People Share The Worst Case of 'Princess' Behavior They've Ever Seen (r/AskReddit)

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what is the worst case of princess behavior you've ever seen I work at a clothing store one night 15 minutes before closing a group of four come in I proceeded to tell them we were 15 minutes before closing to which one of them replied we will only take a minute nope not a minute not even ten they left the store 40 minutes after closing all because the daughter whom I presume was in her mid 22 find an outfit for a photoshoot the entire time she was in the changing room she would throw the item she didn't feel good in at one of my associates when she finally decided she wasn't gonna purchase anything she had left a whole rack of clothing which if we were still open wouldn't have been an issue but after 40 minutes of being closed the other associate and I had already finished recovering the store for the night she finished it off by complaining to her boyfriend that it was his fault she didn't like anything because he didn't compliment her in any of the items she literally stomped out with her arms crossed and pouted my friend's ex had a major I'm a princess syndrome aside from the fact she would literally call herself a princess she was majorly high-maintenance he spent all his money on her around $500 when we were all in high school and unemployed spend every ounce of time he was free with her and texted at all Lau's they were both awake then some other dude became interested in her and she was boasting about all the attention she was getting when my friend dumped her finally she started going out with the other guy I thought it was done well no she then proceeded to stick herself to him like glue and continued with the constant texting so that no other girl could approach him then when he said he didn't want to be friends with her she went around to her close friends calling him the rapist he is not and she eventually admitted it because you know the princess is never at fault I watched a college princess empty an entire shelf of wine Hulk style at BevMo at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday because they couldn't sell her a pack of Rhona first she was upset because she cut in line and everyone was bullying her for it she was frustrated nobody understood why her time was more precious than ours then the cashier was being racist because he couldn't sell her the beer couldn't nod wouldn't she was under 21 us they are both white by the way she starts to whine and stomps her feet like a child when that doesn't work she starts crying and pulls her they always sell it to me at the other store card cashier is done with college princess he calls out the manager the manager tells princess she will not be purchasing alcohol that day or any other day until her 21st birthday it was like the manager said the incantation to summon a banshee princess let out a screech that could be heard two states away ran over to a full shelf of wine and started slamming every bottle she could reach onto the floor by the time the police came her legs and feet were covered in blood and glass all because they wouldn't break the law and sell her beer I was in the line waiting for the Hulk roller coaster at Island of adventures in Florida there were these two teenage girls in front of me when they got to the front of the line they asked to be sat in the very front row there is a separate line dedicated for the first row and the park employee told them this they kept showing the employee their fast passes and demanded to be sat in the very front row the park employee sat them in the very last row instead and both the girls threw a temper tantrum I couldn't really believe it we were already in the Fast Pass Line so instead of waiting two hours we only had to wait about thirty minutes I got the idea that the girls weren't used to being told no I work at a library and someone wanted a library card ok great just fill out this short application on this kiosk takes only a few minutes simple stuff like name address birthday email etc she didn't want to can we do as for her it's too much work now if someone has an actual to ask us to do it for them we can enter all of that manually no problem but in this case she told my coworker I don't want to do all that work and my coworker said I guess you don't want a library card then either my cousin was given a brand-new Mustang on her 16th birthday she demanded that my uncle return it and get another one because she didn't like the color so he drove three hours away to another dealer to get her the color she wanted she refused to go with him because she had better things to do none of this is surprising because she's been catered to her entire life however my uncle who is a really laid-back and funny guy made a pit stop at a body shop and had the Matt Veruca Salt in big bold letters across the bottom of the windshield she was furious and demanded they remove it but my uncle simply told her that if she did anything to get rid of it he would sell the car and she was welcome to buy one with her own money so she dealt with it my sister wanted everyone in her wedding party to do a 6 a.m. yoga class on the day of her wedding everyone was tanked at the rehearsal dinner the night before no one wanted to get up at 6 a.m. we all told her way ahead of time we all hated this idea she stomped her foot about it anyway there was puke just too wet she asked me to be her maid of honour when I was living / working in the Philippines and she was home in upstate New York I told her I couldn't commit to the responsibility of being maid of honor she said she couldn't believe I wouldn't move home for something like this we didn't talk for four months I did end up going to the wedding but as a normal guest she still tried to make me do the yoga class I refused she didn't speak to me all day on her wedding day I was okay talking to the other 300 people there my ex had a full-out temper tantrum that her parents sent her a Louis Vuitton handbag worth 10,000 or so not the luggage set she was lying on the floor kicking and screaming it was strange rich people problems I gather my 17-year old co-worker is a spoiled little brat she's a cashier and if the queue gets too long both of us have to go on till to serve yet instead she hides in the kitchen and leaves meat a massive queue oh and every time I take my break and we are both on shift together she hides under the ice-cream machine for the entire 30 minutes rather than serve customers she used to pull me off my break to please serve them every two minutes until I told her to do it yourself and she chucked a screen crying tantrum a girl late twenty's threw a massive temper tantrum cause I refused to change shifts with her basically she wanted me to work ten straight days and two double shifts because wanted to go to a summer festival we were short-handed already do a colleague being take to an emergency heart surgery luckily my front desk supervisor and hotel manager had my back on this she was told to resign shortly thereafter there was a girl in my university who wanted an on-campus job to cover her expenses she threw a fit when the receiving department did not select her no bias against her she complained to the school and reported the receiving manager for being existent not giving the job to a girl who has never lifted anything apart from her handbag the manager did budge and hired her she stormed out two days later calling the department unfair towards women who couldn't lift 20 pounds every day at previous job me and some random girl were involved in calculating a bill she told me I'm a lady I don't do math was dating this chick for a few months we make plans to hang out and cook dinner at my house after work so I text her saying I'm heading home from work and I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick she replies that she'll start heading to my place so I put my phone in my room and hop in the shower then I start prepping things for dinner it's been an hour since she said she was on her way and she hasn't shown up so I go back to my room and check my phone a few missed calls and a bunch of messages from her she had shown up to my house stood at the front door but because my phone is in my room I didn't hear any of her calls or texts so she left and went back home she didn't ring the doorbell or not because she is a lady tells me she can't believe I wasted her time a 29 year old princess that is too good to even knock on the door of the guy she is dating I thought it was a joke my roommate in college got sick one time I had a mild flu I'm a mother hen type so I got her to the hospital during a blizzard got her meds and generally was taking care of her I thought she would thank me or something but instead she asked me if I could feed her soup I said ah I think you can handle it and bounced as fast as I could for the next couple of days edit a lot of people are focusing on the hospital thing which wasn't my princess example it was expecting me someone she has known for six months at this point to feed her soup because she was sick mild flu so I got her to the hospital during a blizzard why did you take her to the hospital if she only had a flu she was complaining so much that she thought she was dying so we called an ambulance and I went with her when we got to the hospital they told her she had a flu my former friend's parents bought her a brand new Lincoln MKZ she had this car bought and handed to her for nothing but existing and this was the fourth issue one that her parents purchased for her by the time she was 23 one day she decided that she didn't want the MKZ anymore and insisted that her father buy her a new Jeep for once in his life her dad pushed back because he had just retired and money was a bit tighter and my former friend threw a complete fit that he would even think about suggesting a used Jeep even though her Lincoln was less than a year old one of the last times we hung out she said to me daddy won't buy me a Jeep and I'm really mad at him I hate this car and I'm going to crash it so he will have to buy me the Jeep I want I slowly started drifting away at this point because I was dumbfounded but lo and behold two weeks later I saw an article in the paper and there was her NK Zedd wrapped around a telephone pole I saw her in the grocery store awhile later and she got into a brand new Jeep I graduated college got a good tech job in a distant State we bought a house and the first child came along which brought an older relative of my wife to see the baby our house came with an unused trash compactor sitting in the garage from a previous kitchen remodel as soon as this lady saw it and realized we didn't care she had to have it because we were family and Families share she'd never seen one before and wanted to help save the planet she knew the perfect place for it in her kitchen there was plenty of room in their car trunk if they just put all their luggage in the back seat for the 800-mile trip home she had already measured it and knew it would fit the trunk I was in shock I was watching a 50 year old have a tantrum 45 year old housewife who entered the workforce her boyfriend sort of was a mechanic he was but who knew when his shop was open every weekend was drink the previous paycheck away when it snows we have a professional clear the parking lot and the sidewalks but for upkeep need steps taken care of and a little bit of the sidewalk takes 30 seconds to do she smokes go shuffle sidewalks while you smoke nope eventually had to give a dude who lives in a shelter $5.00 to do 30 seconds of sidewalk cleaning every two hours for one minute every time she worked toilet paper I get not wanting to clean toilets but changing a roll of toilet paper there is nothing gross about that it's in a dispenser wouldn't do it it was beneath her I didn't realize this at first but she wasn't turning on the lights when she opened up she got a male customer to do it no no no customers cannot be in a building with no lights on she doesn't do labor apparently her dog got professional groomed every week at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday I have a little cousin who I had seen from the beginning was going to turn out to be this little princess the parents will give her everything she asked she wants her dog at ten let's give her one oh she doesn't want to take care of it anymore let's give it away now she wants a new iPhone and iPad even though she just broke her previous three within months any clothes anything I just remember growing up hearing my parents stuff is better you wouldn't know because your parents are poor recently as the age of 15 she decided she wanted to take singing lessons and become famous now we have to constantly listen to phone recorded videos of her singing terribly but everyone praises her for everything I went to school for audio engineering so naturally my aunt wanted me to record her which I refused saying I want no part in this this didn't go over well she then went on to audition for the voice in which she didn't even get past the first audition of course it wasn't her singing though they just don't understand what talent is she is now struggling in school because she doesn't have any friends and does not understand why I know this is pretty vague but there's just so many instances another was when my great aunt was babysitting her and had to take a trip to Walmart in which my cousin said up Walmart I will not step foot in that store that's for poor people the same trip she flipped out on my aunt for having crank windows instead of automatic ones in her car
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 1,037,520
Rating: 4.9404039 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, r/askwomen, askwomen, askwomen stories, askreddit worst case of, askreddit worst case, askreddit spoiled kids, askreddit entitled, askreddit entitled people, askreddit entitled princess
Id: wGVAc3OGL40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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