Redman | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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[Music] before week and you know history everything is like what the [ __ ] is going on with a readiness and you know did you know the classic when you [ __ ] ain't know we had company gaga six [Music] also me would it goofy hopefully would it suit me this is a boy and eat what up is DJ efn and this is drink chance a little boogie yeah me our man when it comes to legends when it comes to the word New Jersey I think when you google Jersey is face pics rich it just comes up when it comes to the most legendary are MTV Cribs of all times still to this day people talk about it when it comes to a person that you say I legend we start this show we send one of the bigger pledges they got ten years of more I wanted and this is his name automatically popped up first like you know we did the top five we waited three years to get this man here we are so happy we're so happy because in our culture there's so many people that don't pick up our culture and I'm so proud I'm so honored to tell you one of my friends one of the best MCS on the planet Earth that's big you know I'm saying one of the realest people one of my favorite people not only my favorite one of my favorite emcees we're gonna rock favorite people period in life if you don't know the [ __ ] I'm talking about we took only so I don't know if you know but when we come interview artists we like to get together and we like to go to like the artist playlist and you know go today hook your [ __ ] cause as long as [ __ ] hell like you you've been going like since the 90s as 1992 92 there yes and how so holla let's take us take us to people who are who who didn't have internet take us how how that was in the 92 like look for album fun just promotion just how we work when it's the whole circuit yeah everything well the what it was the early 90s circuit was communication straight up we had to we only had maybe two outlets of music to release our [ __ ] through and we may our impact through in stores hmm and then when say two outlets you talking about like magazines and radio yeah like magazine radio and in a couple of outlets far as video games yeah mixtapes in early 90s not too I started bubbling in in the late 90s a little bit but in that early era it was all about the in stores baby and if you don't know what that means we actually yeah yeah but I thought a pop-up shop is when is unannounced and you just pop up and put the shop but it's the same you know why we had to announce it back then is because we couldn't get information to people west fast right so now I can say you know red man is here after black world ordinary now we got a pop-up shop and such everybody would just come so but it's the same thing is the in-store goddamnit Alice team super popular that's still junk now we got a bet - they said cuz they say we're a red might not drink so we said if red drink because we celebrate I don't know if you know we're gonna leave with red take the champagne or what red takes a rock if red has one drink oh we have a bet going ooh no pressure you want me you make me fart I can't decide that right now oh yeah this point leave it there he decide he wants to tap so yeah leave them both there yeah yeah yeah yeah which one i go for she yeah but uh quickly though the in-store is when we had to actually go to the record store and actually shake people hands and sell our material right over the desk and let people know that we out and that was what we mostly did in the 90s but that [ __ ] was fun as hell cuz we actually got to go to different cities see see actually the hood come to this record store and actually see what was going down in that city before we went onstage soviet nori met cuz you did it in store at moscow so I'm not gonna lie the other day I looked at Instagram tear came to my eye that's right you better - Ricky DeMarco see a lot of people got so many legendary stories from Branson but one of my best favorite legendary stories is I pulled up the Branson one hey those are there no grasses are we squawk the most famous weak spot in rats come to you you can be known down the block but if they don't know you they're not serving you exactly like so everybody used to want to come from my hood because I had the rapper pass time think it's new I ain't police so then that so one day they move on to the story one day I just walk in the spot grab a couple of [ __ ] I say something like yo how much is this he like yo that's 20% like what a lollipop and I'm looking like this is red man but I ain't but I don't really want the people to understand this is the exclusive weed spot so let alone you couldn't even go in there so they don't really get behind then you had to really be in in in with Eddie god bless recipes Eddie gonna pick up the brass said but that was exclusive and and you know why I liked it you know I love the opposed because let me tell you how accurate you were if you would have said component Noriega that you would have been wrong because Capone used to never go to Branson yeah just make some noise for his wheat yes I want people to vote for people because we don't even have now we have the Sprint Series right yeah miss Myrna series great thing but can you describe to the people back in the nineties because usually you able to drink champagne there the police wouldn't [ __ ] with you in front of Branson this is legendary but describe way that's the same dude depicted by I believe so I believe so Sampson [ __ ] abrasive spot yes like you said it was an exclusive spot to be a and like definitely I'm yo me and Biggie definitely kicked it out there plenty of times my bigger used to be out there all the times and I used to know when he was out there cuz if I pulled up and it was like champagne bottles lined oh yeah yeah he was up there or the red the red woman's of the red Land Cruiser yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so uh it was a legendary spot that I used to wonder how the [ __ ] he had a spot running that I'm talking about a dispensary in the early night when you get robbed then police say [ __ ] what you know but for us it was like a communication spot yeah us to get there is for us to talk about on the record as well as [ __ ] because you know the Cali [ __ ] had been fire out there we wasn't hardly getting that fire like them Cali [ __ ] so that Bertha was the closest thing we had to like a fresh Cali bud that we put have but the triangle back if you had the triangle bag you was a fish listen my man let's go right back to the triangle bad but isn't it correct me if I'm wrong was that the last good like brown weed with was it tastic that was in that kit and with the toss stick then it it didn't want to uh then oh it's a grain but - no no I know but I'm saying but the [ __ ] that had us all stuck was that brown yeah that bread that Brown [ __ ] had you come from Jersey I'm coming from Queens yeah like those live close to the swap by the way like this is at least where was it in New York this was in Harlem what he lived in Jersey I live in Queens let's think about that so that's like a 45 to 50 minute commute just for me and I was staying in Long Island - so where are we this is the last block now grab my first of all the brown we child I mean you're not gonna see it in these days and times around [ __ ] weird is what you're making is usually smoking man they got that it's called it Shawn but his Brown we have white season it was sticky so we used to take the green in the brown we used to make what you call a beef and broccoli even broccoli but did that we'd have cocaine and let's just be clear I'm gonna be honest it was absurd there was 30 days I was waking up and I was like oh he starts which I had no way and like you open my loop was like any what we look like now wait until Eddie open up shop and I won't wait goodnight over at 11:00 and I was like damn the way I would never like want anything else I knew it was some tight it might be the harrowing perfect I'm not sure but I was so addicted to that weed okay well before you don't get Branson this reminded me yeah have faith on the show oh yes hey y'all deta you were her first like official boyfriend well did he say boyfriend or friend I thought she said boyfriend yeah yeah okay yeah me a fake Danny early she said he was a drummer in the church yeah yeah she's something to chose to you know what's funny no faith was the first woman I never said this to Frank was the first woman my mother caught us in a bad way she was the first woman my mother caught us with she was my mother came in everyone she was like get your mother-fucking asses about my god damn woman oh boy that was my love that was waiting oh yeah my skin too so that was like wait but then we wind up in the game and we well she said you took her to Branson you're the first person of course but uh we we we went up in the game and we we always remained friends up in this game cuz it's like Jersey we got a cold [ __ ] were you uh we came from you know what what you going and we always gonna stick together because we always felt we had to fight to get in that New York so yeah I'm all for the Charlotte block gets out from so long and so when we come up in the game hmm we stick together man they don't matter for rod digger and attract no treachery from the door to the underground absolutely we all remain friends still to this day wow wow so safe so you know faith I saw you at ke dev the other day that's right so the movement of man is that the Muppet of Mansoor that's the first time you ever met I'm Method Man doing a mother mantle yo-yo meb said he met me at a crisscross party as [ __ ] I was high I rarely met from the Chris was born upstairs I met at the Christmas party and [ __ ] but I was high I think we did go right but when we got really connected was on a month with a man tour mmm when we was like you know what this is Def Jam who put y'all together hell yeah I'm a little smart out there too because we was like we we came out with the album at around the same time and we had the same kind of feel so it was like [ __ ] it why don't we put these two on the road and see what we create then they came up from there man you know now when I'm not here - how high - and I hear is yadi and I hear it's young boy DC young fly no disrespect to them but a little it's like that's not the franchise we're not here haha I mean from the horse's mouth you know I mean I know you a message was working on a script about it but how disappoint at all I'm not disappointed okay because I'm a kind of dude that you know I'm about the youth I'm about the young uns coming up and you know I'm like young hottie and DC to feed a family like me a method our family after how high entity it was a good thing that we can we was able to say we started that [ __ ] but because of business rights and because of you know political and that women your characters oh well no they're gonna create their own campaign um they asked us to be in a movie like cameo should not even cameo to be oh oh well but we as grown men we want to move on and all in our own [ __ ] next time right because we don't know how high we came up with the ideas for how high but they only characters and everything right so we're gonna move on and we already got a movie that we've been being written right now hopefully we can start shooting the by the end of this year or tipping next year and and we're gonna own that and that's what it's about on DC young fly a yachty man like yo I got on the gram and shout at them [ __ ] out man like you know y'all [ __ ] stick together man y'all just make that [ __ ] funny man carrying the ball you know at the end of the day what your choices would you are which they change the name you know I'm saying because like it's like it's like someone else name the album muddy waters like it's because Def Jam had owned that name you know I'm saying like well there's always you movie remakes so it's like a movie remake yeah but this is I mean I mean I would take it personal not personnel back as far as 18 like I'm took my all or be a mad I would take a person who is just as far as something I don't understand like I don't know no not even like like I said when you are when you already know you may the how hard franchise are classic already but it's like we the ticket first of all we the mentality of going into doing it how high part two we already said if this [ __ ] ain't gonna be funny we're not gonna do it you know we ain't gonna temple with the first how high and trying to make a how high to funny in it and the end up crack so the script wasn't even ready for us to say you know what we ready to shoot anyway so my thing is when uh when the bunch went up another branch or a brand come in without us knowing and then start tapping into the script without us knowing that's when we draw to learn like you know what y'all go ahead and run with that anyway mmm because y'all might put some things in there that we don't agree on and we're not on we're not on part of the full process of building how I strip so y'all go ahead and run with that we good like we not mad at all we congratulate you know our era congratulate yeah man I think we all old haters gonna bounce the ball the correct way the 80s [ __ ] gave it to all right [ __ ] we good point we [ __ ] we elevated that [ __ ] you don't come out like 90s one of the most pivotal eras there is still to this day to me you know in mama that's another good segue yes sir who get the Bismark he give you his name no but you know he was heavily with Bismarck you know absolutely best was from Jerez bruh this is from Jersey he was living in our time okay my childhood I three from Long Island oh no no no he was lit when he he came from Long Island at an early age he was a jersey job connecting what were y'all doing like uh like everybody heard [ __ ] this is pre hits one everybody herb is lived in orcish [ __ ] and bears used to have a big ass like like two three floor like condo in North downtown excuse me see damn drink some more yo I used to go to his crib and [ __ ] like you know business was good man put me on put me on cuz I went the bids first hit tell you my business put me on put me on and you know I just kept pushing and kept pushing and you know we just remained friends and [ __ ] but all my way up he used to take me to battle that's how I got really known in New York for doing that Queens freestyle a month to sell a park or something like that that's where Wednesday at Queens I don't know it was a it was I was about I was supposed to go to Queens to battle [ __ ] and not a set apart and somebody recorded it and that [ __ ] went on the airwaves quickly like Barbie toe show stretching Barbie toe so that's how I got my name in New York a little bit but this used to take me around battle for money and now you say hermano [ __ ] this out like I used to hearing you guys I'm so bad you know we they tried to big protested against me at the end of a club like make it this [ __ ] the [ __ ] out it was bad but I used to wreck [ __ ] in Long Island I used to wreck [ __ ] in New York a lot eggs [ __ ] one of my favorite videos all the time is um I'll be that it's one of the greatest Valerius I've done in Queens in Queens right let's take take me through that because whose idea was that video period that was my idea I need you to shoot a video for me but let's continue to do oh no you hit the girl with the bike girl hey dog the car the girl in the car she ran into the back is that video right here yeah and no I just I just wanted to be different and not mostly all the videos I shot it in 90s was my idea just that reqtest took the idea and built on it so who's our credit for that Dave Myers what was that we got the Googler that's the Google look but I just I'm so sort of video Moses added Silvercup studios I imagine because I imagine you did cuz similar up scooters around corner from Queensbridge that was the same place where Sopranos film that that studio yeah was the studio that you filmed inside right outside I'm not talking I'll cut you did the workout part oh you know why I'm not sure I always guess that because you know what's funny was this is like right after like it was kind of like turmoil with you a mob deep or whatever yeah and then it's crazy because at the time I believe Cormega was kind of beef with mathy and then you have comedy in it and you said the message the quays doing I don't know if you knew but trying to do I'm coming but it wasn't the lip come on bro you already know also - come on I was living right in the projects right here in Woodside I was I used to walk from Woodside down to that in the Queen's bridge on a sweet spot it used to be a weed spot right there right in the back of Queensbridge one Queens right there two minutes from my beat why we why it was so called we was beefing so I was already there so when we when they decided to shoot the video I didn't come up with that location the video people came up with that location yeah yeah it was like this is a great area and it just happens to be Queensbridge right and but which you were saying though I was like you know muhfuckas was company when he was like yo you know mom deep in them you know but my [ __ ] who I was with like twins and all the lines they was like all mega as well he's you bury the video he was right at the time they was like there's a little toy tomorrow between the two sides didn't before that I don't know that though I know that yeah you know you always have a real positive attitude like I just want to congratulate you for that you know I'm saying cuz you know you know what I remember when I first went on talking to one of my first time I was covering the mic and no one would tell me nothing like I was just really room when people couldn't really hear me and he was the only [ __ ] you came out he was like yo my dude stop coming to Mike you're covering the whole [ __ ] and I was like T's robertinho like you know I respect that appreciate it okay has text me okay well diane martel damned i am i tell dem I tell ya she's a bad one she is CL so okay yeah so you came up with this concept you filmed it it happens out and and now so you said you didn't know that you know the things that's happening right no I did okay no all right but what did you feel like when you heard about the when Keith Murray and and the mob big thing happened at the tunnel oh well keep about it we're already first of all I didn't even know I forgot how to be fever started was it over to skip the astronomical diabolical it was a buddy over his [ __ ] I believe prodigies did a skit I believe it is and was like like making fun of like the lyrics like yeah and they like like and I'm well everyone thought it was going ask Keith Murray about this in the hilt yeah yeah everyone thought that at the time that it was going at you and Keith married oh yeah oh yeah you know what yeah he went he said something about you talking that space race [ __ ] yeah yeah my folks thought he was talking about me well I I I don't know if that was the same thing that kind of sparked Keith Maria it was snow I think it is I think it is I'm you don't different like what did him and Keith Murray but at the end of the day when I heard that he what happened at the tone oh um I wasn't surprised because Keith Murray was a was a loose cannon at that time everybody was getting it like everybody was getting it like whoever like Samsung or mentioned anything about the squat like Keith Murray was out there running [ __ ] down didn't keep have a fight with Dame Dash and Apollo yeah I see it but I just heard about it about Dan getting cracked over the head I don't know god bless god bless we are here all positivity that's right yeah but that's one thing about the 90s domani 90s you had to get yeah yeah yeah it's just you gotta sign your contract because we had a communication is there's no BM Tommy got to the grapevine saying you sorry that was real that was real because um see see right now you can beef and you control you can do all that you might not never see this person that you're talking about back then you had the talk [ __ ] and then be on some offense and then you meet each other a Gavin convention and impacts and all this crazy science and mix show power summit and the thing about it is especially if you had an album art your record label was forcing you to be in there in these what the same as that people use music so it forced us to be men not the same as people nowadays are not men I'm just saying they forces to be more manly you know front the [ __ ] you talking exactly to what you talking you know I'm sorry usually if something was said like in the 90s that was out of pocket it it usually had to get dealt with it wasn't no just slick [ __ ] in oh you need to correct yourself no usually if a [ __ ] says something about somebody in their 90's that [ __ ] was on and poppin no beefing it out or whatever because you know we we took this music series you know yes choose now one of the things that you could probably help me out this is a pair of me as a hip hop fan yeah one of the first records ever heard gear Mex he comes out he's just his case so long okay solo was out five six years I could not understand the relation I still to this day to understand oh not get at me dawg believe so yeah he says yeah cuz there was two different generational gaps like maybe they're same in the same era but what I'm saying is like they was locked up Oh max I've been around for a minute yes deal here but he wasn't on right but he was okay but he was in the circus right so I've never understood what happened you know what's funny that me and my brother argue about that all the time Nia's solo right and still to this day still to this day he's still like you know DMX man DMX and I don't know if DMX is still saying you know that goddamn que sólo que solo but you know both of them you know data's family I call DMX my cousin right but the beef would you say it is is right like it will it was a little kibrik a little gap in between solo in when DMX came out where was talk about a big bro you wanted yo straight up to make this delicious to make that situation acceptable y'all should do a muhfucka record mmm have a spell or no spell bow like the older [ __ ] ahem I'm buggin out I just I lose I lose like 91 cities uh-uh working with LL how was that quick of what the 4 3 2 1 yes cuz wasn't that the cannabis yeah thing is what you was just caught in there how did you feel when the drama unfolded well [ __ ] we were surprised because we was like but we are a cannabis verse when you take it like he was talking about ll weakness Michael ah yeah yeah because I mean it sounded a little aggressive like alright I'll take that money but the way uh cannabis was going at it because Ken cannabis was like hanging around us a lot at that time okay but let's describe the scene or everybody in the studio remember had a verse and then he changed it exactly we we we did our verses separate and me MF did our verses together and everyone came in with a verse but when we found and II did the track so I got the hitter verses so we're not when I when I'm favorite sermon to the tribe yeah I'm sorry I don't know what you say somebody heard into one absolutely right big up to II know but uh bottom line is that when I heard the verse no one took it as he was trying to diss ll until ll just heard it he was like no no that don't sound right I'm feeling good about this on my record and because I think I heard the verse that ello there before that I'm not sure don't quote me and [ __ ] but I think I heard the verse and I was like alright cannabis ladies verse it ll wouldn't changed his version that [ __ ] was long as hell and he was trying to turn cannabis a new one and and the bottom line is what I was saying is that when we heard cannabis verse we didn't take it as he was trying to dis and I don't think cannabis was wrote it as a diss record either I just think as a young and he was just coming up and he knew he was the new jack out of all of us so he was like let me just get a little aggressive we had our long hair I all said the problem was that when he said y'all he actually told you that in person he was like you know I'm gonna get a mic just like that and I was like you'll listen homey you don't have to give mic like me get him I get something else and he he made it clear right there and then when he put it in a rhyme he was like oh let me take that mic off yeah I was like oh no I told you he took it personal like it was a conversation yeah I hear that in the record [ __ ] I learned something today okay but bottom line is ll wasn't having that [ __ ] and great kid who came he came in and destroyed [ __ ] who y'all think one between that battle from Queens who y'all think one between either the cannabis man record like the way that came master between the bad old period because kind of didn't cannabis come back up with what the cannabis record was folks would homies my friend and inject the rapper was it the L joint afterwards that's love welcome yeah no second round knockout is I'm done in the end ultimately who's here yeah at the end of the day all right so we rather be called a couple of people to ask you some questions we want to see if you know who this person is oh [ __ ] no that's Eric so uh what did he say to mix what's your favorite genre Oh what's my favorite junk John John sterling mix yeah as a DJ yeah oh [ __ ] well of course hip-hop but he says a newer thing is this love like dance music I'll mix some club again what do we say when you say club well you know the [ __ ] baton will Desmond [ __ ] our [ __ ] Jersey [ __ ] we dance with the hammer honest discus we got that you know we got that club and root it isn't it rooted in this [ __ ] so yeah it was always Club [ __ ] oh because that's what II must have been talking about okay hold on or it wouldn't be him oh no it sounds like a trick question in the meat I mean EP I'm gonna be honest I would say that came up with them questions you know as if I reach that some [ __ ] that only you would know I leave that if you read back I did we gotta go above and beyond yeah man what the [ __ ] is what would you like to get the questions again turned you down what he's saying I ain't even know [Laughter] but twice twice I got turned down they said artist he said you was dope any alternative that's what he's Wow I said artist told Leo is that and then leave off turn his head one here again oh yes so I can sort of feel maybe who it is he said that real copy now what but what once but twice uh so he's not talking about himself we counted him out that's the only thing I thought he would know listen this is all new news to me I ain't no I had to get a cosigner I've been telling [ __ ] for years yeah [Laughter] that's why I know if it ain't cute I don't know who oh [ __ ] ain't cute if I don't know who I might have been q-tip you might have been it's not corny does you got a little my first car I bought yes when I got a little money what was the first cook first car boy cuz when I was living with a I jacked the [ __ ] for Carla was active from distance yeah we had to handle boy [ __ ] it had to be a forerunner Susan that's amazing Louis we want to show Tito's gift I so look so just see you know Rep man we this is the DJ this we didn't knew um Eric be turning him about Eric being robbed him I'm the rapper here we got a show right so we never knew this he was gonna blow up so we got voted for what is a national national NFT a national film television Academy guess Jimmy kilusan is Jimmy Kimmel an alien DeGeneres Oh Saturday night not supposed to win so [ __ ] didn't even want to go to the wars things like we win in this [ __ ] and we actually won with a true drink chance fashion we sent one off friends to pick up the wars in LA and we hit la Cruz here everything we're gonna win so we didn't go we sent off friend and this is what our friends back [Laughter] we actually first what the suffers more the ward like I think so first we got another ward what is our first it was double to drink where's the Tito nickname Tito think about his twitter name - oh man thank you God thank you for showing up and collecting our award and also [ __ ] you he dropped it going into an uber yeah it was crazy he had the plan of not getting too drunk so he's figured this going over so I was like oh boy you know always like I cool but you still [ __ ] up and you drop it going into the / that's what he told you I definitely don't really know there's pictures and he went bar-hopping oh yes pictures of the awards every bar I'm going bar - was born with the [ __ ] the water [Applause] oh well [ __ ] man that's the easy question mark well he got it from me and you know what that's that's a very good analogy about to me because you know why where I got it from was my mentor Ice Cube say easy listen cuz the script is out there not talking to you we want to [ __ ] you easy to see but see why skew yeah see I started from I got it from a historical Tom Mann like when Ice Cube first came to New York doing that NWA beef and he did a show like a holiday in America Public Enemy yeah he did he did a show at the Apollo his first time in New York and when I tell you the Apollo was rampant and that [ __ ] went out there he was they say [ __ ] you Ice Cube I was like a heart attack I was like a [ __ ] saying tell the clown [ __ ] him huh at that age come on this was like like when it was like 91 I was like 21 22 21 and he came on stage and said [ __ ] you I say [ __ ] your wife and I'm literally [ __ ] a chicken because I couldn't believe how you will get a positive energy from such a negative reaction it was like [ __ ] your wife killed man I just ran with that [ __ ] from there and then gyro you know he got it from me thinking that I made that [ __ ] up but I gotta let him know I got it from Ice Cube but it just shows the line of respect emcees that we have for each other for our era and her be honest I really surprised them myself so do you ever look at you ever look at your career you are a lot of people they always say that if Eminem was black he would be red man I think that that is like a great thing to say I don't think that he looks up to you I'm sorry Luis time yeahbsolutely um you know Eminem was in North wait a long time ago outside was great absolutely so he was always connected he was always enthused by that Jersey you know coochie MA we have far as emcee in or whatever and we just remain friends that that we did that record that was for this clomp clomp soundtrack yeah Nutty Professor yeah good we did a song on a soundtrack I think part two and even from there like I was going to Detroit a lot I will go to his house this one he was no living in the crib or whatever in uh-oh early days you know way early days so yeah yeah yeah he was doing the battle circuit no absolutely and uh you know and we just remained friends and I always respected his craft he respect my craft and that was it no yeah we shot for the goodness hate you and me you never shoot the video for the goodness feature with him even though it was big in the streets and on radio like it was a single okay this is [ __ ] coming at you right now Oh his boss the rocks he said ask him why he never shot the video for the goodness featuring me even though it was big in the streets in our radio like it was a single oh you know what I I want it what are you talking about I wanted Buster Lanza part of that video I think that was a label thing um with the label and Def Jam or whatever [ __ ] it come on bus no that's my [ __ ] I was I'm the first to be like eating my [ __ ] eggs your white one I was like [ __ ] it seemed like that's a label issue a little bit above my pay grade so I was just like all right I'll let them deal with it but of course I would have have Buster right there that's my [ __ ] right there he already know yeah I mean um when you when it comes to performance especially hip-hop I think as you read Karis how many you are man KS about this area I bought a skip to Boston can't even say ki rs.1 in the roof oh wait wait red meth bust the k RS deepmax next day not so do that so y'all II never seen a full daylight scroller I was on Tommy Boy of course shoutout to the spit kickers tour when they were killing it out there with that [ __ ] y'all seen a big last show anybody seen the De La Soul show in here hmm [ __ ] they like our cousin allowed to talk y'all listen man it's yo listen to what I went through for me but it's certain [ __ ] that tear the [ __ ] building down and certain [ __ ] that that get busy um I could definitely say that they like someone in the [ __ ] that tear the building down would Buster loves mmm DMX tense the building down and he cry on you yes he cries and he tears the building no yes you can't forget cube cube also kills it Cypress Hills Sun Oh Cypress Hill touch the building down down and I'm like we just learned from [ __ ] we just learned off each other because we still do shows who still do shows money like our era we still do shows like it's the 90s it's still room for us a whole lot of room because even now in the states right now - it used to it came to a certain part where we was getting a lot of money overseas on here but since a lot of [ __ ] I did a lot of new artist is not putting on good shows they turn right back around to night look it's rock the crap yes thing for us to be rocking and we know is we fluent now [ __ ] God make some noise for that Abe I know I should be on the road two of you wasn't here yeah yeah I was killing you're a bum now MTV Cribs this had to be the most legendary like it's the most remember billion because I love your story every time I see you I you know obviously I go watch interviews and every time you say he'll everybody wanted me to rent a crib yeah they wanted you to that's what they were doing a lot of artists were doing that the laser give me a break you going me you see that [ __ ] on TV that [ __ ] on me you open the refrigerator the food is neatly placed in that but what season of MTV Cribs with this is the honey manure it was like going near today last season during it because I wasn't a part of the first couple of seasons I know that right the only thing I know is is that they expected something else right so you didn't even tell them no my cousin my fat-ass cousin was there he he was the one because because that we talked about it neighbors night I was like they want you to do in TV Chris I was like all right cool they say y'all week we got a house that we would like to put you and I was like all work and I had to think about that [ __ ] my mom my brand was on the line another time how many go albums we have at this time I think I had like four but just in the midst of that decision I had to make a rule of realities echod of decision on that when that answer and I said you know what no I don't want to rent a house I want y'all to come to my house and they have no idea what the [ __ ] they was coming to know where was this house that this house was just and now okay let's see what happened with the orders in Newark no no no no this was like a real estate project I was doing this [ __ ] it was like my first little real estate [ __ ] I was like so uh so these [ __ ] showed up like a half-hour early trying to be all cocky and [ __ ] at my door you know how early in the they came in my [ __ ] was like this is what you staying there for real I was like yeah this is what I'm shooting that for real okay let's get the cameras rolling a set up and and they came in with an assumption and they left with an understanding hmm with appreciation of how artists can be so known to the world but appreciate staying in a spot like this to generate his brain and still to this day I'm right in that spot now I'll go that's my next question I really really there like because bottom line asked you that's real [ __ ] you know you always got to have somewhere and [ __ ] go down I got a ship [ __ ] go down spot but the bell didn't work though the Bell still don't what a I bought that dish for 60 grand and then they sell that [ __ ] for 200 now huh but I'm like I stay in it because it's my little sanctuary I'm scared to live in a big-ass house yeah yeah I'm scared it's too many windows and chips sneaking around and ghostess you can build up in a house yeah not talking about those things kill anything brother no not at all so uh so you really do you really do live in that Creek yes so we make this is so if I'm bringing back because I want to bring back MTV Cribs but I want to bring back it on a Spanish version called la casa uh-huh so we're gonna go up likes gay Platanos and then we're gonna you gonna be the only black [ __ ] on this episode I can go see you and we can go there copy that let's do that my fact look at my Instagram right now I'm getting my [ __ ] done up right now sacred and that [ __ ] was funny as hell too because they revisited and I got some things done and they I was like y'all want y'all to see what I got done but then we went to the bathroom in [ __ ] and I forgot because they said cuz I said yeah and you and and they you know what they know because they see in the first version they say so is this the same shower curtain and I was like no I wouldn't do it MTV crib way back then 1214 years ago and dis still had the same shower curtain and they went back to the first one that I still had that we visit it was crowded TV craves we visit alas right now one of my favorite joints black and white video too nice tonight mmm chilli classic yeah chills go to every class my son like right again like I said like I just like to go have a playlist most times it's in the audio but you know this morning while this afternoon my barber is the barber here no but a blah blahs like y'all he case we put the whole general on when actually came on we just both he just stopped cutting my hair I just stopped getting my hair cut we just looked at that note sure like it was just like a pause move our life like it was just like boom it was just something between us it's like Ike who was five minute break this class record eirick sermon goddamnit and you know did you know it was a classic when you recorded yeah well you know cuz these was batches of records that I had and we would just get loops off the record man but yeah the way he put it together in the way I orchestrated the lyrics yet it was what we was feeling such a crazy like in the 90s we really didn't give a [ __ ] what the Audion was feeling we made our that's why all of us stood out is still different I don't know and actually on that video that was that was Russell Simmons helped put that video together and put that was Brett Ratner's first video he ever shot and after that he went on a dare movies well that's the rush hour [ __ ] yeah yeah exactly actually his mama was in the video too that white lady was in it really does brett ratner mama that's really loud news can't see that is a savior retinas mama twerking let's just throw it out there what working she was doing the wine miami they was doing something like you from LA born but raised in Miami so what's your favorite ever in hip hop and then this is a 10 year span so you don't have to say you know you don't have to be in the era doesn't matter favorite era of hip hop yeah it had to be like our era in the 80s era I wasn't big mmm yeah so will you say $89.99 I would say well [ __ ] I was [ __ ] well Run DMC kind of hell one DMC is early 80s yeah you say late 80s to mid I was safe from yeah I will say 80s to 90s to our era to forever well no from 80s to our air will is like my favorite ever hip hop was where I molded from right you know I don't say that definitely was the emam point of hip hop where you like was disappointed I mean keep it real this is drink chairs well [ __ ] come on you already know I'm gonna keep it 100 anyway um when when the new music started coming in I had to get a better understanding of what was going on because bottom line is my [ __ ] like I can't never [ __ ] on a hip hop because it still provide jobs for my [ __ ] out here you able to come off the street and feed your family right but the the fabric of it other artists remember one point I was looking at your Instagram and you kept like keep 90s alive type [ __ ] you was also you know yeah yeah there's no all 90s [ __ ] represent nineties necks but where did that come from a form of frustration no not even because I'm not frustrated about the new era cuz bottom line is you know meaning about some of these things disappoint me some of the things might disappoint you or the things that disappoint me is it's not the music is going to be music you have a option to turn that [ __ ] off or keep it on bottom line the thing that kind of disappoint me is the the ethic the work ethic to get in the game it's just so easy like my grandma could record a hot look right now [ __ ] in America with a hot song and that should it be all over and she'd go get a deal and producers the one who work with her it's good for it's good that we you have that opportunity so much in your face but you know when you have when you get something that grand that kind of it also comes with a conduit it's always a contour protest good for Grandma but it's not good for the coach it's not good for the culture and so it just made it real diluted far as what kind of material represents a good fabric that we bump we don't bounce the ball to because you know we had to pass the ball and like I said when we got the ball from the eighties [ __ ] we bounce that [ __ ] and we we elevated that [ __ ] and we we branched it out and we made it more of a language for other countries and coaches to understand us as a people and then as we bounce the ball more to the next generation I think a little bit of that fabric of them thinking what we trying to do has lost it turned into just money and you know let me just do this record put it out get this pub yeah but overall I think it's coming back around because [ __ ] even in new audience look Nick I've got five kids and they all ranged from 29 to 14 mmm you know and three of them is is grown in the 20s so I get the the rundown and two of them living in Atlanta so I get to run down our new artist all artists who blue live is this to who the young and the young and most of the young people that I talk to they be like no no no that young [ __ ] they play on the radio that's for them little young [ __ ] we we listen to them we listen to y'all [ __ ] we bumped 90 [ __ ] you know and this is a lot a lot of their cats that's doing that it is so I would I would definitely say our element big up to LL he got a whole station yeah rock the boat rock the bells Swain sways always the became alone oh so she's Jersey right yes so uh what's the best perks about hip hop what's the best thing that hip hop has done for you good [ __ ] question help me besides put money on the [ __ ] table and it allowed me to be that [ __ ] who I am it helped me it helped mold at me because I knew I wasn't working [ __ ] five mm-hmm and I knew I wasn't going to be able to take orders from nobody waking up and [ __ ] the the reason why I've wrapped is because I want to wake up in the morning mmm I'm not a morning [ __ ] I can't wake up in the morning taking orders from no [ __ ] body not even my mama this morning I woke up in my mama house she tried to give me something to do like let me get it to myself first before you start passing me the screwdriver a shoe you know I need the mold I need to get into myself and as creative as I am I know that I would not be able to get up and take orders from 9:00 to 5:00 and be the man I'm supposed to be even though I did and I got fired from every job I had I ain't quit I got five you know so what hip hop done for me is molded me into this person who I am and actually brought out the reality of this world because I was able to travel here and there traveled in this country travel to this state and see how [ __ ] work see how people work over here and live see how people will appreciate they culture over here so it also you know open my eyes to you know this [ __ ] world man you know it brought yes like this like many thing I know was north and I was afraid like look [ __ ] imma be rapping on be selling drugs cuz I'm not going to no nine-to-five waking up this [ __ ] no you know when we had um we had EPMD on the show and I kicked myself after that show cuz one of my favorite collectives and crews and hip-hop hands down at least cuz my squad is his squad okay obviously there's the juice crew and all these guys that was what his car was first right no no no no I like juice from school asuras that's not my generation that's right before okay me I'm in high school when the hit squad and that's too drunk [ __ ] so what I want to know is how did that all come together what did it mean to you what was that whole vibe in the hit squad cuz you had so it took the top of the G and not gonna break up cuz I gotta take a people's first so the his squad came ain't like I think I was no I wasn't the last member to come in like gossip X was the last member to come in and when das EFX got signed then I got Sun then we kind of came up with the his squad we're gonna go on who came up with it I don't know it was either perish thing I'm not too sure that [ __ ] like I think parish did it and we went out on the road we called ourself the hit squad and everyone out on the besides me I don't think I really had a strong single out or anything but I was just on the road before your album yeah it was like kind of before my album that we had to hit squad I was just going out you know I was going out doing freestyle and I was murderous [ __ ] murdering everything on a roll everytime they brought me out I was murderous [ __ ] and headbangers out already right cuz that's before you we we kind of started to hit squad before head bangers cuz that's what solidified it yeah I was on the I was on I was on the third album when we went out on the road and then we came up with had bangers so it was right in that in between the third album four five work but like the hit squad kind of built up and and we just took a damn man we was just rolling and then when it split up into Dennis def squad and and yeah wouldn't stay with his squad right no no no parish still stay with his apparent stay with it you say every no no perish perish stay with his choir every his squad on death row who is that for you it was it was just a business move cuz you knew you came in where it would be yeah that's right I'm alleyway you know and it wasn't nothing man it was just like all right these two guys the bosses you know they they're not getting along so they got to go their ways and learn you know no big [ __ ] deal now it was an awkward moment right at one point where to park comes home from jail he's wild on everybody he's telling everybody [ __ ] you from New York and then this record comes out of nowhere we hit a story that you didn't guys did it four days later before a week in New York history people who was like what the [ __ ] is going on man did you never you never not building dog sounds on that record - right yeah never knew that people will kind of skip ok look at to Fox and it's real that's too bad cause like it's like I was like I might have been two or three days you know cuz back didn't we have a Twitter we were gonna say you know we did that for dads like you know you're gonna remember even when you did a sauce article you guys said two months in advance that's right you need a XXL vibe or some [ __ ] that's you needed an October for December's issue that's right so understand like there was a like a Lisa two or three day period maybe even a week where people were like is ready for them we're hiding with the west side get the [ __ ] on is like I'm sure like this came out right after who shot Joe something like that came out right in the period of where it was like even if you love pop you had to kind of like take the choice that stance and then this record came up have I made and it was like whoa I'm saying honey you know what happened was you guys you all if I forget which one of y'all came and said yeah we did that for - and they cleared it up we both yeah we both Clinton you go clean it up but what I'm saying for that Weekly time like I said we have up here that's you were like yeah kid you're not get out of here man I've never really heard that but see you're here I ain't feel nothing know it because we knew we was doing it for - right like we may feel nothing cuz we knew we was going even if we was going in for pocket like we really didn't we wasn't trippin that much you know telling my but we went to do it for dad so we have no feelings at all we was just like yeah we just gonna lace this [ __ ] and even deck was in it cut deck off the camera the deck was on it yeah but uh you know we know that [ __ ] was going on pop album mmm so you had no warning images no it wasn't no but we heard the story how it happened this [ __ ] cuz we like a movie yeah yeah yeah well soon as he came home he was taking everything now that I watched the movies I was like alright yeah okay in that mr. time while he was doing that album hi that song made it he came home and he said he was just taking everything like I need that you got to meet Park absolutely oh oh yeah yeah I've seen Parker couplets on took pictures of apakah [ __ ] man pack was a he was cool cool as [ __ ] yeah bottle of you know when you see it certain [ __ ] like you know you carry your aura about yourself till when [ __ ] meet you whenever whatever they're doing in the world they come down to a yo what's good my [ __ ] higher to a certain level of respect cuz you know that that person know you love hip-hop just as much as they do so it was always a mutual good you know understanding with us every time we seen each other never know no red line in any pain money again that's a beautiful thing nanos gots to be now so I'm surprised you've never heard that three days a people like you know cuz you and you know who else was on Tuesday that was a shorty enough because that was really close I'm gonna tell you why because not only that it was close to pocket but because remember buckshot and them had beef a big yeah so then owners record would park at the time seemed like they were aligning these you understand saying so then you a mess I was like where the [ __ ] you think is kind now you saying that okay maybe I'm the same because but no one else at that time we're working with them because of pox harsh words you know I'm saying huh so so say if you were kind of mad at y'all for a while until it was the interview I forget what interview it was when I was like yeah we did it for dads cover-up broom and a boy say oh okay you don't say it like right up like it was amazing we'll see you know because you know now now I can put you on a record with Amy Schumer you know I'm sayin and and you could address the of a room immediately your listeners have a look I did their work it for Nori's yes right nor we put Amy Shrimant on I don't care I'm gonna be for Amy's room it but I don't you you couldn't address her room or like you know I'm saying like that's why right now if you don't address her room immediately you seem guilty because you have every outlet to do it yes you do you don't say I remember back in the days you could ignore this [ __ ] you'd be like yo I think I said I got such as uh-oh what he's ignoring it goes away now if you ignore they like that [ __ ] guilty look at all Kelly I'm sorry to bring him up again yeah even for a long time and look at this we were going on he gotta go to jail you know that's some that's not no where's joy this is change a at the end of the day that's something for him and the higher power to deal with he gonna deal he's gonna pay the price whatever him in the high powered and told him you know what you gotta do he got a deal with him about this huh he worked or did I know I got one no oh you got a record my only record with jay-z's Roc Kelly me jay-z and camera it's called we ride come on Google the eyes nine million so I got the plaque that's right that's right I said the did that actually the funny [ __ ] is I don't know but when I went to the studio had actually seen a bed in the studio and I didn't get along listen I have you I don't know if you guys ever know like if there's a studio called Bearsville with beds little bit no Bearsville in each I'm like I like you go like [Laughter] Woodstock this is where we did the firm album we did in re album so Trackmasters use the retinas so each studio had their own I had they all like house to it so you were renting studio ace through your 8 upstairs that's where the engineer would sleep you know say so you stay in a stood at the whole time so when I just came from that mind you this is Trackmasters Trackmasters was working with our Kelly so when I looked in his studio too late my first I didn't by the way but when I label first but I've seen a bedroom I see nothing wrong with it like not because I didn't knew what was going on because I had just seen Woodstock you know I'm sad and I think that you know you can actually sleep in a studio you know I'm saying no let me describe this is this is not next to the mic oh yeah this is what's that Scorpius meiosis two DOAs here right Studio B is here Studio C is here they all individually houses one of mr. stark no this is all in Woodstock or Woodstock it's all in Woodstock its core bears well so studio a I can walk in studio eight it'll be nice in their jungle neighbor they got a three bedroom upstairs right I can stay the whole thing okay so you understand saying the studio B would be the same thing would be nature 50 cent and sort of such and then it's Studio C would being nori and my crew you know I'm saying right so I have to see it now saying okay like summer house right house and so when I seen our [ __ ] I didn't I didn't become alarmed because I was like okay certain [ __ ] just record let the engineers you need wake him up no I just seem that now even up a person person it was just weird they wanted me to lay the verse with myself and obviously I just broke out yeah because I'm trying to see what he was going with this mofo I'm saying the same exact the same exact days showing all the [ __ ] where they said that there were the beds worse huh I actually went to this oh yeah you saw that you ain't see the studio studio they said the studio where the lady do the Roxanne is trying to good they say in north studio they had beds in there like beds like still allowance right would be a bed you know I'm saying and there'll be people you win in it I saw actually bed but I didn't see it I ain't going no bedroom IV the girl in the bedroom I had like our Kelly in like in the 90s whatever he was doing personally ain't my business but I know when I was a part of his video well he invited a whole gang a gang of rappers and it was outside of matter of fact - no it was an art Kelly video and it was gang I don't know what song it was who will if you ask my bottom line is like you sold my [ __ ] love like he definitely showed [ __ ] love when he was out like Keith Murray did a song with him in shake I'm sure you show perfectly the song would ya yeah I'm sure you show Murray love that video was hot would it be personal hey man going got a deal with yes what I've never thought Michael Jackson did it yeah what a segue Jesus what are you saying you think you did do it I don't think Michael Jackson I don't think I don't like nobody talked about Mike I don't think Michael Jackson like you can't talk about really like Michael Wright that's all you can talk about Whitney around me me me you know me [ __ ] around talk about Whitney you know I feel that too Mike I'll dig as you know what as we don't grew older and started understanding the government and how just that whole operation of the world works now I know he didn't do it right now's the way the way these popular people are dying and getting caught up and [ __ ] my my my percentage on if he was set up is more higher than him just yeah he was set up of course we're just media the way media manipulates and this this might this might [ __ ] you up though I also think ol Jane do it oh my god I think you think this [ __ ] up my credibility now I'm little okay I'm laughing I don't think old days did it right man robee robee robee so you think Oh Jay did it yes the road will not allow you to answer this question I don't think I'll do Jay I don't do Jay did this happen got a lot of killers yes remember the story though at the backstage at the car which more I got to I got one one the house in the pigs I got one a sports crew no the one he's the one that's true yeah this is murder no I grabbed old yes sir you murder unit you know come out well James was Barco Sports Grill on Kendall one day yeah he lived in Kendall and I looked at oh god no every killer in the world they got a certain general say quoi about the I've domain that's right the something about them me and OD have it I looked for him every which way shape form or fashion and I try to ask them questions each with Oh Jane turn it man he ain't do it man now he might have know somebody who did it but him himself he do this [ __ ] man let's make some noise for ol Jack the [ __ ] is care for who clap my big laugh you say you cross-examine okay use a part of use a part of hip hop's first ask Oracle talk like to me am I like we got Run DMC we got we got our fresh fest we got all that but this is the one [ __ ] you know breaking into that new era these are the new kings of hip-hop and it would have to be you read dmx ja Rule and the homie whole like how was that cuz I heard y'all [ __ ] was flying through there peeing on people like our Kelly my mom so sorry but oh me I was flying through though definitely I'm killing [ __ ] the hard-knock life to her y'all not like to UM yeah you [ __ ] right the most historical tour that notion store McCool and before you answer that question cuz day would it was so much bad press and when y'all announced it to ask if this tour would never last I'm not gonna lie I ain't think it was gonna last and yeah was it 60 days three months yeah oh no [ __ ] road every day sold out [ __ ] road every day sold out so this because this is a long pause this long question so who approaches you and what do they say they say hard not like [ __ ] let's go yes that's it but you know what it was a J and I'm coming in the deaf chair and you know they I mean they got to build they're hot I mean we had to build in hot already with the artist that was bumping up there with us and you know everybody else but when they came in the building it was like a growth and because they had the own entity you know I'm saying he had yeah so they had their own brand I would say and they collab with deaf Jim and when they decided to do the [ __ ] tour it was just like we was that ingredient that they need him we was like [ __ ] yeah 60 days 60 days straight fat ass Marky you was on zoning you know I remember bleep was on there too you know everybody was doing that [ __ ] man be nice it would be nice to do those are back-to-back dates back to no not back to back somewhat some of them were like for like will work like four or five days out the weekend drive or two days had the rest for the bus driver and all that [ __ ] but it was literally like 10 buses out that [ __ ] man dammit this when Dame - call Kevin Liles a quart of water yeah keV allows my brother but that was a laugh yeah but how how so they come to you and they just say yo you guys want to do what he just automatically just yeah we just jump off and and then so you know this is a struggle to talk from the first night or winning unit when you realize it I noticed it after the [ __ ] first night because we just walking on people's hands yeah man it was like yo it was like the first night all of us it was like game Tom it was like alright you got like you got like six seven major [ __ ] on a tour and it's like alright the first night we like whoo-hoo gonna blow the building down and [ __ ] a usually man I gonna [ __ ] a lot man when we ran him that came out and [ __ ] [ __ ] was still sweeping the floors before you [ __ ] and sweeping and putting up chairs and shut and the building and get packed until the half of red MF show every night like it was and ja Rule in them came out with with wood Jno off 20 K my voice and I came back out I did he yeah he came up with for you and then came back if he came out before I mean he had to definitely be getting the crowd was the people that work there because when we came out literally sometimes there'd be setting up seats and [ __ ] to be a small crowd in the front but it'd be kind of packed in the back of [ __ ] and then half hour show it uh get packed it in the front but the first day would I knew it was going to be a historical tour what's the first day because we all went out there to show our boss was like [ __ ] that we're coming on early we blowing this it down and then we came out there we did our thing we swung on the ropes and shit-kicking [ __ ] in the head and then we just stay and watch janym show and DMX in them showing we was like oh and they stayed and watched our show I mean they came in a couple of times early and watched our show and he was like these [ __ ] is flying and then we sing as they started adding more [ __ ] because [ __ ] ain't know we was flying they had to come as Lady Gaga a bit y'all [ __ ] yeah she did tell you what we decided to fly when we knew how early we had to come on you know we had to come on early so we was like [ __ ] we had to make an impact we are [ __ ] bad [Applause] you know we got to do what we got we've got new guests more let them introduce themselves to the people who come or talk to the people we go on to your show we come in a support frame in the building yes yes mr. crane Brick City gala I was crud evil you know how we do man very DJ dies Brooklyn DJ from dasu fact this is a dream edition we should drink this in brass and this is for that's the piece to Eddie so we're gonna have one this weekend this is vegan yeah yeah definitely is this is Tiger bone we got a stock salut just one shot he's a Chinese secret just one should I go for my boy am i doing it for you are now alive all the most horrible a [ __ ] that's that is that is strong liquors no it's not liquid of our this herbs but I think we [ __ ] this bad joke cuz I've had that [ __ ] at my crib in my ear already floor to you come on yeah no he said cousin Eddie yeah yes yes how crazy it is it DJ cuz I don't know he gotta be like a spontaneous type of guy Oh is he is he a structured type of guy well for those that don't know me and read been friends since 92 hey squad days so the chemistry was always there right when I left das effects in 99 the twins like a full child a branched off the delayed thing and they were so happy in that way like with blood black [ __ ] die set so you found me and I've been with him ever since you get 2001 when the twin towers went down but working with him is incredible he keeps you on your toes in that type of person like [ __ ] off you go and let you know I think I must and I keep it to the world and I'm from Brooklyn I was about fire about a hundred times like is what he does that for reason and you know the tables he's he's amazing that's why I show the way it is so you the same question being around the Gulf because I love being right and around us since I was a little key yeah well jacket you dabble wasn't it wasn't a Jackie I just had it like it was like a blue a grayish shirt y'all got me open so just one now so now I've grown up in Brick City and seeing all the things that you have seen you have a thought that he would make it this long that's a good question all the things that I seen say yeah we did make it this far y'all did the challenging because if I came up to here you remember that time I came up the hill and you this back there and I'm gonna do digging in the backyard and doing it was out there wrap it and that came up that I spent my little very sincere but you know you buddy what I paid no attention break I see you and you're doing your [ __ ] and I was like no but I always looked up and looked like there are no cars gonna be you know because he used to always come to my goddamn house trying to get on the road and I used to always listen and not tell him no I don't want you out here with me and he forced his way because he was my younger cousin hmm but he he forced his way on and I know it was a cab already waiting for me like he already knew I was coming in with sinem you know but no and this [ __ ] here you know since we got history from his squad days hmm you know I'll fire his [ __ ] ass every [ __ ] she'll try to fire just for some reason you know we just stay connected because we're family but in an all sense they know that expectancy on the stage to compete because you know Norway we came from an era where we got to compete right bottom line have a good show and good record exactly you gotta have both of them and if you have the hit records you had to have a good [ __ ] show all right and that's just what we about know that [ __ ] got me talking slow that's so beautiful Redman you understand you understand that [ __ ] is crazy you know how liquor just goes to my feet cuz I drink yo this [ __ ] just went right to my pocket so let me take some read this so many places there's so many artists that after you get 10 years in this game these people want to call you what they wanted with a quote quote unquote washed-up they want to say that it's over for you and the thing about it is I want to change that perspective I want people to know that the longevity you get in this game just like rock and roll or jazz or whatever we want to celebrate you want to stop [ __ ] you know what yo u know OG but because a lot of times people call you OG but they don't really mean it it is calling you Oh gene because this is something that they want to say or it could even be derogatory sometimes you know said what I want to change that perspective I want to say that the longer you've been in this game the longest season you were in the game we want to salute you we want a big you what you're gonna say as opposed to taking these people out of the game and doing that that's what drink chances for we're platform for people who have been in this game for 10 years and more and you know what as opposed in 10 years or more but we're telling you we [ __ ] with you exactly we [ __ ] to you season like with Sammy Davis got 10 years they [ __ ] loved him for that you know why [ __ ] our game you get 10 years you get 12 years you get 15 years people say well it's over for him and there's a new version of him why the [ __ ] they gotta be there why I gotta be there after me uh-uh-uh nas is in a new version of rakim he's his words in a broad cam not another version you understand yeah so let's just [ __ ] make sure good that you say to the people well listen you can follow me on Instagram I missed the cream 9 5 8 8 with our man I got a single route called up Congo okay it's on every digital platform right now it's crazy please pick it up who knows I don't know if a lot of people knew that red man had DJ for das effects that time - you - I'm the original DJ we all went to Virginia State but they're not left he took a job as you left huh that's a good job no no no no because at that time red man was in the process doing his music and getting on way so before before we class effects got signed or pic discovered losing Virginia state so when they finally did get signed I already had left Virginia state came back to New York and DJ fattened all so in that that period he already had got his deal and dies and he started DJing for das and then when a hit squad came they found me another blessing dice y'all parish want you they want to audition DJ's all over the place like the [ __ ] that often castaway like the ball [Laughter] you are the true version let me just say right you're the true version I am see you're the true version of a good person every time I ever seen you you always let me tell you before we get up out of here you always gave me a voice it's only one time that you didn't give me advice I think we were on tour and one on your tour bus and he was like we play this game okay what game it was and I came on a bus just acting like him like teach me or something we're not but yo you're great person hip hop has to continue salute people like you gotta continue to salute our own car because if we expect anybody else to salute us then we're [ __ ] idiots from the beginning the thing about us we need to have a hip-hop Union people who've been involved with us from the beginning meaning you know the Enlightenment to hip-hop and what it brings to the culture and this is gotta keep being elevated and the thing about it is this if we don't pick up our own people just don't wanna be them when I say our own people I'm talking about hip-hop I ain't talking race I ain't talking coach I'm talking hip-hop hip-hop so that can be that can be you know kids frost it can be MC serch I don't feel like if you guys know us put in these 10 15 years of working something happens to your family I feel like hip-hop to come in and be responsive next it's like any other job is that well k RS tried to do that back in the day man that's what he wanted to do I actually wanted to put something together where we can actually eat it actually have dental benefits we are a [ __ ] Union we are like a million we are a job we do reserve the serve the public so why shouldn't we get dental benefits from our label because you know back then we didn't have Will Smith's and we didn't have jay-z's and but now we do where where we can help you know structure where because you know for lesser people you know I'm saying I'm not saying that's been a that was a the worst word ever but people who didn't have as much success as others you're gonna say I'm saying cuz I don't feel like I feel like if we both put in the same 20 years of hip-hop and you you know dedicated your life and I might have been a little bit more successful cesspool doesn't mean that I I'm more important that's right I feel like we should all be important like it's just like it's just like you know brothers you've got with you he might be the height man he might be the DJ or or whatever but he put in the same 20 years and if one of them gets sick I feel like we should take care of them the same way we would take care of you if you just get sick hip-hop and I feel like that we should do that because there's so many other corporations for me boom like [ __ ] you know construction you get something hitting on your head and they'll [ __ ] take care of you and hip-hop somebody hits you in the head of the bottle you got to deal with it close or sooner than yesterday right so you know again man I want to thank you boy that was a real quick on behalf of Miami's well yeah growing up here Miami hip hop kid in the early 90s you know we was trying to grab just like how Jersey was battling the New York thing imagine in the South you know New York was late to the south but you're one of the few cats that came to the south cane in Miami work of Miami artists Mother Superior I had her at the show last night on Blackbird I just want to say good looking out thank you for that you know we appreciate you here you owe me some peaceful but what's funny is men like I watched that our hip-hop documentary on Netflix minute understood y'all Miami rat man how it started man actually was crazy as hell man y'all started straight from bass music bass music yo y'all y'all y'all y'all Sugar Hill Gang was was to love y'all [ __ ] well-read man we want you to know just in case anybody ain't never tell you over here drink chance we love you we love what you did to the culture but I probably got the terrace to do this shout-out to Kozma put put put in there good boy I'm gonna turn something like this as soon as this show started my brother called me like he I was running the first thing you know me and nori talked to the phone we don't know industry please talk to the phone and when he started the show he he wanted me on it and like I'm just glad I got to do this for my [ __ ] yeah because I know like you know out of all people you know he had on the show he one of his real brothers on that thing and I appreciate that money let them know like this is on me yeah like directly no management he was all me like day one with this [ __ ] and I'm glad to be a part of the rush and I took a drink because you know why it's about time hip hop star control and hip hop we can't keep your plane in and saying you know we could do this and do this but we're not putting our own people in position to control it you understand I'm saying it's like it's like it's like what's my man name for the book of the mayor from Newark sorry book your cory booker's we can't keep quiet complaining about things that's happened in Newark unless [ __ ] get behind a person like that so that's the same thing this coach it like I believe that everything from our coaches should come from our coaches if you watch sports it should come from Jadakiss mm-hmm watch the news is to come from Jim Jones if you watch some [ __ ] you know a podcast is a come from drink champ
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 2,404,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, drink champs, redman, method man, how high, biggie, tupac, jay z, nore, noreaga, dj efn, kendrick lamar, jadakiss, new york, new jersey, state of the culture, the breakfast club, def jam, master p, muddy waters, nas, fabolous, fat joe, ghostface killah, wu tang clan, rza, frozen harbor music festival, eminem, ll cool j, faith evans, joe budden
Id: IqgknH6dWcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 4sec (6184 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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