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[Music] [Applause] hi [Music] hey um if you didn't know it's hot girl summer I mean it's been hot girl summer for a few months now but I feel like I haven't really been embodying that as well as I should be I've just been kinda like not really trying very hard which don't you wrong you can be embodying hot girls summer just by existing and breathing but I want to take it to the next level I need a makeover cuz I'm gonna not I just I need it so it's 9 a.m. and we're doing a hot girl summer makeover today I'm probably gonna spend all day doing this and we'll see what happens I'm gonna try to make myself look as good as possible because why not it's hot girl summer I can do what I want if I want to make myself look cute maybe I'll take an Instagram pic I can do that you know we're starting this video out with a bang cuz I'm about to go get my hair dyed I never really know what I want to get done and then I'll send like a few photos for inspo and just say do this and I've made that mistake I've made a few mistakes before we're like I've shown the photo and then they've like you know done exactly what the photo showed but then I didn't end up liking it so I'll show you guys what I'm going for basically like my natural color except with like a little bit of blonde a day and you literally can't see it so that's what I'm going for today I like that look where it's like brown on the table kind of goes to blonde because then when my hair grows out I don't need to get it read I'd if I don't want to and it still looks normal I haven't gotten my hair dyed since April it's now hot girl August my hair is blue knows things where I just like don't really care about it that much and I just kind of put it into a bond of some sort and then just call it a day usually but it's nice to have here that you think looks pretty ok let's go get our hair dye we're gonna be doing hair makeup outfit the whole nine yards [ __ ] why is this shadow in my face the whole nine yards we're gonna do all the fun stuff hair makeup outfit it's gonna be amazing I'm gonna look the hottest girl summer I've ever looked yeah what was that I can't take it back it's do it I look like the girl with the perlier in that book if you know what I'm talking about what the [ __ ] Oh Murch launch I am so excited what are we doing we're going brown a little bit early just picture night no you're good we're going brown a little bit yes which is kind of like a reroute a plan but I'm excited are you excited I'm so sensible yes totally agree very mature very wise I'm growing big eyes this isn't my paper isn't over yeah oh this is what I did and she did an amazing job she did an amazing job making it darker but I do regret my decision I've literally never cried on my channel so much for a hot girl summer makeover I've like never cried on my channel so I just have a mental breakdown for like 15 minutes because it's kind of a big change and I wasn't expecting to go darker today but we tested a bunch of strands in my hair and my hair was too weak to go lighter like I wanted to um and she was super good about testing it to make sure I didn't like self-sabotage and then bleach my hair and then it all fall out and become really unhealthy which was amazing so I'm really grateful that she's educated because she told me that that was not a good idea so spontaneously I was like hey you know what I've been wanting to go darker a little bit so like maybe we should just do that now I was gonna wait till the end of summer to dye my hair darker but I was like you know what let's do it now we're here so now here we are she did an amazing job let me emphasize on that I don't want to make the hair stylist look bad cuz she was amazing and she was so sweet but I did have a mental breakdown just because it's such a big change and because I wasn't like expecting to look at this I don't hate it though now that it's kind of growing on me I FaceTime my mom and my friends and they said it makes me look older which I need cuz I look seven years old I'm gonna take a deep breath let's go inside to my apartment let's do a hair make well my hair is already done we'll do makeup will change into an outfit this is still hot girl summer makeover it's a big commitment okay hot girl summer is a big emotional roller coaster okay this is just part of it I don't hate it you know what I don't hate it I'm sorry that you guys had to see me cry like that although I think that it was about time you guys saw me cry but anyway let me know if you guys like it or not if you don't like it I won't be offended because I made this decision this was my choice um I had hair color like this like a year ago and so here we are I was really sad cuz I feel like it didn't match my personality I feel like I'm not like a dark haired girl but now that I'm like looking at myself in the viewfinder I feel like it's not it's actually cute okay I'm sure I don't know if you want to go follow the girl who did my hair is at Fernandez beauty salon she's really talented and she did exactly what I asked for even though half the time what you asked for in life ends up making you have a mental breakdown I think that's like how life works being a teen girl works so there's that uh but let's go inside and do makeup and stuff let's give ourselves a makeover so that we can feel good in our skin right guys [Music] this is not a very hot girl summer outfit in my opinion so we need to change my hair is like so dark before we do makeup let's change into an outfit and then we'll do makeup and then we'll see if I look better than before okay let's change kind of late summary and fun so I have these cute denim shorts and then I have this cute top I feel like I'm a flowy summery gal isn't p-dog cute speaking of my top my top is from Bromley and actually this video is sponsored by wrong way thank you for all my for sponsoring today's video I used to shop at wrong way all the time when I was younger it was literally one of my favorite places to shop for like back-to-school or for like summer because you could get so many pieces for a low price it's super affordable but everything's really great so you can buy a bunch of pieces for an affordable price so you can get like five tops for the price of one if you get what I'm saying also right now romwe has free shipping forward is over $39 so check out free shipping also if you want a little bit more of a discount you can use code Emma 15 for 15% off here are some of my favourite pieces right now from romwe I'll insert them on the screen right here so if any of that looks good to you if that sounds good to you check out the link in my description and use code Emma 15 for 15% off thank you romwe for sponsoring this video they have everything you need for back-to-school and even if want to do a summer hot girl summer makeover of your own go pick up some stuff from romwe okay to finish off makeover this has been an emotional roller coaster I really am excited right now to just sit down and talk to you guys while I do my makeup shall we talk about my mental breakdown or should we just act like it didn't happen I'm actually really glad it's about time that I showed a mental breakdown on my channel you know what I mean sometimes changing up your look can freak you out and that's what happened to me actually the more I look at my hair the more I actually really like it so I think I was just being impulsively upset because it was just like kind of scary for me to like look in the mirror and see that I was now a brunette you know what hot girl summer is about embracing what you have okay and right now I'm brunette and I'm gonna accept that you know I mean and that's okay today has been a journey I just primed my face now I'm going to add some stuff highlights makes your face look glowy I think I don't really know how to do makeup so we're just gonna kind of wing it today I'm not gonna follow a tutorial or anything cause I feel like that's usually when I [ __ ] myself over whereas if I just wing it then I feel like it turns out better just gonna use random colors this is like a BB cream type of thing I don't really know what that even means but I'm also gonna try to do my makeup as quickly as possible because in my opinion hot girl summer is all about getting ready quick so that you can go out on the town and be yourself I don't even feel like summer [ __ ] happened this year and it's kind of depressing cuz I feel like I didn't do anything why is the lighting so bad flip over to this side that's worse like what do I do like why is the lighting so bad like what the [ __ ] I'm still having a midlife crisis that my hair is dark now so like I'm sorry if I'm acting [ __ ] insane like it's just I don't know how to act because I'm kind of panicking a little bit I think the thing is like at the end of the day I don't really care what other people think like if people hate it's more about if you like it right like so I if I change something about myself as long as I like it then I don't usually care I'm not explaining what I'm doing as I'm getting ready / putting on makeup because there's other YouTube channels for that I mean I'm not good at that so I'm not gonna be explaining what I'm doing gonna do my eyebrows now I literally have never learned how to do my eyebrows properly so I just use brow gel but I don't even know like if I know how to use brow gel properly even though brow gels so easy to use it doesn't even have instructions oh [ __ ] like how do you [ __ ] brow gel up I'm Anna jaddu it everytime I can they adapt in my eyebrow what the [ __ ] when did that happen like am I even doing a good job like I could be [ __ ] this up so bad and I wouldn't even know like this isn't even an eyelid brush and I'm using it on my eyelid like that's a problem maybe I'll put a little bit of glitter in my life I'm doing I look ugly as [ __ ] okay that's not the spirit you know what hot girl summer isn't about how you look on the outside but it's about how you treat others and how you feel on the inside I am so lazy when it comes to contouring like what even am i doing I don't know like it's not even a good job like I don't care I look like a different person oh god I'm having a midlife crisis this is what all the 50 year olds talk about what I'm going through right now Jesus [ __ ] dang it now I look to blush okay whatever one time I was using an eyelash curler this one to be exact actually had mascara on my eyes when I was curling my lashes and so then when I pulled the lash curler off my eye I pulled out like half of my eyelashes into this day my eyelashes have like some scarce areas because of that to finish off this very very brief look I'm gonna be using this Fenty Beauty lip gloss okay you think I look the same as I did before but that's fine guys makeup is done I things done what a [ __ ] journey we had today okay I was just expecting this video to be so chill like Oh Emma just goes and gets her hair done and then comes home and does her makeup and then everything's fine or whatever actually at this point comment down below if you comment down below whether or not you like my hair I expect you to lie to me and tell me you like it cuz I'm Way too fragile right now I'm also not gonna take off that little piece of mascara on my face cuz I don't [ __ ] care now it's time for the final reveal of my hot girl summer makeover 20:19 challenge let's see how I look if I look better than before or if I look worse or if I just looked like a little bit more put together version of me before okay let's see I don't have a mirror near me so I actually don't know and you know and I don't so let me know I probably should have done it before clip showing what I look like before this cuz now like what's the difference I think that's it for today's video that was um an emotional roller coaster and now I'm brunette I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys have fun sorry you want to see me cry I promise next week there will be no crying in my video no promises actually I'm emotionally unstable I need to hear not the camera or else things are gonna get crazy okay I love you guys thank you so much for watching there's more to you and who you are than your hair you have more going for you than your hair so you get a hair style that you feel like doesn't match your personality or maybe you accidentally shave up your eyebrow remember that it doesn't really matter at the end of the day because as long as you're a good person in here that's all that matters and that's what hawkgirl's summer is being yourself and being your best self and not having a mental breakdown when you dye your hair oh my god there's Declan Devlin come over here take a bite of it hold on bye bye guys I love you so much see you next week for more fun times and more good rhymes oh [ __ ] bars [Music]
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 8,769,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, hot girl summer, make over, i cried
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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