Hate Sin | Moment | 2819 Church

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this weekend [Music] while I was in my prayer time I [Music] I was really led to think very deeply about [Music] a lot of the prayer requests that came into our church this week on Wednesday night before access [Music] I thought about some of the things that we talked about I want to call it on Friday night and I thought very deeply about you every person in this room I thought very deeply about the trauma that exists in a lot of Our Lives I thought very deeply about some of the great insecurities that are in this room and how a lot of us are LED by our insecurities I thought about some of the bad decisions that we make the marriages that have been ruined the ones that are stressed right now [Music] I thought about a lot of the mistakes that are behind us on the tears that we shed a lot of the pain that we are enduring I thought about all the things that bring us grief and sorrow [Music] all the things that we wish we can script out of our lives things behind us things in our life things that we head into if we don't adjust and we talk a lot about love in the body and we talk a lot about love and our public discourse and in our Christian conferences but you know what we don't talk enough about hate but the positive side of hate because there is something that I do want you to hate because it is the bane of our existence it is the source of our greatest pain and our frustration it is this thing that has brought you the most tears the most aggravation it is the thing that has brought you the most lost the most sorrow [Music] I had to take a text message this morning from someone I love who lost two people gas in the same week and that and death is the same source of all of this and that there is something that I want us to hate as a church I want you to hate as a son and daughter for God because if we don't learn to hate this it will continue to do damage and destruction in your mind and in your heart and in your love there is something you should hate you should hate it with a passion you should see it in society and hate it you should see it on social media and hate it you should think about this is the thing that's causing me more problems than anything else and every time you see it think about it or sniff it you should hate it sin that's what's killing you a mask it like we don't want to talk about it but listen to me that's what's killing you that is what that is the source of your insecurities it is the source of why you're driven and make decisions and treat people a certain way it is sin in you it is the source of your mental torment the sicknesses that are in this room in our physical bodies it is the source of why I had to count someone who lost two people in the same week sin and because of all of our relationship traumas all of our Brokenness all of our fallow fallacies and hang ups and Trauma it is the source of all the issues with all the lies we see on social media source of all about America like and I want to tell you watch this in my spirit the Lord put this in my spirit in my prayer time that if some of us don't start hating sin it's gonna rob you of everything God wants to do in your life you sin is a robber [Music] it'll rob you of relationships God wants you to build it'll rob you of having a good marriage it'll rob you of peace it'll rob you of open doors it'll rob you of opportunities it'll rob you of sleep at night some of us don't even realize that our blind is that we're being driven by our sin nature [Music] I'm telling you this because the next time you cry the next time you feel frustrated the next time you sense Pride it's the next time anything rise up inside at you I just want you know it started Genesis 3 it's because we're dealing with sin and I want you to be aware that's your start you start blaming you stop blaming everything else [Music] I want you to start blaming sin for the destruction that it's doing I want you to see people walking around Society disconnected from God watch and be grieved that sin is what disconnected them I want you to think about those who are lost those in your family who don't know Jesus those who won't listen to the spread of the gospel and I want you to hate sin that is the barrier between them and God I want you to think about single women who keep hopping in and out of beds looking for love and I want you to hate sin I want you to think about men that keep abusing females and I want you to hate sin I want you to drive by strip clubs and hate sin I want you to see poor people in the street and hate sin I want you to see this foolishness on social media and hate sin I want you to see wealthy people famous people and people who think they're sages who are disconnected from God and realize what they're spewing on social media is born out of foolishness because of sin for the scripture says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom you have no wisdom apart from Jesus [Music] some of y'all got more confidence in a celebrity than the word of God I don't care if they got a million people on their following the scripture says the fear of the Lord [Music] it is the beginning of wisdom wisdom does not begin until Jesus has conquered your heart [Music] atheists who are few and lies sin and every tale you've shed everything you put in our comments and pray for me I need guidance I need healing I need all that wholeness the source of all of that see you you think I was just because my mother left so you keep blaming them all my father you can't you keep pointing the finger at all these things no I'm trying to I'm trying to give you a new revelation the source of all your pain frustration and Trauma the origin of all of it [Music] sin and that's why I hate it with a passion I refuse to allow it to dominate my life and that's why we kind of keep nailing it to the cross and keep putting it to death and every time we smell it see It'll come around it we need to start hating it when a husband hates sin he'll treat his wife different [Music] you know how you read that passage in John 10 10 the thief comes to kill steal and destroy y'all read that wrong putting the devil in that text that's not proper hermeneutics [Music] that's not the proper interpretation of that text you need to read John in his context from the chapter before in the chapter after the thief is bad teaching [Music] the thief contextually now you can put devil in there and not preach but contextually the thief is things we believe that is not true it is lies sourced by sin comes to do what steal Solutions I want you to hate sin so bad that when you see it in you it drives you to your knees to say God work this out of my heart [Music] [Applause] I want you to take sin off the leash and stop treating it like a pet stop treating it like something you want to own when you feel it in your heart in your mind I want you to bring it to your knees and say God work this out of me Pride work this out of me lust work this out of me I got issues with brothers and sisters work this out of me work it out of me my insecurities work this out of me one more area one more area [Music] you can't see that car on your left at the back door it's called a blind spot you all have them areas in your life when you're causing damage to others and you can't see it areas in your life when you're calling damage to yourself and you cannot see it and that area causes to think that we're good in that particular area which is the birth of self-righteousness so when you're mature you start praying God in the areas I do not even see [Music] like David watch search my heart oh Lord and if that means I can't see there'll be any Grievous ways in me that is God check my blind spots bring them to my attention and then keep nailing them to the cross I felt the Holy Spirit tell me I need to tell you this this morning you need to hate sin and you need to blame it for the damage the destruction it has done to humanity and is doing right now it is the source of all Humanity's troubles not governments not in equities not all those things are byproducts of sin we live in a Genesis three world and if you don't start seeing the world through the lens of Genesis 3 you will keep blaming things how can I put this you will keep trying to [Music] you keep trying to counsel and fix cobwebs instead of dealing with a spider the source of our issues you're selfish because of sin you're arrogant because of sin you don't listen well because of sin you like to fight and keep drama going because of sin you lie cheat deceive and steal because of sin you emasculate men because of sin you are afraid and you try to be controlling because you don't know how to be vulnerable because of sin you're led by rejection because of sin you're led by your insecurities because of sin you don't know how to forgive because of sin you've been abused by others because of sin you have bad relationships because of sin we got identity issues because of sin we got gender issues because of sin we got the spread of trans issues because of sin we got people calling God a she because of sin [Music] we got openly sinful pastors and Bishops waving colored flags and calling God a female because of sin we're trying to change the definition of marriage because of sin we want little boys to be raised with two mothers because of sin [Music] I don't care I don't care we want to redefine family because of sin [Applause] we want to keep murdering babies in the womb because of sin and we want to keep giving us ourselves a past for what we don't want to deal with because that too is sin you want your life to flourish you need to hate [Music] let me say this one more time before I jump into God's word you want your life to flourish you want to see things change [Music] we need to lift up the rug and start hating everything under it all of it is in the same draw sin you hold grudges because of sin and you love offenses because of sin [Music] everybody close your eyes to all believers and look to Heaven don't look at me because I'm obeying the spirit now if you're looking at me you're in disobedience eyes closed heads lifted lift your chin lift lift to Heaven lift look up look up if you're not looking up you're in Disobedience look up lift your chin look up [Music] close your eyes not disobedient eyes closed head lifted eyes closed had lifted so you don't see the ceiling look past the ceiling into the throne room where Christ is seated at the right hand of his father get a picture of him there clothed in white who died for you Lord we look to you right now in this moment I have told them what you said [Music] Lord Rob us of our love for sin [Music] exchange it now for hatred of sin let us hate it in our world and hate it in our hearts and let it lead us God purity and Holiness and righteousness [Music] transformation and change send that down upon this house and I put everyone watching right now in your mighty name I pray now you can reject it but if you receive it somebody shout amen now put your hands together like you hate sin [Music] somebody worship Jesus right now the one who delivered us from sin [Music] the law said Paul said to who will deliver me from this body of death thanks be to God everybody look right at me look thank you Holy Spirit I need to say one more thing to you look right at me everybody look eye contact thank God for counseling and therapists and family and friends and squads and Gatherings thank God for all of that but listen to me the ultimate remedy for sin and the deepest issues of your heart Ryan and I was talking about this we we dumb it down you making such a clip it is intimacy with the Lord it is Christ and Christ only I'm telling you that right now listen I'm I'm telling you that right now the only rent listen to me the only remedy that is lasting for the issues of your heart is deeper intimacy with Christ a deep intimate personal growing relationship with Jesus is the only lasting remedy for the issues of the human heart I'm sorry if you've been told anything else if you've been told anything else it came to steal kill and destroy [Music] watch the rest I Jesus said have come to give them life and that how much [Music] now somebody give Christ praise while we [Music] I said give a praise foreign
Channel: 2819 Church
Views: 37,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Church, Online, Church Online, ChurchOnline, 2819, 2819 Church, Philip, Phillip, Pastor Philip Mitchell, Pastor Phillip Mitchell, Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell, Pastor Phillip Anthony Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchel, Anthony, 28 19, 28 19 Church, 28:19, 28:19 Church
Id: tHOf1N1Q2Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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