The Love Solution | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is Bishop Dale Bronner thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today if this is a blessing to you I want to encourage you to like it and then click the Subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification Bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the Metro Atlanta area on a Sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 A.M or 6 o'clock P.M a scriptural text today comes from the book of Saint John chapter 21 verse 15 through 17 in the English Standard Version notice there these words when they had finished breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of John you love me more than these and he said to them yes Lord you know that I love you he said to him feed my Lambs and he said to him a second time Simon son of John do you love me and he said to him yes Lord you know that I love you he said to him tin machine and he said to him the third time Simon son of John do you love me and Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me and he said to him Lord you know everything you know that I love you and Jesus said to him feed my sheep I'm talking to David from the subject simply the love solution the love solution remember that this is the year of the Lord's recovery God is recovering things on your behalf in your life over the course of this year this is a season of recovery it is and and God Will Shine the Light the the light is Enlightenment is understanding certain things that you've been dealing with for a number of years in your life you'll come into a Divine understanding and say Lord now maybe to put it together now I see why I had to go through what I went through because it has helped to make me who I am he'll shine a light on it he'll shine a light on it but once a light is is shined on a particular situation or subject it exposes something it helps us to see a need once you see a need our next step is to show the love this is about showing the love it is the love solution and it is interesting here that Jesus in this 21st chapter of according to Saint John uh this is the third time that Jesus has made an appearance to on the earth since his resurrection so he comes here now uh to Peter as you know Peter is a professional fisherman and Jesus is on the shore he has a unique way of showing up on the shore at a time that Peter was feeling great failure in his own personal life have you ever thought that you were going to kill something and it just didn't go over the way you thought it was going to go over you thought you were going to slay and it didn't slay you thought you were going to kill it and you didn't kill it you thought everybody's going to be raving about your outfit and they were interested in what they had on well this is the way that Peter was along with the other fishermen he's a professional fisherman Jesus is not a fisherman remember he was a carpenter by trade what does he know about fishing and you know how we are we we you know you're a professional fisherman and some Carpenter tells you how to do your job I mean our first thing is you know stay in your lane you know we are very quick stay in your lane stay in your lane so Jesus is on the shore they're in the boat he hollers out to them hey hey boys did you catch any meat did you get anything it is interesting that eyes were beholding they couldn't recognize this this was Jesus talking to them and he's asking them a question and remember this whenever God asks you a question he's never asking for information he is trying to create an Awakening in you an awareness in you a Consciousness in you he's trying to make you aware of something that he knows and you don't so he's trying to shift your attention to what you don't know now I think that it is interesting that Jesus shows up in the in their life at a time when they were feeling like failures he says hey hey did you catch anything have you any meat he's sort of posing as though he's there to purchase what they might have called you know this is how they made their living they weren't just fishing for breakfast this is how they made their living and when you come up short when you have worked all night long all week long and you still broke you understand what I'm saying I hope you understand these disciples they identify with us more than what we may realize they came up with empty Nets you know net you know what net is that is what what you bring home you make gross money but you bring home net they were dealing with empty Nets it would be nice I mean we could do pretty good and we if we were able to take home gross I mean if you got a uh you know if you win a lawsuit and you can take home gross but they're going to take taxes out of that you win the lottery it would be nice if you could bring home gross but they're going to take taxes out of that we do pretty good if we could bring home the the gross but we end up with the net and the Nets leave us empty this is where Peter and John were the other disciples about seven of them were there in the boat and now Jesus says hey hey boys hey I want to buy something you got anything Simon this morning he knew they didn't have anything he's trying to bring it to their attention and they're already feeling like a failure but isn't it kind of Jesus to show up in your life at your lowest point when you're feeling like failure I mean he didn't show up at a time when everything was going well he showed up when they did the best that they could do they were tired now you don't mind working all night long if you got something to show for it but when you've been up all night long like some somebody's sick and then you've been waiting in an emergency room down to the hospital all night long you your eyes are bloodshot you're worn out you're tired no fruit came out of that you you still haven't been service they still haven't gotten you in a room yet and somebody said hey good morning how you doing this is what Jesus this is where he is and he's trying to say hey hey boys have you any meat they didn't remember they didn't recognize him and then he's on the shore now he's hollering out hey hey why don't you try letting your nets down on the right side of the ship dude who are you we've been we've been in these Waters Fishing all night and how often do we make the assumption that there's nothing to be caught because our experience of coming up empty after we've spent fishing working all night long and have come up empty but he says I want you to get on the right side of the relationship you need to be on the right side of the partnership you need to be on the right side of the membership if I can get you on the right side let your net down there and when they let the net down on the right side of the ship the Bible says that they caught 153 large fish now I feel pretty good if you just catch one large fish you know you put your camera out you take a selfie of the fish and then you sort of Zoom it from an angle where it looks even bigger than what it really is and this is this is where they are they the Bible says they called 153 large fish to the degree that their neck was almost breaking and it was not until they catch this multitude of fish that was Multiplied on their behalf that all of a sudden they recognized the man on the shore who it directed them was Jesus isn't it interesting they didn't recognize him by his voice they did not recognize him by his countenance by how he looked but they recognized him by what he did his most outstanding miracle for them was the multiplication of the fish and the loaves in the same way that the most outstanding miracle for Moses was The Parting of the Red Sea so they didn't know him they didn't know him by his voice nor by his face but they recognized him that there he goes again there's only one person that we know who has the ability to multiply fish they were with him on every occasion that he multiplied fish they said there's got to be Jesus and he was talking to them and they didn't know who he was until the fish were multiplied in their net and they said you know what dog on it that's Jesus and they recognized and knew him Jesus shows up at a time of barrenness in their life and maybe just maybe Jesus is saying to Peter Peter did not tell you when I tapped you while I was alive before I was crucified did not tell you that I was making you a fisher of men and why are you back here are you afraid that if you do what I call you to do that you won't be able to have enough sustenance to be able to live if if you obey me it's not that fishing was wrong but it's that if you fall back on what the only thing that you knew how to do in order to make money because you don't trust that I can make a way if you will follow me and obey me who am I talking to I know it looks scary but if the Lord told you to step out of the water on the boat Peter had already walked on the water he knew and if he tells you get out and walk on the water and I'm going to make you a Fisher I've been I'm getting ready to shift you he went back to what he knew how to do went back to the comfortable thing that way I don't have to trust you Lord he let him fail in his own human effort man when he obeyed his Force again gave him a miracle of 153 large fish so maybe he said maybe I ought to listen to this dude maybe he knows something that I need to know and now he they're having breakfast now eating some of the fish that they have caught and this is where the story picks up in Saint John chapter 21 verse 15-17 when they had finished breakfast now Jesus says something to Simon Peter he's not finished with Peter he started while they was on the shore and they were in the boat on the water you see Jesus has not some fish but he got some beef with Peter this is the same dude that when he was in trouble that denied him three times now he's going to make him confess his love for him three times so he comes and he says Simon Simons Simon barjones Simon son of Joan John Simon son of John do you love me he's asking notice this question very very carefully crafted do you love me more than these than other disciples your other boys your friends here or do you just am I just one of the boys to you he said I I need to know you got to love the Lord your God but all of your heart your mind your soul and your strength don't love me like one of your boys I ain't one of your boys you got to love me on another level because I can do for you what your boys can't do for you I love you before you were anything he says do you just love me like these do you do you just love me just like these other folks he says do you love me more than these you know God does not want you to ever put him on the level or your boys your girls I mean I know he is a friend but he ain't like your friend now trust me he is a friend but he's not like your friends he said do you just love me do you not love me more than these Jesus is really pressing him and remember remember again if the Lord asks you a question he's not asking for information he already knows the answer he's trying to get an Awakening in you do you love me more than these then he says if you do feed my Lambs then you ask him a second time do you love me do you love me feed my sheep he said if you love me it's like if you really love me pay it forward and love on those that I love love me I want you to love what I love I pray this prayer frequently I pray God help me to hate what you hate so I can love what you love let me let me remind you of this if you're in sin you will never stop sinning until you start hating the sin you have to you have to start loathing the sin you have to start loathing it until you load the sin you can never love the Lord so you have to you have to learn to hate what he hates you won't quit your sin until you start hating it you know that's when you go through a bit of breakup in a relationship when it's not sweet when it's a nasty breakup I mean when it's nasty and it didn't end peaceably and and courteous you know no no we're just not right for each other like no dude I hope you uh I meant where it is not a congenial breakup this is that kind of party and and he's saying I I want you to I want you to be able to hate what I hate so you can love what I love and if you love me you'll love what I love because the very thing that I mean I would have known immediately that my wife was not destined for me if she had a disdain for Ministry I had another minister in the church where I grew up she was married to a man that was then later called into the ministry and when he was called into the ministry she divorced him because she said the last thing that I wanted was to be married to a preacher and if you can't love what I've been called To Love then you're not called to walk with me I mean if I got a child and and we are really meant for each other and it's like I like you but I don't like your I mean if you can't receive what is a that's like saying I you know I don't like your left arm you're gonna have to you know that your arm you know I like you but that you know your thighs are big but I no no the big thighs come with this it comes with this and if you don't love these big thighs you're not called I'm just trying to make the gospel come alive to you this this is a living book to me I he said hey do you love me do you do you love me if you love me he says my heart breaks every time one of my children goes uncared for if you love me feed my sheep If You Love Me Tender my lamb don't don't just love me with with your mouth love me with your with your Deeds you see here's the the principle that I want you to get is that the love that Jesus talks about is Visual and not just verbal the love that Jesus talks about is Visual and not just verbal it is Jesus way of saying that if you love me pay it forward and love somebody else that I love who needs my love I need you to become a conduit uh a Channel of my love in in the world that's what I need you to do for me so he's like if you love me you got to love what I what I love you'll have to learn to love what I love Saint John Chapter 13 and verse 34 and 35 notice this is what Jesus saying in the message version he says let me give you a new command love one another in the same way I love you love one another this is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples when they see that you have love for each other see his Banner Over Us is love he says people will know that you are my disciple not because you tell them I'm saved Sanctified and feared with the holy God no no no no that's not what he said he says they will know that you are my disciples when they see that you're able to love the other folks that I have brought into your world when you love the folks your brothers and sisters in Christ that's how they will know that you are my disciple not because of what you said not because of what church you said you go to whose denomination and how many times you read your Bible and how often you pray they said they will know that you are my disciple by this that you have loved one for another that you have loved one for another not that you speak in tongues not that you pray for six hours not that you have the gift of Prophecy and all of you he said I I I I possess some spiritually gifted people that are mean as a rattlesnake some people that are gifted they are so gifted but they are so stuck up so asinine so pompous and supercilious they you you know these people he says by this shall you know that they are my disciples not that they pray all of the time and that they read the scriptures and they go to church and they give tithes and offering no no that they love one another they have loved one for another he says that's how you'll be able to identify the people that belong to me is it they love one another not because they're your same race not because they're in your same income bracket not because they have the same level of IQ not because you enjoy the same Hobbies by this so people know that you have you're my disciples that you have love one for another here's what I would say to you is that charity is the highest form of love because it signifies the unique Selfless Love that God gives to us and is expressed in our own Selfless Love to others when you really talk about the charitable love of God charity is generosity and helpfulness especially to the needy and the suffering charity charity charity you know I as a teenager one of the chapters of scripture I would get up every day and just go down several chapters of the Bible that I memorized I could memorize I'd memorize so much scripture I could recite scripture for two hours and just be warming up and one of those chapters that I would recite practically daily was first Corinthians chapter 13. though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and if I have not charity I learned it in the Old King James version we call that the poetic version because it didn't try to use the modern days smooth mellifluous word love it called it charity and there is a difference between charity and love they are not the same and that's why I actually prefer the word charity if you need help you don't want to go to a love Booth you want to go to a charity I mean if you need some clothes some soup some cans of soup or whatever you you need you need charity charity is compassion it's it's it's it's a specific kind of love and so though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and if I have not charity you know I'm becoming sounding brass or tickling symbol and do I have the gift of Prophecy and understand all Mysteries and have all knowledge and if I don't have love I am nothing if I don't have that charity charity charity charity and then it tells us First Corinthians chapter 13 verse 4 through 8 here says love love love is patient and kind this is charity love is not jealous a boastful of Pride or rude it doesn't demand its own way it's not irritable and it keeps no record of being wrong it does not rejoice about Injustice but rejoices whenever a truth wins out you're going to read that in the King James Charities suffereth long and is kind Chariot a charity in Vietnam not identity of not itself is not puffed up does not easily it's not easily provoked thinketh no evil Rejoice is not an iniquity but Rejoice is in the truth charity beareth all things believeth all things hopes all things endureth all things charity never fails charity charity charity is love with its work clothes on it is love in action charity is love with its work clothes on it is Love In Action charity charity is love in action and God has expectations of his people to be a charitable people not not with words in fact I I love the sensibility of the Apostle James who uh penned the the Book of James he's such a no-nonsense kind of person and and James says love not in word neither in tongue but indeed and in truth in reality he's like show me the money show if you love me and my stomach is growling don't stretch your hand forth to me to pray for me go there and get me a two-piece and a biscuit go bring me some some shrimp tacos you know come on bless me he said you know love not in word don't just say you know be blessed with may the Lord feel you no no no no get me a two-piece God has expectations for his people and how we conduct ourselves I just want to give you this because some people didn't get the foundations if you're ever going to grow tall you need to have strong roots you need to grow deep before you grow up you can always look at the foundation of a building and tell how tall it's going to be because it's got to have a strong base down and so you got to dig way down in order to go way up I was I was over at Oxford University and they showed me this Library building and they said you see how many stories this goes up it goes down under the Earth Justice deep just as deep and it was a magnificent structure but notice what Colossians chapter 3 verse 12 says therefore as God's chosen people lay your hands on yourself say I'm chosen so as God's chosen people holy and dearly loved notice what he says clothe yourself with compassion kindness humility gentleness and patience this is our code of conduct for the Christian Life clothe yourself with compassion you know what compassion is is love and action again there's a huge difference compassion always does something it doesn't it's not a feeling compassion is not a feeling every time that you discover in scripture and Jesus was moved with compassion and healed them he always did something when he was moved with compassion say compassion if you look at the word compassion the root there is compass it is a Direction to your love it points your love compassion is always pointed toward a particular need when you have compassion for someone whether it's helping them get a a broken down car fixed so they can have transportation to get to and from work compassion meets a need if you just say oh my God these people they don't never have a coat it's freezing out here compassion gets a coat pity says oh Lord that's a shame it's so cold and old children out there they don't have any shoes they don't have any coats and sweaters it's so cold I feel so sorry for them as you drink your tea in the warmth of your window and looking out at somebody else you can have pity doesn't do anybody any good it doesn't do you any good and it doesn't do them any good but when you are moved with compassion compassion is a love in action it is love with its work clothes on it says hey hey I mean I've got a pipe burst in my yard and uh water's just oozing I don't know anything about it I'm in the house how am I supposed to know what's happening in the yard that one of my neighbors happens to walk up the street this is just a few weeks ago and he said hey he knocks on the door hey I started not to go to the door I'm like I'm not what I don't want to buy anything and he said you've got a problem I'm not in your in your yard really I'm new to the neighborhood I don't I don't even know where the cutoff valve is and and he comes in and he searches around in my yard and he finds the Box and and it's flooded with water and this man who's not my race rolls his sleeve up and sticks his arm down into muddy water where you couldn't even see a knob I'm standing on the outside saying [Applause] and and I watched this man reach his arm down and feel about and says oh oh here I think this is it and he turns and he turns and he turns and he turns and he turns until he shuts It Off that was compassion that was love and action I didn't need anybody to just point the problem out and I didn't know how to fix it I didn't know anything about that I mean I called somebody but I you know but he became an answer anybody can point out that you got a busted pipe but just it was compassion to me to have somebody that show me where the valve was I don't know I'm new to the neighborhood I don't know what's out here in the yard and what this thing is and what not that you know there was two or three different boxes out there I didn't know what to which one control what one was an outdoor sprinkling system the other one was the water to the I didn't know which one was which somehow he knew and he wasn't afraid to get dirty to help somebody who didn't look like him that was compassion that blessed my life and we bonded after that we we we bonded after that I was going up the street the other day he saw me in my test he said I've got a Tesla it's about he looked at my ring and he said oh yeah I got a ring just like that I said I knew that I liked you for a reason but charity is a love that is in action you see Christianity is not about do's and don'ts Christianity is really about relationships of love with God and love with one another it is so simple and how many folks flock it the Simplicity of the love test and here's the thing I know that we a word of faith and sometimes people get more excited about faith than they do about love but here's a caveat that I always want you to remember Galatians chapter 5 and verse six notice what it says for in Christ neither is circumcision nor uncircumcision they they they don't Avail anything but Faith working through Say it With Me Faith working through love Faith working through love Faith working through love he said it's not about the do's and don'ts are you circumcised on circumcised he said it's not even about the rituals it's about the love Faith working through love through love Faith Works by love Faith Works by love and I want to give you just some practical ways here to be able to show the love you show love through number one your homework now if you don't show it at home it doesn't matter any place else you're trying to show it homework homework here's the first point that I would give you up under there show up just show up being present is half the battle just show up just show you show your love just by being there I mean it breaks my heart sometimes the the number of times that I have bumped into people and they said you know man I grew up without a dad I was worried about sing Obama I was raised by a single dad just show up you may not be the best I know you got issues but just show up Elisha there I I used to hear my daddy say and I know some women would probably have pushback but he said a piece of man is better than no man at all you know you work with what you got put fertilizer on and make him something women you designed to be able to take something that God gives you and make something amazing ask God to be able to have faith to work something through your through your love my God I see I touch the nerve [Laughter] but just show up just show up that show up if you got a baby they showed up sometime oh they showed up all right but showing up is just half the battle I cannot tell you the number of times that children have been disappointed at a sports event and their little eyes searching out in the audience for their daddy a child letter at a music recital a dance recital searching for Mama or searching for Daddy just show up just showing up is half the battle just short just be present just be present that's part of that's not the only thing but you can't do anything else if you're not there just just be present homework is about you got to show up then secondly listen up listen up listen up it's part of relationship it's what makes relationships work I mean the real art of communication is not in your ability to speak it's in your ability to listen show up and listen up you'll be surprised if you just show up and listen up at work if you show up and listen up at school just just show up and listen up at home just show up and listen up thirdly speak up once you listen but listen first don't speak until you listen you know seek to understand before you seek to be understood show up listen up speak up open rebuke is better than Secret Love correct people speak up to correct speak up to affirm speak up to celebrate so show up listen up speak up here's one ladies that you ought to love clean up oh let me just man listen cleaning up is foreplay oh she will just be ecstatic that girl oh she will just there is nothing sexier than for women to see a man behind a vacuum cleaner [Applause] and arms in a sink that have bust some Suds and clean you surprise them it's amazing the kind of energy that they will have when you have helped them to it's a manifestation of love just clean up make the bed up surprise them get all the clothes up you know take them down and put up you know put a load in my God that they will be orgasmic before you can barely get [Applause] this is just love it at home just show up listen up speak up clean up makeup makeup makeup makeup show your children how to disagree and how to resolve conflict it's a terrible mistake when parents fight in private and never see their children they don't want the children no no I don't want to have children to see us arguing why did you say you want to give them a false impression of reality and so they're not going to ever have any conflict show them how to work through it without having to pull a weapon on each other and break dishes show them how to do this intelligently and in a Godly way show them how to disagree and still be filled with the love of God and say you know what I mean you've gotten that out and I've listened to you I meant show them how to do it don't do it in private and then all of a sudden now this this child is now ill-equipped to be able to handle their own conflict it's not a matter of if they will ever have conflict it is when show them how to make up show them how to make up show them how to be able to forgive each other legitimately and make up show them demonstrate that that's homework that's love that's love it's not faking like everything is okay Here Comes junebubs June bug no y'all ain't speaking either way anyway they know how curculars nothing get good morning it's on the counter it's on the counter they know that you've been through something anyway talk to them about it walk them through the process they're going to deal with these challenges that's what love does it starts at home show up listen up speak up clean up makeup his number two heart work heart work if you're going to be able to walk in love you've got to do some hard work the first thing is confess you know what confession does confession exposes the mess so that it can't stop you confess confess the mess you're in a mess anyway they know it they smell it I mean you know you got a little child they've already done something in their diaper they can already smell it have you done anything did you need to go to the bathroom you're standing there in a mess if you're in a mess your life is in a mess people can already smell it you don't have to admit they can smell it anyway you may as well confess and say you know what I've I've had a little accident you may as well just confess it you take the pressure off you let you know you get that I mean it's the elephant in the room anyway they know you're not perfect you may as well just confess it it helps to keep your heart clean ridded of toxic emotions I mean this is love this is this is love 101 right here this is Grown Folk love here hard work confess number two forgive forgive this is hard work hard work this releases the toxic feelings in your heart you got to be able to forgive one another uh another element of hard work is prayer you got to pray that that helps that heart to be able to to relieve things and it also is the way that you Avail Divine help pray pray you Avail Divine Health you know Jesus said father forgive them sometimes when people have done things you know Jesus didn't have the strength to do it he says father you forgive them you got to ask God for divine help to help you to do things that are difficult that God will do it then through you and then the fourth thing that I would say is Express gratitude Express gratitude you know what gratitude does gratitude refocuses your heart's affections God never ends on a negative remember that he always is going to switch it around to the positive Express gratitude a theologian once said that God is always doing ten thousand things in your life and you may only be aware of three of them But whichever three that they are Express gratitude for that but doing homework uh heart work requires courage did you know that the word courage it is the original word courage it means heart it means core the things that are at the center it is the heart you cannot be courageous about anything that you don't have a conviction about in your heart it takes courage to do that courage courage compassion is a heart language you don't have to be able to speak the language compassion is a heart language you see people in trouble that are hurting and when you have compassion the person that doesn't even speak your language we've got one of our members here share his dad here and he was driving by and he saw a little Hispanic lady and he didn't speak the language and she couldn't speak English and he saw that she would have to walk from the bust you know stop to a long way to get down then he was passing by and he stopped and picked her up she gets in the car and he doesn't speak Spanish she doesn't speak English I guess it was his age that made her feel comfortable that okay that this man is not going to rape me and molest me and take me but some I think it was a hard language that was communicating and he started doing that and every day and then he would wait for her and bring her back to to shorten her load didn't know her and it did it for years and he built relationship they get together and they celebrate and they've done things for the family with somebody that they couldn't even speak their language that's compassion that's love in action that is charity that's what love does that's what love does the third thing is hard work I would say with hard work be persistent be consistent and be resilient because hard work is hard be persistent if you want it pursue it if you're persistent you'll get it if you're consistent you'll keep it if you're resilient you'll be able to live through it and give thanks to God through that thing is hard work be persistent determine be consistent dependable and be resilient decisive that I'm not gonna let this take me out I know it's hard but I didn't come this far to quit I know it's difficult I know it's challenging but listen I got I've got to make up my mind before I even go into this thing I am not because I have a challenging teacher you're not gonna make me quit you have to be decided from the beginning ask yourself the question from the onset what can make me quit and be determined resilient in that because laziness is an undisciplined life it comes from the word indolent the word indolent literally means avoiding pain lazy people avoid pain hard work hard work may I tell you hard work as a Biblical principle second Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse six I want you to see this with your own eyes now this is what I tell you to do Christian Brothers in the name of the Lord Jesus keep away from any Christian who is lazy oh my God good God almighty keep away from any Christian who is lazy and who does not do what we taught you stay away from folks that's on the wrong path and believe different things he says you know that you should follow the way of life that we lived when we were with you we worked hard while we were there we worked hard while we were there we did not eat anyone's food without paying for it we're not lazy no we're not trying to get over we worked hard night and day so none of you would have to give us anything we could have asked you to give us food but we did not so that you might follow your own way of living and when we were with you we told you that if a man does not work he should not eat the Bible does not condone laziness it does not condone laziness our work ethic is part of our Christian witness to non-christians I want you to understand that it is a part of our witness to non-christians if you don't believe that look at first Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 11 and 12. notice this make it a goal to live a quiet life minding your own business and working with your own hands just as we instructed you before then people who are not Believers will respect the way you live and you will not need to depend on others my God I bet some of you all didn't realize this stuff is in the Bible but listen I'm a practical person that I believe the word of God that this is a living life book this is not just something for a religious emotional experience make you ever feel good no no this doesn't make you do good it says make it a goal in your life to live a quiet life and minding your own business and working with your own hand mind you listen to it let me translate that for you sweep around your own door take care of your own business handle your own issues and there's the fourth thing that I would tell you is about this hard work is about humility humility it is a heart of humility you remember second chronicles 7 14 that if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves before you do anything else if you because you can't if a person doesn't humble themselves you can't help them arrogance knows everything you can't teach a man or a woman a lesson that he or she thinks that they already know humility humility is teachability it is teachability please understand this humility is acknowledging your weaknesses not denying your strengths you're still strong be strong celebrate your strength but be secure enough in your strength to acknowledge your weaknesses every strong person has areas of weakness every strong person has blind spots it takes humility to serve others arrogance wants to be served humility wants to serve others please understand this humility is not thinking less of yourself is thinking of yourself less and it says that while I might have something to be able to serve someone else in my life whether it's picking up somebody and giving them a ride to shorten their load I was a young man in my neighborhood and I would I don't you know we we were not driven to school every day I walked to school every day and I remember a young young guy who was somewhat only we would call them a nerd you and his mama would come by driving him to school we lived in the same neighborhood and they would pick me up every time they passed by they didn't have to do that but you know what he's an engineer with Microsoft he's written a book but I was up in Seattle where he lives now he had me I was there to speak and he said come over to Microsoft I want to give you a tour a relationship was forged bonded just by a kindness of seeing a need and meeting a need it takes a love a charity that was charity that stopped and picked me up and I really appreciated it on rainy days and cold days that's when it meant the most to me on rainy days and cold days and they were like a breath of fresh air and it was like an answer from God to watch their car come by and they stopped and the door opened and I got in that was charity charity love with its work clothes on and that's why we're called to show the love we've got homework to do heart work to do hard work to do and humility it's the attitude through which we do it all not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less St Augustine said this that if you ask me what the essential thing in the religion and the discipline of Jesus Christ is I shall reply first humility second humility and third humility it's all about humility the thing that we do know from first Peter 5 6 is that God exalts the humble God exalts the umber when you go low God will lift you high God exalts the humble and I just want to leave you with this as a real manifestation of our genuine Christian charity in the world is it you're blessed to bless I want to say to you bless others this is an acronym and this is how you bless others as you share your life begin with prayer begin with prayer the illness listen listen listen listen listen your real ear is in your heart never forget that h e a r t use your heart to listen listen with your heart listen with your whole being listen with your eyes listen begin with prayer listen then eat fellowship with people commune with people you got to connect commune and communicate eat you take a relationship to another level when you eat with a person you invite people into a different dimension of knowing you when you invite them to your table and eat together the S is serve begin with prayer listen eat serve find a need and serve find a need and serve even if they invite you over find a need and serve serve serve and the S of the S is story hear their story and then share your story everybody has a story and everybody is my teacher I'm everybody's student and then I'm a teacher [Music] find their story and share your story a story creates a bridge between two hearts and the Christ who lives in my heart can then walk across that bridge and walk into the heart of another human being and so I just encourage you bless somebody in your whole Evangelistic strategy to say God I want to be an instrument of your love your charity in the Earth and he says you know what now remain as these three faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity is bigger than Faith it's greater than faith is greater than hope charity love and action love with it with its work clothes on begin with prayer listen eat serve listen to their story and share your story learn that story and let them learn your story bless somebody and I pray that you got something out of the word of the Lord but it is standing your feet everybody now if you want to give your heart to Jesus today you can come down and do that if you want to join this church today you can come down and do that please remember all of those of you that joined in the month of January that there is a reception prepared for you through the fish gate there in the Philadelphia room as you'll go through and weave around there to your to your left you can follow someone here should be here to uh to meet your desk gochu to that direction for all of those that have joined uh in the month of January and then our first timers who are here today you're welcome to join us in the reception as well thank you so much for being here today I pray that as you think about what you've heard today and meditate on God's word that you will be moved with compassion put it into action and say Lord show me somebody that I can bless that I can bless that I just I begin with prayer and I will listen and I will eat I will serve I will share my story and I'll learn theirs you'll be surprised what God will do you'll be fascinated by the stories of other people it's what helps me to grow really it really really does let's pray father thank you thank you for being you thank you for loving us and thank you for being so real and so relatable and so kind and so true thank you for being so incredibly authentic thank you for touching us God in every area of insecurity in our own lives where we have fished all night long worked and labored and been realized that all of our human efforts have come up futile but father when we go back now and listen to your voice in your direction telling us to let down our Nets on the right side of the ship then we will take in a multitude proving to us Lord confirming that what you called us to do as you have made us to be Fishers of human beings that you will be with us and that as we obey what you've commanded us to do that you'll make miraculous Provisions for us to sustain us and to cause our lives to increase God I thank you that this is a season of Miracles where you will show Yourself Strong in the lives of those whose hearts are turned toward you father use us as channels of your incredible love and charity all over the course of this week sensitize us to the needs of others God that we can sometimes so simply meet just through a kind word a kind gesture a thoughtful Act a random act of kindness quicken in our spirit Lord those opportunities the SE that we are to seize highlight for us Those whom you put in our path that we are called to demonstrate your charity your compassion to sensitize us Lord by your spirit over the course of this day and this week and may that become a part of our lifestyle as we leave this place but never from your grace Jesus name amen we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like And subscribe and then press the notification Bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give Now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 65,230
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Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: gh35wy03YCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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