Redesigning BOOTLEGS - Turning Knockoffs into Characters

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uh hi I don't know how to start this video bootlegs when a franchise gets popular enough you know some knockoff companies eager to get a slice of that money pie that's when bootleg merchandise happens some of it is kind of neat some of it is kind of bizarre heck some bootleggers just straight-up steal other people's art and use it on their products which is totally not cool never do stuff like this ever Sonic is no stranger to having bootleg merchandise some bootleg characters have even sparked really strange fan followings like oh Gorky the pickle Hedgehog or porcupine so here's today's redesigning challenge can we take these bootleg Sonic's and turn them into actual characters a strange task I know but I feel like with a little bit of thought we can turn these hastily put together mockeries into decent characters I've chosen three bootlegs two lesser-known ones and one that's actually pretty popular on the Internet let's start with food retail super sonic okay so what do we have to work with here okay he's sonic lifts tails his bangs you've got a blue and yellow color scheme here a nondescript sports brand logo okay I think I know what I'm gonna do this guy looks like he plays some kind of sport I'm just gonna pick soccer since that sport involves with using your legs a lot and that's perfect for a sonic character and yes I know it's called football in other countries but I'm American and I'm gonna call it soccer like a heathen so I looked up some soccer equipment to try and get a good feel of what this character would look and dress like and I made sure to nab some references that have blues and yellows in them so that way I'm sticking with the original color palette and I went ahead and sketched up a nice sporty Sakari pose first things first I'm giving them a very short haircut since he's going to be outside playing sports and such and yes I know sonic is out a lot and he has long quills but I need to distinguish him from the original bootlegs which was just Sonic I decided on this sort of upturned look and I made sure that I paid homage to the tails bangs now I can work on his uniform instead of his cuffed gloves I decided to give him goalie gloves I tried to give them a sort of asymmetrical design since for some reason they've seen that sports equipments like to put asymmetrical designs on them I'm not sure why that is it's just something that I've noticed then I gave him a jersey and some sporty shorts and a logo on the jersey of course Sonic related since we are redesigning a Sonic bootleg I'm sure there's a sports team or two named after the hero of the universe also he needs some long socks to protect his knees as well as a pair of good old cleats going on a tangent here cuz this reminds me of this I was actually in softball when I was a kid and instead of actually playing the sport I would just draw in the sand with the spikes of my cleats I was a very interesting child okay I left in this last bit because I was really proud that I was able to draw a soccer ball from a reference I've never been able to do this before you gotta be proud of the little things you know all right this is turning out really nice let me just get the line art done off camera and then we could sort out the colors I went ahead and colored the soccer ball off-camera - because it's a soccer ball there's not really much else to say about it but does lead in nicely to selecting the colors actually I got this nice awful life for the soccer ball so I decided to incorporate it into the color scheme for this character it was good for the socks and gloves I really liked the colors that were on my references and since I was already looking for references that had blues and yellows on them I decided to take the reference colors and turn them into a color palette for this character I got this nice darker blue for his quills and part of his clothes I even colored his jersey very close to the reference because I liked how it looked I got the yellow by taking the yellow from the original bootleg and playing with it until I got this nice light yellow that was easy on the eyes and matched everything else it works as a pretty good accent color for his uniform next I took the turquoise from the reference and added that to the uniform as well and also on his cleats it took me a while to actually figure out how I wanted to color the cleats you'll see that in a bit the yellow skin on the original bootleg is a really weird choice but I wanted to stay true to the original so I tried to change it up and make it look you know not bad less like it was colored by a five-year-old with no peach colored crayons he is a little bit pale for somebody that plays sports outside a lot but you know maybe he uses plenty of sunscreen I used that turquoise color on his eyes as well okay here's where I struggled with the cleats funny enough sometimes the best solution to your problems is the most simple switching just two colors around on a design can change it completely it's kind of wild here he is the new and improved food retail supersonic though the name doesn't really fit him anymore how about we give names to these new creations I'll call this guy rebound the Hedgehog it has re in it like retail and it sounds a lot more sporty okay so that one was pretty simple how about I make things a bit harder let's try Harry Potter Obama yep this particular bootleg is pretty widely known people even sell merch of the specific bootleg because of how Mimi it is heck for Christmas I got my friend vocally an actual Harry Potter Obama t-shirt and he loved it I racked my brain for quite a while on how I could turn this into an actual interesting character the colors they reminded me of a little kid maybe a little kid that doesn't know how to dress himself yet what the heck I'll go with it I started with a rough pose of him going look mommy I got dressed up by myself let's start with a big t-shirt and I'm gonna put a 10 on it just like the ten on HBO's stomach I feel like there isn't really a better way to incorporate that design choice anyway this could also be a sports Jersey just like rebound lers baby this kid is rebounds a little brother I gave him some very basic gloves and shoes here I didn't want to get too crazy with the design since this kid is very little I'm gonna say he's like three or four definitely younger than Charmy or cream HBO has kind of a weird thing on his face like a stripe or a shadow or a spotter I don't know what it is but I incorporated it into this design by turning them into freckles I wasn't 100% sure on what to do with the spines I tried playing around with shapes but nothing really seemed to fit so I gave him little baby spines they're still growing in well this turned out completely different than what I was expecting when I started redesigning hpo line art time and then will color it first of all I had to figure out the perfect shade of red yellow and blue these are all contrasting colors so getting them to work is kind of difficult once that was figured out it was just a matter of putting them in the right place at first the shades I picked seemed a little too saturated like yes he is a kid and he doesn't know how to dress himself and he doesn't know anything about color theory but that doesn't mean he's not allowed to have a nice color scheme so I borrowed that beautiful dark blue that rebound has so that little brother theory actually has some weight to it now man these bootlegs keep giving me really bad skin colors really bad that specific shade of red gave me so much trouble it was really hard to find something that didn't look awful especially with the freckles I wasn't gonna give up on those freckles what I ended up with me the freckles look more like the beginnings of vitiligo but honestly I feel like that's a lot more interesting plus it still stays true to the original bootleg now all that's left is to finish coloring the clothes and the eyes and everything I gave him classic style eyes to match the original design to I had my doubts but this kid is actually super adorable now for the name let's go with OB like Obama [Music] that was pretty hard but I'm gonna keep challenging myself let's work with something extremely bizarre I give you this monstrosity Oh No I don't even know how to start with this you have Eggman with Mickey Mouse's face plastered to him he's got converse it says Gucci in the background it's a nightmare let's attempt to turn it into an actual character let's see what do Mickey Mouse and dr. Eggman have in common ooh I know theme parks so I ran with that idea and came up with a concept that I could work with a rich supervillain that's interested in Eggman theme park idea and wants to invest his money into it so here's the rough pose for this he's a portly fellow as you can see when he's got a cane because you know rich fancy let's go I decided that this guy is going to be a shrill instead of a mouse because shrew is one letter away from shrewd so we'll start by giving him a long snout then while I was playing with I shape I decided to give him sunglasses to Magic Man this design is gonna take a lot of elements from Eggman I feel like this guy is a pretty big fan of Eggman and likes to mirror his style to kind of flatter him into a business deal instead of copying the circle ears that Mickey Mouse has I decided to play with ear shape to make it match like an actual rodents ears you know the way Mickey's face is plastered onto Eggman makes his mustache look like a fur coat so I went with that I gave him fur trim around his neck I also gave his coat big buttons to not only match Eggman but also the buttons on Mickey Mouse's pants I decided to play with this converse use idea and turned them into a mix of converse in the shoes that Eggman actually wears again this guy is taking a lot of inspiration from Eggman's fashion sense I figured he sees Eggman as a creative genius now I just gotta draw his arms and his hands can't forget the cane and I changed the shape of the glasses because I wasn't completely happy with them all right the sketch is done you know the drill off-camera I had this idea to give him a money bag in his hands to further the idea that he's rich so I did that this bootleg has a lot of Browns and reds going on so I've decided to play with that the color that I pulled off of Mickey's head was actually pretty good too so I incorporated that into the glasses and other places later I used this brownish pinkish color for the snout ears and tail then this normal Brown for the fur I kept playing with these muted Browns and reds for the outfit making sure I stick with the flattery theme the pants under the coat will change as I'm playing with the colors okay see how I'm coloring the shoes and I picked just basic white see how that stands out so much so that starts to hurt your eyes this is why you need to stick with colors that are the same kind of luminosity if you have a color that's way lighter than the others 90% of the time it's not gonna look right so I played around until I got something that actually looked good then I used that same off-white for his gloves I ended up darkening the colors for the sunglasses and that's when I finally got my pants color I also made this the color of the bobble on the King as well as his eyes his beady greedy eyes whoo done I didn't think I could do it but I managed to turn a Mickey Eggman converse Gucci nightmare into an actual character what to call him though hmm how about slickest the shrew I got slickest from the word slick which is a synonym for shrewd which of course is one letter away from shrew then I added us to the end as a callback to an inside joke of me Mickey Mouse may kiss the all-powerful it's a long story [Music] there you have it three terrible bootlegs turned into original characters I hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed creating these feel free to try this out yourself if you want I'd love to see what other people can come up with see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Views: 648,731
Rating: 4.9373283 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic oc, bootleg, bootlegs, knockoffs, art, how to draw, drawing, reboot, projectsnt, snt
Id: SHlF6qOM-Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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