Ranking Every Episode of "Sonic Sez"

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[Music] hi um this is a video that i am doing completely out of nowhere i just came up with this idea at random i've been watching the adventures of sonic the hedgehog just casually because sometimes you just need stupid television to numb your brain sonic says is a very infamous thing that's from the adventures of sonic the hedgehog actually there's over 60 episodes of sonic says specifically a handful of people have been wanting me to do one of these tearless things i'm going to play each episode of sonic says i have the full collection there are also a few wild cards thrown into the collection so in total i have 68 sonic says segments so let's watch episode one we're surrounded sonic no way tails this is nothing 911 is for really murder if there's a fire or someone's trying to break into your home or somebody's been hurt that's when you call 9-1-1 i don't know how i feel about this one specifically it starts out with sonic and tails getting attacked tails is like call 9-1-1 and sonic's like no way we can handle it like i don't know if that's a good message for children if you're surrounded by some bad guys don't call 9-1-1 only call 9-1-1 for real emergencies this one's pretty detailed first one in d-tier this is a good start hey if we share why we could turn those plain old hot dogs into three mouth-watering tantalizing chili dogs so that one was about sharing it's a decent message it's pretty basic so this is getting a c tier c for chili dogs c for chili dogs because they made chili dogs kids there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable that's no good that was the one about sexual harassment everyone's saying last year yeah i probably put this in s-tier just for the meme ability of it but also it's a pretty good message people say that this is really bad because sonic's talking about sexual harassment but that's not a problem though because it's a good lesson it could have been worse they could have had scratching ground or like touching tails like no no no no no i'm putting this in s here because it's a good moral and it's handled very well and also it's a very a classic sonic says sonic they're so slow you are standing in quicksand don't panic move slowly and you'll be okay even you can learn something from a sloth so that one's stupid this is totally an f tier because it's super confusing also it's really awkward to watch tails slowly move around and quicksand i feel like that's a fetish and that makes it immediately enough tier there's a dream coming come on you big coward go [Music] i call it a time but i'd hate to see any of my friends wiped out over some dumb dare when sonic pulled out his like wallet full of people's pictures one of them was just himself i'm gonna put this in b-tier it's a good lesson and it clearly shows you why playing on railroad tracks is bad hold it little buddy art is way past cool tails but don't use a building for a canvas because that's my feet now that's art what is that i'm not sure what happened when sonic like sped past the building i think he like fixed the graffiti by like splashing pain on the wall i i would put graffiti in b-tier b for buildings to not put graffiti on there was one time somebody graffitied a wall that was just built for this housing district and the walls were like the borders for that and then they painted over it and then they re-graffitied the word sorry over the paint but anyway don't graffiti i gotta find a phone fast operator i want to call home uh the number [Music] i don't know why sonic didn't just take tails home instead probably probably c tier c for call home pages tails you'll get your tan the right way sunscreen this will take all day the damage caused by one bad sunburn can last the rest of your life okay so that one's about wearing sunscreen which is a very good lesson and as a person with very fair skin i just have to be in direct sunlight and i instantly burn also there was a lot of like squash and stretch in that imma put this in the eight here that's way steal guys nothing like the fresh smell of the forest to clear out the old gray matter so if you live in the city do your lungs a favor plant a tree you can't just randomly plant a tree in the city you have to have a permit to do that i'm go i'm going with c tier c for clean air the next time don't wander off without letting your daddy know where you're gonna be that goes for you too pal i like how sonic calls the audience pals that's kind of nice i like being sonic's pal um i'm putting in b b-tier [Music] thanks sonic music's great tails but you gotta be aware of your surroundings too huh would you say plus it ruins your hearing if you play too loud if you're out in public be aware of your surroundings when you're wearing headphones and don't play your music too loud otherwise it'll damage your hearing a for airpods tails look out oh no he's got airbox you know just for that that i'm going to put the headphones in the atr let's also entertaining to see scratch and grounder get uh steamrolled the kid's best friend he cleans up your room and does all your chores while you're out having fun if it sounds too good to be true it's probably false so yeah uh it's a decent moral because there's a lot of infomercials that are kind of misleading about the products that are being advertised i'll give it an eight here because it's pretty good it's pretty good lesson is pretty entertaining with robo dude i love reading books can take you to far away lands and exotic places if you know someone that has trouble reading tell them to ask a teacher or get help at a local library uh i'm gonna put a b b for books are you kid we're friends of sonic he's been hurt and needs your help sonic's been hurt hold it you don't even know these guys i like grounders glasses they're pretty funny one of the first youtube poops that i ever saw was one with this sonic says he's been hurt and needs your help mama luigi no are you good imma put this in [Music] a tear you know i love chili dog but the old bond needs some fruit and vegetables now and then so that one was about eating healthy is pretty boring i'm putting it in detail i'm running away dr robotnik doesn't love me so you really think it's gonna be better out there so that one was about running away and i have a problem with it a major problem with it coconuts lives with dr robotnik if you think about it coconuts is in kind of an abusive household so him running away makes a lot of sense i feel like it's kind of a mixed message like i understand the intent the original intent but it gets kind of muddled when you think about coconuts specifically i'm putting this one in f-tier because it sucks i like it i think we're lost captain rescue don't you young folks know that moss grows heaviest on the north side of a tree that's a myth the moss growing on the north side of trees is a myth moss grows wherever it wants and then tails and captain rescue were never heard from again because they got even more lost i understand the intent so i'ma put this one in a c tier c for captain rescue i won sorry scratch you're disqualified a real hero always wears his safety belt so i guess the moral was wear your seat belt i'm gonna put this in detail too bad we all can't plug in some genius chip when we need some smarts takes a lot of hard work to get an education gotta stay in school do your homework use the library if you want to be smart you gotta put in the work i'm putting that one in c tier it's okay [Music] wait little bro remember what i told you never open the door for anybody you don't know when you're home alone or your parents are busy it's another stranger danger thing slightly different from the other stranger danger one specifically about opening doors for people you don't know um i'ma i'ma put this in beads here come on sonic let's ride after i do a spot check little bro why was scrounder like pedaling with his little like wheel feet i'm putting it in an s tier specifically because of grounders like rolly feet trying to pedal a bicycle it dudes check this out sonic he's gonna jump do a flip diving into shallow water won't hurt a cartoon character but a real person can wind up really early or they do this a lot and sonic says we're just like cartoon characters can't get hurt by these things that can hurt you in real life putting this a nest here just just for tails shouting sonic is just a joke but sonic i want to stay up and watch the late late late show okay i don't feel so good time for you to get some rest if you saw the tv he was watching sonic on the tv beat take them no i can't thanks for being honest on it sonic's feet why did sonic have human feet and why were they naked that's weird i'm putting that in f here just because we saw sonic's gross me empty he must have been starving did you feed him last night tails oops i forgot it's an okay moral about taking care of your pet it's kind of boring i'm putting it in deter but you can help be a smart shopper recycle fix things don't throw them away it's still good to uh care about the environment so it's decent moral individual human beings can only do so much to help the environment don't shame individuals for using straws shame companies for producing the straws beets here there may not be any poison flowers on earth but there's a lot of poison ivy this is what it looks like this poison ivy actually look like that oh kind of imma put poison ivy sonic says in d tier because it's kind of boring [Music] quack [Music] so i didn't see professor cork doing anything to robotnik i only saw robotnik cheating by throwing that banana peel i'll put this in beet here i think i'll go exploring before sonic wakes up tails where are you little bro [Music] hi sonic if this is a reused moral so because it's a reused moral i'm putting this enough tier if you're sick and need medicine ask your parents to get it for you never ever take medicine that isn't yours i did this by accident i was sick and i needed some like dayquil i took a medicine that was actually from my grandmother she needs specific medicine that regulates her blood pressure so it was like a cold medicine that was also like blood pressure friendly i will never do that again so yeah never take someone else's medicine i'm putting this a test here specifically get some rest and drink lots of fluids and never sneeze on anybody use a tissue and cover your face that's a good moral for the modern day take care of yourself when you're sick don't sneeze on people um i'm putting this in c it's here c for the cold no flying for a whole month look at the bright side tails it could have been worse the laws are there for a reason hmm i don't know if i like this one so here's the thing about the judicial system it is extremely biased they may try to make it as unbiased as possible but there are still biases within the judicial system it is extremely flawed i'm putting this in f tier because i don't like it i'm going swimming [Music] tails was drowning in orange juice yeah the river was unusually orange i'm putting this one in d tier d for drowning smoking's bad for you you know no it's not try it i'm putting this one in s here because it is very memeable uh it's really funny to see tails smoking a cigarette but it's a good lesson smoking is incredibly bad for you the s for smoking is bad press the button kid but sonic's my friend you did the right thing junior never do anything you don't think is right junior looks so done so that was about peer pressure it's all right i'm putting this in in c tier because i really don't like robotnik junior's design it's super ugly now does that look like fun to you if so your brains are scrambled this one is also a really infamous one because it's just so ridiculous i'm not sure what was happening in what like 93. i hope that was such a common problem i'm gonna put this in ester hold it coconuts why waste your hard-earned cash on this junk if you save it why you could buy something really cool the table changing in one frame to the next was kind of exciting that's about it i'm putting this in seat here see for coconuts i like how sonic says coconuts in this one he's like holy coco nuts oh sorry guys i don't like that hippo character that was really gross also robotnik jr is in this one too and i don't like it i'm putting this indeed here i'm bored sonic there's nothing to do you gotta create your own fun little bud right swing tail that's astronaut tails to you sonic the that's astronaut tales to you sonic could be easily replaceable with that's bubble we can see you mario and i'm sure somebody's done that somewhere i'll put this in a tear come here little guy hold it tails don't touch that squirrel he might bite so the moral was don't touch wild animals or pets you don't know i don't understand why this girl had a top hat though this one's just confusing i'm putting this in fdr at last my new stupidity ray gun is finished [Music] one stay in school two stay in school three don't forget one and two and understand the moral for that one i guess it was stay in school but nothing in that really explained why you need to stay in school to avoid being stupid robotnik was hit with a stupidity ray gun which was completely accidental so this is all not his fault this is a very bad one this is terrible f-tier [Music] why were tails legs so long that was creepy i didn't like that also that stop sign was like reverse colored i don't know if that's legal d tier hello stress before and after you exercise so problem with this one scratch said that he pulled a muscle in his leg he doesn't have muscles he's a robot uh i'm putting this in seat here time to pay off you we're the robot gang pay up for reals or else what i don't know instead of using scratch and grounder the least intimidating characters in the show they should have like made a new gang and actually showed how dangerous they are so i'm putting this one enough here oh i did it again whoa don't do that yourself that could be dangerous putting this in c tier c for chemicals see now doesn't little bro quit distracting me what is ground you're doing that one was about seat belts which is another reused moral but this one is a little bit better because it actually shows why you should wear your seat belt putting this in a tier i'm making the professor's time skateboard faster watch it that's dangerous little bro it's a very confused moral because tails is known for being an electrical whiz kid i feel like someone else should have been in the place of tails d tear it's pretty deed here it's not a good idea to go swimming by yourself if anything happens when there won't be anyone there to help you another reused moral but there's more focus on having a buddy with you when you are swimming i'll put it in b-tier for buddy that that makes sense to me cartoon characters never really get hurt by guns but real people do so never play with a real gun they do that thing where it's like cartoon characters can't get hurt if somebody shoots them with a gun guns are no good i still put there's an ace here let me play with your sword shiver me timbers it's not a toy um i'm putting it in c tier c for chop because you're using a knife i guess gotta work out year round little bro it's part of being healthy that one was about working out i'll put this in detail wearing helmets knee pads and elbow pads are all part of skating safe d keep babies away from a hot stove and from electrical sockets and never leave babies alone sonic the reason the babies were left alone is because you pulled tails away to teach them about baby safety so you're kind of a hypocrite putting this in seats here that's what you do hold it most the first job is cleanup oh about that one it starts with the moles being like we're gonna work hard and then sonic's like hauled up recycle that seems like something completely separate from the situation that we're talking about i'm putting this in f here scratch and grounder use the kitchen all the time without robotnik's help and they seem to be doing fine it was just that one time indeed here if you need help ask a policeman if you're getting kidnapped it's more effective to yell fire because then people actually pay attention no tails 911 deets here go free the smoke tails was uh really like droopy eyed in that shot i'm putting this also in seats here jump computer stop beeping hold on tails learning computers is a little like learning to read you know there's a lot of people out there especially a lot of young people that don't know much about the computers that they use which is a a really important skill that they need to learn because computers literally run everything nowadays i'm putting this in b tier b for beeping i it's really kind of funny to listen to scratch say the word booze because he's just like i want to try this booze i would put this in b tier b for booze i skipped breakfast little bro i'm running low on fuel we got him this time [Music] b tier b for breakfast vandalism is very stupid and it's against the law it's not that great i'm putting this in detail have you been brushing lightly tails you could have a cavity [Music] way past gross it's really interesting to see sonic just pull tails mouth open i'm putting this in detail d for dental hygiene [Music] looks like these dumbbots were flat out wrong about going in the street i'm gonna put this one in b tier because it's it's pretty funny all right so that's the entire collection from the tv show but i do have some extras first i'm gonna play the sonic says from the pilot episode the lost pilot of the adventures of sonic the hedgehog the one that is unusually well animated because they animated it in-house in america hey sonic wait for me never cross the street without looking both ways first i don't want any of my pal ending up his road pizza road pizza road pizza is such a gruesome way to describe getting hit by a car honestly i'm gonna put this in eight here because the animation's really good and rogue pizza is really hilarious next one i'm gonna play is the sonic says parody from sonic shorts volume two it's great that you enjoyed that flash animation but putting it on another site without the permission of the creators is not cool stealing work without asking gets you nowhere that is still a common problem it's such a common problem that it actually has a name now it's called free booting this can apply to animations other people's art the ironic thing is that this particular animation has been freebooted so many times the entirety of sonic shorts has been rebooted so much i'm gonna put this in s tier s for sonic shorts volume two next one is the sonic says from okay ko let's be heroes life's an adventure don't sleep through it or you might miss the chance to meet me and that's no good oh he said the thing since this is a parody the moral doesn't really make any sense it's just like don't be lazy and like it's okay parody wise but i'm putting it in seat here all right next one we have a topical one a person named zac dude made a sonic says about uh the pandemic what's with the mask hedgehog it's to keep me safe from the corona virus what's with all the toilet paper it's for robotnik you'll finally have a waste wood tails nose poking out of his mask is very uh problematic if you're not wearing your mask over your nose you might as well be not wearing a mask at all because you're literally doing nothing as for this animation it's pretty cute and it also stays true to the original sonic says formula and that's pretty good i'm putting this in b tier we've got one more this is like the true wild card of the bunch it's a sonic says youtube poop about world of warcraft so this will be fun hey sonic wow hold it little buddy only dumbbots wow you can bore a big shot now does that look like fun to you so uh anybody that plays world of warcraft i have nothing against you i just really like this youtube poop i'm biased that i'm putting this in s here cause shut up all right so here's my tier list this is the definitive tier list if you don't like it make your own [Music] do [Music] foreign
Channel: Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Views: 136,384
Rating: 4.9464993 out of 5
Keywords: projectsnt, sonic the hedgehog, sonic sez, sonic says, tier list, tails, snt, courtney sez, stream, highlights, sonic shorts, ytp, youtube poop
Id: mOGoV0SZrJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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