Reinstating Evil Covenants by False Prophets Pt. 2

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good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon thank you ladies and gentlemen this is yours truly Minister Kevin a Ewing coming to you once again live from the studios of Gov 103.7 FM here in Freeport Grande Baja mom and man I could not wait I could literally could not wait to get here today because we have a riveting that I'm speaking riveting show today now for those of you that followed me last week you all know I went all in I was in clean but nobody last week but last week I'm giving sorry I'm giving the continuation this week from maybe left off last week and basically what I was speaking about on last week is after the fast for those of you who were following my teachings up into the end and part of last year I spoke about engaging in a fast before the year concluded alright and the reason for that I told you why is to clear all of the spiritual clutter in your life to get a fresh start going into 2019 for those of you who came on the bandwagon late and you did not do the fast that I encouraged you to do a fast at least before the completion of this month I also said to you that after the fast and even during the fast those covenants and stuff that were broken those things that you were praying to God for and asking God to remove the spiritual clutter remove the stumbling blocks out of your way and when I say stumbling blocks and clutter I'm not talking about things that are physical let's make that clear the things that are physical that you see only the end result they are only the tentacles of what you don't see it is what you don't see that is the root of your problem okay so when we fast when we pray we have going all in to the spiritual world or the realm of the spirit to shut down that evil to to remove those evil traffic officers in the spirit that had u-haul up on that stoplight for years now becoming to shut that down now I also said to you that according to proverbs 26 verse 3 which says that a curse causeless or a curse Lord of course cannot descend upon a person I'm saying - that the spiritual car were as a result of covenants evil spiritual covenants that were put in place that you weren't even aware of and that is what was causing the repetitive cycle of defeat a failure of anti-marriage Berenice all of those negative things that were happening in your life that God had enabled you to progress freely in life to do it couldn't happen because they were covenants put in place whether those covenants were done by you or whether those covenants were done by some ancestors or somebody were married to or some ex boyfriend girlfriend whatever the case may be in order for those evil demonic spiritual entities to run their course in your life then the only way that could have legally happened the only way there had to have been a covenant that was forged in the spiritual realm all right so the fast nuts to shut that down to break those things apart so that you now will have the ability to move freely in your progression and life unhindered so wherever you are right now okay and you feel hindered and set back in delayed in life it feel as if everybody is getting ahead except you and feel like everybody is progressing making money having children get married being promoted getting their degrees or whatever their life goals are the only difference between you and them and I want you to hear me clearly the only difference is that there is a covenant in place in your life that is not in this and it's causing them to move freely in that particular area that they are progressing in unfortunately you have been deleted in that particular area where you're not progressing it so from my spiritual insight show what we're dealing with is the route let me make this clear we dealing with the root of things we're not dealing with the surface this show is not about the surface this shows what about spinning around two times this show is not about giving your name behind five you and I have proven over the years that dad does not work so what we're doing we're taking the laws the rules the principles the protocols the commandments and the precepts of God Almighty the constitution of the entire creation what is known as the Holy Bible we are now faith faith or focusing our attention or in the scriptures and as a result of that we are now making it practical and seeing the things come to pass what God has promised in his word it's as simple as that so last week I said to you how during and after the fast it is common for these same evil spirits that you out during the fast or that you broke the covenants with it is it is customary it is their job it is their legal right to revisit you and try to re-establish the covenants that some of you unknowingly broke now I setup because some of you came off the faster you concluded your fast and you feel as if okay can when I see much change your blah blah blah or things got worse for me or the bank is calling me saying they want their money or get or they also return their car whatever and what you don't know is that again these are the physical signs that what you shut down in the spiritual realm is working think about it if you want to look at it from a natural perspective why is the enemy coming at you so rough before during and after this fast why is everything breaking down on the backend since you ended the fast why ever since you went into consecration everything that could go bad and your life is going back it's happening because in the realm of the Spirit you have unseated the evil forces that were sitting on your destiny and as a result of that they now the same evil spirits got gotta use the same laws of the Bible there's no two laws there's one set of laws so those evil spirits now revert to Matthew chapter 12 verses 43 to 45 where Jesus told you well in advance it says when an evil spirit is evicted from a poisons life when a covenant has been destroyed when an evil power has been dismantle in the realm of the Spirit it says that that spirit goes into Dry places seeking rest and they find none so the Spirit says to itself let me go back to Kevin let me go back to Mary let me go back to that marriage over there let me go back on that one place where they ask me from when they started that fast and it says the spirit comes there it takes a look and the spirit realize that this Kevin or this group of people or these church members are maintaining their deliverance so the Spirit says is a spirits now a being but not a human being it's a disembodied spirit meaning that it's a spirit that does not have a physical uniform like us our flesh so the spirit which is which is an intelligent being went now and get seven more spirits that are far more wicked than this original spirit or have a higher rank in the spiritual demonic realm than the original spirit because he don't think here about having a position once again he just want to get back inside so he went in again these seven more evil spirits and that's what's challenging you right now those same seven demons come in without you right now those they are more wiki that's why things are worse now the original spirit that you Ochs listen to me carefully the original spirit of pride that you aus the original spirit of poverty that you've got over there the original spirit of divorce that you removed you're not fast that you're not aware of because all you looking at you you basing your your assessment or what God has done on what you see physically immediately not putting your focus in the spiritual world so the original spirit bring in these seven more evil spirits and they're the one who are attacking you from every angle all in an effort to say you know what this don't work all an effort to make you give up all in an effort to make you revert and make confessions that's gonna give them the legal right now to infect to infect your life they only could attack you from the outside until you make the confession which is agreement until you do whatever they setting you up to do to agree with them to give them access back into your life so I'm saying to you right now maintain your confession further I was on this fast for three days two days whatever and I believed by fate I have been delivered I believe by faith my finances will realign after this tidal wave that these guys are trying to come at me with these seven evil spirits I believe it on my might I refuse to confess anything contrary to what I were on my fast walk I believe this cancer does not exist in my body no more I believe this tumor excuse me that they said it's in my head this don't exist anymore I believe that my kids will prosper they will advance and they will not repeat the cycle of failure that I did I believe father God that there would be world changes I believe that the conditions on my job that I've been fasting for will all change and you will set the order in there I believe father God that you remove hate and bitterness from my heart and unforgiveness I believe the Word of God anybody win on this run with me better run off this run with me because I'm not having it I'm not listening to anything other than the confession and that which I wear on the fast for so right now January is the month where the heaviest attack of spiritual warfare take place because this is the mud everybody's trying to change their course for a better cause this is the month where people are now looking for - the expectation of the fasting that they did on the Mun before so don't be surprised at all that the attack is coming against you it is it is normal it this is what's supposed to happen this is a part of the package so don't that's what I'm telling you do not become discouraged so last week I place emphasis and I say there are two ways in which this attack will come at you after the fast one in your dream and the next one is through your confession what is it that you're confessing who is it that your are coming in agreement with in terms of negative things or speaking against the things that you really want to see so we dealt with the fast and weak sorry dreams we talked about during the dreams how the enemy will come at you sexually in the dream either with your spouse or your whomever and the whole idea is to forge a covenant the only purpose for the dream this one sole purpose for a demonic dream one and one only and that is to forge a covenant right because the Covenant or the agreement between the human and the spirit is what will give the spirit the legal right to facilitate its evil in your life so when you go on this fast you wanna you you wanna fast because you want to break this last spirit you want to break the spirit of masturbation you want to break this spirit of selfishness in you whatever it is you want to break the spirit of anti-progress I promise you when you go on the fast and you complete it or whatever you will be attacked but this is normal and these spirits that's coming at you at you masquerading as your deceased loved one masquerading as your co-worker masquerading as whomever the reality is behind that masquerade more than likely is the very spirit that you eradicate it from your life but it's coming disguise into something or someone you're familiar with to win your trust in that dream and any interaction on your end with that evil entity disguise that's something you're familiar with you are now reinstating the Covenant that you originally broken there was a friend of mine who passed away last year who was going through some major major physical problems and her body that we knew was of a demonic nature she was very disciplined and fasting very disciplined a three-day fast and I mean she was very committed after every fast she would call me but a Kevin listen I did that fast Kevin was tough but I believe God is gonna deliver me from this blah blah blah whatever the case may be right after that she gor shouldn't in Cameron but I know they trying to fix me Kevin I had this dream last night and I see their hand in my stomach I say hey hey hey now either you can believe God or you can believe the devil edu goes-r start on the Word of God and the premise and the protocol of the manifested power that this fast is going to bring are you gonna go into the enemy camp and say look you can take me out every time she spoke to me she would give a small print report and right after that she now be good she goes right into this negative speaking nonsense and it took it got really really upsetting for me and some one day I had to shake up but guess what happened unfortunately she's not here with us today and you know why she's not here she's not here with us today because she believed more and what they were doing to her as opposed to what the God of Abraham was doing for her so like I said to you on every show don't come to me but your mess don't come to me with your negativity don't tell me what they doing don't tell me the gal for panel or get Barry in your yard don't tell me they got something in your store don't tell me they they got some old dogs put up in the corner or your host I don't I don't even get up I don't need what I need to hear is what does the word of God say for me to eradicate this garbage what does the word of God say for me to shut this nonsense not that is what I want to hear from you so the bottom line is simply this you eat up going to believe God and stand surety your confession as it relates to the scriptures or you're gonna be a co-conspirator to your own demise through your evil confessions the scripture says proverbs 18 and 21 that death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it if you love telling me which your neighbor doing to you if you love telling me you see bullets flying around your place and a bunch of cross on your fence and you dream these big cats who's come if you love telling me that more and confessing the Word of God please don't call me don't call me don't email me I will delete it I'm not listening to it cuz this year 2009 ie the only time I won't hear that is when you tell you me Kevin I shut them down Kevin they try to come but guess what I speak the word and I told them greater is He that is in me than he that is in the will and of God before me who or what could be against me there is a greater spirit that resides in me the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead resides in this be so I don't why here nothing other than that don't bring it here I am not putting up with it I'm not encouraging you in it I am NOT trying to facilitate your defeat I am NOT working with you and Satan to your demise go find somebody else who is of less weight because Kevin ain't putting up with that so today after you have dealt with last week sorry in terms of coming your join the dreams and we talked about the confession today for those of you on my Facebook pages which you can find me right now I'm being viewed live on my facebook pages which is my personal page if you go on Facebook Kevin Laue and then I have our Kevin Ellie Ewing ministries and Kevin Ellie Ewing per page you go there right now right now and you will see me right now yes and you could tune into this program live on Facebook I want you to go in there right now and you'll be able to see me live and in action in today's teaching again we're still dealing with the reinstating of evil covenants but this time you're taking it from a more common perspective especially as its practiced in the entire Caribbean all over the world but more importantly the Caribbean but in this particular teaching here in the Bahamas and I'm gonna speak to you on a real level today and you know me either shoot straight I don't care I shoot me a string now you better put on your bulletproof vests because you getting take out of here and one today and the bottom line is medially this will be dealing with now we're dealing with the reinstatement of evil covenants that was facilitated by these false prophets who speak in a bunch of garbage in your life those ones who held your hand those want to anoint you with oil those ones who tell you all those evil prophecies that had nothing absolutely zero to do with God nothing to do with Jesus Christ nothing to do the plan of God for your life they were prophesying of their own emotions they were prophesying of how they sighs you have an eon mind they were prophesy thanks to you to get to give them money they were prophesying about some gossip they heard about you and they say the Spirit of the Lord is telling you a lie your friend tell you that who noticed when you prophesy do you a liar we shuttin you down today now I don't care what name you come in you could come super prophet super-duper prophet to the third party times three you could come with all that garbage that don't move me that don't scare me you are a fake you are a fraud you are a devil and you need deliverance so all the titles you come in don't bring it here don't bring it to Kevin because he getting shut down today Jesus Christ who was the son of God never addressed himself as a master prophet and he was the greatest of all prophets so I'm about to educate and to teach those today you have an ear to hear to listen I know some of you're there or listen and condemn in the church again yeah you devil it's you I'm condemning as you write it's you I'm coming off though you have misled people for years you have read people of their money take all their their mortgage and wrecked money and tell them lies now they've been ousted and when they come to you for help they can't find you or you got your secretaries lied to them but you in an office I come in for you today so with that said let's jump straight into this because I'm playing with nobody to me I am tired of it and I know God tired of it tired of seeing people with so much great potential in this life sitting up in these churches rotten the way and will not go forward in their gifts because they gotta wait for some so-called leader to tell them when to go when to come oh Jesus Christ says go into the world and preach my gospel what you sitting on your behind for go out there and operate in the gifts that he has given you stop allowing these people to dictate their lives who don't live their life no be shutting this baby down today not tomorrow today be shut in the night and I listen to me if you're coming to me you've got to come correct it when I say come correct come with the Word of God don't come to me with no nuttin I had somebody come to me the other day but they had a word of prophecy for me I say him said you I'm Minister you and I just want to hole send you saw and what is this what a prophecy see but what he don't know right there in my heart while I'm talking I pray father if this clown is not from you I reject him and I reject his evil prophecy evidence of you then I receive it and next thing you know he say well you know if you take an offense and I don't know well then guess what God never send you because if God had sent you you were to drop the Word of God on me and you would have left so if you have to wait on my approval to say to me would God tell you you are a devil and you need deliverance to cast the devil's out of you so if you're out there listening to you or they're listening to me and you let the devil fool you to come give me away you better come correct cause I can deal with you so today we dealing with these false prophets who have realigned your destiny as a result of the prophecies that they have been levied on your life that had absolutely nothing to do with God Almighty nothing of what they set out to do with God and when they spot that word over you they spoke it from the kingdom of darkness from evil altars that was at that point when you receive that word I don't what you believe because it's a fake prophesying of we call it awake but where is the origin of that prophecy coming from the origin of that prophecy is coming from the kingdom of darkness is coming from evil altars and just like when you accept a prophecy from God you are agreeing with the Spirit of God for that prophecy to be facilitated in your life so when someone tell you something that is not of God and you say I received this that's all they were looking for the agreement and I'm gonna give you the mechanics behind what's happening when they put their hand on you when they speak those words over you what is actually happening and that's what I'm going to show you today alright so the first thing I want us to do I want us to go to second Corinthians chapter 11 and I wore I hope you got your pen I'm gonna letter you at Scripture City I'm gonna litter you with Scripture City because Kevin Ewing is tired of these clowns Kevin Ewing see the wrestling to say that you know they got a little change politics and protocols but I don't I I ain't no Baptist I know Anakin I hope I am a child of God I am a servant of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ did not create any denominations that is man-made Jesus Christ will have Baptists in heaven Jesus Christ will have Anakin and evident Jesus Christ have his children who obey Him up in heaven so therefore no need for the Baptist Pentecostal eat and licking the Catholic to be offended I am speaking as a man of God and I am speaking to those who have an F of God to listen to the Word of God so 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 there's where we go into today and we're going to begin at verse 7 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 and again this chunk is teaching us about how you allowed after your fast you've been on after your treatise have not eating not drinking however you did your fast you allowed these demons to come up to you telling you mess and shut you down and reinstate those same covenants you got rid of 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 beginning at verse 7 I'm gonna read from verse 7 to verse 14 this is Paul speaking now to the Church of Corinth and listen to what he said half I committed an offence in abasing or making myself lower then you might so that you may be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely I can read that again for you Paul speaking how have I committed an offence in abasing myself that you might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely and there's a question man that he's asking the question Paul says yes I'm an apostle of Jesus Christ you know yes I'm a man to be honored as an organ of God but guess what I lower myself I am a servant leader also that you can be exalted in the things of God through the gospel that I'm giving you freely what do you say I am not charging you I'm not telling you to sep 2013 verse 8 he said I want other churches taking wages of them to do your service and yes what do you mean even meaning literally breaking Church and robbed them he says the monies that other churches gave him while he ministered there he's now using it to facilitate the gospel in your church he's taking his own funds now he won't be a burden to you he ain't come and say okay the Lord told me on the way here coming from Florida he said there are 50 people in here with $1000 no no no no no we didn't say that that's read it from the scriptures because you were never here is he says I wore other churches taking wages of them to do you service verse 9 and when I was present with you and wanted I was changeable so I was chargeable to no man with me in charge nobody for nothin for that which was lacking to me the bread one which came from Macedonia supply so what is he saying even though I was lacking while I was here giving you all the gospel God sent men from Macedonia to meet my needs I didn't had to pillage you I didn't have to put a burden on you I don't have to lay a guilt trip on you no all I did was do the will of God all I did was begin to walk in my gifts and where I fall short the God of Abraham supplied my need I did not have to trick you I didn't have to give you a cloth I don't have to give you no oil I did all I was focused on was ministering the Word of God which you desperately need and God said in my resources as a result of that you read it read in the scripture so he says in verse 9 and when I was present with you and wanted I sorry and wanted I was changed a book chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the bread 1 which came from Macedonia supply and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome on to you and so when I keep myself I'm looking upon saying I'm not gonna come to your church and become a burden I'm not gonna come to your church and rape you financially I'm not gonna come to your church and lie to your little vials of oil and say the Holy Spirit tell me to charge you $100 for each vial if you move in faith he said no I'm not gonna do that no first 10 says as the truth of Christ is in me no man shall stop me of this boasting in the region of KM verse 11 wherefore because I love you not God know it verse 12 but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from damage desire occasions that we're in the glory they may be found even as we now the reason I gave you all of that first is because basically the Apostle Paul is setting a foundation and he's showing you himself as an example when I come to your church to minister my focus isn't on getting money from you my focus isn't on how much the church can pay me how much the past didn't pay me my trip might focus isn't it isn't I'm gonna send a letter that I'm seeing that they're inviting me and let them know Foy's and far more first and foremost what my honorarium is know Paul says I'm putting all of that aside in fact I'm going to take my little resources and put it in your offering plan because I'm convinced that the same God who has given me the assignment to preach his word to you has also put people in place who wasn't even in your congregation that will come and bless me so Paul is telling the Church of Court I am here ministering to you and I'm using my own funds to do it and while I'm doing this when my need come there people as far as Macedonia coming here to supply my needs because of the Spirit of the Living God that resides in them and that they will be Danny says I do not listen my key purpose is not to become burden to you when I come to bring the gospel it should not be with a burden it should not be with a price it should not be with a price tag okay I just give you this hot revelation that is gonna be $50 per word no now he's saying all of this because he's basically given examples how the false prophet operates and what is their main agenda what we going somewhere today so verse 13 says for such a Europe for such a who's this for such are the people I just took just account - Paul described what he is not doing he said but there are those who are actually doing this but watch ie label them verse 13 of 2nd Corinthians 11 says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ mighty God o Lord God Kevin Noah put your hand on your Slavin because he's about to break loose right about here you hear the Paul said did you hear what Paul said ladies and gentlemen in radioland and on Facebook who beg you for money before you came into 2019 who tell you so a sacrificial seed who told you that if you're not going to do this in 2009 then you need to do this who did this to you and you cooperated why why are you saying this Kevin because when you did what God did not say to do then you came in a covenant with an evil entity there was a spirit operating in this poison that more than likely was not of God but what happened there is a joke compared to what took place spiritually I said to my teachings over and over no devil no demon no principality there's no found spirit that could have any power over you outside of your permission whether that permission is direct or indirect so these false prophets these false apostles these false ministers of righteousness move in now with their lies their mountain demonic words only to levy on your life and to make you believe that if you pay God this then God can do that lies so reset in verse 13 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming changing themselves into apostles of Christ this is so powerful because they're coming with all the names to to give the impression that I am from God to give the impression that most holy you come to with your long dress on or your pious look all the titles you start off with just slow talk and God is moving on you right now and he said there's some people in the crowd who got this who God no no no no no no no no sir mom could you please give me the Word of God I didn't come here when I want to show I will go to the carnival okay when I will exercise I will go to the gym I came to church because I want the Word of God I came to church because I want to know the principles of God to abide by mr. apostle mr. prophet Mishra's prophet could you at any time put your evil motives on hold and give me the dust said the notley's because that's what Kevin were here and until we get to that point and show these jokers retirement is there but forever leisure year after year after year after year and the only one who's prospering is there while you sitting on your backside in that church and they go nowhere so he says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel or don't be surprised this is verse 14 our second Corinthians he says and do not be surprised or do not be Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into the angel of light what I didn't apart I want you to get the part I want you to get in this chapter is voice 15 because we are about to see the ministry branch the false ministry branch of Satan's Kingdom watch this was 15 Corinthians 11:15 says therefore he says be surprised for satanist has the ability to transform himself he has the aboard is not going to stop him this is a part of the powers that he have he could switch from this evil devil into the most beautiful angel why all in an effort to deceive and to mislead those who do not move by the Spirit of the Lord who was not moving by the designing of the spirit oh by the Holy Spirit so those who just got itchy ass and they marvel on any little any little motivational speech and so this is so-called ancient pull up in their life they're not testing no spirit they've gotta fall for it so he's saying if Satan have the ability to do this watch in verse 15 therefore it was no great thing if his ministers who's this ministers Satan's ministers who are ministers servants the would do if so the minister is a servant listen to this nerve was 15 of second Corinthians 11 therefore it is no great thing if the ministers also a sorry if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of all righteousness you get up did you get up Satan have a branch in his kingdom or Lord oh yeah Satan have a branch in his kingdom specifically for his false ministers apostles prophets pastas he says false fake leaders listen the key word transform transform means to change from one appearance or state to the next a caterpillar will transform for being a caterpillar into a butterfly the scripture saying that these even wicked men who come up in your churches pretending to be men of God have all of the outward things that they know the people in the house will recognize a man of God up Jesus want about this Jesus is listening they come in you know he said now you must be vigilant because the walls are coming but they're not coming dressed like wolves he said they're gonna come as sheep now why is this because you are the Sheep he crisis the shepherd we are a sheep how better to fold this sheet that they look like the Sheep if the wealth came us to life wouldn't you run wouldn't you take off run it but no no the movie ain't done they won't say you know what our strategy is to pretend to look and to be like them to give all the pageantry and jumping up and shouting and acting like you in the spray do all that because they like that they're not discerning nothing they're not interested in the spiritual things they like on of the fleshly on good things that's what they can run to and after they'll do all of that now you walk up to them and you give that look like the spirit is on you and you point them in you call them up and you tell them the Lord is speaking to you right now and the Lord says you're going through some financial problems and a lot of saying that you need to make a a financial sacrifice conquer God says you've been holding on to something now remember now God's speaking to them so why are you using terms like something or God says that thing that you was praying for if God is speaking to you who was all-knowing who knows the end from the beginning what is that thing why couldn't you label that thing that goddess and orcas he has a liar he was a deceiver you're a minister of the kingdom of darkness who have been transformed to pretend to be men of righteousness trying to deceive and levy evil crisis on this poison that's who you are and that's why I tell everybody under the sound of my voice I don't care what service you go to I don't care which conference you go to I don't care who's your favorite past or your favorite preacher if you even come to my service I mean let me bring this baby home if you come to any service I'm ministering to this is what you do father I go to brother Kevin yeah he's a good teaching ok but God if anything that Kevin will say in that meeting even before I step my foot in there whatever is not a view then I relinquish it from my life it won't have no effect on me but whatever that he is speaking that is from knew God then I come an agreement listen to me God with what your word says not Kevin whatever Kevin say over some flesh I want nothing to do with it but whatever Kevin say as it relates to the Word of God then that is what I'm rolling on to any crisis any false prophecies that Kevin may release in the spiritual realm god that is none of you father I disassociate I shut it down I put a hedge of protection around me I immerse myself in the blood of Jesus I put on my armor before I step foot even on the road where the churches where he is I put on the whole armor of God to protect me from the wiles of the evil one according to your word so don't take your poison like I use myself here because this is a time that you live in in the enemy is all about to reeling you from your God intended destiny and that is easy to do nowadays because nobody is taking you the Bible anymore nobody is getting you to understand the rules of the spiritual realm through the words of the word of God so you have nothing to fight with absolutely nothing so the scripture says here in verse 15 again therefore it is no great thing if Satan's ministers also be transformed or change as the ministers of righteousness that's what the scripture says now this is powerful information because now that you know that there are people who's sitting up in churches even as I speak to you now they're sitting on pulpits they're sitting up there as prophet and prophets apostles and elders and all of this and what they have been so successful in doing is the get you to focus on the title not really as a poison not in their everyday confession and they behavior well you can recognize those spirits working up in them but everything is directed towards the title body int a title the Bible says the Bible never said by the title you will know it by visits by their fruit so why you got bishop to the third power square old prophet now why everybody else are gonna duck I'm looking at your food I look and I'm looking at what you are producing see this is important because you see if I'm under this ministry and I'm taking your hand and fellowship then whatever evil is on you true spiritual rules that is going to be transferred to me the scripture says that is the same Holy Spirit that levies all of the gifts upon us the gift of the word of wisdom the word of knowledge prophecy the same spirit since we're doing it as long as you're open for it you could receive it because that's the principle it also works the same way on the kingdom of darkness so if this so-called prophet our apostle in this church is into wickedness and receiving powers from the authors of bail and marine kingdom and sorcery so what you think is going to happen when you go up different prayers what you think you think all of a sudden only when you reached here he's gonna turn into the Mount of God bless you and as soon as you leave when somebody else gonna be can turn into the agent of wickedness no it don't work the way it is what it is so now I'm going to show you why it is so important to move by the Spirit of God father I love this man I think he's a good preacher I think he's a good teacher but father do not let me become so consumed in who he is and overlook what he or she is all about and when I said that I'm talking about their spiritual foundation I'm not talking about their pass I'm not a little little we're all gonna pass I'm talking about who is it that they really serve I ended last week because I'm what when I forget I ended last week I said to you there are a lot of you in churches you need to question your leadership who is it that you really search I said to you I said you cannot be a man and woman of God carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ but simultaneously you're holding a position in a secret society explain it to me because that same Bible and you claim to get your wisdom from clearly states that a man cannot serve two masters he will love one or cleave the one and reject the other so either you serve God or you serve your secrets but you cannot be a leader in a church of god and say that you are a whatever under your secret society and now use a bishop in this church or use an apostle or use a prophet but you couldn't put your hand on me in fact I didn't come to the church because it's a it's a church I know what you'd hear me Kelly because I mention no words it is a Church of devils because your leader is a devil it's as simple as that so one last little games here no less one less whole arm Bunch oh my god he said that yes this brother say it Jesus Christ made it clear my sheep hear my voice and no other voice they were listened to so if you are in a church of you I part of a religious organization and that leader is a part of a secret society you're in problems you're in serious problems because under the kingdom of God rules and regulation it should never happen it should never ever ever happen so you know that now is telling me exactly the foundation of which I just give you this poison is from the branch of the kingdom of darkness masquerading as men and women of righteousness you read in the scripture so if you want somebody around you go back to the scripture the time for you so now let's go now let's go to revelations because we can show the mechanics behind what these evildoers are doing to you who are agents of the devil let's go to Revelation chapter 13 Revelation chapter 13 sorry revelation chapter 68 and we're gonna begin at verse 13 revelry and I hope you following me in your Bibles I really want you to do that because I want you to die making this stuff up alright now I want you to listen carefully because what I'm about to show you to the scriptures I'm going to show you that when a false prophet when a false pastor when a false apostle is speaking words over your life or prophesying to you it is not just mere words it is not just okay Kevin you write he was a false prophet he or she said this and it didn't come to pass the data they say it no baby no here Kevin today okay it runs deeper than that they have bind you they have covenant with you through the words that you receive the prophecy that you receive this is now what's going to overthrow and make your fast a waste of time because you are now coming in covenant with a a worker of iniquity a deceiver the Bible call this poison one who pretends to be an agent of the kingdom of light who was disguised as an agent of the kingdom of light but truly they're working for the kingdom of darkness so when they made the prophecy of it when they said God is showing me you're gonna be married this year if God did not say that you will not be married and if we will get my it is not for the one whom God has called you to be with it's a part of the evil prophecy but I'm going to show you not from the surface now I'm going to show you from the spiritual realm what is happening when that evil prophet is speaking oh my god I pray these people hear me today here because it's gonna now make you understand why every time you go back to the same prophet forward you've got to give them money or proffer I just won't bring this 50 dollars to you you know because they need to hear a word from the Lord or prophet I bring this hundred dollars for you because I the Nords saying something to me in a dream but I need you to interpret it yeah let's see what would they all about revelation 16 be given at verse 13 reveling write this down Revelation 16 beginning beginning at verse 13 we are about to be introduced to the mechanics behind the words of the evil wicked fake profit or prophetess in Revelation 16 beginning at verse 13 the John who was on the Isles of Patmos was in a vision and listen to what he said that he saw in his vision first thirteen of Revelation 16 says and I saw three unclean spirits which looked like frogs hello now this ain't no dream interpretation session but remember I always tell you frogs are symbolic of evil spirits well this is where I got it from and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beasts you're ready for this one you're braced for this one now brace for this one and they seemed three unclean spirits that look like frogs also came out of the mouth of the false prophet well Jesus what is this oh Lord Kevin position may change my position occurs in or now did you just get your yeah so here is what I'm saying to you listen to the revelation when the Prophet says God is showing me something about you man of God and God is showing me that there's a lay in this charger tomorrow when they start that mess when they go the Bible say at that very moment coming out of that evil presence mode what you cannot see are these unclean spirits that join liken them to frogs and these unclean spirits are just looking for someone to receive them and that's what you do now 40 suck Myanmar yet and you're desperate to get married and you're so worship of everything your fake prophets and before it's passed to see you quick to bite onto that your Bible your garbled and read up not recognizing the law of agreement when a human come an agreement with a spirit you will see the manifestation of whatever that spirit represents I can read it again because you're like peleg yogi I hear revelation 16 verse 13 and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs that's what it says now came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the Mount of the beasts and out of the mouth of the false prophet the false prophet mode is filled with evil spirits the false prophet mount is pack stuff over overflowing overwhelming with evil demonic crisis that's being levy meaning that there's nothing that's gonna come out of their mouth is of God and therefore when you receive the promises prophecy prophecy a prophet a true prophet of God speaks on the behalf of God a false prophet then it's just the opposite speaks on the behalf of seeding so the pro false prophet in order for this prophet or a kingdom of darkness to have a legal ready to this poison life that we we got there has to be a covenant there has to be we've got to get them to agree but let's throw stuff for their what they want this poison will get married so bad this poison tired of being broke let's play some our baby so bad so I'm gonna start off this prophecy with what they like woman of God Oh hallelujah Isis Americana come come touch her come touch her stomach for me you know I don't want to put my hand there hallelujah while i prophesy the Lord is showing me a baby I see a crib and I see pink toys I see all this the time you cried all ghor Jesus or not I do Jesus now watch what he can say afterwards because wait afterwards I even got that hook in your jaw because that's what you want he cannot really win and he could just ladle force crisis on you but according to the scripture it says that the four out of this false prophet mode Joel says I saw three unclean spirits that look like frogs can you see a spirit no but john kassir because John is in a vision and a vision is just like a dream it's taking you into the spiritual world so God is allowing him to see so what that mean in ordinarily in the natural world you couldn't see what John saw so the revelation is we the readers of the scripture is now being privy to what we cannot see under normal circumstances it's showing us that a false prophet isn't just a false prophet and then you kick him to the side no this guy is coming to eat away to chip and to fight at your foundation which is spiritual they know they could shut you down in the spiritual realm in the table view in the natural realm absolutely zero nothing so we read it right here verse 40 says for they are the spirits of Devil's what uses necks for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles for Lord when you see why you gotta move by the spirit because according to the scripture it says that the false prophets also has the ability to perform miracles so if you're not moving by the Spirit of God how will you decipher when this false prophet do a miracle in your mates how are you going to know is of God or not how do you know so my point in telling you this is this is why you need 2019 is the year where you such a righteous with the laws of God why because when you are now confronted with such circumstances the law will begin to speak the law will say Mary hold on a second what did the Word of God says abut would displace to the same right now you ever move on your flesh you will move on your desperation your removal which you've been pining it begging God for you are now waiting for the spirit to identify if this thing is of the Spirit of God let's go to for Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 we can bring this all together first Timothy and we're gonna read from chapter 4 I'm beginning at verse 1 right listen what it says it says now this is first Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 now it says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the fate but what he can do that because they're going to be giving heedless paraskevi now two-room seducing spirits they're pulling them away from the things of God they're seducing them through material things and money and positions and titles listen now the spirit that's a capitalist the Spirit of God speaking expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith some of them who was grounded once in the things of God are going to be seduced by Devils I was speaking to them for a long time but they finally gave in all of these fake prophets that bring from overseas and bringing them here to this island to pollute the body of course because that's all they do it because they ain't nothing that's changed all of the prophecies that they give none to show up we're after year you hear all of these puffs that's why for me I was reading something on Facebook the other day some prophet prophesy over Grand Bahama and the things that's gonna happen in the Bahamas sorry all right now I don't know whether they are false prophet or not but let me tell you what Kevin did do I put my hand on that prophecy I say God if this prophecy what this man said is of you concerning the Bahamas then I come in a green with it if it is not I reject these words from the kingdom of darkness every evil every every foul spirits that look like frogs come on that evil man moat that is not of you as it relates to dis Bahamas Kevin you in rejected you know why because I'm cording to province 11 verse 9 B it says through knowledge shall the just be delivered no before you could have fooled me with that before you could get me all scared and in my corner saying O Lord oh no no no now I said I'm testing the spirit with the spirit you understand what I'm not sure of I make this Proclamation this declaration this disclaimer good this what this woman is saying if this would this man is saying is of you then I come in agreement but good luck if this is not of you I reject it i relaunch it I command the evil alters in which these prophecies are coming from to be overturned to be unseated to be broken confusion to be annihilated by the Spirit of the Living God you ain't bringing her here you are not gonna get me to buy into your lies you are not going to get me to overthrow my God ordained and tender destiny to be replaced with your evil prophesies it in grafton I don't care who you are I don't care what you call yourself why are you giving yourself when that titles I'm looking into the scriptures I'm looking into the laws I'm looking into the roots and when that garbage would you say an onliner straight in the garbage is going and in coming year it will not come here in the story so the Bible says in first Timothy 4 verse 1 it says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith but why are they departing mr. Ewing they're departing because they will give heed they will give heed to seducing spirits or what please and doctrine of all devils now let's go back now to revelation 16 verse 13 to 14 he says John says in this vision in this vision while on the Isle of Patmos I saw these three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the Beast but more importantly they were also coming out of the mouths of the false prophets that's what I read that's why you're here he said they're coming out of the mouth of the false prophets prophets the force I coming after you today you're wicked you have changed and altered the destinies of other people you have led people on a destiny that had nothing to do with God you've misled them you've figured advantage of them and the God of Abraham is coming for you the god of Isaac is coming for you you have lined your pockets with their money through your lies to your manipulation through your deception and the God of Abraham will visit you you're sitting up in these churches spilling your evil working your witchcraft listen to the familiar spirits and bringing false prophecies as sure as my name is Kevin Laue the God of Abraham will visit you in 2019 I promise you that the Bible says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils yes doctrines of devils that is what's coming out of their mouths that is what's coming out of the mouths of the false prophets doctrines of devils they are demonically inspired and anyone who receives it will now suffer the consequences of it so let's go now to 1st John chapter 4 verse 1 first John chapter 4 verse 1 I told you before I pray with you today first John chapter 4 verse 1 beloved believe not every spirit when they come and down and make first of all you can always double defects because they got to prove to you that God is so you don't have to prove to me that God is speaking to me because God already gave me the equipment to decipher if you real or not and I'm about to read it right now first John chapter 4 verse 1 it says beloved believe not every spirit but try or test the spirit whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world I didn't make that up I didn't make that up that's the Word of God he said do not bow do not be succumb do not be seduced do not be reeled in by these false prophets he said instead to Holy Spirit please to me right now if this man is of you Lord Father he sound real God she sound like she on point what she said some things and about me that is true so God before I sign on to this reveal to me give me a sign Lord cost me to hear something in my spirit that they're saying that'll be the key the red flag that I need to shut this down because I cannot accept another false prophecy to deter or to reap to derail me from what you have intended for me to experience this year in other words I refuse and as it is now to be a co-conspirator to my own demise let's read it again first John chapter 4 verse 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world now in every said a last part because he says test the spirit now because there are many fake prophets out there many false ones among the good ones but he's telling you how to decipher two good from the bad he says test the spirit so he's insane focus on what you cannot see don't focus on the fake miracles like they are capable of doing according to our revelation 16 and 20 don't focus on the fancy motivational speeches and ask God race you your son can get small or and whatever release go over to go around what company we get that let's look at Father open my spiritual eyes about this person show me in don't just like how you open up the realms of the spirit and Daniel was able to see all of these things in the spiritual father what I know different from Daniel your servant is open to whatever you choose to show him right now as it relates to this poison because I refuse to submit myself to seducing spirits shut it down so he says there are many false prophets are gone out into the world now why they go out into the world with a mission and what is that mission because in their mouth according to revelation 16 and 13 out of the amount of false prophets we're focusing on it says all of the amount are these three unclean spirits that have the appearance of frogs that's what the word says so first John four and one says you must test the spirits of these false prophets let's go to Matthew now we got a rush here Matthew chapter seven let's go to Matthew chapter 7 and verse 15 Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 and Jesus is now speaking because Jesus you know was trying to educate his people like I'm trying to educate you right now Jesus says beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves they come to rip you apart they come to not only put you under spiritual oppression but more importantly they want to rape you financially or the prophets say you can and do this the part when you see that level of control when they act as if you can't do nothing unless you hear from them trust me you dealing with a false prophet whenever they trying to dictate to your life or the Lord time you say you can't take Bahamas in flight because the planes and do this or do that or the lords they don't buy this red car because excuse me hello know when you see that level of control it's time to run it's time to break off running like Mesa in the Bahamas get from Ron that devil because that's who they are Matthew chapter 24 verse 11 I'm trying to rush through these scriptures because there's this I really wanted to pound on Matthew chapter 24 verse 11 Matthew 24 verse 11 reads it says and many false prophets shall rise do you guys hear the underlying tool there is going to be an increase in false prophets so therefore there will also be an increase and false prophecies one is descriptions putting so much emphasis in the New Testament on these false prophets and their proliferation because they are trying to alter they are trying to change your destiny they're trying to take you of what God had concern himself on concerning you before the foundation of the world and they're trying to now that virtue or hijacking from that destiny and put you on a demonic destiny so Matthew 24:11 says and many false prophets plural shall rise and shall deceive many let's go to verse 24 of the same chapter Matthew 24 verse 24 it says for there shall arise false Christ's mm-hmm Matthew 24 verse 24 says for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and so much that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect but this ain't nothing new if we go back to Exodus I think chapter 7 or somewhere around there when Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and they told Pharaoh God said let my people go you know it Pharaoh so Pharaoh said under whose authority did you come here in so much water you nobody said whose spiritual powers backing you because his altar was backing him the authors of bale and may lock on whomever else so Moses said yeah those who say Aaron surely matter - and the Bible says Aaron took his staff and threw the staff on the ground that became a serpent so I try to show you this way back eons ago Pharaoh's that's the best you could do this is the best first day you know what had enough of your clouds he says listen go get my magicians go get my sorceress but we did go read that scripture he is calling for his people his practitioners of the altar that summons the spiritual moranto so the Bible says when they came they feel their staffs on the ground and guess what happened their staffs became serpents also so if you were in that time how would you decipher who was up God knows not so you see why the scripture now in the New Testament is reiterating the fact that you don't look at what you see don't don't be dusted by the magic because that's what sorcery is magic to deceive to mislead he says instead test the spirit so Moses and Aaron shut this down the Bible says that the Serpent's or the staff that Aaron threw on the ground became a serpent and consumed all of the Serpent's which came from their staffs of the magician the sorceress and whomever else but it didn't end there even when the plague skin didn't in the initial three or four plagues turned into the rivers into two blood nor these other things didn't the magicians do the same thing so therefore in the spiritual realm false prophets sorceress open with his have a certain level of power to an extent they can mimic the things of God so again the purpose why I'm teaching you this is so that you don't go by what you see you don't say by Kevin as a good man of God why is he a good man of God what would make you make that assessment what is it something of the scriptures that you're comparing him to us it relates to the laws of God to come to that conclusion or are you going off of your own flesh your own feeling your own desire or you just like to hear this poison speak see because that's what you're going on which is superficial then you are easy to be misled by this poison but your assessment should be of that of the things of the Spirit as it relates to the rules and the laws of God so the scripture says here in verse 24 Matthew 25 it clearly states that for the air shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders this is the same thing that is said in revelation 16 verse 14 that they would be able to perform miracles for there shall be a generation arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that if he were possible the very elect also would be deceived so let's go to Matthew now chapter 13 and verse 22 Matthew chapter 13 and verse 22 Matthew 13 verse 22 says he also that received this is Jesus speaking he also Matthew chapter 13 in verse 22 he also that received seed among the thorns all about the wrong one sorry I take the back Luke chapter 6 verse 26 Luke chapter 6 I'm rushing here because there's a particular scripture that I want to close on on Luke chapter 6 verse 26 and listen what it says woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers of the false prophets yeah he said woe everybody talking about this prophet everyone talking about his prophet he say woe he says woe woe unto you sorrow unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets basically the scriptures saying don't mind what's being said he says by their fruit you will know them they made a bunch of prophesies and none has come to pass they said a lot of prophecies in January of 2018 that will take place throughout the months of 2018 not a shred of them came to pass but yet you still running behind them yet you still giving them their money yet you taken your mortgage money in your rent money and say you moving in fate and you can give it an amount of God and didn't they yank your house from you didn't they yank that car from you where is your prophet now you know what happened just like what I just said to you and broke down so eloquently when they spoke to you and tell you step wouldn't fate and go borrow the money or go do this to bring to them their what doctrines of devils that you bought into once you bought into that you kick there was an agreement form so therefore those seeing evil spirits that were spewing from their mode had a legal right to run their evil course in your life and what is this well let's go back to the blow again the law said that the only time that the devil and his agents will ever show up in your life no other reason John 10 and 10 they come to kill they come to steal and they come to destroy but you who have allowed these fake prophets pauses whomever they call themselves to keep you on the safest level to keep you with the riddles and the Rhymes and the motivational speeches and and God is got a new thing and God is getting ready to do this God ain't getting ready to do nothing but his law he ain't there's nothing God is gonna do when his law is in the basis of what he's about to do or what he has already done so what I'm trying to say you could be offended at me and yeah I may be a little abrasive but missin scratch that look at what I'm saying to you I'm trying to get you to do a different and how am I trying to get you to do that to look under laws let what is being done that you're gonna participate in let the foundation with law what rule is my posture using what the law is the the profit of this house are spewing these things on I need to know because if you cannot give me some rules some biblical law then I got I got an out question you so at the end of the day I need to know from my own satisfaction for my own comfort what I'm dealing with you know why because I'm a man of the law I'm a man of descriptions and everything that I'm going to do is going to be based on the scriptures this is why now I'm giving you scripture after scripture after scripture after scripture because there's some of probably you listen to me right now and the devil is using someone on the side of you don't listen to him here are what making a bunch of noise screamin on this place see that's the devil now to prove to you to the devil tell them now you give me scripture sir or mam what he saying is wrong because he just gave me a whole myriad of scriptures just now and all seem to line up on each other so you said here's a thing you say he's all be a worker so now you give me the scriptures that I could use that will now show him up that's exactly what you said you can't so therefore you lose you too over your boycott second Peter chapter 2 verse 1 let's go to a second Peter 2nd Peter chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 it says but there were false prophet also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that brought them that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction so the scriptures are clear as you can see scripture after scripture we are seeing here where false prophet cause trouble cause destruction derail the plans of God not that the plans of God and the things of God are less powerful you know remember keep this in the back of your head God on this covenant where that covenant is evil or whether that covenant is good God is going to honor the covenant if your pasta made a covenant with evil alters if your pasta is connected to an a a secret society God is honoring the covenant God isn't endorsing there's a difference between endorsing something and honoring it to honor it me know that you know what I respect your decision so I'm gonna leave it as that God in less powerful this is the same situation I told you last weekend a week before with Joshua who was the head of the Israelite at that time who made a covenant with a group of people that he should have not made a covenant with that God originally told him to kill and to destroy the Gibeonites who were the descendants from the AMA rights but when they made the covenant God honored it to the extent that when there were descendants from Israel in the poison of Saul the first king of Israel he had killed some of Gibeonites as a result of that god stopped the rains in the heavens in david time and even though David and the children of Israel was living to all of the commandments and the rules of God David couldn't understand why we was suffering a drought when the drought was a sign of a curse and the Bible says that when he inquired of God God said to him the reason why there was a drought in Israel even though you're 70 even though you're following all of the Passover's in the rituals even though you're doing one of that you have violated a covenant that you have made with the Haydn's and as a result of that not because you are my people look because you are I am Gordon I'm more powerful I could just bypass my laws and go against it and destroyed him no he said you made a covenant and the reason why God made company he respect the Covenant is because and I guess say this and tell the day I died when God completed creating this earth when God did the Garden of evil and made all the trees and animals he surrendered the authority to this earth according to Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and 28 according to Psalms chapter 8 verses 4 to 6 it says he were surrendered Dominion he says human beings hear the authority of this earth goes to you so anything in the spiritual realm including the things from me God that want to come and participate in the events of this earth then there's a protocol that must be followed primarily there's a covenant and has to be forged there has to be a covenant between you and I or you and the devil so that's why the Bible takes us back now to proverbs 26 and and 2 it says a curse which is from the kingdom of darkness to stagnate to debilitate to cause you not to progress to stagnate it cannot come upon you outside of a reason or but that word means outside of a covenant what did your ancestors do what did you do when you went to the obeah man when your ancestors was doing fool to become rich or to remove a Christ what agreement that they make with the kingdom of darkness that simultaneously tied up the future generation so until the covenant keep talking about until that covenant is broken I don't care how save you are I don't care what title they give you you will be limited in that aspect of your life until the covenant is broken this is why you see a family of pastors or preachers and everybody blind at the age of 50 how could this be if they dedicated their whole life to God because there's a covenant in place so I'm saying to you when the Covenant is broken is when the change is going to come in the natural so whatever you are experiencing now negatively and you are saying when you are living right and you're doing the best you can then the only reason why that evil could continue in your life because there is an invisible covenant in place that nobody knows about but it is that covenant that is given the evil entities against you and your family the right to perpetrate the evil in your life it is as simple as that we don't need no board no committee we don't need no nuttin to figure this out covenants is what's running the show and tell why you think you are for tooth and nail when you go on a fast some of you will will admit to what I'm about to say right now and that is when you went on the fast you've even had evil spirits masquerading as somebody in your life and speaking to you in the dream why are you doing this why don't you stop this fast you may see some dead when I just show up to you in your dream some Grammy or someone who was in love with when they were living and they say in or John stop the witness why are you doing this to us see that's the evil spirit masquerading as that deceased love word because what you are doing is you are bringing an end to what gave them the legal right to oppress you so this is why they're gonna throw everything at you while you're on the fasts and while you're off the fast with the sole purpose to make that covenant reinstated so that they continue the evil in your life if you have a family who is ready with divorce if you have a family that is riddled with cancer if you have a family that is riddled with non progress or whatever negative thing that is contrary to the things of God that he promised you even though you are Christian now there's a covenant in place and you need to deal with the Covenant this is why I begged you last year please for the love of God go on a fast break the evil invisible unknown companies unknown confidence in your life father whatever our granny and them did but whatever it is that they gave us to drink whatever they did us in when we were young whatever it is that they did that they were either knowledgeable of or ignorant to father I confess it I repent of the sins of my ancestors and the things that they are did that they were ignorant to or knowing the things that I did the things that I participated in the tower card reading the horoscope that the going to these witchcraft people in or further whatever it is that we did we're asking you to not only forgive us but break the covenant that was established between us and those evil alters that is pulling the strings through our lives today you've got to shut the Covenant down if you do not shut the Covenant down you are playing Church you are a puppet being controlled by the kingdom of darkness I want you hear this piece now even though you are Christian even though you save this is why you keep meeting the same set of loser men this is the same reason why you you're a good man you're decent you want to family you want to do the right thing but every woman you meet cheating on you every woman you meet getting pregnant for somebody else even though you married are every time you go on a job you the most educated but you appear Dilys why is this happening we'll look at your family or what happened in the cousin Pookie it happened to Billy Mumy it happened to my auntie to them why there is a covenant in place and you take this baby for the view the Covenant that they made or not altar woodenness they ought to do what did I tell you the altar is a place where spirits meet with humanity - what Forge agreements those agreements determine the future or destiny or it overturns the original destiny for demonic one in layman's terms the altars where the covenants are made determined the end from the beginning how do i shut down the Ewing family and make sure none of the men in this family ever ever own a piece of property ever owned any kind of real estate how could I do something to make sure at a certain age in the Ewing family when they reach a certain age that all of the men do not progress anymore what could I do to the Ewing family to ensure that none of the women are married forge a covenant believe of ours it's as simple as that they don't even know they don't even know that their program to the Covenant that they don't know about they our program is almost like a computer chip in them that where they get to a certain time in their life everything begin to go downhill and there can be no recovery they pray they do all kind of stuff you know like they're ignorant to the Covenant simple as that so now we're gonna go to another set of scriptures before I get into this now because the meat of this only can take me about 15 minutes Jeremiah chapter 23 we dealing with these old nasty false prophets and I'm giving you all of these details because I'm trying to show you how to messing up your life you bet you running them down for crisis and God says no no no that ain't gonna happen this year if you'd only listen if you'd only listen Jeremiah chapter 23 go to Jeremiah chapter 23 now and let's begin let's begin at verse 13 Jeremiah 23 verse 13 all right now listen to what it says now Jeremiah 23 verse 13 says and I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria they prophesy in bale not this is the Prophet Jeremiah speaking as an Oracle to God to the people of God in samaria samaria would've been the capital of israel at that time you know the kingdom was divided Judah Judah was the southern kingdom which capital I believe was Jerusalem and Israel it should have been Northern Kingdom which Kevin would have been Syria so the Prophet Jeremiah is now saying to the people of God in Jeremiah 23 verse 13 and I have seen folly or foolishness in the prophets of Samaria they prophesy and bail will it be in an idol God so what is he saying the prophecies that the prophets of Samaria are prophesying are not from the kingdom of light but they are from the kingdom of darkness so the altars that they worship are now giving wicked decrees to them to tell the people so he says here and I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria they prophesied and bill and cause my people to error E or our circle at work because we can open up that void right now the word earth they wrote it down here e of our our it's a Hebrew word and it's pronounced Taha alright listen to what this word mean but let's get the context of the scripture again Jeremiah said listen these prophets of Samaria all right who are really false prophets they are prophesy but two things the prophesies are not coming from God and number two the basis or the foundation on which these prophecies are coming from are coming from bail meaning demon altars so what does that mean let's go back to our base Scripture revelation 16 verse 13 where Joe and said he saw in the spirit that when the false prophet along with two other jokers began to speak he said coming out of their mouths with three unclean spirits that look like frogs so because these prophets are speaking from the altars of bill these are evil prophecies so when they speak when they speak they are spilling into the atmosphere these evil spirits to their words and he says as a result of it that has caused my people of Israel to e are our air the word air in the Hebrew is - ha and listen what it mean it means to go straight it also means to first admit sorry to waver in mind or opinion to be indecisive - to - to cycle or to be deceive in so many words because this DISA spiritual point he says that that when a false prophet begin to speak over your life the first thing that's going to happen is confusion the first the first thing that's going to have to do you will become confused why because once you confuse and someone saying something to you you don't notice that on you staggering you're not sure which is you receiving it anyhow Oh is not of God so the sign that a false prophet is talking to you there should not be confusion and the scripture is clear in verse 13 of Jeremiah 23 it says and I have seen foolishness and the prophets of Samaria they prophesy and build and of course my people to go straight or to waver in mind or not to be sure about the things that they ought to be doing now we're gonna read on a bit of verse 16 verse 14 says I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing they commit adultery these the prophets now the prophets are committing adultery every time you title on YouTube every time you look at some mega church or some church there's some foolish is going among the prophets but they say not new it says I have seen also the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing they commit adultery and walk and listen to this carefully circle list they walk in Lies they strengthen also the hands of the evildoers they always promote an evil yes I'm a more time a lady I was talking to her husband was cheating on her and she told me she went to this she called this particular prophet I should tell the Prophet that someone just call her and say the husband she was the word delayed he was the would say someone call her and say the husband just take his sweetheart in her house so she called a prophet a prophet come on a job she said please come here looking for a word from the Prophet their prophecy get off your job let's go by elbow fight now I prefer to say stuff like that - not let's see God no matter not less pray leave your job and let's go physically fight the sweetheart and in the husband that makes sense to you will it make a lot of sense when I look at the scripture because the Scriptures have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing the prophets are committing adultery the cup the prophets are sweetheart and they are walking in lies they strengthen also the hands of the evildoers they promote wickedness and injustice that none does return from his wickedness they are they are all of them unto me as Sodom and the inhabitants thereof of Gomorrah so the evil profits and this is how you know they're not of God they promote violence they promote wickedness anything to do with going against the laws of God today all about that but on the pulpit they all pious and all that that's why the Bible says that they have a form of godliness that's what the scripture says so what I'm going to do it for the sake of time I want you in your spare time to read from Jeremiah 23 verses 13 to verses 13 to verse 16 and then I want you to jump from verse 23 to verse 32 because what I'm about to say next time is going on me and I have to get to it I just wanted to give this foundation for will be able to go in next because I'm going to show you how a false prophet destroy the lives of people but I just needed to give you that foundation there's a lot more but if you read the entire book of jeremiah 23 it speaks about false prophecies the only thing i want to take from the scripture before i go into the next final chapter that I'm gonna deal with Jeremiah 23 and verse from 31 to 32 which says here behold behold I am against the prophets as first 31 of Jeremiah 23 behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord that used their tongues and say he said meaning that they're lying on God verse 32 says behold I am against them that prophesy false dreams said the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to Airy seed upward again by their lies or cause my people to mislead the Lord is showing me I've had a dream about you and they're not showing me I see a cloud of glory and I see this glory color what a cloud of glory look like could somebody email me or call me but I but I this what I look like it have glory written on it I mean explain it to me I see a cloud of glory and I and I see don't come at that so listen what he says in me all I am against that behold I am against them that prophesy false dreams say the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to go astray by their lies and by their likeness yet I sent them not nor commanded them course I didn't send a false prophet to your church now watch what God says gonna happen when you received them therefore they shall not profit PR fi t who's this thing he's talking with the false he says they shall not profit this people PR o fi T the word profit means to increase if if I bought a kingdom of water a cup of one or whatever for a dollar and I sold it for two dollars I would have made a profit of $1 description I was saying that from God perspective a true prophet you supposed to profit from this should be an increase in your life when they prophesied it but what God is saying here in Jeremiah 23 verse 30 he says he didn't command these prophets to come therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the Lord the bottom line is this if you will never profit you will never increase you will never advance you will never go forward you will never be promoted by the words of a false prophet and even if you do you are being aligned with the purposes of Satan to destroy you at the end of whatever seemed to be a promotion or would appear to be an advancement so here is another revelation false prophet will ensure that you do not PR o fi T all right now but that's it let's go to our final scripture because we're going to take all of the principles that I've just given you all of the laws the protocols and the rules everything I've said to you according to the scripture you are now going to see it in a story in the Bible so I want you now to go to first Kings chapter 13 first Kings chapter 13 okay and then we're gonna begin at verse 1 first Kings chapter 13 we're gonna begin at verse 1 then we're gonna jump straight to verse seven okay all the way to verse 11 sorry all a bit of verse 19 and then the first we gonna read all of it but I'm gonna surmise everything because of the the sake of time so in first Kings chapter 13 we get some water here first Kings chapter 13 verse 1 says and behold there came a man of God out of Judah now he was a prophet this was a prophet now we're gonna learn that legal and behold excuse me and behold there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord unto Bethel and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense so this man of God who the Bible does not give a name to he came from Judah into Bethel to prophesy to Jeroboam who was the king of Israel at that time but Jeroboam serve evil altars Jeroboam was standing at the altar at that time burning incense what he was literally doing was servicing the God or the spirit behind an altar in verse 2 it says and he cried against the altar who's this he this is the man of God that came from Judah the prophet he came but he's coming with a prophecy but initially he's not speaking to Jeroboam Jeroboam is standing next to the altar but interestingly enough the man of God is speaking to rocks and stones which is the altar that's how it would appear but the truth is like I've been teaching you all this time there is a spirit behind every altar so the man of God is sent consumed by what he sees he noticed the spirit deal so the amount of God says in verse 2 and he cried against the altar in the word of the Lord and said so this is the prophet speaking to the altar he says all alter alter thus said the Lord behold a child shall be born unto the house of Josiah by name and upon thee shall he offer upon this altar shall he offered the priests of the high places so that mean the priests that they had an Israel at the time were not priests of God they were priests of that auto they were the practitioners that summons the spirits or communicate with the spirits are made sacrifice with the spirits of that altar so the man of God that came from Judas now prophesy that all of them would be will die in their bones and every would be crushed on that altar watch what happens next verse 2 says and he cried against the altar in the word of the Lord saying o also also does said the Lord behold a child shall be born into the house of David Josiah by name and upon thee shall he offer the priests of the high places the burnt incense upon thee and men born shall be burnt upon thee all of this damnation will happen to the altar alright verse 3 says and he gave me sign the same day saying this is the sign which the Lord had spoken before the altar shall be rent or broken or torn and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out now listen to verse 4 carefully and it came to pass when King Jeroboam because remember Jeroboam is standing next to the altar so fast Jeroboam is concerned this no neighbor come here and disrespecting my altar and the spirits that work for me and this also so the Bible says in verse 4 of first Kings 13 it says that it came to pass when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God now remember the man of God wasn't speaking to Jeroboam but the man of God was speaking to the altar because even though you couldn't see it as a spirit behind the altar he says and it came to pass when the king when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God which had cried against the altar in Bethel that he put for his hand from the altar now what happening now Jeroboam turned from the altar and he put for his hand saying lay hold on him on his hand which he put against him meaning the amount of God dry up so that he could not pull it back again so what does this mean when Jeroboam turned from the altar because he felt this dude was disrespecting his altar it says that he put his hand forth and says lay who all of them but here's the revelation here's the revelation you wouldn't read in the next verse that the gods came after the the Prophet you wouldn't read in the next verse that the soldiers was after him no you're not gonna read it you know why because when Jeroboam said take hold of him Jeroboam is referring to the spirits and the altars go get him but guess what happened when he came against the Mount of God with his God the Bible says the same Hani point to undermine it stuck in there and begin to wither up I can summarize the story now so what happens next Jeroboam see that this dude was seven agreed of God and he plead with the Prophet he says listen please please ask your God to stop this from happening to me the man of God pray and ask God to release if he did so what happens next the Bible says Jeroboam was so impressed he was so impressed but guess what even though he was impressed dispersed from that altar is using Jeroboam to make this man to go against the principles of God that was issued to him prior to him coming to Bethel Jeroboam said why don't you come with me so I could give you some food he says to by abused giving me how for your kingdom I don't want it because the Lord said to me and I want you to read the whole scripture I'm not on Twitter and I just summarized it he said the Lord said to me that when I come here I must not eat from no way in this place neither should I go out the same way I came so as you can see now that he have instructions to come and prophesy but he also have instructions not to eat of whatever they have it listen they says that place meaning that that place Israel was curse and anything he eat or take from there of God the same where he came he will also fall under this case and as we about to see will cost him his life so the Bible says he went his way description and says that the sons of an all the prophets saw this and they went and told the older prophet of Israel or a former prophet okay and when they all the prophets heard as he says which way did this man go and he went looking for a of God and the man of God the false prophet came to him the older prophet which is not false prophet because as you can see what the story will go next said to him he said are you the person who prophesied or so he said asked me yeah he says why don't you come with me so I can give you something to eat and you could Lodge by me say no no no no no I'm not coming there because the God of Abraham told me that I must not eat nothing in this place Circle that phrase this place meaning that this place was closed and I must not take nothing from no one or pick up nothing from no one in this place because it's a nice place because whenever I take from this place now I will become a curse so the scripture says that he says but hold on before you go on mister new prophet watch the deception now because there's a false prophet speaking listen with the false prophet is gonna say to him he says behold an angel of the Lord came to me sound familiar sound familiar when they come upon a taut with young man stand up till an angel is speaking to me right now and he's taking me laying my chariot all through your house and I see on the left corner a photo of you and your mummy I'm now going down the aisle way in your home and I see you in a tree bedroom room and your carpet is red what what excuse me excuse me I'm trying to show the correlation or with these clowns do it it ain't nothing new so he says an angel of the Lord came to me how better to convince someone by bringing things of God in the picture of deception to now win their trust he says an angel of the Lord said to me that you must now come by me now this foolish young prophet not realizes because this is what I want you to see in the story a false prophet is speaking to him and because he's giving heir to this false prophet what the genuine prophet cannot see that even though he's saying these things in the spiritual realm coming out of this false prophet mount unclean spirits of deception unclean spirits of misleading him unclean spirits of confusion to the extent that if he buy into this he is now coming into covenant with an evil alter all of this is happening because of what he shot the evil alter down in Jeroboam before he came there so now the alter now is working through the false prophet and anybody else that is we want you to get this man attention guess what happened he bought into it the minute he born heard this I want you to see he came into a covenant with the kingdom of darkness which now have the right to end his life why because according to proverbs 26 and verse 3 it says the curse cannot come upon you I don't care how strong it is unless there's a cause unless there's a reason in this case the reason was when he agreed with the false prophet the Bible says he went back to the false prophet place and he sit down to the false prophet table and he eaten all the food narrating and the Bible says the true spirit of the Living God truly came upon the false prophet and the false prophet stood up and now begin to prophesy to the genuine prophet he says because you have gone against the word of the Lord thy God and you ate where he wasn't supposed to eat he tell him he says that you're going to die but what am I trying to show you I'm showing you based on all of the teaching I gave you from the starting of this session or what I was giving you the Scriptures were the laws the scriptures were the rules the Scriptures was the principles which now give you the power to test the spirit with the spirit God is not a God of confusion so if God tell me Kevin don't eat from Peter don't eat from Mary don't eat from Susan so how could Susan Mary or Peter could come to me and say angel just came to them and the same God who was the qurĂ­an of all things who told me not to eat now his angel tell me to eat that's confusion so you're violent that's how I'm testing the spirit with the spirit I'm not going on which you say because you say you're a prophet I'm not going on what you say because you say you are master prophet I'm not going on what you say because you say you are boss prophet the mere fact that you've got these titles that you've been in on yourself you trying to deceive me what you ain't dealing with no donkey you listen mother ain't born no phone cameras by the laws of God and us and trying to teach you go by the scriptures go by the laws don't go by not fancy widows don't go by no fancy they will come and try to condemn you they will come and tell you of course they will tell them to tell you what a little no how could you build of the will of God of your going by the scriptures they can't forgive you no scriptures all they could tell you the Spirit of the Lord is telling them what's very maybe the spirit that was behind the altar with Jo that's what you talk about so I'm telling you people everyone under the sound of my voice who have been prophesied to at the end of 2018 who have been prophesied to in 2019 contain in regards to future events father God in the name of Jesus Christ I come before you with a humble heart I come before you with a contrite spirit because you're worried declares that a contrite spirit you will not despise I pray on the behalf of those who evil prophecies were labor who was was levied on every evil prophecy every evil word every prophecy that was claimed to be from God that is now altering the destiny that is not pulling the strings and leaving your people astray contrary to your original plan father just like how you rain down fire and brimstone over those two wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah I am asking you to rain down spiritual fire and brimstone over the cords and the chains and the fetters of every evil prophecy every wicked demonic prophecy as it relate to marriage every really wicked evil demonic prophecy as it relates the future finances everyone who have given some type of physical seed money all and all for the evil prophecies to come to pass that they were ignorant to father I condemn it in the name of Jesus father I commanded to be destroyed and that the people who ignorant least I know to things we released from those evil prophecies in the name of Jesus I speak to people in facebook line I speak to people in the Bahamas everyone that is watching me everyone that is listening to me every one of you not just this year last year any evil prophecy that was spoken over your life by these charlatans by these workers of iniquity I break the power of those evil prophecies I break the power of those evil words I break the power of those evil intent that they had for your life that has derailed you from your God intended destiny father I pray right now that you realign these people to their original destiny that you break all the spiritual chords that has anchored them to a place of known progress that has anchored them to a place of failure that has anchored them to a place of backwardness that has anchored them to a place of defense father break the power of the hand of the enemy in the name of Jesus all the photos evil alters and I pray that the evil companies that they took part in that have nothing to do with you be destroyed by the fire of the living going further I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every last one of them listen everyone that come in agreement with me with this prayer that the power of Satan through the evil Covenants be broken everywhere that they have speaking against you in their bare chambers everyone that's speaking over your pictures everyone that's speaking over your personal affect everything they have said behind your back everything that they've came an agreement on as it relates to your destiny that is contrary to the Word of God I condemn it I reject it I command it to be destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ I plead the blood of Jesus over every evil covenant and that would be broken every spell every evil voice every evil sacrifice every evil altar every evil word spoken against your life everything that has derailed you from being of God has called you to be father-god reinstate these people to their original destiny i bid the evil power in your body that evil sickness that's moving in your body that evil cancer that evil diabetes whenever spiritual sickness that is operating in your body as a result of evil covenants father I break the back of the evil covenant that is perpetuating their evil in the lives of your people everything that's diverting your quality of life everything that's messing with your finances every covenant that these evil powers are operating by that is causing you not to go forward I send a fire of God to destroy it you evil prophet I surrender you over to the Vengeance of the Living God that says vengeance belong to him and it is him that will repay the lies that you have hindered the lies that you've delayed the parents that are suffered and cry for their children because of your evil selfish motive I surrender you to the vengeance of the Living God father I pray according to your word i bless those that have cursed us the author of levee curses your words that we must bless them but I need to understand why but I going by your law you said to bless those that curse us and to pray for those that despitefully use us and say all manner of things against us Kevin during a no fool so everyone that is - they're also right now trying to send crisis at Kevin you in trying to speak evil online ministry trying to speak even on my finances trying to speak even on my wife my children and everything that concerns me I speak the Word of the Living God that says he will perfect all of that concerns me his word declares that greater is He that is in me than any governments in this world father every course every hex every smell every incantation that has been projected this way this day and every other day will fall to the world and take shake in my life or the lives of those that's listening to me father we rise of us are people standing on your word placing our foot and clean our clothes in the gospel of Jesus Christ arming ourselves with the whole armour of God to protect us from the wiles of the devil and the evil one so every case every hex every spell every chain every fetter every Court whatever they have sent to confuse us whatever they have sent to put fairness to put down to get sadness and depression furthered this day this moment this hour let it catch fire in the realm of the Spirit let it come to not let their evil devices that they have orchestrated for this year to project us into failure to project us into defeat it will fail it will fall to the world and never take shape in the name of Jesus Christ every one that are certainly a prayer to pray for them I cover those prayers now and father I pray that you will read them underneath primarily breaking the covenants primarily destroying the agreements what they have ignorantly forged or even their ancestors whatever their mother their father their boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife cousin whoever has forged any evil covenant with the kingdom of darkness to hinder or suspend advert or their growth this day it's broken in the name of Jesus this day the shed blood of Jesus Christ and speaking of dates that evil covenant in the name of Jesus father your word declares according to Colossians that you have brought know the handwriting that was written against us every Christ everything that was buried in the graveyard everything that was buried in their property whatever picture whatever agreement was put in the body and tossed into the sea whatever form of wickedness and covenants that they've made with witchcraft kingdoms marine spirits evil artists or spirits of the force the skies or whatever father we commandos to be null and void by the blood of Jesus this year we will proceed on him that this year we will go forward this year nothing will stop us this year nothing will delay us I curse that spirit of delay I curse that sort of setback that spur that's coming against that marriage that sport of divorce that sport of adultery that's smart of being lazy and hopeless that spread of being depressed that spirit that is not of God I arrest you and definitely in the realm of the spirit and the blood of Jesus is against you father I pray enough for those who insists they also are persistent those who are made of their mind that come hell or high water they are coming behind your people father I got nothing bad to say about them instead here's what I got for them you said father God that those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ have also become as for the promises of Abraham and you told Abraham in Genesis 12 and 3 you said Abraham and we will curse you I will curse them but never bless you I will bless them father I release your word whoever choose to come against me whoever choose to send curses at me whoever choose to send places are my children class is that my wife Christ is that all that you have blessed us with their father I am rare I am an heir I have accepted your son Jesus Christ I know the law and now I call on the law to work for me and as a joint heir just I gave her harm to the process of Abraham you said well no curse us you will curse them so father God I release them to your judgment I don't wish them no harm in fact I follow you no I bless those that curse me because that's what you would say I pray for those that despitefully used me and say all manner of things against me and got nothing personal against you but if you insist on coming after me then I release the judgment of God against you according to the promises that he has made to me so now father God I cover the minds of doors speaking to me and out of the shackles and the bondages that they were once in let the covenants be broken let them do not father God see to it father that they do not repeat the failures of last year this year let ever sickness in their body be expelled spiritually and physically and father God as usual slingshot catapult fling them into their destiny put them to where they should have been at this point in their lives no weapon form against them shall prosper your word declares father God and promise 11 verse 31 it says that the righteous shall not might shall be recompense shall be repaired in the earth so much more than wicked and the sinner further gone your word declares that you must not we must not cast away our confidence for it is this confidence that shall work for us a great recompense of reward further your word declares that you will increase us more and more us and our children according to sounds 150 in verse 14 you know why declares father board and probably sea level was 21 let's say don't hon join and harm the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered I speak to everyone who's under the evil powers of drugs I speak to everyone whose child man or female is under the power of some wicked Jezebel spirit father I pray that it was broken in the name of Jesus I pray that you release that young man I printed you to release that young woman release them into the original destiny that you have console yourself for before the foundation of the world I pray for that person right now listening to me who owned their own business and the nonsense they got in your place and the evil voice they're speaking again said and the the points of contact of demonic powers that they've placed that has caused your customers to be reduced I speak to that point of contact to catch fire in the realm of the Spirit and everything that was meant to do be dissolved by the fire and the blood of Jesus Christ father God I pray now that that business will catapult that I will go be only expectation and sales or whatever the owner had designed it to do father I thank you I thank you for your goodness I thank you for the power of prayer I thank you for the confidence in your word I think that your word can not return unto you void but it must accomplish whatever settle to do father I call upon the spiritual help the spiritual enabling every work that is engaged in the fast for I will let there be a non Bushman against their enemies put your spiritual agents in place to overthrow the plans of the enemies that they had labeled for them and this year therefore every register of Satan when he is hot on that register for 2019 who will have cancer who will have AIDS who have diabetes little bit of their minds who have divorced I shut that register down in the name of Jesus and I send a fire of God to destroy further their angels that you said you've given charge of us I send those angels fought to overthrow to dismantle to unseat every devil every demon every or build wicked worker every false prophet father now I speak over the churches of grand bahama every Church in every leadership that is infested by a malaika's by false apostles and false prophets and false elders those who not deepen over those who are coming against their leaders through sorcery those who's trying to only try to pass them so they could be the first lady father visit them visit them in the name of Jesus do not let them escape visit them today evil powers visit them in their evil motives bring your judgment on them let your vengeance deal with them Lord father we bless you Father be all of you father we praise You Father we have had enough we have had enough we refuse we refuse to start off this year at the back of the line we refuse to be written all these fake lies and promises by these false prophet false prophet you hearing me today or be awakened you hear me today you even the seamen fake ministers of righteousness i sentence you to the Vengeance of Almighty God because I can't bring the Vengeance that is God's department he says vengeance belong to him and he will repeat father I thank you father I release upon your people a spirit of peace your word declares in Isaiah 2016 3 you says that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their - stayed upon you your word declares and sums 119 verse 165 that great peace have they that love thy law and absolutely nothing shall offend them your word declares father God in the book of Philippians it is only you that is capable spiritually of releasing that peace that passes all understanding so everyone under the sound of my voice that has been tormented by evil spirits everyone on the sound of my voice I don't know up from down don't know what to do next father let your peace rest upon them and after that peace have level everything on their life now I prophesied decree declare and I proclaim in the name of Jesus according to Isaiah 11 verse 2 that you release upon them the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of confidence and might father I also release upon them that they would eat that that your your Holy Ghost will eradicate the spirits of fear the spirits of doubt and the spirit of unbelief in their lives this day begins today father what I did will go forward this day they will accomplish and prepare like never before their children will break from the chuckles that husband that wife that shadow member that has been shackled by the powers of darkness break it in the name of Jesus this year this year this 2019 they'll go water vapor I want you to hear me this is prophetic the God of Abraham is going to expose witchcraft in the church the goal of Abraham is going to expose the witchcraft and your family that person in your family who have held you down who is exchange your glory who has exchanged your yet what God has called you to be here which from powers they have literally stole the God has called you to be but guess what or let's shut down right now in the name of Jesus I command wherever they have held your glory to be returned unto you Sevenfold in the mighty name of Jesus according to proverbs 6 32 30 but then finally I pray Lord and this is your promise to us according to George after to verse 25 you promised you promised you said that you will restore unto us all the years because you knew in advance the enemy would trick us but you had a law you are a sub clause in place to to to recompense as you said that you will restore unto us all the years that the cankerworm the bro the locust in the Palmer world I see Konami father me bless you Father me honor your father we praise you and we ask these things in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen radio land Facebook that is it for me I feel rejuvenated I hope you feel a juvenile it please I beg you go over the scriptures and let them marinate in your spirit confess the word of God that the Covenant is broken by fate and you came in agreement with that study if you came in agreement with the teaching if you came an agreement with the prayer then my faith you must now believe that it is broken the Christ of the false prophet is broken so you cannot be talking a negative mess from this point forward I bless you and God be with you until next week amen and a man
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 38,224
Rating: 4.8453236 out of 5
Keywords: Evil Covenants, Covenants, Altars, Evil Altars, Witchcraft, Spiritual Warfare, False Prophets, Prophets, False Apostles, False Pastors, False Bishops, Secret Societies, Evil Voice, Evil sacrifices
Id: kYdv4O947yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 9sec (7269 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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