REDSTONE and ILLAGERS!! | Minecraft - Part 15

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back they lied to you all this time you thought you knew the truth but you don't these pictures changed altered manipulated all to hide the truth my neck is so much thicker than this and you will help me to reveal the truth all right so here's the deal i got a youtubes coming out this friday on the 28th and i can't do a normal promo to save my life so if you want to win one of these bad boys all you got to do is edit a photo of mine back to its original thick neck state just make it as thick as you want as thick as possible make a meme out of it make some art i don't really care just post it on my subreddit and i'll pick a winner and give you one of these i'll sign it too just make sure you get the thickness of my neck correct or they'll be hell to pay and if you don't feel like making anything how dare you you can still enter a giveaway by going to that's link in the description all right uh back to whatever you were watching probably my video i hope this is on my video if i managed to get this into another channel that'd be something minecraft today i'm going to be messing with redstone i have a ton of it actually i don't know if i have a ton of it but i have a lot of it and look how good i look in my diamond armor really really good anyway so what i want to do is i want to be able to make a mine cart that's going to take me down into the mine so i don't have to deal with jumping into a pit of water which probably hurts but i'm tough so i guess it doesn't really bother me but i'm going to be experimenting with rails and such and buttons and whatnot so i have to um do that this is the kind of stuff that allows people to make a computer that can play minecraft inside of minecraft so if i can figure out how to do that i'll make a shield yeah sure why not i'm a little off topic but i'll do it yeah yeah rail detector rail stone pressure plate interesting activator rail redstone torch i need redstone torch block of redstone i could make that for whatever reason i would need that cauldron i don't know why that's a thing but i'll make that i haven't seen that before powered rail gold that's why you need gold that's why you need gold horse horse armor wait can i just make then no you in this round a mine cart i'm gonna need that i'm gonna definitely need that smithing table i still don't know why that's a thing a compass i made my first redstone thing i made a compass i'm amazing soul can't fall okay redstone torch let's assume i need a lot of those or some of those or not a lot of those i'm gonna make 20 of those so where's this mysterious rail i've heard so much about rail activator rail powered rail detector rail what about just regular old rail what what about rail what about just rail what about what about rail i guess i have to make powered rail but that doesn't make sense but if where were you i just looked free fine this is fine 64 rail holy hell uh powered rail that's what i need let's make some of those 24 okay so we got 24 of those we got 64 of those i'm thinking we're gonna need more of those boom love it by the way i love that okay but i'm gonna need a button too button a button you say hmm what about an iron button can't make an iron button just gotta make a wood button i know button does to the the the the redstone it makes the redstone go how did i do that oh yeah oh my god that's so cool that's delightful i did not know that you can click and drag in it oh well that's lovely it's night now they're not gonna get me i still don't know if the whole illager thing is gonna be a problem or if i'm gonna have to do something about that anyway so i first i need a way into my mind that's not gonna be dumb so i need to make a direction that's not gonna be stupid which way would be the least dumb this way i'm gonna enchant i'm gonna make a diamond shovel why because no one's allowed to stop me it's not a waste of resources if i actually use it and i enjoy using it and you know what else i'm gonna do i'm gonna enchant this and no one can stop me because i can do whatever i want in minecraft efficiency 4 that sounds awesome i want that can i have that i want efficiency [Music] unbreaking it shall be my what oh we got efficiency too ooh all right cool good hey i knew that was gonna happen oh smithing table what do i do with you okay um you go here boink up how do i do that how do i do how i will kill you wait no i will kill you wow that really is the bane of arthropods all right so i got the rail i don't need the gold i need to accomplish oh i just need that on my inventory although that's nice well that's really nice okay like i said i'm gonna make it go a non-stupid direction and i pick that as this i think that you make rail by going in a straight diagonal right i guess i should run a test first that would be very smart all right here we go this is gonna be it this is the one okay this is it we're going down down in the middle around we're going down we did it all right so that's good to know that that definitely worked that worked 100 that worked great nothing i need to ever worry about that ever again man who knew that minecraft was gonna have so much digging there's a lot of digging holes so the objective here is to save me time into getting down into a hole that's legitimately the main reason but it's also good because it's fun it's fun i don't need to justify it any further than that do you like how i spent all that time in the last episode farming up experience so that i could get to the level 30 enchantment and then i never once actually use the level 30 enchantment i don't enchant anything with it whereas i just do everything level 15. i just realized that i did that and that's really that's so cool of me that i did that not frustrating at all hey look at this look at that we made it somewhere all right i think actually this is exactly where we want to be this kind of level this is great because i think this is probably the exact level of of of uh you know where i need to be this is oh this is awesome this is perfect i really picked the right direction excellent i i'm gonna die here i'm so going into the lava i will never have the coordination to get this accomplished okay wow that's a big lava river why so girthy why so incredibly girthy aye you jerkwad you're lucky you're not an arthropod or else i would smoke hey how you doing hey good to see you um okay hey oh this is not the point the the point is not that i'm gonna be mining here yet this is a great base this is a perfect spot to have this i'm very lucky that this is here but i will explore it in a moment because i'm experimenting with redstone not necessarily an experiment i know exactly what i'm doing i think i just put it here i've never built a working railroad before in my life okay i really don't know uh what needs to be powered i don't know what to do for design um i'm just gonna hope that i don't smash my head on the roof and um yeah that this uh this seems good but oh it's night time oh this is a problem for tomorrow i need another freaking box can i have my wheat i need to feed my cows hair momos momos moomoos moomies muse mumeos moomoos moomamumu's good job oh good work there excellent work ethic mumus look at a look at those babies oh god then some good babies all right that's horrifying all right cool good now time for a good night's sleep i really deserve it so now that we got a fresh day ahead of us now we can discover what it is to go further beyond as soon as i make another box and deposit all the crap that i have because i have too much crap the link ah this cauldron what do i do with a cauldron what what is th what is a cauldron all about what do i do what do i do what do i do with you i'll figure it out later it's not the point i'm figuring out rail right now okay rail mine cart if i go down there i go down there but how would i get back up i need powered rail where'd my redstone torches go there give and redstone you there you there okay i'll get this just to say everybody hold on okay so redstone there get rid of that that and carve this out a little bit redstone there button there i put yeah okay that does that maybe i can put the button right there yeah okay then i put this i make this powered okay i get in shooty uh not yet there really i can't put i can't put it on really really fine okay okay fine sure okay fine okay what is that okay that worked that didn't do anything to that okay whatever it worked so if i get in okay why is it not going okay okay is it because it's on a lifted platform if i just okay oh uh that no no no oh my god okay all right that's fine that's fine all i need to do to get back up is power another one can i make a cobblestone okay button redstone don't work that way oh it works that way okay minecart here back it up a bit back it up pick it up pick it up get in push go okay i wasn't pushing forward [Music] all right i need another booster halfway up because i i need more boost to get going right right right i need the rail pressure plate because it's not getting a signal here to activate i need the pressure plate rail which is going to activate that as i go up and therefore is going to activate it and then send me further boosted back up uh-huh yeah this is the way i get it now i am smart i am the detector rail i need a stone pressure plate how do i make a stone pressure plate right pressure pressure you put stone you you you you you you you think you can meet me be the smart you maybe i just need a heavy weighted pressure plate the mine cart is very heavy and i'm in the mine cart you are not what you'd say you are you think that you can fool me i don't think that you can fool me you think that you know what you are but you don't know you'll never know you never know anything about anything because you don't know what the truth is but i know i know the truth i'm gonna put water in the crucible i'll put water in that's the answer yes this is the way i put the water in i take the water out i put the water in i take the water out i put the water in and i'm [Music] i'm okay so i need stone that's what i need how do i get stuff i have andesite is that what i need polished andesite why oh what if i ah damn it okay maybe there's a way to turn can i [Music] oh is that gonna make hey stop oh look at all my new oh okay that makes sense that makes sense and then you can make the detector rail and then you raid what is that what what what what uh wait wait stop what does that mean hey hey hey hey you you will die you will die you will die you will die you you will die you you will die your stupid hat i will claim it for my own now you yeah oh no your hat is mine die you don't even hurt me my enchanted armor is too strong for you oh no you're all dead thanks for the exp nerds what raid again what do you mean raid again what do you mean oh they're fighting over there oh i will help you i will help you oh ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding hello oh yeah oh another banner for my collection yeah bling blong yeah there's a problem yeah there's a yeah no don't cry [Music] what the heck is that thing i will kill you give me your experience oh my goodness oh you're tough okay you're actually tough good thing i have armor ow now okay actually you're kind of tall i'm going to run away i'm going to kill this stupid hat guy your hat is dumb hey uh listen i need to eat a pork chop steak sorry steak it's a steak no look at my oh well my boxes oh my god oh please oh my god please don't villagers help me golems help me oh my god that is so scary that is terrifying help help me help help big monster alert yeah i got get it yeah get it yeah oh yeah oh stupid oh there's more i am working with redstone right now not raidstone i'm gonna feed my cows and not even worry about you cause you're you're in my crops oh oh they got witches oh no hey wow man you guys are chumps bunch of jumpers you trampled my crops you astronauts let's see and censor that oh wow that's a lot of you okay experience for me oh god the big thing is not supposed to ah help help help extractor ex oh my god it's all the things from minecraft dungeons help i hope you all are very tough and i am so wimpy i am wimpy oh my god you hurt so bad oh my god you are alone and i shall kill you oh oh ow do their golems all die oh no is it just me oh no their golems are over here what are you looking at the flowers for what are you admiring my farm for there's business wow oh my god oh i almost died oh my god oh wow [Music] i am the hero i saved them all i alone stood between death and destruction i saved everyone yes i am also ah i am humble watch as i feed my cows like a hero would yes thank you getting a little crowded in there um that's probably fine well at least i got some more banners no oh no it will come bothering me now now that i got the heads of all their leaders strewn up on my cows that's a nightmare of mooing um gotta say that's that's really something awful hey don't trample my crops please uh okay yeah redstone right i was in the middle of that minecart is there i need to make a couple probably a couple sections of maybe three four four sections of this with a detector rail and when i go over that it will detect and it will activate those that's what i'm assuming the detector rail does not a hundred percent sure but that seems like what it would do and then that yeah right but yeah yeah this is definitely it detect okay all right i'm thinking that this is exactly what i needed this is exactly what the doctor ordered what does that emerald think am i gonna get a reward should i go to the villagers and try to get a reward out of them should i extort them say hey maybe i won't be here next time hey maybe you should be a little grateful to me huh maybe you should do that huh you ever think about that no i bet you didn't anyway hi do you have my reward may i have my reward okay quiet uh just uh leave the reward in one of my boxes i'll come get it later the freaking weirdos man if i didn't have diamond armor on that i would have died so fast how's my armor doing oh no uh can i help you uh yes it is me the hero of the village i am a hero thank you for noticing also i'm a redstone genius if you didn't notice that please watch out just stay off the tracks it's very dangerous [Music] we okay it's not meant to go that way i will this is what it's meant to do [Music] i don't have redstone down that's why because there's nothing for it to activate right that makes sense redstone redstone redstone that makes sense that's what it needs it would need that all it is is a pressure plate it's not actually there's no that makes sense all right let's do this let's do this again saw the redstone light up i saw the it lit it lit up it lit up it lit it lights off i put the lava in the bucket i put the lava in the bucket i put it in the hole i put it in though it goes in the bucket in the hole in the bucket in the ho what about the torch okay okay okay okay oh we don't need the switch because if it's always powered then there's no problem that's what this is for i see the truth for what it really is oh we don't need the redstone at all we needed a torch yeah i would think that if it it lit up the redstone it would have worked but you know we're gonna ignore that for now i didn't even need to dig these holes i could just put it on the wall i could just put it on the wall okay now we have this now we've got this and even still i get the button but yes all right cool good what did you just put in my cauldron did you just sh what's the incentive did you just poop in my cauldron uh i don't have any leather at the moment hang on one second just hold on one second one second these distractions are great i am trying to do redstone i make so many cows oh my goodness bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh i have 60 leather i have 60 leather okay wait i'm gonna get one i'm gonna get one where'd you go he's gone okay well uh now i have golems defending my house which is awesome um but not really the the objective of this video i'll make some books i'll make some paper and i'll make some more books and i'll make some bookshelves i need more wood okay guys um this has been a weird little bit of weird adventure today i think that's all the time i got for this episode i smear redstone's still a mystery my railroad has still not really worked but hey i've got golem friends and i'm a hero of the village and i have banners and the heads of my enemies on pikes and i've got more cows than i know what to do with so that's all good i think thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you think down in the comments below and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,209,294
Rating: 4.9675355 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, minecraft, youtooz, markiplier minecraft part 15, redstone, illagers, minecraft redstone, minecraft illagers, minecraft markiplier, minecraft part 15, gaming, gameplay, minecraft game, minecraft gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, part 15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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