Redesigning SONICHU - The Chaotic Combo

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[Music] once upon a time a powered-up hedgehog collided with a Pikachu in the rainbow of Chaos Emerald energy stretched for miles across the land from this rainbow 5 mysterious eggs flew from it to locations around the region mysterious beams of light also shown from the rainbow but that's another story or two anyway one egg landed in a jungle and it was found by a mother venusaur and a father cypher another egg landed by a beach found by a mother Swampert another egg landed softly at a church stoop it was found by a couple of nuns another egg landed in a dojo occupied by young and old warriors and the last egg landed in the mountains by its lonesome see now how these eggs hatched and grew so here's a fun fact when I first planned on doing this on a cheery design video I actually plan to do more characters than just sonichu and roast you in fact I had planned to do the entirety of the chaotic combo and Blake and then I thought wait a second maybe this is too much work for a video that I don't even know people are gonna like so I scrapped most of the characters and decided to just focus on Sun and chew and Rose chew little did I know that the redesigned series would actually become a new staple of this channel I'm actually really happy that you guys enjoyed these videos it really felt like I took a risk and it paid off so today I'm finally going back to the sonichu series and tackling the chaotic combo sorry Blake maybe next time I actually streamed all five redesign so shout out to the people that caught those livestreams it was really fun to share the creative process and actually get feedback from you guys I decided to play with a few ideas for these redesigns to spice things up a bit first I played with their pokémon species more I didn't want just Pikachu's over and over so I made each one a specific member of the Pikachu family such as Pokemon that are kind of sort of related to Pikachu people tend to call those pika clones second I assigned each redesign a Dungeons & Dragons class each member of the chaotic combo has a different kind of fighting style and a different set of morals even so I thought it'd be interesting to see them as a ragtag Dungeons & Dragons party so let's start with the very first member of the chaotic combo introduced in the comic wild sonichu he's a grass-type sonichu raised by a Scyther and a venusaur in a dense forest since he knows how to navigate the forest and use it to his advantage I figured that the Ranger class would be the best fit for wild I also decided to turn him into a Pachirisu Pachirisu are known to live in trees plus I can actually learn a few grass moves through different methods by the way the method that I used for the sonichu rosetree redesigns I was going to use on the chaotic combo when I was planning all that I actually still had the sketches from that so I decided to keep them in the corner as inspiration I got a basic sketch done complete with a typical ranger bow and now I'm gonna start drawing first we got to get the face sorted out I decided to exaggerate the cheek pouches more wild is a Pachirisu after all and they do have bigger cheek pouches than a Pikachu so it's best to exaggerate it in this case his original quill style is kind of messy and all over the place so I gave him a quill style that was still messy but easier to understand then I added the trademark Pachirisu ears wilds original design had these thorns on his arms so I tried to incorporate that shape into the leather gloves that he's going to wear throughout the redesign process I am going to play with their clothes a lot especially here because when I was looking up ideas for a Ranger outfit they had a lot of different pieces for example some were cloaks and some didn't some had heavy armor some had light armor it really just depended on the type of Rangers somebody wanted to create in the first place wild needs a sort of light armor since he likes to climb in trees so I gave him a set of leather armor complete with leather boots and gloves puffy adventurers style pants and a leather belt that loops around his waist a few times that's actually connected to his arrow bag or quiver I wanted to give him a cape at first but then there wouldn't have been room for his big Pachirisu tail so I decided to stick with just a scarf instead according to the comic wild can use his big leafy tail to fly though he doesn't really use that power very much so I just decided to give him a big puffy Pachirisu tail maybe with enough force he could actually spin it to fly his bow also had some pieces of cloth wrapped around it so I incorporated that onto the clothes as well here's the sketch now we're gonna move straight on to coloring I wanted to keep the color palette that Pachirisu had in the first place but I also wanted to keep wild green because that is his signature color so his base fur color is going to be a very light soft kind of minty green and I'll use a deeper green for accents and then I kept his cheek pouches yellow cuz it works and then I realized that green brown and yellow is actually a nice color palette for a ranger so I tried to stick with those three colors I did brown for the leather yellow for the leather accents and different shades of green for the rest of its clothes originally Wilde had brown eyes and that wasn't a bad idea but I wanted to see how brown and yellow would work together as an eye color and I actually liked it so I kept it the first member of the chaotic combo is done wild sunny resue the lawful neutral Ranger the next member that was introduced was bubbles rose Chu so let's design her next bubbles was born and raised by the sea she has the ability to control water and her body is also somewhat made up of water to her design was actually inspired by Meryl and since Meryl was also known as pika blue back in the day it still fits with my idea of the chaotic combo being in the Pikachu family since she specializes in water magic which is a type of nature magic I felt like giving her the druid class fit her best after all there are specific kinds of druids that just specialize in water magic since bubbles is a merrill and merrill is known to be a very round pokemon I decided to incorporate more round shapes to her design I made her eyes slightly more round I gave her the big round Merrill ears instead of the pointed Hedgehog ears basically I just gave her more than just the Bob Merrill tail I wanted her to actually look like a Meryl I then turned her long flowing hair into an actual water wave to give off that idea that her body is made up of water there was so much more you could do with this character especially with all these concepts that she had about her so I really wanted to play with everything that I could after that was all settled I moved on to her outfit since bubbles lives by the beach I wanted to give her a more beachy attire I also took a lot of inspiration from different kinds of water druid characters that I found a lot of them had a lot of flowing garments so I gave her this big flowy layered skirt that had coins on it I figured she would have found the coins on the bottom of the ocean and added them to her skirt herself as I was playing with a skirt I actually wanted to grab something from the original design and add it to the redesign and that is the wave patterns that she has on her body to Christians credit the wave design pattern was actually a really good idea I just wanted to expand on the idea even more after starting with the chest pattern I gave her a kind of layered bikini top that also kind of looks like seashells it's kind of an homage to how mermaids are usually depicted with seashell bras when bubbles was introduced in the comic at the end of her segment she actually mentions wanting to make a seashell necklace it was kind of a cop-out really that we never got to see the seashell necklace so I added it to the design I even gave her more than a seashell necklace she had seashell bracelets and seashell crown it just it was a really cute idea and I feel like it was kind of lost also going back to the coin doubloons on her skirt it really helps solidify that she has a sort of like crafty knack to her like she's really really into DIYs can you tell I was like having a lot of fun with this when I moved on to the shoes I I kind of hit a controversial wall in the sonic community it's kind of a debate whether or not sonic characters have toes and in bubbles this original design she has these sandals that expose her feet and she has like these flipper feet like they do in Sonic X and to avoid that sort of confusion and debate I decided to give her these clothes toed water shoes that they use in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games we'll just call them Schrodinger's sonic toes yeah let's not actually call them that that's kind of weird never mind I added more of those water patterns like I said before like on her arms and on her legs and on her ears I actually moved the original head wave pattern to her ears because now she's wearing a seashell crown also if you noticed I didn't give her any gloves she's swimming in the water so it didn't really feel right to give her any gloves cuz I'd be weird who another sketch done now to the colors I of course started with that lovely Meryl blue it was at this point I decided to add the wave pattern to the tail to actually make it pop then I started filling in the wave patterns on her body I tried white at first but it kind of clashed with the blue a lot so I decided to change it to a very pale periwinkle it's the same kind of periwinkle that's on Merrill's belly bubbles originally wore purple sandals and purple and blue actually work really well together so I decided to make her clothes purple too and I colored the dangly bits on her skirt gold just to signify that there poins I actually took the pink color that was used on her skin in the original design and I incorporated that on to her seashell jewelry I gave her eyes a pink purple gradient because I was really in a gradient kick at this point and someone in chat actually suggested they use a pink purple gradient on her skirt so I tried it out and I really really liked it chaotic combo member number two is done bubbles rose blue the neutral good druid I'm gonna go out of order of introduction now and move on to magic and sonichu magic Anne is a weird one he was born on a mountaintop and raised by Mewtwo to harness his psychic abilities a lowland Raichu is a psychic type so I'm going to make Matt Chan and a lowland Raichu and since he learns magic through training and study I feel like the wizard class fits best his school of magic is going to be conjuration since he specializes in teleportation another thing to note magic Chan is a pun on the word magician so it works because magicians also have to study in order to use magic just like Wizards I started by giving him a spell book which is an essential tool for Wizards after working on the face and body for a little bit I moved on to the fun stuff I tried to figure out a unique ear shape because while magic Chan is Anna Lowell and Raichu his original design had a lot of sharp points to it so I tried to give his ears a more spiky look then I gave him cheek pouches and I gave his nose the same shape and a lowland Raichu actually has I decided to give magic Han a cloak with his outfit it just seems a lot more mysterious and it matches magic hands personality more since his name is a pun of the word magician I went with a more formal look to make him look like a magician so a shirt with a nice vest over it and dress pants and to stay in the realm of fantasy I also gave him leather gloves then when I moved on to the shoes I tried looking for shoes that were still dressy but a lot more unique I did a google search and I found one that I really liked so I went with that design after touching up a few things here and there I moved on to the tail just like his ears I wanted it to have the Olin ride shoe shape but still have a bit of spiky edge to it now that the sketch is complete you know the drill I definitely wanted magic an to stay purple so I went with a color scheme that use different kinds of purple and also different colors that were on a lowland Raichu I used the lowland Raichu yellow for his ears tail and his buttons and then I used the brown for the inside of his ears his nose and on the lower part of his tail I tried to make his face all purple at the beginning but I didn't really like it so I give him a nice pale muzzle the cloak became shade of blue as they call back to magic hands original blue vest I also used that same brown that I took from a lowland Raichu onto his gloves to make them look like leather gloves I tried using the blue on more of his outfit but it didn't really look that good so I went with a more all purple look plus that matches a little better with the original design so after I finished deciding the colors for the clothes I made his spell book blue instead that way I had another place to use the blue in order to balance everything out then for his eyes I gave him the same yellow blue gradient eyes that a lowland Raichu actually has and here's member number three magic and Sun Ola the true neutral wizard since I'm no longer doing these in order how about we do punchy sonichu next punchy was born and raised in a dojo after getting his tail ripped off he evolved into a powerful sonichu and he trained to harness his newfound strength I decided to keep punchy a Pikachu for this one but I'm going to take heavy inspiration from cosplay Pikachu Libre he'll be receiving the monk class as well since he trains to control his strength and temper to start out I really wanted that mask that Pikachu Libre wears to be part of the design so I sketched his face out first and then sketched the mask on top of it I gave him much much shorter dreads in order to distinguish him from knuckles his first design was basically just Knuckles with Pikachu ears so he desperately needs a design that makes him look different after adding the ears I gave him his signature ripped tail just like with the other designs I turned to Google Images for clothing inspiration I wanted to give him an outfit that was a cross between a D&D monk and a luchador so the traditional monk shoes puffy pants some bandages a belt that takes inspiration from championship belts in wrestling when I moved on to the top half of his body I decided to beef up his exposed arms just to get past the idea that he is physically strong for his torso i draped loose fabric over his shoulders to give him that sort of monk look and then I gave him that crop top that pikachu libre wears now for more bandages on his gloves and I gave him fingerless gloves to give him a more fighty look oh and he does need a symbol on his mask so I drew one based off of a pokeball it can also be a reference to the magical sonichu balls that are in the comic sketch is done coloring time now deciding the colors for punchy was probably the easiest thing to do on this redesign I basically took all of the colors from Pikachu Libre Pikachu Libre sheiks are more orange --red so I used that Orange II red instead of the regular red to further make him more different from knuckles his outfit uses the orange white and black from cosplay Pikachu's outfit I even used Pikachu's yellow in some places as well I tried using the yellow on the shoes but they ended up looking like clown shoes so I just made them black instead finally his eyes stayed red so it matches everything else punch ihsani Libre the chaotic neutral monk is complete this last one is probably my favorite one that I've done besides bubbles we're finishing things off with Angelica Rose choo Angelica is your picture perfect religious girl she was born in a church and raised by nuns who taught her the teachings of the Lord because Christianity exists in the sonichu universe I guess she even has wings like an angel which is where she gets her name lucky for us there is a Pokemon that is flying electric-type in the Pikachu family Emolga and because she's super religious I figured that there is no other class worthy of Angelica than a paladin that follows the teachings of Lysander the God of birth and renewal basically a light base God yes I could have chosen cleric as well but I decided to go with paladin to make angelica a little bit more interesting first of all i absolutely had to give Angelica a battle-axe blessed with the Holy Light of left-hander Angelica's one of the weird characters where sometimes she has cheek pouches and sometimes she doesn't I feel like this is because Christian forgets to draw them sometimes I'm gonna stick with yes she does have cheek patches since she's going to be in Emolga after giving her a pose where she's standing proudly with her trusty battle axe I moved on to her big round ears I definitely wanted to keep her ponytail since it is pretty iconic so I shaped it to look like an Emolga tail there is one design choice that I did like from her original design her gloves they're slightly longer than normal Sonic gloves and they don't have a cuff on them they also have these really cute blue gems on the end of them I wanted to incorporate these blue gems into more of her design such as her armor and also her battle axe speaking of which she wouldn't be a paladin without a suit of armor I don't draw armor a lot well I don't draw armor at all so this was definitely a learning experience for me I tried to make something that was both functional and still had a sort of girly fantasy look to it since Angelica is still very girly it won't show up in the sketch but during the lineart process I did add wings to her belt okay let's get to coloring before I started working on the colors I decided to incorporate her wings in a very interesting way she can now create energy wings using her electric powers for the white bits instead of using pure white I used a very pale blue instead kind of like what I did with bubbles it's just much easier on the eyes that way plus blue is a color that is used very much in media to represent calmness an Angelica tends to be the voice of reason in most cases her body is a shade of black because it's actually a cloth layer under her metal armor instead of yellow cheek pouches like Emolga usually has and went with blue because I thought it would look nice then it was a matter of putting the blues and yellows in different spots to see what fit and this is the final result Angelica Rose Olga the lawful good paladin huh this was probably the most challenging set of redesigns I have ever done but it was definitely worth it I'm really happy I stuck with this D and D idea because it gave me a lot more to work with and it really amplified the character so much more plus can you imagine a campaign with this crazy crew it'd probably be pretty insane thanks again to everyone that helped me along the way what's next who knows but I'll see you guys in the next redesign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Views: 622,548
Rating: 4.9491305 out of 5
Keywords: projectsnt, redesign, redesigning, sonic the hedgehog, sonichu, chris-chan, chaotic combo, wild sonichu, bubbles rosechu, angelica rosechu, punchy sonichu, magi-chan sonichu, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, art
Id: dQb4rX50t5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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