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good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon and happy 2019 to all of the listening audience and those that are viewing my Facebook this is yours truly mr. Kevin la Ewing coming to you once again from the studio's of Domino 3.7 there another one of my Kevin Laue spiritual insight shows now before I go any further I want to thank God not just for me but for all of you that has made it over to 2019 for some of you 2018 was a tumultuous year for some of you it was oblivia nevertheless we've crossed over real life and we thank God for that with the expectation that this year would be much better than the pass I am so excited I am so excited that I got a scene at fit to allow us to exist among the land of the living and if I were to tell you that last year was a horrible year for me I would be a nasty liar oh it was far from it and I know why it wasn't good year for me which I will discuss in this episode of my teaching the reason why was a good year was simply because of the first thing that we did at the end of the year in 2017 along with our declarations and as a result of that for myself and my family we saw the manifestation of the power of God being exercised and stretched out in our lives and I will add this that exceeded listen to me carefully now that exceeded our greatest expectation so someone was to come and tell me God don't exist or whatever nonsense they choose to run on a date they talking to somebody else cuz they don't go to me because we have Haaren an awesome awesome awesome if I had to describe 2018 I would call it a year of miracles mm-hmm it was a year of miracles it was a year of watching the divine supernatural power of God IV I could spend the next two hours plus just giving you testimony after testimony and listen it is one of the greatest things that panned out for me last year was the effect that my ministry have not on the local bohemian populace where I lived the Bahamas but by extension every corner of this earth and I praise God for social media Twitter Facebook YouTube all of those free resources that I utilize extensively that was able to get my gift out there and begin to carry out the will of God in the earth through those particular means I have received testimonies of deliverance and breakthroughs from Kenya from Nairobi from Australia from England from Botswana you name it Canada as far as Iceland and it's so amazing because here it is when I started all of this I started this right in my bedroom in 2008-2009 just writing articles just writing articles having no intentions of them ever going beyond the bedroom and as they began to post them on different social media sites that I was on I met a lot of resistance but I continued with it and that thing has ballooned to writing just articles going to my blog sites having a write up an article on the Thursday local paper been to the Tribune people start sharing it all over Facebook in their ministries teaching from my teachings next thing you know I was being called all over the world to come and minister to people so why I'm telling you this I'm trying to encourage somebody and this is what the encouragement is the Bible said that a man's gift will make one for him the Bible never said that having the title of a bishop would make room for you the Bible never said being a parcel or whatever is do you call yourself never will you read never will you see in the Bible in the Holy Scriptures that a title will make one for you I could have sat back there and follow the line and say you know what let me join a church and wait for the next 600 years to be a layman minister and if they like me they'll make me this and no no no no no I moved in my gift I knew what God had called me to do I knew the gift of teaching that was in me the gift of wisdom the gift of knowledge consul and might I knew I had that I had a grandmother who prayed I told you the story before when I lived with her in the Turks and Caicos grant her to be exact and I would hear every morning pray for eight of her children and then she would descend on her grandchildren she'd pray for all of the grandchildren and when she came to me she came to me last in her prayer and she would say father God I pray for Kevin that she would open up his dark understanding and that you O Lord will give him wisdom knowledge and I could hear all right now I can hear all right now cause you know those old folks say pray in four four three and four days is easy for them but she would just go and just only me no I haven't I didn't hear pray this for none of the other grandchildren not even our children but for some reason she when she came to me and she would pray that God will give me wisdom God will give me understanding and back then I can remember them saying that I couldn't learn and I was it wasn't smart and school and all these things and of course my grades would have been evidence for that but how many know that when God has given you a gift man don't have the right to determine how far you go oh that's up to God and Here I am today ministering to literally millions of people all over the world through my youtube teachings and so on and the year isn't even open as yet and the invitations are coming like crazy I was just speaking to a lady about an invitation to in Maryland one in in California all over and no I don't have a church I don't have a title I don't know that I don't need that and that's what I trying to get to you people you don't need that that don't qualify you your gift remember the gift is going to make the room you can have all the titles in the world I know many pastors and preachers well more titles that make him carry and they stuck her in there in there for words and cannot go no further because it isn't the title that's going to make the room for you many of you in your cars are home in your beds probably watching on the tablet or computer whatever and you're saying to yourself you know something I really need to move in my gift but you need to stop talking and start acting like I said i sat right in my room when I was going through some of the most difficult periods of my life I decided that you know what let me start to write I love writing I love reading and I begin to write write a lot of stuff and like I say it affected a lot of people that encouraged me I and rather I had more criticism than compliments but that never stopped me I kept going remember the gift is going to make the room for you keep that in mind not you you you out you without your gift you're nothing your gift is going to make room for you lift that you're gonna have a lot of haters a lot of jealous folks a lot of people are gonna have the voice things to say that you're gonna call you everything except a child of God but that's irrelevant you don't focus on the background noise you don't focus on the distraction that's a part of the package it's called a combo package it comes with good and evil the ups and the downs the bad and the good but you have to remain focused which is what I did I remain focused in the spite of of severe personal and public opposition on every level I was determined that God does exist Jesus does exist and even though it may not feel so at this point with all of this opposition and it appears if my spiritual health is in helping I'm not gonna focus there so I'm saying to you today those of you have crossed over in 2019 God didn't allow you to come over here to sit on your behind one more time and not exercise the gift that he's given you you need to deal with that spirit of fear you need to deal with that spirit of doubt you need to do with that spirit of inadequacy of feeling having no confidence in your self and I've heard all of that if someone had told me 10 15 years ago that you're gonna be a public speaker in fact world renowned speaker I'd say no no youyou clearly been smoking something but how many know that the Bible says according to proverbs 19 and 21 it says that only the console of God shall prevail and that's what's going on right now with me and I wanted to happen for you I want you when you have expired he or missile and you have to stand before the invisible God that you will have a good good record to give him that he could compare his plan according to how you live your life and he could say to you thou good and faithful servant enter into your ex don't mind the titles don't mind who don't like you don't mind who saying bad things about you the only thing you ought to be concerned about is what God is saying about you what he has called you to do all right never once have I ox to come on anyone's point when I was invited never once have I asked anyone to soar seen into my life in and because you soared into my ministry you're gonna become millionaires or this year's gonna be I don't believe in that stuff I think it's utter garbage I think it's lies and I think it's foolishness and for too long people have been hoodwinked misled and run them up and unfortunately even though it's happening to them year after year they still sign on for another year many of you probably listen to me right now listen to that poison telling you on the night before New Year's - so your best seed to get a good harvest in 2000 no scripture you will find no scripture that says that instead what I told my father was to do is to join a fast get squeeze a fast in before 2019 rule upon you all right get a fast in I don't care how you do it just get it in there Claire your spiritual state remove the spiritual clutter from your life so that you will have some kind of clear path as it relates to your physical life in crossing over to 2019 heaven does not accept cash they don't accept bohemian currency neither American or Canadian or no other type of currency God is not broken he's not interested in your money what God is interested in is you following his rules his principles his laws and of our churches most of them can get piqued get back to that and leading people to the scriptures and getting them to focus on the word how to forgive how to treat other people fairly how to be kind and compassionate and loving and stop being backed by this and hypocrites jumping up and down a church and screaming and talking fool but you got the Holy Ghost only to walk down in the graveyard and do foolishness Oh Christian a ball or trying to undermine someone I don't know what's helping you to plan I'm not going to but I can tell you which one you ain't going to so we need to get real in 2009 you many didn't pass over their time of it has expired and I hope to god that they got it right before they shut their eyes and open them up spiritually in eternity because they will be standing before an angry god if they haven't made their election show him you have that opportunity you're not there you see you're listening to me right now you are very much alive take my simple advice for those of you do not that do not know God you need to come into a relationship with him you need to quit all this drama you don't you you heart over there 2000 89 years before all of these things and as hard you stagnant unlimited shut that down man shut that down you need a relationship you need to get your soul you need to get your soul right with God because that's what's gonna matter when all of the the the clutter is finished physically you you got to answer to this core to yourself don't let nobody pump nonsense in your head but there is no Jesus and there's no gone and and and his name is Yeshua norland don't forget all that you don't need to know all of that Jesus Christ Yeshua is Jesus Jesus is she sure we don't need to go to none of that and those who put emphasis on a date also put emphasis on a name though super emphasis on those things that have absolutely zero to do with salvation they lead you on the road to destruction I tell you that now and that's why you see me I don't get into that many people try putting me in that cycle about different religions I ain't in turn order right I do what I call it oh I don't need to the big nuttin I ain't got the big nothing let me tell you what I'm interested I mean you come to me do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and how I can bury you in your spiritual walk I'm not here to debate nothing and I've heard couple fellas come to me tell me they don't know how I could believe in the Bible because the Bible was man-made everything was mine man so we talking about those books that you tell me about the Egyptian this and that in and all these other things didn't man write that too so I got time to debate with you man don't come around me talking stupid this is here especially 2019 because I already was important up in it last year so definitely thing happened this year all Kevin Ewing is concerned about is is making you have a better life through Jesus Christ but once you've accepted Jesus Christ now my job is to show you the rules and the laws and the principles and the commandments and the precepts that are now responsible for giving you a better quality of life because accepting Jesus Christ our Lord will not give you a better quality of life accepting Jesus Christ according to the rules that that Bible dictates which is the Constitution for creation it says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you have qualified to be saved you have met the requirements to be if you were to die to be in heavenly places with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's the requirement now in order now to have a physical good life you must follow his rules you must follow his Commandments and anyone that try to manipulate you or pull you on some pie that is unscriptural or trying to follow their own dog more doctrine you need to stay far from that poison all right so my final words on this matter if you have not accepted Jesus Christ at this point in your life please I beseech you I beg you make Jesus Christ your savior at the end of the day after the boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife I went children get married go to weddings when all that is said and done and it's time for you to leave from this physical world to go to that spiritual world the only thing God is interested in when you stand before him number one did you accept my son in my gospel number two did you what did you do for your fellow brother or mankind as it relates to my rules that's all he's interested in he isn't interested in your car your house your education that door there's no way in the scripture he says that in order to make it to heaven you need at least a bachelor's degree I've never read and I know I will never read it there's nowhere in that Bible he's gonna say if you didn't have over $10,000 on your coat you cannot make it into heaven so because that's not there those things are irrelevant do not get heaven mixup but your quantity of life here you did I just told you the requirement for heaven and that work requirement does not entail nothing only in terms of material goods I still worked a funeral on part time years ago and I've watched many wealthy people leave the site and I did not see them carry their homes their cars or their monies the only thing they had to deal with in contentment at the end it's their only soul that's it and that is where they're gonna have to give an account form alright so with that said and done but a quickly run through my sponsors here and then we're gonna get right into today's topic and of course my sponsors who have been extremely faithful to me in 2018 I thank God for them and I said you want a time please support those that support me because they're responsible for me being on the radio every Saturday for two hours simply the best one of the multimedia needs for audio video recordings weddings funerals or what have you these are the people that you want to have a conversation with mr. Clifford Bo and his lovely wife mistress Krishna Bo they're right there in the airport building as soon as you enter into downtown and their phone number is three five one six five one nine that's three five one six five one nine then we have entertainment DVD and snacks they are also downtown their numbers three five two six nine five four and [ __ ] Angie Angie one of the proprietors of entertainment DVD and snack is celebrating birthday I think was yesterday so happy birthday and she Penniman and I pray that the Lord will not only bless you with good life but he would saturate you with wisdom knowledge and understanding to fulfill your portion of the assignment that he's assigned to you in the earth so at entertainment DVD and snack you will find of course delicious hotdogs also a variety of parties beef patty jet party curry chicken party cheesy beef spinach and vegetable parties also snacks and DVD movies then we have Tico's fashion as a men's store again that's where I get my shirts from and I admonish all men to go there to get their hookup they're located downtown also on Kent Street which is a derivative the post office and also across the street this gives me from scotia bank they are wonderful they have a new stock I think came in about a week or so ago and I admonish you to go down there and they have especially you ladies who wouldn't get your husbands of whatever their Christmas gift well that would be a good place to make up for the wrong that you have done I thought he hadn't that man a gift so that's Tico's fashion their phone numbers three five two three three nine four tell Gary Kevin Center say Gary - well always tell us about your place what you got here for me then Guerra be more than happy to assist you in your gentlemen study father uncle Mateo then we have je and builders general construction company for all your building needs renovation you want to have a home constructed business renovation whatever it is J and builders general construction company would be more than happy to facilitate whatever constructing needs you may have and you can speak with mr. Julian Julian Nixon or his wife Karen Nixon their numbers are three five two two four three two that's three five two two four three two or you can call them on their mobile on a cell phone at five three three two zero six four five three three two zero six four I would also thank all of my anonymous sponsors for a person that came in and paid for the entire month of January I want to thank you I'm not going to call your name because you didn't give me permission to do it I would love to but I want to thank you for that I know it was God led and I want to thank God for everyone that has stopped by and made contributions to keep me on the air again so that you would hear these divine revelations I thank God for those who have come on board this year also would assisting with the sponsorship and you want me be honest with you I'm never worried about that area because like I was sharing with a friend yesterday once you do the will of God once you are consistent committed and honest in what you do God now becomes responsible for facilitating your resources and he will touch the right people to move in to do what they need to do while you do what you need to do and I truly believe that in every aspect of my life so I pray and I believe it all in my heart that every mother has contributed to this program God will bless them in every area of their lives I truly believe that in fact I come an agreement but the Word of God which says that if you give it shall be given unto you however he isn't gonna give you to me that you gave to him he says when he gives you back it's gonna be in great measure pressed down and running over shall men give into your bosom so they will come and give you no even know why they do it to you but you know why because you know the seeds that you'll plan it spiritually and now you're reaping the harvest of following God's law now today what I want to talk about is very dear to my heart and it's something that I talk about at every beginning of the January every December I speak extensively about fasting in fact for those of you that haven't watched my video or last year the 31st of December I admonish you to go and watch it we're begging you to squeeze in that fast for those of you that didn't do it please try to get it done by January it's the beginning of the new year I would have preferred you would have done it last year but you weren't on board so unfortunately please try to squeeze it in this year again the reason why I speak so extensively about fasting because fasting is the power punch in the spiritual realm there's certain things that prayer cannot fix as a result of that fasting is required to now deal with that which was unable to be corrected by prayer jesus said in matthew 17 and 21 he said that this kind will only come out by a prayer and fasting all right now in my last video and i really want you to go on youtube and watch it of course you can go in under Kevin Laue on YouTube then you'll find the my video in in fasting fasting like I said in that video in Abel's our spiritual help yes you heard me correctly their spiritual agents that God has put in place for us and for the most part that spiritual agent or those spiritual agents cannot be activated outside of fasting and this is powerful now this is very very very powerful so I'm saying to you that your regular pearl in most cases when you're dealing with major spiritual matters will not help you that's right you heard me your regular prayer will not help you the video that you're going to be looking for on YouTube my last video is called fasting the game-changer I made it clear in that I use I think it was before so ii chronicles chapter 20 then we talk about your house of fat and where the three nations were coming against him the children of mode Sara Arman and I forget the other one name anyway they numbered them like a thousand to one so the truth is Judah whose King was Jehoshaphat was no match for them but the Bible says in verse three of I think the second chronicles 20 and correct me if I'm wrong is he the first or second I can't remember which one but anyway it says that in verse three of the twentieth chapter it says that Jehoshaphat the king who realized he was outnumbered didn't try to go and recruit more people to fight with him instead because he knew he was outnumbered physically he decided that because I can't take them down physically then I need to summons the spiritual world so the Bible says he went on a fast and he made a proclamation that the entirety of Judah do likewise which they all agreed to excuse me the Bible now goes on to say that when they went on the fast Josaphat began to pray and remind god that he run all kingdoms of this world and no he didn't come up against court or his people anyway after he said that the Bible says a prophet came forward by the name of Jael and he told him is his listen you could get yourself together to go down to the valley where this fight is going to take place but you will be doing no fighting because the battle is the Lord's battle when I read that it really stood out to me because it was only when the fast was engaged that this additional help came about we're saying here that yes there will be a fight but you the physical beings would have nothing to do with it you were going to see the supernatural power of God run its course in this situation where physically it's impossible for you to win hence your spiritual helpers your fasting is going to enable the spiritual reinforcement that was always there but they needed a fast activated many of you listening to me right now and you've been praying for that son praying for that daughter praying for that marriage praying about the wickedness on your job praying about that cancer growing in your body print about having your toes cut off from diabetes all of these things and you prayed year after year the church encourage you to pray and pray and pray and charge it's gotta be known the Lord child he may not come when you want anybody can come on time I don't want you know that that garbage get out of my face I don't wanna hear that I refuse to the spirt to subscribe to that that that nonsense is what I call it no let me read the scriptures and let me see what it is that I wasn't doing that was causing this repetitive negative pattern to exist in my life tried I've messed boy I don't bring that here Kevin ain't signing on to that I don't wanna hear and I don't tell me God may not come when you want anybody come on time no no he can come because right what I want him to come because I can practice this law we can make him come you eager pacifying me to fall under that lazy lackadaisical procrastinating true the whole blame on God to do notice a part that you have to play don't you try that Oh anyway let me heart see because I tired of it man I just tired of that same old on same old story same old riddle seem alright no the Bible is clear it says that when these guys went on the fast God sent his prophet right there and then and he tell them what the deal is gonna be so guess what God got this the Bible says after the prophet and see what he had to see it says that Jehoshaphat now address the the citizens of Judah again and you know what he did the Bible say consumer demand a sign the worship team so he was already convinced that boy looking once the Prophet and the true prophet let me get up straight once the true prophet doesn't decree we'll go I'd say let's have a party now so what do you say that so much words as a man of God I believe I don't have to see it first you know I believe that just what this prophet said that God is gonna shut this great multitude of people down I believe it I am totally convinced and you know that man he said now go get the praise and worship team and I need y'all to praise Jehovah Elohim as if he has already done what he promised he will do already that's right I love it the Bible says they begin to praise and worship the Lord it says the children of Mencia I'm on and the more bikes they came I mean as far as that I can see I was given an example of my video the Bahamas have approximately three hundred and forty thousand people that live here that's like us that's like America coming against us America have over three hundred million people living on that place in that place could you imagine three hundred and three hundred million plus people coming to fight a nation like the Bahamas of only three hundred forty thousand well you better make friends in M people because you will never win that war so what I'm saying here this is what she was a fact saw but Jehoshaphat confidence was not in what he saw and this was where you the believer should should have been a long time ago just what you should have been stop saying I'm waiting on God stop saying that he may not come when you know when you want it but he's always on I know stop saying that and start doing what you need to do stop giving these riddles and then you come with this negative thought child I believe God but Lord this P and I know if I can make it this year right I barely make it into 2019 Oh Lord oh yeah I don't want to hear that some people is getting mad at me know you call me to come pray for them I tell them I straighten the motor now look here now first of all if you don't believe we didn't pray for let me know that right now so I come to my wife let me know that right not always my time I didn't come here to waste my time like they think I abrasive and in the grass yeah you can look at it that way but you see Kevin isn't about waste at this time God time or even your time either you believe or you don't believe don't tell me if but but this happened to mama and cousin Pookie in them you know his heat I don't want to hear but cousin Pookie Pookie here and me talking about Pookie right now we talking about you and that's it so that being the case we need to establish your confidence in your faith in the word not what you see yeah that would look about to get take off next week from diabetes yes they got can't saw through your body but what you see your belief is going to be displayed in your words and in your actions so don't tell me after you don't three boy buddy came another so good I love that prayer O Lord I just hope God come now you hope God come now or not I want to pray and be doing just not we don't mean you trying to do you all need to check your favorite I know why you're like that let me get that later so anyway Jehoshaphat begin to praise the Lord remember not a on a fast the Bible says when these three nations millions of them come and running towards Judah to take them out oh I love this piece I think it's in verse in verse 22 of verse 23 of the twenty chapter of voice of second chronicles it says that the Lord sent an ambushment among those free nation now when I look up the word ambushment which comes from the word ambush it means to set up a surprise attack all right that's like sometimes they playing games and house of the wife right and I know she's got no room to hide around the corner and scarer she almost take me another day for that I ain't try that no more anyway I I round the corner we gonna that's an ambushment I'm hiding she don't know I'm there and I should only ship by knock on I say boom so that's what she don't know I was there now the Bible says in this particular chapter remember all of this is because of the fast and I'm showing you where the fast has enable the spiritual help of the invisible beings that's going to deal spiritually with the enemies of Judah the Bible says courts in an ambushment and remember all three of them now are in a lie all of them an agreement no matter what their differences were before they pooled their resources together these three nation I'm on Moab mancilla they say we can take down Judah so while they're running there all of a sudden two of the nation's turn on the other nation until at the end of the day they wipe each other out but when I look at the word I'm Bushmen or to ambush it says to to give a surprise attack so who who was it that influenced him we were the people in place that God president Bushman against these three nations are becoming against Judah so the revelation here is the fast which Jehoshaphat asked Judah to do in verse three which started this chain effect not knowing that what they were doing physically following this spiritual protocol of fasting was awakening or activating their spiritual health I love this year oh man I get so excited and the Bible says when their enemies were coming to fight them Lou you love this it says that the enemy say you know what I just feel like shooting you John even though we on the same team pow pow and kill him everybody the Bible says Judah led by Jehoshaphat a man of God who was in consumed by what he physically saw but believed in the God of Abraham who believed in the god of Moses and placed his confidence right there and left the deal and as a result of proof what he believed he said now coming up bring me the best singer Saticoy and Big O break down our piece of dancing right now because we know our God godness and the Bible said that when they went down to the slaughter it says they were picking up spoils jewelry precious stones for over three days mighty God well listen I'm talking to someone today I don't know who you are but you need to be listening to me now and three and right now and say father I thank you that because I have engaged in my fast I have activated my spiritual help and as a result of that you are going to fight my battle I will collect the spoils in return mighty God I love the Bible yeah I could read that Bible and listen to her 24/7 and I pretty are learning that God will give you that same anointing to fall in love with his word not the garbage you hear it but fall in love with the word of God not the cliches with the Word of God the Bible say mister spiritual help it's activated you must say all father God I listen I don't know who you are put your hand on that radio right now put your hand on that laptop put your hand on that phone wherever you're hearing me or seeing me and let's come in agreement right now before we go any further in this teaching first of all father God forgive us of our sins caused us to get ourselves sorted on with you remove the sin remove the iniquity remove the heck the bitterness the unforgiveness and all of those things I was blocking our victory now father God that's out of the way based on your word and for Shaun 109 where you say that we confess our sins you will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness not at that sort of the way father I pray we pray we all come an agreement that you O Lord will send an ambushment just like in the days of Jehoshaphat against those who are persistent those who are I mean totally committed to fighting us fighting your people set an ambushment and give a replay of what you did down in the valley for the three nations that came against Judah oh yeah in the name of Jesus Christ father God we come an agreement as the body of Christ today so my friend don't mind that bully on the job don't mind not bullying your family don't mind these people who coming up against you don't mind the mortgage company don't mind the banks are getting the big-time lawyers against you and trying to take your house in a popular whatever don't mind the big amount of money they tell you your child's school fee can be don't you mind that don't you as a believer of Jesus Christ you ought to be a fix in the spiritual world and the reason why your fears has outraged your faith because the place you're going out the place you are going to there preaching material things they are trying to get you to to to put your trust in a building put your trust in a poison put your trust in your bank account no Paul said in second Corinthians 4 and 18 he says listen you you know he say set notch eyes on the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal and they are subject to change he said instead believers that's what we talking - he said and said believers set your eyes on the things that you don't see which is virtual world that locusts these things are what I think enacted again eternal so don't don't don't mess with the deal with the parent world which is the spiritual world which everything originates and depending if you win or lose there will determine success or failure that's this physical world so for three days they were picking up the spoils didn't any we gave more scripture we went to I think for second Kings and in chapter four six somewhere around the story but Elijah and his servant I tell you the story all the time yeah Elijah was quite comfortable Elijah was 80 something years old a slave woman outside and saw the entire Syrian army surrounding them he see all not me finish he run back inside he sees a last master be done they said for us you know let's give our last farewells and that by me that's guaranty for glory so the boy say our last master what should we do Elijah say fair not fair not and this is the same thing when I come Joseph at the the prophet Jael said to them the first words that came on his boat he says be not afraid and be not dismayed and [ __ ] he told him this twice then and this next story buddy Elijah in the same hymn in the Syrian army surrounded him and otha the Elijah's said to the boy the boy says listen I saw a host of the Syrian army with all their resources on there waiting just from on me and you we finished Elijah says fear not don't let that spirit of fear overcome you Elijah says the reason why I'm telling you this because there are more that are with us that those that are with them so what is he lashes saying enlarges telling this boy listen our spiritual help is present our spiritual help is here our spiritual help is just waiting on me Asia to decree the word of the Lord to make them active as to what he want him to do to their enemies so clearly the boy was completely lost so in verse 17 of that chapter it says that Elijah understanding that the boy wasn't getting it spiritually the Bible says he hauled his head and he pretty says Lord do me a favor open this young man eye so that he would see what I'm talking about now when you reading this story would appear like what Eli Stone crazy because the boy just tell you what he saw yes he then he told me what he saw his physical eyes but Elijah said to him in the previous voice he said there are there are spiritual beings here with us the angelic hosts of the Lord who am Number not only the physical Syrian army but the spiritual demonic influence on us influencing them to come fight us man this is so powerful then we shoot over there I think the 2nd chronicles 32 verses 7 to verse 8 Samara and I but we read from verse 1 to verse 8 sorry and the same thing happened with Hezekiah when Sennacherib came against him and he stopped all the water from going outside of the city so that their enemies who won't be having their water supply but their enemies outnumbered them physically any in sand and Hezekiah the king said the same thing to his people he said listen they are more than with us their doors are with them so you will see the spiritual revelation all through the scriptures where the men of God is telling the people whom God has given them to need do not put your feet in chariots do not put your feet and cars and house and doctors and lawyers and yes you could get them because they're trying to do they're called to do but you need to enable your spiritual help oh yeah and that's gonna come to fasting so I admonished you last year to get into your fasting though I don't care what you do make sure you squeeze a fast in there and the reason I told you why I said you will enable your spiritual health a lot of y'all God Lick left right and center last year beat in the ground unnecessarily because you go under God or God now I me down to sleep I pray my soul in law to keep listen you'd better wake up feel you dealing with some heavy spiritual opposition and yelling nursery rhyme praying or what you need to get spiritually disciplined and incorporate a fast in your spiritual diet I don't care how you do it you need to do it because what's coming you need to be fortified spiritually you need Aid and the aid and the assistance is gonna come through the spiritual help that God has provided God said in his word he even gave you examples of your spiritual health and sounds 91 four six 11 and 12 he says for I have given my angels plural charge over you to keep you in all your ways that have you as much as dasha for the Gangstar stone it is these invisible beings that are gather you up in their arms so one day you walk in on the road and you trip and yes the letõs and you boat to not face down on the ground some way somehow you catch up ain't no good luck luck got nothing to do that is that same scripture in Psalms 91 verse 12 he says that have you as much as - a foot against a stone believer the air the spiritual and able as your spiritual help will help you even in that situation then we went to Hebrews chapter 11 sorry chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 may he now give more evidence of this spiritual help he said listen now to which of the Angels have I said sit at your right hand while I make your enemies your footstool none of them he said are not they all ministering spirits he's talking about the angels now and the word minister means to serve he said are they not all serving invisible beings well because that's what spirits are but listen he says next sent forth meaning from heaven to earth to do what to minister or to serve the heirs of salvation everyone that is accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is an heir to salvation and that qualifies you automatically to enable or have some kind of access to your spiritual health then the Bible further goes on to tell us how to access this spiritual help we find it right there in our Psalms 103 verse 20 oh how excellent are the angel who excel in strength who hearken to the commandment and listen this is the part I love in that scripture and to the voice of his word so that scripture now is telling us that the Word of God is his voice that's why I tell you over no other teaching you or lasya all through the years get the Word of God in your prayer incorporate scripture in your prayer when you pray and we put as much scripture in there why because when I quote the Word of God in my prayer and the Word of God which Psalms 103 verse 20 and a lot of part of that verse says it says that the the Word of God is the voice of God so when I when I decree the word of God over situation while I'm decree those words those words are his voice so when I stand up to the kingdom of darkness and I said no repin form against me shall pause but I mean it I believe it what while I'm saying that because it's the Word of God it's cause voice now did that kingdom of darkness that albeit at witchcraft that spirit of depression whatever it is must now bow to the voice of the Living God through his word that I'm speaking this is why I encourage you to say it over and over the Bible says I think it's in Psalms 34 verse 7 it says that the angel of the lord encamps and delivers them so you have spiritual help but nobody's been teaching you how to enable them instead they telling you so money well you know I can never stop dealing with them inoculum because I over the years I don't think you know much that traumatized me you give and you give and you give and you giving everybody trying to teach you how to bribe God that don't work what is going to is the word of God that is what's going to work God says remind me of my word God says that that that Paul said in Romans chapter one in the latter verse he said I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the gospel that is the power unto salvation so the gospel is what would have God right now did he say did he say that money was the power of salvation no he didn't say that did he say the miracle cloth did the miracle oil did the spring water no he didn't so where did these things come from where did these traditional things come from I know when he comes from they came from man now let me tell you lies a problem through the tradition the same Bible tells you in Matthew 15 verses from it 4 verse 5 to 4 7 jesus said it's because of your tradition believers that has made the Word of God which is the voice of God which is the power unto salvation as you ready for this piece of no effect in your life none zero nada zilch No so I'm come to me that's why I tell you when you come into Kevin you better come correct you know because I shuttin you down and if I see you ain't got no sense after that I am walking all of your myths the scripture gives me that right the scripture says to me according to proverbs chapter 14 verse 7 it says come out of the way of him that does not if you do not perceive knowledge on his lips Sophie as long as he talking you could stay there but the minute he starts spewing nonsense get ordered a man or woman company so I give you the law I don't know what you dealing with but Kevin Ewing dealing with the law no I said all of that to get to this point in proverbs chapter 26 verse to the latter part part B it clearly states that the curse causeless cannot come or a curse that does not have a reason or write to a person's life probably or whatever cannot come so someone could be sending curses and kosis and curses they could be in their bedroom around altars or whatever got your picture whatever and seven crisis according to the scripture it cannot happen unless there's a cause for it in your life now why why am I going in today here's what I'm going here today because of my topic and I took long to get it for a very good reason you can see right now my topic today is recognizing the reinstating of evil covenants this is a powerful you can take me long in recognizing the reinstating of evil covenants now I'm using what I taught about the fasting in last year the ending part of it because during that fast a lot of you had a myriad of dreams some of the most detail horrific dreams ever and I told you in many of my teachings that once you go on a fast excuse me you will now begin to engage in a lot of dreaming because now you're going to be exposed because of the fast in greater depths of the spiritual world as it relates to your life so the fast because dreaming on the whole takes you into the spiritual realm but when you are fasting to it it takes you to a higher level a deeper depth of it now some of you won't dream at all but what that also means is that when you're not dreaming during the fast or even after the fast it means that you under heavy spiritual attack and the purpose of it in any event where you're dreaming or not is to try to deprive you of the knowledge the spiritual knowledge that you're not aware of that securing the negative patterns in your life so the person who's dreaming all the time once they started the fast they started to dream about a bunch of crazy stuff people running behind them someone projecting crisis at them they saw themselves in a plane and the plane crash and and for the most part it's going to be negative dream but wouldn't a dream what the fast is doing it's showing you the spiritual clutter in your life the the evil that's pulling the strings in your physical life now after the fast this is key now because that's where we are now after the fast we're in January now those who did the fire so completed even this week or whatever you now notice that you're having an abundance repetitious dreams of deceased loved ones that's normal and I can explain to you why it's normal for you to have a lot of sexual dreams it's normal for you to have a lot of nightmares at this point and you say any someone Kevin how could this be happening when I just came off the fast I broke the covenants I destroyed the altars I send the fire of God to annihilate X Y & Z how come these things happening well I can tell you why the reason why these things are happening is because you did just that you shut down the office you now begin to resist the spiritual entities that were once resisting you you're shutting it down you're breaking the evil covenants and as a result of that those spirits behind those altars and those ancestral and generational covenants that you didn't even know about they're now fighting to regain territory so January because this is where I'm coming to right now January becomes that month where some of the greatest spiritual warfare takes place because of things like pastors and preachers and apostles who have wisely advise you to go on a fast in the month of December well as a result of that fast all hell is gonna break loose in January so don't be surprised if some build from nowhere comes up that some utility company want you to pay don't be surprised if everything breaking down in the house and don't be shocked at all of the Cayuse that no more in fact praise your God right now just like Jehoshaphat God I thank you right now because this is another sign that I am victorious in the spiritual realm and the enemy is trying to get me to confess nonsense right now to reinstate a covenant in a half and I don't know better so I can do better so what the enemy is going to do now to reinstate what you are broken he's going to come from either one or two angles if not both he's gonna need to come by your dream or he's gonna come by your confession primarily is gonna come through your dream and in the dream remember it's after the fast now you're going to begin to see where someone is trying to feed you in the dream or your deceased grimey or mother daddy coming to you trying to give you instructions or hug you kiss you all of this denotes trying to forge a covenant remember what the scripture says that the day I have no affiliations with the living in fact it is a sin for us to engage in new crowmon see according to Deuteronomy 18 verses 9 to verse 11 or 12 necromancy is dealing with the death Ecclesiastes says to us it says that when a person died it says that they love they hate their jealousy and we would ever finish god no more nothin happenin no more it says in fact they have no more portion under the Sun meaning that there's no such thing as Grammy came to you Graham Ubben their company has that if you believe that then you disbelieve God would you go out telling you a lie then because the Bible is strictly against that in Luke chapter 16 verses 19 to 30 one gives a candid story in the form of a parable where there were two living people one was a rich man the other man was the poor man Lazarus Lazarus sat at the table order that'll eat the crumbs from the rich man's table while a rich man walk around with his pompous attitude all day in hell for nobody it was all about him the second part of the scripture says both men died this is interesting because description ours gonna in this particular scripture Luke 16 you're gonna see the state where they were living and then it's gonna show where he died but they're still living but in the spiritual state so it says both men died and Lazarus was carried by the Angels in the bosom of Abraham which was paradise at that time and the rich man opened his eyes in hell the rich man tried to make a deal but he had Muhammad said Abraham could you please get mr. Lazarus to dip his finger to cool my tongue down from just flames that I'm being tormented in he could see he could taste he could hear you get all the senses there but it is not as fleshly body it's a spiritual body remember both of their physical bodies are on the earth decaying as they speak so they know inhabit those bodies anyone I told you this before all death is is a separation of the real you which is your spirit from your physical being so the physical being would God breathe that breath which also means his soul in the spirit into mankind there's a separation of so now these two men who were once alive this is so powerful and now in a spiritual place where they cannot return to Earth because after the rich man try to make all kinds of deals with lies which is okay okay okay okay got you obviously I can't go back anymore so why don't you know he said why don't you let me go and tell my brother sin that you would let Lazarus cool my passion and all this torment so Abraham said no no no that ignominy no he said you care and go back there the same prophecy witnessed you will witness to them no so you there's no coming from the dead and coming back to here on any one who showed up in looking like your dead mommy or daddy it's an opera it's a masquerading spirit anyone in your dream showing up as a deceased loved one or family member or friend or whatever it is a masquerading spirit Kevin I hear you but where are you getting all of this information from please give me some scriptures well second Corinthians let's look at that second Corinthians I let's look at verse 11 we go on somewhere here 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 then we're going to look at verse 14 he says and no Marvel or be not surprised for Satan himself is transformed Circle that word please because I want to define it for you the word transform means to change from one state to the next from one position to the other from one apparents to another appearance so the scripture is telling us Paul is telling the Saints he says don't be fooled don't be marveled don't be surprised don't be taken aback for Satan has the ability to transform or to change himself into an angel of light I told you at a conversation with someone some time ago told me how an angel came to him and it was a female angel so they throw me right off right away I was like female age I don't know this woman oh she talking about because there is absolutely not a shred of evidence not one iota of evidence where the scripture someone trying to point me somewhere in Zacharias only one time to tell me say something this reference to an inch of female engine lies it's not I read it it has nothing to do the female angel it never said it and never word it even remotely close to it there is no scripture no scriptures or all of those little drawings and stuff you see on Facebook or whatever would eastland pretty little baby angels and the female angels they are all of their not of God from where I stand based on the Scriptures now if there are angels and heaven are females I don't know of them because the Bible gives not a I order of evidence of it so right there I knew that the devil was deceiving her because when she said it was a female angel I say okay my antennas went up and when she said up my mind man write to the scripture that the enemy has the ability he could transform from the ugly devil that we envision to be to an angel of light but what she want to say is next in verse 15 of second Corinthians 11 it says therefore it is no great thing in a big deal if his ministers be talking about the spirits the demons the the principalities and all rules that serve Him that have to now subject themselves to him to sickness therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness or why take long to get it but I could be together oh yes sir yes description our Kevin the scripture says that the enemy which is Satan have a whole department of false preachers and teachers and ministers and apostles and bishops and prophets and prophetess I'm reading in radio therefore if he have the ability to change himself at the age of like it is not limited to his ministers who also transform as ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works I say again let no man think he is think me a fool if otherwise yet as a fool received me that I may boast myself a little so Paul is telling us here my sin he just tell you idea you got ministers out there who are not ministers of God but their ministers of Satan acting like righteous ministers of God why am i camping on your Cameron careful why you yeah I can tell you I am a little bit remember let's go back to the dream now do after fast the enemy is now trying to regain the territory that he lost now you don't notice you figure all this bad stuff happening to you something I am doing right and I give the emails every day Kevin I did the fast I did the tree day I did the drive fast I did the 70 Kevin I started off with the drive fast and I went straight from the enter 75 keV and I still having these bad dreams Kevin I still feel stuff holding me down and I Kevin I still waking up with marks on my skin Kevin I believe you amount of God but something here write something that's very right there in fact everything you just tell me is right because the enemy is trying to regain ground off of your ignorance he's hoping that you do not know that there was a war going on ever since you started that fast and you wonder one the spiritual realm however he's doing everything physically to convince you otherwise what is he really trying to do he's trying to get you to go against the law Kevin what you mean when I would a lot of this 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 18 where you are told you are instructed set not your eyes on the thing what if Joseph are had set his eyes on the things that he saw when he saw these great nations coming against him what if Hezekiah start to freak old when he saw all as Sennacherib and the whole gang coming against them what having liza had succumbed to the syrian army say oh my lord we finish set not your eyes those of you are on the fast who came off the fasten on hell breaking loose right now father I thank you your word declares in second testimonies family that we ought to give thanks not in some things rotten only the good things but it says in all things and all things represent the good and the bad because your word also states in the scripture second that's only five and eighteen I'm going to give thanks and all things for this what we are going through good or bad is the will of God concerning us who in Christ Jesus that's what I'm reading so you've got to know the law if you don't know the law these clouds will come tell you anything what does the law say pasta what does the law say apostle you telling me bring the Tao said you telling me bring 400 you telling me so eight million dollars in the next year why would scripture justify it in the law because Kevin is doing it Kevin is giving me the law to facilitate how I should start my spiritual journey in 2019 would you tell me give money explain it to me don't tell me know who conquers focus just how Karen giving me Scripture after scripture I need you to give it to me please so because you in again me to repeat the failure of last year this year by listening to yell at Circus rhymes that garbage is finished but we dealing with now is the unadulterated Word of God where everybody needs to go back to and practice the laws of God and we hear nothing else other than that if you ain't talking the law by the way here no riddle I don't hear no rhyme and over here there will be more green in 2019 I don't know here that's gonna be a shift I don't want to hear that God is doing something out there and God is getting ready to do know God is getting ready to do his law let me know what your law is going cuz that's what you can do now I've been gunnin to do it your law I don't want here whoever talking garbage in my ass and we are nothing I refuse to let any religious leader handcuff me and put me on the road to destruction when I know the law knowing of it I don't care what your title is I don't care who you are I don't care how big small or medium-size your churches are it doesn't matter let me tell you why because the scripture says but Kevin the scripture says that broad is the way that leads to destruction that's what it right so pleading will be on the road and not convincing and you ever say well I guess of everybody who own deer that gotta be the right way what I read the scripture says broad is the way that we'll need God giving you all kind of lines and signs and trying to tell you point let you read my word everybody fun another one over there everybody tried one over there what did I tell you broad is the way that leads to destruction and now and straightest the way they need to righteous and only few single gaudiya so don't come to me you you way to convince me that because a lot of people go to your church or everybody calling you no no no no no after then he honor that I said I let me hear sermon by that person let me hear how much of the Word of God they're incorporating in their Simon I don't wanna hear the stories unless there's a word attached to it I don't know you're nothing until I hear the word of God and that's how you have to be to be successful and to be rely on your God ordained destiny this year think about it for years we year after year so your best seat hallelujah and write your name on the envelope and tell god what you want and you gotta be specific now tell him you want to say these bands and two gold teeth a couple Gucci be whatever he named no no no you only hear Kevin ever tell you like careful Ellie Ewing will never in this life as long as I breathe breath in these lungs by the grace of my God and Savior you will never hear Kevin in this life tell you to get God to do something for you so a scene you will the day that happen please please send an exorcist in to cast the devil's out of me mind you they're different circumstances I know all of that but here's what I'm saying to you let's focus on the word let's remove the things that Jesus and the Apostles M didn't do nowhere in the scriptures are you going to find poor Jesus Matthew Luke John Philip Bartholomew all these are people know where all of Moses them the pod the Red Sea this man the whole Red Sea all of Joshua remover attacks the Sun to stand still all the mosses the mood took over three million people out of Egypt being a a minority which is an understatement or a pharaoh group all of these markups all of these big things that happen in the Bible no scripture you could show me where he said now let's soar see to God bring your best offering because to either get God to do it or to less so see because he did it you'll find it you will find it let me tell you what the seed was for them the seed was their confidence in God the seed was for their faith that God even though I cannot see you even though you're not tangible even though I can't see a face your hand I believe with all my mind that you exist I believe with all my inner being the very core of Who I am that you are here with me what's your angelic host waiting for me to enable my spiritual health to fight my enemies in the spiritual realm so I will secure a victory in this physical world know where Jesus say to you sow a seed and give this and give that look at the places was constantly asking for these monies look look at the church you see the members board you see the church gold you see the members being successful know what you would see as a bunch of cancers a bunch of diabetes they broke they Damon the government for everything they got everything in the book negative they got going on when they sold the seed every year every year they go into the bank borrow money they did take it home I can bless pastor with this or I can and I'm I say no bless you Pastor I'm not saying that I'm saying to you if you dismiss the Word of God and follow the traditions of men there are two scriptures that will speak to you the first one you were fine in Jeremiah 17 and 5 cursed be the man that puts his trust in man and make flesh his arm the second part of that scripture says that even when good come to him he wouldn't even recognize that's how crazy is then in Matthew 15 says that because of your tradition you so come to the protocol of discharge to the protocol of a man to the protocol of a pastor who is circumventing and dismissing the Word of God and you still wondering why you broke you still wondering why you sick you still wondering why you in a wheelchair one of your legs off and your daughter the same way your grandchild you still wondering and you're hearing cuts along with you and you say come then the word we didn't happen the Bible says in the book of Proverbs it says anyone who ignores the law of God even his prayer is an abomination unto the Lord don't you come with that don't you come and I don't care who dude listen to me you could take me to the core you will never stop me from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ you will never stop me from quoting the scriptures you will never stop me from telling the people the true laws of the Living God your riddles and dumb rhymes will not work any more all it did was give us a poor quality of life because you were more interested in your well-being and your fancy buildings and how you look to the public as opposed to my soul and the souls of others but that garbage stopped in 2019 that ain't gonna happen I ain't puttin up with a mess no more now now you only listen to me if you choose to take that road well this is like like lot and and Abraham who lives with me part because I ain't puttin up with it they're too much revelation there's too much activation of the laws to bring above the benefits of God of my life to sit down another Sunday and listen to mess I don't have time for that life was too short every time I open up the Thursday people somebody and they I know I you know went to school with them I just had a conversation last week or week before or whatever the case may be and I look at them now in the paper star and dad can't do nothin in this world no more and and where where did were they introduced to the laws were there preachers and teachers pulling emphases on the rules of God no no everything was about being rich everything was about how are you gonna everyone now got a motivational speech I am so sick of it I am so tired of it I am so tired of all when God raised you up your circle gets smaller and that is superficial garbage we don't need to yet we need to know how do we tap in deeper into the spiritual world as it relates to the laws of God how how do we feed our human spirit via the Word of God so we can now see spiritually in the spiritual realm and make our assessments from that room the Bible says in second of ways could be instructed to now coming toward the latter part of that it says that he that is spiritual meaning that he's making his assessment from the spiritual world we didn't he that a spiritual judgeth all things yeah take that because the I know you can come your superficial said let's go I'd say don't judge ya God said he that's right he said on judge what are we talking to those who judge from the surface he that is spiritual he that is torn into the spiritual realm through the Word of God have the right to make an assessment on anything because his assessment is made from the original world it's as simple as that I'm saying to you today they're also on listening to me I know you you probably custome on me I bread but trust me Lena one now in the air when the devil put an X on you can remember the same sermon radio get in tune with God not Shia pasta get in tune with God you know why because when you get in tune with God then your pasta your Apostle your bishop or whoever will only confirm if they are of God with God been telling you all along to your consistent study and that's what you need to be get the dust off your Bible the Bible that you only open up on Sunday to hear the pastor quote one scripture and close it and they talk about politics after that no we are living in a time that is very very dangerous that is very very deceptive that is very very evil therefore of our own human frailty we cannot fight what's coming against us we need to enable our spiritual hopeless we need to so therefore we need to be under sound teaching on the sound preaching we don't need to get with the politics we don't need to hear but with us we don't need to hear but rhymes keep taking us back to the Word of God because it is that word and is feeding our human spirit it is that word that is making a strong in the spirit so that we could make the right choices now oh yeah I don't want here know prosperity teaching you know why because prosperity is automatic when we follow the rules of God wealth is automatic God said in his word Ephesians 3 verse 20 he says listen people listen to me carefully alright put down this prosperity now listen to my view on prosperity is God speaking now in Ephesians 3:20 says I god I want to do exceedingly I want to do abundantly I want to do above all that you could ever ask or think now watch what he says next now according now I can do I will do all of this I will exceed your greatest expectation but the hinges in which this door swinging on lot of me to do it he says according to the power that working in you what powers you talking about Kevin I can tell you what I'm talking about the same school should be quoted earlier in Romans chapter 1 coming down to verse 14 17 some where Paul says I'm not afraid or ashamed sorry of the gospel now he's gonna interchange it now he says I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel listen listen it is carefully listen to this for the gospel is the who I really read for the gospel is the power walk that's it the gospel is the power unto who salvation God let's go back to Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 God says I want to do exceedingly I want to do abundantly I want to supersede your greatest expectation of me you are praying to me and say God at least let me get my first child in college I got six more God said I want to exceed the first child getting him there or to college but he says the only way I could do that is according to the power / or the Word of God that's working in you and what is the they say according to the money you give did he say according to the Merkel clock then he said because they put on for prana oil all over your face did he say because of that no it's Kevin same putting on somebody wrong no Kevin is not saying that it's Kevin saying given pot pasta some money and bless them is wrong no Kevin don't misinterpret don't misconstrue what I say what I am saying is whatever those things above the word of the Living we got a problem Houston we got a problem when you put more emphasis or taking care of pasta as opposed to focusing on the word of god we got idolatry going on here we got obear going on here or here we got witchcraft controlling spirits and manipulating spirits going on here man listen ice I listen this one brother who shoot straight I don't have no one to to to hide behind I'm not interested in hiding I am you may not appreciate me today but the day is going to come where the Spirit of Truth is going to remind you of everything I've told you put York right there my said don't trust your posture don't don't tell me what I see and I know I didn't see it whatever you do with your pastors on you you know whatever you put above God would as also on you and God is going to judge you or not there's no two ways to put it so coming back here now to January a lot of you are now being flooded with dreams a lot of you are waking up in the night or even in the morning and seeing marks on your skin as if somebody scratched you in their fingernails or you see what they call birthmarks or blood marks like blood under your skin vessels burst of red marks and of course there what kind of explanation but what these are this is what they call in the spiritual realm from a demonic side these are markers or spiritual markers where the dispersion the altars that you ask that you challenge during your fast now coming back to try and mark their territory let me give an example of it to show you the spiritual principle in which they operating under in Genesis chapter 17 God again speaking to Abraham and this is where he change Abraham's name to Abraham and his wife Sarah - Sarah and he says as a sign of the Covenant that God has made between Abram or Abraham now in God which will affect the entire Hebrew nation even to this day and beyond God says there is a token that I want to put in your myths a token is a signal or a marker that you've got to identify something for those of us who used to go in the club you guys are going even now one shouldn't pay money needs to put like this little invisible stamp on your hand but once you put it under the light the light would see it I'll put this little tag around you or those of you who have these all-inclusive hotels they put this particular bond around you where you have access to the food and everything else right well anyway coming back to the Covenant in Genesis 17 God says okay yes we have a spiritual covenant where I tell you I'm going to make your sea like the stars of heaven blah blah blah and all that he said but now I need to put a physical mark on you and this now becomes your ID to make you part and parcel of the Covenant that I've made and listen what God said in the same scripture I want you to read when you get some time Genesis 17 he says not only you Israel have this mark who wants to be under this covenant but even those who dwell among you your slaves and your sojourn as' and so on if they want to be a part of this they have to get circumcised so the foreskin of a man penis had to been remove us the sign or a token that hey he is also a part of the covenant of our Lord now with that same principle now the kingdom of darkness which is always trying to imitate or duplicate the things of God so what happens now the spirits from the altars that your ancestors service okay remember you you had the dreams about your deceased loved one and in your ignorance you said Mama's spirit watching over us from here mommy ain't watching mom and probably can't watch yourself right now ain't nobody watching you that is the masquerading spirits masquerading as your mother as your deceased brother whoever disease they are masquerading as them because they dare have no more affiliations with the living trust a done deal we don't even need to discuss that no more as a result of that the spirits from that alter now whom your challenge who you are fasting they now begin to up their game so what's gonna happen now you're gonna have spiritual attacks primarily in the dream where some deceased level is trying to feed you again always trying to give you something with all that they're eating in the dream is witchcraft you're trying to initiate your background alter or you see yourself again in a setting where you see a bunch of a you know banquet or wedding or a funeral all of this it's witchcraft rituals to reinitiate you any participation of that in your dream you being reinitiated you see yourself hugging your enemy or you see you kissing someone in the dream or look at the one who's this person you kissing your enemy or or you kissing your first cousin or having intercourse with even if it's your husband and wife that's masquerading or the spirits massacring us you still cancer because remember after the fast becomes a strategic point for those spirits that operating Tony all of your ignorance so the spiritual I begin to mock you that's why you see that what they call a dead mark that's what I was looking for you see you're like the blood vessels person needs your skin like those red marks so strawberry looking marks or you see like fingernails scorches across your chest or their parts your body you're not losing your mind they are they were put there but not by a human spirits put them there because they're trying to mark you from the realm of the Spirit to say look this is our territory but let me tell you right now first of all you get your olive oil you anointed an ass caught to break any evil covenant as being that's trying to be reinstated in my life even with the dreams you wake up the first thing you do once you know that this is a dream that's trying to reinitiate you you repent oh yeah but cam and I said yes what I told you was the really real spirit right so your spirit engage in these things in the spiritual realm and obviously if it didn't find it that mean your spirit is weak meaning that you're gonna add more prayer more fasting more reading of the width of in your spirit mind to not resist those things in the dream everything will change once you begin to feed your spirit among you and over your Spurgeon devil is in life watch out you perform in your dreams if you already know in reality that eating in a dream is wrong having sex in a dream was wrong but yet when you have the dream of happening and like you have no control then your spiritual power is weak and your spiritual power your the Bible to you is like spinach to Popeye that's the best way to put it the more of the word you ingest and digest the more spiritually empowered you are so watch how things are going to change in the dream you're gonna be more dominant in the dream the enemies that were once running behind you you can I run them down so when you see these dreams remember those markers you rebuke it you repent voice then you can sit now when you have dreams where you're actually having intercourse or you're actually having some deeper relationship with deceased people stuff like that rebuking your dream alone in a stop it getting to stop the manifestation of what that spirit actually represents cuz remember now what you're seeing in the dream the deceased loved one or whatever yes they're masquerading spirit but even though they're masquerading as your dead mom or their dad or whatever the true spirit now is telling us could be a spirit of poverty a spirit of lusts but more than likely it will be the very spirit that you eradicated during the fast that you're not even aware of see your problem is because you didn't see a change in your circumstances after the fast you have now convinced yourself that nothing has been broken but you couldn't have been further from the truth by faith now this is where your Christian walk comes in by faith it is broken if it wasn't broken this is the evidence if nothing was broken if nothing was altered in the spiritual realm while you wonder fast then why the attack is so intense now why all of a sudden these rapid dreams these filthy dreams these things trying to hold you down and rape you in the dream and cussing at you why you didn't have it before too fast No so the mere fact that they have now up their antes is is a clear indicator that what you're doing is working so now that you see this and now bringing this to your attention what do you do now what do I do now Kevin you put pressure on them father but I thank you just like Joseph at Jehoshaphat had a party before the fight even if the physical fight because he know the spiritual fight was going on you thank God father what I know that that breakthrough I was praying for I know it coming out because I believe you I I come an agreement whatever you're about to do right now so after you recognize in the dream that they were so read an attempt or an actual reinstating of the Covenant through these evil Spurs because that's the only reason the purpose of the dream the purpose of the dream is to achieve a covenant that's it there's no other reason for the dream the only reason for that dream is for the spirit to achieve a covenant with the human because that is the only way the spirit will have the legal right to operate in the human life I have explained this to you over and over again you've seen it in the case of Abraham and God where God tell him all of these things are gonna happen so why didn't God just do it on his own why didn't he he didn't need Abraham if we gotta go on the premises that he is Almighty God he could do one do what he consulted Abraham for why you need Abraham to have a seat just like how he brought Adam oh no it couldn t bring more people on right but no what I was in his room his rule after he brought Adam on the earth and after he created everything and made the garden if Adam and Eve in there in verse 26 and in verse 28 of Genesis chapter 1 it is very clear he says now he handed that dominion over who then it says spirits no I didn't read that no he said he handed dominion over tyranny of to mankind so with that said what all else does that implicate that implicates that any spirit that wants to operate in this I listen Carolina including the Spirit of God must consult with man because man gives the final authority as to would come and what will not come so with that being the case God came to Abraham he didn't have to but he had to in this case because this is law because I've given you Dominion let me tell you what we're gonna do in this covenant remember covenant they had me in Genesis chapter 15 when Abram became kind of peel off and saying listen you coming to me again talking this stuff and I see no evidence yet God says okay now set up and also make a sacrifice and he went into a deep sleep and you see again now because the scripture is proving now they are covenant it's being forged in Abraham's dream yes so verse 18 of Genesis 15 says and in that day God made an a covenant with Abraham but where did this happen while Abraham was conscious no when did it happen while he was asleep so Ryan his physical body was asleep I want you to get this now his spirit man which never sleeps is communicating with the spirit of the Living God and God says I will make you a father of many nation and your seed will be like the stars of heaven in the sign of the sea and they will rise a great nation but it would go into captivity for 400 years but at the end of that tenure I will send in a mighty hand and deliver him with great substance didn't all of that happen didn't all of that happen and Dennis isn't God meaning covenant with Abraham so the Covenant is what causes the spirit and its will to be facilitated on this side of life which is the physical aspect of life which is the man of this world in which we live there are five senses correlate to this becomes the place of manifestation of the things of the spiritual world whatever voodoo whatever / whatever's on your life that happens spiritually first they dealt with you in the spiritual world as a result of your ignorance you came in agreement with the Covenant where do you walk on what they planted there for you or whether they said it to you in a dream and you ate it you drink it or you had intercourse with it all of that represented a covenant now ever since you had that dream all hell is now breaking loose in your life but nobody told you that before but yet has read in the scripture we just read it in Genesis chapter 15 it says that when God told him to get a Turtledove and getting the rom or whatever he says now cutting them and half except for the birds and it says while the altar was there it says that I think Abraham brushed the Flies whatever from the way and it says he fell into a deep sleep and darkness came upon him and all of a sudden God is not speaking but who is he speaking to the spirit of Abraham why because his intent is to forge a covenant to facilitate what he's about to do in the future it has already done in the spiritual realm but in order for it to happen physically he must find a mind that he forged covenant with because if his own law because he handed the authority over to us so what does that mean remember the scripture I gave you earlier don't think I forget these scriptures I hope you remember them proverbs 26 and 3 or 2 a curse without of course cannot come upon you so if there's a curse working in your life if there's things happening in life I mean on a consistent basis even after the fast even after whatever whatever then there's something there's a covenant and place that you're not aware of and as a result of it the evil spirits have them right to continue their evil in your life until that covenant is dealt with this is why I say to you all the time according to the principle of the scripture in Leviticus chapter 26 verse 42 41 where we admonished that when we pray to not just ask for the forgiveness and repent for the evil for the iniquities transgressions and sins that we did but the scripture is clear it says you must do the same for your ancestors father I repent for what my all to be back to my third fourth fifth sixth tenth whatever generation whatever covenants they did father I am asking you right now by the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant and Jesus Christ was now become accursed for me meaning that he is the Christ bearer far out that not only do I break the covenants of my ancestors and ask your forgiveness for what I have done even through them the crisis that has worked his way down to me forgive us expunges of this evil and now I cast the penalty and the evil of this curse upon the Christ Mara which is Jesus Christ who died to take on my sin if you don't take it from that way then put yourself in gear to repeat but only at a greater level the nonsense you went through last year you've got to shut the covenants down because the enemy now is coming in and he's slightly coming in and forging covenants but it's gonna be based on your urines the second way in which she's gonna do covenants is true your confession yeah see now the church is now just coming on board everybody won't do to Daniel fast now and Peter Pan fast and Mary Poppins fire fast all estate now they deal they come on the bandwagon listen the kingdom of Dan'l has been working from October from October they've been in consecration from October they've been printing their idols pray into their altars from November and December but they just put the icing on the cake why look push the judge makeup they just stretch it we got a frame out what it is this what Saturday the 5th January okay let's go pretend let's go deal with these Devils yeah right they dealing with you bro so what are you gonna see as a result of them being late once again in the game and I'm speaking now prophetically as it relates to Grand Bahama you're gonna see something that started about two years ago as it relates to the leaders in our community where the enemy now is coming and what you hear me very carefully that's when I say it now you can see it the enemy now isn't fighting the past anymore you ready for this it's coming for the pastor wife hear me and hear me well don't judge what I saying look for yourself look at the pastors wives and grand bahama that's being affected that isn't by coincidence that is demonically designed as the strategy of the enemy that began from at least about two years ago and at least two years ago and everybody in fact I mentioned it to I think a little bit in my teaching was it last yeah and I'll show you before last right dealt with when evil altars are raised against churches very did the core vents here in Grand Bahama the witchcraft community they're now pronouncing crisis not only at the church but specifically at the pastors wives right now there are two reasons for this two reasons why this is happening the first reason is to knock the credibility of God because the people are gonna say now my god will if his wife is sick and he talking about God all day and this healing worldwide Godwin Neal his wife why God with Nina's family so what is that see remember if you give you if you smite the Shepherd the law say the sheep will scatter grand bahama hear me and hear me well you could call me whatever you won't call me but I'm speaking according to the word of the Lord there are evil altars raised against every Church in Grand Bahama every Church in Grand Bahama is someway somehow being fought vigorously from a demonic perspective I'm not finished you ready for this PC oh you ready for this next piece the me and fight isn't coming from outside of the church it is from the inside there are people in your administration there are people that you've given titles to there are people that you have as big-time prophet prophets and so on but just like Joshua and the children of Israel who never consulted God when they made an agreement with the Gibeonites they forged a covenant and as a result of that when they found a little wicked gibeonites when they could not break the covenant because they swore before their God you my friend have brought people in who you like who you feel got your back not to carry the gospel and you have ordained them not knowing that you are dating a devil you are dating a demon he was giving a devil a position to shut you on your church style beginning from your spouse and your children so if I were you here is what I would do after you don't get past your pride and who does black boys could tell me these things when you didn't get past all of that now go back to your guard and ask for repair first of all for making your decision based on what would have benefited you and I ask him to forgive you and now show you very enemy is in the camp I want you to hear me and hear me well in this remaining bit of time your enemies churches of Grand Bahama is not only outside of your church on the outside of your congregation your enemies are in house your enemies are shutting you is called an implosion it's not an explosion it's called an implosion and there is a specific attack and the attack is against your family mr. pastor particularly beginning with your wives your spouse's then your children listen all I do is drop in the word and then I overhear there is not a day that goes by I don't cover my wife and drench her in the blood of Jesus and my family myself my children there is not a date I don't present him before the Lord and say father I pray the whole armour of God over my wife dearie over my daughter Gigi over Kia and Christina and KJ father I pray a hedge of protection around them like you said in job chapter verse 1 chapter 1 verse 10 that Satan himself said the only reason why job is in rebellion against you is because you got a hedge of protection around him Satan in his discourse made me see the revelation that there's a hedge of protection around the people of God so father what I pray to enforce that hedge of protection around my wife on a job in her car in the bathroom everywhere she go my children father go I plead the blood of Jesus over them that whatever cuz whatever hats whatever spell that is being sent from Africa Europe because I don't know I would be the world's greatest fool to believe that everyone that followed me loved me I would be the greatest fool to believe that they're not people on Facebook and blue and stuff taking my pictures of me and my family and not trying to make spells and try to shut us down but just kill my bro because you ain't dealing with no dummy Oh Kevin is proactive Kevin shutting you down before you even think what shutting him down and so I come for my family I cover our vehicles I cover our bank accounts every area of our lives that's why I go on too fast because I know what I up against I sitting back to say beliefs and leader is a good teacher they will be fool enough yet a fool enough to come after you then you better be doubly fool - now you better deal with them so no you got to listen you got to be proactive leaders I speak into leaders now I'm speaking to the leaders listen to me and listen to me well this is the prophetic word for you you could sit back there and judge me and say who do I think I am while you deal with that that is not stopping the fight that's coming against your family the enemy has a specific course that has begun from over two years ago where he's launching an attack against the wives of the pastors and by extension their children you need to deal with it secondly the enemy is not outside of your church the enemy whom you have ordained whom you have held in high esteem because you were thinking about you you thought about them having your back you thought about every time you asked them to do something they would do it but you didn't know there was a motive behind what they were doing they needed access to your secret chambers they got it and now you're seeing the results of it they've undermined you and as a result your family whom you left expose is now paying the price so as you can see my friend your title doesn't change the attack that's coming on you your title doesn't become a shield the size of your church isn't a shield people who lured you in the community isn't a shield for you your shield is in the spiritual world and if you weren't covering your family and asking God to amplify your spirit of discernment to see the wicked people sitting in your congregation and up on your pulpit then you wouldn't be in this position you're in right now but it can be changed if you listen to the word of the Lord today there is enemies in the camp I need you to hear me today there are people on your pulpit who are deeply involved in water spirits witchcraft or bear voodoo who cannot wait in church leave look at the pulpit look at that when you call them up to the pulpit and pray on them and throw water on them and do all of that when churches already dismissed passed on listen to me you come back to church and I look at the pulpit and look at the pennies you're gonna find on that pulpit look at the little pieces or little notes a little funny-looking writing look at all those things that you thought was just debris and garbage not knowing that they were listen to me carefully I said earlier they're tokens this is where the authors tell them to drop these things as a point of contact so that the spirits now could be reinforced in that place what else is going to be the result of the pastor don't take charge now now you're going to see it and you've already seen it already it's now going to begin to now work its way in the congregation of the believers why because your leader has left you expose your leader dismissed sorcery your leaders say don't believe in those things the power of God is greater which is true but ignorant is even more deadly a weapon so the leaders must rise up now because the camp of the enemy been risen up and fighting you tooth and nail that is why so much heads are bucking in the church that is why so much churches are splitting and starting their own ministries that is why there's no more loyalty why because they've you smite the Shepherd what's going to happen the sheep will scatter oh yeah they got their own agenda the agenda is to shut you down mr. pasta and how best to do it than to affect and to flick those that you love they say no game you don't got to be no Christian to figure this out look look around you look at the pastor's look at the wives look at the children you think they want to be that way you think somebody go to the zoo and say how can you give me a bottle of sickness please no no no the find is spiritual the enemy is with em and they are coming at you spiritually they're laughing in your face and say pastor use a good preacher you did a good job Oh God I thank God for you pastor you've changed my life that time they get all kind of ball of people here and stuff and they pocket drop it on the ground all kind of pennies all over the place all kind of marks behind the church bench like a XO of course you think it needs a little children doing this no no no no no no no no no it's called a token it's called a point of contact they're putting these things in place to oppress you mr. Fastow and to shut down your church that's why the members are leaving by the droves but you need to open up your spiritual eyes stop playing so I'll play in church and deal with the matter deal with the matter that's why you see them every week yeah movin around every week you're cuttin him over to some Memorial Park some graveyard every week every year you know I excuse me because the enemy has a spiritual register won't you hear me now the enemy has a spiritual register for each church every one of them and the register is broken down into cancer deaf diabetes heart disease all of that and their names of people in that church on that satanic branches though who will meet their demise this year but father God I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ and by the blood of Jesus asking you to destroy that register over every Church asking you to break the evil covenants that has been established in that church father God that is afflicting the wives of these pastors and by extension their children and their congregation by prayer God is that you just like how Elijah said to his servant he said Sunday I'm more than I will those are with them but I know you cannot see them so just like Elijah Lord I am now reinforcing with Elijah and I'm asking you to open the spiritual eyes of the pastor's so that they will see what the enemy is doing to their family members to shut them down altogether hear me and hear me where they are coming after the wives through sorcery they were attacking their minds it's gonna look like they out of their hair they are packing their bodies it's gonna look like cancers and diabetes and sickness and the stomach swelling and all of these things in a spiritual you know it's true you spend every last dollar to every doctor they cannot tell you what's going on because it's a demonic evil that if instituted against you and your family and the idea is to shut down the house of God just stroke your members of faith because I'm telling you they're saying if a pastor is such a man of God then why would God allow this to happen to his wife why would God a lot of stopping this children something a Aradia oh yes I'm right or something right here something's very much right here you know what is right here we are ignorant to the spiritual when we dismiss it because we want to be politically correct we want to talk about OB and voodoo and witchcraft and the people read and you see we don't want to be caller as being wrong and making the choice of making this warlock a prophet or making this warlock an apostle man look here we all make mistakes bro Joshua Joshua who succeeded from Abraham who was a man on fire for God made a foolish mistake and making a covenant with the Gibeonites because he accepted their lying story that they were not a part of Canaan and they came from a far country and you know what happened guess what happened I told you the sort of weeks ago God honored the Covenant so even when Joshua time wanted to kill him the prince said no no no no we can't do it I remember when we swore that he would make a covenant to pretend and we swore before our God I want you to hear me the enemy is in the the enemy is in the camp the enemy isn't outside of your church the enemy is right there right there in the camp right there you could pray all over there but you pray for the heat node and obey what I say that's eMobile you talking about right there sitting on your pulpit right there privy to all of the plans you have for your church right there listening to everything you tell them what you're going through but your wife with your family which if they are right there and they're all smiles in their heart because they say what we are doing is working hear me and hear me well you need to go on a real fast no Daniel fast will you fast for three minutes neither okay the four three three minutes later no consecrate yourself and I score to an able your spiritual help to read those wicked people over there because I telling you if you are not spiritually inclined if you are not operating from a spiritual of design a spur of design Minh you will never figure them out because just like God Jesus said he says be beware of these wolves and how did he come and dress they come and rest like wolves no they come and dress like sheep they don't look just like you we had a nice time and a nice pants and nice shirt kind of all looking but you know you know them no they stay with the riddles they staying on a word they mode all they talking about is what God can do next then God can make you rich and go and get your husband in calling you nobody talking about the soul nobody talking about getting your eternal part of your being sorted or eternity excuse me nobody's talking about that so that that reindeer that way they're shown a little red flag radio they don't open up their Bible they come up there they probably call one scription right after that they start talking about President Trump and humid minutes and everything that's except Jesus so one of that radius red flags or one of that radio but I'm telling you the riches and the Warlocks running the house of God now but the pastor's them don't know because they forgot because they are physically at the helm they think they were on the show they won't say remember now the spiritual realm is where everything happens I tell you this over and over and if you fail in the spiritual realm then you automatically it is inevitable that's how its set up it is inevitable that you will fail here but the pastors must now see spiritually so this is so you see now all the money you collected over the years would see it so not that is not the problem in there is stop the enemy from coming in it you see because you doing something I have nothing to do with God let's stick with the word father forgive me for the years that I've manipulated your people don't be ashamed to tell him many things I do in my life that a people I heard that I went to and say listen I did you wrong I lied I cheated yes I did that please forgive me now where are they customer afterwards I don't matter that off my chest I knocking go clearly before my god I made a mistake I did wrong I'm not the only poison neither will I be the only one I'll ever do this as long as it exists so I'm saying to you listen to me grand bahama the spiritual leaders of this land this island the attack is against their wives their children which by extension will infiltrate in the congregation true people leaving the choice split in the church going against the pasta having nasty things to say but this is a spirit this to say in them doing it they're being influenced and obviously this are coming to it to do these things pray against the altars fastest pray against the evil authors of witchcraft ask or to destroy the covenants that those people that you've put in place have created between them and their evil gods that is now rising up against you and now you may say well why God is allowing this where we said the same thing with Joshua and the Gibbon I'd say you can't blame God no more you you put them there you took their hand and fellowship you brought them onto your pull put it on your stage you've not anointed and ordained them and give them power in the wickedness that they were doing so as a result of that you camera you can serve of God how come you didn't show me that's no the scripture clearly says in Joshua chapter 9 it says that Israel neither Josh Josh were consulted God before they made an allegiance no agreement would they give you Knights who they were told they were part of Canaan and fat they were descendants from the ammonites which were hardcore Canaanites and the decree that they were given before they went into the Promised Land which is Israel Ennis was to destroy them and kill them make no marriage or covenants with them according to Deuteronomy 7 and here it is this brother Josh with a little sanction it he said yeah let's watch a covenant with him because he didn't know then why did he didn't know because he trusted what he saw he trusted what his five senses related to when God is telling us the leaders that the leaders now he says listen don't focus on what you see no yeah ain't no heart save on Sunday they lift up holy hands but ask the co-workers working them through the week they nasty me and petty vindictive even cuss and drink and smoke and carrying on but the minute they bust read Sunday they get on this long rope this pious looking face and reason hon Gary up but God will judge you God is going to judge everyone that is worth of gangster man of God wives and family and you may be getting away today and you only get away because of the leaders ignorance but the minute they decide to put their pride aside and get on board I still what's really happening and really launch a spiritual attack in terms of fasting and coming against the spiritual demonic roots in that church and the evil all system minute they start that you watch how a lot of them and they were doing it to lose their minds you watch how a lot of them then the devil that's working in them to move and doing these bold wicked acts you watch how that devil is gonna turn on them you watch and see but process I'm telling you members of you listening to me tell your pastor get a copy of this program going on YouTube going on my Facebook page you need to listen to it because the enemy is in your house he got the key now he could go in and come with as he pleased if you want to succeed if you want to save your family if you want your family to live the quality of life that God has called them to live outside of sickness disease and all these things then you need to pray the evil alters that has been set up against your church right there in that church radio he ate outside yesterday got some planted in the yard of that church but they got the evil alters reindeer hidden and secret compartments of that church right there they have an evil motive you know what I could do it I wrote a rap up because they got the air of the pasta the pastor just looking at what this poison could do and the financial resources this poison could bring but they don't know the spiritual implication that comes behind that but they can feel it on and a lot of them feel it right now I'd always know the prom Onew I trying to give you insight I try to help you hear when you take it from me or not that's on you but I'm telling you thus said the Lord this is what the Lord is saying to the churches here at Grand Bahama check stock check those that are among you looking outside as a waste of time because they don't got the key and the inside they could go and come as they please and they got stuff there planted in that place they run the show up and yeah use the front man yeah they recognize you as the pastor but guess what they Reagan they given a bunch of false demonic prophecies I give another sign I even know they're a bunch of Devils too and how you know they ain't operating up with the Spirit of God because every prophecy they give us a negative one every last one every last one they see dead they tree three caskets they see excuse me they see people with AIDS and all I can do little parts of the prophecy but you don't know why well let me tell you why because they're not of God they are declaring prophecies but they are demonic prophecies in fact they are pronouncing crisis over the church you don't even know you don't label them as pastor now so you gotta live up to what you do not knowing that you got these people standing up on your put but Kyson the people of God levying crisis mighty God I can finish radio and let me finish with this last scripture and write and I done I got a lot more idea but this next week but let me finish with this last scripture let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 13 they be gonna read verse 1 to verse 5 Deuteronomy chapter 13 I'm gonna read from verse 1 to verse 5 I want you to hear me pass this and those passes were in listening whatever choice you members continue listening to me please get this to your pastor Deuteronomy chapter 13 beginning at verse 1 I'm gonna be 2 verse 5 and this is for those even wicked prophetess and so-called prophets or Elias they are their workers of iniquity you hear me knocking around today I don't care what you think you are you are evil witchcraft wake up with your boldness of evil wakened wickedness in the house of God against the leaders whom God has placed there and God will deal with you I want you to hear me so for you so-called prophetess and then whatever y'all is call yourself with your pack of lies but but hear me church people hear me pastors they're not just lies that they're evil proclamations they are evil decrees they are evil decrease that they are speaking over the church oh I see hurricane I see the UA see nothing you trying to invoke it you devil and that's what they are the Bible sings then Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 he says if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and give it the a sign or a wonder and the sign or a wonder come to pass therefore he spoke unto thee saying let us go after other gods which thou hast not known unless serve them verse 3 says thou shall not hearken unto the words of the prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord your God proven you to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul you shall walk after the Lord what the false prophet property I see I see cancer in the congregation i I see some people catching ales I see welcome everything you've got to say is evil you devil you are an evil person proclaiming and prophesying demonic prophecies and right after you say it you make these demonic statements that have nothing to do with the protocol of prophecy to prove to you I'm speaking to you the Lord say there's okay in radio the launcher is a pain in your shoulder why are you compounding the evil prophecy so why are you compounding the evil prophecy man God says if you don't do this he can kill your dad in the road yeah Oh God says that they give you a prophecy and if that comes to pass what would after that they tell you to serve other gods let me break that down for you they're telling you to subscribe or prescribe something that has nothing to do with the protocol of God so to show you that I'm a man of God and what I'm saying to you is true the Lord say X Y Z and whatever they say is against the Word of God rebuke that name of Jesus father I reject that false prophecy for my life father demand I stood up and my pastors pulpit in my church pulpit and the creedy's evil crisis father I reject them right now I renounce I gave myself from the evil prophecies that this demon is trying to levy on my life and the life of my co fellow worshipers here and trying to realign us to a demonic prophecy beginning in this January eating habit shutting it down right now every inner process e that has been spoken over your life young man young woman old man old woman prophet pastor Bishop whomever you call yourself I break the Christ even now and let me let me take it a step when I finish I can do part two or this next week but I got to squeeze this in and you can get mad at me and Kevon don't care you can't have your Bishop you care and have your pasta you can have the apostle none of them as the head of that church or any position Church calling themselves in that position and they are equally committed to a secret society hello I can't hear you now don't tell me Bishop so-and-so and next thing I know he 23 or whatever or he dealing with some architect no no no no no because your legacy in that secret society where he carried a bishop or parcel title so why'd you bring it here why you polluting the house of God the Bible not Kevin the Bible say you cannot serve two masters bro and Carolyn listen you could turn your face of all you want you could turn off your radio daddy to change the law you can have your pastor or your vision whole sales also all simultaneously in a secret society it is against the rules of God it is against the order of this Christ it is against the principles of God oh yeah that's what the words say so you see [ __ ] grandmom you see grand bahama do your research you're following these people you're under their ministry you better fight about God they serve it because just like the law of protocol dictates in psalms chapter 133 which says how good it is for brethren to dwell together this is what it says next just how the oil comes down the hair of Aaron comes down as beard and down to the hem of the skirt that's that is called spiritual protocol so what does that mean when I'm in our class that I lead a delimit and you under them you're subject you're also subject to put on them so if that pastor into wickedness then expect to be attacked I finish this is 2019 I'm gonna finish this topic as I'm far from finished with this top of you finish this up next week but this is 2019 and I'm gonna leave this with you check your spiritual here only over here talking stupidest but who is your covering I get out you lose your covering we've got but is your cover and you don't know the delimit go do your research on your leaders who are they saving because you can't serve two masters Heavenly Father I thank you for your word I thank you for your wisdom I thank you for the boldness that you have given me to speak in the decree your word I give no accountant no man other than you you are my spiritual covering you are the one that give me the wisdom the knowledge the understanding and the spiritual insight to unlock the revelations to now bring clarity to the mysteries that's going on into your house and among your people it is you that I answer to this you don't have me and my family covered so in spite of the noise in the market I don't even care what I do here is carrying out your assignment carrying out your mandate I now pray and cover every Church from the least to the greatest here in grandmama in particular that you father God will destroy the evil altars and expose them I pray that you'd open up the lie that I sorry of the leaders of those churches and that you would break the curse of infirmity break the curse of division break the curse of hardship backwardness stagnation delays and setback in the lives of their spouses by extension their children and their congregation father God let your spirit overthrow the altars of the enemy in the name of Jesus just like in the book of Judges when Gideon was advised by the angels of the Lord to kick down his father's altars the altars of bale and a wreck an altar unto God it was dead and only then than the spiritual order of Israel change that gave them victory over the Midianites father so as it was then then let it be so now bringing healing to these churches Lord reintroduced the spirit of unity and banned the spirit of division but most of all God my greatest part of you right now and the one that I need you to icon immediately in the name of your son Jesus is to expose those wicked Devils they got sent on those pockets who are deceiving the people who live even blind the eyes of the leaders while their decree in their evil prophecies I command those prophecies those wicked demonic prophecies to be destroyed by the eternal fire of God every wicked evil Proclamation that these wolves and sheep clothing has proclaimed over your people only to begin the cycle of defeat and failure this year no no no no no father God I command those evil words to fall to the ground and never take shape and the lives of those whom they have pronounced a move on father we bless you we only praise you and we ask these things in Jesus name Amen and amen well folks until next week same time same place yours truly mr. Kevin and a Ewing we'll be back with you giving you the unadulterated right a man with no fear no one the Korean declaring in bonus with the said the Lord in Jesus name Amen and a man [Applause]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 75,148
Rating: 4.864995 out of 5
Keywords: Fasting, Evil covenants, Covenants
Id: ShPn3ThgmtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 46sec (7486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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