Victory Over Sinful Behavior

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this program is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of Klo Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world and the only capacity for the devil to get a hold of you is through your soul cuz it has a bit of Advantage because when your old nature was there it created the software in your soul and the impulses of your soul ministered to your body to carry it out but when you got born again you still had the same software so if you don't deal with the software you're not going to be able to change the impulses of your life or your body download and stay connected with the changing your world podcast with crlo dollar keep the word of God at the Forefront of your mind with these powerful and uplifting messages with each message that you download and stream you gain revelation of the fullness of God's grace the changing your world podcast brings you life-changing wisdom right at your fingertips no matter where you are subscribe today on Apple podcast Spotify or your preferred podcast platform this is your world so let's vow to make it a better place face let every heart that needs to know you love is St oh it's time we live a new life oh let us Sun I'm ring you we're saved by his grace and we Embrace Your Love today we are Chang list this morning I want to talk to you about victory over sinful Behavior we we talked about some things last week it was pretty radical but now we do want to focus in now on the on the action piece and show you why and how to gain victory over it let's begin this morning in second Corinthians chap 5 and verse 17 and then Galatians Chapter 2 and 20 and it's establish some things here Galatians 5:1 17 he says therefore If any man be in Christ so something happens when you get born again and you get in Christ he is a new creature so when you get born again the old man passes away and you are gifted with the new creation that now lives in you he is a new creature the old things have passed away behold all things have become new what passed away what died when you got born again your your old nature the sin nature pass that nature that allowed you to do all kinds of ungodly crazy things it left you now have a new nature and and behold with this new nature that new nature is perfect Flawless cannot sin just like God and it's trying to get us to understand how to allow him the freedom to impact a soul that has been infected by that old man thus impacting a body that follows the impulses of that old man so you see you can buy a brand new computer and keep the same software and you going to get the same output so it's so likewise you got a brand new creation but you can't keep the same soft software or you going to keep getting the same impulses and and and and outputs as everybody understand that all right now go to Galatians Chapter 2 and 20 Galatians 2 and 20 and here's what it says I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I I'm not living anymore but it's Christ that's living in me so that new creation is is literally God in you God in flesh glory to God again he is living in you and the life which I now live in the flesh he says I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and he gave himself for me and then in second Peter chapter 1 and 4 2 Peter chapter 1 and 4 oh boy he says whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises colon now watch and finish this that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature underline partakers of the divine nature what is he talking about you are now going to partake of that of the new creation that's on the inside of you the new creature on the inside of you he says he wants you to be a partaker of the of the new creation of and he calls it the divine nature the god nature the nature you have after you get born again is the god nature and he wants you to be a partake of it and then he tells us how he says through the precious promises and I never got that basically what he was saying was if you're going to be a partaker of this divine nature the precious Promises of God are going to have to do something with that software so you can be a partaker of the Divine nature you have a divine nature that you're supposed to be being a partaker of and then he says you can escape the corruption that is in the world through the intense lust now now follow me carefully fish swim because it's their nature birds fly because it's their nature I mean if we tried to fly I mean just think about it we climbed on top of this roof and if we tried to fly we would quickly find out that's not our nature are you are you following me all right now watch this people who are not born again people who are not saved Sinners they're called they sin because it's their nature before you got born again what you did and how you behaved you did it because that was your nature how many of you know you can't turn a mule into a racehorse why cuz they have two different natures and in the same way that siners sin because it's their nature right rightous people live righteously because that is our new nature as New Creations so we have the nature the new nature of God to live righteously and it can be done because it is our nature to do right and when we don't you somehow experience the impulses of that new creation on the inside of you you're born again Christian you just cuss somebody out now you feeling you feeling some kind of way why you didn't used to feel that kind of way when you was cussing somebody out you cussed them out said I'd do it again if they showed up but now you got a new nature that that's sending these impulses that say I I don't I I don't feel right about that so now you experience guilt because there's a contradiction that's living inside of you now you your behavior from your old nature is contradicting your new creation so you might do it but you're not going you're not going to ever be able to do it again without having to sense that contradiction somebody say praise the Lord praise the Lord that is and I I go back and forth with this but but that is a an interesting way to confirm that you got a new nature in you you have a new nature in you that is not going to agree with the contradiction praise God a new nature now listen to me carefully as we as we continue to work on this to break this down we yeah let me let me say this the grace of God is not the license to sin and the reason why the grace of God is not the license to sin because of the new nature the new nature is trying to get you to live right you're the righteousness of God now this is for all the people who want to take you're the righteousness of God by Grace but you can still sin cuz God done already uh uh forgiven you see that's not going to work because even even if you you know you're the righteousness of God and if you go and still sin and you'll still do some things in his body but you're going to have to deal with the new nature that's trying to conquer all of that old stuff we got look at 1 John chapter now before we go to let's go to Colossians chapter 3 and verse 10 we are now recreated in the image of God we are now recreated in the image of God now let me tell you a truth and you can't forget it it's it's easy to wipe it out of your thinking but what you see right now is the house that Klo dollar lives in all right and what I see right now is the houses that you guys abide in so you are not your house you you you your house is your Earth suit your house is your Dwelling Place you are a spirit being and that spirit being has now been impacted by the new creation where you and God now abide in the same place and your spirit is already been made perfect because God came in you're already perfect you're onethird perfect so the only part of you that can go to heaven is ready you're Heaven ready right now say out loud I'm Heaven ready I'm Heaven ready so you are a spirit being you have a soul that's your mind your will your emotions you're thinking you're feeling you're choosing you have a soul say out loud I have a soul I have a soul so you see where where we got confused in church we were using spirit and soul interchangeably as if they were one there is a distinction between your spirit and your soul you your spirit is who you are your soul is what you have your body is where you live y y'all come on we we we we Jesus might come back we'll be we ready I need you to know you ever ready so I'll let junk the devil try to tell you you need to let him know bro are you talking to my house or are you talking to me cuz if you talking to me I'm Heaven ready and the only capacity for the devil to get a hold of you is through your soul right cuz he has a bit of Advantage because when your old nature was there it created the software in your soul and the impulses of your soul ministered to your body to carry it out out but when you got born again you still had the same software so if you don't deal with the software you're not going to be able to change the impulses of your life or your body do you understand what I'm saying so whatever you're doing in behavior is a result of the software that hadn't been changed yet y'all y'all don't hear what I'm saying but the software can no longer impact the real you cuz the real you is Flawless perfect sinless in God in Christ sealed with the Holy Ghost and whenever you walk at your house you walk to heaven cuz you Heaven ready are are y'all following me now all right now now now if you got that piece you going to be the handle this if you didn't get that piece you going you're getting ready to get lost 1 John 3 Colossians 10 excuse Colossians 3:10 all right and have put on the new man and have put on the new man which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of him that created him so the new creation you have your new creation in God right there one and one you have put that on the old has gone you've put on the new one all right now watch this go to 1 John 38:9 I I'm going to read to you a scripture that used to bother me in fact it used to scare me in fact it used to bother a lot of people maybe you've never read it before but you'll see immediately why 1 John chapter 3 and 8 and it caused a lot of confusion in in the body of Christ because of lacking the understanding of of of what I just took you through all right so last week we talked about the sin man the noun we'll talk more about it today but today we're spending more time on the sinning behavior and he says he that committs sin that's that's that's verb he that committed sin is of the devil all right now stop now now you see what the problem is cuz now I'm saved a a and I committed a sin and according to this you are you are of the devil I'm like oh Lord you just said I was of you and now what I did now mies me up the devil watch now for the devil sinth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil verse n whosoever is uh is born of God does not commit sin you see the problem here you you you over here and did something and then it says if you're really born of God you don't Comm sin but but you committing it but you're not supposed to commit it cuz you born of God well maybe I'm not born of God which means maybe I am of the devil right you see where they can come from right whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin he cannot sin and now you're looking at your like yes I can but he said he cannot sin because he's born of God and so this has been taught to tell you you cannot sin can you imagine the conviction and the condemnation and all that stuff comes because you didn't you didn't know how to read this Al let's break it down the first question is what is born of God it's our new creation it is our spirit that is born of God when you got born again your soul didn't get born again your body didn't get born again your spirit man got born again so we are talking about the new creation you we're talking about your spirit what is born again it is my spirit it is the new creation so this means that our spirit cannot sin because his seed is in us it is our spirit that got born again his seed is in our spirit he's in our spirit and your spirit man cannot sin it is perfect it is Flawless it is Jesus possessed it is heaven ready it cannot sin you who are born again are walking around onethird perfect the real you is your what Spirit Soul or body the real you is your spirit your spirit never desires to sin and will never sin this is who we really are but we we we treat that like oh well that's just a fantasy that ain't the truth and and you don't even know how true that is until you die amen cuz when you die the only thing your B you going to move out here it is you're going to move out of the house you are now be going to you are now going to become aware of the real you death is going to be so awesome because you won't even know it really happened you're going when you move you're going to step out the house and you if you maybe he'll let you look back and see that's my body but you're going to literally you're going to literally move from one dimension to another dimension and you're going to slip out of your physical Dimension house into a spiritual house with your real you and everything now is more real than what you thought was real when you were in your physical body that's why you are not ever be scared of death and that's what the devil will put on you like ah wait a minute whether here or there Paul said it like this he said tell truth I don't know at this point whether it's going to be more beneficial for me to stay here with y'all or go over here where I know about it and then he start looking at the world and say oh Jesus I need to stay here and now watch this all right so the real you res this is so amazing the real you resembles your Earth suit it's kind of like the pattern for your Earth suit came from the real you I know you can't see it right now but I got to see it the pattern of this came from your real outfit when you when we see one another in heaven we're going to see one another at the best possible state of appearance than we have ever seen one another maybe in your 20s but you going to look at one another and like Francine that's you you going say girl don't it look [Applause] good and that's the pattern that I I have evidence that's just popping in my mind the physical Tabernacle is an exact duplicate of the Heavenly Tabernacle the Heavenly Tabernacle doesn't look like the physical Tabernacle the physical Tabernacle took get pattern from the Heavenly Tabernacle just like your physical body got its pattern from your spiritual body Hallelujah we got to be careful boy be you being got raptured up in here you get to listen to the stuff we know somebody said what happened that' be so good cool if God gave us two seconds just wo whoa whoa do it again hey T this church of everybody be on hey now since we are still in our bodies and in this world we might still sin there's really no might to it because first John joh 1 and8 not that see here's the thing about it you think you're going to still sin the same sin you got new creation in you you are transforming you're transforming out of certain things in your life into certain things you hadn't been in so when I say we still sin I don't think you're still sinning like you you used to sin all right how how you used to sin was based on the nature that you had to sin but since you've been born again the sin has diminished and how it looks with somebody who perfect because the new creation is working on your desires that's his way in I'm working on taking away the old want toos giving you some new want toos and some of you can take a little look back and you can't even figure out why is it that I don't want the thing I used to be addicted to why is it that I don't want to even say the stuff I've always used to saying cuz you got the new creation releasing impulses and impacting your desires the Bible says to do what pleases God the new creation wants you to do what pleases God see I got to be careful cuz I got a gener a generation that's looking for an excuse to want to be saved and fleshy at the same [Music] time Believers are you equipped for battle in these last days our minds are the battlefield an arena of our faith in the five-part series how to maintain your righteous stance KP dollar uncovers how we get the upper hand in this fight start focusing in on your identity I am the righteousness of God I am righteous because of Jesus and as long as Jesus is all right I am all right he's the acceptable sacrifice he died once and for all praise God I am the righteousness of God today tomorrow when I'm up when I'm down I'm the righteousness of God as long as I am focused and still tied in to Jesus I believe in him praise God he has made me righteous I receive my righteousness for a love gift of only $30 for CDs or $40 for DVDs you can grab a copy today call the number on your screen scan the QR code or visit Cod dollar and click EO prepare to win mark your calendars now to join Klo and Taffy dollar for a three-day life-changing celebration celebration July 11th through 13th at World Changers Church International for our annual Grace life conference we're kicking off this year's conference with inspirational singer and songwriter doe Jones there's something for everyone men women ministers and leaders plus loads of fun-filled activities for your children and teens that will leave them with a deeper understanding of God's grace and Empower to lead the Next Generation General Session times are 10:00 a.m. and 700 p.m. ministers and leaders don't miss the 5:00 p.m. M just for you these powerful sessions are designed to uplift your spirit and transform your life spend the afternoons visiting the nearby attractions and create memories that will last a lifetime it's a joyful celebration of Faith Fellowship and fun D is our biggest event of the summer text Grace life one word to 51555 and register today do you have a burning desire to see lives Chang by the gospel of grace if so prayerfully consider supporting kpo Dollar Ministries financially you may not be called to preach in a pull pit or perform missions work in another country but you assist those who are called to do these things each time you give Financial gifts to this ministry God bless you and I'll see you next time right here on changing your world to support our kingdom mission of winning souls for Jesus you may call us or give online at thank you for giving and enabling us to share this gospel of grace all over the world as we wrap up today's broadcast I'd like to take a moment to pray for you I don't ever want to take for granted that you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior there's no better way to Embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Christ so if you want to become born again and in an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus pray this prayer with me now Heavenly Father come into my heart save me I receive You Now by faith and I declare in Jesus name that I am saved thank you Lord for saving me amen well if you prayed that prayer with me I want to welcome you to the kingdom of God thank you partners and Friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe the preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of crlo Dollar Ministries
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 10,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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