Interview Red Flags: Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

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Sometimes a job might seem like a perfect fit the  way it is described but the reality can be very   far from it. How can we ensure we don't end up  working in a toxic workplace? No matter how much   pressure there is during your job interview you  can still notice certain signs which translate   into interview red flags meaning that the company  is not a good fit for you. I'm Marat from EMMOTION, look me up on LinkedIn  I've worked in HR for over 12 years,   I've coached companies and professionals and  I've sat on both sides of the interview table   so i know a lot about these alarming  red flags of the interview process   some people decide to accept the job even  after the obvious interview red flags   because they worry they might not get another job  they feel pressured by their financial situation   so they take the job and of course almost  immediately they regret this decision   because after a short amount of time they are  back to the job market searching for a job again   but their confidence is completely shaken they  might be doubting their skills and capabilities   if you are not subscribed to my channel yet  then definitely hit the subscribe button   and enable the notification bell so you  won't miss out my professional growth content   i always tell this to candidates you are not  the only one who is being interviewed during   your job interview you should also be gathering  as much information as possible about the company   so you won't end up in a wrong place these are  the interview red flags which will warn you   about a possible toxic work environment number  one your first impressions were negative   whether you are interviewing online or in person  pay attention to how the employees interact   with you and with each other if you are visiting  their offices i agreed it nicely by the reception   look around do you see any employees anyone in the  meetings take note of the atmosphere you see and   feel in the building what does the environment  feel like do they seem happy and energized   are they comfortably talking to each other or you  see tired faces and no one smiling if they are all   looking miserable this is an obvious red flag from  the way you were greeted to the interactions you   witnessed between the employees you should  be looking out for people that seem happy   energetic friendly and comfortable number  two the interviewer is late and underprepared   a few years ago i had an interview with the vice  president of hr for one of the well-known fashion   luxury houses she was about 25 minutes late to  the interview without any previous notice or   any apology she had no clue of who i was and she  obviously didn't know much about my background   on top of that the interview was completely  disorganized i felt that she was distracted   and the position didn't really feel clear  or well defined right after i honestly told   the headhunter i was presented to the company  by that i was not interested in the role anymore   after my certain professional experiences i  could immediately tell that the environment   was not right and needless to say that the  person that they ended up hiring for the job   didn't work there for a long time of course we can  all expect a few mistakes or incidents during the   interview process it's completely normal it's not  always easy coordinating multiple people with busy   calendars and of course managers and leaders  can be pulled into the meetings last minute   but the red flag is when they act as if they  don't value your time if the interviewer isn't   focused on the interview and on you be careful  this may just be part of their workplace culture   number three inappropriate or rude comments do the  interviewers complain about the previous employees   about the previous employee which was doing your  job did they say anything along the lines like the   last person in this position really screwed things  up or we've had a few employees quit and they've   actually done us a favor some of the candidates i  worked with mentioned something similar to me and   it does seem a surprising behavior to say the  list i guess the interviewers think that they   are complimenting you in a certain way and  making you feel like you are different that   you are not like previous employees but the  reality is that the effect of such comments   is completely the opposite number four  do they mention working hard many times   some people don't know how to work hard and they  didn't appreciate this opportunity here when the   interviewer mentions many times how the company  values include hard work this might be a red flag   it might be that the interviewer is trying to  let you know the kind of work life balance that   the company employees have while it's already  obvious that working long hours doesn't really   equal to productivity some companies still don't  get it and the problem is that you don't know   exactly how hard this hard work is you might  actually be joining to an overworking culture   number five high turnover high turnover  in a company is always concerning   if this comes up during your interview you should  definitely understand why people are leaving it's   not really uncommon for a high turnover to occur  after certain changes within the company like   leadership changes a new ceo or a new director  department manager any strategic changes in the   company some people might be pressured out or some  people might not like this situation and move on   to new opportunities but you definitely should  be concerned if there has been a high turnover   in the role which you are interviewing for no  matter what the reasons are if people are not   staying in the position for a long time this  screams a red flag good companies don't rotate   their employees so often and the employees  don't really give up the good roles so easily   that's why that's not a good sign they  are responses to behavioral questions   hiring managers tend to ask different behavioral  interview questions to understand what type of   employee you are and it is a good idea for you to  do the same when it's your turn to ask questions   these are some examples of questions you can  ask how would you describe your management style   what do you expect from a well-performing employee  what type of employees are successful in this job   and in this company in general and  listen carefully to their responses   number seven your gut feeling says no  while we might try to convince ourselves   that the job is great and this company is  a right opportunity for us your gut feeling   will be telling you otherwise when your inner  voice tells you to stop you should definitely   follow it remember that the interviewers are on  their best behavior during the interview process   so if the interview experience is bad the job will  be even worse so move on towards the next project   ending up in a toxic workplace will only slow  down your career advancements you deserve a good   working environment a good manager who will mentor  and lead you towards your full potential thanks   for watching if you found this video useful please  thumb it up and share it with whoever you think it   might be beneficial to don't forget to hit the  subscribe and see you in my next video coming up you
Channel: EMMOTION by Marat
Views: 6,888
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Interview Red Flags, signs of a toxic work environment, toxic work environment, toxic work environment signs, toxic environment, signs of toxic workplace, toxic workplace, toxic work culture, toxic boss, bully boss, bad work environment, toxic boss signs, toxic office environment, bad company culture, deal with toxic people, job interview red flags, red flags for job seekers, signs of a bad employer, warning signs job interview, emmotion by marat, interview tips
Id: VKi4W90CmSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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