Don't Worry - God Is in Control | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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three two [Music] let your conversation be in line with your prayer do you know how many of our own prayers we kill [Music] we negate what I do because I've seen God's power transform my own life and he will do it for you the key to everything is found in God's word Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt [Applause] [Music] I just want to tell you when we're talking about worry that one of the things you can do when you're worried is just really get it get some good worship music on and get into God's presence and get your mind off of the stuff that's tormenting you you know when I stopped we were talking about how worry is the fruit of pride and I'm going to try to just start with that again my husband has something that he says which I think is good when you have a problem do your responsibility but cast your care and a lot of people a lot of people do the opposite they worry and don't do the responsibility how many people if they have a problem just quit doing everything they should do that's right they don't go to church they don't keep their commitments they you know murmur and complain and get on the phone and talk to everybody they can about their problem and so there's no problem that God can't solve no problem he can he can solve any problem now sometimes just to be honest we all need to be honest with ourselves if we want to get help sometimes especially let's take like finances you know it's there's probably just a tremendous amount of pressure to not ever have enough money but a lot of that we create ourselves by overspending and sometimes if you've made a big enough mess yourself it might take you a little while longer to get out of it because if God just comes and rescues us every time we act foolish then we won't learn anything and Dave and I had some very lean years financially but I will tell you that not once were we not able to pay a bill so I do believe that God will always meet your need he may not meet all your wants right away but he will meet your needs and as I said worry is the fruit of Pride it's us trying to figure out what we can do to solve our own problem and God wants us to always be leaning on him and so what are some of the things that you can do because we're not we're not real good at just sitting around doing nothing and I think people think to wait on God means to just sit and do absolutely nothing but that's not really true it's to do what you can do but trust God to do the things you can't do for example if you need a job well don't just sit in your house and pray for God to get you a job your part is to actively and aggressively look for a job put in applications call paid every day every day every day show yourself faithful and maybe you're looking for a certain kind of job but you might have to take you might have to humble yourself enough to say God I'll do any kind of job until you help me get the job that I want I've heard people say well I'm not going to take a job until I get one that is really good use of my skills well that's not humility either we need to be willing to do anything we need to do to support ourselves and our families while we're waiting on God to bring the right thing into our life so you when you are having a problem you can we've said this already but pray keep a good confession let your conversation be in line with your prayer oh come on let's say that again let your conversation be in line with your prayer do you know how many of our own prayers we kill we negate because we pray for one thing and then we get on the phone and say the opposite I will go out to lunch with somebody and even if they ask you well I heard you had a problem tell me about it it's not that you can't tell them about it but you can also say but I've prayed about it and I really believe that God is working on it and that he's going to solve it and he's going to bring the answer at the right time and you can also say I don't know how he's going to do it but God is going to work something good out of this how many of you really believe that God does work good where Satan what Satan meant for harm God intends for good and there is a scripture that tells us that we should remind God of his word I have set Watchmen upon your walls o Jerusalem who will never hold their peace day or night you who are his servants and by your prayers put the Lord in remembrance of his promises and keep not silent now why would God want us to do that because there again it shows faith you know we're just we're not we're not being rude or is that well you said you'd do this and it's not happening but you're saying God you said and I believe it you said that you would take care of this you said that I didn't have to worry and I believe that you will do that one of the reasons to know the word is so you can confess the word of God out loud and one of the ministries of the holy spirit that I like says is the Amplified Bible that he brings things to our remembrance when we need to know them and I think one of the things that the Holy Spirit brings up in us when we're in specific situations is scriptures that go along with that situation and the more you confess the word the more the enemy is going to want to get out of your space because he just doesn't want to hear it another thing you can do is stay positive stay positive express your thankfulness for all that God does do and has done instead of just focusing on the problem you know attitude is so important and your attitude belongs to you and it's something that nobody can take away from you if you want to have a good attitude there is no amount of trouble and no person and not even any devil that can take that good attitude away from you I forget not exactly what his name was but there was a man that was in the concentration camps in the Holocaust and he made that statement you can take everything else away from me but you can't take away my good attitude if I decide to have one so you can have a big problem with a good attitude and it'll make that problem shrink or you can have a little problem with a bad attitude and it just blows it out of proportion and so I love the word hope we should always be hopeful hope is the anchor of our soul and what that means is Hope keeps me anchored I don't get all emotionally frustrated and upset and start doing all kinds of things in the flesh hope is a positive expectation that God is about to do something good in your life so why not when you have a problem instead of worrying about it why not every morning the first thing you say when you get up is something good is going to happen in my life today now there are certain things that we tend to worry about more than others probably we should go through hearing different ones if you have different things for people who have children a lot of times it's your children but it is amazing and many of us would have this testimony if you've all if you're old enough to already have raised your children you most of you would testify like me that all the worrying that you did was for nothing because they all turned out okay amen sometimes kids just have to go through a rough patch and sometimes you have to you know we want them to do what we tell them to do but did you do that did I do that we would love them to do what we tell them because we've already been through it and we know right but they have to learn it for themselves and so all of you watching with children that you're worried about pray and trust God you may have to wait five years or ten years but I believe that when we pray for our children that God hears our prayers and don't ever stop praying I prayed for my father's salvation for probably 40 years not every day but on and off on and off and I remember the last time that I prayed for his salvation I got a little bold and I said Lord he's given me the privilege of ministering all over the Earth and thousands of people get saved through our ministry and I think it would be a shame if my own father went to hell while I'm leading other people to Christ so I'm asking you as a personal favor to me to save my father and you know it wasn't very long after that and my mom called me and said your dad's been crying for three weeks he wants you to come over he wants to talk to you and so God was convicting him and sometimes you have to get a little bold in your prayers don't wait pray wimpy prayers you know I don't like that so many people say God if you'll just do this and if you'll just do that well I'll tell you God is able to do more than just he does exceedingly abundantly above and beyond and I love Hebrews 4 15 and 16 that we have a high priest who understands our weaknesses and our infirmities because he's been tempted in all points just like we have let us then therefore because he understands let us come boldly don't pray wimpy little well God if you'll just do this for me I won't ever ask you for anything else well that's kind of that's a shame I mean I always say I'm a little spiritual Pig I'm gonna anything that God says anybody can have I want some of it amen don't you want everything that God can give you there is nothing wrong with you praying for God to give you extravagant blessings in your life if you're ready to do with them what God wants you to do with them foreign God wants us to prosper he wants us to be blessed not just so we can just be selfish and self-centered but so we can help and bless a lot of people there are so many people that are hurting and one of the ways to draw them to God is through random acts of kindness and the more you have the more you're able to do that for people be patient while you wait and that means to act like a Christian while you wait patience is not waiting it's how you act while you're waiting and here again when you're worried it tends to make you kind of Grouchy so sometimes we act worse when we're waiting and those are times to act better don't be jealous envious or resentful of other people who are not having the problems that you have I remember one time one of my sons got in trouble and uh I had a party I had to go to and I was surrounded by people that were talking about how great their kids were doing and I mean I went in another room and just cried and cried you know it was just like it was so hard for me here I'm having this awful feeling what if what if he doesn't make it what if what if what if the devil's favorite question you know what if and being around all these other people whose kids were doing great sometimes that's even a test God will set us up in a position like this to see if we can be happy for them while we're waiting for God to do the same thing for us amen now I really want you to trust God more than he ever had before so I want to share a few scriptures with you about what the Bible says about being able to do that first of all in First Corinthians 10 13. the Bible says that there's no temptation that can come against us that's not common to man in other words don't get in a little self-pity corner and think poor me I'm getting picked on while everybody else has got a great life let me tell you something no matter how bad of a problem you have somebody else is having a worse problem and we all have our share if not today wait a few days and I'm not saying that as a negative it's just that we live in a world we live in a real world where there are things that just don't always go away that we should go and it says that nothing has come upon you that is beyond human resistance I love that so we need to get that through our heads I I can make it through this that's what you want to tell yourself when it starts this is going to end well I can make it through this God gives me Treasures out of Dark Places and I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who is my strength God this doesn't feel good but help me act right help me act like a Christian and God can be trusted not to let you be tempted beyond your ability to resist it so when you start thinking I can't take this I can't take it I can't take it you might as well just stop and say God I can take whatever comes because you are not going to bring more on me than what I can bear how many things have you thought in the past I I'm not going to make it through this you're still here I mean I can look at different ones of you that I know and remember times when you went through really really I mean hard difficult things and we walk through them with you and here you are with a smile on your face just loving God and don't you know that it just infuriates the devil when he throws his biggest problem at you and you come out stronger in your relationship with God than you were when you went in he will always also provide the way out the means of Escape to a landing place so we have God's promise that no matter what happens he will always provide a way out Matthew 6 25-34 a lot of verses there I'd like you to read them later but it says I tell you stop being perpetually uneasy anxious and worried about your life what you're going to eat or drink or about your body what you're going to put on is life not greater in quality than food and the body and far above and more excellent than clothing now you know these are real basic things and so we think I don't worry about what I'm going to wear I don't worry about what I'm going to eat now there are people in the world that do have to worry about those kind of things but to me this is just basically saying don't worry about anything I'm going to take care of all of your needs and then it gives a couple of really good examples look at the birds and sometimes it's not a bad idea go out on your deck or in your yard and just see if you can find a bird sitting on a branch having a nervous breakdown I mean we need to think about this there are millions probably billions of birds in the world and God feeds every one of them how does he do that I don't know but he does he finds a way he puts a worm somewhere or somebody throws bread off their porch or I mean but that's pretty amazing when you think about it billions of birds and he gives that example and he says are you not worth more than they are how many of you think you're worth more than a bird come on even if you've got a really bad attitude about yourself you can give me that I'm more important than a bird and then he talks about how beautiful flowers are and that you know lilies are more beautiful than the finest thing that Solomon had on and he said these flowers are here today and gone tomorrow and I take such good care of them how much better care will I take of you so don't be worried and anxious saying and I like to stop there when I use this scripture because what's in our heart comes out of our mouth and so if we have wrong things in our heart we are ultimately going to have wrong things come out of our mouth you know when we worry and worry and we're in think and think and think what's behind it is we want to know we we may believe God's going to solve our problem we want to know when and how [Laughter] and do you know that the thing that got even trouble was wanting to know so sooner or later we have to trust God enough to get around to not having to know what God's going to do but just being satisfied to know him and to know that he loves us first John 4 18 perfect love casts out fear if you know how much God loves you then you start there and you know that because he loves you he will take care of you I want to assure every single one of you everyone watching from home everybody here God loves you more than you can even imagine we God loves us so much we don't even know how to think about it and the Bible says that he loved us even when we were still yet in sin worry causes so many problems but God is so faithful Deuteronomy 31 8 it is the Lord who goes before you he will march with you he will not fail you or let you go or forsake you let there be no cowardice or flinching but fear not need to become broken in spirit depressed dismayed and unnerved with alarm my three-year-old grandson and his mother's such a good mother and she's teaching him little short scriptures and little short sayings and um and she he does them and he sends them to me on my phone and I got one the other day it said don't worry be happy that's all [Laughter] I thought man that's a whole sermon you know I mean what else is there don't worry be happy that's all you really have to do to have a great life just don't worry and be happy now let me say again I understand that some of you are going through some really really tough things and there may be some of us that aren't right now I'm not going through anything in particular that's tough but I have in my life and May again we can't get this idea that because we're Christians and we love God that that means we get to escape every situation in the world the Bible says Jesus said in the world there will be tribulation but cheer up so we need to laugh the laugh of faith and we need to laugh as often as we can and don't think when you have a problem that that automatically means you have to be miserable guess what you can have a problem and it's okay to still go ahead and enjoy your life and I really think sometimes we get this feeling well it just wouldn't be right to enjoy myself while I have this problem going on well actually it would probably get rid of the problem quicker if you did go ahead and like and enjoy your life because if the devil can't make you miserable then you might as well go try and bother somebody else and so there's so much to be said about worry and I've only been able to say a little bit but I hope what I have said has helped you and encouraged you [Applause] have you been looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer there's a focus burst for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at 365 Devo we have an exciting YouTube offer that's specially designed to help you spend quality time with your kids and nurture their growth with God the incredible power of God's word and Best Day Ever two remarkable books crafted to inspire kids as they embark on a faith-filled exploration and discover the wonders of God's love Unleash the Power of faith and create Unforgettable moments with your kids go to kids Devo and grab this limited time offer today the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to words and the number two have you ever been trapped in a never-ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur leaving you gasping for a chance to pause and catch your breath in her insightful book pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs this beautiful hardcover Edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful lifestyle so grab a cup of coffee find a comfortable spot and embark on your journey to find peace remember this limited time YouTube offer won't last long go to pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of Peace thank you the Mind actually is the battlefield that's where we win or lose the war with Satan he said all he gets to say thank you you start asking God to heal you and he will restore it's the God of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on God thank you
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 278,945
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2023, joyce meyers 2023, joyce meyer 2023, freedom from worry, confession, boldness in prayer, god is in control sermon, surviving the lean years, increase your patience, enter into gods presence, overspending money
Id: gOzYuRQBwgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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