Samorri Get's Its First Off-Road Recovery!

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think pretty helpless so we got a call for a Hummer that has broke down on the bob sled so we're taking the record out there to see if we can either get it fixed or get it out we got Ed here with the weather yeah on the road again the weather's clear no wind uh about 85 be a nice day so Caitlyn and I are taking the samurai out on this job not because the samurai is ready for Recovery work but we need to figure out what we have to do to this thing to make get ready so this is kind of a test drive to figure out what the samurai needs we will be making a list today all right so we're following Matt out to find this Humvee hauling all the dogs that's what we got roped in to do he and I went out last night to look at it and then see if we could get it off the trail so that no one would hit it at a high speed cuz that's what happens on the bob sled I can't see anything but you probably have better eyes than I do I'm just going to try to drive it off the trail really quick I just want to see all right I just want to see if I can whisper to it all right I I will be super [Music] impressed [Music] that's good let's look at the steering really quick okay steering box is broken off the frame okay so we're missing we're broken we have broken bolts um one two three of them yeah so these bolts have broken off and the steering box is just loose I'm in my good clothes yeah you should probably should be doing this J I just came back from a date Jamie's not going to be happy with you no you know if these are metric or stard we have we have similar Humvees you can look at if you want to do that cuz if we can fix it that would be the best way to get this off here i' agree and if not we'll carry it we'll bring the wrecker either way we found the problem I don't if we can fix it or not we're going to stop here and get some bolts off of a parts Hummer to see if we can maybe fix it that way so that's our next stop that good enough that work for you there Ed these bolts right here these are the three bolts that I need okay should have brought an impact yeah we should have I got one I just don't know lay my back to get this what size is it it's a/ in Drive 17 mm oh this is goathead territorial hey you got a board oh look at that perfect yeah there's some cardboard here if you want it all right we've talked about these before and people said that they they're like oh we call those sand burs these are not sand burs these are a very very very different thing than a sandur sandburs are irritating and painful these are lethal they have two huge spikes you guys want this cardboard Tom's an Arizona boy at heart so he doesn't care he's immune I see you're meeting with success yeah I got the three house so is a steering gear on the inside we don't need a steering gear we just need these bolts that's all we need yeah the bolts broke off okay what about this that piece is still there take steering gearing case or is that a pain to get out yeah it's it that's not the problem the steering gear is still working perfectly snapped all these bolts off all right we got what we need then mhm we've still got to get the Nubs out of the box we got to hammer those out or something we might weld nuts on them and take them off cuz we just need to weld it weld it on like that to get them off cuz they're still in the box cuz they're broken off okay so they stick through the box and you're going to get them yeah or get them either from the front or the back we also could just build them up on the front and twist them off what's sticking out do we have a lot do we have a St it's exactly like a manifold stud if it's broke off in a head gotcha so we'll be able to do it I'm not worried okay we'll figure it out I'm a little worried we're going to try and keep up with the record this is what we're working with 30in Tire TI 54 in tires Kaitlin you look worried I I'm not worried not at all it'll it'll be fine how's this going in here it it's very exciting we found out that if you don't have a little bit of gas on it dies okay so stop signs and stop lights are very exciting on Hills especially yes you my hands are completely occupied trying to get it started with this little wire and the key and don't even worry about shifting he is going to leave us you need he is leaving all right we better go this requires three feet and three hands to drive but Kaylin is doing excellent try we got the bolts that we needed to put the steering box back on if we can get what's left of the bolts out of the actual box on the other Hummer that's the [Music] question we're going to a place called bob sled run what Bob sled's Run's known for the most if you don't know what a bob sled is you should go look it [Music] up but you race in a bob slit and this Trail is so much fun cuz it's just switchbacks deep deep Doug grooed switchbacks I think we should challenge the wrecker and the samurai to a race we already know the Bronco rocks out in the sand before this call came in we were planning on bringing the samurai out and doing some testing just kind of get a feel for what we wanted to do like where shortcomings were and what the first upgrades we wanted so we're kind of doing that anyway since this isn't really an urgent recovery we're going the long way we're going to be going through sandunes doing a little bit of rock crawling can't do too much rock crawling or too much Sandage cuz I don't think the samurai will do it but we are planning on testing it to see what it can do oh look how beautiful look at that out there yeah a lot of people land it's the UTV takeover here at Sand Hollow so I expect the trails to be pretty crowded I'm surprised we haven't seen anybody yet but maybe a little early in the [Music] week the ride is pretty rough but Kaylin's doing a good job you're in low range four-wheel drive but you're still only in two wheel drive cuz your hubs aren't locked in so I'll let you make the call when you want to do that okay it might be I think some of these cracks the Matt just drives over are like giant gaping holes for us yeah so the samurai is definitely going to need some suspension work bigger tires what else is on the list C key that you can just turn on needs door handles we'll keep making our list oh oh oh n okay go jumping speed don't tempt me so maybe a steering upgrade and then no power steering is quite a challenge yeah okay we probably need to stop and switch to four-wheel drive right here you probably need a breake too that's a [Music] workout how's this doing does it just keep dying um when I st I I I can't have let's adjust let's adjust your throttle okay how do do that open that glove box and pop the hood there's it's always open there's no door all right that better that sounds better so in the sandunes you're familiar with the sandunes right okay so just just to be sure if you're like turning this way but you start sliding this way you uh always turn into it see belts work yeah you're going to want to wear them these little suckers roll ready for another go yeah yeah right how's that now that they adjusted it much better it's life changing no no more stalling I only need two hands to drive this now instead of three two hands and three [Music] feet come on little guy is it going to pull this down no no no it's not even close we're going to have to find another line up this thing the wrecker and the Bronco just walked away from us maybe maybe we could make this line over here you think that would be easier yes keep [Music] that you're getting it can I drive it for a second sure I'm just curious I want to see what it's doing and that'll help me know where I can and can't drive don't roll it I shant all [Music] right woohoo think pretty helpless got a whole bunch of air out here TI that'll probably help how do we get out of here stuck now not going to make that Hill no come around definitely not your fault this thing is not a sand Shredder no we're going to let a whole bunch of air out of these tires does this need an engine swap I don't know I wanted to keep this one I think you should throw a K series in it LS the ls of the four-cylinder World a 3.8 a 3800 supercharge or diesel oh diesel diesel Caitlyn what did you [Music] do she blew a shock oh no what do you have to say for yourself it was a bumpy ride all right good luck that's what we need I think that was just what we needed I think so too we're going to shred the dunes now yep M's going to pick a good line for us to follow with the wrecker and we're going to keep it on all fource all four us all fource we're not going to lose a bead [Music] letting the air out of those tires was a huge [Music] Improvement go back yeah the recer mobs up these Hills but it's a little more challenging in the samurai so we're here at the top of the world what do you think Ed I think it's pretty high in ref we made it through all those Dunes the samurai made it it's having a little bit of struggles getting up this hill here which line you going to take you stti just figure that out as you go yeah all [Music] right we made it so the plan is we're going to go down in order he thinks he's the fastest and I think he is too what do he think's faster the wreer or the samurai down this as much as I love the samurai I think the recer is going to beat us the problem is I can't drive to full potential right now just cuz Ed doesn't like to drive bumpy I'll just see if I can keep up with you don't roll it okay K Kay let's make a deal right now don't roll it I think the rest of these guys are racing but me and Ed we're not racing we're just going to try to keep it smooth and safe always said okay we're dropping down into bob sled this is going to be a fun ride yes it is don't run into the back of he he's got a good bumper and a tie to protect him he'll be okay and we're worried about us we're going to go down we're going to go however pass it'll let us go are you ready half 10 for [Music] go oh the H Bronco is pulling away from us oh [Music] yeah and here's our the destination here we are ra that was a pretty good ride you did good on that what do you think Ed that was a fun slide down there they call it the bob sled it gets better down here I got to get Ed his step stool so he can get [Music] out not too bad Jake you made it Bob it's pretty cool be a lot cooler if I was in a vehicle I was wondering what you were staying there for I was just bombing make believing I was in a ZJ woo wo all right let's go look at this thing and see if we can get it fixed last night um when they called me and they told me that the wheels were still hooked together I thought man you should be able to drive it off the trail but they said they couldn't so we came up here and I've got a lot of experience driving thing without steering demolation Derby obviously for over a decade and then when I went out to Tennessee hang out with bleeping the bleeping Jeep crew and I the steering box ripped off the frame just like this thing did and I finished the trail in Reverse I'm going to be doing surgery I'm going to be asking you for things the first thing that I need is a thing mob vice grips that's the very first thing I need we're going to know a lot of things in a minute all right this is the problem we have these bolts have broke off they're still inside the box right here and we've got to get those out so I'm just going to mess around with these for a second and see if we can do it we may have to weld something to it I don't know we may not get any any of it done and we'll just hook up to it with the rer and leave you need a claw hammer of course I knew that was coming Hammer to the end of this broken off bolt see you doing that I'm also hyper aware of how boring it is to be out there not watching any progress so I feel you for your pain Matt's just still laying there like nothing's changed we have success on oneir of the problem right here you got a bol we got one of them out right there all right oh are these sticking out the other end you're putting them all the way through um that that one was this one's broke off with a nub on the outside but it's not sticking all the way through okay it's twisting easy fairly easy all right 2/3 of the bolts are out W this is going swimmingly the top one's the one I'm worried about and and it may not I'm ever it I don't know what I'm saying Tom see if you can just get in and steer the steering wheel to one of the directions all right I need some where's he I need some muscles here that's all I'm useful for she just likes me for my body we we twisting this wheel this way as Tom stears it let's go [Music] Tom okay stop let me set it down you you got a cactus in there turn it [Music] off okay Tom stare the other way okay careful down there coming back push it stop turn it off let's see what we got here oh no what happened that one is definitely broken off deep inside and it's up on top and we probably can't get to it we two of them hold it long enough to get it out of here yes can you get me a flashlight watch where you kneel I'm laying in it yeah Tom we're going to have to take this steering box off and drill that out or something well I think we'll be able to get it out fairly easy with it off but with it on there's just no way yeah that silver one that's the one he wants this one yep okay so here's one sorry I'm not helping okay Tom we've got to line this box up without pinching my fingers and making me bleed okay so gently start turning the box to the right I don't care okay I'm gently turning like I'm changing a baby's diaper way okay coming back Keep It Coming harder harder you've got like 8 Ines to go that's the problem right there you know what Rory has that we don't have what big pry bars all the time oh [Music] yeah you know we usually hit things with rocks it seems like we use more rocks than Rory does yeah problem is there's no rocks around here we on sand D we're hosed I need three hands down here and we'd be done cayn has three hands she was using them all day yeah can somebody reach in here and push this bolt in okay let me move this out of the way and see if you can even push it through did you push it through yeah okay I'm going to get position you've got to push it in and twist it you're pushing in really hard yeah there you should feel you okay holy smokes you know did you make yourself a little hole all right so we got two of these bolts started we can't put the third one in we're going to try to limp it off the trail with just two bolts all right we got two bolts in there we're going to have to be gentle but it'll drive off the mountain prom are you driving this off the mountain yeah I'll drive this off here's your bag of stuff perfect I got everything I need check this out we need to figure out how to do the windshield wipers on the bomi and I think that is going to be the ticket I don't know what that is but we need to find one and get it that's awesome yeah that's exactly what we look it's got the wiper switch right on it yeah I like wiper motor I don't want any steering unless this is rolling I don't want any steering when you're on the brakes I guess the word is nice as possible yeah okay and imagine all your steering components are dry [Music] spaghetti ready to snap huh hand any time okay but you want to drive this all the way back to his shop to our shop and then put that last bolt in turn Ste the other [Music] way okay gently gently to make hold right [Music] [Applause] all right we're heading on out of [Music] here we're going to go back to the shop then we're going to go to lunch then we're going to fix this and we'll see you at that [Music] point we're here at lunch I wasn't even going to talk to you about lunch but Tom just came up with a brilliant idea for for fixing that steering box let's hear what it is so we're going to try and use the reverse twist can cut drill bits to try and back that little broken bolt right out of the hole that it's in we'll go in with a big bolt a big drill bit first and then use like a small one after we got a center hole drill to back it out so basically the steering box is going to stay in place and we're going to work through the frame now contrast that to my idea which was disconnect the steering shaft disconnect the hydraulic lines take the pitman arm off take the greas the greasy box out and then work on it work on the bench but I think we pull that wheel off there's nothing we could do that would be simpler than that that's why we go get it at lunch first all good ideas happen at lunch we need a really long drill B I used to have them but used to so it has to be this long maybe we need to weld another drill on the back of it I've definitely done that and I'm definitely about to it's got a nice dimple let's just do this just do that okay grab there got any ideas to line up be good yeah eyeball it right there it's even straight next job is for me to not let this cool I'm happy with [Music] that [Music] okay it's definitely worked its way out but I think we're going to need to hit it with a punch or something to like force it and we did really drill all the way through it yeah yeah cuz I can fill the hole in the end of it you know what I hate about this the safety okay let's see I knew you were going to complain about [Music] that I got it it's done the deed is done got it yeah I do have a little bit of a complaint to make with Hummer that there's only three bolts when the four-wheel drive Chevys and GMC's got four bolts on the same size saging a steering box if you're out on the trails with a flag like this it's not going to do come like this you can go to Matts Offroad get yourself flag just like that now we just need to send this bolt send this bolt home if we can get it to start that is off the case just a little [Music] bit did that pull out tight yeah okay let's torque these to spec yeah okay what's the spec um spe 65 ft-lb okay we'll do exactly that you can check my work I don't know what these should be SPC to where did they go are we missing them a torque wrench yeah yeah we oh found you're half in drive yeah here you go one two so they're at least 65 right that one was a little under but the bottom two were so I'm right in there I'm just right right in range right in the range calibrated don't change okay problem solved yeah and that's how you fix a Hummer steering box all right it's been a full day we got this off the trail we got it fixed we got the samurai tested what else that's it that's all we did today we had lunch oh we had lunch thanks for watching Love
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,219,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge
Id: bbhwkYECVFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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