a day from the end of her life cancer had eaten her liver she went yellow her liver couldn't filter out water any more so her lower half was swelling up this meant she couldn't move her legs she used to be a ballet dancer she had a Hickman line a tube that connects to an artery in the chest it's used for putting chemotherapy into the bloodstream she decided to cut through the tube so that she would bleed to death she did that looked at me and said why isn't it working it failed because of blood pressure if she was lying down it would worked I closed up the end of the tube I knew she was dying I knew she going to suffer another day but I wouldn't let her die I even thought you'd be better off dead and I was too selfish to let go she was always brave and she chose to die on her terms but I'm coward and I made her suffer because I'm weak when we were 10 my best friend and I were always bullied by this kid who lived in our complex he was one of those sneak bullies to who acted so lovely around adults but was a holy terror when they weren't around so one day after he held my friend down and made a meat dog poop we hatched a plan to put him out of commission we found a Windex bottle and filled it with a bunch of different cleaning agents one of them being bleach then we went looking for him when we found him he asked my friend if he was still hungry and wanted some more and when he came over to us I squirted him right in the face with the bottle a good few squeezes worth he ended up going to the hospital with chemical burns and lost all of the sight in one eye and partial sight in the other he facebooked me a few years back and apologized for how he had treated us and actually thanked me for what we did to him he said it was a real eye-opener his pun not mine and he now works exclusively with blind children and says it's incredibly rewarding once during little-league my team and I were on the bench and to pass the boredom we kept throwing pebbles at the nearby bunnies and squirrels no one could hit them and of course when it's my turn to throw I threw a decent sized Rock and it hit a bunny square in the head everyone froze and watched as the bunny was starting to tweak out and its head and neck was moving in a wonky way everyone called me and butthole and said I was messed up for throwing a rock at a Bunny's head I felt so bad and I can still remember the poor rabbits head being all wonky afterwards I felt pretty bad and still do I was walking down town one night after leaving the bar around midnight ish and I had to walk a few blocks to my car parking is awful in the city on a Friday night well halfway there when there wasn't anyone around someone comes up behind me taps me on the shoulder and tells me to give him my wallet or it will be bad as he had his hand deep in his pocket I don't know if he had a gun on him but all I could think about was getting stabbed or shot which I really didn't want to go through so I preempted him reached for my wallet and grabbed my knife put my hand in his face and stabbed him in the stomach three times and ran as hard as I could for probably a mile never told anyone never called the cops as it seemed like that would put me in a worse spot no idea what happened to him when I was 16 a bully had threatened to have his 25 year old brother who supposedly just got out of jail stabbed my friend and I because we poured mayonnaise from packets in the hood of his hoodie during lunch he ended up looking like someone just all over his head when the plan unraveled we originally did this because he was beating up one of our friends on a daily basis anyway my friend and I weren't going to have anybody stab us so we followed him home the next day we had masks knives lighter fluid matches and rope in our backpacks we waited around the vicinity of his house and waited for an opening to attack his parents and brother left leaving him by himself we hopped his back fence and looked for a way in a bedroom window was open so we made sure it was clear and got inside we found him jerking off to some porn totally dead to the world so we got right behind him and poured the lighter fluid all over his crotch and held him to the chair with the rope my buddy started striking matches and dropping them near the kid telling him that he'd better call off his brother or he'll never jerk off again the kid breaks down telling us his brother wasn't going to do anything because he's mentally retarded and that's why he still lives with their parents we felt bad about what we done told him that we were sorry but if he told anyone we would burn his house down he stopped bullying our friend and other kids at school and my friend and I swore never do something so crazy ever again this still torments me to this day when I was 13 years old my parents took me to buy a hunting slingshot I also bought a bunch of large metal ball bearings to shoot my parents kept the real ammo and told me I wasn't allowed to play with the slingshot when they were at home so 15 minutes after we got home they both left for a few hours my brother and his friend and I immediately went and took this link shot out of there but couldn't find the ammo our house was built on an old hazelnut farm so there are hazelnut trees around the entire property and a lot of squirrels so we started picking up the nuts that the squirrels dropped out of the trees and started shooting things in the yard then sure enough this squirrel came down on a really low branch while my brother's friend had a nut ready to shoot we hadn't been able to hit a single target the entire time we were outside we sucked so as a joke I told my brother's friend to shoot at the squirrel that was ten feet away he pulled back and shot the squirrel right in the side of the head it fell out of the tree and was paralyzed on the left side of its body but it was kicking with the two feet on the right side and was spinning in a circle making these horrible shrieking noises there were blood bubbles exploding out of its nose mouth and eyeball all at the same time it was screaming the shrilling bloody murder noise and it was my fault that it was writhing in horrendous pain I swear to god I could feel the pain it was experiencing I thought quick and realized that I had to put it out of its misery so I grabbed a big branch off the ground and started hitting the squirrel as hard as I possibly could it wouldn't die I was smashing the hell out of that little critter and it took at least 8 to 10 hits to finally kill it once that was dead I dug a hole and buried the little guy and apologized to it over and over petting it and telling it I was so sorry I am 31 years old now and after almost 20 years I still get sick to my stomach every time I think about that I suck I was 11 years old asked my grandma who was raising me to buy me an Oreo McFlurry from Dairy Queen while she was running errands she didn't want to because it was out of her way I persisted and she continued to say no two hours later she came back and stopped her car at the end of the driveway and paused for a while like she was going to back up and do more errands I came out to see what was up and she rolled the window down and handed me an Oreo McFlurry with the biggest smile on her face I took it and threw it down on the lawn because I was a hyper prick and was pissed that she said no earlier I remember her smile going to a what the hell face after I threw it she died of cancer a year later I'm 24 now and to this day that is my saddest memory ever she chose to raise me after she had already brought up her own key and was the best person ever I'm so sad that this is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about her I'm a piece of human excrement I miss you mama sorry so in fifth grade I was being picked on by this idiot Brandon so I uh broke his leg and a rib with a rock he was beating on me so I mustered up the courage to fight back I stand up push back until I see a rock this fight would have ended real bad for me so I had to think fast I kicked his shin quickly grabbed the rock chucked it at his leg and when he fell kicked him hard in the ribs punk broke my gameboy so I broke his leg his parents were really understanding and didn't press charges but simply asked we apologize to each other my nose was broken and I had a cracked rib - but hell even for me that was an awful thing to do he screamed hell he screamed so loud and painfully but I had to do something after that I'd just get bullied but I'm too afraid to fight back now I'm a big guy not even just fat I'm huge for my age 150 pounds and while I may be fat if I lost 15 or so pounds not be ripped but anyways now I'm afraid to fight back because if I do something like that I'd be mortified I'm still terrified of the way he screamed and the rock made a massive gash in his leg to bleeding so much blood early this year I found out my fiance was cheating on me I dumped her right away even though every molecule in my body wanted to be with her anyway two months later I get a call from her her debt had committed suicide that night I was genuinely devastated he always treated me like family and I treated him like a second dad roll forward six months and I have been through every emotion about her that you can name at some point but I had never really blown my top at her she called me up a few months back asking about a holiday we had booked together just before we broke up because she wanted to know if it was possible to change the name on the tickets to be her and her boyfriend the guy who she cheated with since I paid with my card I was the one who had to change any details I'm normally a very calm passive guy I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have fully blown a fuse at someone something but this was when I Unleashed eight months of built-up anger at her I told her to f off I'd rather lose all the money on the holiday than help her take her new boyfriend away on a holiday we planned together she started the usual argument talk of you're a piece of crap leaving you was the best thing I ever did etc and out of nowhere without thinking about it I yelled at least I still have my dad you effing whore and promptly hung up the phone before she could respond I then realized what day it was exactly six months since her dad killed himself I felt sick that was just not me nobody has ever made me feel that angry in my life understandable nobody has ever made me feel as happy or depressed as she had made me at various points but the weird thing was that after that day I felt a hell of a lot better about myself it was a turning point where I finally let my anger out and could move on thanks for listening to 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 347,787
Rating: 4.895596 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit cringe, reddit stories, reddit top posts, updoot reddit, reddit story, reddit and chill, people of reddit, best reddit posts, reddit stories 2019, askreddit, reddit video, reddit confessions, reddit confession, confessions, reddit dark confession, reddit confession story, reddit confession stories, disturbing reddit confessions, r/reddit confessions, best reddit confessions, reddit worst thing done
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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