Hillbilly's Dream Harley Is Ready To Hit The Road!

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there's like a hole in the line we'll shut your fuel line off is it a hole or no I can't tell oh yeah no it's coming out of the carburetor all right so we're getting back to work on Hillbilly's Harley we're gonna get this sucker on the road if everything goes as planned I'd like to take a second to thank today's sponsored this video solder stick we appreciate you for sponsoring this video we've got a lot of stuff that we've got to do to this a lot of reassembly gotta put oil gas you know all the things that make this Ultima 127 crank and run and start and it hasn't been started since 2012 since it sat in that guy's garage we're gonna start it today that's the goal and we're gonna put our shiny new paint on and put the front fender on the gas tanks saddlebags all the good stuff so I'm gonna start moving everything over hillbilly just went to go get oil and gas and all the lubricants that we need to get this engine started but in the meantime I'm gonna start moving over all the stuff from the other shop all the painted stuff put it on stand to where we can lay everything out and get a game plan to put this together [Music] it calls for 20 50. looks like hillbilly got his oil situation figured out so now that he's there he gets to help me move Parts over are you excited you have no idea this might go there ain't no might about it it will has no choice but to here we're gonna use a workbench today because workbenches are where you work not on the ground but the ground's comfortable no so we're gonna use the workbench today look bench now that we've got all our stuff here now we can figure out how to remember how to put this back together I remember how to put stuff that I took off back together well I took part was the front fender I think just Fender and I don't remember how it go I don't know how it went I do so I'm gonna go ahead and start with what I'm comfortable with which is just the front fender so hillbilly can just start reassembling the rest of it I ordered the correct right fender brackets look at it it's all brand new like so we don't have to use this homemade one I mean it worked you sure about that I sure about that are you sure about that you sure about that oh we're gonna need to lock tight because this bad boy going down the road is gonna have some vibration and you don't want that to fall right out no I heard Harleys used to fall apart riding down the road that's what the internet tells us they did because they wouldn't have no rubber mounts and they didn't use Loctite from Factory well so on the older Harleys it was always smart to have someone in the car falling behind you so you could pick up all your parts so in a mile or two down the road you can get back together and build this and this has been a moment of wisdom brought to you by hillbilly all right so I just want to point out that I use the correct amount of Loctite look at that when it drips you know you got enough okay I'm gonna flip the fender over and start getting all the tape off because I have to build the fender which is tail light brake light license plate holder all that stuff before I can install it on there um Houston we got a problem 90.9 percent of the bolt holes are sealed up with paint holy crap they are how do I take that off without cracking the paint over here don't touch it I'll do it I know how to do it I didn't realize that hillbilly had some bare metal on the other Fender so he's going to take care of that so I'm going to expertly install this fender that I might have to look back on my other video and see how I even took it apart there's instructions and it's also papered instructions what of how the brackets go no way oh my gosh it is no words at all just pictures that's exactly what I needed and remember kids when it's oozing off the part you've got enough walk tight you want to make sure that the next person can never ever get it removed hey I am the next person no why wait for Robbie to do what he needs to do to the rear fender I'm going to start getting the this all the Mexican Gothic start assembling it like the lights the latches the lids the foam tail for the lids this one's driving it's done doing what he needs to do to the rear fender I can put it on Robbie expertly installs the rubber grommets that will keep the bracket from vibrating meanwhile he'll believe that the rear of the stallion and I work on this once this is all put back together will it start you know what that's a risk we're both willing to take because we don't know if it'll start will it start well it should but we have no idea if the motor is any good or not we haven't been able to test it because we were uh getting paint done if this doesn't run then hillbilly will be an expert at pulling it out again [Music] yeah there's gonna be so much red Loctite on everything that makes me happy if it doesn't run I'm sorry hillbilly but you're gonna have to wait till next season let's ride your motorcycle no no no I'll I'll make Robbie pull me down the road in the wooden cart when we get it done oh yeah everybody knows about the wooden car where is outside it's gonna get ruined out there no it's tarped we don't want the neighbors to see it look at that it looks so good as you can see this doesn't want to go in there's too much paint so what we've done is we've removed some of the paint on this side there you go so that's how it's supposed to be this is what we're trying to remove a little bit of excess build up inside the ring for the light so he's just sanding it down real gently like and we're going to show you guys how we use our solder sticks on these three wires installing I think it's the door stopper catcher thing this looks phenomenal first time in the history of ever I get to use my good buddy Sean's M1 Moto detailer on an actual Harley this is so cool good that looks that really does look good and if anybody doesn't like that [Music] then find another Channel because it looks good just kidding please don't please stay oh my heck that really does look dang good hillbilly come look now that my entire portion of this build is finished I guess we're quite real Billy to get done all right so Hillbilly's trying to decide which way he wants to do the rivets before it was riveted out now we're going to rivet it in so this is going to take two people complain I just figured out why these came from the outsides or from the inside out because I can't get a rivet gun in the top so whatever you live and you learn and then you blow Harley's up those little hinges are a little worn out all right we got it all riveted Hillbilly's gonna grab some more time for this is that one dropper well too much already so we just want to make sure that uh when hillbilly goes to disassemble this in the future he can't it's basically it's what we're going for oh yeah all right where's your springy lock my key locks do you have key locks yeah I ordered new ones I actually have keys for them guess what else I got I got something right doing 85 90 miles an hour I'll know it speedometer yep good GPS speedometer well you do realize that now when you get pulled over it's it's probably premeditated speeding because you knew how fast you were going see if you just Speed without a speedometer you didn't plan on speeding oops don't care well they might think either way you're like why don't you have a speedometer well because then then I would know how fast I'm going then I would know I'm speeding if I don't know I'm speeding then am I really speeding this Moto detailer smells good thanks Sean smells really fruity and delicious so this is literally why I don't use benches look at how cluttered it's already gotten okay and all I did was install one Fender and it's the exact same hey hey hey it locks now so I can actually do you want to know what I would do if I saw this lock it I would want to break into your saddlebag because locks make me feel like you've got something in there of value not true locks just keep the honest honest that's the truth last piece for this box and then the Box will be done except the wiring I'm gonna pop the clip out and slide it out now that the seam sealer is dry I'm going to spray some rubberized undercoating on it and hopefully I don't get the paint I just get that it's liquid rubber until it hits the air then it dries into rubber and then we're gonna install the fender so he just rubberized undercoated this he took care of the bare metal and the seam sealer and all that this is going to protect all that stuff we'll get the fender put on and then we'll drill that hole out gotta put a nutsert in and not preserve for the seat Cab's gonna blow some air through the fittings where it bleeds across to keep the fuel level because that the right hand side wasn't draining into the left hand side so we're just running off left tank so I'm trying to figure out why let me see if it's in the nipples or if it was in the hose ounce sounds good that one sounds good so I think it was in the hose so I'm gonna put new hoses on so we don't have that problem we're going to take the fender and put it on trying to figure out how to do this okay hold on let me let me dip this bolt back in the bullet one goes on the front and then the back one Allen head out locally dokely so I don't know what's wrong with his side but my four bolts are in so we went to take this off and it's just a cover there's actually a welded steel plate underneath this so we can't really move it get it to fit oh we put watch flat washers and then a button head instead of a recessed all right so I've got this all fixed it's just one Bolt left all right Hillbilly's gonna work on the wiring and I'm gonna get working on my solder stick connections this is a 500 piece pack it's got yellow blue red and white and what these are the weather tight solder stick with a piece of solder in the middle and some heat shrink on the outside so what we do is it's very convenient we slip it in we use heat it'll solder it it'll seal it select this the correct size which I'm going to use the red I'm going to slide the wire down in it get it right in the center it's right where we need it and this is going to be our black all right so we're going to slip that down inside you can see the wires are all together with the solder pellet right in the middle what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab my little heat gun and watch how simple this is you can see the solder is Flowing we're going to move out of the way we're gonna let that cool down the solder has flowed all the way through the wires so we've got a great connection here with the solder stick so if you guys want yourself your own solder six make sure you click the link in the description and to the pinned comments use code Rob 20 at checkout for 20 off of your first purchase of solder six I like the big packs because you got 500 of them you can connect wires all day long so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to finish up the other two solder stick connections and just electrical tape that up and we'll have us a solid connection got one more Bolt left to tighten and then this rear fender will be expertly installed now I'm going to start working on the fuel tank so I gotta get this one off who put those on okay you put it on really good well the paint seven coats of paint acts like a lock Walker oh all right so we've got it all solder sticked up I've got it just that extra little protection I put some electrical tape over top of it and even tell put it on it's like such come in here pluggy pluggy what do you know just about done yeah we're off by like a mile why is it so off unless that back bar all right let's loosen that back all right so we're just coming into all we're just coming into all sorts of dilemmas today look at that oh all right one saddlebag completely installed done and done ready to hit the open road look at how good that looks don't really look I can't wait until it's all together and cleaned up that looks so good it's been like way good so I probably just rubber garments in and I had two of them mixed up I had this back one in the bottom in the bottom in the back so I just switched them around now it's time to put the left or right hand Tank on and just like that all right so moving on to the next saddlebag that I don't know how to install we're gonna attempt to install it these are some kind these are kind of some nice lights they're Billet aluminum all machined out and talked it into it talked it into fitting did you just hand tighten it or what my hand tight is a lot tighter all made an impact in order to get it that tight so that one's installed this one we're going to try to persuade to go into the hole also all right so what I do is I just like ask it really really nicely like hey at your home and then it goes sound very nicely yeah see look then it removes the paint that was on the hole and just like that we have a light number two installed this is the fuel petcock you got off reserve and on so when you run out on on on you flip it to reserve and you have roughly 30 more miles to go now time for the last tank just tightening up that nut so it doesn't leak out of there now I shouldn't get a hose go from here to the carburetor from here to the other side a tank here this and then a breather a lot of hoses but I need them so we'll get them are those new gas lines this one's just a breather so that way when it siphons side to side you're going to siphon from this side to that side it has air to be able to replace it if you had it completely sealed off they wouldn't be able to balance out very well now I just need to find a small hose clamped clamp onto the the main feed fuel to the carburetor and a piece of Hull is about that long now the air breather the carburetor air breather oh get it lined up in there on the choke the carburetor air breather so what all what all do you need to do to get this done like to where we can start it the internet also said that the carburetor that you took off was built to this motor and that carb won't work so you're not allowed to ever change a carburetor off an engine the internet said so I've done it a thousands of times no you no you didn't no we didn't you can't anyway so good it's looking it's almost ready I've got one more saddle bag I'm gonna hurry and rivet the top on we'll get that installed he's working on the tank oh you took what I took this off was there spacers in between there was something yeah these so these go on the back side now I'm just installing I got what the one breather installed and I'm getting the other breather install can't lose his brass spacers they help hold the rubber breather in place you're dropping everything yeah I don't have very good feeling in my fingers to fill that if I have a grip on it or not just about got this all put together so Billy's going to install his new lock oh it didn't have locks did it no it did just didn't have keys because this is what the twist ring catches so I went to nap and got a new oil filter and I was very shocked Napa no way carries Chrome filters for this bike no way yep we had it in stock they asked me if I wanted a black chrome fancy Chrome will get you home when it breaks down I'm gonna go put this on so that we can finish putting the seals and the other stuff on where it's stationed I already loosened those so that we don't have to fight it all I got to do is line this up there we go now I'll get those bolts tight two more things to do on the saddle bag and it'll be all installed all right so hillbilly says that this is how it is but we're just going to install this all the way around the edge he don't want nothing getting wet all right that's all sealed up all right just like that look at that look at the bat installing the battery we're so close to starting it I'm excited I'm just excited tightening up the battery terminals now time to put the gauge cluster on [Music] blinkers no no flashing they're going Amber but they're not flashing yeah it's not flashing hit that and it goes brighter because this one I swear flashed for a minute found out why the flashers weren't working because I removed the Flasher those go right here yep we got a lot there you still blinking yeah we're good the moment that I have been waiting for is adding the oil to the new motor to start it according to the book it takes three quarts I think it's full yeah I think so too so I'm just gonna bump the starter you can see if it sucks any of that down hold on yeah I'll just pop in the starter to get the oil to suck down into into the tank it's almost there I just put in a quart into this chain drive uh type f transmission fluid um so Rick told us that that's all it takes Hillbilly's gonna double check his book if that's enough then we're gonna put this cover back on and see if we can't get it turning over make sure the oil is full put some gas in it and this thing should in theory fire chain case lubricant should be level with the bottom edge of the clutch diaphragm spring approximately 26 ounces well it's got more than it needs the one quart's perfect so we'll get this all tightened up and what do you got left to do crank it over a couple times let the oil circulate and then put gas in it let's give the people what they've been waiting for in a neutral whoa came out of this whoa uh battery's dead jump box hold on okay go it's not cranking very hard sucking a new oil in sucked a little bit there you go hey why don't we pull the spark plugs so it'll actually just we just want to make sure this thing has oil so we're gonna pull the spark plugs out because it's such a high compression engine and that way it can just crank over no issues foreign look at that Milwaukee socket for the wind you still look brand new they even have the stupid silver stuff we love we're pulling the plugs out cranking it a little bit more pressure so I turn this thing is that oil oh yeah is that off no I don't know how that's supposed to work thank goodness tells me what line goes where but it doesn't show where it goes on the tank Robbie called an expert so Craig says that what we're doing is correct no I don't know I give it three four five seconds could these be mixed up at all so we consulted an expert and he has advised us to crank it five or six good times with the spark plugs out make sure we got you know some good oil flowing through and then fire it up so we're gonna crack the front oil cooler line just to make sure that we're getting oil to it we're getting oil do you wanna you wanna crank it once to see if it pumps it no it's pumping it or else it wouldn't be there okay well then let's just crank it five or six times and then let's start it like you said so we're gonna do what Craig said and give it a couple few good cranks I can feel it bubbling inside in the cap one two three four five why is it bubbling on the cat put your hair on that cap and fill you feel it bubbling you know something when it's cranking it feels like a bubbling gets down a little bit more but that's because it's on right here [Music] well he said do that and then start it so so while we wait for Robbie to try starting it you want to get the rear rack put on I'm gonna do a netzer figure out what those are underneath and then put the plastic piece on I guess why we wait for Robbie we can get a battery charger back here too oh it's a little bit of trimming on these and it'll be held in place okay Moment of Truth we're gonna put gas in it and see if it fires don't spill it's kind of like one of the gas stations I used to work at it's so elderly they'd always come in and say fill it and don't spill it you should always say okay [Laughter] it's fuel resistant that's why you use good products change my arm so I can actually see it I want you to do the transfer pump because I would fill it too fast and then spew it out of where well slow is spewing it too you should put some on the other side just enough that we can get it start there's like a hole in the line we'll shut your fuel line off is it a hole or I don't know I can't tell oh yeah no it's coming out of the carburetor so there's enough gas we should be doing this outside turn the gas on Stephen ready so we can still we can shut it off straight stream yep right from the game where'd it come from out of the vent it's coming yay yeah there's still tons of gas looking out of here there you go [Applause] it's not getting oil so we gotta so this is your oil feed what is this oil filter okay so switch so take this off see if there's any oil to it so we shut it off because it's not reading any oil pressure and the oil light was still on so that scared us so we already shut it off and we're gonna just make sure all the routing is correct dry the bone yep so I mean this one so blow blow into it there's nothing there blow into that see if it returns and has a check valve or something [Music] okay there's a check valve in that so that's a return I got these two switched yep here so can we just switch it here if you want what else pewing everywhere something's plugged in there or could that one be the one goes into there which one's that that's the filter but my guess is this sucker's got a something plugged get me a piece of wire blows for that one you hit my bike even if it was you wouldn't you're not wrong one was making the griggle do that again [Laughter] there's coming out of both of them so that means these are returns that's the main feed and that's not oil there an oil system usually works some tank to filter motor to pump right so it's filtering fresh oil into the motor correct mm-hmm so that means the oil that was in one of these is coming from this actually tried cranking it and see if anything skews out of the pump it's got so much oil in his beard enough it's almost dead we got it wrong we did not get anything wrong yeah the book this is why we don't read instructions so what you're saying is other things could be wrong yep no but we do know it start all right so let's try to crank it what it's still spewing out of this is it yeah put your cap on we got oil pressure yeah 30 PSI that's what it needed okay let's put the plugs back in it let's see if it'll start oh foreign yeah it's got oil on every gas I say we put the card back on it and see if it'll dry all right so we're gonna lower this down get the bike off of the lift and see if hillbilly can go for a spin his first drive of his new and improved brand new 98 Harley [Music] [Music] foreign hillbilly just took it on its first maiden voyage as an all new hillbilly Harley we'll see what he thinks as soon as he gets back but that's a lot of work new engine all brand new Bodywork can paint I mean this Harley is sweet so hopefully he loves it thank you to all you awesome viewers that helped us get this for him he's finally gonna get to enjoy it and I'm excited for him so what'd you think looks good runs good rides good ride's good it's ready to go so thank you Rick and Christy and thank you to the unnamed fan that sold us the engine from Arizona as always we appreciate you if you enjoyed this video go check out this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] like I said click the link in the description get yourself some solder sticks save 20 code Rob 20
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 275,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: geZgbThx5Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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