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[Music] where am i how did I get here let's see what's the last thing I remember Thank You Sen do you think oh yeah now I remember I was at a picnic with my friends and I was showing everyone this cute dress that creams mom let me wear for the occasion we were going to have so much fun and then Eggman showed up we were all fighting and and then this weird portal appeared out of nowhere suddenly I felt myself getting sucked in [Music] and now I'm here but what is here how do I get out [Music] [Music] you yeah no wonder this guy could take down Sonic this power is incredible if only we could find a weakness what's happening I'm disappearing you must have find me no wait please have mercy I can taste your generation [Music] screaming [Music] you [Laughter] I don't understand Oh what's that guy and why do I feel different who's there Hey Oh chuckles bingo finally a familiar face around here knuckles you have to help me where are we and why do I [Music] what is who is not on your A game today are ya rookie Rookie come on join me um alright then I don't think this is the knuckles I'm familiar with I'll just play along for now [Music] what's the sitrep commander happy to see you're all still alive Eggman's forces have chewed through our defenses at Green Hill and the persistence in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finish sonic sorry I'm still not used to saying that [Music] whatever it is has got them running and feared except for this brave kid who survived the battle and made it here in one piece doesn't look like much neither do you char me but I still managed to find an use for your pointy but Wow rude much there kid take this depending on I don't know what this is okay let's get going everybody the world's not gonna save itself is anyone gonna tell me how this thing works this universe is very strange somehow there are people here that I recognize like knuckles and Amy yeah soaked in the arms take a long look pleasure to have met you how do you like my hammer they seem relatively normal in some ways but then there are the others like silver vector Charmy and SPO do they have counterparts in my world too I guess I won't know until I find my way back home also what happened to my body whatever that weird energy pulse was in that portal must have changed my appearance is sonic really dead in this universe I find that really hard to believe but judging by how unstable this place is it might be true still I'm not ready to give up I've just received some incredible news Sonic is alive no way I knew it that's great news where is he knuckles he's captured in the orbiting prison my spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell and they've been torturing him for months that's horrible we have to rescue him plans already happening Amy I've got a squad on the way to the spaceport in the chemical plant to borrow a shuttle come on guys who's up for an old-school style jailbreak soon as I change out of this dress I don't want to ruin it after cream e's mom was nice enough to let me borrow it [Music] okay here we go sonic okay I can do this we just need to focus what does this thing do now I know how plain knuckles field Wow the pill okay gotta stay focused this [Music] cheers a long prom Oh [Music] yeah all right [Music] [Music] I'm flaming nothing [Music] going as fast as I can knuckles [Music] I made it [Music] don't worry Sonic we are on our way you Wow I've never been in space before the stars are even prettier out here if it weren't for the circumstances this would be relaxing oh that must be the communicator Amy gave me I'll listen in it might be important knuckles can you hear me ruch it's about time so Rouge exists in this universe too and she's fighting Eggman interesting how sonic doing it he's been better they're getting ready to banish him into space what you can't be serious egg man's been keeping Sonic alive all this time he's been waiting to show him his completed Empire before banishing him and torturing Sonic just to past the time that's low even for Eggman I wouldn't say that Eggman got wind of our rescue plan and is moving forward with his plan ahead of schedule the clock is ticking boss but we don't even know where he's being held captive yes we do Eggman rebuilt the Death Egg that's where he's keeping Sonic the death egg oh man that's not good none of this is good vector that's why it's called war that is incredibly depressing you all know what to do let's go get Sonic [Music] listen up rookie our other forces are busy dealing with enemies it looks like you took the best route it's up to you to save sonic now that felt really weird [Music] the facility is tight so stay on your toes and don't see anything in here nothing in this room either it's your last night's avec man - just leave all these rings around like this place was used up until recently who appears that many of our periphery were healthy [Music] [Music] now Sonics presence there was again what is that whatever it is it's actually helping me [Music] [Applause] hey it wasn't so bad you came getting used to this new body Sonic should be around here somewhere [Music] [Music] everything's cool um Sonic huh everything okay miss are you here to rescue me mm-hmm can't tell you how much I appreciate it it's been a while since I've seen a face [Music] zoun exit around here well I managed to do a complete circle while trying to find you so there's the ship that I came look how fast I can run you sonic finding you alive is the best news we've had in months I guess I got here at the right sunny unintentionally of course and here's the bad news our Intel indicates Eggman's got a weapons Factory in Greenhill pumping out munitions for his war effort a factory we can't take out Eggman's home base in Metropolis if he's got a factory supplying him no kidding it looks Sonic I know you just got back but we're spread thin can you take care of this we need that factory in Green Hill destroyed take rookie with you you sure about this the kid was shaking like a leaf the whole time we were at the death egg hey that's because it's cold in space the factory is nice and warm it will be when it's burnt to the ground ah did anyone else to see that Sonic you take the lead no nothing okay rookie and just make sure you take good notes I got six months of payback I'm just dying to spend this sounds like a good start okay lead the way Sonic enemies factories inside the pyramid I can send reinforcements resistance right partner [Music] with us to team up it doesn't matter what obstacles they put in our way [Music] you should be able to get into the factory through there that should be fun hey sonic let's break the fourth wall [Music] I think I can travel along that path of rings making everyone work like robots you know these eight men's turn to get pushed around [Music] [Music] what are these ladies doing here anyway [Music] that was a cakewalk I don't know why I was even worried nice work we should get matching uniforms [Music] what's going on you get used to it this wasn't part of my agenda but I'm always happy to crush a Shiva he keeps the rabble in line shows them does anyone but you believe your lies [Music] check out silver I got it from here and you haven't left an impression I don't know anything about you not even your name you may call me right see infinite now we're getting to know each other so what's your favorite color do you like long romantic walks on the beach what's the source of your power the source of my power sorry but you've just got to share the secret of your power with me I insist you're insisting whoa whoa whoa it's no use [Music] Sonic and silver got hurt pretty bad after dealing with an infinite guy I should do something to help the resistance while they heal man's army has broken through there in the city we need to get these people out of here who can we send Sonic and silver need time to heal we've engaged enemy forces at Seaside hill we can't spare anyone I'm not doing anything knuckles maybe I can lend a hand okay rookie I've got a tough one for you I need you to head back to the city and save those civilians you can count on me [Music] the rescue is in your heads [Music] just ignore it [Music] with his new whip on anything is possible [Music] I was just flying around [Music] [Music] [Music] mission complete fighting Eggman in this universe is a lot easier than I thought it with me you well that was impressive but we still have a lot to do great job I knew you could do it if you believed in yourself nice moves but if you hog all the glory how am I gonna look good don't be jealous I suppose you need me to bandage that up for you I mean it's not that bad Oh oh thank you thank you everyone the system is picking up a couple of strange readings they're coming from the laboratory the one where Sonic thought infinite it's probably another of Eggman's robots life readings two of them definitely not robots strange could they be more trapped civilians hey rookie go to the lab and check it out Roger that I've been wanting to visit that place anyway ever since sonic fought infinite there I felt something pulling me towards that place [Music] [Music] [Music] there's actually kind of fun [Music] well look at you rookie [Music] be sure to give it all you've got a fruity [Music] I know in my universe I can slim but maybe I should be careful so this is the lab huh [Music] now I just got to figure out what was pulling me here [Music] you do you know how much trouble you're causing are you I'm the guy that got kicked out of my own dimension when you decided to show up what I'm cookie your name is rookie well my real name is nine so does this mean everyone thinks I'm you well not exactly you're still you and people see you as you but never mind listen ever since you took my place everything has been changing if you stay here who knows what else might happen the results could be disastrous really yes this universe could just employ or the Sun could just randomly start falling from the sky who knows and it's all your fault hey it's not my fault I was forcefully transported to this place there are some weird portal thingy and I don't know why huh I just want to go home this place is crazy and I miss my friends all right you seem genuine enough and you've at least been helping out with the cause so I'll believe you for now we just need to figure out how to get you back home and get me back to normal wait someone's coming oh hey Sonic you sure got short my name is James I'm Sonic's best friend rocki I'm scared tale let's remember something for my dimension this is bad some aspects of your dimensions seem to be merging with this one I noticed it happening before but only a small bursts do you think it has something to do with this of course the Phantom Ruby must be feeding onto your memories to create a new reality for this world just like what infinite and dr. Eggman have been doing with their Ruby wait with two phantom Ruby's being used at the same time oh man I don't know what could happen but I'm going to assume it's not going to be good yeah considering earlier you mentioned the universe imploding and all that that's more of a worst-case scenario kind of thing well gee thanks for the free heart attack what it's my communicator just checking in with the team and totally not talking the ghosts nope let's just head back to base everyone is waiting maybe you should get tails's advice on all of this I've heard he's dealt with dimensional travel before [Music] so the phantom ruby created a rift in the dimensional fabric such power exceeds even my expectations [Music] pathetic infinite smash them to smithereens [Music] are you worried too much look I'm perfectly fine I've been generation since I seen you okay good news you're sick the bad news is Edmund said he had some plan that will destroy us all in three days three days huh well a lot can happen in that time Eggman said when the plan is completed we'll all be wiped out well I don't like the sound of that normally I just laugh at an Eggman plan but he's already conquered most of the world so what's this plan of his hey I hate to butt in on your important meeting but we're under attack shadow is tearing through our troops we need reinforcements shadow the last time I saw him he was fighting for Eggman seriously that's right he helped infinite take down Sonic that doesn't make sense why would shadow help the enemy perhaps he's being controlled by that strange power shadow would never team up with Eggman would he whatever it is I'll figure it out [Music] any updates tales just putting the finishing touches on my dimensional portal machine this should help us locate SNT and bring her back will you better hurry up Sonic's about to have a mental breakdown where did you go shut up Sonic hey hope she's okay wherever she is why does she's dead Sonic she's probably fine calm down haha I've got a signal that's SNT great I'll get started trying to gain access to this dimension so we can get her back not that I care or anything but just hang in there for a bit longer listen up we just got word that Eggman's forces are undermanned at his headquarters in Metropolis they're probably staging somewhere else as part of Eggman's plan this could be our only chance to take the city exactly that's why we're focusing on a full frontal assault on metropolis I'm calling it operation big wave who cares what it's called what's important is to have a well thought out strategy I thought up this strategy in about a minute and a half we're going in hard invest and we're not gonna stop till Eggman's army is destroyed are you sure you thought this plan through this sounds risky sonic is busy fighting shadow but the rest of us can do this we've got the strength and the spirit to win there's no finer group that I'd want to fight with great speech let's give Eggman an old-fashioned beatdown yeah that's motivating and all but I still feel like we should give this plan more thought tails what do you think they have more in sheer numbers so the idea of a quick focused attack isn't bad we also have Sonic I mean the other Sonic so I have no doubt we can do this you're seriously going with it hello okay let's head straight for Eggman's HQ time to save the world people well don't say I didn't warn you [Music] [Music] I have a bad feeling about this [Music] [Music] I better stay on an alert [Music] [Music] I need to be extra careful sorry this this is making me dizzy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] that was close looks like we escaped the chaos for now we should try to find the others before you get in even more trouble and as if to answer the world sends me [Music] [Music] run away [Music] yes what are you doing you creep it don't be scared this is your moment to shine Sonic why are you in my head can't be tamed born to run you know how it is just breathe slowly until uncle Sonic what happened um well I ran into Infinite and he's acting really weird and creepy and I'm scared what do I do [Music] you really think I can take him on well I guess I could give it a shot you're pretty I'm not really sure what that has to do with anything but I will teach you fear and then will at least crush [Music] you [Music] [Music] you must be a straggler as strong will always vanquish the week you have a layer of frailty to blend the only real thing here is your ego [Music] okay it'll be over soon entry [Music] it seems behind that responded [Music] I remember you ran from me before you survived them but you throw it all the way now this will be goodbye what how is this possible it can't be how did you no matter they have only two days left in contemplate till I end this once you that was really scary what in the name of Mobius was that if people are being affected like this then what kind of weird universe did you come from I'm not sure what you're asking stop that that weird sparkly thing you keep doing it's freaking me out making me feel uncomfortable what are you talking about you know what never mind we should just keep looking for the others before even more of your weird dimension starts corrupting this place [Music] that was a disaster but at least I'm back safe infinite can create virtual reality projections they have mass inform but no heart and soul virtual reality so all those familiar faces that were part of Eggman's army replicas the problem is they may not be real but their powers are as formidable as the originals according to Rouge infinite can create unlimited numbers of them so shadow is on our side what a relief I made it bad is everyone okay what is this my head hmm maybe you should lay down hmm knuckles how are things things were going well with operation big wave but then everything fizzled out when that phantom Ruby kicked in you call that going well that fake shadow was created using the Phantom Ruby's power right even if it's a virtual reality projection it's as strong as the real shadow Rouge have you found the Intel I was looking for no not yet but I have reports that Edmunds database is located at the chemical plant that sounds like a promising lead we have to figure out the secret behind infinite's power and virtual reality tails can you handle this got it I'll take sonic I mean the other sonic with me and head to the chemical plant so this is where the database is hold on a sec while I access the data from this computer okay failed battle plans robot designs wow he's got like ten terabytes of selfies so where does he keep the accessing experiment file seven two three one six bio weapon s K T what created through careful manipulation of DNA samples this bio weapon was built with the ideal speed strength and mobility to surpass all enemies upon awakening this there's a perfectly rational explanation for this [Music] I just haven't figured it out yet found it virtual reality weapon the phantom Ruby I don't like sitting on the bench but there's nothing to do Telltale's gets back way to jinx it well sonic has been spotted in the city sonic he's basically a robot clone of Sonic Eggman built him oh oh I think I've seen him before in his lab his lab when have you ever been in his lab well is it another fake why would they bother making a fake out of something that already isn't real couldn't they just build more you didn't answer my question either way it's getting rekt let's go partner yeah hey would you quit dodging the question watch out Metal Sonic was spotted near there strange I don't see him anywhere oh that was a close one wiped out for you we can't let these things keep rampaging around the city sorry Ruby - egg man's new invention is a real pain in the neck Sonic's always if you try [Music] [Music] here goes partner when we join forces the sky's the limit [Music] when we work together we can take on anything sonnet you hey that was great we're like a well-oiled machine fighting a well-oiled machine whoo we did it great job so are you going to tell me what you were doing in dr. Eggman's based at one time ah well it's a long story I think we have time well basically don't freak out okay basically I'm sort of a creation of his Big Mac created you yes but I'm not on his side I don't want anything to do with his schemes in my dimension I'm friends with Sonic and the others and I help them take down Eggman are they aware where you came from I don't know I thought they did but I'm not so sure what does that even mean I got it Sonic I figured out a way to stop Edmunds phantom Ruby great work tails awesome what did you find tails based on these readings the phantom ruby requires an incredible amount of energy which only the death egg can provide we simply stop the energy transfer and boom the phantom Ruby is practically useless simply last I checked the death egg is a heavily fortified well death egg true but I came up with a plan first we distract Eggman while he's not paying attention we use the chemical plant computer to hack into the dead ex weapon systems and shut it down with no weapons destroying the death egg will be a piece of cake well you know it's just crazy enough to work so first we need a distraction I'm on it no way knuckles you're too easily distracted that's not a good trait for a distraction how about the rookie Eggman would never expect it it may even throw him off a little I'm up for anything you got your orders rookie we only have one more day before Eggman's plan is executed so let's hustle [Music] the energy readings are off the charts okay so destruction should probably get to the air that way he can see me better tactics are all about the dnews already on it being a lot of weird energy coming from a giant enemy crab [Music] [Music] could've been a disaster they better be careful time to head back [Music] Oh No we can't let this thing get to the chemical point keep her busy there as long as you can that takes care of them [Music] that should make for a good distraction you tails you wanted to see me I think I understand what's happening really four years it's been theorized that a mirror dimension exists parallel to our own here through some kind of dimensional portal power that means using somehow affecting other dimensions you need to save the wall maybe that's why you're here what it's like the world need you I don't know about that but but I was here first tails maybe you need to rework that theory because I don't think hey wait what I'll be right back rookie Rookie where are you what do you want rookie please don't be upset tails was just making an assumption I'm sure there's some other explanation no maybe he's right maybe the world didn't need someone as useless as me I could barely make it on the battlefield to begin with let alone even get noticed by knuckles Wow Mobius what the world need me now but rookie you've been helping me so much helping you I was just pointing you in the right direction so you can go off and save the day on your own I barely count that as helping maybe maybe the world needed someone better in my place there's no room for failures like me during times like this rookie don't say that you have no idea what it's like you come from a weird dimension where everything goes your way meanwhile I barely existed before you decided to show up and kick me out of my own reality maybe I'm better off just not existing anymore you can just go save the day without me [Music] mission accomplished the phantom rubies signal has gotten much weaker this should effectively put a stop to the doctors greatest weapon the Sonics have made an opening for us we can't just let that go to waste this is the moment we've been waiting for time to settle the score maybe the world didn't need someone as useless as me that could barely make it on the battlefield to begin with let alone even get noticed by knuckles Wow Mobius what the world need me now [Music] you have no idea what it's like you come from a weird dimension where everything goes your way meanwhile I barely existed before you decided to show up and kick me out of my own reality I don't know why it was even brought to this dimension am I even doing any good here it's like the world needs you but that can't be true I've been messing this place up ever since I got here does this world really need me everyone get your game face on the target is Eggman at the central tower central tower I'm in my way welcome sunny glad you could make it to your funeral infinite do it is no space no space it's a little something of Defense of Ruby cooked up a closed-off space where absolutely nothing exists goodbye sonic my soon to be eradicated nemesis enjoy all the [Music] but we destroyed the fandom Ruby's power source tisk tisk since you always destroy the power source of my weapons I decided to learn from my mistakes I had a backup power source created under Metropolis this isn't where we were meant to end up I'm sorry Sonic I tried to hold on with the wire on my grappling hook snapped and now we're trapped in this endless prison a prison that goes on forever huh at least getting sent here taught me something nothing beats realizing that you're not alone that's true it's a lot less lonely here when you're with me still we have to get back there I might have an idea on what we can do when we do a double boost we're so fast that we nearly break the sound barrier I bet we can break through no space if we run fast enough think you can do it Sonic piece of cake let us do this [Music] [Music] are you ready Sonic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we tell the world what we can do you are next to me and I'm next to you pushing on through until the battles won to us into each other we put our Trump after the fight [Music] we can take the upper hand [Music] man has really made a mess of this place we have to stop him [Music] this way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me it's impossible to get under the fanciful beast on space maybe by myself but I had a little help from my girl Fred what ah my friend something you wouldn't understand since you don't have any friends wait a minute what [Music] this changes dr. Eggman will still have the last laugh he'd have more friends if he didn't talk about himself on the third person yeah he's pretty lame that must be the others we got less than an hour before Eggman's plan goes down there's no more time we have to break into the fortress now indeed this is it our last opportunity to bring peace back into the world sounds like we need to hurry let's go partner I didn't see that coming universes at once huh it's okay I'm okay let's meet up with the others [Music] [Music] long time no see did you miss me no I trust you already if you're not resistance to ashes with it [Music] it's just a special effect right it's not while we're under the phantom rubies control it's a part of our reality and believe what chance do we have against that the Sun [Music] the end [Music] and Ziggler [Music] or the Sun could just randomly start falling from the sky who knows I guess you are right rookie [Music] [Music] Wow it is he said the phantom ruby prototypes only react to the person who activated that must be you buddy your courage and heroism are probably what triggered it just maybe if you use this it can make that Sun disappear but can I really do this [Music] we're trying to kill me [Music] [Music] no this can't be happening come on Ruby do something like last time please [Music] something is wrong I can't focus I'm sorry guys I can't do it sonic tails everyone and rocky rookie I'm so sorry huh hey it's working hang on I'm back to normal come on fly oh right you Oh Hey long time no see rookie I thought you were gone forever did did you do that I sure did I couldn't just leave this place alone with you running around wreaking havoc so I decided to take matters into my own hands and I tapped into the Phantom Rubies power to try and learn how to use them it looks like it worked like a charm that was amazing see the world really does need you I'll say that Sun is no laughing matter and you're in no shape to fight it on your own how about we do this together when you're in a pinch I'll tap into the Phantom Ruby to turn things in our favor sounds good to me let's go [Music] world [Music] I know we can make it this time [Music] good job [Applause] [Music] hold on tight [Music] whoa think I can handle this hold on [Music] we're almost there just a little bit further [Music] you're pretty awesome out there I'm impressed I couldn't have done it without you you [Music] [Laughter] why [Music] the Sun it's good right [Applause] [Music] I find all the prototypes we destroyed of costly oversights after this is why I always check and double-check and any good science is good this is the turning point guys time to press our advantage and kick major butt [Music] [Applause] you okay we did it things are finally turning around brookey Oh No when the Phantom Ruby shattered must have severed our way to communicate just kidding rookie don't scare me like that just trying to keep you on your toes besides it's not the Ruby that lets me communicate with you it did help meet my message is more clear but something else is keeping us connected really yeah you emit a weird energy by yourself it does have some strange side effects though you might have noticed other people acting different because of it I suppose you need me to bandage that up for you exactly is making the world go crazy what should we do well we should continue to fight the good fight I think I overheard sonic talking about facing off with infinite again last time he did that he got really hurt exactly you may not have a phantom Ruby anymore but you're weird reality-warping energy should help just as much let's go find them [Music] even with the phantom Ruby weakened I still have enough to smash you into I'll show you how I'll quest I'm gonna class all my own numbers shut up definite you what would you like your efforts afternoon how about lies here doses the mask cloud but is what make it for the person who needs one right [Music] [Music] [Music] you're dumb fools the pencil movies images perish along with your useless friends [Music] my friends got me this far and together we're gonna win friends are nothing but a few you can count on you it's a ruby virtual reality of yours is the real illusion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here goes partner when we join forces the sky's the limit [Music] Oh [Music] you possible I can't be defeated wrong loser the things that can't be defeated our heart soul a chili dog three things you and your counterfeit cronies alack wait I can still fight you never browse the surprise why did you believe infinite collude victory is so much sweeter when I don't think this is over yet Youth balloon nuisance my plan just went into overtime darn we should have tried to catch him while we had the chance the phantom ruby signal is moving underground Eggman is up to something again the doctor hasn't given up don't let your guard down yet we have to find the entrance to the central tower and stop Eggman time to get serious come on Sonic let's get searching we haven't found an entrance yet no luck here either all this searching it's still nothing my money's on the area the other Sonic is searching if only there was a way to know for sure hang on I'll check looks like the other sonic is on the right track you're positive about this how his dimensional energy is a bit off too so I can connect to him as well though his presence is a bit more stable here considering he didn't come with a reality-warping energy I just got confirmation that tiny sonic is heading for the entrance hold on I'll send in reinforcements right away let's head there too we don't have time to lose [Music] is to break your by normal means something we're not normal we'll find a way through flying robots up behavior [Music] only pleased to be brought into the world he was made here [Music] well I'll be they've made it oh this glitch Inge [Music] the boobies have been destroyed pretty thrilling huh partner time to head back everyone waiting for [Music] Sonic [Music] we did it Eggman's army is officially butt kicked we would [Music] what have you done I merely incorporated the robot this robot has no to become the completion of it [Music] your plan will and like all your plans do with you sitting in a pile up bust and robot parts wondering how you failed [Music] you he's overclocking the phantom Ruby that's insane no regular tool can damage it now you're our last chance this is it here we go whoa easy there I'm cutting it really close aren't I are you all right what's up are you okay imma just overwhelmed we're so close to winning but can I really do this relax huh stay vigilant it's not over yet you've got this take their head on straight rookie our future hangs in the balance please come back in one piece smash them all the pieces even you should be able to pull that off guys you're all such wonderful friends so much like the ones waiting for me back home well are you ready yeah here we go rookie I know you can do this in your head I'll do more damage if I aim for the center [Music] well or collapsed almost got him [Music] I didn't he's toast [Music] [Music] wait things look bleak maybe some of this energy would be useful [Music] there we go we can do this guys just keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing Ballu [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] it was the strangest thing I was in metropolis trying to salvage those ostrich spots next thing I knew sonic was standing in front of me looking terrified then I blinked and I was right back where I started how weird is that oh that was my doing there was some fancy ruby weirdness going on and it switched our places temporarily is that what happened I just thought the stress was getting to me no it was just me sorry about that well thank goodness everything turned out okay I'm going to say hi to everyone else see you later okay nice meeting you Maria this universe really is different I'm glad you're enjoying the party wish I could - you will in just a bit after that meeting knuckles wants to have with the crew I'm going to try out this device tails gave me hopefully it'll summon the portal back to my world then you'll be back to normal but well people know what I've done well they even know who I am oh by the way when are we gonna meet this friend of yours that helped you out so much he'll be over in just a bit you won't miss him he's got glasses pointy ears and fluffy red fur great they can't wait to meet him I'll make sure they know you're the best rookie come on oh it's time for the meeting come on finally an end to this endless battle everyone can go back home and relax there's no need for the resistance hold on there's still a lot we need to do we're just getting started knuckles I need to go home what you're leaving us there are others who need your help but okay I'm not gonna stop you man the first time I saw you stumbling around I had no idea you could pull this thing together and see it to the end I've changed my mind about you I knew you'd come through rookie well I guess you're not a rookie anymore it's not like you just waited to the last minute to come in and act all cool saving the day when did this happen our battle is done and our resistance has come to a conclusion we'll be friends forever a single person cannot restore the entire world we have to work together and make a diligent effort yeah [Music] here goals it worked it did thank you so much tails let's I guess I'll be going now okay see you later hey you take it off - yep I was thinking the same thing you didn't keep moving forward no matter what yeah you and I aren't so different catch on the flip side bed by Sonic see you later here I go you rookie I can't thank you enough for your help it's nothing really you did most of the work anyway still I'm sorry for putting you through all of this and for almost ruining your whole world you know maybe you coming here wasn't such a bad thing I certainly learned a lot you did I learned how to be more headstrong I have to stop hesitating so much as doubting myself when I put my mind to it I could do anything say you never really told me your real name don't worry about it you can just call me rookie I've gotten too used to it well I guess this is goodbye maybe the tails in my dimension can help find a way for me to visit only for short periods of time though can't have that energy of your screwing up this world again yeah see you later you [Music] guys the portal is reacting something's coming through could it be hang on I'm not getting my hopes up quite yet [Music] what Smt your okay hi everyone I'm so glad to be home you have no idea what kind of adventure I've been on she can tell us later all that matters now is that you're back but you better have a good reason as to why you ditched us well let's just say somebody needed my help you're very fortunate to get your help then thanks hey we should have that picnic for real this time hey good idea I'm starving I could use some relaxation let's go everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Views: 739,658
Rating: 4.8956003 out of 5
Keywords: SNT, projectsnt, sonic the hedgehog, sonic forces, sonic oc, fanfiction, let's play, fan character, movie
Id: RBuIve16jIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 17sec (6497 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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