MAKING MORE COWS... | Minecraft - Part 13

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to minecraft i don't know why that was so dramatic so we've got cows and we've got a farm and eventually i'll need to kill these cows to get their leather but for now i'm gonna let my plants grow a little bit hey that's growing pretty good i know i could let them grow a little more but i want to plant more so that even more can grow at the same time so i really don't want to be lacking for paper anytime soon 23 not bad 0. okay that'll be good then that can grow up and that should be more than enough to satiate my lust for paper so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to let them grow up i'm going to let them grow up and then i'm going to grow up myself inside my soul by going into this ravine i don't have anything that i need yet my inventory is full it would be a terrible idea to do that so i'm not going to do that what if my house went all the way down to the bedrock listen is that a genius idea or what no why not why is that bad give me one good reason give me 15 good reasons i thought not i'ma do it i'm going to dig down to the bedrock right here because i don't want to have to go all the way up and down to be able to do whatever yada yada something something excuses uh reasons you know just pretend like i'm giving good reasons i don't need that i don't need that i need more ladders okay ladders time to go up to my crafting room [Laughter] this is awfully inconvenient bam 30 is not really enough i need more wood before i go down no i don't this time i'm going to dig two holes at once because i'm smart bedrock i've done it i always knew i could time to go back up no no please tell me i have enough of these please tell me i have enough because if i don't have enough i'm gonna have a big problem cat cat save me i need your assistance cat please meow twice if you know where i am hello well that's a stupid hole in my well i mean there i guess there's a stupid hole there too but i can fix that with a door i knew i knew there was a reason that these doors came in threes just gotta put it in there put it in there okay well that's not working i'm gonna go to bed and think on this my door's open you can't get in silly spider itsy bitsy spider getting chopped up all about that didn't really go well but i killed you nonetheless and i'm alive and you're dead i gotta go get more wood that's a lot of creepers here oh you light on fire when i hit you that's epic yo that's epic and now with that we shall continue our mine okay and with that i will get water so that i can make a drop zone we saved it all right now let's make it uh right right here yeah that seems good okay and this will be the landing zone so that i can start my new mine this is high enough for diamonds right maybe it's a little too high i think it's like 12 blocks one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven i mean if it's twelve if it's time twelve then i'm just being kind of an idiot but no one ever said that i was an idiot so i'm not let's get to digging i knew i did something eventually if i just kept going in the same direction well good good all my effort is not wasted okay so there's gotta be diamonds around here somewhere i just gotta find them what was that who is doing that who thinks they're clever oh where did you come from get in the lava die hi where are you dumping from what is up there one no no i mean yay but no i i mean also kind of no really just one one delicious hmm ah do not who did that where are you oh don't tell me it was just the one diamond in this whole area i guess this shouldn't be too much of a surprise but even so come on oh man gold who needs gold it's useless crap it's probably used for something but i just don't know what so i get eight gold one diamond this is garbo okay i'm leaving this place this was definitely worth my time i guess i will go ahead and get some obsidian so that i can make another nether portal oh you know what i can wait i can wait for that i don't need it now now is not when i need it i got one diamond that's a win it's technically a win it's a win in my book it's a win in every book it's a win in everybody's book everybody wins i especially won this is a good adventure i didn't get the obsidian but i don't need it right now because the nether is stupid and dumb and i hate it and no one needs it i wonder what i can do with redstone i know you can make like rails but i don't exactly know how whoa do not blow up my farm you basketball let's replace that with something i did not say that thank you thank you always there for me when i need it well this isn't nearly as many good weed as i thought i would have at this point i figured that being away for as long as i was would have at least put more food on the table than it did but this stuff just grows slow i guess i'll just have to beat it out with quantity damn so close oh hello just enough thank you and one more for me perfect who wants to make babies you definitely do you you over there i put down a torch for you so you have light at night for late night baby making however that happens the mysterious process of which babies are made who knows it really truly alright is it time for a calling of the herd maybe not maybe not just yet i want to get a little more numbers going up in there but i do have some leather and i can have some paper which means that i can make some more bookshelves these grow better than my freaking wheat do which is the opposite of what i experienced before okay so we got that so we can make paper out of that i'm not 100 sure how again how did you make paper out of it i don't remember why do i not remember how to make anything can't be because i'm stupid paper huh piper that's a lot of paper all right where's book book nice eight books hell yeah and combine that with the books that i already have this is gonna be a lot of bookshelf nope that's cobblestone yep there we go bookshelf where are you yes boom boom baby four beef and bookshelves four big beefy bookshelves four bouncy big bookshelves one two three four yes i'm just looking to see what it could give that's not much better all good things come in time i will not rush it i will not hurry it my wizard's tower shall give fruit oh fruit soon i have what i need for now and it is good but i can always have more how do i get emerald how do i get emerald i need more farm that's what i need i think i can trade them bread for emeralds and why can't i get a robot to do this this is tedious making the bacon is tough hey who wants to make more babies hey babies oh yeah there we go now that is what i'm talking about there you go touch your noses together and get it get get it done that's a quality herd right there okay so here's the plant here's the rub i've got cows i've got wheat i've got sheep in the distance and i've got a town that wants to trade with every of my goods actually what do they want hey big guy how you doing you're cutie what are you guys doing over there humming to yourselves hey okay interesting wheat and carrot i don't know how to make carrot where do i find carrot where would i even find carrot emerald for gravel flint emerald for bread interesting where do i find carrots can i steal some carrots from them they wouldn't mind it's all good are these carrots carrots i'm stealing your carrots i'm stealing your carrots i'm stealing your carrots nothing you can do what did i just get beetroot all right sure i didn't even know that was a thing i think i vaguely remembered the carrots were thing but not the beetroot soon i'll be able to get a horsey where am i oh my gosh all right fine i'll make even more farmland that's what i am i'm a farmer in minecraft the game about farming farm craft all right but here's the deal i'm doing this so that i can build up the enchantment energy it's so funny that in order to slay a dragon i gotta raise a bunch of cows but it's all part of the plan pretty soon i'll be unstoppable with my enchanted diamond armor which i will have eventually maybe okay i uh but i guess i'll put carrots down and then i guess i could start bead roots but in all honestly i like trying to go from one beetroot to a whole farm's worth it's not gonna be easy well here we go oh nope can't plant it well far be it for me to think that you could just plant a beetroot i'll eat it i can't eat it i'm not hungry i don't know what to do with a beetroot uh i i guess i have this now oh beetroot seeds right of course of course same as weed i guess all right guys get working get these babies up and moving you know what i mean oh really well two of them will do something it may seem insane but this is how this works this is how this do i'm gonna get my enchantability up so that i can make more cool stuff and then i'll be able to have better armor go kill endermen so that i can do what i need to do to beat the game i know i need to go fight the ender dragon i know that's the end of the game theoretically and i'm gonna get there yes i'm gonna find another diamond if it's the last thing i do let's go this way now what the hell what the hell oh lexie didn't sound the alarms oh baby oh baby oh baby oh fiverr [Applause] thank you i am not holding that against you okay so we got diamond that's good there she goes i probably shouldn't waste diamond pickaxes i probably should be using iron and even if i enchant them i'm thinking yeah i'm thinking yeah i'm thinking yeah i'm thinking that's what i gotta be doing that's what i gotta do and also i i i probably in the next episode i'm gonna try to figure out how to do like a redstone thing because all i gotta do is i gotta get the materials that i need to make a big suit of armor enchant it up real nice and then do what i gotta do what do i do gold for what is gold for why gold why why why would i want gold i will enchant these i don't have lapis it's really inconvenient the way i've set up my base but it is okay you know what before i do this this is what it's been all about i'm going to get more leather i'm going to make more books and then i'm going to chant the heck out of these iron pickaxes that i have because that's why i've been doing this and if i don't do it that way then i'm an idiot and i'm no idiot hey make more babies before you die make more babies make more babies more babies more babies more babies okay that's good all right kids you ready to see your parents dance yeah lixia make that family friendly somehow make this family friendly somehow oh i'm hitting the tiny ones how do i not hit the tiny it's because it's this i use the x yes this is better yes this is better yeah uh this is horrible lixie and somebody put on like happy uh kids game show music or something like that [Music] oh oh no no this feels bad eight leather that's it oh god all right here we go oh boy i'll leave two adults ate leather i didn't get any more all right see you around guys okay um i have paper in here and book i'm gonna make more book perfect three more bookshelves that's good that's gonna be a lot more enchanting power i can tell it's gonna be slightly uneven but it's okay doink there we go let's see what we can do here oh oh oh my oh my goodness 14 no 14 14 what 14. okay pretty cool i guess if it's in c2 yes i i'm going for the big one i don't know if it's any better or worse i don't know either way that was fun i did it yeah i did it i'm the best okay and with that i think that i've reached the end of this episode here after um fulfilling the purpose of my farm that was its purpose that's the only reason i made it feel pretty good about myself feel pretty good so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know how i'm doing in the comments below if you want to see more you know what you have to do you know so thanks again and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,302,515
Rating: 4.9748826 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cows, markiplier, minecraft part 13, markiplier minecraft, markiplier minecraft part 13, minecraft gameplay, minecraft cows, minecraft lets play, minecraft markiplier, markipliergame, mark fischbach, funny, clean
Id: B15uk59OZt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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