Recovery Level: IMPOSSIBLE!! I Call Matt’s Off Road For Help!

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foreign so we're gonna see those two bees that's Hanging Tree so we go right here okay [Music] we come back out that way and then is there another Trail another way out of here now besides taking Creek no so this is basically the trout there is an actual marked trailhead that means you you flop five times in which five times yes yes and it says wreck it gives you all the recommendations from like the 90s [Music] last time we about got lost coming out of here so we're gonna be following our tracks on onyx off-road going back up we did get time to lost last time we took too the wrong turn do you think Matt has knows what he thought himself I don't think he understands this Trail we are currently going up this Trail and I'm wondering why we kept going up this Trail I think hillbilly lost steering not very I mean very soon into this so I'd like to take a second and thank today's sponsoring this video on X off-road this this has literally saved us two times now last time we were on Hanging Tree Trail the night that we got stuck we ended up getting lost at 11 30 p.m luckily we had the offline map we were able to zoom in see exactly where we took the wrong turn around and follow our tracks back to that turn off and get down the mountain safely without that aft we could have been searching for hours click the link in the description you're going to be getting 20 off your elite membership most of all don't download the app you don't want to get in a situation where you wish you would have listened and downloaded it so we've got a cool project coming up where I'm getting a new vehicle and I want to put a wrap on it so I reached out to team at Onyx and this is what I want to do for anybody that uses my link in the description below we're going to be adding your name to this wrap on my vehicle that wrap's gonna stay on my on it for an entire year anybody that signed up so far we're going to add you to it also you don't have to do anything besides download the app once we get enough people on the app we're going to be sharing our adventures to where you guys can actually have interactive behind the scenes content you have pictures waypoints markers and cookie crumb trails to see exactly where we went whatever day we did it get down so Matt thinks he's losing a tire we're gonna go check it out oh this isn't good running out of here right now gotta go back right there gonna rip the sidewall yep it hits the sidewall where's the leak right there Snake Bite yeah this is super bad that tire growing I have air could we could we plug it we gotta try and stick all the plugs we can in that thing and so I want to stop this knot there though yeah do you wanna it was worse do you where do you want it Matt which which is the top where we could work I mean oh it's totally torn like um you have a way to pull it off if you have a Jack and everything no we have a handyman at the Bronco I've got a spare tire down there I have air on here but I don't have an air hose spare tire in Hurricane for this the fifth tire for this rig do we want to pull this off and go try to patch it inside we can take it to my shop and Dismount it and totally dang it I hit this wrong I could have totally avoided that we slammed we slammed into it going way too fast well we could tube it to get you by today we can pull it off go put a patch on the inside and put a tube in it do we have any way to pull this off though I got all my bit my big impact I mean we could just run down grab everything we need three millimeter are we gonna get this out though or we can just work on it here yeah we could we can do it here we could go to Harmony this is my thought Nick go to hermanson's and get a tube go get some patches patch the inside of it to where the patches are plugging the tools this getting this apart patch the inside is a massive amount of work I just wonder how he'll be leaving got this far this shell is crazy so hillbilly beat the record actually no I don't know yet because we're gonna fix that tire and the record is gonna make it all the way to the top Hanging Tree two recovery zero I was a little bit nervous there if there's something specific that you come up with that you think we need to have somebody jump in the cannon and go down to service tube or blue I got all right we'll be back we're gonna head back down into town and go get the essentials [Music] it has crushed that didn't it oh yeah [Applause] the Bronx star and heavy wrecker might be having a sleepover in Hanging Tree we're gonna call hillbilly and let him in on what's going on hello good news and some bad news what do you want first whatever well the bad news is hanging hanging tree three recovery's zero well the heavy records broke on Hanging Tree how bad bad enough that it needs fixed and can't move this is all caused by the Bronx star not having an LS so we can either leave it and let it have a sleepover tonight up there again or we can recover it with Matt's record and then put an LS in it after okay bye okay bye nope I guess he didn't get a choice this is some real caveman stuff right here [Music] [Music] hillbilly just texted me I don't want an LS I said I know this is working out good I was worried that we weren't qualified they're just gabbing not paying attention throttle to the floor and then man we shifted to the side all right anything no no this thing don't care so this is the weirdest thing this Trail started a half mile back there but the trailhead official sign is right here front rear lockers level five yeah a level five so far I'd say this is easily a six and I heard that it gets to like a ten [Music] so we went down into town went to hermanson's we got three different tubes after that we headed over to Napa Auto Parts we got the rest of the stuff we got a bead breaker which we don't need we got Tire bars we had a fudge Hammer we've got everything we went to Napa and cleared them out of stuff we had like five different tubes we got Patches this big so this one did not go all the way through but it cut all the cords and this cut will fit their nicely nicely this went from a somewhat manageable time frame to all night last time we left at this time we didn't get off the mountain until midnight we also struggled with the Bronco pretty pretty hard we had to winch it up every obstacle so hillbilly is not here today he is with his wife at a dentist appointment he gets to miss out on all the fun he gets to go and break it get it stuck and then we go and save it so I called hillbilly and let him know that since Matt has has issues with the heavy wrecker helping him out the trade-off is that we're gonna put an LS in the Bronco and he about had a heart attack and he's hard attacking me you're not putting no eggs I'm putting a 5-0 in it nope sorry I think 15 feet is excess but I wasn't sure if 25 was enough so I'm going to put the valve stem through the bead the outer bead of the wheel just so that it's ready to go it's just supposed to be angled out or will this interfere I don't know how we're gonna get air to it that's what I'm wondering um so we're trying to figure out how to get air to it we might be able to force this in to air it up are you running two patches or just one two oh so a big one and a small one yeah but see there's a reason I got two different sizes one of each if it's not a slow leak we can stop near it up go air it up that would be a pain we're also super lucky I mean we never have issues so we're thinking about airing it up from the back side 47 years of nothing but good luck and then today yeah he's not even here to enjoy the punishment s uh this is a pre-trail side repair oh yes I made it to the trail yet all right that's probably okay perfect we need the valve stem probably up now we need to spin this with one inch right there so we're just trying to get this rotated so that we can get some air in from the backside so we're gonna have the air we're gonna pivot it to where we can get the air Chuck in from the back side then we'll use a screwdriver and push it off so let me see on this side though man so close all right you twist it okay you're on we're airing up I'm not moving my hand until we have pressure in it okay Tom I need to kick this tire I sure hope that's the sound of residual air can't even tell it's damaged Matt's coaching himself don't drive like an idiot don't drive like hillbilly I think that's it Hanging Tree three us one we're on a trend upwards okay we're ahead we got a win we should just head out of here thank you all right I think we are ready to go start the video I've never had an intro two-thirds of the video in we were talking about it while you were gone what's Robbie thinking what makes you think we're only two-thirds of the way in right now all right so we are finally to the trailhead and last week we broke a cardinal rule right up there on the trailhead we packed something in and we didn't pack it out so we made a call to Matt's off road recovery hello he brought that world's largest off-road record to come and rescue the Bronx star for us we thought this was going to be boring but it's already started out exciting we've got a trail repair in the books we got a pre-trail trail repair in the books and we're headed to the top to go get the Bronx star all on a level five level five I don't know how that's a level five but I'll tell you this the rest of the day is gonna go silky smooth right we're gonna slide on through the rest of the day we're starting the video right now again so we're gonna drop a waypoint exactly where the heavy record got its first flat tire you're gonna have to make sure and click the link in the description download the app so we can share that oh they're with you you're right on a rock you can get it okay he's just a lot more cautious so I knew I couldn't make this last time I pulled up in there and I backed up this hill how many miles up is the Bronx uh still ways from here oh my front tires off the ground nice [Music] so this is the first obstacle the first waterfall and this is the first one that Robbie tipped up well the only one Robbie tipped on so hopefully this time nobody tips Let's cross her fingers Matt did it like it was nothing and this is where I roll Ed early on that don't fit [Music] s there you go right there [Music] you don't want to roll it no we won't roll it today [Music] well luckily that's the hardest part for the Can-Am one of 20. but the Bronco made it up how far are we from the wreckage right up there so there we are that one right there is he'll go they're like four inches yeah four inches at 10 miles an inch dumb ways [Music] well that's intense the heavy record was almost vertically on its side [Music] so I am still all for bringing lamo up here we might need rear steer I think it could make it what do you guys think [Applause] just another day [Music] but the records having kind of a hard time getting up this little waterfall right here it's so so slick that it is hard to get up all the rocks and do the things like you would normally in like Moab or Sand Hollow what have you got me into it's a level five Trail man I know oh for like a motorcycle crazy like an Enduro this is crazy huh at least you're like able to kind of go this is like stuck on everything I've never been on a trail where I've drug bottom as much as this one I think we should put together like an actual trail ride when we have the rigs and come do it can you imagine the nightmare it would be with that rig without rear steer oh no I keep watching the articulation of the way you're able to go around it yeah without rear steer I don't think so and that boy the girls right there was a Hanging Tree you don't need an overly built off-road rig but it helps it does help [Music] nothing to see here that was hard I felt out of my butt the whole bottom of the frame is smashed you know you'll get that with these bigger jobs some people take those easy Moab Trails we like to just drive straight up Rivers I have no idea how the Bronx art made it this far because I feel like we are struggling way harder this time records doing awesome I just want to sit here and watch it the whole time that thing is built for sand but it's doing just fine on the rocks [Music] [Music] so Nathan the wrecker I have kind of made it through but I think Robbie's stuck I'll go check gotta drive to this straight forward [Music] don't break it I think we'll go to that rock it'll help it you want to just wedge it in there I think right around here be good worked we're way ahead of schedule just so you know but how was the Bronx targeting pretty good till here yeah pretty good still here that's exactly where the Bronco broke I think he hit that and then go yeah that's where he wants to the transportation some good news when we were here the last time it was starting to get dark about this spot so I think we're ahead of schedule maybe we'll get off before midnight [Music] hey you know that that's the one that gets the door on everybody that rule [Applause] [Music] like the dip that keeps on giving I don't think I'm gonna go right through those rocks right there this thing looks so cool from behind because you see it hit a rock and then just very slowly just just raise it up [Music] so as you just saw Matt gave us a lesson on how to just drive over everything I'm gonna take the high line and I'm gonna try to dodge all these rocks and bounce up this now this is river rock crawling now you see you don't need a heavy wrecker but it helps it does help oh [Music] this part right here it was the only place that I was a little bit worried about the wrecker coming but I think it'll be just fine if not everyone said they can tie up to trees and they'll be great so looking good weird oh my first time that's sketchy I'm just coming to guide you we got it we got bad around the edge this ain't my first rodeo it's not that bad of an angle for the record but yeah you're looking down there and you're watching the dirt kind of Slough away so it's easier from here to hillbilly well no I think it gets worse I think it does but I think we're only like one inch away it's like right we've got like one two three more turns is all about two inches on the map I'm gonna say this is the Hanging Tree because of that tree and you have to hang from it to get around it I've officially beat my entire frame up lost my Plastics but we've made it [Applause] [Applause] all right but I made it it took me like 10 tries last time we did it one this time you just gotta send it um [Music] so I'm gonna check the Onyx app so we are just about there so we are the Red Dot right here is end of the line for Hillbilly the trailhead started right there we are there we got two more waypoints to go and then this is the top waterfall right there so we're we're getting there [Music] I found Rockstar just remember do not go up this Trail by yourself bring another vehicle it's that crazy about the pleasant surprise there it is and all its beautiful Glory we finally made it here Robbie you said we were never gonna make it here you know what I lied so I get startled why did you get startled when he came around look we hit it so nobody would steal it if we can get steering back which I don't I don't there's something wrong yeah oh yeah steering box is broke power steering pumps junk we're gonna put a line on it and fill it full of fluid so at least if it decides to have anything yeah and then we're gonna throw steam in it you're gonna throw me in until something breaks I never hear the end of it yep it's already broken so then here's here's the deal with it if it runs with the rear rear wheel drive use it to assist yeah I'm thinking I'm thinking we're gonna hook up to it put the hose on let's see what it does okay hillbilly was saying that sometimes it would just take off sometimes and that means that there's metal in there that's missing yes it's got some Rust prevention on it yes we oiled it you're moving side to side a little bit the lower was not enough and so that's why it's pushing man I packed lunch but I don't pack any supper you want to see what a super overheated power steering pump looks like internally oh yeah the whole put down inside here the whole thing's melted I don't think the hose is gonna fix this no no but it's gonna make it where fluid won't go everywhere so I got one hot enough on a tow truck to melt that dipstick off I would say that that's pretty hot wherever that plastic came from it's not supposed to be there there's like a hundred obstacles I watch you just snake through and I struggle with them but every 101 obstacle you struggle on something I just drive through drive through I'm glad you feel good about that man yeah I appreciate you doing that what do you think of this Trail so far this Trail is amazing this is so does that mean you're gonna come back I will I will come back I think I want a buggy for it though not bringing the banana or the more bear there's paint on rocks [Music] sorry hillbilly we're taking this pile back to put an LS in it yeah I would I would at least triangulate this one yeah which one the one the one that you can the lower just need to be triangulated more yeah and then those lower back ones could be put together further a little bit a little bit more please it would help we got one big obstacle left no they're like three or four four five let's just add five six all right well we'll we'll just take one at a time Matt's gonna just hook up and lift the front end this has no steering he has no portable drive Matt's gonna lift it and pull it as far as he can get it and then winch it up the obstacles what is this crap defamation Stacy look at his sticker stage stick all right that's fair enough see the heavy wrecker takes the bronze star with ease look at that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he told me he told me are you on your prey they're locked up he told me he was a little scared I don't know why he's scared oh man two wheels are still on the ground you're good [Music] you might think that's the big one well this might look like a big waterfall no there's a bigger one still [Music] [Music] look big it's nothing that's like baby waterfall compared to Grandpa up here the heavy wrecker is doing exactly what we knew it would do it's carrying the rock star off the mountain perfectly fine [Music] [Music] all those patterns the heavy record just about made it over the top but this dang thing won't stay running when it dies it becomes a boat anchor and it just pulled him right back so right now the heavy records winch is stuck what they're trying to do is they're going to winch the trees and full of the brown star and the heavy record but right now Nick's gonna back up and get the heavy record winch they got the wins out [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] out of here and I'm gonna shoot out of this like a rocket nice man right there hey hi [Music] foreign [Music] fourth time's a charm baby girl time's a charm I'm telling you this is a cool Trail rob you can't tell anybody about this I know because everybody everybody I want to show up good job that was so awesome the Bronx shot was literally like this I'm like no wonder it's not running yeah so is that the last big option now we just have to get out of a mud hole that was cool that was awesome when this is empty like the trail was out it was difficult put that onto it and it's kind of a set the record does wrecker stuff from what everybody's saying is that makes it ten times harder oh yeah like this is the first year it's had water in a long time oh this is awesome [Music] is it Victory pie chime I need it I think we better get down you can see the last time we were here we missed a road and it was midnight so we went all the way to a locked gate then look at that you can see us turn it around and we had to go all the way back we followed our offline map until we saw a road right here and that's the road that got us home that takes us right back down to left-hand Fork if we didn't have this offline map we would have been lost So for anybody that tries to come here and do this trowel do not turn right at the top it takes you through private property you will not be able to get through it we have permission and we have access to get through the gate but the general public does not have access so do not go on private property take the public crowd out which is left so right here with the forks of the road and we didn't know and at midnight it all looks the same so we just took the high road thinking that was the way out hold the brakes good hey I'm gonna give her a little sand [Music] [Music] you hit a good bump and it falls into gear it's working good man as far as everybody I've ever told you're on the top shelf there so foreign well we made it back to left-hand Fork could anything else have gotten that out no no way that was a diss on Rory Rory I wouldn't put up with that call Robbie right now tell him how you feel well if the record would have broke down you could have came and got it but it wasn't going to break down all I gotta say is that Tire's good to go I I we were talking about it we're gonna pull that patch off put a glue tread on it and just run it why not you know it'll cycle is holding I know it just did that and I'm not gonna do anything that sketchy again if you need your sidewall patched call Matt that match Tire Matt's off-road and tire repair the tomtom's tire shop tomtom's Tire Pros all right so we're gonna take hillbilly as prize possession and make him haul it back to the shop [Music] well hillbilly is just like a blister shows up when the work is done your car listens when it's hooked to Matt's tow truck yeah yeah it doesn't talk back hard to bring off the feed block out of it big old lady patch on the inside that's the outside made it just fine so the shirt do you wear extra fat so it wasn't a very struggling Trail for this oh man no let's just say we almost climbed the last waterfall I had the front wheels completely up over but they said I didn't have my lockers on and it and I stalled that out right right as he was pumping it and then back down there like a bobsled that made you a little nervous it did [Music] oh oh my gosh all right so it was successful we made a call Matt came up and saved the day hillbilly showed up when the work was done that's not that so as always we appreciate you if you enjoyed this video go check out this one [Music]
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 770,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b2cC5rcIFBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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