Walmart Employees, What's the Most "People Of Walmart" Thing You've Ever Seen? (r/AskReddit)

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Walmart employees what's the most people of Walmart thing you've ever seen at an actual store I saw a cashier co-worker get arrested at her cash register for theft she had bionaire scanning items and giving them away to her friends and family when I worked as a cashier someone gave me fake $100 so badly made the inks made when I scratched the corner I had to walk away from my register and notify the floor manager to my surprise the people didn't seem to understand what was happening and waited there until the cops showed up and arrested them they literally did not move from the line at one point asked me what the holdup was and I even told them it was because their money was fake not a good idea but these people were really dumb I saw a man run from our loss prevention officer and get caught and a woman came out of nowhere and attacked the loss prevention officer while screaming I'm pregnant the cops came she actually was not pregnant but the wife of the man caught stealing they were both arrested my mom worked at Walmart for about a year she actually liked it so she was more active but she decided to quit after the jewelry department manager had a meltdown and started throwing jewelry at customers one old lady got pelted in the head with a heavy ring box and it was over turns out the manager was selling the Jill Rita friends and family but would keep the boxes and stuff them with rocks and trash so inventory would stay the same she had the mail down before she was caught when I worked there there was a dancer or waitress likely the former who always came in with tons of $1 bills she was problematic so I tried to avoid being her cashier one night I was the only one working and she starts her order it's pretty late and she has her daughter who is playing with markers that the woman gave her to occupy her she doesn't want to buy them couldn't if she wanted they are scattered throughout the store I scanned tons of things and we get to the end and she doesn't have enough money queue voiding items checking price putting them back on I recall that she took off the diaper but kept some superfluous stuff we get to the end of our order and she finally pays I've got more than half her crap plus the mostly empty box of markers on the belt I print her a seat twice so I can take a look she bought twelve items it took a ducking our there was something like forty voided items ridiculous I worked at Walmart in the garden department briefly in the early 90s I am going to take a break and walk past the deodorant aisle and I see this huge guy maybe 350 pounds in a wife-beater put on some deodorant put the cap back on and put it back on the shelf told my manager about it and he said it happens all the time no my time to duck in shine I knew those four years at Walmart would pay off eventually I worked the service desk so I dealt with slash saw some of the most epic People of Walmart [ __ ] imaginable one I had a couple attempt to return a half-empty and exceptionally sticky bottle of KY because it didn't work it still hurt when he put it in my butt I stood there for a solid 30 seconds holding a half used bottle of that was bought and used to shove something up this woman's before I regretfully informed them that I couldn't possibly process this return I handed them their back and then went to the bathroom to dry-heave and wash my hands - I had a middle-aged guy come in and ask for a paper job application because for whatever reason he didn't feel comfortable using the online kiosk okay whatever it's a slow night and I don't have [ __ ] to do i scrounged up a paper application and he started to fill it out of the desk we shot the [ __ ] while he was filling it out he was funny and we had the same taste in books once he got to the question have you ever been convicted of a felony he paused and asked me if he should answer that honestly I told him yes because if HR on his name and found something then he would be ineligible for hire since he lied he then proceeded to tell me he had been convicted fit of a felony I shrugged what the duck ever dude welcome to the Walmart freak family homie and it was a Rex crime he says well crimes at this point I take a step back oh don't worry I only guys say you're fine he said and calmly went back to filling out his application as my eyebrows met my hairline three we had a customer we called her huffy because she would come in and half the arrow sold us for a mover that people used to clean their keyboards get high and then pass out in the bathroom for a few hours I should also tell you that at the end of our parking lot was a small grassy median and on the other side of the median is a Burger King remember this note well management and loss prevention got tired of volt Hoffy coming in and stealing dust remover and taking up valuable bathroom space so the next time she came in a manager and a loss prevention associate were in her like flies on [ __ ] somehow that wily old huffy was able to partake in a few cans of dust remover but further two associates moved him once a fee sought to employees walking towards her she took off with Walmart's best giving chase I'm not sure why they chased her honestly it was probably a slow day for them the electronics worker who saw this all go down got on his walkie and radioed us about the front shits going down and it's moving towards you I didn't have anybody at the desk so I moved out on the floor just in time to see javi and the two associates streaked through the doors like bats out of hell I ran to the door because I am not one to miss a [ __ ] show I saw javi get in her car and make a break out of the parking lot clipping two cars as she made her escape leaving two winding Walmart workers watching her drive off into the sunset now believe it or not but someone who has just huffed two cans of dust remover isn't the best driver I watched the car start to swerve halfway down the parking lot then straighten out as Hoffy gunned it she jumped the median and slammed her car through the back wall of the Burger King coming to the stop in the vicinity of the kitchen hands down one of the better attempts to escape the long arm of the wall at lore I've seen I worked at Walmart a few years ago I don't really have many personal experiences with people like that but one of my co-workers told me something that happened to him once apparently some soul customer took one of the mousetraps and hid it at the back of one of the shelves poor co-worker reached in and got his hand caught in it I don't know if that's a people of walmart thing or a people are scum bags thing but it certainly didn't sound pleasant I saw a dwarf security guard take a flying leap into and beat the living it out of a 60 year old black man in a Hawaiian shirt who was trying to steal about $600 worth of stake the state guy he did this once a month or so he would just fill up his shopping cart with steaks briskets pork ribs etc head up to the front act like he was going to check out then barrel through the exit doors and dump it into a waiting truck they never got a clear plate and were trying to catch him in the act I was working my counter and heard behind me so don't do it just step away from the cart Walmart security is plain clothes and has no legal authority they can detain you and defend themselves but they can't restrain you you can leave whenever you want I believe from what I remember so I turn around and I see this guy with the shopping cart full of steaks and he's looking cagey as hell he's starting to stammer and come up with excuses while simultaneously trying to play it off sir just come with us please let go of the cart sir the God trying to get him calm was the head of security there he was a chill guy in his 30s were built like a brick house you might think he was chubby if you looked at him you wouldn't dream he could bench like 340 plus pounds so the state guy he makes his break he tries to blow past chubbs net muscles and they end up going into a stack of DVDs then came Eric Eric was a I'm honestly not sure he would qualify as a dwarf perhaps just a guy with a growing disability he was about 4 feet tall he would look like a twelve-year-old except for the fact that he was completely ducking yoked he was one of those just itching for action type guys he seemed like he had something to prove so muscle chubs and stake guy are now down in the dvds and state guy goes to get up and here comes Eric I'm probably wrong but I swear in my mind I heard now yeah yeah and the little doctor left through the air both feet out and just cannonball this guy in the chest feet first he went down again I heard chubs yell Eric no as he scrambled onto the guy's chest and just started throwing little hands into this dudes face just wham wham wham wham wham this is not what they teach you to do in Walmart security loss prevention I think is the official department Eric was fired pretty much immediately Walmart got sued and they'd have been better off just letting the guy run out with the steaks but boy what a show I worked in a neighborhood market in Tennessee one day a heavy storm rolled in as I was pushing carts as I was pushing in my last row I saw a man walking towards the entrance and since it was raining it looks like he was wearing a white suit with yellow polka dots I go inside turns out it's a very thin spongebob one see he wasn't wearing underwear it was not a good day for my eyes when I used to work there I was standing at the front once and an old man came up to me with his it covered underwear in his hand saying he had an accident then I followed his [ __ ] trail all the way to the washroom where it looked like a [ __ ] went off I used to work at Starbucks and one time this really adorable old man came in he was so friendly and cute then he went into the bathroom and didn't come out for like half an hour we started to smell something atrocious so I took a deep breath of the freshest air I could find and went in [ __ ] everywhere it was like a snail trail of pus made all over the floor yeah it was gross and it made me angry but also I felt so bad for him it must be so horrible to lose control over your body when you get older I worked at another similar retail store until yesterday and literally yesterday a woman left her severely mentally disabled son alone in the store for over an hour I ended up hanging with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself or someone else mom was nowhere to be found until I was complaining about it to a co-worker and suddenly she is right there looking indignant that someone dare question her parenting methods I once worked in the fabric sewing department and was asked to cover Hardware while the guy was on break I wasn't trained on how to mix paint so worst case scenario I bother the guy if need be easy enough right not even ten minutes later an older 65-plus customer comes up asking about a vacuum in the aisle I go to see if I can assist him with questions he asks if he can open it and try it out in store I say no he opens it and starts assembling it right in front of me of course this is the moment my coworker comes back to find me staring dumbfounded Lee at this old man edit just to elaborate the exact question he asked me was will this work on carpet I said yes he then asked if he could open the box and try it on now a non carpeted floor I politely said no then he proceeded to open it without skipping a beat geezer so can I open this and try it out you are no diese thanks for allowing me to open this and try it out I worked at one of the older Walmart stores not Supercenter back in 1998 I don't recall much of the customers except mrs. Elam mrs. Allen was this elderly woman whom everybody knew who had a bad stutter she apparently lived alone and had really poor hygiene skills her hair was always frizzy and she often smelled of terrible Bo she would always put $100 or so worth of granny panties on layaway pay her minimum deposit 10% at the time I think then come back a month later 60 day layaway but it was recommended you make a payment in 30 days didn't have to but it was recommended and canceled the lay way not paid off canceled as in get our money back you were allowed up to three layaway accounts at a time which she did she had been caught shoplifting a time or two at both the Walmart and at the Kmart in the same town she always carried this giant purse in the baby seat of the cart big enough to probably smuggle out a TV she was caught a few times trying to make off with the granny panties when loss prevention and the local police department tried to question her she'd try speaking with the really bad stutter and they had to just let her go I worked maintance there one day I was out retrieving cards when loss prevention called out for help she caught our pharmacist stealing a bottle of dish detergent he struggled hard way harder than the situation called for during the struggle pharmacists jacket came off and numerous pill bottles scattered across the parking lot he had a good scam ruined by a $2 bottle of dish soap [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 725,661
Rating: 4.9050217 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit retail stories, askreddit walmart stories, r/talesfromretail, tales from retail, askreddit cashiers, i wanna speak to your manager stories, askreddit karen stories, askreddit i want to see your manager, askreddit walmart, askreddit black friday, askreddit black friday stories, black friday horror stories
Id: 9INHq8kJH2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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