Redefine Success | Pastor Ken Claytor

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hey what's up everybody man I'm so glad that you were in the house of God today listen you are in for a treat today I don't know if you're ready just let me know if you're already in the chat box give me some emojis fist bumps dancing people I got a word that I really believe is going to change your life today do this very quickly grab a Bible and I want you to grab a note-taker and I want you to go to the book of ecclesiastes that's right we're going we're taking a deep dive in the book of Ecclesiastes and I want to I want us to get ready for what God's going to do of course we're starting this new thing called summers at alive every single summer we try to do this thing in June in July in August where we can just put our focus on putting God first and we want you to jump in this thing with us man and we just believe that our summers our time where we're not going to turn down but we're literally gonna turn up and this summer looks a little bit differently because of the coronavirus and we're not able to come into our church because usually June July August we got special things for the kids and the family and we try to make it real family-oriented but we're not gonna let this coronavirus mess us we're gonna still have summers at alive and what we're going to do specifically is we want to ask you to make a great decision to put God first in three areas your time your talent and your treasure let me explain many times in the summer time it's time for weddings it's time for graduation people are at the beach people are traveling around the world people are going on cruises historically in the church not this church but the church at large you see numbers go down you see giving go down and we've always said as a church that we want to be countercultural we just believe that we can go opposite of the statistics that what we do in the summer will set up what God wants to do in the fall and I want you to know there's a mighty harvest that's coming in the fall and so what we say with summers that alive is not we're not gonna put God second or third after we go and travel and enjoy everything that he's blessed us with we're gonna put God first in our time and so I want to encourage you this summer to have your first 15 give God time in his word and time in his presence you're going to hear me talking a whole lot more about the anointing and growing in the Holy Spirit and this just take an investment of your time somebody say time also your talent okay now there's some of you all that's been a part of small groups and now it's time for you to lead a small group I'm talking about in September we want to connect you we want to train you even if you don't lead in September we want you to shadow in September so you're ready to lead in February but there's just something about leading a small group that causes you to mature and if that's you please email our office let one of your campus pastor so campus leaders know we want to get ready get you ready to be able to use your your time and your talent but the third T is very important guys it's the T that really causes our ministry to be able to expand in its treasure and this is a summer even though we're in a pandemic and there's economic concern I want to challenge you as a spiritual leader to trust God now like you never have before put him first in your giving don't put God second or third on your budget after you you know get your hair done and your nails done and they open up the movie theaters and you're able to go back and see your favorite movie I hope they put out the double-oh-seven movie that didn't come out when it was supposed to but what I'm saying is my hope for you is that God won't be second or third on your budget but you'll make the great decision that I did nineteen years ago to put God number one and when you put God on the top of your budget and you begin to give him the tithes which is 10% of all of your increase he promises you not a preacher or a man to give you the windows of heaven blessing and you need the blessing with what's happening right now in our economy so many people are furloughed they don't know what's gonna happen I've never seen the righteous forsaken I want you to know that God wants to provide for you now but he's looking for your faith not only that the Bible says he will rebuke the Devourer for your sake and God knows you need the devil stopped in his tracks and so put God first this summer also next Sunday we're starting our watch party and so have a watch party at your home attend another watch party let's take a step towards reopening and we'll continue to bring you more information about our complete reopening when we can but the church is not closed it's alive and it's thriving so hey let's get into the Word of God today are you ready somebody say I'm ready all right come on let's pray father we thank you for who you are we asked for you to have your way in the sanctuary today online today no matter who's watching right now you know every single person you know the number of hairs that are upon our head you know the problems and the challenges that we face you know the victories that are out in front I pray for a prophetic anointing to be able to speak through this media today to be able to minister to each person right where they are and we declare that we will never be the same after today in Jesus name if you agree with that somebody just shout a man chap me on the a band and let's get going today today we are continuing our series that we began um a couple of weeks ago called stronger than ever somebody say stronger than ever and today of course is part three and this is what we believe we believe that all things are working together for our good because we love God and we've been called according to his purpose we believe that God can take what the devil is meant for evil and get some kind of good out of it somebody say man don't get down don't get discouraged I know coming through quarantine I've been a little in the flesh here and there and a little bit edgy a little bit frustrated but there's better days that are out in front of us somebody say man and so our focus in this series is coming out stronger than ever in five main areas relationally with our kids with our spouses with those who are in our small groups with our leaders in our church we want to come out stronger than ever financially we want to look for divine opportunities that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just and the wealth transference will happen in times of a downturn it's time for us who love God to turn up in just a couple of weeks ago we heard from Anthony O'Neill I would encourage you to go back and look on my ig man and we talked about getting out of debt and living on budget we want to come out stronger than ever emotionally we want you to leave your hurts your habits and your hangups in the past there comes a season of your life where you got to get the junk out of the trunk you can't live and regret all the days of your life you can't change the past all you can do is learn from it and help somebody else and we want to come out stronger than ever physically I mean and it's time for you to get your walk on again man it's time for you to drink water and get good night's sleep and and be able to stew it your temple and we're also coming out of this whole epidemic or pandemic stronger spiritually we want you to carry the presence of God that the weight of his glory begin to fall in your house and begin to fall in our groups and begin to fall in our lives because we are modern-day Ark of the Covenant if you believe that say man and so I believe there should be a spiritual hunger you know a couple of weeks ago we had pastor Russell Evans from Planet shakers Church he was at the table with me and I said what is the one thing that you've seen this next generation that you would like to speak a word to what is the one thing that you think people really need you know sometimes we go through season it's like man I feel like I'm not growing spiritually and I feel like I've plateaued and I asked pastor Russell a question as a global leader of a movement a general I said what would you speak to those people I said how do people not stop in Plateau growing spiritually he says they need hunger and I prophesied that over you that you would develop a hunger in your soul that only Jesus can feel that there is a heartbeat that there's fire that has shot up in your bones that you want him more than you want to be married then you want money then you want to make six figures that there's something about you that you just want Jesus or nothing it's all or nothing and I just believe that all of our breakthrough that we want is on the other side of what we hunger and thirst for and when we come out of this thing spiritually I'm talking about our church is stronger we're meet reaching more Souls than we ever have before and we're gonna be closer to God than what we ever have before with somebody say man I want to do this I want to go over to Ecclesiastes and I want to give you part three this session is entitled redefined success it's gonna bless somebody Ecclesiastes chapter number one let's start right there and we're gonna read verse 1 through 18 I'm gonna read two chapters so I want you to go along with me hopefully you went and got your Bible or you're pulling it up very quickly but we'll put it on the screen we're gonna read out the NIV and it says that the words of the teacher of the son of David King in Jerusalem meaningless meaningless says the teacher utterly meaningless everything is meaningless what do people gain from all of their labors which they toil under the Sun so solomon's whole question is like listen I've been working hard what do I really got to show for it generations come and generations go but the earth remains forever the Sun rises and the Sun sets and it hurries back to where it rises the wind blows to the south and turns to the north round and around it goes ever returning to its course all streams flow into the sea if the sea is never full to the place the streams flow from there they return again all the things are wearisome more than one can say that I never has enough of seeing in the ear never has enough of feeling a feeling of feel of hearing what has been will be again what has been done will be done again there is nothing new Under the Sun man he seems Kassim like he's having a bad day right alright verse 10 it says is there anything of which one can say look this is something new it has already been done long ago it was here before our time no one remembers the former generations even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them either teacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens what a heavy burden God is laid on mankind I've even seen all the things that are done under the Sun all of them are meaningless and watch this phrase a chasing after the wind underline that what his crooked can't be straightened what is lacking can't be counted and I said to myself this is like introspection look I've increased in wisdom more than anyone who ever ruled Jerusalem before me I've experienced much of wisdom and knowledge then I plot myself to the understanding of wisdom and also of madness and folly but I learned that this too is what chasing after the wind for with what much wisdom comes much sorrow the more knowledge the more grief at the end of chapter 1 you see Solomon is describing this empty filling I don't know if you've ever been there before where it seems like you're working hard but you're not getting anywhere it seems like you had a dream but you you're not seeing it fulfilled or maybe you're experiencing the life that you dreamed about as a young person but something still isn't right that's where Solomon is he's writing this and it's kind of this optimism pessimism cynicism all tied together is the tone in which he takes in Chapter two he decides to take a test so to say he says what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let it I'm gonna live it up I'm gonna try every pleasure that is in the earth I'm going to party like ain't never party before I'm gonna have the very best the best and see what God has put in the earth and see if I get any satisfaction out of that so here in Chapter two watch Solomon he says I said to myself come now I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good but also but that also proof that also proved to be meaningless laughter I said is madness and what does pleasure accomplish I tried cheering myself with wine he says listen I started drinking I started doing everything I could at the party embracing folly my mind still got at me with wisdom I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their life I wanted to see if the party was as good as everybody was posting about undertook great projects that means I just start building stuff y'all I'm trying at all I built houses for myself a planet vineyards I made gardens and parks planted all kinds of fruit trees in them I made reservoirs of water groups for flourishing trees I bought male and female slaves and I had other slaves that was born in my house I also owned more herds than anyone in Jerusalem before me I amassed silver and gold I was loaded y'all and the treasure of kings and provinces i acquire male and female singers I literally had a harem as well the delights of man's heart I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me and in all this wisdom it stayed with me and I did not I denied myself nothing that my eyes desired I refused my heart no pleasure watch this my heart took delight in all my labor and this was the reward for my toil yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled or worked so hard to achieve everything and I mean everything was what meaningless or what chasing after the wind nothing was gained Under the Sun that's bee who's speaking here this is King Solomon who's King Solomon King Solomon is the third king in Israel's history the first king was of course the people's choice his name was Saul Saul of course was rejected by God his successor was David David was a man after God's own heart he had a son bath my Bathsheba and his name was Solomon now Solomon has taken the throne after David Solomon is considered to be the wisest person that has ever lived God came to Solomon I think it's in 1st chronicles chapter 1 verse 7 he says listen I'm giving you a blank check Solomon asked me anything that you won't you know what Solomon asked for he says I want wisdom and knowledge so that I can lead your people do you know what God did he says who I'm gonna give you wisdom I'm gonna give you knowledge and but because you asked for that to lead my people I'm also gonna give you Fame I'm gonna give you fortune I'm gonna give you authority I'm gonna give you wealth I'm gonna give you everything else and so from this exchange there's two things that we learn about the character of God number one that if you bless God's people he's gonna bless you now don't miss this because somebody needs to hear that today that Solomon's desire was for wisdom and knowledge to do what to lead God's people can I speak to a small group leader who's out there a team leader that's out there that sometimes you get a little bit tired of dealing with people but God ain't never got tired of dealing with you and there's just something about the person that sets the temperature of their heart in their life that I'm gonna take care of God's people I'm gonna take care of God's house it triggers heaven for God to start to take care of you the second thing we learn about the nature of God is that when God blesses us he doesn't just bless us spiritually but he also blesses us materially Solomon was loaded y'all I mean like loaded loaded he was like a combination of Bill Gates Warren Buffett and Carlos Slim all put together historically they said if Solomon was living in this time his net worth was two trillion dollars listen Bill Gates net worth is a hundred billion Solomon's net worth was two trillion Jay Z's net worth is 1 billion dollars solomon's net worth is do you know how many billions you need to get to one true you and you don't even know that his his net worth was two trillion dollars the Bible says that he had houses the Bible says that he had chariot cities that means that he needed cities just to park his rods in the Bible says that he had 700 wives 300 concubines that's crazy he was busy this is who Solomon was and out of this text you hear this man who's like but it's meaningless it's meaningless it's all meaningless this is what we learned from Ecclesiastes if you're ready say I'm ready number one that fame and fortune doesn't equal fulfillment do you hear these words today the fame and fortune doesn't equal fulfillment there's so many of us that we want people to know us we want to be discovered more than being developed we want the fame we want the fortune but Solomon had it all and it did not equal fulfillment Solomon writes with this pessimistic skepticism cynicism kind of tone and he ends it all with its vanity its vanity it's meaningless like it's it's all meaningless number two this is what we we gather from Ecclesiastes not to chase after the wind please write that down not to chase after the wind he said it two or three times contemporarily it means there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you can give up on your hoop dreams come on don't go chasing waterfalls come on TLC please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to you hear what I'm saying and so many of us we have these dreams and it's a chasing after the wind do you know what that is have you ever tried to catch the wind the wind can be felt but it cannot be called it's going through and this is how some of you all are living your life like the matrix like you want everything else that somebody else have and as you're chasing the wind but the wind can't be caught and it's unfulfilled but the third thing that we learn from the book of Ecclesiastes is that we learn to redefine success that's really what it's about it's about us taking our definition of success and baptizing it in the kingdom perspective how many of you all know that we monthly we financially sponsor a church in India let me see by show hands one hand to hand emoji to thumbs up hit me in the chatbox for those of you all who don't know that for probably six or seven years every month we financially support a church and also in orphanage in India I have some pictures for you here this is pastor Silvie and his family his daughters and orphans that are there they're gonna have some pictures here and this is a church of about 400 people at the orphanage he has about 14 to 15 children that he's responsible for this is in a Hindu culture so it's mostly Hindu so as a Christian they're persecuted you see him there water baptizing people in their street clothes and when I was in his church people had smallpox we prayed over people with smallpox the power of God was falling in this place that is torn apart by poverty and they don't have some of the basic necessities they don't have running water in some places the bathrooms that were used even if the church were just holes in the ground and pastor Sylvie and his wife and his two daughters not only do they care for 400 people in that church and see so many people baptized in that church annually they also see 14 the 15 orphans that they are responsible for physically they feed them breakfast lunch and dinner spiritually they ministered to them and he's there but but this is the thing Pastor Sylvie literally lives on the compound so he has a two-bedroom apartment for his family at the church and on the other side there's an orphanage go with me for a second now what I want you to do in your mind right quickly go with me is I want you to get the most popular preacher that you can think of in America around the world I'm talking about the person who has no I know I know you think it's me I know you love me but don't put me in this one but the person who writes the books that everybody wants the person who has the millions of followers on social media the person who's conferences sellout I want you to get that person the person that people oh now I want you to get that person get them in your mind just for a second and I want to ask you this question if I was to ask you who's more successful pastor Sylvie in India or the preacher that you're thinking of that has all of the accolades the fame and maybe even the fortune what would you say okay okay okay if I was to ask you who would you rather trade places with pastor Silvie in a Hindu infested region living with an orphanage and 400 people or the person on preachers and sneakers you ain't even ready for this today or the person who has to home the cars and everybody loves them alright for the most part most of us if we were honest we would probably say this why is that because that's how we define success but that's not how God defines it I need you to hear this today that God's measuring stick is different than men's if you have a man that is obedient in India faithful in India preaching in India if God called him to do that no matter who knows it around the world in God's eyes that person can be just as successful as the person that everybody else knows I don't know if you're ready for that matter of fact in some instances can I tell the truth today that person could be even more successful because there are so many people that we applaud that are public successes but private failures but you would never know that because we are measuring success differently than how heaven measures success and that's what this whole thing is about it's about us taking a step back for a second and say am i successful in men's eyes or am i successful in his I don't know about you but when I stand before Jesus I don't care what any of you all think about me I want to hear him say well done with somebody clapping give God praise because I'm preaching truth to you today and so write this down the ability to define gives us the ability to fulfill let me say it again the ability to define gives us the ability to fulfill okay you cannot fulfill something that you have not defined when you join it when you get a new job the first thing you need is a job description because if not have you ever worked at the job and you like I don't know what I'm supposed to do here you first have to define my job before I can fulfill my job you know I got married 20 years ago and I just I thought that because I got married I was a husband but I did not look in the Bible to see my responsibilities as a husband and after I read the Bible I was shocked that the Bible says that I am to love wife like Christ loved the church and gave himself word then I read the Bible and the Bible says that Jesus sacrificed himself on a body cross for his bride called the church and when it comes to the tic for tack and the arguments in my perspectives what I had to realize is that I was using my wife to help me and do what I wanted to do and I made her my assistant sometimes and I didn't want to hear her opinion because truthfully my relationship was more about me than it was about her but Jesus's relationship with the church was all about the church and nothing about him and the only way that I can fulfill that kind of love is that I first have to define it and I think that we need to redefine some words because some words have been hijacked by the devil or maybe by religion or tradition think of and we need they've been mystifying under define words like love you know we've missed defined that under defined it you know we think that love is a feeling and we fall into love and then we fall out of love I don't think I love them no more but love ain't a feeling love is a choice love is a commitment love is a contract love is when I get up and even if I don't feel you I still love you because my love does not change it has been miss defined it has been under defined yes your feelings have something to do with it I love it you know I've been married 20 years fillings went out the door a whole long a long time ago I have to watch this fillings follow choices you better choose to love that person till death do you part and you will feel like it later on but sometimes we've brought the definition down the highest form of love is agape love let's define it which is others unconditional others serving God kind of love and got nothing to do it falling in and falling out is something that you grow in and if you've ever feel yourself growing out you need to have a conversation so you can learn how to grow in love together we need to read the fine words like grace people use grace and they define it as a get-out-of-jail-free card well we're under grace so we can just we can just do whatever we want to do cuz we're under grace that ain't grace you ain't even defined it right the ability to define see real grace when you read the word grace in the Bible most of the time it's talking about saving grace meaning that you can't work your way into heaven you can't do enough good works to get into heaven so God comes down and he gets you and you are saved by grace grace is unmerited favor meaning that it's favor that you ain't earned it's favor that you don't deserve but when you receive grace by faith there's a lot of works to do meaning that you're supposed to live right so real Bible grace doesn't give you a license to sin it gives you the motivation to stay way away from the sin it makes you want to live beyond the grave because he's so gracious and so good with somebody help me preach this today we need to take back words like success because they've been mystified and under defined because many of us we think that success is bigger home nicer car designer clothes five bedrooms 2.5 bathroom two and a half kids a frog a dog and a solid-gold bone but is that how God defines success or some of us we've been taught in some church somewhere that God doesn't want you successful that's crazy he wants you to be successful as long as success doesn't have you let me say it again God wants you successful he doesn't want you to go to college and then fail or get married and fail he doesn't want you to start a business and fail that is crazy if you believe God doesn't want you to success you should just quit everything right now no God won't you successful but he just wants it done with him being the priority watch this in proverbs chapter 3 watch this it's just my son don't forget my teaching but let your heart keep my Commandments for length of days and years of life in peace they'll add to you let not steadfast love with faithfulness forsake you bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart so you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man God wants you to be successful he literally wants you to find this favor that brings you into a place of success not just with man and that's the problem a lot of us we just want to be successful so that our profile page looks well and everybody we went to school we think that we're a little bit better than them but I don't want to be successful just for man I want to be successful for God and man and God wants us to be successful check this out this next one here Deuteronomy 8:18 it says but you should remember the Lord your God for it is he somebody say he come on say it like you mean it somebody say he I'm not feeling it online somebody say he that means that he God gives you the power to get wealth see God doesn't have a problem with you having wealth he just doesn't want we have to have you now this is a divine truth and I need you to receive this in this moment that if you give a drug dealer money and wealth they'll buy more drugs and mess up the neighborhood if they give a pastor or another Kingdom builder or a righteous person's wealth will build more campuses save more souls feed more hungry people all right wealth magnifies what's on the inside of you so what God does Deuteronomy 8:18 once again it says that he gives you what the power God gives it to you what is the power it is divine ability and an anointing God wants a successful I love this one scripture I think is found over in Genesis 29 or 39 assists that the Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master when his master saw everybody said saw some of y'all don't know how to read the Bible you got to stick with me now alright don't worry about you your kids going crazy in your house I don't know where you are listen to this it says this when his master saw that the Lord was with them how does an unsaved person see that the Lord is with you the master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success the devil didn't give him success the world didn't give him success his family didn't give him success they rejected him the Lord gave him success the Lord will give you success in everything not some things not a few things not things that people say that can be done but he gave him success how would you like the rest of this year to be the best of this year if you can believe that God will give you success in everything you do doesn't mean he wasn't in the pit and it doesn't mean that he was in the prison because some of y'all as soon as you go through a bad day you think God has left you but God was with him in the pit and with him in the prison and as long as God is with you in those things you're coming out better than when you went in keep it up for a moment so the Bible says that he gave him success in everything that he did and Joseph found favor in his eyes and he became his attendant and so people that don't know anything about God like Potiphar needs to see your marriage succeed they need to see you succeed financially they need to see a spirit of excellence in the church they need to see how God has changed your life and it will cause them to be able to see the God that you worship I'll give you one more and we'll be done Psalms chapter number 1 1800 an 18th division I love this this is a prayer Lord save us Lord grant us success and I want somebody I want you to start praying that prayer Lord grant me success some of you all have felt like man can I pray that does God want me to be successful of course he does he just wants you to do it his way it's okay for you to pray lord give me success give me success let everything that I touch prosper give me success in my mind let every addiction be broken out off of my life give me success physically emotionally let me come out of this thing stronger than ever lord give me success and so when we look at the book of Ecclesiastes it is a redefinition of what success is we kind of come through this whole story in Ecclesiastes we have the richest man ever think about a four-second this is the richest this this guy is the wisest man ever he's loaded he's like he's like if there was if he was alive today he would have his own show you would have keeping up with kardashian she would have keeping up with the king it would be like he'd be the first personal instagram with a billion followers not just the million but a billion followers he's like an old-school Hugh Hefner think about it for a second Solomon walking around with a drink in his house in a rowboat with 700 wives and 300 concubines like I'm trying at all we're gonna party tonight and then at the end of it going to his room and crying like it's all meaningless all of this fame and fortune and everything that you think means something it has to be redefined he takes us through this autobiography so to say you know what I'm saying I don't know about you I like autobiographies I like to hear about successful people where they came from I like the autobiography of Michelle Obama of Donald Trump of Oprah Winfrey one of the things that I've been doing in the pandemic is watching this thing on ESPN called the last dance and it was like the memoir of the 1998 Chicago Bulls anybody been watching this along with me I did watch all 10 episodes almost twice because I love to see the mindset of a champion the the the discipline of a champion the the adversity of the champion and there's something about watching a successful person that I take the meet and leave the bones this is basically the richest most famous guy ever given you his autobiography that's what Ecclesiastes is that's why when you read it you like Solomon are you high what is wrong with you because half of the stuff you say ain't even biblical and then ain't even true he's he's letting you know that I've tried it all and I'm an older man now he's writing Ecclesiastes in an older age and he's like everything that you won't really is chasing the wind it's all vanity but let me give you this one word in the last chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes chapter number 12 he's like listen I want to drop this one wisdom tea on you before I finish out and before I dropped my pen in my old age the last thing that I want you to hear from me is I've taken you on this sad journey of cynicism and skepticism with me this is what it's all about let me redefine success and he says this in Ecclesiastes he says now all have been heard and here's the conclusion of the matter fear of God keep his Commandments that's real success for this is the duty of all mankind for God will bring every deed into judgment the hidden things you do on your device when ain't nobody around and the people you flirt with when your spouse ain't there whether it's good or evil God got his eyes on us he says this keep it up fear God keep his commandments he drops the mic y'all he leaves the stage the wisest dude ever says the last thing I want you to hear for me is fear God keep his commandments fear God have a reverence for God a reverence for his presence a reverence for his house a reverence for his Mantle's a reverence for his leadership have a reverence for his wheel a reverence for his ways the reason that I don't drink and smoke is not because I'm not liberated to do what I want to do is I have a severence for the anointing of god that i am carrying and i don't need anything to negatively influence his presence that is on my life everything that i need i can get from god what there's just a reference this is the here's the redefinition of success fear God keep his Commandments fear God and do what he says if he says flee fornication girl you need to move out tonight quit making all those excuses if he say ties quit robbing God and start the table tonight he gave it to you and if he give it he can take it away quit making all these fear God keep his commandments do what he tells you to do go where he's leading you to go this is the redefinition of success in the New Testament it says it this way this is like the New Testament you know flip on it it says it says for whoever wants to save their life will lose it but whoever loses their life will find it we don't hear that preached they come to Jesus so you can lose your life most of us come to Jesus so we can get the abundant life but the abundant life comes on the heels of the Forsaken life and there has to be a funeral before there can be an abundant life something has to die for something to live I need to prophesy over somebody that your measuring stick has been wrong in the Spirit of the Lord is saying today that you have to change the scorecard your scorecard has been a worldly store card that is not heaven scorecard for your success you feel like you're not far enough you feel like you haven't gone faster enough you were right where God wants you to be you are right on time doing everything you need to do you don't have to have to keep up with the kardashians you need to keep it with the presence of God and this is what I want you to know you have to change the score card so the score card of heaven is not bigger homes faster cars newer cell phones corner office making six figures get another degree all of those things are fine if you put God's God first but that's not heaven scorecard heaven scorecard is this am i obedient to God and have I done what God has told me to do am i developing the fruit of the Spirit am i turning the other cheek am i developing the mind of Christ am i living with an open heart and an open hand am i a taker or am i a giver am i faithful to my family am i faithful to much am i faithful to my pastor those who are in my group am i faithful and I feel the Lord saying this and you might want to write this down stop following people that are famous follow people that are faithful don't just follow people because they're famous follow people because they've been faithful let us pray father we thank you so much for everything that you're doing in our hearts right now we ask for you to have your way in us and through us that you are changing our perspectives and you're giving us a redefinition of what success is that truly the way up is down in your kingdom and the way to get is to give for we serve in an upside-down Kingdom I come against the attack on the mind of the man who's just been working and working and working trying to prove to everybody and himself that he's worth anything and I pray that he understands that his worth is not found in his bank account but his worth is found in the Word of God I pray for the young lady that is looking for love in all the wrong places that she will not continue to allow herself to be abused and mistreated by someone who says they love you but treat you differently for you have been created fearfully and wonderfully made and somebody who is desiring you should pay the price for you because your value is far above rubies and so father I just thank you that right now with every head bowed and every eye closed for those of us who say you know what I want to put my faith in Jesus this is where real success starts man it's so so sad to see a man gain the whole world and lose his soul think about that for a second if you gain the whole world and you got all of us fooled just to spend the rest of eternity separated from God in the lake of fire that's a sad reality but it's a true one that needs to be preached there is a heaven and there is a hell and there's coming a time where we will leave this body and we want to give you an opportunity to be forgiven of your sins to have a relationship with God you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one you just have to be you got to be willing willing to surrender your life to the one that he has for you and so if you're watching this today and around the world and you're like pastor I want a relationship with Jesus I want to be forgiven of my sins I want to be a child of God I want name to be found in the Lamb's Book of Life would you allow me to pray for you if that's you just lift your hand right where you are so that God can see it God seeing that hand right there god bless you welcome to the family of God welcome into the kingdom of God they're stepping out of darkness into the light God is gonna honor your choice today would you pray this prayer with me say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins today I surrender my will to your will say O God I want to read the find success it starts right here right now with accepting you say Lord Jesus from this day be my Savior be my Lord I'm yours you're mine in Jesus name Amen that message blessed you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yes this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you've got to go here to get that fried chicken into a sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 870
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9ic1R-B-8-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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