The Anointing | Pastor Ken Claytor

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father we thank you so much for who you are and what you're doing I love you and I ask for you to have your way in this church service today thank you for a fresh touch from you and encounter with you or never be the same thank you for the person that's here today the questions whether they should come to church the person who's confused about what they believe I thank you Father that they won't wrestle with you any longer in their mind but you would grab hold of their heart and that they will take a step towards you and you'll take to towards them today we sanctify the service this place is the place that's holy ground have your way in our hearts and minds today it will never be the same in Jesus name Amen if you have a Bible go with me over to Acts chapter number 10 Acts chapter 10 and we'll put it on the screen today I want to talk to you about the anointing everybody say the anointing and I know some of you all are newer to church and you don't know what that term means and I'm gonna find a little bit later but by faith just go with me say I am anointed I don't know if I believe that you gotta say it like you mean it somebody say I am anointed if you're a Christ follower you are anointed by God and that anointing is one of the most precious things you have in your life and I'm gonna help you define it I also want to help you grow in it but I want to take a deep dive in acts 10 I brought like a paper by oil and everything with me today but I'm going old-school unrest ago I don't do a lot of reading because I don't like people going to sleep on me on a Sunday morning but I'm gonna read a whole chapter here because it's an example of how you should read when you go home I think that your answers are found in God's Word man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of God's mouth and we have to spend time with his word and so let's kind of do that today but this is what I want you to do I want you to go through the Bible in this we read the story today I want you to go through it on the canvas of your imagination I want you to act like you're there don't just read it I want you to go there with me is that okay Acts chapter 10 verse 1 it says there was a certain man in Caesarea call Cornelius a Centurion of what was called the Italian regiment a devout man one who feared God with all his household gave arms j'en generously to the people and he prayed to God all wings about the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him Cornelius you know I like to add some flavor to it but when he observed them he was afraid and he said what is it Lord so he said to him your prayers and your arms have come up before a memorial before God now what does that mean that your giving and your prayers move heaven you might want to note that your giving that's what arms is giving to the poor and your prayers caused an angel to step into the situation now send men to Joppa and send for Simon whose surname is Peter he's lodging with Simon a Tanner whose house is by the sea and he'll tell you what you must do I love the Bible how to give people the same names like you got a few Simon's you got a few Peters I get confused but try to follow along with me verse 7 when the angel who spoke to him at the party Cornelius called two of his household servants a devout soldier from among those who waited from him continuously and so when they explained all these things to them he sent him to Joppa the next day as they went on the journey and drew near to the city Peter went up to the housetop to pray it was about the sixth hour what time is that this is about noon now how many of you all take a lunch break and you go talk to Jesus okay let me read on verse to him then he became very hungry and he wanted to eat but while he was made ready he fell into a trance imagine this he saw heaven open and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners descended to him and it let down to the earth in it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth wild beast creeping things birds of the air and a voice came to him and said rise Peter kill and eat but Peter said not so Lord for I've never eaten anything common or unclean and the voice spoke to him again everybody again a second time what God has cleanse you must not call common this was done three times and the object was taken up to heaven again now why Peter he kind of wondered about what this vision might mean behold the man who had been sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house and they stood before the gate he is out there ringing the doorbell and they called an ass by the Simon who saw was Peter was lodging there and while Peter thought about the vision the Holy Spirit you got put wholly in front of the word spirit the Holy Spirit said to him behold these three men are seeking you arise therefore go down and go with them doubting nothing for I've sent him then Peter went down to the man who had been sent to him from Cornelius and said yes I've been sent to him from Cornelius and said yes I am he who you see for what reason have you come and they said Cornelius the Centurion a just man who fears God now watch the integrity this is the attributes the characteristics of Cornelius a just man who fears God has a good reputation among the nation of the Jews he was divinely instructed by a holy angel this is living a Spirit led spirit fair life to summon you to his house to hear the words from you then he invited them and he lodged them on the next day Peter went Peter went away with them and some of the brothers from Joppa Dave company so he went out with a posse and the following data intercessory now Cornelius was waiting for them and he had called together his relatives and close friends he called everybody together and Peter was coming in Cornelius met him and he fell down at his feet and he worshiped him but Peter lifted him up and said stand up I'm a man also myself and as he talked with him he went in and he found many who had come together then he said to him you know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company this is just discrimination with or to go to a person of another nation but God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean therefore I came out without objection as soon as I was sent for I asked then for what reason have you sent me so Cornelius say if four days ago I was fasting about this time the ninth hour this is about three o'clock the ninth hour is so Peters praying at noon he's praying at three o'clock I prayed in the house and behold a man stood before me and bright clothes and he said Cornelius you're pregnant prayers have been heard your arms have been remembered in the sight of Dodgson therefore to Joppa and call Simon here who's sure name is Peter he's lodging in the house of Simon a tent about a scene when he comes he'll speak to you so I went to you immediately and you've done well to come now therefore we are watch this all present before god to hear the things commanded you by God then Peter opened his mouth and said in truth I perceived that God shows know what that means that he's no respecter of person but in every nation whoever somebody say whoever doesn't matter what color you are doesn't matter what you did last night doesn't matter what you believe but whoever fears God and works righteousness is gonna be accepted by him the word which God said to the children of Israel preaching peace through Jesus he's Lord of some no not some he is Lord of everybody even the atheist and the agnostic whether they admit it or not they just don't know and that word you know which was proclaimed throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with him and we are witnesses of all these things which he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem who they killed him by hanging on a tree he begins to tell the story of the crucifixion him God raised up on the third day and he showed him openly remember over in the Acts chapter 1 had Jesus after his crucifixion and his resurrection walked around for forty days with infallible proofs 41 says not to all the people but to the witnesses chosen before by God even to us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead he commanded us to preach and I believe God is commanding us to preach he's commanding us to leave out of this church and herald the gospel let people know that he is coming back again and to testify the he who was ordained by God to be the judge of the living in the dead to him all the prophets witness that through his name how many all know there's power in the name whoever doesn't matter who you are believes in him will receive remission that means removal of sin and while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the word and those are the circumcision who believe or status they were like I can't believe that who's the circumcision that was the Jewish people who had their foreskins cut away because Abraham passed down this was a sign of covenant so at the time the Jews felt like they had a monopoly on God but God is now switching the situation around they astonish they're like I can't believe this is happening because as many as came with Peter because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God that's how they knew can anyone forbid water that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have he's like listen we all got the Holy Spirit now it's the Holy Ghost party and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord and they asked them to stay a few days bless God for the reading of the word I don't know about you whenever I read the Bible when I'm at home what I try to do is read some verses or a chapter and then I asked myself this question what jumps out to me what do I take from it all right I wanted to read that chapter to you today so maybe you can go home because you will get different things than what I'm about to give you you know there's a few things that kind of jumped out to me as I was reading Acts chapter 10 number one was who Cornelius was as a person I'm Cornelius the Bible says that he was a just man that he was devout that he was obviously a giver that he was a person of Prayer he was a person of authority he has soldiers around him he had attendants people that took care of him around him I love I almost wanted to call this message becoming like Cornelius because I believe that if we could become more like Cornelius we could change the world people have a good reputation people that had a prayer life come on somebody people that were generous of heart matter of fact Cornelius was a gatherer meaning that his whole family got saved because of what Cornelius did the Bible says that he gathered all of his friends and all of his family can you imagine they sitting in the house just waiting for Peter to come in and the Bible says that they were so sensitive to what Peter was speaking that even as he was speaking the Holy Spirit just fell on him without him even needing to preach much because Cornelius had paved the way thank God for Cornelius's when I read this in Acts chapter 10 it also jumps out to me that our God is no respecter of person right that means that whatever he does 4:1 all things being equal he wants to do for everybody okay and so like I said at the time the Jews felt like they had a monopoly Oh God and you had to be born into the lineage of Abraham to be right with God and for years I read Acts chapter 10 where he told Peter to rise killing eat and I thought that the message was just that God would bless whatever food we want to eat and I know some of y'all believe that theology cuz I can tell by the way you go to McDonald's and Mickey D's and Wendy's and KFC and you eat fried everything and then you got all kind of saturated fat and you said well Lord just bless it the Lord's just gonna bless everything I eat and by the rise of heart disease I don't think that's true but that's not what the Bible is talking about when he said this to Peter and he says listen what I clean don't call anything unclean and Peter's like listen I haven't eaten anything like this it wasn't about what Peter gets to eat he was giving him that in a dream or a trance as an illustration of how whenever God sets a person apart and they received Jesus they are cleansed and it doesn't matter what you believe before if I've made them righteous then they're right with me no matter what you were taught before and so basically the story was I mean Radek ating your traditions and if I call a person they don't matter who they are or what they done if they write with me and accept Jesus they're white as snow that was the message he's no respecter of person now I like that but the thing that I really wanted to look at today was Acts chapter 10 verse 38 did y'all catch this Acts chapter 10 verse 38 it says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power and the word anointed kind of jumps out to me at this because that's how Jesus was able to do everything that he did all of the miracles in the opening of the blinded eyes he didn't do it out of his willpower or out of his strength it's not by your power or strength but it's by his spirit saith the Lord it's not out he was anointed alright and so if you say well pastor what is the anointing well let me let me help you today because you need to grow in the anointing alright the anointing and the original context in the Hebrew simply means to rub or to smear on okay that's all that it originally meant the term first derived from shepherds who had sheep that were dying because the lice would go up the body of the sheep and burrow in to the ear of the sheep and the sheep would die so god I'm so what the shepherd would do is he would anoint the sheep with oil all the way from the head down to the bottom so when the insects and the plagues tried to attack the Sheep they were I wish I could speak to see is anybody here or sheep and gods pastor that when God gives you an anointing on your life it's to protect protect and bless you so what so they would anoint the Sheep and so the Sheep would be free from the insects and the plagues that's how the term first started so over in the book of Exodus you see them taking what we call the anointing oil and it was used for consecration now that word consecration means setting apart okay so they would anoint the tabernacle saying that this was a holy place we anointed with oil they would anoint the furnishings in the tabernacle these are holy things they are set apart they would anoint certain people for certain offices so they anointed Aaron and all of the sons of Aaron and what they said these Levites are going to be the priests of the Lord we anoint them we set them apart in a particular office remember Samuel doctor the Horn of oil and he anointed King David what was that he was setting David apart at fifteen years old into the office of a king then coming over into the New Testament we see this anointing oil there's this woman who had this alabaster appointment it was worth the whole year salary she took that point man put it on Jesus's feet washed his feet with her hair she was preparing him for his crucifixion and also his burial okay and then we also see in James that the Bible says take those who are sick anoint them with oil the prayer faith has saved the sick something like that okay what was that it wasn't that the power was in the oil the power is in the God in the oil it's symbolic of the presence of God let me say it again cuz I kind of made that choppy all right the power is not in the oil I see people let me you know let me get some of the oil it's not in the oil the oil is simply symbolic of the presence of the Holy Spirit are y'all with me the power is not in the oil we can bless the oil Lord bless the oil and give it to you the power is not in the oil but the oil is symbolic of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the power is in more than in the oil or y'all with you today okay but then we see something different happen in Acts chapter 10 verse 38 if you wit me shout I'm with you pastor God doesn't anoint Jesus with oil it says that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power okay meaning that these two things go together what we need really are Christians that have accepted Jesus but also have received the Holy Spirit and power these two things go hand in hand okay and so God now anoints Jesus he rubs and smears the Holy Spirit and his power on Jesus now there's a you know the natural oil like if we poured this on you we could see it you know you could get all in your clothes it could mess up your blouse the Commish up bad god I remember a movie called coming to America with Eddie Murphy back in the day how many y'all seen that movie before remember that one dude who was the boyfriend they had that company and it was called soul Glo young M soul Glo and they had a jheri curl and it was jheri curl juice okay let me help you be culturally relevant for just one moment and teach you about the jheri curl juice so back in the 80s people got this wise idea that we were gonna put certain stuff in our hair to try to make it straight and grease and everything and it's what we call the jheri curl everybody say a jheri curl come on somebody help me all right and so this movie depicts a guy whose parents owned a jheri curl making company okay and it was like three or four of them they were sitting in the in this in his chair and their heads was back on the headrest limitless and then when they got up off of the headrest there was jheri curl juice that was all over the headrest no y'all know what I'm talking about now y'all remember what I'm talking about I don't know what we were thinking what were we thinking thank God that now people just go natural praise God for that because you'll need to have your hair all jacked up with a bunch of oils all right but that's what we call natural but then there is an oil that can't be seen we saw what can be seen but the anointing can't be seen but it can be felt the anointing is not like natural oil you can see it but the anointing you can't see it but you can see the effects of it a change marriage it changes your mind said it breaks down addiction it get its use free from depression the anointing can and so with Jesus he was anointed with something that demons saw that the Kingdom of Heaven would applaud cause demons to flee it wasn't that he had a bunch of jericho just running around him no it wasn't that it wasn't seen it was unseen the Bible says that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and watch what he did he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the enemy now I want to give you a definition for another definition for the anointing so please write this down if you can another definition for the anointing let me see if I can find it here it is it is the power of the Holy Spirit that comes upon a believer to accomplish supernatural things okay write that down if you can it's the power of the Holy Spirit that comes upon a believer to accomplish supernatural things how many of you all want to accomplish anything supernatural meaning that you want God to get involved that word supernatural ain't like a spooky word it's just means that you can live a life out of your wisdom and ability or you can say god I need your help and he gives you supernatural success and results okay Samson was anointed with strength it wasn't that he was at gold to jam y'all in just working now God anointed him the Bible says that Samson he killed a thousand Philistines with with a jawbone of a donkey that's like going to KFC and after you eat your two-piece chicken dinner you take the drumstick and you just go off on everybody and get into the UFC and come out the champ that makes no sense at all Paul was anointed right the Bible says that they took the aprons and the handkerchiefs that touched Paul's body and distributed them and cut them up and put them on people and people were healed it wasn't because the hankerchief I don't know what happened to my handkerchief can you imagine getting some much pain of sneeze and wipe the nose in this handkerchief but then we take that light people are waiting for the handkerchief he gonna drop his hanky today and then you leave out of there and think you're gonna go out in the Shands Hospital and raise people up what's that the anointing wasn't on the hankie it was on Paul who had been with Jesus and the hankie had been with Paul then it carried this presence of the Lord [Applause] so God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power and this is what you should do when you accept that you have an anointing you don't just come to church and say oh this is for me know your faith ain't for you it's to change your family and change your neighborhood and change everybody you work with but what Jesus did with the anointing is he went about doing good what would happen if you left out a church today and you just go find somebody to do good to somebody that's poor that you can help somebody that's wounded that you can pray for somebody that sick that you can lay hands on somebody this discouraged that you can process all over those dry dead boat what if you left out a church and said I'm gonna use my anointing and I'm gonna go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil now here's the thing I need you guys to know that there really is a devil do y'all know that I know we live in a day in town where people say well no that's just the state of mind and there ain't no such thing as God or the devil please that's why we have abortion and divorce and addiction and sickness and darkness and confusion and depression and despair because there is a devil and he comes to steal kill and destroy here's the thing guys in our day and time right now secularism is on the rise y'all know I'm preaching the truth okay you say pastor what is secularism secularism is saying that we don't need God it's a perspective and a mindset that says I want to do what I want to do without God being involved secularism is when we take God out of schools we take God out of the government we take God out of the family we take God out of every situation and we say you know what I'm learned I have a degree I'm a philosopher I'm an intellectual I know what I know and I don't believe in God that's complete fallacies complete 100% wrong okay now if secularism is on the rise the anointing of the church has to be on the rise right you say pastor why's that well the Apostle Paul he ministered in a secular society remember the one scripture where he says well the cross is a stumbling block to the Jew into the Greek the cross is foolishness at that time Greek was it was known as high-mindedness it was all about having a special I read this book and I know this and I know this philosophy and I know this new teaching it was all about it was the old school information age that's where Paul was ministering yeah it's amazing that people think that Paul's missionary journeys was going out to the jungle somewhere no he went to Rome he went to the city that's why we're going to Orlando to the city of influence to be able to influence as many people as he possibly could he would step in the situation and watch this he said now Paul was smart Paul was educated he was a Hebrew of Hebrews he knew the letter of the law but Paul didn't just step out with men's wisdom he didn't want to just talk because everybody's talking how many of y'all know some people in your family that you work with you believe something about God they believe something about God you say this they say we're all just from cellular and we're floating around they got all this stuff and you got talking they got talking what Paul said is talk is cheap and I'm gonna step up with the power of the Spirit so we ain't gotta talk no more when dead people get up and live again when sick people get healed when marriages are restored the talk is over when people have an encounter this truly truly of God their life will never be the same again the argument is over so Paul went into a secular society and he says I can't talk no more I gotta have an anointing on my life so God anointed Jesus the Holy Spirit and power he went about doing good and healing all not some can you imagine if the people that we pray for all get healed all get heal that's an anointing for it right those who are oppressed I don't believe a Christian can be possessed meaning that the devil can't make you do what you don't want to do not as a Christian but I know that you can be oppressed you can be heavily oppressed that's why people love Jesus but they're addicted people love Jesus but want to leave their spouse I'm not talking about there's been a biblical out a woman who says you know what I'm done with my husband there's been no biblical out there's a biblical I'll come talk to us we'll help you but if there's no biblical out you said why are you leaving I just feel like I don't love me anymore no you're under oppression you're being lied to by the enemy you're being dialed in by the enemy you got to stand up against those oppressive mindsets and emotions and think is anybody hearing the words coming out of my mouth today all right and so what Jesus did is he went about like with this anointing with the glory of God on healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with them somebody said well pastor that was Jesus what in the world does that have to do with me that has everything to do with you okay let me blow you feel logical mind for a moment can I do that because some of you are I have a couple of trolls on Instagram y'all know I miss the famous now but what happened was is that I noticed like whenever we talk about the power there's a certain Christians they just don't want to be powerful they just don't want it they want to be like oh gods powerful and we're nothing but that ain't what the Bible says all right Jesus was the son of God that means that he was God in the flesh when Jesus walked the earth he was all God and all man all at the same time he didn't stop being God he just didn't operate as God while he was here so what he did being all God and all man he says I have to live this life as a man why so that I can be the perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins of humanity Jesus could not pay for our sins being God it would have disqualified him he had to pay for our sins being a man so he knows what it's like to be betrayed he knows what it's like to have more month than money he knows what it's like to have sickness attack his body and to be and to be tempted at all points just like we are but the Bible says that he never sinned why so that he could be the perfect atonement a lamb without spot or wrinkle that can pay the price for every lie and every lust thought that you and I have ever had he paid the price so we never have to pay it ourselves you say pastor what does that have to do with me it has everything to do with you because the Bible says greater works the knees shall you do the works that I do shall you do also and greater works the knees show you do because I go to be with my father so what he's saying is like listen Jesus he's saying it's good that I go so when I go I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit now it's gonna be like I'm walking with you every single day and so who Jesus was is he was all God well when he walked this earth for thirty three and a half years he did so as a man filled with God that's why even though he was the son of God he was also the son of man even though he was all God he was still all men in that moment he put aside his divinity he walked as a man filled with God to show us how we could do the same and so here is Jesus he gets baptized why to fulfill all things he knew he had to do it as a man he stands there and the Spirit of God the Dove falls on Jesus why because he's showing us how much we need the Holy Spirit he goes through all of these things and then the Bible calls him the first of the Brethren the second Adam that was raised from dead to life so that you could be dead in your sin and be raised to life again and now you could be alive in Christ Jesus he was the first to show us what it means to be a man and woman that's anointed I loved 10 and 38 because it doesn't say that God anointed God it says that God anointed Jesus it's not that Jesus it's not God but in this moment he's speaking to the humanity Acts chapter 10 verse 38 is not the divine Jesus it is the human Jesus that God has anointed his humanity with the Holy Spirit and with power and he went about that changes that has to blow your mind so now when you read the Bible don't read it like wow Jesus was so powerful the little owe me I'm nothing no no greater is he that lives in you than he that lives in the world you've been anointed for this time the glory of God is on us well do you not understand who you are in Christ Jesus don't you understand what you're working with come on come on somebody come on somebody I love this thing what about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him and so there's this this this story in 1st Samuel chapter 16 and I love the people in the Bible that God was with like Joseph God was with Joseph made everything that he did to prosper palace pit all that stuff oh great I love Daniel God was anointed know that Daniel so much that Daniel there was this Nebuchadnezzar guy he passed this law and everything Daniel's like I'm gonna pray anybody gets thrown into a lion's den God's with him there the anointing is on Daniel the mouth of the Lions stays shut now God is with this guy named David alright so basically God says you know what I need a new king I reject Saul Saul was the people's choice he says I got another King and he looks at this prophet Samuel he says hey Samuel I need you to go find the next king he don't even tell him who it is he says go find Jesse sons and you're gonna anoint one of them the next game Samuel was like but if I go Saul is gonna kill me he says tell him you gonna go make a sacrifice and he shows up and the people are man Saul is that mighty man I mean he's that prophet that everybody is like oh my god Samuels in town it's like if Donald Trump came to your house or Obama came to your or Beyonce came to your house somebody help me somebody help see what's going on you know we're divided over politics you know but we're United over pop culture I don't know what's going on in the world today but it's okay so but Beyonce they come into your house is Samuel y'all it's Samuel and so they even run out to the city like did you come in peace y'all came in peace of Ko okay what do you want well I need to talk to Jesse cuz he got some sons and I need to see him so I need you to consecrate him Jesse goes consecrate all of his sons so we think he brings them to the dinner and Samuel and looks at Iliad and this guy's tall and handsome and he's like I know is the one the Lord is like no I'll reject him I don't look on the outward like man do I look at the heart the Bennet nap comes out he's right I know it's this one God is like no it's not that one Shama not Shah butBut Shama comes out he's like no it's not that one either he goes down through seven Suns and in Samuel it looks at Jessie he's like listen do you have another son he was like well the one who's the young one out tending the sheep and he says we're not gonna sit down until he comes in here comes this young handsome fellow who's not even consecrated but has been chosen by God this young guy who's just been faithful in the field faithful until he's found sometimes we want people to see us in the field serving but you don't need anybody to see you while God is working on you you got to be faithful until you are found and so David's out there with his heart beating up lions and bears and stuff and all of his brothers are sitting in the AC and he's out there and he shows up in the house smelling like sheep I wish I had some people that knew how you move the heart of God when you show up smelling like sheep sheep or symbolic of God's people and when you take curve God's people he's gonna take care of you when you love on God's people he's gonna love on you David is out there tending the sheep and he shows up without even being consecrated and God says that's the one in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 3 says this watch this in verse number 3 then Samuel took the oil and they anointed David in the presence of his haters and those who were preferred before him and those who got the job before you did and got married before you did and left you out in the field in the in the heat of the day and thought your dream was dead and thought your marriage was over those people God anointed him in the presence of his brothers and I love this next part and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward what would happen theoretically speaking is if there was a Kairos moment of time where you had an encounter with God that from that day God's presence and anointing was with you in such a heavy way that it changed the rest of your life David didn't fit Goliath cuz he was mighty in battle he had two smooth stones and a slingshot but he had an anointing David didn't win in battle cuz he was a master general he did it because he was anointed for victory I wish I had somebody that understood what it means to be laughed at ridiculed left out forgotten and abandoned but when God chooses you if God calls you out ain't no man or no devil that is in hell stop the anointing that has on your life because it will destroy the young and it will remove the first somebody shall I am anointed [Applause] you say pastor how do I grow in that anointing you got to cherish the anointing you got to love the annuity you got to get around anointed people that anointing it will rub off on you you got to get an anointed atmosphere's you got to say god I want that anointing I want that double portion of that anointing but you say pastor how do you grow in the anointing I think a lot of it has to do with just passing the test passing the money test passing the faithfulness test passing the eye test passing the obedience test because the truth is is that there's a crushing of the olives that produces the oil some of you all feel crushed and it's not that God is mad at you he's preparing you for something greater God is leading you to get to the place where you are drifting with somebody yeah people might not see what you've endured and what you've been through but God is seeing exactly what's been happening in your life and he's gonna take that mess and give you a message come on somebody he's gonna take that test come on somebody I don't know how much oil I can get out of one Oliver but in the time of crushing don't feel like God has abandoned you and God doesn't love you he is just getting the best out of you because it's the pressing of the olive that produces the oil and the anointing is in the oil the reason you went through that divorce baby I can't explain it all but I know that you're a much more anointed now than what you've ever been the fact that you're battling and coming out of depression you gonna have somebody else come out of depression the fact you had to wait for the last 10 years for the promise of God God's just preparing you for the palace right now that oil is being crushed to produce a stronger anointing we live in a right now society everybody wants the beautiful and everybody fall out that ain't the way that it works you better chase the heart of God you got to get on your knees and say God I want you more than anything you got to obey God when only your friends are backing it up and going out to the club and they laughing at you calling you a high roller in Jesus didn't a Jesus Freak you got to say for God I live and for God I die I'm gonna be with you till death to me part God I want the anointing the anointing the anointing whoo everybody's staying come on [Music] the anointing sounds good for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell your neighbor there's more working for you than you can see right now tell the other one there's more working for you than against you I recall where Elijah said open the eyes of Gaza so that he can see that there's angels and camped about us right now and even if you're going through hell keep going through don't stop and look around the place and say God why have you forsaken me there's another in the fire saith god there's another one that looks like the Son of God and it's for you I feel like preaching in this church I don't know I don't know if you're ready though you ready see ready let's pray father there are people here today that are not sure they were they would spend the rest of eternity we live in a society that has lied to us that we are about this moment the Eternity has no time and you say that it's appointed for man to die once and after that the judgment we want to be with you for the rest of our life Jesus if you died for my sins I might not be perfect but I do want to be forgiven you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one you just got a surrender you don't know everything you're smart you're talented you're gifted but you don't know everything God made you in His image and in his likeness and his purpose for you is greater than your purpose for yourself and if you're here today you can admit that you've ever spent I had the grip I had to come to grips with that that I've sinned and I can't pay for my own sin when Jesus did it for me and if you say pastor I want to receive Jesus into my heart today I want to be forgiven of my sins I don't know everything I'm not sure what I believe but I want to take a step towards God if you take a step towards him he'll take two towards you it's time to pray so if that's you and you say pastor pray with me I want to be saved today I want this relationship with God I want to be right with him today if that's you very boldly just lift up your hand right now all over the building the way that me a little bit just kind of wave at me come on all over the building if that's you hands are going up I see your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand your hands god bless you in the back girl god sees you anybody else if you did not lift your hand this is the simplest prayer that you could ever pray but it's the most important decision that you could ever make what will you do with Jesus there's no in-between we either accept or we reject how prayer for you today is that you will accept his love and his peace and his forgiveness cuz yes this loves for you if you did not lift your hand but you vote to lift it up right now so that we can include everybody before I move on all over the building now's your time don't let the devil still in front I see your hands see your hands say this say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward I'm Yours you're mine Lord Jesus you're my Savior you're my lord today I decide to surrender my life to you I am saved in Jesus name Amen come on come on that over here we're excited about it today I pray that that message bless you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yes this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you've got to go here to get that fried chicken into a sweet potatoes man and so if this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,549
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: christian, worship, word of god, God, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, Religion, inspirational
Id: cO2S33_VoQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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