Repairing a 1950 Cable Shovel, Sitting 20+ Years!!!

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[Music] thank you thank you hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt behind me this beautiful hunk of iron here is a Bucyrus Erie 22b a 1950 model set up with a shovel so if you haven't seen the previous videos on this machine I'll leave a link down in the description you're going to want to check that out I bought this thing at an auction and it had been sitting in the same spot since 1999 yet we were able to get this thing fired up and walk it right up onto a lowboy trailer and brought it here so in the previous videos on this machine I kind of went on about how good a shape it was in and a few people in the comments took issue with that and informed me that it was not in good shape and it was actually a pile of scrap metal that I should have walked away from while I disagree with you wholeheartedly hopefully in today's video I can maybe prove you wrong about that this particular machine is actually in very good shape considering the age unfortunately I was told that it was an even better shape when it got parked where it was in 1999 so the man's estate that I got it from I was told that he bought it from an auction where it had sat inside pretty much its whole life and it really kind of looks like I could believe that because the only rot that I can see at all I mean of course this is Rusty here but that's just patina that's beautiful the only rot that I can find whatsoever on this machine is right up there in that corner and it is not bad at all all the doors are straight and function there's no rust at the bottoms of them no rot at all the engine runs pretty good we are going to service that in this video as well and hopefully get some new cables strung on this thing so we can get it back in the dirt first thing we need to do is clean this thing up so we can actually work on it though cab or the house as it's referred to on a machine like this which is the entire top part of the machine above the tracks the part that rotates the house is full of all kinds of garbage and leftover stuff from Decades of use and neglect so we're going to start by cleaning all that out so we're going to start by cleaning all that out in here getting all the garbage out and then we're going to fire up the old steam Jenny and give this thing a good bath and I'm really hoping that the paint cleans up pretty good on here because eventually I would like to restore this machine but I think it's pretty far down the list because it doesn't need it near as bad as some of the other machines I have like the pork 212 motor grader sitting over there that was bought from the same auction and if you haven't seen those videos you should definitely check those ones out as well I did just barely nip this thing with the pressure washer a few weeks back and that's what the paint looks like underneath this stuff so I got pretty high hopes here I really think this thing is going to clean up pretty nice but anyways let's get to it so there is all kinds of trash and garbage from us Reviving this machine plus stuff that's been in here for clearly decades thank you [Music] it actually kind of smells like dead animals in here like dead mice or birds or something it's not a good stink I don't know what that is but it's garbage oh yeah 20 year old Busch Light cans in here Bud Light can with a date of 2006 and a mountain of a mouse dominium in here that whole big pile of mouse dominium there that's got to go I don't know whether a cat got a hold of a bird in here or or what but I mean the feathers it just looks like the bird went poof this is the stinkiest machine I think I bought really foul must be a whole case of Bud Light in here oh yeah yeah there's the skull of a rodent not not sure what man this is foul the rodents really loved it in here apparently we're just getting started and I already can't wait to get a shower maybe it was raccoons in here it kind of has that raccoon smell to it and all this Gunk over here that's melted onto the floor must be the gelatinous remains of that raccoon skull that we found I'm seeing plenty of raccoon fur stuck to greasy parts to make me think that that's what happened in here look at the back of the machine cleaned up fairly decently still some more junk up here in the in the cab including the skeletal remains of another critter so we're gonna try to sweep that all out the back found another pile of bones underneath all the Draw Works well we got the bulk of everything cleared out in here foreign [Music] thank you all right well apparently I forgot to press record but I just backed it up a little bit and turned it put the boom all the way down so we can get a good scrub going here let's get the pressure washer fired up [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] things [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right we got this thing all cleaned up it is time to do a little service action on this thing it's got Lord only knows how old the oil is in this thing and that goes for the filters as well we did pull out the fuel filters whenever we revived this thing in the field and the way caterpillar makes the filters for these things I think I have some here somewhere this right here is actually what the fuel filters look like for this machine so they're kind of just like they almost look like a roll of gauze and if they're dirty at all you can see it very easily so we did pull these out and check them in the field and they looked really good so we're not going to bother to change those yet because caterpillar is pretty proud of these things they're like 38 dollars a piece and I think this machine has six of them in there and if they start to get clogged up a it's not going to hurt anything you just got to change them and B I got a fuel pressure gauge in there and if the pressure starts to drop that's a good indication your filters are getting clogged so no sense in throwing money at it that's uh we don't need to I have heard some horror stories about these old paper filters though if they sit for a long time they might degrade and when you fire it up it sucks that paper through the system and clogs up all your oil ports and causes basically over pressurizing of the oil system so we're gonna get those switched out today we're going to put some fresh oil in it and top off the oil bath air cleaners then once we get some cable on it it's going to be ready to hit the dirt long time viewers to the channel will recall this oil catch pan that I got from fluid all a year or two back and man since I have a concrete floor to actually run this thing on now oh this is the greatest oil pan ever all right looks like somebody made this pretty easy for us here this looks like a quarter turn valve and if I can get it to turn we should be able to just drain the oil right out it is stiff I'll tell you that oh yeah we got oil draining though oil really doesn't look too bad at all things considered up top here we can drain out the filter housing now yep that's warm now theoretically if you drain your filter housing changing out these cartridges shouldn't be a mess but sometimes it is anyways there you go there's your paper element fight me this bad this is ridiculous this brass deal is like a pre-screen here as you can see there is some junk on it and it's got a bit of sludge down on the inside there we'll have to wash that out before we put it back in like everything way more of a struggle than it should have been had to stop now at Napa this morning and get some oil for today's project it's about 90. all right well we're back from our Napa run here I've got some new Napa Golds for this thing and of course nothing but the best dinosaurs for this thing we've got Rotella T5 here this is the semi-synthetic blend so I think that the semi-synthetic blend really gets you a nice mix of properties so you get the benefits from the conventional and the benefits from the synthetic I like the T5 for the money it uh seems like the best of both worlds got our pre-filters cleaned up as best I could that is something you definitely don't see anymore but these ones don't fit well it's always something isn't it so I did some Googling around before I ordered filters and the filters that I ordered it said would fit in this d318 I don't doubt that it does fit in some d318s but not this one I'm gonna guess that this is an earlier housing that takes these things the filters that I have will not just go in place of this either it doesn't have the correct bottom flange to accept the filter so we're going to be stuck using these which I'm not upset about but I am upset I don't have the proper filters right now I thought some of you guys would appreciate this though look at that old filter caterpillar quit using that font I think in the late 60s maybe maybe maybe this was still laying around in the 70s but that filter has been in there for a long time that is a part number 1s 9150 all right it's the next day we got the proper filters let's put this thing back together that simple all right as I said before time to give her the good stuff you gotta love a machine too that has a proper place to pour your oil in at nice big filler neck no funnel required that's the best I did shut the filler valve off right you ever do that you start dumping oil back in something and then forget you didn't put the plug in or in this case shut the valve off bad time I'm not sure how many of these jugs this thing's going to take I don't know the capacity actually well this is gallon four if I was a betting man I'd say it probably holds around five we're still below full on the stick but these old cats you have to read while the engine's running when the engine is not running they usually read way over full plus we still got to fill up our oil filters so that'll suck down some oil as well so he can't be neglecting our poor Pony motor here either I drained the oil out of it while you guys weren't looking that's fill it up with the good stuff as well might need a funnel for this one barely spilled and dropped right on the money all right I got you guys set up here I'm gonna start up the pony engine and crank over the big engine until we build up oil pressure so that's this top gauge here you guys just holler whenever we get into the green oil pressure foreign looked like the oil pressure came up pretty quick I don't see any leaks back here around our filter canisters so that's good I couldn't remember if we had this Gap here before I changed the filters or not but they're not leaking so it must have been there before you go here oh thank you all right I just checked the dipstick while we're running here and we are right on the money so that's good we are currently five and a half jugs deep into this oil change and we still have to change the oil for the oil bath air cleaners on the pony and the diesel so that's all we've got left to do on this service though so we're coming down the home stretch doesn't look too dirty oh I stand corrected this one's for the pony engine I cleaned it out really good filled it up with oil all right this old girl's ready to go what do you think Bubba are you excited yeah I'm excited because the day hath finally come I've got a couple spools of new wire rope here and we are going to get the old 22b strung up with some fresh new cables so the reason the bucket is chained up like that to the Boom is because the Hoist cable was broken when I bought the machine as well as the trip cable which is the small one side here and all that pop the latch for the bucket and the crowd cable is still intact but definitely seen better days it's got a bunch of broken strands on it and the Top Line there that's your boom cable that one is also pretty darn rusted and I really don't trust it at all so we're going to work from the top down I'm going to lower the boom all the way to the ground we're going to restring the boom cable first that's some 5 8 6 by 25 I think and once that's done we will move on to probably the Hoist and then the crowd last well trip I guess would technically be last but the trip is very minor [Music] foreign with the boom safely down on the ground we are ready to start taking the old rope off and putting the new rope on all right so I know some people get a little overwhelmed by some of this cable routing it kind of looks confusing at a glance but really nothing to it basically where the cable is terminated right here that's called a Beckett and there is actually a wedge inside of here and we'll drive the wedge well first of all we'll remove it from that pin right there get it down on the ground where we can work on it then there's a wedge in there that just wedges the cable into the Becket we'll drive the we'll drive the wedge out and then we will uh remove the cable from it basically after we have the end of the cable free though we'll just pull it back the opposite direction of travel until we get all the way back over here to where the cable drops down into the house and wraps up onto the drum well in the interest of saving time and effort rather than trying to manhandle this whole cable and wiggle that pin out up there at the bucket I'm just going to go ahead and cut the cable here and then we can take the Becket off a lot easier obviously this cable doesn't have any tension on it you're definitely going to want to make sure before you ever cut a cable that there's no tension on it so I'm still learning about wire rope I definitely don't know that much about it but I know that there's different types of wired rope there's independent wire core rope which basically the whole cable is made out of wire or there's stuff like this that is a fiber core in the original manufacturer's spec the cable calls for a hemp core wire rope they don't use that to my knowledge today but they have modern synthetic equivalents basically it just has to do with how the cable wraps on the drum if there's a chance that the cable is going to be layered and you're going to crush the cable they want the wire core otherwise you can use the hemp Center from my understanding all right that wasn't too bad all things considered there's the Beckett as you can see the cable just comes up through folds over itself comes back down and it traps that wedge in there and it pulls it down into this triangle shape so it wedges itself in there and can't pull through now you can see why I cut the cable too because we're only fighting six foot of rope rather than the weight of the entire assembly here okay I cut the tail off of the Becket now so we can get to the wedge easier in the center there so we're going to get a drift and a big hammer and start driving this thing hopefully the way I have it just kind of sitting in the track here will be enough to hold it while I hit it foreign like to see that all right so there's your wedge if you can tell it's got like a dish on the inside so that the cable lays in it real nice here's our old rope stick that back in there for safekeeping until we're ready to reinstall the new stuff all right now rather than trying to pull all that cable by hand let's implore some mechanical help okay well I guess the whole tractor idea may have been a bit excessive the drum is already empty I thought there was a bit more rope on that drum than there was [Applause] there we go yep push the wire through by hand thank you foreign foreign well I kind of I didn't screw up but I did this a harder way than I should have I was thinking that this spool had enough to do the boom and the Hoist rope and I just checked my measurements again and my order and I'm thinking now that this spool is 120 feet and that's what we need exactly for the boom so I shouldn't have to cut anything off of this spool there's a separate piece over there that's going to do the Hoist it's a different cable makeup and that's why they're separate but had I realized that I wasn't going to have to cut anything off of the spool instead of dragging it out down the driveway and getting it all dirty at the same time I would have just started feeding it up into the machine and we wouldn't have had to work as hard but here I am struggling as always thank you thank you all right before we climb up there and put ourselves in a bad spot trying to set a Beckett it's just easier to do it on the ground here there we go that's pretty much all there is to it you guys could really start speaking up when you see a guy doing something wrong I started kind of looking at the way the cable would pull here pretty funny and decided to look it up and good thing I did I put the cable in backwards all right that's a little more what it should look like right there um all right back in the house here I just fed the I just fed the Rope down through the uh basically an internal bucket in the in the drum here trying to pass the dead end back through right now all right that actually looks pretty well set I think we should be ready to try to fire this thing up and pick the boom up foreign so I had to lift the boom up a little bit to be able to get the house door open to pull the cable for the Hoist but in this position right here looks to be a fairly achievable way of getting the new cable pulled through all right being is that the Hoist rope is broken that's this guy here we need to pull what's left of the Rope off the drum there with that break released we should be able to just pull that right out of there pull it right out of here it'll be so easy thank you [Music] [Music] foreign nothing to it it's it's so easy I can't believe everybody doesn't have one of these things same thing as before we just got to pound out that wedge in there look at that didn't even take much to pop that one loose that's good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign we gotta change the crowd cable yet so buddy Sam from Scrappy Industries as you guys well know is the 22b master I'm told so we're here to stirring up a crowd cable this looks confusing I'm in over my head help we got the boom sitting on the ground here and there is an adjusting bolt here that Sam is currently loosening up trying it's got about 45 miles of thread on it and 70 years worth of Grease but the cable that runs the crowd here is actually two separate cables Sam just informed me I thought it was one that was pulling off some sort of magic trick in there uh it winds up on the bottom of the Boom these are two separate cables on top here and then there's another one that runs back up the boom too and I'm still not positive how this all works as you can see the cable running up the stick here has doubled up and gets to the end of the stick and turns around and comes right back down confusing so it's the outside of that little drum at the bottom right now and the retract cable is this one on the inside so as you crowd out the retract cables going off the drum and then this one can take up that that lagging space basically right but they are two different cables with that's the only way to tension the whole deal is that eye bolt we're trying to loosen and if you let that get loose and the cable gets in the chain then you can have the fun I had a couple years ago on mine which is not fun at all did it get like wound into the sprockets and everything yeah it was bad it was bad was there torches involved Sam cheated here took the cable clamps off that thimble end there and now we should be able to get that oh yeah look at that it slides right out I didn't realize that either I thought you had to unscrew the whole nut now you can wire wheel that real nice for us I can do that on that big big wire wheel I got in the shop there you go yeah no it's coming keep going [Music] I think the cable just came right out of there it wasn't even like an hour ago then we started that process and you know it's really as soon as Sam showed up everything was just so much easier you know I had so much problem with the wedges that I did by myself and when Sam was here they weren't a problem at all not fell out put in yesterday huh that sucked Matt what are we doing trying to match the new cable to the old cable size which Sam tells me should be fairly critical on account of the way this works it has to be pretty close so fingers crossed it's right this is the crowd out cable which goes over the end of the stick it basically doubles over that King is the middle that Kink is in the middle of the cable is at the end of the stick and then each side goes back over the shipper shaft there at the pivot point and back to each side of the drum and then we get this one hooked up first and basically tension it up with the machine and then the retract cable is just a single part that goes from the bucket end of The Stick Over the Top of the shipper shaft back down to the drum and it has that turnbuckle on the end we took off that's what tensions the cables and you have to keep the cables tight like we said before so they don't get wrapped up on the bottom of the drum but because you only have that much leeway it basically comes down to pulling the cable in tight through this eye and hooking it with the cable clamps with that thing all the way loose because wherever you clamp it that's the starting of your tensioning point and then making up for cable wear going forward oh [Music] [Applause] well it's almost dark but we finally managed to get all the cables installed there it was a battle but we won thank you we are so close to sinking this bucket back in the dirt for the first time in ages and ages but we have one more cable to replace that's the trip cable the trip cable runs from inside the house there underneath the house up the boom to that shiv and down to the bucket and what that trip cable does is release the trap door on the bucket here so it trips it trips the latch and it's supposed to yank up on this lever here which in turn lifts this chain which undoes the latch there problem is while a the cable is broken but B this uh this belt crank here I think you'd call this this thing here is supposed to you know freely move and she don't move everything is really rusted in there I don't know how well you can see that so we got to get that thing freed up and moving I'm gonna go ahead and bust out the torch and start heating things up because there's no way we're moving that without a torch hahaha success wow I'm surprised at how quick that's going back into almost floating it's basically what this is supposed to do yeah look at that it's already springing the thing and back wow that's impressive usually you free up something like this you got to work it back and forth a hundred times before it'll ever start kind of returning on its own all right so I got the boom down so that I could easily replace the trip cable here and I was going to replace it but but I'm thinking about just leaving the original one on here for now it really doesn't look that bad and it doesn't perform any crucial work it's also easy to replace in the field I can put the new cable hang it in the machine and if I ever break it I'll have it it looks like just the loop down here where it would have been sitting in the water in the bucket the way the machine was sitting when I got it this bucket would have been this area here where the trip cable connects would have always been in a puddle and I think that's why that cable rotted out as it was sitting submerged in water all the time so basically I'm just going to cut like a foot of it off here and make another loop and reconnect it where we need to the function of the trip cable is a little different than the other lines on the machine the other lines on the machine will just sit static unless you apply the clutch this one here kind of always has a little bit of friction engaged on it it'll always kind of retract itself and keep itself snug not tight but snug so as you can see I can easily pull it out by hand but see just like a seat belt it's kind of sucking itself back in there if that way you don't have extra line hanging out there so that's going to be super easy I'm just going to hack the end of that off and we're going to put another loop on that trip it works all right if my calculations are correct we are finally ready to go sink this thing into the dirt I'm excited I've only spent a very small amount of time on a shovel before actually digging and working it so I got a lot to learn I definitely don't know what I'm doing by any stretch of the imagination so don't judge me too harshly you're about to see my first attempts there's a pile of dirt over here calling my name I'm gonna give it a couple Scoops first and then I'm gonna pull the dump truck up there and see if I can't throw a load on the dump truck as my uh my first go at it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign back in Action Baby it digs dirt it finally digs dirt as I mentioned I have no idea what I'm doing so there's people that could hop on this thing and make it dance and Buddy Sam being one of them but I'm still learning the ropes literally learning the ropes there you got to be careful you don't make them jump off I'm also missing a couple of the guards that help keep the ropes from jumping off the Shives so those will be something we have to make or find in the future but it it does take a scoop of dirt this setup is not ideal uh shovels are designed for cut works like so working against a Cut Bank they're not really good at picking up small piles of dirt like this so this is kind of just me playing around I even even somebody that's really good would probably struggle to really fill up the bucket really well with this Hillside because what you're doing is you're wind up just pushing the whole pile away from you but nonetheless this pile does need to be removed so I'm going to fire up the dump truck and bring it over here and see if I can't throw a few Scoops in the bed at least before we call this thing a wrap foreign well I am impressed the old girl is a handful but she seems to be just jugging right along I did stall it out there I was only running at like half throttle because Full Throttle seemed to be a bit ambitious for somebody of my skill level so when I finally managed to get a full bucket there on the last scoop it didn't like that kind it stalled her out but uh that's okay I need to shut it down and go to the house anyway so that I can edit this video to you guys I don't know if you could tell on the time lapse there but I did make one boo-boo I accidentally let my foot off the Hoist brake while I was coming around there and the poor old dump truck took a hit that was not bent like that before pretty pretty bummed out about that but you know dump trucks take a beating it's what they do she'll be okay we did manage to load all that dirt though so once I get the hang of this thing we'll just be taking this thing out on jobs you know just just a regular old production machine I guess in the same scoop of dirt when I whap the tailgate of course the bucket opened up and dropped dirt all over my nice Milling topped driveway too so I'm gonna have to broom that off to the side not too shabby though overall guys I'm really happy with it it's running great the longer I run it the better it seems to run as well I think I have the boom angled a little bit steep for the digging I'm doing here you should probably drop that down some but like I said I'm learning I need to grease up the stick really badly uh that's definitely on the list I everything I mean I've greased this whole machine a couple times already but it's going to get one super good thorough greasing here before we uh really stick it on a project and I do have a project in mind and then of course after that's done it's going to go up to the National Pike steam show where I can enjoy it and you guys can come see it in action as well so looking forward to that foreign [Music] [Music] well guys I guess that about wraps this one up I'd like to thank you guys for hanging out with me as always you know it's funny every time I get one of these old machines up and running again I always get a bunch of comments on the video people saying things like wow Matt you must be so smart to be able to fix all this stuff or wow Matt you have a wealth of knowledge to be able to work on all this old gear I always think that those comments are pretty funny because if you would have known me 10 or 15 years ago when I was in high school my grades told a very different story as I've gotten older I realized that I actually love to learn I just don't like to do it in the traditional classroom with a textbook kind of way so as I've gotten older here I've found that I actually like to educate myself on all sorts of different topics and the most effective way I found to do that lately is also today's video sponsor brilliant as a visual learner myself brilliant helps me absorb the knowledge with thousands of fun and interactive lessons from the very Basics to the most advanced levels no matter your skill brilliant customizes content to fit your needs and allows you to solve lessons at your own pace brilliant is the most effective way to learn math data and computer science interactively and if you are interested in trying it out for yourself you can head on over to diesel Creek where you'll get 30 days for free and 20 percent off an annual plan that's diesel Creek I believe the ones found in the logic course they got a lot of fun puzzles and thought experiments that can help keep the old ticker sharp basically what I do here every day is problem solving so I want to give a big big thanks to brilliant for sponsoring today's episode without good sponsors like that a lot of this stuff would not be possible and it most certainly would not be possible without viewers like you guys so even bigger thanks to you guys for watching and following along but that's all I have for today so if you guys like the video do me a big favor as always hit that thumbs up button down below and if you're not already be sure you're tickling that subscribe button so I can see you on the next video thanks for watching later [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 539,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TIiE37ou6yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 58sec (3958 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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