Using The DAW Remote and THE Behringer X32 To Control Cakewalk

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you guys have some really good questions questions like how do I get the dog remote button to work it doesn't even seem to want to turn on and how do I use the x32 as a control surface so I can use it to control cakewalk and how do I use the effects built into mixer to record an audio track and how do I map MIDI messages so I can use external hardware to control cakewalk and how do I give extra commands to the Barringer this is Marcus Curtis or Marcus Curtis music we're going to explore all those questions a lot more detail I'm going to do it right now okay the behringer x32 is primarily designed it to be a live mixer and of course as you know these first eight channels handle the inputs and these next eight channels handle the outputs but it can also be a mixer used in a recording studio or as a recording console and to access that feature you have to hit this button is's daw remote now you notice as i hit this button the remote function doesn't work and basically what that would do is it would take these eight channels and allow me to control dot applications with it so I can control cakewalk with these eight channels but I can't get the button to come on and off but that is fixed in settings and it shipped that way from the factory because once you hit that button it leaves from being a live mixer to a studio console so to set that up what we have to do is you have to go up there let me zoom in a little bit better here in just a little bit now we have to go into setup here and then we have to key over here till we get to remote okay and you'll see that the dahle remote button is actually tied to this thing that says remote button and all you have to do is push in there and that says now it says enabled so when we zoom back out you see when I set this doll remote button it now comes on okay we have more setup to do so I'm gonna zoom in a little bit more I'll show you what else we need to cover now the next thing we have to cover is what type of MIDI we're going to use okay so we have our TP MIDI and that basically is for networks and routers and that kind of stuff Ethernet connections we're not going to use that because cakewalk uses the USB card then you have also you have this one right here the MIDI in and out that is for the mini in and out that is built into the mixer but we need to go into the card so we just rotate this knob so we get down there pushing the knob and to make the selection so we need to now select a protocol okay so for protocol we have the generic CC then we have the Macky H GUI and you would select this if you're running Pro Tools and you wanted to sync this with Pro Tools we've got one more until we get to the Mackie MCU which is Mackie a control unit that's what that stands for hit that and now we're on the Mackie control unit setup and that's what cakewalk uses so now we're gonna come out here a little bit further so you can see what we're doing here back this up a little bit so we get a little bit better view okay so now when I press doll remote notice that it turns red but also I have buss 9 through 16 that's what you want you need it to turn red and you need buss 9 through 16 that's how it's configured properly let's go back in I'll show you one more thing before we leave this section zoom in a little bit more okay so this portion right in here can only be adjusted in the mixer you need the screen to adjust this all this information here can be adjusted in the app and so now what we're going to do is going to go to the app and we'll explain this in a little more detail okay so in Windows we're gonna go ahead and start the behringer app and it was gonna come right up and you notice that we're not connected it has not connected to us sometimes it does this we're gonna go through set up and connect it though you can see we have no hardware our card should display there and then routing we should see our external devices plug in let's go back to set up real quick I'm going to go over to connection now we can insert an IP address manually or we can hit scan now or we just click on the IP address we have and then click on connect so you'll see mixer 2 PC we're gonna click that ok so as that loads you're gonna see over here to the right side we're gonna have our there's our USB card there's a sample rate and here's our external hardware ok so we're gonna go to setup again and we're going to go over to the card and we want to set this for 32 tracks in and 8 out this is ideal for recording over to the mixer we want to set our sample rate at 44.1 khz now over here it's Raquel rating everything okay so we're good to go over there let's go ahead and go to MIDI controls okay so we're not gonna worry about MIDI received because we're gonna transmit from the behringer and we're gonna click on the pan the mute and the fader those are the only three we really need ok MIDI in and out is emitting in and out built-in of the board RTP is Ethernet or the router type MIDI we don't need that we need the card midi of the USB card that's what cakewalk uses now the Mackie control unit needs to be enabled and we can't enable it here we need to go down to MIDI output and select a Behringer drivers when you go to MIDI input and also select the behringer drivers now we can enable the Mackie control unit set up the rest of our hardware now as a MIDI controller I'm going to use the Yamaha MX 61 and it comes with the motif sound library which is an excellent sound library but we can also use this as a MIDI controller it plugs in via USB and it has this button on here that says doll remote and all you have to do is press that you'll notice that it changes over here we have four knobs that's no relation to these four knobs here so we can actually mini learn and set settings that are in cakewalk and use those settings to control software synthesizers and the cool thing is you don't just have these four rotary knobs you can click another Bank and there's even a third Bank and now you have three banks of four knobs which gives you twelve rotary knobs that you can use to control the sophomore sense okay now that our hardware is set up we're gonna go ahead and open up cakewalk by band lab and when that opens up we're going to open up a new project we need to demonstrate the hardware and how it can work remotely so what we're gonna do is we're to the inspector I'm gonna get rid of the browser we're gonna create sixteen tracks everything uses groups of eight so we're gonna create two groups here so we can show you how we can use the hardware to control cakewalk hitting F on the keyboard will expand our tracks and D to bring up the console view I'm going to change a preview bus color to blue will change the metronome bus to purple and we're gonna move this over a little bit so you can see everything in the control panel so next thing we need to do is call it preferences by hitting p on the keyboard and once that is done we're gonna look for under midi we're gonna go to devices under devices you can see all of our current hardware that's plugged into the computer under instruments here we see no hard words listed as the output channels we need them to go into the software sense over here in this next box let's go back to devices okay so we have the X USB MIDI in that's our behringer when I click on use friendly name to represent MIDI devices and warned about knowmaybe devices now when we double-click on this we can change the name and we're going to change it to behringer in make sure you you Jews in you want to know the difference between an input and an output that's important okay so we're gonna double click down here and I'm gonna make it bérenger out and this way we can easily identify our behringer device okay so we also have our Yamaha hooked up but we'll go over to instruments notice there is nothing in here and now we need to check market some of these things so let's go ahead and check mark the behringer in and we'll check mark bérenger out and before we hit apply over to instruments and now we're gonna go down to apply and you'll see all the hardware that's listed in this box okay so we're gonna go back to devices and we're going to enable the Yamaha next okay so we're gonna enable the output and the input and we can move device to the top the order is important here so we are going to hit apply and we could see as we go down to instruments well I'm gonna scroll down you'll see the Yamaha is behind the behringer we need the Yamaha to be out in front because we want the Yamaha to control the software instruments so we're gonna go back to devices we're gonna uncheck the behringer we're gonna click on move to the top so i'm gonna click the behringer well go over to instruments and hit apply you'll see now the Yamaha is on the top and the behringer is behind it that's what you want okay because Yamaha needs to control the software sense and the behringer needs to be the controller surface okay so the next thing we need to do is set up a control surface so we click on control surface you want to hit the yellow plus sign to set one up and we're not going to use a committee controller we're gonna go down to Mackie control okay here's our Mackie control unit we have the behringer is selected as our input port now I'm going to go down to the output port and select the behringer out so now we're good to go hit OK and then once we do that we can move this box over here just a little bit you can see that we have a little check mark here this is where am I here's the where am i color and we go down here to the console view you see it's green it matches the color and it's over here in the track view if I uncheck this you'll see that the colors I've gone away you need that check because you need to know what you're controlling in the hardware okay so you can change your color too if you want to blue say one change a blue Natalie both turn blue the council view and the track view okay so we're gonna go ahead and change it back to green though and so we have a couple other options down here where am i display if I click council it goes away on the console but now it's displayed in the track view okay so if I go back to the console view and uncheck it in the track you see it's not in the track but it's in the console okay so we're all set they're all strips means that it goes across all strips even channels that are hidden okay so it looks like we're all set up here let's go ahead and hit apply and close okay so what we do now is see our map let's go to utilities you'll see Mackay control unit 1 that's the controller we just set up and this is the thing that tells a cakewalk how to interface with the hardware ok so now let's go see what this thing can do so now at this stage of the game we can ditch the mouse and then we can use the remote basically all you do is hit the dog remote notice the faders come up to line up with the faders on the first eight channels here okay so now what we're going to do is I'll show you we can mute every track if we're not on the first eight okay we can solo every track as well in addition to that our faders work in conjunction the board anything we set up there's other options we have to while we're on the bus nine through sixteen we can hold down bus through one through eight and we can use the mute buttons to arm any track we want we have to keep this button held down though it turns out right on here okay in addition to that we can hold down the groups one through eight button DC a button here basically can keep that help down and now when you hit the mute button on the second channel you move the where am I at or wear em on basically over to the next group so now you can use these controls on the next group of channels and one of the best parts is that you can switch down to the matrix main C button how would you do that now the mute buttons become your play you record your rewind and all that kind of stuff let's say for an example we have our choice between bus 9 through 16 we can use and mutes and the solos or we can go to the matrix main seat we can hold down buses 1 through 8 and let's say we want to arm the first channel for record and just hit that and we should arm it I'll both see we're on Channel 9 because we're on the next group so let's go ahead and unarmed that for recording let's go ahead and hold down the DC egg and then move that back the other thing I should tell you as well as well I got this DC a grip going on the fourth channel I can move this over in increments like this and then I can move it back on the third channel goes the other way and then the sixth Channel here let's one right here that actually the fifth channel changes the busses as you can see okay so we can manipulate that but now that we're on the first channel let's go to hold down bus once you eight button hit the first button mute and we've just armed it for recording so but if you want to start recording all you have to do is hit the mute button on the eighth Channel and it started it's recording right now and then when you're done recording all you have to do is hit the stop which is on the first channel go ahead and stop it and if you want to play the second channel is to play so you hit the mute button on the second channel starts to play and the first channel of course is to stop the second channel is the play but if you hit that button again as it goes you'll see that it now you can pause it and then you can move the mountain that's this line right here you can move the now time forward by the sixth see the fifth channel goes forward that's the sixth channel - missed you know the fourth channel brings it back and that's basically how your remote works but there's some extra features we're gonna go ahead and look at that right now okay let's start by undoing our recording here now we're gonna go over to utilities and we're gonna call up our map here for arc Mackie control unit just go down to your Mackie control one and it comes right up okay so what we're gonna do let's move this to a better view point here okay so we have a lot of different things we can adjust here now we're gonna go start with the meters and drop-down box comes and we're gonna change it to signal LEDs plus meters okay there's a lot of options in here I'm not gonna go over all of them but you can experiment come back and click on what you want I want to check select highlighted tracks okay now I tried to double click to select I didn't really care much for what that did just go through here and play with this and you'll find it will affect different things in the mixer and now let's go back to the mixer well okay so let's talk about the features we've just added we've added the use of the select buttons so now I can use the select buttons to navigate the track view the way this works basically as I click the track I want so if I want to go back to track 9 for example I go ahead and click on select for track 9 because that's a group I'm on and there's track 9 right there so I can change the group of 1 change the group I'm gonna slide this back over to group 1 well hit the VCA 1 through 8 button and then we're gonna hit the first track meet button and that slides this back over here but you see we're still on track 9 but now what I can do is I can use a select button and now I'm viewing track 1 so if I want to record on track 1 is just a matter of arming that track and then selecting record one more thing let me show you the meters okay here is another project I'm loaded with another song ok we're going to start playing back this project but the cool thing is is that the meters that are along here right now we're in subgroup we have the first eight tracks here but these mirrors will come in and be over here on the mixer so what we're going to do is I want to start playback and then I'm going to go in and change the color so this is green I'm gonna change the where am i color so that you could see it better so it'll stand out a little bit more so let's do that when I start to mix it for this since we've already set it up go down to the matrix then we're just kind of matrix main scene and when I hit play and now it's starting to played as you can see and notice the mixers on the mixer here in the meters the meters are reflective of the first eight channels we have here for the drums okay so it's hard to see that so let's go ahead and fix stats you go over here to edit and preferences here and then we're going to go to the control surfaces we just don't change a color to red it's red look like red looks okay what else we have there we go there it is is we have complete control over the whole recording process and everything that we have recorded in here is come in here so we can turn things down if we need to turn things now we can adjust the volume of individual instruments as we're playing back the cool thing is if you want to adjust the overall volume and everything I got to do is go to where you have your routing and you can turn the the overall volume down this way so there it is that's how you use the doll remote for cakewalk so why would you want to do this why would you want to take the mixer and make a remote-control out of it on the mouse worked just fine well for one computers make a lot of noise okay you can probably hear my computer right now within the mic but a little bit of noise faking the background is good enough to ruin take as if you're using microphones that is so if you're singing or miking an acoustic guitar for example so with this approach now you can take your computer out into another room get a longer HDMI cable and now you can eliminate the sound of the computer in your recordings so making this thing a remote is very handy for that there's a few other applications that work as well so now what we need to do is figure out how to use our keyboard with the behringer and have everything in one package so let's take a look okay so let's go ahead and hit P for preferences call it the Preferences window okay we're going to go over to control surfaces so I'm gonna make another control surface well click on the plus or add the yellow plus sign here and we're gonna make an act MIDI control and we're gonna take the input and make that a Yamaha and we're gonna click OK our where a my color is now red ok apply and close okay so when we go up to utilities and it drops down you see we have the Mackie control unit and the act MIDI controller okay so we're gonna go over here to where we have our act module here I'm just gonna drag this over you'll see the little edge here just grab that and bring it over and it's gonna unfold when you let it go okay so this is what we use to control all of our control surfaces so we can select the active media controller here and if we hit on this right here we're going to bring up our map to assign things to and all we have to do is click on MIDI learn and turn a knob on the keyboard and it's gonna learn that knob and our is four rotors s's were sliders and bees are four buttons okay and shift B it was actually what you would hold down to do the button then options back here you have some other things you can adjust so when you click act basically what you're doing is you're taking the assignments you made on your hardware through MIDI and you're applying it inside cakewalk so now you can take your bearing jure or your MIDI controller or your Yamaha and control things like EQ and modules within cakewalk you can also make act MIDI controller for the behringer too to add extra functions to the behringer okay so the where am i color green that's the behringer if you remember let's hold down the mouse button and slide this down and now you see underneath that it's red that's the Yamaha that's what the Yamaha is controlling so let's move this back up over four tracks and you'll see that as we do that a little bit of shade of darker green covers the tracks at the Yamaha and the behringer can control so let's go ahead and move the Yamaha unit down here and we'll use the behringer move that up there now we just swapped the Yamaha and the behringer okay so if we click on channel 16 go hold down the shift button and go back to 13 and just delete these tracks we'll discover is that now it readjusts and so tracks eight seven six and five are darker green than one two three and four because those channels are still controlled by the Yamaha and the behringer the behringer would have dominance over that okay so now you see we have a basic project set up here and if we click on our instruments here you can see a list of all of our sophomore sense but we're gonna do a different approach this time let's go up to views and then we're gonna go down to synth rack and you see this since rack kind of loads over here in the bottom let's go ahead and move this to the top I'm gonna collapse the help module and then we're gonna go ahead and move the synth rack to the top we're gonna create a little bit more room and pull the synth rack down a little bit and so we're gonna load software sense using the synth rack instead okay so let's go to insert software synth and you can see is listed by type here's all of our pianos here so not all of them though and Uncategorized we can have some other instruments down here so let's look at another soon let's get the this piano right here now this is one of the free pianos that we talked about in a previous video okay so if I click on our little icon here and the software self unfolds okay and so I can use the mouse button here and play some of these notes as you can see okay so we now though because our Yamaha set up now we can play chords and we can use this as a bitty controller and just record this way fairly simple setup this is one of the free software synths and I'm gonna leave a link in the video description of where this is located so you can go get all the free software since we're going to cover today okay so hit the plus again and we're gonna go over to rewire device I'm categorized mellow dinosaur only rewire device okay let's go down to plugin layouts now we're gonna sort by manufacturer okay it's changed down here as you see we're gonna go up here to plus and add another sophomore synth and let's go down to digital suburban and we're gonna choose text yeah it's simple instrument track it's all we need and we're going to close out this and open up decks by clicking on the icon here okay so this is basically modeled after a Yamaha dx7 okay so we just played one note here and this arrow here loads another sound here as you can see this is classic iconic 80s Dex is modeled after our yamaha dx7 and all those sounds can be found in this thing and this is awesome and it's free by the way okay so we can click on the middle of this you see all of our presets come up in this cartridge and we can click on another preset here so which one shall we go with and about that one so you know pop music from the 80s some of the metal music from the 90s all that stuff could be traced back to the dx7 very iconic so we click on a cartridge here and we have our cartridge over here that's loaded okay so in this subfolder over here you're going to find more cartridges as we click on that okay so let's click on another cartridge here and here's our sounds and you double click basically to load them in down here okay so we're gonna click on piano and go back to the main screen and set the mouse down here and you play a little bit here very iconic sound from the 1980s very dx7 ish so pick up next it's free doesn't cost anything and it's worth having okay so let's go ahead and check out some more we're gonna click on insert synth and let's go to layout so I'm gonna sort by type now we've changed down to VST types the cool thing about this in the synth rack is when we go down to insert a synth here and we go over to a type you can see that is still arranged by manufacturer here okay which is a pretty cool thing and all of these software synths that are free a few videos back we did a list okay these are all installed in here and we can go in and load any one of these we want a lot of really good ones here okay so let's do T force alpha we have not covered T force alpha yet this is a great sounding synth has a lot of good voices in it and it's gonna come up and let's go ahead and click on the icon so we can see what the synth looks like pretty mean looking thing is but it's nice it's a great sense so we'll just wait just right out of the box and I have to forgive me I'm not the best keyboard player in the world but I just wanted you to hear what they sound like and I want you to see what the synth rack does okay so we're gonna do one more then we'll close it down VST three we're gonna go to you he and zebra Letty another great free synth and there's gonna be a link in to in the video description we're gonna click on this open it up and that link is gonna basically take you to another video that shows you where to get all these scents okay so the zebra Letty is a great synth and to change our voice here we will click on the arrow over here and we can change in the next voice if we click in the middle here then the list comes up and we can kind of advanced going forward and back and I'm doing all this with the keyboard here if we go down to the last aromatic call I love this one this is great one okay so let's go to that last voice here okay the zombie movie score okay now when we click on the arrow it moves this over to the next set of presets and it's so when we click in the middle you'll see there's actually a different set of presets were on okay this is a great little synth death definitely worth having okay so to click on piano and now since we clicked on piano we can just play the piano if we want so by clicking on the symphony rack view we just automatically switch to that since so we're gonna use the one keyboard to control everything basically okay so to delete a synth is fairly simple just go up to the synth and just go highlight the one you want to delete then click the X and it will not only delete it from the rack but it will get rid of all the associated tracks with it as well so doing this procedure makes it easy to delete a sense if we decide you don't want it okay we can even delete our piano here okay so click on next and open it up go get decks that's the best one I think one of the better ones I have in a collection you I have a couple cables here they have XLR on one side and quarter-inch jack on the other side we're gonna unplug the monitor outs or take one cable going out of the right side we're gonna plug it in to channel eight I'm gonna take the other cable out of the left side and plug that in to Channel seven so the other thing we're going to do is we're going to plug your guitar into channel one the object here is to take the monitor outs and feed them back into channel seven and eight okay so what we're gonna do now is set up the effects the way we want the guitar to sound and we'll just you can adjust whatever effects you want and then just record from Channel seven and eight into cakewalk and that's how you use the effects use the monitor out volume to control the signal flow and wear headphones because if you don't and you're going through regular speakers you're gonna feedback okay that's it for this video we are almost at the end of this series unless you have further questions so you put those in the comments area I can extend this series and do a few more videos then we'll move on to other things I do have a few more tricks to show you and we're going to get into a couple more things that are kind of a cool thing you know and well if you if you want to see those and you want to be notified go ahead and subscribe and when those videos come up you'll get that information and if you like this video you like the information in this video hit that like button because it helps me out with getting that video up for other people to find out about this information as well you can follow me on facebook you can follow me on twitter and you can follow me on instagram as well and i'm gonna scram to see a couple of music videos you'll see some maybe some pictures of me shooting these videos okay so go ahead and hit like go ahead and hit subscribe and I will see you in the next video thank you for watching
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 9,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daw Remote, Behringer X 32, Control Surface, Yamaha X91, Midi Controller, Act, Cakewalk, Mackie control Unit, audio equipment, mixing audio, recording music, audio interface, recording audio, behringer x32 producer, control surface
Id: VQ0MJLbbjKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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