Louisiana Style Red Beans and Rice Recipe | #SoulFoodSunday

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me av now listen we back at you again with week number three in july for soul food sunday hey check this out this is super easy you already read that you know the name of this title and today i'm gonna show you guys just how easy it is to make a louisiana style red beans and rice i'm gonna keep the rice simple i'm gonna be using my rice maker but listen it's all about the beans and getting that texture right so you put this over that rice and boom you got it now don't forget this is a collaboration that started with soul food cooking listen it started last year and this is what we're doing right we dropping these every year and don't forget the hashtag soul food sunday is real you know real important reason being there's a lot of other channels that's out there like cooking with cj you know uh bz cooks you know myself again the head of this right here is soul food cooking so listen put the hashtag in which you see on the screen right now and you guys will be able to take a look at all the videos down for soul food sunday hey so that i don't over talk it let's get right into this video let's get over let's go over these ingredients and let's get it now look these are the ingredients that go in here it looks like a lot but it really is not i'll start off by saying look my pyrex you know uh measuring cup right here this is only four cups but we're gonna need six cups so i'm gonna just point at this like this we got six cups of water what i did was right here i put in three links right just cut them down you can see the idea you can cut them even in quarters if that's what you want to do like cut it in half and that in half all right then we got the trinity right here you got bell celery onions right we got salt we got a little cooking oil this is extra virgin olive oil of course we gotta have the beans right i'll just show you i just took these out of the refrigerator these uh pre-soaked overnight and don't forget you guys can hot soak them boil some water cut the water off put your beans in there put the lid on top let it soak for one hour it's the same as doing it overnight right now we got smoked paprika minced garlic now here are these next three bowls i'm gonna show you they got two ingredients in there also this is dried oregano and dry thyme in here here you guys can see listen it's got two that's garlic powder and onion powder and then this one right here we got cayenne pepper and black pepper and then right here i got three bay leaves you can use two if you guys like the larger ones but these were kind of like a little bit on the small side so i went with three hey so you seeing it super easy i'm gonna be using my dutch oven so let's get it okay look the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put this on medium heat then we're gonna add a couple of tablespoons of this extra virgin olive oil and then we're gonna go ahead and put our endowee sausage in there so that we can brown brown it now we'll add a couple of tablespoons of uh olive oil now i add my andouille sausage now what we want to do is we just want to brown it right so what i'm doing is just getting it coated you know with the cooking oil once i got it coated then i'll leave it alone just try to make sure as many of them are as flat as possible but this is what you you should be looking for right here you just want them to brown you don't want to overcook them you don't want them to be dried out right so this right here is good i'm gonna go ahead and just turn everything off right now i'm gonna get me a slotted spoon i'm gonna put it back into my uh back into the bowl and then i'm gonna put them in the refrigerator and let those stay in there while i mix up and get everything else ready so then what you wanna do is get yourself a slotted spoon right and you just wanna drain all your grease listen that's all your flavor and you're going to need all of that you know for your veggies now once that's done it'll look like this okay what i did was i just went ahead and brought my pot bringing it back up to heat you know just turn that back on got it on the medium heat and you can see these little bits down here right no words now we're going to go ahead and add our onion bell pepper and celery and what this is going to do is listen to steam from these veggies is gonna help get all your little i'm gonna just call this the flavor at the bottom of your you know your pack your pot [Music] or even if you made it in a pan you know what this is what you want so just absorb everything that was left as the residue you know from cooking the sausage we'll just let this start a little bit we'll give this like about a two minute head start before we add our garden now after a two minute head start i'm gonna go ahead and add my minced garlic this right here you guys been following me for a minute you know how we get down you should be very very familiar with this smell right here with that trinity and you know that garlic now if i was to add i want you guys to let me know if i was an ad carried to this what would that be called some of you guys got it in the last video but just tell me what would that be now we let that saute for about one minute right after that now we're gonna start adding the rest of our dry ingredients right so i'll come with that paprika and you know just the rest of it no need to say the names because whatever you got left you got to put it in here now you just want to keep mixing it up just the way you see i'm doing right here make sure it's all you know incorporated and if it gets a chance to you know like get off at the edges you want to like scrape them edges you want to get everything nice and moist and this right here as you can see the bottom look at that everything all of the good flavor is gone so we just cook this just for about a minute now after about a minute and a half to two minutes with this sauteing i just rinsed my beans now we're gonna add our beans and then we're gonna add our water now you just want to stir it up get everything mixed in with your water now here's a little tip for you sometime i use you know chicken broth or chicken stock you know i mean i've done it where i've done three cups regular water and three cups of chicken stock but this time i'm gonna do it just this way listen we got a lot of seasoning in here this is gonna give us a lot of flavor and we're gonna trust that process make it this way first and then after that you taste it this way then we'll start experimenting and then i want you guys to come back and tell me which way you like best then what you want to do is go ahead and get your bay leaves make sure you when you put them in there you submerge them and then you want to give it a stir now we got the the pot you know up to a boil right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna reduce this down to like a medium low we just want this to simmer we're gonna set a timer for one hour then we're gonna check it but i tell you we're gonna check it about halfway through that one hour just to make sure nothing's sticking on the bottom we're gonna give it a stir and then we're gonna put our top back on remember we're gonna check it at a half hour mark and give it a stir okay it's been an hour let's take a look at it now what you want to do is you want to check to see if your beans have reached the desired softness that you like right and after after it does look i went ahead and got my pyrex you know what i mean and then i got myself a ladle right i took some beans out this right here is key this is what's going to give you that texture you know what i mean so check this out as i start to smash them down i'm using the back of my ladle right you just want to mash them down and you see how that looks right there it's almost like we're doing black eyed peas then we put it back in the inside and then what we're going to do is we're going to give it a stir and as you start stirring it you'll see that it's starting to give you that look that we all know and love you know from uh red beans and rice and you know you'll reach that texture right so we're gonna cook it a little longer with the lid off so that we can get it to our desired thickness now once you reach your desired thickness what you see right here this is right here is what i was looking for still wanted to have like a little bit of the you know the liquid on it it's not too thick not too thin then you want to go ahead go to your refrigerator and get out your you know your andouille sausage and just go ahead and add it we're going to let this bring you you know bring everything up to temp so we're going to let this cook for about i don't know i'm gonna say about maybe 10 more minutes five to ten minutes then we're going to add some parsley to it you know fresh parsley works best i don't have any fresh parsley so i i was forced to use you know i'm forced to use you know dry parsley and now that we got our and dewey sausage you know nice and hot and cooked in what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and take out you know these bay leaves and you guys can see this is it right here now it's time to go ahead and put it in a bowl and taste it now you guys can see look at this consistency here oh yeah this right here if that don't say red beans and rice i don't know what wheel all right so we got that i'll just set that there what i did was i took my bowl so you guys can see and i put half of it you know rice now i'm gonna put this in the inside you know now we'll sprinkle a little bit of this green onion on top just to give it a little garnish and i want you guys to tell me what you think look at that right there we finna get it in so tell me what you guys think i'm not gonna lie to you listen i've been sampling it you know throughout the stages i already know it's good i'm gonna just hold it up right now you just seen it i got a thumbnail i'm just going to go ahead and hit it with this right now that's the only thing i haven't done and you know what i'd like to have it with that green onion that green onion give it just a nice little taste to it you know that's my thing so now we got a little rice i didn't mix it yet but cheers oh yeah you know it's right when you're making this because you can just smell it and it smell like what you know smell like home smell like that og you know red beans and rice now hold on man you gotta try this hey especially for my new cooks you know i mean those and even the ones that has never ever made this before you gotta try this right here put you down south right in the heart of it hey so let me just say this don't forget this is a hashtag soul food sunday you gotta go by and check and look at you know all the channels listen this is dropping today once you watch this video don't forget to go by and check out soul food cooking's video and see what they drop which i'm eager to see myself i know cooking with cj has something i know bjbz cooks has something you know what i mean so listen we got to go by take a look at what they have to offer you know what i mean this is why you guys are getting four all the way up to 10 videos on soul food sunday hey so with that being said let me just take this time to say listen if you're new to my channel go ahead don't forget to like this video and subscribe and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking oh and making these delicious recipes hey so what that being said i'm out of here you guys peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 763,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Louisiana Style Red Beans and Rice Recipe, red beans and rice recipes, cajun red beans and rice, cajun red beans and rice recipe, southern cooking, soul food, soul food recipes, comfort food, #soulfoodsunday, soul food sunday, cajun food, new orleans, how to cook, how to make, food, recipe, southern recipes, southern food, soul food cooking, red beans and rice recipe, easy recipes, recipes, cooking, soul food recipe, dinner
Id: DxKqeC_6aBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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