Red Beans Rice And Sausage, Cajun Style, Tutorial

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Cajun cousins my name is Brett Ava and this is David Koch hello we have a special treat for you today Robbie getting a lot of people calling on and they want to see a real good recipe for red beans and rice and sauce to learn the right way to do it all right Cajun cousins way I like it this is gonna be a very good treat and very simple to make runny inexpensive lovely all right and the process is I got me a 5 quart Magnemite pot okay I've had three cups of rice all right one pound of million red beans okay game cuz it's all purpose seasoning all right a little salt little black pepper don't get him a little hot Sloan always parsley I love blowing all right I'm gonna have one more join you uh-huh one female no sure about that oh yeah it's got to be a female you know why because it's sweet it's a lot sweeter that's right I get to have some fresh green onions yes sir ma'am two pounds of on Dewey sauce ingredients for our Cajun cousins red beans and rice here we go here we go all right honey get ready let's go all right buddy I'm a red beans and rice and one go ahead I want to cut up my vegetables that it could be very quick Danya to bell pepper and green onions I'll be right back all right sounds good but for tuning back in they want our red beans and rice video getting a little break I went ahead and I cut up the vegetables got the onions the bell pepper and the green onions right it wind up doing a half a bell pepper yes I have you don't want to overpower in but you won't have the flavor got you okay and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a little sprinkle of oh look no longer in the bottom it is alright this is good about that much and Ageing magnetite 5-quart Oh mango my foot off court yep and we're gonna go ahead and dump in our vegetables all right and we'll get this sauteing gotcha and when let this cook probably down for but about ten minutes okay you know on about a medium-high heat all right and well let that salty cut and then I'll be back in a second sounds good man all right Glen cut off soft and I'm gonna cut it in two different ways I want to do I want to styles of sausage Annette okay what I want is I want a piece of body by like this okay okay look get a little bite-sized pieces okay okay nice now put that in here okay get on Joey because what I like is when I eat I like a bite of sausage I don't want just a piece yeah we kind of get a nice flavor in your mouth that's right yeah dissipates when it cooks down that's correct you want a good little bite of sausage right now on my next one I like cutting it a little different way that way you have a little difference in yeah in the what I want to do is I'm cut it like this okay yeah probably but but that sauce uh-huh okay right hit it this way and I want to cut it like that that way you have a little bite like this okay you see this so yes you know every kind sure all right and that way it looks looks neat in the red beans gotcha you know give it a lot of different shape in there nice presentation all right okay gotcha that's awesome you see I'm doing it uh-huh you kind of trip like the little triplet with them yeah cut them in threes actually fours fours yeah okay see it is right it quite wonderful it's yeah so you just write here a little quadrupling Center right got your buddy okay and that's not like a cut mom okay I got two different styles of sausage sure you know absolutely buddy sounds good all right no kid that's in flavors on each ski just the vegetables cooking for red beans yeah somebody stir that real quick like right there good let him what else what pop you just don't see fry song teen four by five minutes and as you can see it's starting to brown just a little bit what we're gonna do I'm going add my sausage in right now okay and that way we're gonna Brown that sausage down in there with the best room in there with the vegetable sounds good okay oh man no it smells amazing well I tell you what do be good red beans and rice I don't see that I'll see that already I'm doing it let's see it and all that flavors gonna get down in there marinate and marinate and marry each other and have green that's right that's right now we go ahead sausages song stayin in here you see out you're starting to brown this is my way we want to be right gonna let it talk a problem for about another five minutes okay and then our next process will be to wash our beans okay sounds good boy look at nice in there huh nice great let me be some beautiful red beans and rice I guarantee red beans and rice video and as you yeah got my sausage also caters to my onions and my bill cup and my green onions man and what I wanted to next is I want to go ahead and turn this off okay and I'm gonna turn the pot on its edge yeah I'm a lean it over and you see all this is grease right here yeah I'm gonna scoop all that out and leave all my all my vegetables and sausage and that way this doesn't want up in my red beans okay a lot of people leave that in there and and I don't like that okay goes uh it makes it a little greasy okay yeah right kind of like the gumbo yeah right right okay and I'm gonna show you the proper way to do that all right we're gonna do it now I'm gonna turn it off okay and I'm gonna put it on the cabinet over here all right and I'm a leaner off on the side eye and then I'm gonna scoop the grease out all right a little too neat okay all right I just put a towel on top the cabin right here and I got one side of the pot up high and you can see all the grease coming to the side yeah from the sauce okay and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna scoop that out cut and discard that cuz I don't want that in my beans okay okay all right got it ladle right here and as you can see I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start scooping up this uh this excess oh great greased fat from the sausage yeah and no I don't want that in my in my beans God okay and every now and then you might grab a little vegetable but don't worry about it you got plenty of it in the in there already okay okay you see I'm doing that and get that out cuz you don't want like I see you don't want that in your beans no okay yeah so you needed some of that cano all to cook the vegetables but now we're gonna take this stuff out but also a lot of this is the fat from the sauce right right okay sure and that can come right out of there it comes right out of there give it a little more with a real nice little ladle like you a nice real nice yeah and that's pretty good enough okay you can see I mean you're not gonna get it all 100% but we got 99.9% of it out and I'm ready back on the stove the sounds good open the beans out of the package I'm forming up in a column I like watching my beans in the colander that way all the the dirt and everything that goes through these beans is launching right on out okay some people like watching them in the pot and stirring it around and then drain the water but this way the dirt flows through and you can just discard it okay come over here to the sink all right okay put it on water cold okay [Music] [Applause] okay yeah and get all that that dirty snow peas they grow in the fields yeah you know and I know to go through a process you know but you really want to walk them again walking minute calling the right day just pushes the dirt right on through now I'm going to add this to pot and then we want to add our water to the pot okay like that okay I'll be right back all right sounds good guys put enough water in here to cover it so that was 2 cups okay and we're gonna add another 2 cups not quite enough I'm using bottled water on some good Ozark oh right gotcha and that's exactly 2 cups okay okay enough to start looks like yeah now we're gonna have to do is uh keep a close eye on it cuz as it cooks the water is gonna evaporate okay okay but now next we'll go ahead and add our seasonings to it all right okay we're gonna do that I'm gonna do it right now all right here's not my little Cajun cousins allspice I always put that on everything couple pinches of that okay okay got you I'm gonna do a little black pepper all right I like black pepper in my red bean a little sprinkle of that nice all right couple jabs of hot sauce okay watch it is a couple jab uh-huh 1/2 cup of move come on yeah oh we have a couple more a hunt sauce yeah just a little tad bit of salt cause you got your kids and cousin allspice in it okay all right all right put a little parsley parsley in there right man but like that that's nice and then hey I love glory I played Gordon buddy everything alright ok little sprinkle of garlic not much you don't want to overpower but you want just a flavor all right all right nice little flavor garlic and there we go and that should be good right here and while let's just kick up and let him cook that for buddy well these like this usually cook for about a good hour and half two hours alright and like like I said when I probably add a little bit more water okay probably another two cooked and then we'll be in good shape so right now we're sitting four cups of water ups we put the beans in there we got everything all the other ingredients and we're about to put it down and let it cook for about an hour plus yeah like I said actually yeah about about an hour plus but in the meantime you want to stir it you want to take a look at and you're gonna add you can add more water as he cooked okay but right now we sitting there pretty good bit got you okay all right sounds good alright stir my bean don't want to take them out they've been balling probably about five minutes now and it locates it coming along so we still got a long way to go yeah but right now I'm gonna go ahead and add some more water to it okay put another two cups in alright way that the beans stay covered in water how about the smell oh boy I tell you what man isn't look at this look it's not ready and you see how the difference in the sausage ah yeah yeah I got got the bite size and get the little sauce yeah yeah I love sausage in my red bean absolutely and it's the right way to do it all right what anybody else is I like my way he and red beans rice and sausages about it's Cajun as against that's right man that's gonna be some beautiful stuff yep but let me go ahead am i 2 cups of water and I'm right back in a minute sounds good ready because I want to show you my red beans right here how delicious they looking right look look at all that flavor just coming yeah that beautiful sausage in there in the in the vegetable you see how the green onions and the bell peppers and onions I'll just getting all up in that gravy right there right right now we need add another 2 cups of water okay so forth is gonna be a total of 8 cups that I put in here all right but I don't like putting it all at one time as you see as he cooks share I add okay okay and there we go we're gonna let it cook some Bowl all right but look how nice that looks great smells ain't that beautiful well you know what David hate to say this but I think I'm one of the best cooks I know what you sure about 10 I'm almost positive all right buddy I think you're right it means and right video and that's what you got going on in there looking beautiful right there goodness see how it would be I'm starting to get right yeah they getting softer man this is gonna be some beautiful stuff I kind of just mesh it in there right that's right and what you want this baby to flavor in the sausage and all the vegetables in there everything's kind of melding together and cooking down and it has a unbelievable smell to it guys I mean I'm just telling you look at the gravy that's what you want right there right there that's the make that money right there that's right this one rich man very rich very rich like mom you say that's right that's rich and this is just unbelievable stuff oh yeah once again this is another recipe that we followed down from generation to generation yep but you know what I just gotta try this you got to have a little shot which think they put it to the side I want for you and why not and who's that one for that's what carry oh well I got to give me another one best here yeah my beautiful sister okay all right what are you packing - good show you how these red beans are looking real good looks like you might have to add a little bit more water okay you said it water cooking out it's cooking out for sure I don't want it to get it to dry you want to go ahead and and have your gravy mixed up whenever I see that but look how pretty this is David nice man there's gonna be some good flavorful stuff right right right aren t this can be some sauce and more stuff I'll see that the water to it Oh can I be a tall at ten cups of water so forth alright sounds good right boy that is some good stuff okay two more cups of water to milk up the water we'll put it at ten you want to let that sit back and relax all right laughs all right sounds good go ahead check out our bean oh my goodness look at this this really really looking nice now I think it's almost time to take a little nip David getting close getting real close yeah but this is really looking sharp right here man yeah just a little bit more water oh but this is really really looking nice I see that see that David I think the flag runs all coming together oh yeah uh-huh that's why I went ahead a little more water okay because it's not quite done yet but it's time for a flavor test gotcha all right sounds good and cooking for about an hour and 20 minutes now so I'm saying probably about another 30 minutes this should be completed Lee twelve cups in right yeah twelve cups in the water but I didn't add it all at one time you gotta add it as needed okay I want to stress that and it crazy and this is really really good stuff seven see that wonderful sausage in there daily I see this beautiful look me on top of some some hot white rice I tell you what it may I tell you this is some good stuff I do declare all right sounds good I think it is David what ifs is coming out nice yeah that's what I'm talking yeah I think he's about done do go ahead and put that fire on loop all right well just let it simmer how long one simmering for well let it simmer probably for about 15 minutes we've got 12 cups of water in here so we need any more no no no no we we pretty much done we're gonna do mattad Simmons and so on stay together and let it rest let it rest let it rest time for it to rest yeah okay I want to show you something see how that grieve how to be engraving just coming together right this is really really good stuff so now it's just Cimarron town it's not gonna be long we're gonna be plating that's right we think I think gonna be great I'm ready Bobby that's us man I dig it that seems good sauce it monster thanks take a look at these beans right here after they've been simmering for I guess about 20 minutes now yeah man look at that gravy how nice and heard of that nut and creamy oh this is delicious stuff right here yeah and one thing you want to do is always show this so flavor that's on the side too far you always want to keep that into you grit pull that back down yeah you want always full right but I think this is pretty much done I have finished yeah we ready to get ready to plate to put that in a plate show sounds good all right I have a true beauty yeah right now this is our red beans and rice with the sauce that we've been working on and Dave you got your dad that camera up close because let's look at this right hands gonna be totally awesome are you ready I'm ready here we go Wow yeah man in that beautiful look at them Satya some good stuff right there now this is cooked the Cajun Way authentically cooked you know counting cousins and our taehwa this is beautiful let us see that leave the red means and see the red beans in the sausage in it it is going to throw you to amazing this is such some scrumptious stuff I take those are lovely you know I tell what my grandma's you say I do declare I tell you this stuff right here I think it's time to plate this I think Zoey you ready over this fresh right look look see this right here let's plate test you know you're not gonna find a red beans and rice like there's no way in any kind of restaurant LMS unless you go to Kinko's you got enough rice on that plate I don't know David I'm a right to eat of now just one this is beautiful though oh yeah I can add a little move lead this wat t what Danko salmon it ball looks at this plate that Brett now we talk and look at a steam coming off of there it is gone look at this this is beautiful yawns you in there in the beans and the water made its own baby and you can just see all the vegetables and the flavors and the steam coming off of this plate of red beans and rice and sausage this right here is real real Cajun stuff right here guys that's what residence rice and sausage and you know it dim this is gonna be good man you think so I think I'm thinking Vegas bike oh yeah but you know I'm ready hmm you go first I'm gonna go first all right I got blue one I tell you so much alright well give it a minute let it rest man put this in my gum brilliant what you got buddy man this is some good stuff that looks amazing talk to me I'm fixin to try that one out you sure about that you you catch all them flavors okay you know what yeah oh yeah that's some real good stuff yeah you know what I'm very happy that I can bring this technique of cooking homemade red beans and rice right out the box no definitely not out the box here where people can learn how to do this - correct yes not only can they learn how to do but they feed their family or quality meal and not a lot of money it's your turn David for last almost two hours so now it's my turn I will go flavor this is awesome which they named Wow the beans are so soft they just melt in your mouth like cake icing I mean that's what you want and the rice everything is amazing definitely not out of a box you can taste all the flavors everything that you put in here all the vegetables and the flavors you can feel them when you taste them great job Brad thank you dear this is very very good stuff to hear our little princess today and she's gonna taste these red beans rice and sausage let's see what crystal things that good you like it tastes good alright sweetheart love you okay bye bye Haley you ready to take do a taste test on the red beans rice and sausage video Haley it's your turn let's see if she likes this we think I despise me it's really good so she don't even like beans which is not a bean person but she don't taste the beans that's how good this tastes the beans are creamy and they almost lend into the rice like gravy really to me that's how they are so what do you think sweetie you like them all right good job thumbs up all right educating cousins I do want to thank you all very much for the watching of our red beans oh yeah what nothing that looks man this is look how much is gone I know it didn't take much and tell you what kids did hit it hard man but this is a very simple recipe of how to cook red beans rice with sausage and it's a very simple very easy very cost effective and you can feed you know five six seven people tell you out on a red bean to cup on the sausage without being expensive but yep and this is the right way to do it okay according to Katie right thank you all so much for watching our videos today and learning how to cook the red beans and rice you know if you have any comments please put in the comments section it please the Frog channel and share it right Brett a beer this David absolutely we are Cajun cousins such a very long walk that I'll be I get a llama say what the laughing down
Channel: Cajun Cousins Cooking
Views: 102,955
Rating: 4.8610187 out of 5
Keywords: video, red beans rice and sausage, Cajun red beans rice sausage, Louisiana Red Beans, red beans, red beans andrice, red beans sausage, cajun monday special, beans and sausage, cajun porn, food porn, delicious cajun food, andouile sausage, cooney way
Id: w3vcGJ-Gkco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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