Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999) | Full Movie | David Wenham | Kate Ceberano | Jan Decleir

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[Music] [Music] [Music] cool [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] go to the place [Music] work open here we are working [Music] oh been declared a leper they have a right to her she'll be tested again in honolulu if she's clean she'll be released yeah after time they call it leprosy there's not leprosy though oh [Music] [Music] when she was first examined she had a spot upper right thigh yellowish it's not there now how long has this spot on your back been there she's got all the symptoms spots come they go she's losing feeling in her toes this one goes to molokai next more natives have died of smallpox and typhoid this disease no one knows how it's transmitted there is no cure communicated by sexual contact and it is god's retribution for the licentiousness of their ways exactly i've been listening to confessions for 20 years i have been shocked to breathlessness by what eight-year-old boy has told me if it is communicated by sexual contact how is it children become afflicted will they inherit it i have it on the highest medical authority that it is the fourth stage of sickness nonsense the bacillus has been isolated gentlemen let us at least agree it is a scourge and those that have it must be isolated and while i am prime minister we will not fail in this or hawaii will become a nation of lepers but as long as you isolate them and keep them in a place where they have no relatives a place which is turned into a living hell with no law that is why i have called you together we cannot send police to that island why not i've tried they resign fear of disease they can't take their families it's hopeless they won't go they won't do it then the natives will continue to hide their sick and i for one don't blame them exactly as missionaries we have given our lives to spread the word of the first good shepherd of those we have converted a few have been condemned to that colony of terror and death on malachi to die there without confession or the last rights painful to them and a dreadful danger to their immortal souls i have been reluctant to send any of you to such a dangerous place that when we finished our meeting with the prime minister he left us with these words if a noble christian priest preacher or sister should be inspired to sacrifice a life to console these poor wretches that would be a royal cell to shine forever on the throne raised by human love it has moved me to ask if any of you might have the wish to volunteer well since there are four of you you will each serve three months that will provide them with the priest the year round now the honor of establishing the parish will fall to you father damien [Music] we have a small church there that should afford some shelter we just don't write you your grace as a young boy in flanders i often slept in the stadium don't forget you are not to touch any patient and eat nothing that you haven't prepared yourself are you ready father i'll have you back in honolulu within a month i promise i remember don't touch anyone [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] gosh [Music] foreign [Music] stop [Music] is [Music] [Music] down [Music] next [Music] [Music] so [Music] do you have the disease no no i've come to establish a parish well you've got a pot full of souls to save have you got your things among these crates no no i promise i am makes sense you would take a fool to come at all come on i'll take it to the settlement see that escarpment the bali you mean yeah there's but one trail up it and steep enough to make a mule giddy most patients couldn't make it if they tried but if they succeeded they'd be shot at the top sure that's the law no patient leaves this island except in a coffin the sea is the worst in all these islands the good part is it keeps any from trying to escape that is supposed to get supplies every month but they're lucky if they both get in every two months i manage a cattle ranch on top so they asked me to administer you how often do you come down i tried to get down with a couple of my men when the boats come in so the food isn't stolen right from the starting say aloha to a priest he's come to save souls is the saw keeper and my number one man here he gives out the rations so we know it at least starts out fair if you greased is still here tomorrow we lend him a horse and give him some rations i don't know if you are a smoker or not but i advise you to try a pipe you'll find the very sick ones have a smell from the open source if you smoke a pipe it doesn't bother much bless you from now on only god can help you yes i often count on him i shall pray for us tonight [Music] [Music] dear lord you died at 33 i begin my life at 33. i pray for your protection oh my hello chris i saw you calm i thought you were fight hello hello you're english yes i was a medical assistant in honolulu when i got the blasted disease myself a lesson to you can i move you into the church i like the sight of the sea i won't have it long may i give you the sacraments from a catholic priest father would rise from his grave ah father don't be insulted come back tomorrow i may be frightened enough to think about it may god be with you i'm with you just now you need him more than [Music] that oh yeah [Applause] [Music] amen um father hello could i be your altar boy in my village i was one yeah that would be wonderful help i wouldn't have to touch the chalice or anything no more should i come tomorrow yeah wait let's agree formally [Music] father hello father can you help us emma my youngest she came to take care of me when they allowed family to come now a portuguese has taken her to the mad house he makes her do bad things i'm too sick i need her did she go with him because she wanted no no she fought but it's no good to fight they always win [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you take your hand away from here what are you doing here with the approval of the superintendent we are turning this building into a dormitory for the sick and for the elderly how long do you think your last priest let us live what we can nobody cares yeah yes well i care and god cares and this is not the way to live [Applause] come bring jimmy hahaha i cannot know your pain except in my heart there is a god i know that if you believe in him you feel him the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen my brothers and sisters in christ my fellow lepers we are met presence of god to seek his solace to be reminded of his love for us to relive through the mass the sacrifice of his son on the cross so that we might one day be following in the life to come i do not have the disease that has sent you to molokai i want to remind you that all men no loneliness all men know isolation despair all men are afflicted in in their hearts or are in their bodies by sores and and wounds which make them outcasts outcasts to all with him in his life on earth he healed the blind he healed the lepers not to tell us that man would not be blind that man would not be leprous but to tell us that that in his eyes the blind people could see the lepers were clean and he loved them as as he loves all mankind on that cross then as now he he shares all of our agonies and by following in his light he will show us all the way to peace um your grace i i'm sorry this is outrageous um he's now demanding timber and nails he says that he's not going to sleep under a roof not until there is adequate cover for all the patients there's another article about him in the paper today the prime minister calls him a christian hero a healthy young man who has sacrificed himself for the dying inhabitants of molokai yes thank you and does he speak of returning no no on the contrary um this settlement needs a resident priest both loads of sick arrive many are dying i want to stay and he also boasts a baptizing 20 converts well all things considered i think we must grant him his wish write to him tell him he may remain until further notice oh and caution him again about touching anybody oh damian look at all this i brought you it's more than i ever got out of the government i have a bishop with a conscience as a good lutheran i've got no faith in bishops what are you doing i am making a windbreak we have winds in belgium too they picked the worst hole in hawaii because of that valley you never see the sunrise never see it set if they were putting away murderers they couldn't have thought of a better place here this game with the shipment says the two of you have been breaking up some skills yes we've made some enemies i don't like the stealing of food i don't like them forcing girls into prostitution but these people are on a death sentence with nothing to do but think about it and they're sick on top of it so i don't think a little liquor hurts drunkenness does not help anyone only the grim reaper is going to help your flock father well we differ bad news yeah i asked for nuns nursing nuns a provincial father leonore has uh concluded that i'm both insane and arrogant you're a good man damien but you'd better learn to bend like those trees the ones that don't bend right hey there's not enough food why don't people plant crops the sick cannot the strong is easier to take from the sick to plan you must believe you'll be strong enough to harvest who knows yeah but you're planting i plant because you well little bishop you're late again i was showing the voice at the plant yesterday i thought you'd come little bishop come no no more you're not going back to that man no no you're not going back please father i have to he takes care of me what do you want freeze [Music] in my feet i feel nothing my fingers seed burns like hell you should be in the hospital in a hospital where there's no beds we can clean your source we can bandage them properly i am not a catholic and i will never be a catholic yeah how you live must be your choice but if you beat that boy once more yeah i say once more you need a hospital such as this island does not possess you understand hey hey you understand i want to hear you say it there all right all right see you for mesh tomorrow yeah you'll be on time there you should be more comfortable all this work for a protestant you might go to hell i would rather that you took the sacraments but i don't like you sleeping like this within my sight i suppose it would be easier theologically if i just died oh you can't die until i convert you do you honestly believe only catholics go to heaven i'm not absolutely certain but i know the catholics can go to heaven you know you shouldn't touch levers much less eat with them i know a man who bandaged lepers open wounds and he's going to teach me how he's not in the greatest of health oh his spirits seem to be yes as for me i dread it but i have put my health in the hands of god and the blessed virgin they'll protect me as long as i'm needed what was it that made you a missionary my sister i was the youngest boy and my sister she protected me until i could protect myself i loved her very much and she became a nun and died taking care of the sick in the typhus epidemic so you were born a missionary no no not quite i wasn't smart enough yes i had to work very hard to pass latin and theology oh quite those are of course the most important things the blessed virgin may save you from leprosy are you sure she'll save you from influenza i'll take the chance now can't i move you into the church no no when it comes i want to die here out there at night i see the world i've missed and all the friends and family who've forgotten i still breathe i can tell you that no one in these islands has greater respect for him than i do his reports these reports have been grossly unfair to the government i understand your feelings sir but it does seem that the provisions for the patients are somewhat less than might be desired half of every dollar that what of health spends goes to that colony i am sorry i i was assumed that they would grow their own food have they know they have simply refused cost of transport arresting them providing daily foods absolutely crippling your grace father damon ah damien i'd like you to meet the prime minister hello excuse me so we very much need clothing for the children about um uh 200 outfits yes i am sorry to be so blunt but writing seems to produce nothing and yes this is an opportunity that i'm not likely to have again father damien apparently you wrote a letter to your brother in paris yeah yes sir furthermore your brother is seen to publish it and now the newspapers in paris and london have picked up and expanded on it but i was simply telling you you gave the impression damian that it was you alone who felt concerned for these poor unfortunates no no i i meant nothing i would has been a serious embarrassment to the government all this publicity but why are you here in honolulu i had to make my confession that colony is under quarantine i admire what you've done i do for that reason i'm prepared to give you a permit to go back and under this condition that you never leave again i am not infected how am i to make my confession no that's between you and your superiors you don't have to go back young you're healthy i want to blame you i'm sorry i'm needed there and you know the times thank you gentlemen and from now on father you will send all correspondence to me there will be no more publishable letters [Music] shall i feed will be a you kamiana wants you to go to the hospital no thanks i've been he means out to you to be on your own yeah wait a minute they never got it right that time [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] did he ask for me we're going to leave you no you're only weak take some food i've been in pain for months now i feel nothing and you won't take it away for a mouthful boy i need someone to talk to you can't leave me now sorry for the previous appointment sometimes i pray sometimes i beg sometimes i thunder with fury at the danger of you going to god without the sins forgiven you must realize the danger now i want you to ask for absolution i don't want my last act in life to be false to you no i want it through i beg you let me give you the last rights you're stubborn damien i'm the one that got away don't worry i'll say a good word for you on the other side when a white man treats them well they don't forget who paid for the coffin i made it from the timber for the church repairs you're burying him in the catholic graveyard he lived in the graveyard he can be put arrested [Music] god [Music] oh hello damian you're the blame for this you hadn't been here i never would have dared you don't know how i have long to talk to someone from the mainland well i can't say i was as eager to come but here i am your resident physician very glad and how was your family just good good hey hey hey bro okay come on what you doing it was the talk of the ship a sailor who kidnapped island was for slave labor on the plantations down a good case of german beer and i've fixed your house it is by the sea yeah i want you to report to who you're done with pleasure get out of here that didn't seem necessary that made me want to be a doctor if i'd had met damien then i probably would have turned into a priest another catholic congregationalist oh you must walk carefully father damien she's a protestant it's like lumberjacks in a big redwood you have to heal the spirit if you want to heal the body you think the spirit can cure leprosy christ did ah christ but you or me oh no no not without a miracle but i i think that god can protect you if he chooses well i've not brought a miracle but there's a new medicine from china called wang man now a dominican priest tried it in trinidad and claims great success i came because it's my hope we can try it here and duplicate his results how much of this stuff did you bring well we've received only a small shipment and i've left some in honolulu for analysis could we start with jung yes why not some adults of course and uh some of the more severe cases and we need to try it on some of those who've just come and if it is a miracle would you mind that i say that it comes from god if it's a miracle i promise you even all thank god that's quite some team [Music] this is this is dr lewis he has some new medicine to try it's only his powder mixed with honey tastes good have a spoon each please you give it to him hey come come ah yes it's very delicious i should make you sweep the floors to get it good boy yeah good okay and score a goal please you have to give them another in three days yeah they belong to oh like most of the children here no one sometimes they watch for a while and i can lure them in sometimes i only get close to them when they are dying yeah i've managed to build some small huts for housing but very much need an orphanage and nuns to take care of them god bless you cancer thank you father god bless you pray that it works yeah thank you thank you no beds no no there are some beds at the hospital at the other end of the island that the board of health won't let us move them i need some air if if i had enough wood i could build them myself you get used to it hello kool-aid do these women get paid only in that it keeps them from boredom and that that is the worst punishment on the island yes if i can hook them on it it'll last for a time but once in a while they all go off to drink or be with a man it's partly their way partly desperation some look fairly well off oh yes some family send money and and clothing but to admit that there is leprosy in the family means you can't marry of your sons sometimes even your daughters so they are forgotten the rich ones can pay for the timber and they get the chinese people to build them homes then when they are too sick that the gangs come in they steal everything and when they die another rich one comes in they buy the house from the relatives it all starts over again here is one i'd like to try the medicine on oh yeah hey hello hello hello i have some good news me oh my god inhale deeply several quick ones this is the dying shed when they get to this state it makes the others very desolate the mornings we take away the dead my god what a way to die we bring them food and at nighttime i say my rosary here i think the company helps i know the prayers do [Music] okay dear lord your love is eternal do not forsake the work of your hands but welcome this child into heaven bye she died yes yes during the night i make her a casket he took her to the church that music what is it hula this is the hula it is um this is a sacred dancer they begged the gods to heal those who are suffering under a spell i cannot stay damien i thought i could but i want to marry i said there were women here i thought i could bring a wife she would be demented by the end of the first day i will leave you the medicine and i promise to return periodically that i cannot live here well i will miss you is there anything i can do yes yes i long to make my confession and and you see how we need nouns nuns that that would mean so much to to the to the hospital and to the children i will speak to the bishop and the board of health you are the miracle god gave these people damien we mourn the loss of your servant malia his life far so quickly welcome her into your kingdom no weeping no pain we ask you this through christ our lord i thought you were saving that spot for yourself i will be close to her you plan to stay here till you die father yeah well everyone else does i'm afraid our doctor is leaving yeah i know kaha is getting worse i've had to put someone else in charge this is clayton strod he's in good health he knows how to run things and to be honest i'd rather have him making the law then breaking it foreign hey can i come in yeah what is it i saw you going past and you looked lonely i thought i'd come and visit you i'm saying my praise mololani i'm perfectly happy why are you so shy but you're strong like oh man i think i think you should go home though i like you very much you are a good man no you must you must go home please please go i beg you you will destroy my whole life please go i mean it i want you to go i have written to every priest on the islands no one will go order them to go i have they all have no excuses influenza dying parishioners broken foot diarrhea suspected smallpox they just won't go he has the right to make confession if no one else will go then i must if you set foot on that island they'll never let you off again i am a bishop and i'm going make the arrangements for the leno oh captain would you please instruct your crew to lower a boat and put me ashore you don't have a landing permit father so i'm not going to do that i'm a bishop of the catholic church with all due respect sir i am obeying the orders of the board of health then i must ask you to allow father damian on board if that priest so much as touches this boat i will direct my men to fire on him ah i am protecting my crew and passengers it's no use they won't allow you on board yes i know i have tried your grace i need desperately to make confession i know my son could i speak it to you here in french of course yes yes again begin in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit foreign [Music] don't assault heaven so violently my son allow yourself the charity that you would allow others continue continuing lepers priest forced to confess at sea the paper sold out i had to print another edition and sir the uh the king and princess lily oklahoma have well demanded your immediate presence at the palace god why do we keep up as potential monarchy because if we didn't the americans will take over in 24 hours do you know evans your talent for stating the obvious is second to none well thank you sir and uh sir princess lily oclani has told the press that quarantine or no she's going to visit the colony on molokai it's ironic isn't it evans i was the first one to call him a christian hero [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello princess yes it is there's not much but it is an improvement they must have beds yeah i want it understood in honolulu they must have beds yes your highness this chinese medicine it doesn't work no it is this apparently mostly arsenic which does slow the disease for a short time but that is all my people are dying father damien typhoid and small talks and others we are a happy people but sometimes i feel our tears could feel an ocean [Applause] i am only here a short time but i want you to tell me what it is that you need we need houses we need more medicine they need something for pain what is it that you would like i wish my mother could hear me play and your little one what is it that you would like thank you [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] in [Music] [Music] people [Music] until we meet again [Music] aloha hello i brought you some company emma please show the visitors to the house [Music] [Laughter] he's always building in pieces never one thing at a time you are so young from all we've had he only looks young i think it's all the bearing drinks we thought you received a flood of donations no no it's it works on on the old pattern of church and state the church says that we get money from the government so that we don't need donations the government says that we get money from donations so we don't get money from them so that's your greatest worry money no at this very moment my worst problem is that the voice of authority is a drunkard and a thief and i have to fight with them all the time so the harmony was a gift from princess liliukolani this lee's right hand canal's left [Music] [Music] guys [Music] bishop little bishop before you continue we have some guests we have mr clifford dr saxa and some of you know dr lewis hello hello please continue [Music] you see i've seen ones like it on the patients comes and it goes my dear damian it's scabies somewhere in your day you are going to have to make time to go to the river and wash more often there is another one on the foot do you mind would you have needle yeah is it numb tell me when this hurts cool i i thank you for the years that you have given me our first belgian beer you are almost old enough to drink this little bishop but don't let me catch you taking it oh oh my god i forgot come come come maya was sitting sending down cattle if i don't get this drawn take half for himself please yeah follow please come here they're here to die like the rest of us let them do what they want yes well what they want is not to be afraid of adults who are crazy with drink and anger and despair she's not interested in your singing and pray take the children and get out i have the right to the good life the good life was when you helped the sick people when you made the children laugh you held them when they were afraid wow look at this this is the middle of a night commander of the royal order of kalakawa that's where father damien's been made father damian we are all very proud of you why is he eating my own self because father damian has got leprosy and i want you to remember that a man is judged by what's in him in many patients i have known put some of the hands a minute is stable to oh i shame die tomorrow elizabeth you went to meet the boardville yes sir i did but the harbor was very rough and the chief captain won't put down any of the boats the skepticism is going to toss the lepers all into the sea he won't take them to the next port damon you can't go down the valley with that leg damian don't be a fool [Music] take it easy oh my gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh uh [Music] hey come on help bring a blanket some have washed up on the shore dead many are missing please god please god come please god she's dead so there are two gentlemen here to see you i thought i made it one representative only sir prime minister do you realize you're talking about ten years i've taken measures already as of today captains will be responsible for the lives of all those on board that is not enough and more than that i'm gonna make an announcement a new hospital for leprosy here in honolulu are you closing molokai now look just word of a new hospital calm things down a few months all this will be forgotten now thank you for your concern gentlemen good day evans this is something i'd rather not do again no no trust her she knows every step by heart i don't think we like each other i'm father damien i am a leper i know i'm brother joseph dutton here to do whatever you want me to do that sounds stupid don't worry i have my eccentricities [Music] why don't you ride i don't mind oh no it is good for me i'm not giving into it bishops let her tell you who sent me here no no he only said you're a penitent and that if i showed you too much gratitude it might sabotage your wish to suffer well from what i've read your colony will offer even me all the penitents i need no it was uh professor clifford sent me here i write oh look he's written the book about molokai yes about you i'm going to be your adjutant and quartermaster father i read about your disorder and lack of cleanliness but he wrote that clifford wrote that i'd say you about describe the situation and don't worry he said one or two nice things about you also i have some uh some proper cooking utensils are you in the army yes hearing the war i understand you lost a friend when they forced bishop mcgray to take early retirement yes bishop tuckerman who claims to respect you gave me two bits of information one you will like and one you may not begin with the one that i may not well they're rebuilding a hospital for leprosy patients outside honolulu now that'll take a lot of the money that you may have hoped for yourself i hoped but i didn't really expect and the good news a uh a mother marianne from syracuse new york read about the the harbor incident and is bringing six sisters to hawaii oh my god you don't know how i've prayed for that thought i might come a little earlier my nuns are going to molokai i am gone i believe nuns here and take those who choose to go with me surely you realize that once you set foot on that island no one will ever be allowed to see you no will you be free ever to come back what will haunt my conscience if i don't go cause those who are sick and without family who can never come back mother marianne you must recognize father damien exaggerates those people are not uncared for if only there are other parishes that receive one tenth of what he has and he receives government funding think of the good you're doing here be monstrous to give up all that just for some hopeless cause pretending the sick and dying is not a hopeless cause you are tending the sick and dying here that settlements in my church your own good i will not allow you to go in the name of the father the son and the holocaust he blessed me father for i've sinned put your trust in god how long has it been since your last confession too long there are too many sins to remember christ's agony on the cross was to take the burden of sin from your soul i'm blind father i'm blind and helpless in this world there are many people who have eyes been cannot see perhaps you will find your way in the dark we have read professor clifford's glorious account of your many wonders it seems you are doctor magistrate school teacher carpenter farmer even greed digger since you are apparently doing the work of 12 men it seems hardly surprising that i have received a notice from a belgian newspaper announcing your death yes we have received a number of donations but we have expenses here i will try to pay 25 towards your lumber next month i thank you very much for passing on the news of my death may i recommend that the headstone read here lies the leper priest who seldom made this confession brother dutton reports that hundreds of dollars have come from america alone i need 79.43 for lumber for the hospital i will supply the labor free in one of my many manifestations yours in christ damien we have been shocked to discover that 1 000 pounds has been transferred from england for use as you alone described the prime minister and mother marianne are meeting at this very moment to discuss the matter a certain dr sachs and the prince of wales are involved no doubt at your provocation if i have counted too much on your humility i am to be blamed but as your provincial i remind you of your value it has been reported that you are installing japanese paths in the sisters hospital since the government continues to send all the advanced cases to molokai and and we do not even even have a fresh water supply i am reluctant to defy the prince of wales directions my boys need a stove my girls need clothes i i fear my end is near and and i am coming to honolulu for confession as your bishop it is my duty my dear father to advise you not to come to honolulu people would be afraid to deal with us and you could not say mass we could never use the same chalice investments again could i add something your place i should like to add do try to have more consideration for others uh uh is everything all right no i am all right joseph god is not answered me why do you say that father you know better than i that god never forsakes anyone hey i haven't told no one else this bit for almost one week i have been unable to pray if if vic got to speak to me but he's silent he's not silent father he's just waiting it's good to see you yes after lunch dr truso would like to examine you oh oh please please no you mustn't fuss the baths have made me feel 10 years younger give us three more days and you'll be running the mass oh i will leave you to eat yes be wonderful to have the bathroom to administer them we have much to do here father damien yes but here you have four doctors seven nuns and a hundred patients none of them dying on molokai we have no doctors no nuns and one thousand patients all of them dying and surely even be without a barista damien you are my cross now this is embarrassing we've weighed this question for a long time now you cannot send nuns to molokai this is amazing when i ask for money molokai is a paradise you have lost your humility damien i shall mention it in confession i don't understand yes i have sores on my my face and my neck and some on my hands and my feet but i can assure you i have none on my body dr truso still believes that leprosy is the fourth stage of syphilis there have been rumors damien your house apparently is open to everyone men and women i have kept my vow of chastity i have never been with a woman or a man it's that message to you your bishop has given me permission to examine you please stand and lift your kassick if he'd had the second stage of syphilis he would have to have at least one scar it's important to check we cannot rely on patients words you may pull up your trousers father [Applause] [Music] this is my honor your majesty it's so good to see you yes i hope you can stay and get some rest no i hope to return as soon as possible but the the baths and the treatment have helped very much i wish it was something the people of malachi could experience well this would of course be very expensive perhaps the new nurse's residence here could be delayed but it's possible in fact um definitely it can be done uh i was just telling their highnesses how wonderful it would be to have nuns on molokai well that that's always been our intention nuns to malachi certainly has and sister leopoldina was telling me that the priest from belgium has arrived to wants to serve in the settlement unfortunately he is not of our order and uh it takes a year yes i don't think i lost the year is that there are dispensations are they not or perhaps you could come until he is ready father leonore i spent about uh 15 years in indian territory in oregon well i was almost killed once but still i made a few christians and i've been begging for years to come over you know i've been praying strong wants to see you oh may i come yes yeah thank you hey david celia and i lived together for two years when she was sent here my husband divorced her i haven't got long for this world i know in her heart we are man and wife in my heart too we want to be married to be together true man is why is your husband still alive celia i don't know i'm sorry strong it is a sacrament that's right it's a sacrament it's a sacrament don't feel guilty leonardo would probably have unfrocked you if you'd agree to marry them let's see even a catholic i've seen her at mars with strong yeah i bet you've seen her at the village of fools too yeah but they get their solos from the old gods i used to rent against the pit i think it gives them some peace oh the instruments were given to them by the king how many patients are catholics there are there are 1 000 people on the island 600 of them and now catholic jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so i just can't in good conscience stay you may kiss the bride [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] i hope you're not going to be sorry for doing this by the time leonard finds out both strong and i will be gone follow the union how did you know what that is with me your wall the wind music in the trees are the nuns really coming well there were some difficulties it took them one month to get from new york to honolulu then five years to get from honolulu to molokai but they are coming don't be afraid you stay here until you go sleep yeah what are you doing you're sick [Music] did the nuns arrive oh yeah the nuns have arrived now here's a really good news you're not allowed to see them you're banned from their chapel in residence now for god's sake come down you're almost done my benedict [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh we've come to take care of father damian brother dutton if you'll get us some warm water please we'd like to bathe him now you are not supposed to be here he has influenza we'll be careful we've dealt with influenza before i am sorry that it took us so long i had been told such stories we couldn't get permission to come i truly didn't know we begged for your forgiveness and for your blessing it would mean so much yes my my greatest wish was that you would come now now you have may god bless you and keep you ah it's time for your medicine no no more my my little home now as young priest it's time for me the rest i'm i'm looking forward to wish there in heaven well i will pray for all of you father damien is gone but he will live for us forever [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] accent [Music] is [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] queens [Music] is [Music] say [Music] queensland [Music] acceptance [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] lord [Music] queens [Music] here [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 161,991
Rating: 4.8505049 out of 5
Keywords: Bridgestone Multimedia, BMG, Movies, Films, Christian Movies, God, Jesus, Feature Film, Full Movie, Molokai: The Story of Father Damien movie, Molokai: The Story of Father Damien full movie, Molokai: The Story of Father Damien feature film, Molokai: The Story of Father Damien, John Briley, Hilde Eynikel, David Wenham, Kate Ceberano, Jan Decleir
Id: AweoZYsiCu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 16sec (7336 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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