5 YEARS LATER... | Minecraft - Part 1

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[Music] hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to minecraft i was just enjoying the music for a bit there they've changed it it's much more robust now i have not played minecraft in a let's play fashion since drunk minecraft part 69 which was released in 2015. almost five years ago since the last time that i played minecraft in a series and today mark's cloaks collab with minecraft for the release of minecraft dungeons i thought about playing that game minecraft dungeons but i also realized that there's been so many changes to the game so the last time i played i don't even know there weren't bees in the game the point being is that today if you go down in the description click on the link to cloakbrand.com you can see all of the cool designs that we have collabed with mojang for the release of minecraft dungeons there's a ton of stuff down there i'm wearing one of them right now i love this pink it's very nice there's a cool design on the back too boom so i'm going to play world i feel like this isn't very important but it might be important you never know what's going to be important you never know what's not going to be important i don't know how good i'm going to do in this i'm going to text lisa and just tell me actually i'm not even going to ask him what it's what it's for give me a random word any minute now legs again while we're waiting here are some designs of the new cloak merch that's going to be on cloakbrand.com oh he's not getting back to me oh no ah stuck at naming all right we're just gonna have to name it this is important it's important it's important name okay i'm asking wade hey can you give me a random word any word where is everybody oh come on somebody please why is nobody giving me a word somebody give me a word i just want to name it i god i can't i'm crippled with indecision i can't do it oh gosh important that you need to pick a one perfect lixian got back to me pop popsicle all right thank you alexia thank you thank you thank you popsicle spelled exactly that way it's not how i would spell popsicle but maybe the portuguese spell it slightly differently all right what okay uh pop cycle survival baby i'm not gonna do any of this stuff because i i don't want anything i want the basic experience all right so minor crisis is over it's time to whoa that's weird i don't know what's happening i've never seen that before oh great oh oh there it is there she blows whoa turtle wow horsies grass broken bug i found a bug five years game's broken literally unplayable all right the music might be just a little bit too loud versus everything else i love the music don't get me wrong i love the music but i just want it to be a very subtle background note because i know that there's some people that really don't like the minecraft music but that's not me i love the minecraft music there's there's something very magical about it there's there's something that really completes the experience of minecraft in the music and i mean i i couldn't explain to you what it is exactly but i i just really like it i i think it's extremely pleasant and i think it's important to the experience but that's just me all right so anyway how do i oh no no no no no sneak is control sprint is shift anyone that says otherwise [Laughter] all right back to the game that's much better also this auto jump thing what kind of baby do they think i am who are you i'm not playing on an ipid i'm not playing on my phone ah the field of view sorry hold on hold on hold on all right now freaking ages later you probably didn't know it was ages later but ages later i'm finally back into the game all right so it all starts the hell you saved me so it all starts with this the basic experience punching a log shut up gummy log planks i still remember baby i still remember how i remember i remember i remember nate i know that all of you are gonna be like what a scrub what a loser what a nerd well you know oh wait no that's not right no that's yes and then then i do this then i get the pickaxe and then i get the shh axe yes yes yes and i used to have a very specific place on my keyboard that i would put these things i don't remember what it is exactly but i know i i had one oh god the trees don't just fall on their own which i think is real dumb there was a mod at some point i used to have like tons of bots i used to play the modded versions all the time like tekkit and technic and trying to figure out what the difference between them and feed the beast and all that crap and i don't know spruce spruce planks does it matter is there a difference there is a difference but why why would there be a difference i know not for i am a simple idiot okay i think i had that there and then i had the sword as number four that feels correct to me say you can go back into my old way of playing and tell me if this was actually what it did oh i didn't have stats here moist i mean poop elixie and cut that out no cursing this is family friendly censor it with something uh equally disturbing but not necessarily a curse word okay cool thanks thanks bud thanks pal thanks dude so i need to start mining biaquis it will be night and there will be monsters and then i will be likely to do the die and if i do the die then i will not be the do survive wrecked that chicken capital r e k t rec apostrophe d wrecked i'm not gonna wax nostalgic this whole time because probably later on i'll be too busy screaming about how i used to know how to play and i'm an idiot right now but i will say it is so strange to be number one back and number two doing like a solo let's play of this here's a little markiplier history lesson for those of you who don't know i had a minecraft series a long time ago but not on this channel not even on my old channel i had it on a channel that probably no one to this day still remembers it was called markiplier 2 and it was specifically my minecraft channel not many people know about that but it was a thing and i did it because i was like i don't know if people want minecraft i don't know it's like i mean it was still it was very popular when i when i first started playing it but it was like back then i was like well i don't know if people want that that kind of content on my channel now i'll just i'll put whatever on my channel i don't care it's my channel's uh there is no rules as to what goes on my channel but when it comes down to that stuff back then i was very much just like well i just want to so i dedic i made a whole channel just to play minecraft on woo spooky spooky dookie all right i don't have many of these but i think i see more oh creepy yeah i'd definitely see more are there gonna be monsters in here no good hopefully this will be like a home for me so i really i really don't know what's what's honestly all that difference am i just gonna be like a hermit huddled up in a cave because i don't actually know how to play the game then i'm gonna be dying horribly and horribly in the middle of the night i'm gonna be haunted by the things that want to kill me of which there are many in numerous amounts may perhaps mayhaps that is my fate who knows maybe i should make cobblestone tools is it stone tools or cobblestone tools can you just make it out of cobblestone does that count i can't remember oh you can oh perfect perfect good i was almost an idiot for a second there ah too bad i'm far too smart for the likes of you i just tried to make a stone shovel out of a wooden shovel oh i did it i've done it and the last time i played there wasn't even achievements that's strange oh my goodness look at this view look at that view ooh let's make sure i'm not crapping up a storm on the frame right here minecraft is so goddamn tough to render all right how about that back again there we go oh now that is what i am talking about did that crap down my nah we're good baby we're good okay [Music] i'm sorry all right cool ooh what is this all right i'll never know ooh what is it daddy i forgot i mean poop flexing cut it out family friendly replace it with something equally disturbing what is this marble no oh no that's uh i i know what that is that's the um the the the you know the yeah the stuff oh am i honestly getting frame rate drops oh it's still the java edition so i guess man java just not efficient there we go now that's nice buttery smooth well not entirely this more coal i don't need coal i mean i'm gonna need coal because it's about to get night and i'm gonna be stuck in the forever dark but i don't think i need that much coal i need iron whoa weird right back when i play back back in my day i never saw biomes the likes of this before this probably is not flabbergasted into the laksa years but to me's that's pretty impressive that's cool that's wicked wicked that's awesome this is great i love this i really do but all i'm seeing is coal so i'm not sure how many things are going to be exposed so what i probably gotta do is i probably disgust her you think that you can come attack me i think not try it try it you're stuck in the water idiot fool no no thank you see you're dead and i'm not so who's the idiot who's the idiot i also always had that there who's the idiot who's the idiot dum-dum that would be you it's getting dark ah crap i don't have any shelter that's fine these babies don't even think that they can hurt me where did i go there's something all right this is this has always been about me there's something just very viscerally enjoyable about the breaking of blocks in in minecraft it's something that i always loved to do i was never much of a builder but i was always an excavator i was always digging holes i was that kid that was eating turds out of the cat's sandbox and digging holes i had nothing better to do i knew no better oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no there is no need there's no need ah this just goes down don't it oh iron my first iron i'm rich i'm rich thank you thank you i deserve this i deserve it i deserve this i deserve all of this that is what some people would call the good stuff oh that's good yeah give me the experience oh that's nice it's so simple it it's it's why i heart heart it's why i harked off upon the idea that sound is incredibly important when it comes to movies games pretty much anything like if you don't have the right sounds the experience is never going to be the same what is iron no iron iron irony roo oh you're not iron kind of garbage is this you're not iron at all well this is some kind of baloney i am going to starve to death no no where i left my crafting table i'm an idiot yeah it's fine i've got wood that's all that a man needs all right this is my base you like my house guys it's real good right all right furnace if i remember i do remember i remember i remember you got proud of me i bet you are i bet you are you're proud of me oh my oh yeah it's working i was like why aren't you doing you thing hello i don't need to worry about that get this coal just get this coal then i bake that bread and then i make my money and then i get something else and then i kill the ender dragon is that still the end of the game i honestly have no idea if that's still the end of the game because i know that they put in the ender dragon and that was like the end and i know there's probably some super deep lore about the ender men and the end people and the en donios but i'm not too up on the lore oh hell yeah pickaxe baby give me that yes yes yes this is the i know this is a very strange thing to be excited about but i am i am tremendously excited about these simple upgrades and i know that i seem like a baby's first minecraft experience but hey give me let me let me do what i come here to do who is there why are they growling from over here why are you growling from here what is over here what is over here why is there so many oh that don't sound right at all where are they there's so many why oh iron thanks for leading me to the iron i don't know why rish british fresh fresh fresh big preachers all around thank you i don't know why i'm going towards but i'm just kind of curious to see what's going on see i don't know i don't know what is different in this game versus before probably not a whole lot to be perfectly honest and they're gone i don't hear them anymore where'd they go this makes no sense oh here they must be below oh yeah well we're getting close baby i don't know why i'm excited about that but oh yeah oh they're right here oh i'm in the thick of it oh yeah they're somewhere here oh hello i found you i found you i found you ah oh god there's oh my god oh my god there's too many oh no no not like this not like this oh i know what that was it was like a mob spawner i've seen him before it's not like it's been that long since i played the game but there were like 30 of them down there all right you know what it's fine at least i didn't start a hardcore game and hey i get to experience the night it's beautiful out it's lovely oh it's not lovely okay uh hey hey how you doing no no no no nope nope nope nope nope nope you're a lot tougher than i remember hang on get back get back get back get back don't even think you're way way infinitely tougher than i remember why are you okay i did it i did the god damn the god damn god damn god damn it should i go back and try to get i guess i should right like i'm not i had i it's not like i had a lot of good stuff but it was all i had i don't even remember where it was oh how do i get there oh no no this monster no please i don't want anything thank you oh thank you for your contribution to the going away thank you appreciate that oh boy oh god don't please stop that was a bit dumb oh god jim stop i didn't want to be a part of you i didn't want to be any part of this oh god you're so tough to kill please there was a chest down there i need to go get it just stop being alive thank you shut up shut up all of you at home shut up shut up just shut the [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] stop laughing at me shut up [ __ ] shut your mouth i'll i'll find you i'll beat you up i'm gonna cyber bully you if you don't stop cyberbullying me i'm good at games i'm good i'm good at game it don't matter what game i'm good at it cause i i'm good i'm good at games i think it was here it was here yeah i was definitely here my ankles ow i don't remember fall damage being that exorbitant absorbance big word means a lot excessive even okay don't have enough this isn't a chest i thought god i forgot i don't know i'll give him my chicken back i'm gonna eat my chicken all right i ate my chicken i didn't where are you at hey i didn't bring my table i'm gonna get you no this isn't the right way to help help somebody else i'm not helpless baby help okay table here we go boink and then don't do it i'm gonna get you guys you're gonna see you're gonna see you're gonna see today bullies all right i'm not gonna drop down there that would be dumb i won't do that cause i ain't the dumb all right we're gonna we're gonna do that we're gonna dance baby we're gonna dance yeah yeah dance yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get gone yeah what happened to like the 13 of you there were like 300 000 of you guys can you any minute oh god no please i want my corpse oh you suck this game is much harder than a no don't spawn you don't want to do that [Music] you're believing me i'm being bullied oh they can't reach me oh i was fine i didn't have to actually hit him oh look at that golden golden horse armor wow rotten flesh huh where where did i die hey you guys suck i got gold horse armor i'm gonna i'm gonna horse it up you guys don't know you gave me the destiny of which i knew i was supposed to have where is my stuff my stuff isn't there no no no no no no go away go away i'll beat you with the horse armor i'll do it go away oh there's another chest oh my stuff is gone go away go away you all suck and i hate you i'm gonna run out of pickaxe can you shut up for two seconds you loud jerk bags that's an ordeal everybody but i i know that what's gonna be in this other chest is gonna be totally worth it no do not this this will not let the okay perfect get it get get it get it gone gone go i'm gone baby gone iron horse armor perfect perfect it's perfect go away go away i hate you i hate you all so much why did i go down there oh every part of my life every everything everything my whole life just has been leading up to this moment i have horse armor and bread i got this bread guys i did it i got this bread i got this bread i got the bread i did it i did it i got the bread it's a good day it's good it's a good day i think that's a good place to stop i got the bread then i got the horse armor the two things that i wanted to get now i just got to figure out how to put it on a horse so thank you everybody so much for watching it it is uh it's strange to be back it really is strange to be back i i think i'm gonna keep playing i think i will i think i'm gonna keep doing more episodes of this at least for a little bit i'm not gonna do like a long long series but i just uh you know there's a world to explore and it's kind of fun so thank you everybody so much for watching remember you can check out the new cloak collection collabing with minecraft down in the description cloakbrand.com that's c-l-o-a-k-b-r-a-n-d.com thank you lixian for the assist on that one and for making me not look like an idiot this episode right i bet i look good and smart and brave and fashionable in my new shirt oh and before i go if you want to check out and you don't know about it i have an entire series on minecraft called drunk minecraft that i did with bob and wade it goes back to the very beginning of this channel's history so if you want to go uh have a blast from the past just look in the description for a playlist of the entire drunk minecraft series also in the end cards after i'm done talking and i say bye bye there will be a card that you can click on that'll take you to the whole playlist 69 episodes wink thanks again and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,023,143
Rating: 4.9778938 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, markiplier, mark fischbach, cloak, markiplier game, markipliergame, markiplier minecraft, minecraft part 1, 5 years later, minecraft gameplay, minecraft lets play, markiplier minecraft part 1, drunk minecraft, lets play, sandbox, crafting, survival, funny moments, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft fail, markplier, mrkiplier, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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