Red Eagle (1994)

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Oh [Music] [Music] life is fine tense of state we're learning to live with the Cold War all of a sudden hopalong war began Thatcher at kissing each other and banging on about perestroika glasnost whatever the Berlin wall comes down and bingo now we're Russia surrounded by 15 new nation-states striking attitudes flexing their muscles what can we do subvert them of course install puppet governments but our hand up their ass working the strings already done it here in Azerbaijan that's why sorry Khan's fled to the mountains we want our my name is aphasia because we want to ensure that the new pipeline is gonna carry Caspian oil from Baku out to a NATO country we're not gonna feel very comfortable if it goes this way but if the Iranians get their hands on it well we really would be over a power wouldn't we Iranian Muslim fundamentalist controlling the price and supply of oil from Bahrain to the Black Sea democracy [ __ ] you want to get your hands on this Safa Khan guy whatever his name is because he's today's best chance of securing chief you see it that clearly Jack why won't you help you've never joined this you didn't share our ideals ideals are not killing people manipulating them betray yeah you'll subducting especially when it's a good cause yeah if I ever had any ideals I'm lost in real quick customers I discovered we didn't behave any better than anybody else the bits you can take it and stick it right up your fundamental orifice so securely let me talk to him so what have you got that could possibly make him change his mind this videos you're clearly a man after my own heart ah I'm clearly a man after you a job [Music] Musa Musa don't go too far was that some other poor bastards turn today are you alright yeah it's not good for him to be frightened now yeah well tell them that not me huh what makes you so sure that it's that a girl Wow one must hope for the best yeah dominant males international huh you know I would be just as happy if he were she probably more thought in this your book dr. Peter he'll be back for the birth uh yeah I sure hope so hmm I went back to work hurry [Music] that's it okay listen to me yes I'm gonna get you down in the clinic all right just hang on hang on you're gonna be just fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace be with you help me you will fifty-fifty foreign [ __ ] I had to use my shirt to find his hand I mean no disrespect your American [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a boy ah you battery without I'll deal with it nearly there it's a brave boy dr. Peter Ricky it's your wife walk through the village dressed like that grenade what are those pretty strips of plastic makes no difference what happen to take it the risk come on don't worry baby is fine oh ok I'll never complain about you losing your key as long as I live it was right in action yeah thank you I've been thinking about you all day really yes I have let me get off this phone all right yeah I gotta go no don't worry about know we'll take care ok ok Nicky I have the most there's the key to your heart but I introduced you to Jack yeah there we go uh Peter that's not uh this must start this again ok yeah I think is alright because what we had was wonderful but it is over now we're friends yes what loving friends yes what's wrong with that nothing loving friends it should be okay am i interrupting something yeah matter of fact you are so how'd it go bad news is I got the job yeah the good news is I turned it down yeah wait for Christ's sake well I just thought I I needed to treat people who really need surgery well whatever Mary thinks I'm needed when they've assessed my qualification a sniper volunteered to join up for two years Mary medical emergency National OA nother one of those new nonprofit making charities there's a bit like medical aid for Palestine any global they send medical personnel to help civilians caught in a water yeah I get it so now you can feel morally superior get a crash course in trauma surgery at something cynical like that would unless it's the center you to do good as uh rubbing up against each other something's but Kate's not famous for her cooking is she well I just burned enough brown rice to feed most of Somalia oh thank god now we can go out vegetarianism time for me to get [Music] I'm not quite sure that I like you I mean there's so much that we were horsing around in front of Peter when he was trying to tell us this huge decision he's made all the lives [Music] sometimes when you make love with me feels like you're playing an instrument [Music] [Music] and I'm not really scared about it but sometimes I just resent the way I respond [Music] [Music] [Music] price of Liberty is eternal vigilance what no it's not yes it is no it isn't I got it the wrong way round what he actually said was eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty Wendell Phillips need to know anything more uh you know the really unforgivable thing about you is that you're an erudite arrogant darmian male well there isn't time to reprint them the vicodin to escape the hospital administrator well it doesn't mean that I'm gonna side with a completely tyrannical management Porter's ward maids cleaners they're paid peanuts and they're treated like crap as it is and now they're being threatened with unilateral action to take away what few rights they have no but you think it's a good idea to but all I'm saying is do you want to make a fuss about it career-wise well they can't afford nor do they have the confidence to organize a public protest we can and we do doctors and nurses that includes me couldn't begin to do our jobs without okay okay we had any kind of social conscience should be distributing some of these and that lousy thank you yours better take a few I dare you come on okay opportunities employer so you call that a kiss you haven't eaten anything I know looks like I'm just gonna have to forego my environmentally friendly breakfast because noticed I'm cooking up a Big Mac on the way to the office [Music] [Music] [Music] who's gonna drive during the crowd control aren't you you mean rent a mop sure it means passing them into law-abiding Luxembourg and that going great friend I wonder going okay [Music] of literature yesterday demonstrating today what could be next I wish neither I'm needed already had a heart of pure marshmallow don't fool yourselves I'm only here to say he'll be sown the whole thing goes sour [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] should be seen here tonight fascist bastards I think we should get to house whatever make it to the fighting it's really bleeding your apartment I'll fix it [Music] alcohol blocks coming up I'm gonna join you yeah okay Marley I don't know yes I do I just thought it was buried so deep all of sudden I was with a boy of 10 I'll get over it well I guess the next question is well Jack Jack oh wait buys way out of trouble well there's some gratitude for you hey listen I've just heard they're sending me to the gone no Kara back well it's the war zone between Azerbaijan and Armenia Oh if somebody in Mary's got a black sense of humor I don't know that though that was then the whole thing is completely different now that the USSR is falling apart why don't you come with me what I said why don't you come with me well I wouldn't anyway but how can you asked me something like that knowing that I'm worried about Jack cuz I love you [Music] I'm sorry I sorry I better get back to casualty [Music] Peter could you just do me a favor don't worry I'll let you know if he's there I didn't take good care of him myself thank you for loving friends Authority by [Music] thank you nothing to counter I trust you also it seems the same as the first one Thanks my vision so so we meet again I was hoping to play a trick which would be my firm age besides it's hard yeah okay yeah do I know I guess we want [Music] well there have to be him next [Music] you liked my voice huh oh yeah it's a great job good that is good I am really pleased you're pleased it makes me comfortable to put a proposition to you I need dollars to send to someone in America I'm money 300,000 that's a lot of dollars I can pay for them in one bullion gold well I guess I could handle that but that's about anybody else huh I need someone I can trust to make sure the payment cannot be traced back to source and I guess I'm gonna need to know what they're for the same as we've just done now I want to discourage somebody okay permanently the principle is the same never mind the morality you sure you can handle this you know that's just the point just this pink of a man I work for they hold it I can only deal with the decision-maker you've just dealt with me yet one on one unless you're the messenger you don't understand jack for me this is a matter of life and death serious Wow what's anyone let's get another drink and I'll see that - mom please do you have a full list of characters warning of emergency there's a Jack Carver on it if there is let me narrow if there isn't chorus girl take miss and then wasn't my father fax you manage that Thanks okay yeah you're gonna be fine just fine okay if we meet its on condition we both lay our cards on the table a meaning is gold for my dollars I look I got a call to make us see tomorrow come on only gonna do is persuade him to be halfway reasonable that's the whole trouble [Music] hi have you been fishing here's the score of course I have called the hospital and I've got an earful from the police why else do you think that I'm calling a detective agency you stupid cow look I know you thank you really good pass queens to me no it's just that's what good take a beating I have been wearing holes in the carpet wondering whether you were alive and you took a meet why didn't you call me I'll make it up to you never come on Kate it's been a long day in the course of which I've saved you and your yellow-bellied friends even your heads kicked in so I take a drink with a friend okay there's a mess of anybody anybody other than you could have predicted even realize you can't play around trying to make the world a better place unless there's people like me to keep it turning oh oh thank you sire bless you mister point yeah well I don't doubt you're gonna enlighten me wrong I'm gonna take a long soak in a hot tub last thing I knew I was amazing of women's lib and that goes for you too you stupid cow it's a good for me it's bourbon straight on yeah because she can come well this is good for you as well just trust me on this one what are you doing another one that it stings that's you're at that guy alright come on okay all right okay [Laughter] I was very proud of you today it wasn't entirely ashamed of you either I love it so much I love you have you reset those worth once one time no well you know what they say two priests oof lost their faith yeah what if it turns out Boris lives in a hotel a worse than apartment fine but the last thing we want is a media show stake it out until I give you the exact location or is it gonna be another your surprises no mom it's up to you good morning well do you know what today is apart from Sunday well it's the beginning of the wine festival so what do you say we drive out that's a great idea but I'm cool just blow it out the window no no you're not going to work no are the only day of the week we have together believe me there we go again all right okay instead of the two of us going into action replay suppose I grin and bear it for once no what's the trade-off with me that's it yeah that's it damn could have been good well [Music] we might be tiptoeing towards a mature relationship [Music] [Music] make contact [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't wish to appear in any where precipitate the time is rather of the essence indeed yes certified check payable to go excellent yes this appears to be an order unfortunate to be the authorised signatory has omitted to sign it our understanding was that we were both put our cards on the table those are mine this is worthless of course you didn't really expect me to come here to a place I don't know that means someone I've never met before carrying over three hundred thousand dollars did you after cover my back as well the sign checks ready in waiting it can be here in minutes all it needs is a phone call you don't think I'd allow you to make it without coming back [Music] oh no it's her lesbian lover it was a joke say only what is written on the pavement you can bring the check to 25 you sound a little funny you okay okay um what's apartment under you're welcome [Music] all along before we can expect your ladyfriend you mind if I use the bathroom I'm afraid I must ask you to wait five to ten minutes [Music] hi this is Kate I forgot glad you didn't my business but all this is about a political assassination right so why do you win your masters have to go bad in such others to roundabout way assuming you know who my Master's are Russian gold you never used to be this squeamish today they can no longer afford to be seen to be so ruthless if the disgruntled citizens of the independent republic of azerbaijan choose to take vengeance on someone who is financing their arch enemy in armenia [Music] it's like a little private code Weaver all right if I let her in oh you do it any tricks and she did well you know what a stupid idea that is when you see [Music] [Applause] [Music] your girl she almost forgot to call it's not perfect but there's enough on Boris for the authorities to hold at least until we rolled up this whole network okay what about the debrief I can handle that the most important thing is if you head off Kate before she blows her cover up she's been used enough we may need to use her again when who's ever been pulling Boris's strings comes looking get your priorities right jack you really were made for this job you know [Music] deal's off it's off come on you know we'd go for a cup of coffee he got back for lots of good but you can't live your life on the basis of not trusting anybody you can try yeah but when your client cheated on you you walked away I don't really call that cynical cynicism is drug it's addictive I don't think he can change me see I don't believe you're half as cynical as you make yourself out to be oh I am I am Kate except when I look at you and I see all the hope and all the love in the world in your eyes that's the most beautiful thing anybody's ever said to me hiko he's here make your dollhouse in Luxembourg motto we'll get you there by the way come in ha ha oh my dear protege my dear petrol what brings you to Luxembourg Oh a little local difficulty the truth is I seize the chance to visit you it's so good to see you it's wonderful to see you and looking so well tired yes but secure I was afraid you might not be over the American girl I forget her name Kate Oh Kate too bad you lost her to your American friend a perfidious nation I feel unlike yours oh we are merely barbarians hence the brutal excesses of Soviet Communism nothing wrong with the theory there is there no it's merely impractical but we digress I am relieved you've got the girl out of your system because how's youngsil the cosmos I really shouldn't be telling you Pete but this man Carver she's abandoned you for he's another cover CIA agent how do you know I've already revealed more than I should but there's no possible doubt about it and what is more despicable is that he's using her Peter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm coming alright so what did you forget your keys your briefcase what you're right why wouldn't I be where's Jay he's at work why thank god that's good you over there look peg enough for a couple of days it's deadline things you're talking about I'm not going anywhere you don't understand do you I understand all right all right just tell me what's going on I found out about Jack alright okay if he's cheating on me I'm not sure you wanna know what to use using people's his job Kate using them lying cheating okay he's CIA kid that's what he does for a living [Music] [Music] it's nice than just a code she wouldn't even even message she said something terrible happened you had to go home and straighten it out she didn't make much sense but as far as I could make out it was something to do as a firm and somebody called Peter excuse me gentlemen [Music] [Music] [Music] you're lovable Russian diplomat tell you about me you see when this morning straight for me yeah I thought Kay had a right to learn your sanctimonious prick you don't do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and quit didn't they tell you they did that's why I'm here took me a while to find you but it lost people break it soon as it is your country needs you the checks been paid for and we have a long way to go [Music] hi okay so it looks like you've all ready to go yep this is it this is where you're going huh oh it's part of the info pack well that looks pretty damn high motive that's the back of beyond you need a nurse sorry what was that [Music] do you need a nurse [Music] you're kidding [Music] well I'll promise you one thing I'll take very good care of you because I love you you never know we might even enjoy ourselves hey that would be something from this [Music] yeah yeah you do try not to wake you I'm awake what time is it 5 o'clock why are the birds well I have to go to Hutchins yeah right yeah it's miles away I know that's why I'm leaving now I want to be back by tomorrow morning all right frankly no what's the matter well in case you hadn't noticed Peter I'm glad to have a baby now call me selfish but I would really rather have you around when this all starts happen just don't put three weeks Kate necessarily I mean considering what happened yesterday I suddenly had this is strange for Luther nation that I was the doctor around here hmm but what well you wouldn't necessarily want to give birth in a dump like this without a bit of professional day this would hey no one's gonna give birth in a dump like this until I say so we're supposed to be an international relief agency for God's sake look we might as well all pack our bags and go home if we can't get essential supplies there through customs while they're sitting in the bloody country that's all we've got in fact oh yeah everything we've orders there it's been there for three days but we can't get it because and I don't believe this because a carbon copy of the manifest was illegible and they won't clear it if it they have a readable copy for their files I thought perestroika in class not was supposed to well stop all this crap it takes more than words my friend to make these idiots and office realise that people are dying of cold and hunger and shock and wounds that won't heal while they sit on their arses shuffling bits of paper if I were the how are we gonna do there is nothing else to risk a convoy you go ahead I'll bring the rest when it comes through the village needs you my friend please go or they're sick right I'll see you there what the hell is going on [Music] I don't know who you are but I'm working for a 2d credit it is a national relief agency the name is macho come down you meant a dollar of sense of readings you a friend of his I wouldn't go that far but you do know him as much as any ex-kgb my nose another but are you suggesting that we called olive off how else could a Soviet diplomat contrive to smuggle the child of Czech dissidents to England and pay for him to be cared for educated and put through Medical School but there we all tend to close our minds to what we would rather not know however the time has come for him to call in a favor look I want no part in Moscow smash nations in this area no would be interested help us to ensure that the congas are not carrying munitions or arms and dalla will cut through the red tape to see that you get the medical and humanitarian supplies your people need and if I refuse the con was well we stopped all together you know the suffering that would cause don't offset you take that view his response is we cannot drink from reimposing our Authority when the alternative is anarchy that does cause suffering and on international scale look at was near think about it and communicate your decision to Bazarov here he'll work out how best to arrange matters so as not to implicate you [Music] but remember we have a legitimate interest in restoring peace and stability to our former republics if only to secure our borders [Music] that's more than the CIA can say [Music] [Music] yes don't be long now see midwife is here who's daddy's little girl then who's daddy's of a favorite he's changing do you think you might be able to do it no no that's your job well we're not in Europe now is it Kate it's quite simple this is my place of work it doesn't suit you you can always get home well dr. cabbie here not be the convoy are you carrying arms course this is not a stop in search it was an ambush like everything all of our food my medical supplies everything 11 while men are dead and they took everything even milk for the babies your baby how do they know how do they know every time were to find us it must be a trader that's unthinkable may he rot in hell I must start [Music] [Music] [Music] good deeds no frontiers it could be a disaster freak no way cigarette I given up buying them a lot of people have yeah thanks you have an American go work with your name of Kate up in the hills those who have supplies some of them why you know her what used to might never get a ride off with them sorry carrying passengers are strictly against orders we have enough trouble with the authorities without breaking the rules well you sure gonna have a lot more trouble when I told me running guns you wouldn't really do that wouldn't really matter just as long as I got that right I'll have to ask her be here he's in charge of the convoys when's the next one leave when he can get through maybe tomorrow maybe the next day when will he find you I'll find him Thanks yes they can't expect us to try the River route again so soon if you don't bring this convoy back to me there without a supply of fresh anesthetics drugs dressings I can't guarantee to save a single life in this village not even the life of my own child if I can't get this convoy through intact everybody in this village will starve to death you won't have any patients left to worry about promise me no more babies while I'm away this time hmm chow down down well I have this American wife you see likey you and I do sometimes listen to the things she says an expedition doctor my clinic in the hills I feel less conspicuous on this way I'll now go with you [Music] [Music] they make a wilderness and call it peace Tacitus you didn't just stop search the convoy did you he shot them to pieces and stole everything food medical supplies yes the convoys do you promise me first you can't betray someone without gaining their confidence first one more just what whoops [Music] zhenia [Music] Misty's British it's his son he's cut them all the way from the fighting in the kitchen and three days on this you see an estimate what stomach aah [Music] gangrena who needs a penicillin I was going to get the last of the old man you need that more than the old man he's already had a life this voice it's all in front of him [Music] and from the very beginning Michal was setting me up perhaps not from the beginning I dare say he knew a moment's sentiment when he first set eyes on you weeping over your parents bodies at the end of that brief Prague Spring which by the way he orchestrated but certainly you spent a long time and far too much money setting you up after that just to destroy a few rebels in some tin-pot former Republic no even dollar half wouldn't be that extravagant the ambush convoys were simply to ensure that you were in no position to refuse to do what you really wanted I'd rather die than do anything else for you you'll die much more unpleasant death if you don't we only have to tell your friends who betrayed their convoys is there nothing he wouldn't stoop to not that I can think of from me to you a radio transceiver state-of-the-art suffre Khan is headed this way you'll have to travel with one of the convoys we need to know which one and when and that I really do assure you as far as you're concerned will be the end of it you need have no compunction Safra Khan purports to be the champion of Azerbaijan's democracy and independence in fact he wants to sell its oil to the Americans and we cannot allow that when you get back to base which on an eye contact its preset my white knight I saw your horse yeah yeah well I just stopped a boy was running to the clinic his stomach completely shocked to pieces gangrene I gave him six milligrams have pennis son was that the right thing to do Peter that's a trait yes it was absolutely right look I'm sorry I didn't expect to see you here it's grainy stop breathing so we had to ventilate his reaction he's allergic to penicillin no no you'll be all right no we just better get back there quick [Music] okay is the treatment simple yeah fairly yet just by giving him drugs yeah okay just tell me what you're doing I'll do it I caused this I'm gonna take care of it okay I want to do everything well you better write it down [Music] God knows just hurry doctor the treatment is half a mil of adrenaline and six mil of diphenhydramine that's in the cabinet of the cops I found here and he's tell me what to do okay help me find it then yet didn't you have somewhere the boys sent the boys dead [Music] [Music] get some bread if you're hungry too tired I met zhenya oh sorry it must be dreadfully forgive me but may adorable doctors man after tomorrow we have to collect an important guest thank you so much [Music] so TAS neither bush shield as you live [Music] vato martyr do you hear me I read you and not before time the river route [Music] dummy we got you towel Thanks swim no too cool for me you go ahead I'll watch I turn me on it's breezy I told you wonderful really challenge on me not on your life [Music] are you going the hill clinic again I've got some unfinished business from yesterday's malnutrition mostly yeah I don't think I've had the energy but the night won't tempestuous Sexton that way I feel electric what do you know about sever Khan why I'm interested I hear his name everywhere some people think he's the Messiah and what other people think god be with you Kabir Agha and with you how's Musa oh he's getting more useful with his left hand one of these days you will be killing our enemies with it I am have you I believe that you and your men are in great danger by the way but we had already delayed know it that Kabir listen to me I think that you should take a different route don't go by the river just go go another way why the river route just isn't safe none of the routes are safe please that is something that you know ah you have been warned in a dream right that's right a dream I dreamt of terrible bloodshed the other river my wife dreams - it is the food we eat please help us sir [Music] [Music] [Music] nearly all [Music] all right - what is it jelly tea they risk your lives in Chile repeat they bring back many strange things including you beautiful ha yes you can find just like that American woman [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened bloodshed I do how many casualties so many of ours more tears but we have brought back a secret weapon [Music] I tried to think why you've come here to see you and shuttin the pots just bones you look terrible you look beautiful k9 [Music] okay Jack [Music] what the hell do you think you were doing shooting up the cars you know as well as I do they were sitting targets and the boys get restless if we don't let them go on the rampage now and again anyway you agreed on top of it she went as crazy as anyone yes well I've just had my boss chewed off by bloody dollar the object was there to incriminate my prodigy well we did that all right even I don't like to think what the women will do to him if he's caught according to our fearless leader stop in church routine would have done the job after which apparently we should have kept the good doctor suite until we were ready to spring the trap what the hell do you know why the odd swine so keen to get his hands on Sarah Connor it's the same as you're doing everywhere isn't it creating mayhem so you can move in and take over again yes whatever else I thought he was a patriot I was wrong we are no longer babbling at the pond of domestic politics we are embarking on the shark-infested seas of high finance oil you see you have a mind when you choose to use it international oil companies are desperate to secure Caspian oil sir dollar Hoffs got his eye on the main chance what a separ can come into this here be a Russian puppet made to look like the democratically elected head of a pro-western Republic to which the new oil pipeline Dola have can't pull that up he'll make a fortune and a new life for himself so fine Suffolk County or we are dead [Music] what have you done with this doctor I've lost her first rate she sent me the findings she's in the clinic with the America very good mother she seems to know him [Music] you were gonna break Peter after you I decided to sit with people I knew don't trash him he's my husband as I'm sure you were breached no they didn't brief me about daddy you know I've done it I've been there I've gotten the t-shirt why don't you just let me know in advance who you're here to betray well you're here to hurt let me know I'll start digging their graves if you suffer calm oh you're here to kill of you - who else is after him most everybody yeah yeah well I'm here to stop him getting killed is that a fact yeah that's a fact my friend hard to get your head around it the guy in the white that yes I do find it hard to get my mind around that welcome my job I swear to God as we say mister what knows this guy Suffolk on until he's safe in the arms of good old US of A well at least your cynicism is consistent wasn't that I convinced which makes me uh how could have yet a come dot it's about my ass I don't believe it strange but true is full of bullets Kate this is Peter Peter this is your wife okay talk to you you hear what I said since when have you been so masterful just get him ready I need your face down on the table no he needs to speak to me I hope you zhenya the radio that we did my badge where is it I believed I would have believed any live if you wanted to tell me what's this honey [Music] baby and you and Jack and I thought if I let them in a stop and search the convoys arms ammunition that's what they said if it meant medical supplies getting through who didn't have clothing what's so terrible about that hmm so when they shot at the convoy I couldn't stop them you see see if I didn't do what they told me it wouldn't just kill me they'd kill all of us Kate I've been set up all along what could I do this I mean what could I do keeping it a secret even from you driving me mad you see allows me to take you away with me when I must eat me just take me I love that's great but why all the cloak-and-dagger stuff I will come for you tomorrow if I can if not well you must be good by noon you on the operating table it is trousers off Zegna [Music] [Music] what happened to your lip we were making love your tastes have changed over coal you've been into Western ending it's no longer appropriate but with you been so happily married and all I kind of I've arrived I flatter yourself Peters work is finished let's have a look that shouldn't be a problem if it isn't infected the mercenaries have a nasty habit of dipping their bullets and dog turd but really can't waste the anesthetic on minor injuries sorry and as long as you don't say so now you know it's gonna help me I wish I could what's that something to bite on gone fine you ready [Music] you are lucky the other nasty habit the mercenaries have is to segment the nose of their bullets so they split and go everywhere you didn't tell me that before no we're out of that pethidine I can't release Perry but what the hell we were friends once yeah well you never were one to Harvard graduate no I never was getting better oh yeah I'm on the club and I'm already you're still doing the same old job J yeah pretty much tried to stomp her I couldn't take Babbitt what brings you here then can't mention something about Suffolk on yeah do you know him does anybody I mean everybody around here talks about him but I get to meet anybody who was actually seen him I'm beginning to wonder whether he exists at all you know is this do you have a message for it he's the one with the message hold on now do the dressing you Clara [Music] so where is it has sufferer God where is he [Music] [Music] [Music] we got clutter where's the chief this is an emergency where is this Jeep mr. she's down by the river at least her she was when I love kind I know something about you lot of people don't know don't I you're not as stupid as people think are you you're only quite a clever girl aren't you Karina I want you to do something for me be a clever girl prove you can put your mind to it you see those hills over there you see lots of lovely boys and there be good to you if you give them this from me [Music] there's a good girl you clever girl [Music] then white like his and goes with a half-wit [Music] all right if I come in unless you're embarrassed [Music] we should be resting well I want to find out how I felt a walk stitches pull of it when they start to itch it's time for them to come out things well I called I mean we called her hope abandon hope he went well I guess it should be merciful cross to bear and school that calls my daughter dawn like so many look how old is she 14 and you don't think he's good enough for your ex I'm sure that she thinks well that's tough on a kid myself I think when push comes to shove there's a decent enough guy [ __ ] Nazi I don't want to talk about it I do nothing but confessions these days the reason I like because I wanted to keep you out of it at least partly I was the reason to start with when thing was gone [Music] complicated [Music] I know I used to but I didn't I do see Kate it makes me feel a whole lot better I never said I loved you that's true yes [Music] I screwed up game I'm partly because look I don't know if I knew it at the time but I do know I was falling in love with you that was a nice try jack [Music] I just wanted you to know before I set off this just trying to tell you what she's getting this win [Music] [Music] she glad Annabel dr. Peter said we be good to her if she gave us this attack March Oh [Music] beggars can't be choosers [Applause] [Music] you really do want to get away from that you I've told you that well never another jaxtr did you just imagine what that might be like for me what do you think it's like for me after almost a year of making love to a woman who shuts her eyes pretends she's with another man who sees her baby had a different father and he turns up can you imagine what that's like for me hmm can you our doctor these people have bigger they've come from the mountain from Scott terrible mommy what happened your uh his friend says he's in shock he's lost much I see he says there are many casualties I better get up there I'll come with you no no you stay here help cape run the clinic I'll be back soon as I can I'll fix his arm on the way [Music] [Music] remember that broken arm bruising shot he's lost a lot of blood you drive pretty well is he human blood oh it's human all right it's not mine sorry pray for you to walk into the village and I'll understanding the language well I'm a bonus fauna and the walk here to do the talking for me we're smarter swing we're head [Music] delegating already and to an amateur she served her purpose was that necessary you made a security arrest Matt I come I can't why not your mission has accomplished like hers I can't leave without my wife and child you promised join us soon yeah but how soon as soon as we have several can Oh Kate where's Peter I need his math well I can get it for you you ready to go to Savannah no hurry why when was this you know uh this morning I don't know why this is Mustafar guy you woke your from Scofield's ago I think I might have noticed being bombed two sheds well I probably have just got the wrong place as Gregor we should I'll get you the map okay you check with Gregor I'll catch up with you I don't know how to do this I've never done it before what betrayed someone just promise me that he won't get hurt it's Peter isn't it we're talking about Peter he's got himself in such a mess I'm will we've heard each other enough the three of us now look I'll protect him if it's within my power but I can't do that unless you tell me what he's done change of plan what does happen how soon can you get me the dog I have promised to get you there by noon tomorrow that's not what I asked you don't screw around with me how soon can you get us there if you can keep up with me by morning you know keep up with you with the car look why this ginger plant self accounts gonna get himself killed unless we get there first I've done ask me how I know just trust me here's your map we'll be going too fast to read my friends listen smartass you get me the sefar can he's still breathing then you'll be my friend now move it [Music] please don't let it be hurt [Music] [Music] the mosque over there that's where you meet him is that the only bridge for vehicles yes I leave the mosque in 15 minutes I stay right out of sight he tries to like that gun pipe kill him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but have is he are you going to enlighten us my family what can you change our plans you order us about like a policeman you threaten me with death and on arrival here you disappear your explanation Mustafa I mean this in a friendly way but don't like you very much ok you want to stick around shut up jack yeah what suffer gun is here where would you mind if I like my paper touch me think why didn't you tell me please don't be offended mr. cover like you I'm cautious also I prefer to judge a man with my own eyes oh you mean I passed but if you hadn't you would be in the river talking to the fishes rather than to me well let me tell you something I think you've just got yourself killed which is pretty damn stupid of you I'll sell my friend this rendevouz been betrayed to the merciful it's any minute now they're gonna be crawling all over this face like like flies on a dead dog this is not a situation first karva please I am NOT a complete embassy I have 10 men in car got ready another 10 those who are following us last night what wouldn't be aware you were too busy making a commotion these other men I have already deployed around the hills they have checked the disposition of your explosives on the bridge and pronounced it good fine great I'm impressed but we're still in a heap of trouble my information is is the ex-kgb running the show of course I should look forward to meeting them personally or not if I have got anything to do with it [Music] [Music] bingo unnecessarily take your section up there okay remind the boys is $500 the first identifiable fragment of Safa girl's body no problem the America is preferred alive okay by sunup front-row seat for you sir mr. Khanna it is not my ambition to die facedown on a rock stay here okay your majesty please courage courage a few brains no manners follow me my lord this is not a matter of debate it's an older [Music] good I love I know what get over there then attend to you but there's not my blood will have to wait I want to see the ocean [Music] my impressive jack [Music] go get'em baggage trucks with run across coming across as the bang mr. Carla with respect sir I think that it's time to leave update out the American the American is dead I can do that when I'm dead and I should be most pleasant [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] over the mountain mr. cava that's the thing decoys in every direction general get some dresses ready and through the snow and down the other side to Georgia only crazy people would attempt it mark told us that he thinks I'm conservative but I should prove them wrong is that the rule you take it yeah I would not choose any lots of answered stay with us he is wounded and we can protect him my friend I have to go but I appoint you my personal bodyguard i lord i may come with you i order you to how else can you protect me I will prepare the horses Kate [Music] [Music] Peter was my lifeline you know after what you did to me yeah it just wasn't fair to him it wasn't his fault it just kept getting stretched to thinner and thinner hmm and then seeing you after everything that it happened limping towards me everything just snapped no way is that funny well you know the old limping trick gets me every time [Laughter] don't ever leave me I won't cuz we wasted a whole year a whole goddamn year I we just can't let that happen again kiss me when the hell do you think you're doing sneaking up on us anything suffer gone well should have damn well introduced yourself properly this forthright lady is your wife know [Music] Oh but of course it hurts you buffoon so what's gonna happen when you fall off your horse 14,000 feet up a mountain I should expect you to have the courtesy to assist me back onto the Beast well don't worry cuz you'll have a trained nurse on board oh no absolutely not now she's coming with us she is a woman they always say that because you sneaked up on a mission is to get me to safety cover this woman is extraneous to the mast let's not fall out before the party's even started I'm gonna get everyone of us across this goddamn Mountain in one piece and that's a fax all five of us five say hello to hope damn if it is unprofessional I'm not doing it for you and we are all going to die well you may be I may be but if I've got anything to do with it these two are not ready right on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here here here and here all these are places where surfer Kane has been sighted well they can't be precisely this information you are picking up the jargon how better to cover ones tracks than to multiply them in all directions I expect to hear at least a dozen more confirmed sightings by nightfall he wants to spread me thin but I'm not supposed to indulge him by chasing shadows what are you gonna do [Applause] we didn't weep we are going to make discreet inquiry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that woman over there [Music] [Music] only if you play the game [Applause] yeah the rules you tell me where the American has taken suffered or I leave in the company of these gentlemen evident minds of the feel if one and all no7 con was never get you have to tell me the truth otherwise I play with you [Applause] have you away with her then killer the sins of the flesh for the rounds of the Spirit I cannot speak in the presence of this man the age-old revulsion of religion from science at here the opportunity for you and your wife the woman is a heart she speaks equally well of you wise man American is her lover she went with him and the other man which was born over there suffer can a woman and a baby I thought the man Cara was a professional for the poor or a [ __ ] in the name of Allah they all merciful the all-compassionate let him go [Music] this very thing but true I'm afraid doctor you've lost it to the American again [Music] coach our wild bye sorry I was just thinking about Peter yeah just wondering what's happened to him where were they taken whoever he wants to go he's done a good job fulfill your mission you're still alive and nice to you they want you to do it again smells good what is it don't ask and America would have built its own little house in the garden praised be Allah Lord of the two worlds the all-merciful the old passionate Lord of the Last Judgement let's not stop here too long ten minutes we're out of here I'm sorry I don't think I can eat this you see she will fall by the wayside then what eat it eat it now because of this the noble savage you've got to keep your strength up Kate who else is gonna feed the baby what's droll about this mountain business is its africanus scared of heights snakes and heights bear them one over the Carver is aware of this I cannot yet have reach the snow you'll find them soon there's no need to fear for your wife I don't fear for her I don't care if the mountain killed him what about the child I only have fire logical father the father she wanted is down there with and I hate listen it's the women I know the sound the wind makes my own country this is get into the trees now [Music] [Music] there is a place close together where we can rest this way [Music] okay go back see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] I thought you were supposed to protect me mr. Carvin there's my personal bodyguard Oh what what's that you say his name's Gregor and he's a soldier in your own army Danya dad everyone who defied him is dead if I had not been unconscious my lord I never apologize for being alive Jonah and Musa that he defied the master assault so bravely I'll pay the price his wounds were to the front he died as a Mack excuse me it was the amount he told the officer you were going to try cross the mountain oh god it's my fault how so we had a misunderstanding and I sped at it you spat certain Emma lets us go find the unholy man you can do it again Suffolk on one route over the mountains Marlowe in the air his men on the ground that doesn't intelligent input the path divides we're at the river ten kilometers from here south to the valley north to the market if you can get there before the mercenaries we can make it difficult for them I've got to go don't everybody get ready may I go with you no I'm strong I don't have me just strength as much as a finisher whistling me I'm not going with you they stay with you my lord my lord excuse me with your permission [Music] and I talk to the world on American television come here I should speaker me whatever I am my lord I will hear you [Music] god be with you carry on good luck [Music] [Music] how much [Music] [Applause] sergeant Bazarov so [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you think us you you made me jump so did they pay you will American dollars want to buy some what I want is your job too bad I got it what use is a job do a dead man was this he was wondering about down there this is a Plowman it's a plumber and where's he arcs I sold it to whom to an American he wanted food show me the money not much for an ox the American was traveling alone no he was traveling with his family his wife his child and his father bring me a guide bazzara he's gone sir disappeared Cedric on paid him to mislead us Roman which way did the American family go that bone the belly show me mend away if we find the American you can have your dollars back if you're lying you'll take a long time to die well it's difficult to say perfect god sake shut up what's it look like well a couple of horses have gone down that way in the past hour but a horse on its own has gone up that way and as you can see a single man has carried on down this path on foot it seems they're split up but of course if they only wanted you to think they'd split up it would look the same sir it looks like we've got problems down here it appears our friends have split up I have lost them and I'm losing my patience get it [Music] that's bad know him he went with Bizzaro [Music] getting them some time are you going the other way like summer camp [Music] [Music] couple of babies you must let me see your wound I think the gangrene may have set in it is not country it's my heart your heart he's had a stroke you've had one before haven't you don't play I shall remain here no you won't oh yes he will he understands if I climb the mountain I should've died if you tried to carry me you will die too you must save me Jack we can't leave him behind just calm down we're all staying no our say shut up you'll give yourself another stroke look why don't we just surrender let me just wave a white flag remember a couple of Americans a diplomat had a baby they won't hurt us that's the best idea he's my toe would kill you worse you will kill the child also you must go look you die suffer Khan has everyone gonna hear what you have to say my jacket everything I need to say is there in my wallet you say it's for me I died here is just of no consequence perhaps an advantage martyrs have always moved more minds and hearts and politicians your mission was to deliver me to America mr. Carver I am in that wallet fulfill your mission Oh mr. Carver would you mind leaving me my horse any company's better than none you can have two and they can talk to each other about you yes that's what for us too excellent one to eat and once take me home after I get one whoa leave one of those with you I never could fire a gun with my left hand and when you speak to the world for me on American television hold your head high and mention Kabir [Music] Jack yeah look at his leg that's getting worse to get a dressing on now [Music] I suppose apricot is dead now I don't know we're not [Music] [Music] she was crying noise travels at night that's better the age of miracles is not yet past I was a new man before the term was invented come on little one little luck she'll get some rest now the sushi you [Music] you smell that what feared ugly they were here they were afraid [Music] good that leg I don't wanna run this horse its misery Jack no I said no sorry just can't stand to see suffering light you better get used to it you've just given our position away this court Doctor Who I won they're shooting whom yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are we gonna do jack I saw you're supposed to come up to bring your plane I'm not gonna leave you without a fight meet the plan [Music] that's why yes when you get at the end of this line you've got to connect this up like that and screw it down tight now listen to me Kate you don't get this right but I love Bolognese and you press down on the red button you hold it in okay say okay okay now when those soldiers are right over the charge you pull the ring okay okay come on [Music] [Music] so far so good my dear boy well done this is your lady wife Kate isn't it and your daughter charming you shall fly away into the sunset together and put all this behind you when as soon as we have suffer calm give the father his child it seems we are kindred spirits mr. Carver I hope not oh you mean mottos methods he's natural sadist I'm not indeed in the past my sentimental streak has set me the kind of problems you're facing now betrayed me he lost me my wife and child and you find it entertaining the tailor who makes my suits Peter is an Indian poor chap he was bitten by a cobra but once he had drawn the venom Peter do you know what he did he sat down to needle and thread and sewed up the Cobras mouth poor Cobra don't make the mistake of trying to bite me [Music] could have prevented that motto nowwhat against mine Carver headed all the work why should he get the credit and besides he was past his prime and to my helicopter please get the gun in his face Oh buddy you motto lay down your arms put down your weapons yes this man tells me Moscow will not be pleased and you'll not be paid lie down on the ground face down you too Peter [Music] right [Music] I kill the chick I killed Pierre no no no you had no choice Kate it was too sick to recover you put him out of his misery like the horse was trying to tell escaped we're going back for Suffolk on [Music] how's your heart it's almost stopped when I had the doctor and Marco speaking but they didn't search very hard then he started beating again when my people found me fortunately my wound is healing very well where you buy feed the baby Oh she'd be warmer here and so will you I'm getting more tolerant in my old age I've been thinking that Toro hogs concern being purely political if that is not a contradiction in terms then surely it would have been easy to have had me assassinated relatively then it follows that the reason he wanted me alive was to use me as a pawn in the new great game of securing the control of the oil supplies it's logical and therefore I imagine that your masters primary concern is not to hold me up to the world as a as a shining example of a democracy in danger right thank you after all we've been through together to the bean sack if you had been less than frank with me so when do we leave we don't but your alters of screw my orders you're right you come with me we'll use you maybe in a more civilized way but just as selfishly as anybody else and probably with less justification I've got your message I'll make sure it gets out to the west and I'll see the Kabir's name is spoken you're better off here amongst your own people let's make sure the red eagle flies you're a good man I may get to be a true [Music] so we get stuff a cons message on to the world hmm one for company right foot for round I counted three one what is this what do you think the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step three got that [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
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Id: KNmepajGEFI
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Length: 174min 9sec (10449 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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