Dr Abel Damina: Online International School of Ministry-Day 1 (25.12.2017)

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school of ministry man of God students believers who are hungry for a move of God in these last days I want to welcome you today to a very very important strategic school of ministry the Mandate of God on my life is to reintroduce Jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you the Spirit of God lady by heart to put together this one week school of ministry as he is rounding up four ministers of the gospel for believers and for people who are hungry to be used and equipped by God in these last days our mandate is simple to reintroduce Jesus to this generation now through this one week of teachings every day you will hear teachings that will equip you with an understanding of some basic principles of Bible interpretation an understanding of the message the message of of Christ as the central theme of the Bible and an understanding of what we call the Ministry of the New Testament this is going to be very very very explosive let me warn you ahead of time there are things were going to be learning and going to be preaching and teaching in the course of this online school of ministry that will go against religion that will go against the norm and I will go against religious practices I'm warning you ahead of time my advice is simple keep your mind open keep your mind simple big loads take scriptures down when the teaching is over pray in the spirit go back through the notes again with an open mind as you seek for revelation knowledge in the light of Christ you know if the Bible was just as straight as it looks there'll be no need for brother Paul to extremity to rightly divide the word of truth so if the Scriptures must be rightly divided that means it's not just as straight as it looks there are principles with which we interpret the scriptures and divide scriptures so I'd like you to have an open mind and just before we go in I'm gonna pray for you but I want to advise you to help us invite a friend invite another minister of the gospel somewhere else and if you're in a city where this message is not known invite or the ministers of the gospel in your city the more people we can reach through this online school of ministry the better for us it's free we're not judging you no fees the body and the vision in my heart is to see the message of Christ and build up the earth as a water covers the sea you're going to get the stitches through the week and at the end of the teaching tonight I'll be back again with some information that will help you but let's pray together before we go right into the teaching session for the firstly father we thank you today for the opportunity to learn to be equipped I want to pray for every student that has registered on to this online school of ministry then the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that will be strengthened with might in the inner man that Christ dwells in your heart by faith that should be rooted and grounded in love that you comprehend with all things what is the width the length the breadth and the depth of the love of God that all understanding that you may be filled with all the fullness of God I come against religion have come against tradition I pull down strongholds in the mind and I command the glorious light of the gospel to shine in the hearts of your people and the creed that this one week will be life transforming this one week will be a week of transitioning from the old to the new thank you for new wineskins with new wine raised out of this online school of ministry the next few days thank you Lord for revelation knowledge in Jesus precious name we love your friends and we're just gonna go right into the teaching of God's Word and at the end I'll be back to share some information with you enjoy the class second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 it says under from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures thou hast known the Holy Scripture the world Holy Scriptures is the Greek word for Oh scruffy thou hast known the Hagios graphine agus graphic in the Greek means sacred writings or set apart writings that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures or the haggis grapheme which are able to make thee wise the Holy Scriptures are the sacred writings are able to make thee wise unto salvation the mission of the scriptures is to bring you to a place of wisdom in the subject of salvation to make thee wise unto salvation unto the mission of the scriptures to make you wise unto salvation because the entire framework of the gospel is salvation Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation the entire mission of the gospel is to bring people to a place called salvation in the book of Romans chapter 10 he says with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation salvation the mission of Jesus the mission of Jesus the only mission of Jesus she shall bring forth a son thou shalt call his name Jesus while he shall save he shall say he shall save his people that's the mission of Jesus Jesus didn't come to give you a car he didn't come to give you a house because without Jesus you can have the house and you can have a car before Jesus came people had houses people had class people had money in fact they were marrying and giving in marriage so the mission of Jesus is not to give you things per house money that's not the assignment the mission of Jesus is to save to save his people to say these people mission statement from the Essenes so the Scriptures are able to make the wise unto salvation sotiria you faith which is in Christ Jesus through faith which is in Christ Jesus the faith that comes by the message of Christ Jesus the next verse all scripture the Greek word for all Scripture is passing a fee pass a graphic all scripture give him by inspiration of God or to say all scripture a god breath God breathed out the scriptures all scriptures are God breath or given by the inspiration of God and now this a borderline he gives us a borderline the similar line they are profitable the scriptures are given by inspiration of God and be profitable this is the area we are the Scriptures are supposed to profit you outside of this area the scripture will not be relevant to you they are profitable the scriptures are given by the inspiration of God and they are profitable the Scriptures are profitable they are profitable for doctrine the what doctrine means learning the scriptures profit us in the area of doctrine or learning learning we're learning in the area of reproof we learn from the scriptures in the area of repute because as pictures are to profit us in the area of learning as it regards reproof in Christ reproof in Christ the word reproof means evidence the Scriptures are given to us to form the border line for our evidence that's too same it doesn't matter what dream your heart it doesn't matter what wish on your heart even if the vision came after 50 days of fasting and prayer if it does not agree with the scripture put it in the dustbin because this whistles are given to from the basis for our evidence they are profitable for reproof repeal repeal as part of our doctrine repairs and correction the Scriptures are given to correct us to correct us because sometimes you can hold on to something that you thought was the right thing but as you grow and as you mature in the things of God you'll suddenly discover that what you thought was right was not actually right so you must be open to be corrected and what corrects us is the Scriptures the scriptures from the basis for our correction it is given to us for correction number 1 for doctrine doctrine in reproof number 2 correction and for instructions in righteousness they're just instructions the scriptures are not given to just instruct us but to instruct us as it regards righteousness why that the man of God that the man of God that the man of God may be perfect when the man of God is exposed to the scriptures that gives us doctrine in the area of reproof in the area of correction in the area of instructions in righteousness the outcome of that is that the man of God becomes perfect mature developed perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works the book of John chapter 5 verse 39 jesus speaking said search the scriptures search the graph a search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal eyes and they are they which testify the word testified is the Greek word for evidence the Scriptures give evidence to me they testify of me the mission of the scripture is to testify of me that is to say that the Scriptures therefore have a border line for operation what is the borderline doctrine doctrine well in Christ in what area reproof which other area correction which are the area instructions we are in righteousness why that the man of God may be perfect so therefore now Jesus says this preachers evidence they are an evidence they are a testimony of me I am the message of the scriptures they testify of me the scriptures and are testifying of you the scriptures are a testimony of me I am the message of the scriptures I'll send me the scriptures remove Jesus from the Bible is the Quran because the Bible is Jesus book is the Christocentric book carrying a Christocentric message it is a message centered on Christ Christocentric he said they testify of me I am the message of the Scriptures hallelujah look 2425 shocked Allah namaha look twenty four twenty five now on their way to Emmaus two gentlemen after the resurrection of Christ they were discussing Jesus on their way to Emmaus and the Bible says Jesus joined their company and he said to them gentlemen what are you discussing and they rebuked Jesus and said are you a stranger and you not aware of what happened to that good man you know the disciples thought Jesus was the Messiah they thought they killed him because he was a good man they didn't know that it was a substitutionary sacrifice he didn't die in my pyre he died as substitute so they were discussing about the mitai atom of this good guy who was doing do to everybody and was a blessing to everybody now while they were talking the good guy joined account but they didn't know him the previous verse said their eyes were holding the they may not know him so a man can be preaching Jesus for doesn't know Jesus the problem with our churches today is that Jesus has been thrown out and other things have replaced Jesus we have developed a curriculum for ourselves that successfully exclusiva what we have is Jesus for opening prayer and Jesus for closing prayer the racism of concrete column and Jesus is saying no things are not gonna be like this I bought the church the church is my property and I'm taking back my charge I'm taking back my George because I bought it with my blood the church is my property it is called the Church of the firstborn the charge of he owns the charge and he said destroy this temple and in three days I will build it understand what he was talking about they thought he was talking about the temple of cinema but he was talking about his body he was saying if you kill and bury me I will not rise one I will rise with my brothers the Church of Jesus I will build my church the message is Jesus if it's not Jesus Charles bojong 1876 1876 south-south father said when you stand on the pulpit our message is not Jesus shut up don't wanna sit down until when you have something to offer 1876 Charles Spurgeon in 1876 said the time will come when preachers of the gospel will no more feed the ship but they will hire clowns to entertain the goods and also some now churches today comedians all of our puppets making people laugh the only reason why you bring comedians your church is when the Holy Ghost is no more there because there's no Connecticut can replace the joy of the Holy Ghost there's no comedy that can replace a of salvation I don't know if I'm talking to somebody the joy of salvation has no measurement there is no psychology that can replace what the holy ghost can do in a life search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and the Scriptures are a testimony of me then his Saturday will look 24 25 all fools Jesus call them fools Jesus himself he was not abusing them he was describing the estate of fools and slow of how to believe all that the prophets have spoken or major and minor prophets all of their messages Jesus took all the messages of the prophets and compressed it and is about to tell us what was the a message that this is Jesus talking all that the prophets have spoken what did the prophets speak all the major and the Minor Prophets Nexus are not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory that is the entire summary of the Old Testament books Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel jor-el image but I know him Habakkuk Zephaniah Zachariah all of them put together all those big books this is a summary in two sentences in the matter of the message in the mouth of the message he said this is all they were trying to say they use many words and couldn't end up saying it why because of the spiritual state so what they were trying to tell is that I will suffer because it seems about me I will suffer and after suffering I will enter my glory that's all they were trying to say in many words then he added the next verse 27 and beginning at Moses when you read the Bible and you hear beginning at Moses he's talking about Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy the first five books of the Bible they are called Moses so now Jesus wants to take this gentlemen who are fools through a Bible study that will deliver them from foolishness and how does he do that he begins at Moses who is Moses the Lord give up so is that Jesus in the law yes the law was just trying to save Jesus but because he couldn't say Jesus he said I shall not steal thou shalt not kill it's time to represent Jesus as his thunder but they couldn't say Jesus so they had to walk with times and shadows beginning at Moses and the prophets he expounded that word expounded is where we get our human ethics from that was the first time a lesson in humanity took place in the whole Bible to expound means to give adequate Bible interpretation that was the beginning of humanity as a course of study in theology that's why I started Jesus was the first person that interpreted the scriptures because the Scriptures are about him you will never know the Bible until you know Jesus Jesus is the key that unlocks the scriptures why because it's about him is Christocentric am i teaching here yeah it's Christocentric all right so now yet Stowell dead unto them in some of the scriptures can we come can we say together how much of the scriptures so now Jesus is doing a comprehensive Bible study all the Scriptures the things concerning himself is the message of the Bible he didn't expand to them everything he expounded to them the thing the Saline himself I said him no Bible oh no one that says such the scriptures they testify of me he expounded to them the things concerning himself the Bible is not a book to teach our members how to make money if you want them to make money let them virtual universe then you read come us read economists with business management the Bible is a Christ book it's crystal he says the things concerning himself and he gave us the border line the scriptures are given for doctrine in what area reproof correction instructions in righteousness that is the the parameters with which this document called the scriptures are permitted to promote or profit us it's not a book on how to make it the Bible is not a book on 25 steps to making it it's a book of Christ the message is Christ it speaks concerning he expounded to this gentleman the things concerning himself hallelujah then as he kept teaching them look at verse 44 verse 44 the scripture he said this are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled her gavage agha manga Jesus the fulfillment of the scriptures all things must be which we are written where in the law of Moses because he is the same table of the law of Moses Moses was trying to save Jesus but you couldn't save Jesus because of his pre trust it [Laughter] blood on the doorpost brazen serpent of the covenant the priests damaged the tabernacle are those we are Moses's attempt to say Jesus but it will say Jesus because he didn't have the capacity to sell Jesus I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here so instead of saying Jesus we say put the blood knock on your door and when the devil sees the blood he will pass over why because the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and acceptable whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be seen are we together here Moses said okay if the snakes are biting you there is a brazen serpent it doesn't matter how many snakes are biting you just look don't do anything look don't do anything look don't pray look down fast look don't walk look as long as you're looking they were bad but not bite you and Jesus showed up in John chapter 3 he said as a serpent was lifted up by Moses so shall the Son of God be lifted up right is the message of Jesus it's a message of Jesus hallelujah it's the message of Jesus I was like Jesus we have no message that's why Paul said when I came among you I desired to know nothing among yourself Christ and him crucified for the preaching of the Cross to them that perish foolishness but unto us is power of God that you're fit should not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God now as I said I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus it is the power of God unto salvation somebody shout hallelujah the message is Jesus if you're not preaching Jesus you're lost the message is not solving people's problems we are built our churches around problem-solving and that's not the gospel native doctors do that native doctors want to solve problem Jesus didn't come to some problem when you have him in the first place problem we'll see are you Tom your problem will be over something is wrong somewhere and that's when some of our churches are members remain perpetual babies perpetual babies no growth tell us your church when they pray you are embarrassed no growth why no growth the diet is wrong listen carefully if your interpretation of the Bible is wrong your application will be wrong that's very critical if your interpretation of the Bible is wrong your practice will be wrong your application will be wrong and your resource will be wrong so it begins with interpretation and that's what I want to jump into right now it begins with interpretation if you can't interpret the Bible you can't teach it right and if you can teach it try to become a copycat and the problem with a copy card is you won't even know when you copy Satan so there's the need for us to be able to interpret this book because this is this book that has been given to us for the work that we're supposed to do no matter what vision or trans or profess your voice you heard after all that hearings it is still this book you have to work with and for me the nitty-gritties are more important than anything the fundamentals so gonna run through a number of fundamentals today and if we are able to run through as many as possible I'll be very happy and fulfilled because once the interpretation is right every confusion goes that's where the problem is the problem is with the interpretation so we've established that the Bible is Jesus's book is that these are the words I spoke to while I was with with you that all things in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me and the message the Bible is not a message about how to make it your problem should be over now the Bible is a message of Christ that's why Paul saying that I may know him not that I may have it that I may know him so when you build minister around solving needs that's how you have members who come to church on Sunday morning I need an idea with the native doctor because I want it into a pond fast handily wait for some time nothing is changing they look for another place why because you've given them the wrong focus the Bible is Jesus his book he said concerning me and what was the next thing I did was fortified then open the heel they are understanding that they might understand the scriptures not that they may understand him he doesn't want them to know him physically he wants them to know him in Scripture not in pictures but in the world listen let me give you something here Pizza was with Jesus physically he slept with Jesus at with Jesus even rebuked Jesus okay but it took Paul to teach Peter Jesus and yet Paul never saw Jesus it was poor doctrine Peter go check your Bible it was called a poor Peter and even with poor teaching peeta peeta capsule we know our brother Paul he is speaking things that I had look at it Peter was you Jesus here Peter is shouting for Paul you never saw Jesus why revelation is better than experience what is revealed to you will keep you for life experience you can doubt it so God doesn't want you to know him by experience he wants you to know him by revelation that's a poor area was that the eyes of your understanding being light can somebody shout hallelujah so let's get into this now when we say the Scriptures the Bible the entire Bible is not the scriptures the entire Bible is not the scriptures I know on the page of your Bible they wrote the holy scriptures right is okay but the entire book is not called the scriptures because when Jesus said such the scriptures there was no book of John when Paul told Timothy our scripture is given by inspiration there was no book of Timothy when Jesus said you do because you know not the scripture not the power of God there was no book of John so the scriptures therefore refers to the Old Testament Genesis to Malachi is called the scripture or the body of duty Genesis to Malachi it is called the scripture does the scripture so what is math to Revelation Romans 16:25 Paul gives us a description of Matthew to Revelation now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel and love Paul he always laid claim on the things he thought he called it my gospel why was it why was he calling it his gospel because he got it very delicious what you get by revelation is a personal property he called it my gospel and the preaching of Jesus now that and in the Greek is which is my gospel which is the preaching of Jesus is not my gospel and the bridges to articles Neville is my gospel what is that my gospel which is the preaching of Jesus Christ that's releasing original manuscripts my gospel which is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began so Paul now says that the New Testament is called the revelation of the mystery the Old Testament is called the scriptures of the mystery Mac 4:11 jesus said to them unto you it's given to know the mystery is talking about the Old Testament the Old Testament is called mystery or the Old Testament is called the Scriptures the New Testament is called the revelation of the mystery why the Old Testament is Jesus concealed the New Testament is Jesus revealed so the New Testament is the Dakota of the codes of the Old Testament you cannot know the Old Testament by reading the Old Testament to know the a Testament you will have to look at the Old Testament with New Testament glasses because the New Testament reveals the mystery of the Old Testament the Old Testament is types and shadows promises and prophecies the New Testament is the reality the Old Testament is types shadows promises prophecies the New Testament is the reality of the types the shadows the promises and the prophecies so therefore to know that the shadow was trying to say I meet at the shadow from the real when I see the real I will understand the communication of the shadows I can never know I can never know the Old Testament by reading the Old Testament I need the revelation of the new testament to all rahul the mystery called the Old Testament are we in the house if you only shot I hear you follow me very carefully cause is very key Matthew to Revelation the revelation of the mystery Genesis to Malachi the mystery of the scriptures the man of God actually said I'm trying to do is study on the Antichrist what will I get material as they go to settle because only Satan can give you the revelation of the Antichrist because Antichrist is a trance product and if you want to know about your product you go to the manufacturer then he said to me what about the book of Revelation I say the book of Revelation is not about Antichrist the book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ regulation one won't put it off for me revelation 1 when everybody the first sentence can we read together like a Mass Choir want to go the revelation does the article that the book is talking about the book of Revelation is not a book on endtime events it's not a book about red moon and black moon and brown moon is a book about Jesus it's a revelation of Jesus Christ that's a subject and then Jesus begins to talk about himself and his son - apart and their message to the churches he began to talk about the - the angel of the church in places and the things they are teaching because the rebuke in the book of Revelation is not a beautiful spinning or lion is rebuked for wrong doctrine the people are teaching wrong doctrine all the churches are very built in the book of Revelation of all the seven churches six of them we are preaching wrong doctrine only one preached the doctrine of Christ it's not a book about for hundreds and five Hornsey is a book about Christ but it metaphor metaphoric language is used in the writing of the book but when the metaphors are unlocked it is Jesus is talking about it's a revelation of Jesus Christ I'm teaching here so therefore the Old Testament is the mystery or the Old Testament is a scripture the New Testament is the revelation of the scripture now follow me Matthew to Revelation is not the New Testament in fact the New Testament does not include Matthew Mark Luke and John the New Testament begins from Acts of the Apostles why do you say that man of God because Matthew Mark Luke and John are historic books recording the humanity of Jesus the I historic books it is only Matthew Mark Luke and John you will see that Jesus cried Jesus was tired Jesus ate Jesus slept is a record of his humanity so they are historic books they are not doctrinal books secondly Matthew 26:28 jesus said this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins so until the blood was shed there was no new Testament the New Testament is a byproduct of the shed blood and in Matthew Mark Luke and John the blood has not been shed at the end of John the blood was shed so the beginning of the shedding of blood was axed the Bible says after his resurrection that's where the New Testament started that's where the church is called the Church of the firstborn [Music] so Matthew Mark Luke and John are not New Testament books and that is why if you teach from Matthew Mark Luke and John alone you will make mistakes you will end up in heresy because those are not doctrinal books those are historical books and some of us that's why our message is there on where's your stadium when the strong man fully armed keep his balance these goods are in peace but when the stronger than his account he shall push on him so now let us pray you are behind 2,000 years the scripture is not for the church no no no no that scripture is not for the church she is also seen sit and the strong man has arrested man and kept man in bondage but when I died arise I will disown him and that is why after he rose he disarmed principalities and powers and he said all power is given unto me I don't know if I'm teaching here so you can use the book of Matthew Mark Luke and John to teach the New Testament believer those are historical books recording the humanity of Jesus revealing to us how that Jesus was a man Hebrews tells us where a testament is there must of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is only a force after men are dead so until Jesus died there was no New Testament so the New Testament begins from to revelation Matthew Mark Luke and John historical books recording the humanity of Jesus I have news for you Genesis is not Old Testament Genesis is not Old Testament so we are does the Old Testament begin from Hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 for if that first covenant had been faultless the Old Testament is a faulted Testament so when you preach from the Old Testament you are given the people of God expired milk poisoned food because it's a faulted Testament by God himself so if that first Testament or covenant had been faultless they should know place have been short for the second next verse for finding fault because I'm going to get there later on for finding fault with any say happy holidays come saith the Lord when I will make a meal a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah next verse not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers when we make that or cosna in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt so the Old Testament started from Exodus the movement of the people so we say Old Testament we're talking of Exodus to Malachi when we talk about New Testament adds to Revelation what is Matthew Mark Luke and John historic books so what is Matthew Matthew I mean what is Genesis Genesis is referred to in Matthew 19:6 Jesus gives us a definition of what Genesis is Matthew 19 verse 3 the Pharisees also came unto Him tempting him and saying unto Him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every course daniel said and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the twain shall be one flesh we are for they are no more Twain but one flesh what therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder next verse they said unto him why did Moses talking about they didn't in Moses this Moses why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away he said unto them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so so what is Genesis beginning Janus is called the beginning the Old Testament is Exodus to Malachi Matthew Mark Luke and John historic books act to Revelation New Testament are we together here 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 thank you Lord for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ follow carefully now ministered by US written not with ink but with the spirit of the Living God written not in so there is an epistle written with ink and thus another epistle written with the Spirit of the Living God so his dealing with two epistle Gianna all right now by the Spirit of the Living God not in tables of stone so that is an epistle written in the tables of stone but in fleshy tables of the heart and there's another one written in fleshly tables of the heart so Paul is dealing with two different tests dementia he said one is on stone another is in the heart Magnus you think another is the Spirit of God next verse and such thoughts are we through Christ to God world next was not that was efficient of ourselves ourselves [Music] mr. manifest lift your hands and say my sufficiency is of God one more time my sufficiency is of God now hear me by water prophecy this year buildings you never knew how to finish with the finish supernatural money you don't know where it came from we'll hit your bank account if you're a man is rather sufficiency from every side don't you never sell prophesy to you your days of luck oh I didn't hear it dangerous amen all right let's go so our sufficiency is of God we are not sufficient of ourselves our sufficiency is not in our style our technique our technical know-how our strategy no no no absolutely is of God next verse now this is where the rubber meets the road we also have somebody say half what is half pastors pastor somebody say I have not yet been ordained have not been concentrated he has if you don't like you to contain from your Bible hooha Meadows people Allah who is ever here who has made us not just able ministers why are we able ministers because of the Testament we dispense our ability is not in us our ability is in the Testament that we are dispensing our ability is that we are ministers of the New Testament abilities not of the letter not of the letter that killeth but the Spirit give life so Polishness in there are those who dispense the Old Testament but we have been made able ministers and we dispense the New Testament we are displaces of the New Testament and any preacher dispensing the Old Testament is a killer because the Old Testament is the letter and the letter killeth poison food people come to church they are smelling but they don't know what they're eating is poison because it is later why is it later not because you're not jumping and shouting but because of the content it's not a jump it's not a shout it's not the scream it's not the running it's not the razzmatazz it is what are you saying the content ministry ministry is not suit entire and big deep and I mean final there's no ministry if that is ministry then we have lost God because Hollywood stars measure themselves by material things and we may not God or measured by material things we measure was said by word we will give ourselves to the Ministry of word the word and player so the true rate of your man of God is nothing what he wears is in the content he carries I don't respect you because you drove the Lamborghini and I don't respect you because you drove a Ferrari I don't respect you because she came down from a chopper and I don't respect you because your flight project but my brother gave me some revelation from the Word of God that is minister we have had run models of ministry and these wrong models and making young ministers go into things they shouldn't go into young ministers are meeting native doctors to put something in their tongue so crowd can gather because they have been told for you to be successful you myself ten thousand twenty thousand we tell you that life from the pit of hell shut ministry success is not measured that crowd is measured by the message you carry because years after you go nobody will remember the car you drove nobody will remember the house you live and how many members you have but they will remember your message if you had a message I tell preachers all over the world as a new school of ministries I tell them if you measure ministerial success by the crowd in a mascot your channel totally Khanna I have something against crowd no but card is not a yardstick and preachers and killing themselves trying to gather crowd that Jesus is not involving with all kinds of tricks and church marketing styles and that's why instead of gathering regenerated people we have a bunch of unbelievers rebranded having a form of godliness without power but something is shifting and something is changing and something please sinner let's talk a little more if crowd is the yardstick for measuring ministry what about the fishermen across the river that the whole village is 101 pastor most pastor them somebody most gaudiya and pastor them they across the river no roots no light no big auditoriums no electricity and yet somebody must go the unpassed or them a village of hundred people may end up having a church of 45 or 50 people in that village and for the whole of his life he has to pastor down he can't leave that village he's a man not a success what are you talking about get that stress of your head and just face Jesus we see Jesus when you see Jesus you will know that my body is my yoke is easy my burden is light those are no yardsticks man I desire to know nothing among you serve Christ if I'm speaking shout I hear if it's not Jesus we're wasting our time we're here for a Hollywood match we're not here for impressing people we're here to repeat represent Jesus we're here to make Jesus known we're here to make him known that's a message what brought me to all of that he has made us able ministers your abilities not in the car you drive your ability is in the Testament you are dispensing able ministers of the new test that's where the that's where the ability is in the Testament you are dispensing capable ministers of the New Testament not of the letter for the letter killeth but the Spirit give up life now watch watch watch let us watch but if the ministration of death so there is a ministry that after it is minister to the people what they get is death if the ministration of death we are in the ministration of death written and engraven in stones so any message coming from the plank commandments of Moses and the 612 laws to regulate the Ten Commandments is the ministration of death let me give you something an analogy the day Moses brought the Ten Commandments the moment he arrived among the people after he broke it 3,000 people died the arrival of the Ten Commandments buried 3,000 people because it's a Ministry of death but under their Pentecost when the holidays came 3,000 people receive what we lost in the law we recovered English I came to prophesy to somebody whatever you're lost your life time is coming back summary shot rest all shout restore three times two three summary shot I receive restoration by the holiness of everything lost ml Akana yeah 3,000 people died when the 10 commandments came because it is a testament of death but on the day of Pentecost when the spirit of adoption haha the spirit of adoption when that Spirit came down 3,000 man we are born again to replace what the Lord took from us listen to me plainly 16 you will not protect another level your email is looking for a lorry you will operate at another level please see the listicle Adamo next verse if the ministration of death written and engraven in stones was glorious listen carefully there is a glory that goes with that ministry when you preach Old Testament it has a glory the glory is that all your members should keep depending on you they can never stand on their own and that is the glory you will enjoy all that kind of my members cannot do without me when I sit down in the office 300 people are lined up food for counseling it shows what a lazy man of God you are because if you are not a lazy pass for one hour on the pulpit you solve their problems the number of people that come to see you for counseling is an indictment on your diligence in your assignment because if the people are taught properly they won't come for counseling there is a glory in that Testament there is a glory in that Testament your members can pray you don't wonder come pray for them they can approve is man of God man of the Papa Tatia Tatia Tatia they can stand on your own if you are not there they are lost that is the glory oh but what if it is called euro worship under the law man is in charge on the grace no man takes glory under the law everybody looks up to you you are everything but in the New Testament it's about nobody is Jesus Christ in him are we together here look at the next scene he says if it was glorious that means the law had glory so don't be deceived if a man of God is preaching law this law of preaching and his members are looking like Satan's Junior brothers yeah it has a glory they all look like they are going to heaven tomorrow because physically the way they behave in the beautifully inside them they are rotting this bitterness competition wickedness inside your heart but the address from head to leg not in his showing so that is a glory but that glory is an outward glory put it up for me where we were this is was glorious now look at the next thing so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance not the impression you have there is that Moses had so much glory because of the law that nobody could look at him so he had to cover his face does he lie what happen was that the glory of Moses was fading it was disappearing and Moses was a smart leader he didn't want the people to see to see him glory less so since he knew that the glory was going he covered his face fast fast giving them the impression that the team is too heavy but the glory was just going look at it is written yet for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away it was a glory that was passing when you preach the Old Testament you will have some girlie but after some time it will disappear it can last that glory is not designed to last the glory was to be done away next verse how shall not the ministration of the Spirit Barada and about Xhaka there's a glory that is bigger than the glory of Moses it is the glory of Jesus somebody shout I love Jesus I'm enough you remember on the Mount of Transfiguration Moses Elijah appeared with Jesus and Peter says this is the first time we have seen the Rope I will complete Moses the lawgiver Elijah the prophet the lorentz Torah Jesus bliss Jesus grace somebody's looking at me Jesus is Grace somebody say you know all this grace preaches they are looking for license to sin you don't need to please grace to sin even people preaching law people are sinning so it is not grace that is making people seen and moreover Jesus is the grace of God the Bible says of his fulness and we are received word so Jesus is full of this that means anybody press inside Jesus what comes out is grease is the embodiment of this let us come boldly to reform we address is sit in the plane is on Grace's the one sitting on that throne the women obtain grace and mercy to hell so Moses the law Elijah the Lord has Torah or the prophet Jesus the grace of God Peter says I mean let's build three Tabernacles one for Moses one for Jesus one for Elijah Moses circulate Elijah maybe about that boy saying bye-bye Moses was not Elijah was gone all of them disappear then the heavens opened and a voice came from heaven and God the Father said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear this one dieter dollars this is a man to hear ladies and gentlemen if you're not reaching Jesus you are behind time tell somebody here Jesus only tell somebody I trust Jesus more than I trust Moses okay sit down let's talk sit down let's talk are we together here I will together here listen very carefully listen very carefully that's why in the beginning I begged you to be patient with me please don't put me off and they have trampled on some of your geology be patient with me that's I'm taking time to open scriptures we don't want to just study things in our head let's see it the way it is in the book because the book is the basis for our doctrine doctrine in the area of reproof correction and instruction in righteousness so let's stay within the confines of this book and let the Scriptures interpret themselves here Jesus only why must you hear Jesus listen carefully Moses never saw God never not even once Elijah never saw God in fact Adam never saw God I know you ladies wait I never saw God none of them saw God John 1:18 we'll go back to Corinthians no man has seen God stop was Moses a man Adam Elijah Elijah Jeremiah is weaker Obadiah now whom Jonah Joell none of them this is Jesus talking the one that goes he here he said no man has seen God the Greek word for at any time is average that you say until now until now that I am talking anybody that came until now never saw God shave they never saw God it means everything they said was based on their impressions and somewhere based on rumors and somewhere based on assumptions what am I saying look at it the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he had that is I am the one I am the exclusive custodian of the Father and my job is to show him I am the tangible manifestation of God without me you can see God and I never came like this before so that means my coming now is to reveal God to you that's why I said to Philip how about Philip you AXI me to show you the father have I been this long with you and you don't know the father he that has seen me has seen the father Jesus is the father Jesus he said I'm the only father you will ever see somebody say what do you mean his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God who is everlasting father Jesus is God Jesus is God Jesus is God trapped in time Jesus is God trapped in time so who gave Moses the Ten Commandments and Angel Moses never saw God somebody said to me some time ago can you prove it yes Hebrews 2 2 4 if the word spoken by can I do it for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and under that covenant every transgression and disobedience received what a just recompense of reward what is he talking about the law because under the law a tit for a toot of a pit for a dot whatever and Ivana I yeah every transgression was punished then now pour the Rite of Hebrew on my column for the writer of Hebrews is making a comparison between the old and the new so he first tells us what happened in the Old Testament I was talk about the new next verse how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation so this nut is talking about what Jesus brought the other one is talking about what Moses brought and who gave it to him angels somebody said you have another speech of yes acts 753 who have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it who'da Moses the Ten Commandments angels somebody said do you have another one yes Galatians 318 for if the inheritance be of the Lord it is no more of promise but God gave it to Abraham by promise verse 19 we are for them so that the law it was added the law is an addendum the law is not God's plan for man it was no part of - original plan the law was just an addendum it was added because of transgressions it was not a plan that's not the mind of God that's not the will of God to give you alone no it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made and the law was ordained by in the hands of a who is the mediator Moses the go-between so the Old Covenant was administered by angels and it was powered by the blood of animals the blood of bulls and goats that is why it was a covenant operator by angels wasn't God Moses never saw God and that's why if you preach that Testament you kill people because that Testament has new life and in my blood cannot save a man so it will kill people I'm teaching here it has no life is a killer are we here yeah he's a killer it has no life but today most of our messages are framed around the Old Testament because we're lazy we don't want to study the New Testament is not for lazy people the New Testament acquires a lot of diligence to be able to study the New Testament because you're dealing with regulation here they will testamento stories you can preach it anyhow it will not believe a Kali the Old Testament preached but no New Testament cause for a lot of walk how in the house if you hear me say hey from what we are just hearing now the New Testament is older than the Old Testament but I won't deal with that today I leave that for another time the the New Testament came before the waters the Old Testament interrupted the New Testament the coming of Christ will add it out and continue today the Old Testament is older Abraham didn't operate under the law he operated New Testament he operate law Abram is older than the law the law came after Abraham and it is Abraham that brought the law is not even Moses it's not Moses the auditor is not the originator of the Ten Commandments the law started with Abraham Abraham is the brain behind all these things fact that Abraham he initiated distance many people don't know where the law came from he started from the house of Abraham why the book of Roma and in Galatians tells us Abraham had two children one by the flesh one by the spirit the one that is by the flesh basic that the one that is by the spirit which is an allegory or a figure of speech but she talks about the two coconuts one Mount Sinai and one Arabia in the house of Abraham so the log came from Ishmael grits came from Isaac only in the house of Abraham Moses was just a victim of circumstances that is why because he was a victim of circumstances after he gave them the law he said God if I have found Greece show me he kept them law I walk on that grace yes gaybraham he gave them Ten Commandments they he himself he walked on that Greece he said if I have found grace in your sight show me the way somebody are we in the house yeah so so our our previous scripture where we where are you bless all right Corinthian second Corinthians of the three where we are verse number verse number eight how shall not the ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious next verse for if the ministration of condemnation the Old Testament is called the ministration of condemnation you know what that means every time you read from the Old Testament people must be condemned you can never preach from the Old Testament and your members are smiling they must fall short every message from the Old Testament must make you repent you must cry you can leave church leadership because nobody can measure so it is a Ministry of condemnation if the ministration of condemnation be glory it has a glory in it it will make people cry it will make people fall on the ground and the man of God will be happy that they are crying see all of them are crying today crying is that good news good news don't make people cry good news make people rejoice so people out less crying when you preach in you to check yourself and check your message because good news don't make people cry good news my people rejoice the Minister of condemnation much more much more Dutch the ministration of righteousness at sea you can compare you can compare Moses with Jesus no you can't the ministration of the Spirit is more glorious and these are the days of the Spirit it's much more glorious next verse for even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excellent so when Jesus appeared Moses disappeared you can complain no you can compare a preacher of Jesus to a preacher of the Ten Commandments or the preacher of the waters you can come here the preacher Jesus would at last he will outlive applause you can measure in exceeds and exceeds in glory it exceeds in glory there is a glory that excellent hallelujah I said hallelujah the security that excellent next verse for if that which is done away did you see that that which is what Don are we it is rusticated that which is done away was glorious much more that which three minute which is the New Testament which is the ministry we all have this he is glorious next verse seeing then that we have such hope we use great plainness of speech we try to break it down the mysteries are too complicated we try to break them down so that our people can understand next verse and not as Moses which put a vial over his face that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look he covered his face why couldn't they look they couldn't look to the end of that which is abolished done away with whatever Moses brought has been abolished to preach it is to preach expired food it's been done away this is God speaking he's done away with Moses and all the things Moses brought is done away with let's visit a little bit of what Moses brought Moses and the angel concocted the ten commandments how did we start Exodus 19 that's where it all started this whole thing started in Exodus 19 how many of you remember the channel is an Egypt we have seen us they were murmuring and they were not living by God's standard yet God brought them out God brought them out he said bring you out by myself they were murmuring on the road he gave them water because they were perfect they misbehave he gave them manna they abused Moses he split the Red Sea for them what is that that's not a man what a man deserves that's what grace makes available the grace of God at work grace is not a message of today is the message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you see grace all over the place the Bible says is messy and the earth is a gracious God if I look at this I mean oh if you remember the first time man sinned against God Adam and Eve God didn't destroy them God didn't wrote on that down he came down and said Adam where I doubt himself naked who told you he said the woman which woman then God ruled asleep what an animal by himself kill the animal skin the animal and covered them that's not an angry god that's a gracious god that's a loving father somebody say but he kicked them out of the garden no he didn't kick them out of the garden what did he do he said these guys are experts in eating three if I live them not in the tree of life and if the energy of life they have in Omori dimension so in order for me to protect them so that they can be delivered from their predicament let me take them out and protect the trees before them it will protect the tree from them he protected the tree for them does the love of God as a loving father as a gracious God I wish to gather here the first mother in the Bible first time mother ever first time there was mother in the history of mankind first time there was model God didn't under God camera and said where is your brother Abel he said am I my brother's keeper that doesn't sound like a distant relationship that sounds like a familiar relationship if God and kin we are not talking came will not have the audacity to answer God like that they must have been confessing that is what came corrupt or does he say my brother's keeper I don't know where he's after us don't wrong fugitive and a vagabond okay so my punishment is greater than I can be God took a stone put him knock on can I see anybody that touch can out deal with you see God protection and madara the grace of God that's a deadly selfish account iniquities who can stand but there is messy with you that you may be filled both speak and said is your goodness that leads us to repentance His goodness the goodness of God in spite of the bad tissue of don't God is still good in spite of all your mystics God is still good when you calculate his goodness you cannot but just break down and surrender yourself you don't win people buy by punishment you win people by law I'm teaching here now look at this in Exodus 19 the children of Israel said to God enough is enough you just been treating us like little boys before we talk you give before you talk you give us don't give us again we want to end it Exodus 19 we want to end everything God says Moses did I say should tell me that Moses said that's what they said God so he tell them from life anybody come near this mountain he will die distance have started none of them should come any more the new Moses after you tell them come up to Mount Sina some on Sina Moses and the angel meets they are writing the Ten Commandments before they finish Israel had broken the first one these are the people that said we can take care of ourselves we can meet the standard of God they are still writing the commandments for them before they finish writing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten they have broken number one so the angel says Moses Israel of st. Moses came down and saw the riot in the camp he couldn't bear it so what did we do BAM so Moses is the first person that broke all the Ten Commandments in fact Moses zone is so bad he didn't break one he broke all his the first break Moses Moses the Lord Shiva is the first law breaker and it didn't break fight he didn't break it a broker to show you nobody can keep the 10 commandments they were not designed for you to keep they will not decide the stiffness of the regulation of the Ten Commandment shows you - not the mind of God for you because he says 600 Antarctic laws and Commandments if you break one he'll break all which man can be that right because God never wanted you to keep it so what happens now Moses comes back to the angel and since the danger they are broken then they say how did it break I broke them he said you right since you broke the one I gave you you have to write by yourself so Moses now sat down himself and wrote the Ten Commandments that is what is called the law of evil Moses that give them how do we know it was Moses because when Jesus came he corrected it yes Matthew chapter 5 verse 21 put it off for me Jesus corrected Moses seriously all right you are heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of judgment 22 but I say Jesus where you continue on from you just go tell the ten commandments and now you're coaching I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment a new service shall say to his brother raca shall be in danger of the council but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of Hell fire this is Jesus now he's correcting Moses you have heard it said but I say if you read all you see more and more thee again you have heard that it has been said by them of old time thou shalt not forswear thyself but shalt perform unto the Lord in sports next verse but I say you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is God's throne next verse not by earth for it is his footstool not about Jerusalem for it is a city of the Great King neither shalt thou swear by the head because that cannot make one hair white or black but let your communication be AE namely for whatsoever is more than these commits of evil Jesus what are you doing and correcting Moses what Jesus is saying this is what if I was the one that wrote for Moses this is what I would have written so he is mocking both speed and counseling and correcting because remember the Lord testify of him historian things I read perspective this correction Moses why because the ministry of the letter is condemnation the Ministry of the Old Testament is death next verse go back to Corinthians where we are 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse number 3 13 and not as Moses would put a vial over his face that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished but their minds were blinded for until this day that was sitting here remember the same veil on taking away in the reading of the Old Testament which veil is done away in Christ as long as you stay with Moses you will have a video but the moment you don't owe Christ the veil will be talking then when the veil is taken out you look at the Old Testament you will see Christ if you read with the veil you can see Jesus but when the veil is taken all over the Bible you see Jesus because the book is about him if you are with me shot I hear you now now next verse verse 16 go back to 15 but even unto this day somebody said this day please talk to me say this day on to this day when Moses is read the veil is upon your heart till now if you read Moses without the regulation of the New Testament you can you be confused it is because of lack of this revelation that we have messages in our churches today like go to your village and break the foundation so people are going to village to go and break foundation the question is which foundation are they breaking in the New Testament Bible say no other foundation can any man less than that which is laid Christ Jesus Christ is on a sure foundation there's no foundation to break in the village so what we are doing is we have what I call cross testamental application following things from the Old Testament and applying it to the new creation which makes the prototype a Buddha the Old Testament is not a complement of the New Testament the New Testament is a replacement yes the older new you have a bad product we do not run into old wineskins if not what foundation are you breaking for a believer in Christ coming into crisis a sure foundation and no other foundation can anybody live not no foundation you can later is better than Christ Christ in a man is foundation and not just foundation so foundation I live in via a sure foundation cross testamental application that's what we are problem so we are preaching to huge new creations in Christ using the model of Old Testament the brick brick oven and brick oven at brick ancestral covenant generation our covenant where did they come from the Old Testament where the generation and ancestor accordionist up from exodus 20 then the Ten Commandments that's where I started Moses a collection of Israel if you suffered outdoors I will visit the iniquity of idolatry to return for generation it was Moses that started in the Old Testament and in the same Old Testament God corrected it because he was destroying people God didn't wait for New Testament I'm not the same old testament we use the prophet Ezekiel and Jeremiah to collect Moses how did God correct them is a catch of the 18 verse 2 God punished the devil what mean he that you use this prove up concerning the land of Israel saying the father says eating sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge that is what fathers did the children are punished is called generational cause God is accident through the prophet Ezekiel why are you using these statements why are you using this kind of torture oficer why are you asking them to break go see some Greek ordinance why are you preaching this kind of message God is action empirical under mold Testament the next verse as long as I live saith the Lord God you shall not have occasion to use this proven on that the same Old Testament God put an end to the practice of breaking of causes he ended it I'm teaching here I'm teaching here and if there's anybody other has been deceived to think is from your village that deal is a lie you're no more your village if any man be in him we live in him we move in him we have a my life is here that lives but Christ liveth in me the life that I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God I have your past I love the future and my future experience what is my past God what is my future God what you are of God little children and have overcome the world so greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world so my past is God my future this car got behind God in front no generation am i teaching here stop punishing your members and using it to manipulate them to collect my offering stop preaching for your stomach please for Jesus Jesus she said deep a master if you preach him he will pay you stop all these small small things let's grow up let's go up let's get out of all these things all these negative doctor practices let's get out of all this this let's preach this world if this world cannot help then get out of it if you don't trust this Bible enough to help if you have to add extra curricular practice that will select every man be careful how you build on this foundation be very careful you're building because if any my you stopping ahead to build on Christ is stopping ahead because when you start using manipulative tendencies to keep members you are using stopping and hey implies the foundation gotta be careful be careful listen carefully please write down leave if you want to write this stop subjecting the Word of God to people's experience stop subjecting the Word of God to people's experience using people's experience when the Bible bend their experience to the spiritual bring every thought all that subjection that is sister that is born again had a dream and she's eaten in the dream doesn't mean she's possessed a born again child of God cannot be possessed what is wrong with you anybody that is born of God cannot be possessed listen for a believer to be possessed me Satan defeated Christ it's sacrilege that is after Christ took you and entered you to live inside you they set them push cries out and took over and cry surrender when Jesus said I give them eternal life and they shall never perish no man can pluck them out of my hand my father that give them to me is greater than all why he is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God by things I'm teaching here if your harry shotta here you able to see you're not the one that said yourself he saved you somebody says Savior who is Savior who saved you did you save yourself who serve you well keeps you don't keep yourself he keeps you he saved you you are not you are not a member the advanced recon should I decided for Jesus to save you while you are yet a sinner you were a sinner ungodly he died he died stop trying to help him he is not helpless he is evil he's a faithful high priest he's a faithful high priest he's the champion of Zion he's the first begotten from the dead he is the Lord General of the church is the advocate of the charge he said my little children these things are IG that you see not but if any man sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus the righteous who is the propitiation for your sin and not for yours only but for the sins of the whole world let's stay with Christ Terry Feebles let me tell you the truth the time has come and it will be long from now if you don't preach the New Testament you will expire completely I'm not joking it's not a cause it's an advice you will explain in a way even in the village nobody will hear you because Jesus is opening people's eyes and is very fast members are study more than pastors some of you think I don't wanna have this opportunity there are members that are living on the internet they are listening to people like us they are listening to other men of God around the world who are preaching the truth and they have the Holy Spirit bialy weakness deception will not last for too long anymore let's stay with a word of God as it is revealed in the New Testament I still with the Word of God there's a concept that the church uses that is not a New Testament concept but we use it all over the place we will have something we point for it that we use in our churches as programs or preach on push the concept is that you have to pray until something happens where did they get it from the unjust gorge that's where they got it from the Book of Luke and I told you earlier on don't stay with the Gospels alone you will enter error because the Gospels are not a doctrinal book they're historical books Jesus gave the parable of the unjust king who did not fear God Rama and the widow kept disturbing him and the King shall let this woman this Tommy Baha continual coming I will Avenger like she will remain where me out so what does the Bible tell tells us the guy Avenger then he said how shall not God it's a book of contrasts the Book of Luke is a book of contrasts so when you read the book you have to be careful because it's a book of contrasts why was why did you look use the language of contrast in writing his book because Luke was writing the book to an educated colleague called tio Phyllis Jill Phillips was a very educated guy and the only person that could convince no Phyllis had to be an educated guy who was a physician by the name of Luke and when educated people when you want to minister to educated people you don't send an illiterate you tell an educated intelligent mind so because Paul was writing to an educated guy called Theophilus he had to use the language of contrast because that's the way to persuade a guy that is intelligent you use contrast to communicate so that's why the book of Luke is a book of contrast there's a lot of intelligence in that book of interpretation require now when Jesus said a strong man fully immune when Jesus said this unjust judge first of all your God is not unjust so that cannot apply to a believer that already destroyed the concept of operation push yo God is not unjust God that guy was an unjust King you are not a widow the woman that came was a widow and then there is him behind him advancing I was leading him and God cannot be weary he does not sleepless rambha so there is no way the parable is to you and God Narada is before you call it's not your prayer that makes me answer I answer before you pray because I'm a loving father I know what you your heavenly Father knows that you have lived it's not your player that makes God give you things God gives your father pleasure to give you the kingdom so you don't need any operation push there's nothing you can test a man concept there's nothing you need that you don't have now it's just like you're ignorant there's nothing you need that you don't have everything you need in this life is already given if she is with you you have everything all the promises of God in Christ there are the promises in cash where are you if any man be all the promises of God they are in him yes so in Christ everything you need is supplied when you grow in grace and in knowledge listen carefully when you grow in grace and in knowledge your prayer requests would become trans giving you will no more have prayer requests they will reduce the trans giving why do I know Philemon 1:6 but the communication of thy faith may become how effectual how by the acknowledging of every good thing that is well in you in Christ so every good thing you need is already in you God is not going to do he did it in Christ all you need to do is acknowledge what is the word acknowledging is a word epignosis come to a place of accurate specific precise knowledge the acknowledgement you grow in life to grow in grace to pleasure you acknowledge what God did in Christ in you that's what all the time Jesus or some accident at the Father for anything the Jesus never at the Father and Jesus was our example he never at the Father for anything he was just say thank you for that you hear me always that these people may know that it is me you that are the indistinct Lazarus come out people have the mentality that there are different levels of tongues you know there is machine cuckoo cuckoo boom boom dog is gonna can I think it's correct that we pause of our warfare stop thinking kana Jesus just say father thank you that you hear me always Lazarus come out Wadi shab shop are you with me here another time father thank you that you hear me always thank you for the bread give it to them as they were breaking bread it was increasing there was no special intercessory recession justice given when you grow in light when you grow in the light of the finished work of Christ everything becomes tons given because now you know somebody shall rot rot rot which is not real yeah there was something wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead the world has been wrought it has been watching him your job is to acknowledge it God is not going to do he finished everything he will do let me tell you truth before Jesus Christ a lie not this will be the most adventurous and exciting year of your ministry on earth that is not good enough that a man is not good enough all the places where you have been broken but betrayed wounded people have done you some of you are so weak some of y'all so discouraged you've tried on trapeze like it's not working some of us here things have been so wrong so wrong that if there was an option you will abandon the ministry and run away there are people that if they have somebody to give their ministry to they would give him an escape it's like the thing is from the Honourable but I hear Jesus say as you announce to you the days of stress are over they're a minute arrests for the people of God hear me I declare to you from this day you will experience the rest of God you will experience the rest of God your ministry you will experience the rest of God cuz somebody shot at ml Akana we hands on your head and speak rest speak arrest speak rest speak rest over your life speak rest over your ministry receipt speak rest over your destiny speak rest over the call of God on your life speak rest over your assignment and your mandate speak rushed speak rest speak rest speak rest speak rest sekolah namaha speak rushed Adama Kodama call a high speak rest thank you Father hallelujah in the name of Jesus if you believe in let me get a final Amen on that rest please sit and go back to second Corinthians let me round up this session chapter 3 where we are verse number 15 but even unto this day when Moses is read the veil is upon the heart till today next verse nevertheless nevertheless when the heart of a man will abandon Moses and turn to the Lord when your heart will forsake Moses when you make up your mind to keep the Old Covenant where God kept it and turn to Jesus and turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away the moment you forsake noses and turn to Christ the veil goes and the moment the veil goes the world comes next vas now the Lord is the spirit the Lord is the spirit the New Testament is a spirit Testament it's not a later Testament the Lord is the spirit and we have the Spirit of the Lord is there is what somebody's at Liberty does the liberty of sonship you see that there's liberty of so she then announces something that excites me was eating but we are how many of us with open face wide open face because the veil has been taken why the veil taken we have left Moses and we have turned to the Lord here with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord I changed into that same image that we behold and the experience is from glory to glory stop there it is not from glory to glory to glory to glory that is lazy study it is from glory to glory what is that from the glory of Moses to the glory of Jesus there's no other glory he says from the glory of Moses to the glory of Jesus and this glory of Jesus is even as by the Spirit of the Lord but our heart must own our heart must own if our heart doesn't own this glory of Jesus will not be made manifest remember this is all about Jesus from everything I have taught here is Jesus is a message there's no other message outside Jesus somebody asked me first stop preaching Jesus won't I run out of material I told him you cannot run out of material this world will finish ten times you are not exhausted Jesus ten times the world will finish ten times over not exhausted Jesus and if you can find something to preach about Jesus is because you don't know him well you'll know him there'll be too much to say about him in Acts chapter 5 verse 42 put it up for me oh how many times daily in the temple to teach and preach what that was the message and they were preaching and every day every day when they gotta Jesus when they gather Jesus and they're never exhausted it it was deli we don't have daily churches nowadays this big one meeting every day and the meeting was not just in charge they met from house to house and only had one message Jesus Christ Jesus Christ that was the message of the Apostolic Church that should be the message of the church today because we are displaced in Christ able ministers of the New Testament not of the letter the letter killeth but of the Spirit the spirit giveth life the ministration of death written in stone the ministration of the Spirit the Lord is the spirit friends there is a shift globally Jesus is taking back the church see when you preach Jesus you lose relevance no preacher of Jesus remains relevant but when you preach the law you are relevant the law makes you the center of attraction the New Testament takes you out because you are only important because you are in Christ the main guy in the New Testament is Christ you only share in it by being in him if you are not in him you can shine his glory and it's time to revisit certain things we have taught it's time you know some people preach heaven at last heaven at last is not a message it's actually a distortion you didn't hear me is my mistake I said it I want to repeat it heaven at last is not a message it's a destruction if your target is to make heaven you have missed Jesus what makes heaven heaven is Jesus Jesus is not in heaven I don't want to go there Jesus is the light of heaven it is Jesus that makes her fun to shine listen carefully can I say something Jesus and heaven which is more important so how can heaven be your ball are you thinking upside down let me ask again so that we show what we said Jesus and heaven which is more important are you sure today I shot a louder some people are not sure let's think again I'm going to ask you one more time let me tell you something else God doesn't live in heaven God doesn't live in heaven somebody says how Genesis 1:1 no religious scepter so much aware men of God and everybody really very loud once you go in the beginning when did God create heaven on earth so there was a day when God created heaven and earth the hours a day it's sucking day when God created heaven and XO before he created heaven and earth on that day we always here we are ever hear us that is we are he is talking to some area the Bible calls God the immortality developed in unapproachable light which no man has seen nor will ever see what are you talking about sit down let's talk listen is bubbling now [Music] I'm teaching Terry I'm judging so therefore if Hubble was created on a certain day and age that means earth and heaven is for man God whatever God created it for man not for himself he doesn't mean eternal heaven I'm teaching here he doesn't need a ton heaven and heaven is for man that's why even now the person sitting on the throne in heaven is a man he is called the man Jesus which man what is he call the man the man the man I've just been teaching in the last few weeks in our church here on the humanity of Jesus because let me tell if you don't believe that Jesus is a man you're not born of God that's what the Bible says if you don't believe that Jesus is a man right now you're not born again it's a fundamental issue if you don't believe that God is a man right now you're not born again because Jesus is a man there is a mediator between God and man the man Jesus the man when he died and rose he entered the grave and took his body so he can be a man because a man is spiritual embodied he took his body and lived a napkin he went to heaven bodily and came back bodily and went back bodily as a man when he rose from the dead they were afraid after he came back he asked them do you have fish the getting fish that means he went to toilet because if you eat fish it must be digested and you must go to toilet then he told them handle me for a spirit does not have flesh and bones and they held him what is born for structure that means he had a structure he was still walking normal in the glorified body and we but he's still sitting in heaven now as a man let me give you something else listen let me give you something else how many of you know when Adam and Eve sinned against God the sin of Adam corrupted heaven heaven was polluted by the fall of Adam because heaven on earth is for man the sin of Adam polluted heaven that's why when Jesus rose and went to heaven he had to wash it so it is Jesus that made heaven clean and Jesus is the light of the city are you hearing me now let me tell you something that will cause commotion here Jesus so if Jesus that makes heaven heaven lives inside you is having a bell anymore so now your prayer is not to make heaven your prize to see Jesus more that I may know him and the power of his resurrection glory to God glory to God with your hands I thank you Jesus when you understand these realities you come to a place called the assurance of salvation you are no more afraid that you may not make it know Jesus clearly told us he that believeth is not condemned he told us when you see he has passed from death to life and he clearly told us he that believeth not is condemned already do you believe heaven is shocked Russia listen bada bada a demo jogger first John this is the record but we have eternal life and that life is in his son and he that has the son has life we do not preach cloudy messages we do not preach it ambiguity we preach precise but you see you must see Jesus to be able to preach if you don't see Jesus you're just a you're just a professional preacher yes and that day is gone that day is gone these are the days where God is doing a quick walk in his church and God is fixing his charge and God is working on his people to perfect whatever he already started and he will perfect it because it is his responsibility to perfect amen how we excited 2016 I'm telling you about Jesus you will you will have the best year of ministry [Applause] thank you Lord are you blessed please stand on your feet hug somebody I'll tell him congratulations is a new day it's a new day is a new day it's a new day this is a new day tell somebody this is a new day this is a new dawn we are going to do this ministry with our sweat and without effort he is the one at work God at work God at work God at work hallelujah I say God at work I say God at work lift your right hand I shut my sufficiency is of God can I shut this year I will function in total sufficiency I am an apple minister of the New Testament my assignment is to dispense the New Testament I am able I am able he made me I'm not struggling I'm not confused I'm not lost hey man can we lift our hands like men of God and blast him tongues for three minutes let's just pray in the Holy Ghost just pray in the Holy Ghost in the ha ha ha hella barakaatuh Negara al-abbas again omaha member meganandkevin analogical a dega praying the Holy Ghost build up your most holy faith rise up like an edifice higher and higher look at the year 2016 I'm playing in the Holy Ghost over the year pray in the Holy Ghost over this year I got my Shaka his mysteries and split to this year his mysteries he does picket in tongues speak at unto God in the spirit he speaketh mysteries Kalamata Hey welcome a circular mahjong tell about local to kill any bear he'll bring the holy ghost praying the Holy Ghost thank you Lord in the mighty name of Jesus I'd like you to place your hand on somebody's shoulder let's agree together in this old house that nobody here are no ministry here we'll be left behind that together they say every one of us will take off on eagle's wings throughout this air it will be ministry with unusual strength unusual exploits and unusual revelation of Jesus put your hands on somebody's shoulder less flow in the spirit all over the place let's just throw in the Holy Ghost let's flow in the Holy Ghost less flowing the Holy Ghost less fly in the Holy Ghost let's play in the Holy Days ha ha ha ha thank you lord hallelujah in the name of Jesus if you believe it Kanaya a conclusive amen let's lift our hands and give him thanks and glory and honor just bless him and praise him and I wanted to just begin to thank Jesus for all of his mercy and grace thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah somebody shot a goodie man oh my goodness what a class what a class but all shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as a water cover see there is an alignment going on in the body of Christ discernment is coming alive everything doesn't go any more in darkness everything goes but when light begins to shine everything doesn't go any more and it is the entrance of his world and then bring it light now for those of you that have questions you want to ask there's a phone number that has been sent to your email address when you sent an email to us and there's an email that is on that simulator now you try and call I know the lines are going to jam in the next few minutes if you try calling your call cannot get through send an email we will call you we will call you send us an email with your question or with the things you want also counsel with you on and I will personally call you and speak with you but if you try you can get your call true send an email to our email address I'm excited about the privilege to be able to bring this one your way tonight spend some time praying the Holy Ghost go through the notes again we're going to leave the videos on Facebook page here come back listening to it again go through the notes again before the next class tomorrow go through the notes again read them again pray in the spirit and look at the scriptures carefully I believe God something shift in your life God is repositioning you for a ministry of impact grace abounds sufficiency in all things I'm looking forward to another great moment with you Morrow in the school of ministry don't forget to join there are other broadcasts of teachings of God's Word on this same page 6:00 a.m. GMT plus 1 and 12 noon GMT plus 1 Dan the 10:00 p.m. again the online school comes alive be blessed as we expect to join with you again tomorrow grace abounds in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: vooke
Views: 5,760
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: Abel Damina Ministries, Milk of the Word, Uncompromising Gospel, David Oyedepo, Chris Oyakhilome, Emmanuel Adeboye, Tunde Bakari, Kumuyi
Id: ysVPSatXmok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 20sec (7460 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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