The Questioning On Judgement Day

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Hey [Music] there was a teacher not too long ago who cared immensely about the academic welfare of his students and every other type of welfare as well he was a teacher who would always warn his students well in advance of their exams saying to them make sure you make the necessary preparations before they arrive he in fact was so concerned over his students that he even gave them the questions that they are to expect in the exam in advance so that none of them can claim that they were caught of God however the students split into three different categories a category of students who said the teacher is lying a second category of students who said we believe the teacher however we will not prepare for the exam now but we will delay when we get a little bit older and the date for the exam begins to near then we will begin to prepare and a third category of students they were the Wise Ones not only did they believe the claims of the teacher but they also made preparations for the exam well in advance and therefore when the exams took place it was only category number three of the students who were happy during the exams and happy after the exams when they graduated and passed with flying cuts that teacher was perfect muhammed sallalahu anna esseker and those students is every human being to walk the face of the earth who came during his time and after him and the exam that he had warned us of is the questioning the interrogation the examination before Allah subhana WA Ta'ala of the Day of Judgment what are these questions question number one you are to expect a question on the day of judgement pertaining to your sauna there will be a thorough and a very agonizingly precise interrogation with regards to every bowing and prostration and whoo-ho and whose your concentration and time of each sauna and the delay of each Salah and thus the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said as imam muda muda narrates in his journey on the authority of abu huraira he said the very first thing that man will be asked about in front of Allah on the day of judgement is his prayer if the prayer is complete the rest of his actions will be complete and he would have success and prospered if however the prayer is lacking then he has ruined he had failed if however he says there is a deficiency in the obligatory Salah a lot to say to the Angels look into his optional Salah which we can use to catch up the deficiency in his obligatory sauna he says and then the rest of his actions will be assessed in a similar manner so we understand that if there is a deficiency in your obligatory Salah the optional ones will be there to make things up there are 4 brothers and sisters how do we prepare for a question number one by ensuring that the obligations are complete in terms of how we pray them when we pray them and where we pray them may Allah make us the people of the Masjid not only that device Muslim prepares for this question by amassing huge amounts of reserve voluntary acts of worship to catch up the deficiency that will be there this is question number one question number two you can expect a question with regards to the delights every bit of goodness and pleasure that you had enjoyed in the life of this world there will be a question in the court of allah subhanaw taala about it down to the very micro bless him Amitabha ray narrates in his steps here that Qatada said Allah is going to ask every recipient of any blessing with regards to that blessing that he had enjoyed the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it says as was narrated by even a fat man in the sari on the authority of abu huraira on the day of judgment Allah will say to him did I not give you horses and camels did I not give you all thority on earth did I not marry you to such and such woman whilst they were other men who wanted to marry her but I pushed them away and I married you to her Allah says then going to be asked about the delights down to the very micro blessing thus amid our would say the companion as was narrated by avnish even his and was under he said the person who possessed to their homes only in the life of this world will suffer a greater interrogation than the one who only had wonder as for question number three and four and five and six at seven these are questions that were found in one hadith that focus on a person's life youth money and knowledge and application he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as was narrated by imam muda muda in his Jami on your authority about delay he be much older man will not move from the court of Allah on the day of judgment till we are asked about five things thing he is asked about his life and what he did with it his youth how he spent it his money how he acquired it and how he disposed of it and then revived his knowledge and how he applied it you know the clarity of the questions this is from the rajma of allah he said his life and what he did with it what does that mean your 60 70 80 years here on earth what was the theme of those years what was it that occupied your time the most my day and your thoughts and your concerns the most my night what was the cause that you truly lived for and died for this is the question your life and what you did with you his youth and what he did with you when your urges and desires my cravings and urges when they had rocketed through the ceiling when our desire had reached an all-time high how did we behave or were you a youth who was different that's a question that requires an answer he said his wealth how he made it how he spent it the avenues of making quick cash today they are countless how did you make your money and then when you made that money what did you do with it did you enrich your mother and father did you spare your mother and father from the burden of needing to take loans from strangers whilst you have a full-time job as their son what did he do with his money did you enrich your family did you enrich those who are poor did you give your staff on time every single year and make up for the years that you had missed as well what did he do with his wealth what he did with his knowledge Allah has blessed us with tens and hundreds of Friday sermons and lectures this is a privilege that will not pass without a question on the day of judgment question number eight with regards to our limbs our senses that Allah has built within us a privilege that will require an answer eyes ears the touch the smell and the other senses Allah Almighty says do not follow that which you have no knowledge of because indeed the hearing and the sea and a person's heart all of this shall be questioned about on the day of judgement now Allah in the law thus how does a wise Muslim prepare for that exam question when his eyes are presented with the Haram the gaze is north when the ears are presented to that which is Haram and we know what they are and what this is the ears are covered when the heart is polluted with doubts with regard to Allah and his oneness and his justice when our hearts are polluted with envy hazard 3 selfishness we cleanse our hearts question number 9 with regards to every evil that you saw happening in front of you and what was your stance towards him a question that is so heavy that some of the Companions would cry when they came to learn of this hadith Allah will say to a person on the day of judgement why was it when you saw the evil happening in front of you you didn't say anything about it the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam says if Allah allows this person to give the correct response this man will say oh Allah I had hope in you and I was afraid of the people he was honest I will say the narrator of this hadith he cried when he heard this and he said he said wallahi we have seen wrong things but we did become afraid to speak out it could be a friend it could be a colleague at work it could be a member of family who is committing an act of Haram in front of you as for question number 10 about our actions in general Allah says by your lord o prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam we are going to ask them all together about what they used to do and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say you are going to meet your Lord and he is going to ask you about your actions you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 498,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hereafter series, the end days, minor signs, major signs, judgement day, the questioning, sirat, jannah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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