Double Edge (1992)

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[Music] sometimes I have this dream it's nightmare that I'm in a room looking down at a dead woman lying on the floor sometimes it seems like I'm looking down at myself at me [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me I'm sorry [Music] Maggie yeah maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies gentlemen to kind of cooperate with us please take your seats you have a lot to get done tonight a lot of food to eat a lot of champagne to drink and a lot of thanks to say to Joe Grundig [Music] [Music] [Music] let's hear it for children day for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I hope you haven't started breakfast what damn Maggie you're always overcook the bacon yeah yeah I understand all right thanks for letting me know what is it what happened somebody got to Hector barato dead I must had him I was this close it's my last hope last man who might have testified against Joe rich oh now he's dead and Joe rich is going free that's a business you're in Maggie Missy no it's perfect I always like my bacon nice burn I know it do you pull away I can feel the difference Oh still my real self a mouthful with cotton balls David shut the man fritzy just call from Switzerland tell them I'm on vacation waiting for a Z for a cool million dollars it doesn't feel good two hits on top of each other so close to home not smart well there's another thing the client it's Gianni staccato mr. Cotto family wants to hire me hey they won't hire the best baby that's what you are it's easy for you boy you don't do the dirty work [Music] we haven't worked in that field for 10 years you're a grown woman Maggie field investigations are for kids you don't have the stamina for it anymore stamina your analytical and organizer you build big strong smart solid cases for us now why would you want to go running around playing Jodie Foster all of a sudden here how about a new flak vest we just got him in Ben whoever killed Hector barato killed the best chance we ever had an ailing Joe rich he was vacillating I had him almost willing to testify it is not Bureau policy to allow desk agents into the field was it Bureau policy to allow a key witness like parado to move without 24-hour surveillance Maggie I'm sure Washington will be very impressed when they find out that Parata was holed up 18 floors above our heads well we were chewing chicken camps I don't need to be reminded Maggie please I bet she got him with that poison needle while we were singing for he's a jolly good fella that needle is privileged information I don't even have a report filed yet excuse me I'm not supposed to know I guess I'm also not supposed to know that the fiber samples found in the bed indicate that she was in her underwear lab samples say she had dark hair heel impressions in the carpet indicates she has a slight build black silk fibers on the bathroom floor all right so you did some homework this is still not your case whether I know what she looks like I saw her there last night she was getting on the elevator when I was getting off what are you talking about she was wearing black so we're about 50 other women there I have this feeling I mean I know that woman was the murderer what are we talking about here women's intuition no not women's intuition my intuition my instincts I've always gone on my instincts if it weren't for your instincts maybe none of this would have happened in the first place wasn't it your instinct to bargain with barato yeah you're right somebody probably saw me with him was a mistake give me a chance to make up for it Weber I know I can do it I'll consider your request but steer clear of this case till I've made my decision understand that's all me I didn't know Ferrazzi was hit twice missed twice the third time it's a child he's casino in the Bahamas he and his brother had quite an empire casino opened last Christmas they're looking at huge profits just kind of wants a cut phrase he isn't interested but his brother he'll cooperate how long 10 days for a ZZZ thinking about transferring the casino into a trust which makes it impossible for socotra get his share you want to do it what do you want me to tell staccato tell them to me [Music] [Music] Lena is that you no daddy it's me it's Maggie no for a minute there I thought it was your mother I knew I did the same thing sometimes I think she's here upstairs Micra beds in a backyard digging the weeds the other day how he's upstairs I thought I heard her playing the piano hmm remember when she used to keep you oh I was a rookie cop a long time ago daddy have you ever thought about maybe selling the house so many memories it's only two months and she died Maggie the memories of what I like the best I don't plan to run away from I think I'm old enough to stay up late okay daddy you were already asleep right here in this chair that's right now I'm gonna go right back to sleep in this chair right here and then sometime in the middle of the night I'm gonna get up I'm gonna go upstairs I'm gonna climb into the bed I don't need a babysitter Maggie you know you ought to be back in your own place living with somebody your own age I already tried that once remember [Music] [Music] now those lips it to him yeah great you should dark hair no that's too short her hair was up on top of her head at this long hair more like oh it's great Maggie she looks like you yeah I'm gonna fax this to Quantico and see if you got any more love the light is this a new assignment not officially not yet check this all these women are wanted for assassination Thailand Japan Great Britain the murders go back to 10 years yeah Laura Simpson Daria Britain Marie Danielle all aliases it's the same one it's the same woman I saw anything under Bureau jurisdiction yeah I got Miami 1987 New Jersey 1984 Albuquerque last year local politician murdered in his motel that's where the composite came from she was registered as Jeana Colton I want you to make this a personal vendetta because she got your star witness you saying what I think you're saying yeah run with this one the Albuquerque murder Jeana Colton we've already got an agent working on this case we'll have to bring them in fine anybody I know yes Harry Carter is that gonna be a problem for you Maggie no Harry Maggie flown here in an hour he's pretty bad plane yep you look great I thought we could save some time I'll catch up on the details on the ride back to your hotel are you talking about we're working together like hell we are Jeana Colton's my case October Otto is mine look let's get one thing straight we are not working together keep your voice yes I'll yell if I want don't have to act like a thief to the world you're right world I did three years ago you wanted the divorce to Harry it wasn't just me why'd you take this case because I think I'm responsible for gyrados death I went down to New Orleans I think I set him up trying to atone maybe a lot of ghosts rattle around my brain what does that mean nothing forget it sorry about your mother whoever let me it's going to call send flowers nothing seemed right whoever said you moved back home for a few wants to help you dad now what your dad wanted that's what I wanted levees got a big mouth [Applause] need to check all the aliases running through the computer she had a real estate bank accounts rental cars hotel suites anything in California it's already in motion Harry pick you up in the morning 7:00 I'd like to get an early start well why don't we start at 6:00 get a real early stunt fine 6:00 [Music] oh yeah at last your the warning it yes sir gentlemen bring the car [Music] your decision [Music] coming down now [Music] [Music] Hey I need this space clear now [Music] isomerizes yeah heard about it it's a tank he makes a very slim target well his estate is almost incredible to figure something out he always do his best in a week left I need to see his schedule you told me you could get to someone on the inside I tried it was impossible sometimes I wonder why I keep you around comic relief baby why you build an air-conditioner or something hey bright coffee Danish pretty good nothing I just want to check Maggie hey am i part of this investigation or not I'm not gonna stand around waiting for you this is supposed to be a team effort here that's the trouble with you you're more interested in playing the hero an agent in Santa Barbara hit on the name Jeana Colton at a bank of fame will need a grand jury subpoena I'll get right up there I already got one sorry I got here at 5:00 1987 Gina called an open an account for $500,000 is that account still open it was here for a few months and then a check was drawn for $50,000 the remainder was sent to a numbered account in Switzerland this $50,000 check do you have the recipients name the one cheque that was drawn in this account was to st. Thomas Aquinas I think it's a church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah blackest night the way okay okay I'll check it I'll get back to you [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Duncan at the 1200 building URI I think you better send some people over ASAP there's something weird going on [Music] [Music] miss [Music] yes do you work in the building yes is there something wrong I'm apt to see some identification oh and I'm in such a hurry [Music] miss that's the way it should have been should I'm married in a church walk down the aisle together it would have meant more I wouldn't help Terry oh you'd be in a beautiful white dress the whole FB I'd be there flowers everywhere it works well Maggie I miss you don't start don't you feel anything I can't stand it oh all these hours working with you and not being able to really talk to you to touch you you know what really makes me crazy you're so cynical so negative we were in love once at least I was I don't want this I don't need this what happened Maggie what happened look just don't mess with me do you understand me are you hate me so much what did I do damn it to hell just leave me alone Shh father excuse me excuse the language we were arguing little disagreement father Benson yes we called Harry Carter Maggie doesn't FBI I've gone over all the records of course I would have remembered of the quest of $50,000 believe me it was way back in 1987 we have a small church here our community is not wealthy in worldly goods $50,000 would certainly be noticed no there's no Gina cauldron anywhere in our records I'm sorry I cannot be of any help to you what about that please yes there is sum of money 50 grand well I certainly didn't go to our church October 1987 $50,000 went to our nursing home we have a community of nuns who operate st. Thomas Aquinas retreat it's not far from here so foreign highway 8 is there a name I have difficulty remembering maybe yes I did write something in the margin here's a name dad I don't thing Andrew don't fee excuse me I'm looking for mr. Andrew dollfie it's rocking out to Guns & Roses I can't get enough of Axl Rose Miss Moore Miss Moore Oh for a minute there I thought you were Miss Moore Carmen but no I see you have to be her sister well actually yes she is her her long-lost sister and this is my husband your father is gonna be so happy he's been kind of moping these last few months but this is gonna make up for it you know it's funny that Carmen never mentioned she had a sister you see we lost contact I was sent to live with relatives when I was very young and we were estranged somehow you can't imagine how this feels finding him at last this way don't be shy mr. Dolphy you're gonna be real happy I know that it's your daughter Carmen's sister come to see you after all these years isn't she pretty come over here I know it's a shock he's aged and he gets a hug grumpy make a fuss he loves that the others don't think he knows but I think he does on some level [Music] he can't he can't speak he can't do anything really it's very sad give him a hug I don't care what anybody says he lights up and carmen visits [Music] [Music] dad I knew it it's heart is beating so fast he knows you're here Oh Harry look it's Karma we haven't seen each other for so many years I've no comment anywhere do you think my father would mind if I kept this [Music] I guess I would be alright [Music] ballerina it was Carmen's she left it here for her father he likes to hold it listen to it this week - I know [Music] [Music] I bet you had one just like it when you were a little girl yes yes I did Carmen has such style glamour makes quite a stir when she comes to visit Carmen comes here pops in out of the blue never know when she's gonna turn up she calls from time to time and every so often she just shows up in person we get postcards from all over the world is there any way for you to reach her no next time she calls I want you to tell her her sister Maggie Dutton was here this is my number oh well she can call me at home well why didn't you give me your social security number for crying out loud I want Carmen to call I hope to god she calls why because I want her to know I found her I want her to know she's not anonymous anymore I knew a real name I've got a picture I know where her father lives I want her to know that Harry I wanted to scare [Music] what ring sister Teresa what is it she said me happened to my father and Ridolfi did time in New Jersey four years in Florida was about to sing on Gianni staccato when somebody got to in jail beat him up hasn't been able to sing since now you love this don't you you like the risk you like the danger I think you'd rather do this and have sex it's not true hey I love with you I know Harry I was cold it's because I couldn't trust you anymore I couldn't be close to you couldn't talk to you couldn't even look at you after what happened you think I caused it after all this time you think I caused it I was having things all day I was having her said it was nothing you said it was the baby's position you went on a drug bust for three days I didn't see you was working undercover you know what that's like you never even called me I had a little baby you never even knew about it - it was all and what you kept saying to me was I could get pregnant again as if one baby was just like the other I held that little point my arms but there will never be another baby like you think I didn't know I didn't care my god Maggie I was dying inside but I I don't know what to say to you I didn't know what to do a wall went up between us from that point on and you were trying to prove something I don't know what that you were tougher that you were stronger I saw it happening to you then it's happening to you now you lose your sense of reality you let this Carmen character this woman get to you I can't help it maybe you're trying to scare her but let me tell you something when you're scaring is me you won't let anything stop you I'll even put the bed at your own front door [Music] I know I'm not supposed to call you unless there's an emergency but I've just been so worried he was so agitated and upset I I just felt like I had to call you papa hmm I'm you know I managed to get him into the bed with the help of one of the attendants his heart was beating so fast he he seemed to be trying to speak trying to tell us something I'll be down the hall if you need me [Music] everything's gonna be over soon I promise listen to me I'm doing a very important job my client is Johnny staccato the man who set you up the man who put you here my wedded justice Bob this time he's the one who's going to pay soon we'll be besties and a beautiful feeling Tuscany paradise I'll take care of you papa I promise mmm-hmm what what are you trying to tell me I don't know what you're trying to tell me it's something to do with this was someone here I'm sorry miss Warren I was going to tell you but I got frightened she said she was my sister she looked like you a different style not striking like you you let her in to see my father she said you were estranged that she wanted to see her father men things what did she ask you this is very important I don't remember except that she wanted a number where you could be reached and it was then that I felt a little uneasy so I didn't give it to her but she gave me this it's their home number she wants to talk to you that's what she said she looked like of course my eyes have been bothering me and the light in here [Music] don't let anyone near him yes was born I'm sorry please don't tell Mother Superior nothing I'm calming more all right I'm on my way I mean I'll be there in five minutes Harry I'm fixing breakfast for my father Oh fix energy for me I already ate my breakfast dad Oh Maggie I told you I don't need a cook or a nurse around here look dad why don't I drop you off at the center you could talk to your friends Jojo Georgie they're always asking when are you coming down to shoot some pool no I got stuff to do around here come on dad I could drop you off Jojo can bring you home you don't even have to drive your own car it's a first step back dad it's time you took it okay you win this time that's her name Carmen more you're you're murderers yeah that's your name you promised me you'd stay out of the heavy stuff I tried it's in my blood just like it's in you it was in mine watch why was dad come on you always listening to you police radio you eat them stuff up you love it this work will burn you up Maggie Thank You old better before your time either that or else you may end up at the wrong end of a bullet dad listen I got a feeling about this case I know I can solve stop right there I don't want to know anything about it I don't want to see it I don't want to hear [Music] [Music] Maggie Daphne fees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I thought you my name of came over and say somebody stole her underwear all the clothes what she knows that I got an in with the FBI who are you what do you want a Maggie Sottero sister yes didn't she tell you no I don't believe you I'm gonna call the FBI dad are you okay I shouldn't have left if I hadn't brought out this morning this wouldn't happen [Music] [Music] Carmen [Music] there's an investigator who works for the FBI a woman named Maggie Dutton she went to see my father last night police your dad can't tell her anything I mean come on we're the nuns my name what I look like they have access to photos and postcards the cops are wise to me now it's over you're just feeling a little shaky that's all so pass no tell Jionni staccato if our AC was more difficult than I had anticipated tell him I want five million dollars baby that's crazy mr. Kotter I'll never pay that much not even for you if he wants the job done that's what it'll cost him I want verification that the funds will be released to Fritzi and Switzerland as soon as the deed is completed we want his decision by tonight this is it Paul this is my last hit it wasn't an accident you know and I know thank God I was a cop for 30 years it didn't take much to see through this one it was her your karma she was here giving this house poor rose all the years she put in here Dustin gleaning caring for us I'm so sorry that we have 24-hour surveillance on the house two shifts starting immediately oh it's a little late for surveillance don't you think yes take it easy look at you coming back here into my daughter's life again the two of you make a great pair in or out up there look I don't care what he says I want the house covered we're already taken care of it Jenkins across the street [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all yours Jenkins that's great [Music] regulations baby shadow agreed Fritzie just called from Switzerland five million dollars to be put into your account so what do you want champagne what again a very special gun [Music] Maggie I'm sorry I was blaming everything on you it's it's not right no I am to blame I was a good cop Maggie I know whether you know that but I had a good head on my shoulders and I worked myself up in the Detective Division I know one mistake I was looking at this kid and I know what it was lying he's making jokes somebody's murdered this kids making jokes so I hit him and I couldn't stop hitting him I wanted to kill him no excuse it's like I became another person I was over for me after that it was like I'd found a an evil part of myself a dark side that's why I've been so hard on you I could see the same thing happening in you the hardness bitterness anger when that happens there's a very fine line between cop and killed her [Music] [Music] hi Maggie its Carolyn just calling you bath Bobby's gonna babysit for me so give me a call later if you want to go to a movie talk to you later bye Maggie this is Carmen sorry I missed you Maggie you know what's strange I swear to god I had a room just like yours ones same curtains what do you think that means maybe down deep we're just alike sorry but wrong she fell now you know what you take a look my I'm so scared Harry I've just been fooling myself she's way ahead of me and she's closing in Rose was 71 years old a kind gentle woman I did this to her it's okay Maggie we're in this together a team help me I'm so afraid when I find Carmen I'm gonna kill her [Music] thank you and fry it shut up morning I'm looking for Tommy why roll already you looking at Tommy white maybe Alice Paul's friend he called you about me oh yeah so he did pleasure to make your Queens Alice I got handguns they got shotguns I got rifles I got machine pistols I got grenades I got heat sensors and for the connoisseur I have some quality plastique you put I need to take down rifle each end no longer than 18 inches a 223 semi-automatic with a sniper scope takedown that's custom that's gonna cost you a bundle I want to silencer and teflon coated bullets big-time I want it delivered by you personally Saturday morning I'll have it ready for the event I'll call tomorrow with the exact time and place you gonna pay cash for that honey you want to take it out and trade Paul said you could be trusted well how Paul's right what did Paul say about me oh the same and you could be trusted did you also happen to mention that if you make one wrong move I'll kill you a little too sensitive aren't you Alice oh you do that [ __ ] got no local police report on the break-in and homicide at the 1200 building over the weekend now would that concern us oh we can figure out what the perp was after so so someone went to an awful lot of trouble getting into that building and nothing was taken not that anyone's discovered a glitch the visual surveillance system by dousing the main circuit with frozen iron filings killed a security guard probably to keep from being identified all right what's the point it's a ram oh it's Carmen more we've been gathering information on all their aliases we got six pages on her skills as a techno brat she could override an alarm system with chewing gum in a paper clip she could steal the heart out of your computer you'd never even know you think it was covering more there is a picture but it's muddy the system was just coming back online well we have to examine the tenant list of that building I mean every company in every name all right go to it pretty good team huh not bad at all Harry oh I thought it was important take it easy kid what's on your mind I'm thinking about a trade okay yeah I like trades I'll make it easy for you to lay your hands on a certain desperado that you would give a piece of your manhood to bag in exchange for what in exchange you guarantee me one years free enterprise that Tommy's trophy and gravy in other words you get the heat off me you follow me sergeant yeah yeah yeah the world used to be more gentle don't you think Tommy much more genteel I don't know nothing about that what I do know is that we're looking at a bloodbath on Saturday 5:00 on Saturday this board comes in to me she's asking for a 2:23 breakdown right she's looking for teflon jackets go smear I had a rope just like yours once same curtains what do you think that means maybe town team we just alike sorry about rose she fell shotgun shotgun [Music] [Music] [Music] fear she might strike some place on Saturday at least it's a possibility she might use her 223 with Teflon it's all I know [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh she killed Jenkins because he got in her way you get it now you're playing a game with a sociopath she's out to show you that nothing could stop her nothing most of tenants on the 1200 Billy William Frazee it's been targeted twice talked to his staff the secretary said she knows some things out of place after the break-in she says it's possible somebody might have been at her desk maybe into her computer any idea what Frazee has planned for Saturday yeah a party for his daughter big party at the estate assassins love public events I think it's time we made an appointment with mr. Fraser yeah Judy lalala Sadam trees must be back it up and no sir I see good to meet you Harry yes they take care of you hear you bought coffee great coffee well mr. Frey see if we could get right to the point we think an attempt may be made in your life tomorrow afternoon mr. Ferrazzi during your party my head of security here but Lynch has filled me in all the particulars but tomorrow is my daughter's birthday she's 21 just returned from school in Switzerland the light of my life I don't intend to miss it we're all motion may have been stolen from your Secretary's computer which detailed your plans for the whole month we know the perpetrator is in the city and has acquired a special weapon she's smart mr. Frazee and she's ruthless Lynch yes mr. furs he explained the ground rules please yes sir mr. Fraser will permit federal agents to be here tomorrow dress appropriately please I wish you to remain anonymous there are six men on my staff no helicopter sedans I don't want this turned into a circus the grounds the grounds are surrounded by an electric fence will also have guards posted Lynch knows all the guests I'll be responsible for anyone who gains access to the grounds all I ask for you to remember is that this is a party to welcome home a lovely young girl I appreciate the sincerity of your concerns but I cannot allow my home and gardens to be turned into an armed camp not for the best of intentions nor for the worst [Music] [Music] Ajax rental car may I help you yes I understand your rent late model cars yes ma'am we do I'm interested in a dark shadow well let's see yeah we have several here light blue is my favorite color [Music] let's put the phony ID you're gonna tell me what the plan is you know me I like to work alone you're not getting nervous Paul are you me no you need to spend some time together I've been thinking about that let's go the Bahamas after this one son the beach have a few months to just unwind that sounds so nice Paul it really does I always cared so much for you you were my closest friend what do you mean were you shouldn't have said me to see Tommy white you should know better you think I'm a mind-reader Carmen I didn't know what that creep was up to I told the police you know where I'm gonna make my hit so what I'm getting to the plan another day hey it's not my fault the guy cracked up how was I supposed to see it coming what's your job was your responsibility comic relief baby [Applause] [Music] you didn't have to walk me to the door Harry mine besides it down remind me of all times just uh let's try out there in the car kiss a little bit and to the porch kiss a little more stick inside and try to make it to the cows without you know busting me patrol that's for sure yeah long time ago yeah seems like a hundred years ago I'm gonna go to Martinique oh no honey everyone remember you were afraid of flying is it taking a boat see we should have a big wedding Misha should add the white dress the flowers we should have done that doll was nice getting married in Las Vegas at nine o'clock in the morning so it wouldn't interfere with your investigation sorry about that how many times do I have to apologize for that I'm I've changed so if I I understand now what it's like to be driven if you do then you can understand I never met her you ever and I never got over you [Music] [Music] we were married Mr Cameron likes even at Christmas and sleep upstairs that's quickly little better it's weird before legs Oh Maggie yeah dad you were late last night oh yeah well Harry drove me home and we got to talking when did he leave well must have been close to midnight hey Dad I don't need a babysitter yeah well maybe you do you'll be careful today you understand talk to me like I'm five years old look I got a hurry because Harry's coming by to pick me up Harry's downstairs we already had coffee and I made up some breakfast you know he asked me for my daughter's hand in marriage if you had done that the first time maybe you wouldn't go in through that stupid divorce so what did you say to him I told him it was up to my daughter but as far as I'm concerned agent spider done [Music] okay let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a million places an assassin could hide hear the phrase II agree to wear the vest while doing much good if she's using Teflon [Music] I thought you came in earlier with Carter yeah I'd like to go back to the office okay let her in [Music] manga have you seen Holsten if you see him tell him I want him at the house [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] lovely to see you [Music] okay better darling you have a dance move daddy come on [Music] [Music] oh boy my stomach is doing cartwheels did you find Holston yeah from the carriage house I told you I was looking for carriage house I wasn't at the keratin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was all over the place and everybody's here hurry cause damn FBI just like you want Harry breathe just breathe we're going to Martinique us go to Martinique we're gonna have kids all right kids families he's just breathe just breathe [Music] [Music] I heard Mike was so out of all of this oh no no you're a cop Maggie you're a good cop it comes with the territory she got away you're at home now Omar your dad [Music] Papa I'm here [Music] it's all over papa I'm through we're getting out of here right now tonight you're not going anywhere [Music] guess when we're in trouble we both had for our fathers where is he your father's all right Carmen it's over now all the killing No you still one more me you'll have to kill me to stop me come any closer [Music] we were like you and me Maggie you'll kill me you'll kill a part of yourself but you know that deep down don't you No we're not alike [Music] I'm a cop and I'm gonna take you in funny you know what I see the woman I might've been [Music] [Applause] mr. Dolphy this is a beauty [Music] you wait her father killed the wrong one no Maggie you killed the right one the jobs over done Maggie somebody's gonna take you home but I know that you're in shock we all are we just have to go on [Music] Harry had a funeral attended by fellow offices friends and family who loved him and he was loved I can tell you he was loved the day after Carmen was buried there were only two people there along the old man and me I knew I'd lose a part of myself with Harry what surprised me was when I lost a part of myself with her deaf has a double-edged [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
Views: 424,386
Rating: 4.5347967 out of 5
Id: syx00-kxNss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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