my crazy lucid dream experience storytime

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okay hey guys welcome back to my channel today i'm just gonna be talking about this crazy dream that i had i've always had um these ridiculously lucid dreams every time i would have a dream when i was in the dream i would know that it was a dream if that makes sense in the dreams i would tell myself just wake up just wake up just wake up and i'll wake up because i'll know that it wasn't real so i just want to share um and i mostly just want to document this just for me because like um i want to be able to like look back and um you know like look back at like the crazy dreams i was having which we'll call it okay so this dream sorry i just picked out an eye booger i was on vacation with my high school best friend i won't say her real name so i'll call her monica we had just arrived at this hotel resort type of spot in florida now okay i don't know for sure if it was florida but we had talked about going on vacation to florida before and also not only that but the group chat that i have with my friends from tick tock um this isn't any relation to my best friend but um we were talking about like going on vacation to florida as well just like and also i've had this conversation with my boyfriend too like like as my first trip as an adult by myself without any parents or like any family it would always be to florida or at least somewhere on the east coast that was like that wasn't crazy far in my mind i just kind of like had a feeling it was florida just because i would always talk about it and also like there was a lot of palm trees i saw like there's beaches water ocean um and like yeah so i just assumed it was florida so we arrived at this hotel slash resort or whatever um and when i tell you it looked like a dorming hall it looked like it was specifically made for like a certain age group because we only saw teenagers and like young adults so maybe from like 17 18 years old to like 24 or 25 whatever and i remember seeing like a whole bunch of celebrities there and also there was like people from our high school that was there but we weren't really close to we just like would see in the hallways and like sometimes we'd say hi but yeah i saw them there it looked like that spot there's like there's always that spot to go to for like vacation or like if you want to go like to the movies like oh you definitely want to go there because that's the best place to catch a movie or like that's the best place to go out and eat you know it was like that type of thing i just remember like teenagers like walking back and forth from each other's rooms and just like just having fun yeah we get to our room it's really pretty i don't remember much but i do remember it was big and we had like a huge couch we got we go out of our room and the first person i see is um dixie dimiglio which is like hilarious it looked like her and charlie were on the edge of like becoming famous it was like the borderline between them not being famous and just about to become famous i say this because it it looked like it you i don't know how to explain it i remember seeing charlie like her hair was long and brown and dixie's was long and it was like dark brown kind of like blackish hair and i remember she had like eyeliner and stuff like that so yeah it just it just looked like that no shade to dixie remember this is just a dream but um i just remember seeing her like kissing this guy right her and this guy were kissing i don't think it was noah beck um but i don't remember who he was i i don't even remember seeing his face i just remember seeing her and this guy kissing and everyone was like hyping it up it was like typical high school which is like so weird because like we're in college now but whatever they're like oh guess who's gonna get lucky tonight i just remember hearing someone say that like me and my best friend were like oh okay so it's that type of thing okay cool we're just walking and walking and we see debbie ryan which is hilarious like what is she doing there isn't she like almost 30. no shade to her either but like you know um it looked like it was for teenagers and she was already like a woman so we were like what what is she doing here but she was like super sweet the crazy thing is with these celebrities we didn't really acknowledge that they were celebrities they just were kind of like regular people to us i don't remember getting starstruck or anything like that i was just like oh wow like hey it's her it's her and whatever we're talking to debbie and she's like really sweet she's like telling us about the resort and like things that you can do we told her like oh we're about to go out um and do some stuff like get a feel around the place and um if you want you can come with us and she was like yeah sure i'd love to come why don't we invite her and she was pointing to charlie because charlie was kind of like by herself we were like yeah sure so i remember we went up to her and he was like hey we're gonna go out um probably get something to eat you want to come with us and she was like yeah sure we go out and we go we have our bathing suits on we go to this restaurant um type of place but it was it was pretty cool it was like a restaurant right here and then it was overlooking um like like a lake um but it was like a huge lake it was like so so freaking pretty like there was sand it looked like a beach like it had like beach sand like the sand wasn't like nasty and like muddy it was legit like tan brown but i know it was like a lake or a river because there was like land on the opposite side it wasn't like an open ocean we're like walking and we walk down the stairs we're like walking down here and we go to the lake to the sand like me and my best friend i remember this vividly i remember like dipping my feet in the water and like touching seaweed and like whenever i go to the beach and i feel seaweed on my feet i get freaked out so i just remember dipping my feet in the water and was like oh my god and she was like what what happened and i was like oh there must have been seaweed or like some type of coral because i felt something and she was like yeah i remember there were some people writing jet skis it looked like a person was like um on like a small boat type of thing and oddly enough even though it was a lake it had some pretty big waves like i remember i'm just now remembering this i remember i i looked off to the side and i saw this guy i think he was probably fishing i forgot what he was doing but i just remember he had one of those like fish fishing um fishing hats on something like that i don't remember who he was but i just remember him having that on he was like you see those waves out there like those are some crazy ass waves and i was like no no they're not as crazy as the waves at jones beach like not at all like i was like comparing the waves to how the waves in florida to the waves in new york and like we were just going back and forth it was like a funny moment literally i kid you not we're like just like looking at the water and i just remember this huge wave it was so big like you wouldn't even like think a lake could produce a wave like that like what it looked absolutely insane the restaurant is here like the seats are right here and the lake is like over here so they're overlooking it this big wave comes like over like half of the restaurant and i just remember like all the customers being like holy like what the hell like that wave was huge like some people were annoyed but some people were like laughing it off and we was just like oh my god that's so crazy and i remembered that i had forgotten that i put my phone in that spot like the spot that the um that the wave hit so because i remember our seats were like literally like right here and i remember putting my phone in between the cushions of the seat and then like i see this big ass wave go over it so i'm like damn like it must have gotten my phone i'm like monica i gotta go check to see if my phone is there if it's okay because if not like i'm gonna freak out it was like so funny because like there was so many phones and none of them were mine i was like just like dreading it i was like oh my god i gotta find my phone in the dream this was kind of like my first time on vacation like without my dad me being his daughter in a whole nother state hours and hours away like i knew he was going to call at some point to check up on me so i'm going crazy i'm looking for my phone and i see like every single phone that's not mine i see this one phone right it looks like mine which is the iphone 7 plus and um but it doesn't have a passcode and i was looking through it to see if it was my phone which is kind of stupid because like i should have just knew just by the wallpaper but whatever that's besides the point so i'm looking through the pictures and i notice it's not my phone it's the girl who my best friend had beef with in high school t i think so i'm not gonna say her name either we'll just call her like penelope or something and i show my best friend like monica look and it's penelope and she's like and like i kid you not we look around and i see penelope like she is literally like diagonal to my eye like she's like right there just looking at us we froze we didn't know what to do so i was just like hey penelope like hi like like what and we was like come here come here and like you know just acting friendly like as if nothing wrong happened so she comes over and i'm like i'm sorry like is this your phone and i just tell her the whole story i'm just like hey listen like i think my phone got lost in the water but you know i'm not too sure i just want to see like check around here to see if it's here just in case and she's like okay i'll help you and like she was actually like really friendly about it like oddly enough her and my best friend were like working together to help me which is you know sweet like thanks um where was charlie and emilio and debbie ryan at this point i have no freaking clue but anyway we're looking through it and like we don't see any other phones we see a whole bunch of phones and it's like none of them are mine so at this point i'm like okay like my phone got lost in the water so i like i'm just gonna have to get a new phone i'm just gonna have to my best friend she still wants to like you know have some fun because we're on vacation she rents a boat we get on the boat i'm so freaking out on the inside because while i'm on this boat having what's called fun i also feel like my dad is like calling me non-stop like and i'm you know i'm just like freaking out i just want to let him know that i'm fine you know that i'm okay my best friend monica she gives me like her backup phone to text my dad and when i tell you do you know those phones where you had to press the button like five times in order to get the letter that you wanted yeah it was that phone it was that phone so i told him what happened and he was like okay so just call me when you get a new phone and yeah like enjoy your time so i was like okay i'm relaxed now i'm not worried about anything now like now he knows so all i have to do is just have some fun make sure i get my phone before i go home and yeah we're on this boat and it's like so much fun like i just remember like we was going up and down up and down up and down on the boat because like there was so many waves fast forward we come back to the resort slash um slash dorming home and we go in our room and we're just like you know we're like tired um we've had a long day and i just remember looking at myself in the mirror and i was like dark you know like when you come home from vacation and you just look in the mirror and you're like oh my god i'm dark dark like i am dark i am tanned i'm like glowing i have some sunburn it was fun it was a lot of fun it was also very tiring but um yeah it was just like such a cool dream like i wish i could relive i wish i could live out that dream in real life except like minus losing my phone in the ocean so yeah that's it that was my dream i don't really remember what happened next um yeah i just remember waking up at that point i feel like it's a sign to go on vacation obviously not now because like not going on vacation during covet like are you crazy but you know after this whole covet situation like goes away like start saving up some money to go to florida like how i've been wanting to or like you know just go on vacation with my girlfriends you know and just have fun and like um have new experiences if you're seeing this take this as a sign to start saving up some money for your dream vacation because you deserve it you work very very hard and well at least i hope you do and yeah so thank you for watching um yeah do what you want i don't care if you like comment or subscribe i just want to share um so yeah bye
Channel: eva lyzzee
Views: 3,046
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Id: syk-ibQAov8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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