Buying A Larger Excavator

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[Music] where are we going Chris road trip it was a six and a half hour long road trip hour long road trip the good thing is we are already about halfway there it's very true you know we we've we've a lot of stuff to talk about so I figured we would talk about our road trip and today's adventure is I'm ready to get a larger machine a bigger excavator I uh I've been wanting a little bit bigger out scooter getting some bigger projects I think it's going to speed things up I have a budget to work within I know that this machine's not going to be um as much as like the Volvo 220 is going to be used um I want something when I get on a big clearing job I need to help dig up the stumps big dirt moving job I got three jobs coming up that I could really got a lot of dirt I need to move on uh about 12 weeks ago I did reach out to Volvo trying to find a a larger machine and their inventory is really low found a 380 but they wasn't able to get it in time it's been on rent the company hasn't taken it off rent and I'm to the point now unfortunately I I've got to have a machine um for the jobs you know I can't keep putting off on the jobs I need to get them done so I reached out to the guy I actually uh talked with Clint CNC equipment and he had a couple John deers actually we bidded on a John Deere 350g but it went over budget and uh Steven up here at Neil equipment I contacted him to see if I bought my Komatsu Dozer from him I was just joking I was like do you happen to have any any 350 size machines on the yard and I was like and he responded back he's like yeah actually I do I've got three machines on the yard I got a link belt 350 a cabelco 350 and a Hyundai 330. I was like well they're not exactly the brand that I want but kind of to the point now I'm like I have a budget to stay Within and I just can't go out and spend 400 Grand 500 Grand on a new 30 ton size machine I'm looking for like a 80 000 pound machine and these would possibly be candidate so we're going to take the trip I trust him he's always been good but with a dozer and everything make sure everything's right so there's a speed trap ahead uh so we're going to drive up here to Pennsylvania and uh try them out and see see which one works for me I guess and hopefully one of these three will will be the right one like I I I'm to the point now I need a machine so uh I'm probably I'm gonna narrow it down between those three and probably pick one today so exciting stuff let's see hope we're not wasting a trip so oh we're having fun I've seen pictures these are these are pretty good they look good they look good so we'll find out here in about three more hours when we get up there well we have made it we are not we got we're in Amish Country Mennonite I don't know what anyways six and a half hours later we have arrived got a Hyundai 330 and a kobelco 350. we're gonna try it out see if we can pick one of these two as the uh next big machine so you kind of know why I'm out here looking for a bigger machine and this is the same guy that I bought my Komatsu Dozer from we have a 20 19 Hyundai 330 L it has 1590 hours on it I think 15.98 so might as well say 1600 hours a quick coupler 54 inch bucket he did say we could swap the buckets out if I wanted the bigger one I think I want the 60 inch bucket all in all it's in really good shape I uh I like the pictures he sent we're gonna smoke it over here got a 2020 cabelco this one has 1200 hours on it I think this one's a little out of my price range I'm looking for a bigger machine but also a affordable machine for the amount of hours I'm going to put on it let's see so he said he's had this one for about two years they've put about 100 hours on it using it he does rent equipment but it doesn't seem to be have rented out he said nobody likes the Hyundais for some reason but uh yeah undercarriage looks really good on it a few scuffs on it nothing nothing major that's been repainted which one what cooler is that that's the right here is that the hydraulic cooler it's definitely set up different than uh what I'm used to air intake right there pattern changer fuse panel batteries coolant washer fluid everything uh everything looks good on it these do have a Cummins engine in them so that's a good thing I don't see anything no hydraulic leaks or anything which 1600 hours it really shouldn't be leaking pump looks good when we have 1518 hours on that hydraulic filter one of 20 20 or 21 21 so two years it's only had uh about eight hours put on it said it had a little they've done a little body work to it that was bent in but new door fixed all that hydraulic oil so this one does take death looks like that goes right there boom looks good I don't see any patches on that come up here Kyle let's check out the motor in this bad boy look at the fuel tank that is a huge fuel tank expensive welcome to the 350s 330 size range everything is so much bigger wow 300 range look how much bigger those hoses are then like a 220. let's check out the engine in this bad boy see what we got oh not used to the 300 class lifestyle look at that yeah Kyle uh they had a grading and utility business they're used to uh 300 plus 300 size equipment that's quite the motor so I kind of I like that I like it that the hydraulic cooler is separate from that that way you don't end up with the series a series of Radiators and what happens is it gets all plugged up to where everything you dust dirt debris when you're clearing leaves get in there plugs up the radiator stuff doesn't cool I like it to come uh yeah so that that is beneficial the mechanic that works on my stuff has all the software for that gonna check the oil in it go get a rag check that yeah before we fire it up there I like it I think I think we'll check everything out on it real quick we'll fire it up and go try it out and see how it does in the dirt it's exciting that's a nice machine there too that's a 350. so it's slightly bigger than the 330. that's that's the range I was I'm trying to stay around the 330 to 380 size and uh really it all boils down to my budget so let's uh let's grab a rag and check some fluids and uh go try it out Chris we're not as young as we once were yeah oh you got to turn it through safety have you run an excavator before not not one of these not one of these so oh I get scolded for not wiping the dipstick off before hand so you got the got to put it at the right spot before you check the oil though [Music] it's got a six foot long dipstick brand new oil too that's a nice thing right where it needs to be a little a little bit low but we only got like six inches in the range but it only holds like 15 gallons [Music] let's fire it up and uh how does this work pull the handle oh there you go you do [Music] excavator shopping with Chris so all checked out good undercarriage like I said looks good this one does have the standard stick auxiliary Hydraulics Esco quick coupler so I mean it's literally it's ready it's ready we are going to try the cabelco out too just for uh reference we drove this far so might as well check it out let's see what the cab looks like so definitely definitely a little more Plain Jane but like I mentioned I need a machine to use for bigger jobs to get it knocked out quicker that's what I'm looking for I got a budget to work within and I think I think this is going to work a little sun shade here well that's nice you can actually block out the all the Sun pretty good visibility if you notice on the kobelco it's got that higher uh engine compartment right there and kind of blocks your view from behind which this does not you have to remember these are pretty big machines so uh you have a lot that swings over you got to be careful with it so let's fire it up and see uh see what it looks like you want the honors oh can't wait oh can't wait here we go oh that's a phenomenal screen there the air conditioning's thumping in there it is pumping the snowflakes well not quite yet we got to figure out how to work the snowflakes oh air conditioned oh this is fancy it's over here no set oh boy now we want air condition on set the temperature that's a lot of push buttons we don't need all how do you set the fan speed oh there we go a little more difficult than it should be but that works let's see what it does [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] give it a try now I can stand on the outside and uh see it for myself [Music] yourself I think we put the 60 inch on there and see what uh what that'll do that stuff is pretty hard too it's packed in there [Music] laying it to it [Music] let's try out the other one we'll try out the bucket all right let's try out the uh cabelco and compare it to the Hyundai we'll say that everything's good to go oh it's got a see that's what I've never understood coupler it's like even see I've never understood like from the factory why they don't have like a factory quick coupler but three year old man where's the heated seat at [Music] wow be gone in 10 minutes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] huh there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're going to do the swap put this larger bucket on the 330. see how it acts should be fine why'd you mess up now well evidently the 330 Hyundai bucket won't fit on the 350 because the Hyundai has 100 millimeter pin and the the Bellco takes a 90 millimeter pin which I find strains in a little bit smaller machine has bigger bucket pins and a 350. maybe 330 Cat bucket there that has 90 millimeters and 80 millimeters so we got the bigger bucket on the machine let's see if it handles it a little bit better the cabelco seemed to handle it fine so let's see how the Hyundai does oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I still think but this one's not for me not quite it's not ready either so missing some things it's nice to have a shot big enough you can put a 350 in here with Saloon and not not hit the ceiling Crane and everything [Music] we're back Trucking now that 320 is still there you could buy that today [Music] they did a heck of a job on this I know what it's like to repaint Olympus that is 2800 well I did the gray I sanded it all down six to ten thousand beds in scratches my 2800 had a it was a 27 foot long logo they come in a roll from there we go all right yeah yeah yeah that was fun one of my uh I measured it and just like cut it off and then I was like this one right here got a little quicker with it I actually get a it's like 15 feet across the back of an excavator they were like okay I already got guys they can't do it let's just put the big logo oh it's easier to touch up when you accidentally swing into something you'll have a big strike bucket I think it's all smeared I've had people rip holes and calories yeah oh yeah you know what really like there's like concrete and nuts and bolts and like all the scrap metal that is left over yeah it's not solid it's only like it's only it's only like not even eight doesn't it stick it's a little thicker down here maybe not really poor so look right here guys to help if that counterweight is so that is literally how thick counterweights are can you see can you see can you see can you see about twice as thick as a panel door and it is full of concrete well some of them are only like full over here I've seen some of the hole in here I try not to cut them open so you're saying you're gonna take the panel off to see what's inside your counterweights no I mean you never know you never know it's it's like the mystery machine could be is that why they cost so much we've just figured it out a lot of yellow over there yellow gold all makes sense now till next time all right so I uh tested both of them out the cabelco 350 and the Hyundai 330 I actually put the uh big bucket on the cabelco both have their pros and cons that one has a few Less hours that one has a little bit more hours on it bigger bucket a little bit smaller bucket but this one is also a little bit easier to move this one should be around 80 000 I think it's 77 minus the coupler and buckets so probably 81 or so this one's going to be a little bit bigger a little bit heavier uh this one's more money than this one decisions decisions but what Kyle I have made a decision and I don't know which one I'm getting but one of these two machines I'm purchasing which could it be I don't know but you're not going to find out this video so to be continued
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 258,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, hyundai, kobelco, new, large, big, machine, heavy, construction, equipment, earthmover, digging, bucket, buying, sale, cummins, diesel, engine, quick, coupler, bulldozer, dozer, loader, truck, hauling, loading, yard
Id: v1noe4jdWnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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