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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i literally have a coffee in my fridge that i made yesterday when i was taste testing new chamberlain coffee blends oh so good i don't know when that's being released but it's really [ __ ] good chairmancoffee.com new things coming big [ __ ] coming [Music] i will be making a coffee with you guys anyway because it feels weird to me to like not make one anyway so basically here's what's going on i oh my god i literally wore this sweater like two videos ago whatever grow up just a mommy and her baby you need to go away now i've been in la for literally six months straight it's terrible now let me explain normally i'm traveling like constantly like i i normally travel like once or twice a month sometimes even more this is the longest i've ever been in la in one city to say the least i'm hurting there's not a lot of places i can go right now because not a lot of things are open and available but i've been seeing a lot of people go on like little staycations in l.a like they go stay at a hotel in l.a for funsies i decided that that's what i'm gonna do today randomly last minute i don't know where i'm gonna stay i don't wanna like so i live in like i don't wanna stay in like my town like i wanna drive maybe like 15 minutes or maybe i'll just go somewhere that's like five minutes away i don't know you know it's funny because i actually just recently stayed at a hotel uh for a few days because my plumbing in my house got all [ __ ] and i had to go stay at a hotel because i didn't have plumbing for a while unfortunately the experience was not relaxing because i was coming back to my own home like once a day to like talk to the plumber and [ __ ] my coffee is done and looks very sexy let's do a little montage [Music] listen what's unfortunate is that i'm about to put this in the fridge and then drink the one that i made yesterday because that one's gonna go bad um before we try to book this trip let me show you these shoes i just bought because i'm [ __ ] obsessed this is my dream shoe green high top [ __ ] converse it literally it couldn't be a better shoe for me it's so perfect they're so perfect so now it's time to book our trip okay so we're at my desk why is the lighting so [ __ ] bad let's say best hotels in l.a los angeles what's today 11th okay so let's say 11th adult one yeah [ __ ] yeah i'm an adult show deals hotels.com let's see what we got like i don't want to stay next to the airport at all let's click five stars let's really treat myself today i've gone on a vacation oh what have i seen beverly hills do the whole beverly hills thing wait i can't sing it's like i need to call some of these places and ask if they're even doing like room service and stuff because to be completely honest i just want to get room service once i'm gonna do a little bit more research i'll get back to you hi um i was just wondering about the covid restrictions [Music] as of right now the pool is operating without any interruptions oh and we're all done it's time to start packing i don't know what she didn't tell me when check-in is check-in time to 3pm 3pm okay great thank you i'm not gonna pack a lot because normally i like over pack when i'm like staying somewhere for one night but like not today packing haul check let's put a little toothbrush in there tooth brush green toothpaste got a razor i'm probably not even gonna shower when i'm there i'm probably going to shower when i get home so also i don't shower anyway right guys okay i think i'm done i do need to pack some skin care i'm just going to pack a moisturizer and call it today toiletries are ready to go got some tampons in there too even though i'm not on my period but when am i not on my period okay well that's done so let's think about this logically i'm gonna be there for 24 hours do i even need to bring a pair of pants like i'm not even packing socks i'm thinking pj outfits so we got some shorts comfy shorts right comfy matching navy blue zip up okay easy done maybe if i need to go in public outfit we could do just some classic blue jeans what maybe a sweater sweater i think that's perfect that was the easiest packing i've ever done this is a challenge can i fit all of it in here let's find out did it but i do need to fit hold on okay it's a little bit jam-packed like this is not comfortable to carry right actually it's not bad okay so that's literally it like i'm literally ready to go so until 3 p.m i'm just gonna pick my ass and do nothing oh i need to bring phone chargers and [ __ ] ah that's always my least favorite thing to pack is like phone chargers and stuff i hate that anyway i'll see you guys at three when it's time to go it's [ __ ] vacation time baby it's now three i fed the cats and now we're headed to the hotel i think it's important to go on vacation by yourself though and like do things by yourself i've always felt like that like i filmed this video last year at a time when like i was it was like being alone to me was like the scariest [ __ ] ever here's the thing about me i always feel like i'm driving wrong even when i'm not i just want to order room service that's like really what i want like i don't even care about staying at a hotel i just like room service also my car is disgusting i just looked down on my seat and i have like [ __ ] indian food on my seat because i was eating indian food in my car the other day it's really good but this year hasn't been like the craziest year of my personal life but like wow what a year we've had you know what i mean it's just blowing my mind also the sweater i'm wearing as a hole in my armpit oh my god i didn't even bring a [ __ ] bathing suit so i can't go swimming in the pool but to be completely honest with you i don't really want to swim in a pool anyway that's not my energy today you know it's really interesting because i feel like when i get really worn down like if i overwork myself or something like that and i get really like exhausted and i exhaust myself blah blah blah it doesn't take me long to recharge like my dad is always like emma it doesn't take that long to recharge like it doesn't all you need is like 12 hours to recharge and then you're good it's like if you charge your phone but you don't go on it the whole time it's charging that thing's going to charge twice as fast same thing with your mind ted talk if you guys want to have me on you just saw what i'm capable of the metaphors are there the passion is there um what was that sound was that my own throat i heard a really loud beeping sound um did my like throat like glitch like was that literally my own throat my nails fell off so i'm just like nail this oh god i shouldn't be doing that me looking around to see if i'm gonna get pulled over for that i like really need to be careful i don't know why i'm so dumb i'm also being watched by the people in the card to the left of me so i need to go by [Music] i'm here and holy [ __ ] this hotel is so nice wanna see room tour there's me i do not look like i belong in this hotel cool closet which i won't need considering i bought two outfits bathroom or toilet shower that i won't be using because you know me guys oh cute let's sit outside and talk can i open is it a push oh holy [ __ ] look at all that smoke literally how do these doors work get it let's talk i'm very excited to spend the next few hours in here until i go to sleep and then wake up and leave first i need to find the room service menu so give me 30 seconds to do that oh wait there's an ipad oh they give you a [ __ ] ipad what is this oh my god i can change the temperature in the room cool in room dining done check this out it's a little techie thing cool oh half roasted heirloom cauliflower i like that what if i just got the seasonal soup and just like wong it like even if it's bad it's like whatever i'm gonna put in the comments i'm gonna say only if it's vegan cool but also they have a spa here i'm kind of interested in that oh no the spa is closed great you know what i could do i could make a coffee here it's not gonna be chamberlain coffee because i forgot to bring something but better than nothing ryan can they bring me ice like should i call them and ask them to bring me up ice or like do they have an ice machine like what do i do oh let's open this all the way how do i open this is it like a remote control or something i hate technology alexa open the blinds i'm just gonna keep there's literally an alexa here i'm literally just gonna keep giving alexa demands until she like does something alexa what's the weather right now or something alexa you suck you are not doing your job alexa open the blinds okay alexa open the curtains okay apparently not okay because they're not opening what am i missing something oh my god maybe i use the [ __ ] ipad the nifty ipad maybe she doesn't open all the way but now it's just bugging me hi um i just was wondering if i could order a bucket of ice or if there's like an ice machine thank you so much should i have ordered almond milk too all right so the espresso machine is right here you guys can't really see it come on make my coffee stuff that's loud it's good wait supposedly they have a snap heavy this is a massive thing of ice time to make a little americano because i don't have any milk that is vegan so so i'm gonna give this hotel a review so far so i've been here for about 20 minutes um and so far i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten lots of technology which is like kind of a bummer um it kind of makes things a little bit more confusing for me which i don't like but at the same time the quality of everything has been really amazing so far like the way that they just sent like enough ice for 40 people up to my room when i asked for ice uh gonna make a little americano here i don't know if that was a good idea i actually kind of like it it tastes like iced tea but like coffee version i'm gonna give this hotel like a nine out of ten no wait like a seven out of maybe eight eight out of ten but i'm also starting to feel like i i wanna go home i'm gonna find the snack menu that'll make me happy oh my god i wonder if they're gonna have breakfast tomorrow morning [Music] that sounds delicious gummy pandas coconut water right so none of that none of the snacks are speaking to me but maybe later i'll order none of it [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god this is kind of cute thumbnail wow the lighting is kind of beautiful so this is the funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen it's soup though wait oh is that soup this is the soup kind of scared of that but anyway cream of corn kind of good actually i'm gonna get the cream of corn like an eight out of ten cause i normally hate cream of corn and this is not bad i'm gonna commend their service waiter walked in such an angel i mean just like was so polite and awesome so that was a great experience um so definitely 10 out of 10 on service next i'm eating this cauliflower bread this might give me diarrhea but the cream of corn is going to do that on its own so might as well just hit me while i'm down you know what i mean the cauliflower is a seven out of ten because like i've had better cauliflower it's just maybe not my style the bread's probably like a seven out of ten two it's really good but maybe if i dip in the soup go crazy let's try the mixed green salad is there even dressing on this did they not give me dressing they didn't okay watch this creativity i'm gonna put the cauliflower sauce on my salad nobody thinks like me you know kind of genius see maybe it'd be better if i was not in la still like i literally just went to a hotel in l.a we'll have fun we'll make it fun i don't know how but we will yay i'm gonna have a pillow fight with myself that actually hurts maybe if i eat this piece of cauliflower like it's a piece of corn it'll be fun there's a girl eating cauliflower in her room staycations in a sense may not be for me and i'll explain why i think i get really bad anxiety a staycation for me is not really a staycation because i know how close to home i am so it's like hard for me not to just want to go home and sleep in my own bed part of me is like okay well you're here emma like this is fun and like enjoy it but then the other half of me is like well i kind of want to just cuddle with my cats y'all the more i eat the more i want to go home why am i like this i'm here to what relax what relaxes me more than tick-tock nothing so i just watched tick-tocks for way too long and then i was like okay wait emily you're here you're in a hotel room do something that you wouldn't do at home i realized hello i have a bathtub so check out what i'm gonna do emma's taking a bath i already have a tummy ache from the cream of corn that i ate because dairy doesn't agree with me but we're having fun right bath salts oh it smells good this is fun maybe i'll make myself an ice water for the bath check it out i'm losing my mind great bath is done why is my bath blue unfortunately i cannot film me in the back maybe i'll figure out an angle look at me it's friday right now and i'm filming this tgif everybody hi everyone i'm in the tub as you can see unfortunately this is the angle that we're getting um i do have a phobia that something's reflecting my nude body right now it's weird when you're in your own home you become blind to things that are there that you don't use like i never use my bathtub for some reason and i've never used it actually i'm just gonna sit in here and i didn't bring my phone in here so i could just really think about who i am and why i'm such a mess all the time and all that so all right how do i turn this off without flashing the camera i know i was anxious earlier i know i was like oh i want to go home um that is over that bath just reset that was good um definitely would recommend taking baths if you guys get anxious or whatever i never have tried that but i feel like my whole body is like not as tense i feel like i'm constantly living in a very tense state like my jaw's always tight not right now dude at all i feel like all my muscles are like jelly i did throw up a little bit but yeah you know what this is actually really nice you know maybe i should have some time to myself with the camera off just dance around my room listen to copyrighted music or just lay in bed and watch more tech talks don't tell anyone hey um it's been a few hours it's night time now it's dark there's been like a bunch of police activity near here so i'm a little bit frightened but whatever i've decided i'm gonna learn a tick tock dance and i wanted to take you guys along with the journey unfortunately you're gonna have to go to my tick tock to find out what song i use because we will get copyrighted so i also have water all over my face because i feel spilled water on my face um we're going in the bathroom because this is where i film tic tocs [Music] this is embarrassing oh this is not going yeah so that's not going on the internet back to bed for me but i am enjoying being in this room now i do feel like i'm not at home which is kind of unsettling in a weird way but also like definitely a relief you know what i think it really is i think going on vacation or kind of like getting yourself out of your home it makes you appreciate your home a lot more you know [ __ ] isn't so bad after all right it's so funny because it's like friday and it's like i want to do something kind of fun and crazy but also like what does that even mean like what do i do that's fun and crazy besides online shop nothing hotel check roxanne copyright check i'm about to go to bed i decided i'd order a little something before bed a fruit and berry bowl that sounds nice i'll get the sorbets too [ __ ] it get some lemon sorbet before i go to bed i thought we could have a little sleepover moment like talk about our feelings and stuff like we're at a sleepover if you're not watching this at like night time maybe save this part there is a weird smell coming from it it's either berry very good berry what do people talk about at sleepovers ow brain freeze super long nilla wafer check this lemon sorbet is crazy you know what i want to talk about dragon fruit is it just me or does that [ __ ] have no flavor at all they look so pretty but they don't have any flavor in other news i've been watching the i don't know if you can see what it is but if the tv in the back it's just been playing a commercial for this hotel the entire time i've been here and to be completely honest with you i spent an hour watching it pineapple check very good it's literally 9 45 and my ass is going to bed soon you know what the one good thing that quarantine did for me i used to go to bed at like 2 30 in the morning and wake up at like 11 00 a.m which is totally fine but i didn't love it guess what i do now bed at like 10 30 11 30. wake up at 7 30. you know what's funny i love honeydew flavored stuff but when it comes to the actual fruit itself i'm iffy on it so let's see see it's not for me i think it's a pointless fruit it's weird like sometimes like i like grapes like i'll eat grapes non-stop but grape flavored stuff couldn't be me you know i'm really glad that we had this time together i'm really glad that me and you got to have a little sleepover it wasn't the smoothest ride emma got a little bit anxious emma wanted to go home because emma likes to feel safe in her bed but then emma came around and ended up having a great evening you know what is always the weirdest part at a sleepover okay how does this happen every sleepover i've ever been at it's like all of a sudden the room goes silent and everybody just knows that it's bedtime like who stops talking first is it even is it like an energy thing like everybody knows it's like you know what i mean how do we know last thing i'm gonna say before i go to bed let's bring back tgif like thank god it's friday i miss saying that so let's bring back tgif and i think that's what i'm gonna leave you guys with tonight this is also reminding me of a video i literally made three years ago i turned 17 yesterday surprisingly i know i don't look like it but we don't need to talk about that i'm trying to fight some of y'all that were nice to me when i had a voice like that when my voice was all like hey like literally listen to her talk for one second and tell me you don't want to kill her you know what everyone needs to shut up she had her moment she had her time to shine and the new emma's here and do we like her on that note haha so funny because like i was like fake snoring like really fast okay for real good night though good morning i just got the best night of sleep ever i don't know why i slept so well 7 45 i did eat a lot of dairy yesterday i do feel like something bad's gonna happen with my tummy good morning la maybe it's not so bad here after all i feel like i'm in europe for some reason that view kind of looks like europe except minus the palm trees well thank you guys for hanging out with me thank you guys for coming on a trip with me uh i can't wait oh shut up oh shut up i'm excited to go home but also i had a good time i took a bath and i had a pillow fight you know ate a nice meal make that two actually thanks for coming along with me i'm out of here see ya thanks for watching guys love you guys so much see you next week all right i'm going home so [Music] [Applause] okay bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,274,034
Rating: 4.9747596 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, travel, trip, by myself, alone, lonely
Id: ntm0E6OXLc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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