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today we're doing the last one to stop riding off-road Edition wins $10,000 we have the craziest lineup of off-road vehicles from side by sides to ATVs to mini Jeep with the mini jet boo to a dirt bike and even a tiny 6x6 we are not at the Tim house we are at Busco Beach over 2,000 acres of the craziest off-road obstacles ever hill climbs Bounty holes Motocross tracks lakes and pretty much anything except for roads competing in today's challenge we have Andrew we have Matt and we have Team R's cameraman Drew I'm so excited let's get this $10,000 since this is Drew's very first time being in front of the camera I'm going to go ahead and let you pick first what vehicle do you want all right I've been eyeing that six-wheeler over there cuz I think it's going to be the best off terrain Drew you have options for everything and you're thinking the six wheeler I'm sure of it I mean look for $110,000 yeah it's got six wheels I mean it's the best vehicle out of this whole lineup right here it's even got a snorkel for bogging I could go as deep as I want all right so you sure you want this first pick for sure all right hop [Music] on oh hear that noise this thing is awesome jeez purring Matt Andrew 32 one pick what are you guys going for big old quad look at this thing this can go over anything I'm picking this thing it's definitely the fastest we also have a special guest his name is Richard he's got the craziest off-road machine here let's get it dude last but not least that means I'm going the mini Jeep with the jet boat let's go Carter Carter I want to go first cuz I want to test the snorkel out really bad don't go too deep Drew it's floating I'm stuck I can't all right drive it out yeah I need help okay well uh Andrew let's go let's start the rest of the challenge last of stop riding is officially started as long as Drew stays on he's good Drew just don't step off I'm still in the car Carter last to stop riding 3 2 1 go yeah this thing's got some power let's go oh my gosh going to go come on I got the boat it's a two for one vehicle this is the craziest thing ever let's go wow there's just dirt everywhere out here it's just dust and dirt everywhere I'm up in second gear pulling the tiny boat last to stop riding Offroad hard to see this ditch oh that was insane jeez these guys are going fast this is so cool this off-road park is massive oh I'm going for a hill climb with the boat oh he's going up the hill with the bow oh my God this is awesome I can't believe the mini Jeep is doing so good guys this is going to be the most fun last of stop riding we've ever done this place is crazy look at all this stuff wo all right so I drove my vehicle into the lake but now I'm stuck I mean the snorkel came off which was supposed to help me get through this whole lake over here but now I'm stuck and I don't know what to do I mean this thing is really hard to get out what am I going to do as long as I don't touch a road I think I should be okay but hon see the water doesn't feel that bad it's like 90° out so might just stay in here for a little bit there goes Richard in that absolute Beast of a machine Busco Beach is known for its water which is why I'm hyped I have the mini jet boat but until I can go in The Lakes there's all these mud bogs and puddles so I'm going to do a little test let's see how well we can actually go through some mud here we go hope I don't get stuck come on oh okay that wasn't so bad oh oh oh that is not good guys I'm losing the boat oh no the jet is falling off the trailer this is a disaster what happened it just hit too many bumps I was going really fast it's a lot of heavy weight I'm going to have to dump it anyways there's a lot of liquid what's all that is it gas it's probably water okay there's a lot of water dirty water look at all that water water [Music] okay why did it come undone I guess it's just so bouncy but the strap just broke or something oh did I lose a strap e it's pulling on the slack it it's fine it'll work yeah mini Jeep back in Action Baby W right at your own risk woo that's a little bit of a scary sign but we are setting up for our first challenge all right we're about to do a race and this ATV I'm on in theory should be the fastest vehicle in the fleet but we'll find out here in a second let's try it hi we got fans out here at Busco Beach that's crazy what's up guys challenge one is a drag race cuz we got to see which one of these crazy vehicles is the fastest which one is the slowest Racers are going to start here at the start line and go as fast as they can in a straight Lan all the way to the Finish Line the fastest vehicle wins and the loser is going to have to do a punishment here we go start your edges Racers 3 2 1 [Music] go oh my God [Music] I can't see anything where am I did I win where is everyone did I win I think I won no way oh first place oh my gosh I was waiting on you guys I think I won that race where were you I definitely won I didn't see anybody P me and when I crossed the Finish Line nobody was to be seen anywhere that dust was huge the results are in and M got first place on his super fast dirt bike second place was Richard on his Polaris Razor third place was Andrew on my ATV which means last but not least it was the mini Jeep in the boat it is kind of a two for one vehicle but let's see what my punishment is it's only the first challenge so we're going to take it easy on you that boat's got to go the boat I can't believe they took my mini jet boat away before I can even use it but I'm definitely going to go back for it later when nobody's looking man this thing had six wheels I thought it would have been like six times the amount of power Offroad but looks like I'm stuck here and I was wrong about everything but I'm going to try to find a way to get out of here anyways there goes Richard and his crazy machine okay that doesn't look so deep I think I could do that I think I could do that it looks pretty deep but I think I can make it oh it got a little deep there for a second oh I don't know about that one that looks too deep even for the Polaris Razor he's backing out maybe the mini Jeep should show up how it's done all right we lost Matt out here somewhere he's got to be out riding around somewhere we got to find him and he's back where'd you go just goes on and on oh my God all right Matt just told me apparently we're off to the mountain there's a big mountain of dirt over this way I'm excited to see it challenge two is the hill climb challenge where we have to climb a near 90° Hill with our vehicles first up to demonstrate Richard and his crazy off-road machine you think you can do this one what that yeah uh there he goes not even a oh okay well if he's going to be able to do it I think we all need to do it this is the climb challenge we just got to do what he just did that was easy nothing to it now Matt's going up on his KTM dirt bike whenever you're ready Matt he's only got two wheels can you do it oh my gosh it's literally so steep it's always hard to show the kind of stuff on camera but that is a vertical wall think about the hill climbs we have at the team Ro house this is twice as tall and twice as steep oh my gosh oh what that was insane up next we got Andrew on his four-wheel ATV good luck oh my gosh careful Andrew oh is he good oh my gosh he got air he got air yo that was scary that was easy last but not least me and the tiny little mini Jeep I'm definitely scared this mini Jeep is Tiny here we go 3 two 1 [Music] mini Jeep everyone made it up the hill so that is a point for each driver we definitely got to build a taller Hill Climb at the team Roar house but challenge two I actually completed it so let's keep going and let's keep having fun because there is so much we can do in even bigger Hills for us to climb I am so happy I completed that challenge and got a point because uh I was so slow on the first race ow I want to keep exploring this park and see what else we can do because this is the most off-road park I have ever been to there is literally not a single Road in sight everything is dirt sand water mud Hills mountains ruts it's amazing here's another Hill Climb whoa there's like a trail system here in the [Music] trees there's literally the one and only Road but if you touch the asphalt then you're not riding off the road oh my gosh you have to make sure you go over the dirt because otherwise you're going to be eliminated I don't want to get eliminated okay there's a little bit of asphalt there but I think we're good stayed on the dirt which me I never touch the road I am good let's go yes woo what is this no side by sides no 4x4s that means dirt bikes only what is this dirt bik only the one spot we're an off-road park and it can't even ride a mini Jeep woo this is my favorite part B oh okay things are getting definitely pretty muddy oh oh no that might be too deep for the little mini Jeep but we are looking muddy that was already deep enough for me we might have a wheel coming off the the studs are backing out oh my gosh I'm about to be a three-wheeler oh my gosh we're missing the nuts that hold these on guys there's only two there this whole Jeep is going to jiggle itself apart Challenge three is the mud bog challenge where we have to ride our vehicles and down and back this super muddy Road Richard is going to show us how it's done and he's up first we can do it this how you really do it all right here he goes this is what we're supposed to do oh my gosh it's actually not that deep it's not that deep you say that but you only have two skinny Wheels Matt Matt's got two skinny at least I have four I I might be the squat box here but at least it's four oh here he comes he's coming back yeah I forgot to mention this mudbog is a a down and back oh look at all the water so if you make it through successfully you do have to turn around and have to come back successfully for one point told yall that was easy all right it did look easy in that machine but uh all of our bikes are totally different so who wants to go next I'll go next you sure I mean my mine's not quite as tall as Richard's but I could probably do it let's try it I mean you got nice chrome rims I think it's going to work it's also got four-wheel drive my mini Jeep is only two wheel drive and Matt's dirt bike it's only onewheel drive and a skinny wheel at that too so uh let's see what happens all right you ready I'm ready Andrew let's run it here he goes mud bog ATV here we go is it going to work here knows uh-oh oh it's deep oh it's way deeper than I thought oh my gosh he made it okay there's no way my mini Jeep is making that there's no way I'm making that I'm going to go on the left side I think it's less yeah I think that counts it does count I mean you got to go in the mud but you don't have to go oh he's coming in hot fast he's coming in hot coming in fast go and your go watch out he's coming right for you oh it's it's floating it's starting to float oh you're going to swap the mini Jeep with the oh my goodness flooding you're flooding dude that was deeper than I thought these are waterproof boots but guess what it went over the boots and now they're full you started to float yeah the tires you're floating your front end of it oh it's actually pretty muddy down there it's not you're not going to drive over it easy you got to go quick oh my gosh what am I going to do with the mini Jeep I'm taking the I'm taking the secret uh secret cheat route he has a flat tire in the front and onewheel drive go mat go go go got it going got it f FAS faster he's going a little deeper here we go oh he's going oh he's deep oh yeah that was pretty good it's pretty muddy really it's it's actually it's very refreshing here we go I'm a little nervous mini Jeep versus Bounty hole 3 two 1 and there goes the water in the engine oh he bogged it turned off there she is there she is yep yep yep yeah she's back oh squirting water yeah got some [Music] speed my steering is all jacked up all of a sudden everyone was able to successfully make it through the mudbog challenge so that means everyone gets one point that mudbog challenge really took a lot out of this mini Jeep guys I sucked up water the engine's barely running I'm afraid if I get it any more wet or if it's like stalls on I'm not going to get it started again the wheels are coming off I'm losing lug nuts the steering is getting jammed up I don't have no idea why that's happening so I'm going to just try to head back towards the car because if anything happens I don't want to be uh-oh I don't want to be stranded out here so I'm going to circle back around the park head back to our campsite and maybe it's time to go on that mini J the steering is stuck literally stuck look at that oh there it goes I don't know why the steering is sticking like that it's crazy here we go we got some fun Hills woohoo uh-oh I think he touched the road that's a road Richard's out yeah I think Richard's out he touched the road it's last to stop riding off-road Edition I'm going to go oh my steering is stuck okay good I'm not touching the road you almost steered into it I it's stuck I'm just not touching that little bit of road right there oh here's a Crossing yes I didn't touch it it's coming in dirt cross down go go go oh oh my gosh you almost hit the RO I literally wasn't looking I was looking for my sunglasses and I almost hit the road I almost hit the road I see a straight shot right here all sand on our way back to the campsite my mini jeep was falling apart and then Andrew and Richard did a drag race and the rooster tail launched a bunch of rocks and stones at me and this happen I got oh my gosh it broke the phone it shattered oh my are you okay I'm fine it literally look at that that was how close it was to my eye it shattered the glass on the phone I was looking for my sunglasses a minute ago I think I lost him in the mudbog okay well I definitely took a hit to the face and it literally shattered the glass imagine if that hit me in the eyeball I probably would be like a oneeyed vlogger for the rest of my lifeo is the GoPro good or did that get a crack yeah red corner right here oh it shattered it shattered yeah it shattered literally everything except for my eye balls I am so thankful that I had my sight and that was for the one minute I didn't have these on I wore these all day for protection for different things I was thinking mostly for dust but uh apparently gravel can get launched up in a rooster tell you to be super safe definitely wear these wear your helmet oh my gosh this could have been a completely different outcome today I'm so happy I'm 100% fine something did hit my knuckle too right there oh fall my wheel's going to fall I don't know if I'm going to make it back home my other wheels are good this one is wobbling oh I can see it I just had to make it that far I don't know if I'm going to make it I have to make it and put the jet boat in the [Music] water we all went across the road where there was dirt you went when it was clean ass full you touched the road guess I'm out you're out [Music] sit they took my jeto away but I'm going to go and reclaim it because this thing is so sick I got to put it in the water all I got to do is hook it back up like this got it hitched up let's go dump this thing in the water no one's going to see this coming but we're going mini jet boting back manyi jet in the water yeah [Music] that makes you feel safe let's go I hope it starts technical difficulties it's too hot out here for [Applause] this oh my God that was scary but we got it running got to get my life Jack at all and I can't believe about bus go be to the little boat yeah here we go Offroad he didn't say anything about about driving old water that's technically Offroad as well this is so cool I know some of you guys might comment that riding on water doesn't count as Offroad but I think it does because it's not on road but to further prove you wrong that this boat does go Offroad I'm going to drive it on land Offroad check this out I've been out here for a while looking for Carter he's out on the water somewhere I can hear him Carter where are you there he is oh I see Andrew up there I'm going to do a race with the ATV versus the mini jet boat land and water let's see who wins here we go how did I get more wet than him I'm literally soed bro this ridiculous yeah Beach that's how you Beach it let's go Offroad onroad on the water on the sand whoa as long as you don't touch your road you're off-roading oh my [Music] gosh there it is I got a little jump trick this mini Jeep is toast the jet boat is back out of the water I got it loaded up on the trailer but both of these vehicles are done out of gas wheels are falling off won't even start it's just not not looking good for me I think I'm going to have to tap out oh man guys I think I'm going to have to call it quits I got a flat tire see look at that it's just totally flat I can't ride on that I think I think that's it for [Music] me woo I'm having a great time out here this CV is going everything with no problem I definitely pick the best vehicle in the challenge this place is awesome wait hey guys check this out this thing is crazy [Music] wooo L very easy oh I see them they're at the trailer wait where you guys been I've been out riding this whole time we're out man we're about to leave what the heck am I the only one left I'm disqualified you know what that means punishment yeah punishments for all of you you're going in the lake yeah we all stopped driving but Andrew was the last one to stop riding so that means you win and that means that you guys have to do a punishment you're going in this muddy Lake it's pretty hot out here actually I want to go actually feels amazing and it's really nice all I I want to go in the lake to go oh yes now that's what I call last to stop riding video ending in the lake we'll see you guys on the next episode team Ro is the [Music] best guys where'd you go I'm stuck I need a pool please guys
Channel: Saunders Audio
Views: 172,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yzMyfOMwTOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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