Evangelist Louise Patterson Temple of Deliverance Women's Day 1999

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[Music] [Music] now we [Music] wrong with combi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll come [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] by one of the rich and done living in a world of sin had no home had no peace within but somebody told me what Jesus did say he gave his life his holy mayor headed come to Jesus come to Jesus right [Music] you set you free come to Jesus you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we said praise the Lord again amen to our Bishop on this afternoon elders the minister's sister Patterson our founders white mother Elsie Mason our jurisdiction and supervisor mother Leigh Ellis Smith the chairman of her Advisory Board Motherwell's the chairman of her missionary board mr. Hawkins the women of God on this another woman's day then all the saints of God I magnify and I praise God for blessing me to be in the number one more time it's an honor for me to present our speaker this afternoon our own first lady sister Louise Patterson [Music] I've only known sister Patterson for a short period of time but it seems like I've known her always but then Saints have kindred spirits sister Patterson is one of the most elegant first ladies I've ever served under but the thing that impresses me most is that her elegance is from the inside out she's rooted and grounded in the Word of God and it's manifested in what she says and does and in the way she carries herself she's a great inspiration or speaker whether she's talking to the teenagers and young adults about ten dimes or to the women at large given practical exhortations for everyday living like prepare to get old or to the pastor's elders and ministers wives on how to conduct themselves as preachers wise I've even seen the little children run up to her for hugs my observations tell me that she has a rapport with all ages and then to all of us she's a prime example of how to smile even when you don't feel like it how to walk straight even in pain how to hold your head up even when others talk about you to walk has become in holiness to hold on to God's unchanging hand in deed is an honor for me to present such a woman today let's stand as we receive our very own first lady evangelist Louise Patterson [Music] god bless you Saints praise God I am so glad that Jesus lifted me out of sin and shame Jesus lifted me glory hallelujah Jesus lifted me [Music] Satan had me bound but Jesus lifted me hallelujah that's my testimony on today you missed the soul that he thought he had hallelujah and all of that came from simply hearing the Word of God praise the name of Jesus the Word of God is powerful powerful enough to reach down save a sinner like me and I praise God on today for salvation if heaven ever was promised to me it's been worth having the Lord in my life right down here and I praise him for it you all may be seated but when I feel that I feel it praise God I don't have no matter or form or whatever but I'm just glad today for God for His goodness to us in the earth I praise God today for our pastor without our pastor I would not be here today saved sanctified satisfied filled with the Holy Ghost all my way to heaven can't happen if you man I'm on my way and don't intend to let anything hinder me cuz I'm enjoying my trip I'm not going to so I'm scared but I love the Lord with all of my heart with all my might but all of my being because he has been so good to me amen and I pray right now that the Lord will allow the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable unto him I stand before you I have no form I'm not a great speaker but I can sure enough testify to the goodness of the Lord cuz he has been so good to me would you help me sing I'm so glad Jesus lifted me I'm if he lifted you let us know it Jesus lifted me [Music] Jesus lifted me singing glory hallelujah Jesus lift me Oh Ceyda me by but she eats us sniped at me [Music] any bomb she loves me [Music] she's afflicted me [Music] new heart above your circumstances high above any hindrance because he's our God and he undergirds us with his mercy and with his help we can call on him he's a very present help hallelujah and the time of trouble and I heard him say to me Lou I am with you always hallelujah even up to the ends of the earth now I made that personal to me and you can call your name but to me that scripture says Lou Louise I am with you always even until the ends of the earth I promised us that he said I'd be whipped it in your six and in your seventh trial I knew what you were going to go through boy you got that I bought you out before you knew you want to live hallelujah Lord repeats a part and I love him now and I praise Him he's been mighty good to me save me when I was on my way to hell and stop it man I wasn't ragged wasn't down-and-out but there was an emphasis in my heart [Music] God built this house and he left a room for himself I didn't know about that room until I walked into Holy Temple Church of God in Christ and found out what would build my house hallelujah and the Spirit of God filled my house told me how to live hallelujah in this present were taught me how to walk right talk me how to talk right hand sits told if they stole don't steal no more put a do right spirit down in me you don't have to watch me I couldn't keep myself ain't man thought I was cute other folk thought so too amen but it doesn't matter what you have you don't have nothing happy oh Jesus he's my everything I trust him for everything I love him with my heart bless the name up glory to God not just feel like praising garbage out help me praise Him [Applause] while your great love shown by your word by your people glory to God operation for being God all by yourself praise God to lifted me up high amen and I thank you fair bit blessing favorite pain for every Oh words folk hallelujah I thank you Lord that's the name of Jesus now you all might be seated that might be the best thing y'all won't give it a show did make me feel good glory to God but you know it's not enough for me to be saved when I know there's some people in the house that are not saved and it is my prayer today that I will say something that would bring somebody to this altar crying what must I do to be saved that's what it's all about we get good preaching here all the time I think my husband my dad and my love of my pastor hey lo my boyfriend a man I think he's the greatest preacher in the whole wide world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because he's real real real good to me a man he goes beyond being good a man and I love him for it he's always been like that even when my allowance was fifty dollars a week he was good a lot more than that natural he's real real good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no bread just bad please God I thank the Lord today man two sisters being here certainly follow supervisor Louella smith she's not in her church today to come here to back me and I a man to missionary Vangelis mother Mary Hawkins a man only feel for the Lord they are doing great things and I certainly honor the women who work with me into those of you who have participated so well on this year I am very thankful to you and I ask that you pray for me as I tried to say something that would bring some soul to Christ and I do hope you read the little letter that I had written inside of the bulletin because it has a lot to do with what I'm going to attempt to talk about and if you did not read it I'll read it to you I say dear Saints my heart and prayer for the temple of the difference family is that they might be saved as we look with great anticipation to the new millennium changes are inevitable therefore we must be prepared to accept the challenges with courage run the race with patience and determination keep in Jesus in our view and heaven as algol looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith pause if you must but don't stop and I'd like to put emphasis on that pause if you must but don't stop amen that's what the enemy would have us to do in any race that we in is just to give up I am guess suppose I'm like everybody else we're just excited about the new millennium that's what everybody's talking about the new millennium the new millennium all on TV they are preparing big parties for the new millennium what are you going to be doing the year 2000 what are you going to be doing and the sad thing about it is that so many of the Saints are fearful it's saying the Lord is going to come well that's what I'm living for even so come Lord Jesus I'm not afraid amen y2k y2k anytime you see y2k people just shake especially if you like me you know no very much about it we just quiver fear enters naturally into things that we don't know I picked up a book in the grocery store and it said 50 things that you need to know to be ready to go into the millennium and they talked about highest retrieval they talked about how to put water down stairs and to hoard food and they address things about your computer and of all of those 50 things that they mentioned they didn't mention a thing about getting prepared to meet the Lord and that troubled me because I think we are so caught up into the hype that we've forgotten that Jesus Christ is coming back again amen we have to prepare ourselves for his coming now there are two things I think that would get you in readiness and that is if you believe that it's a heaven and it's a hell now if you don't believe it's heaven in hell then maybe what I'm about to say won't interest you but I believe there's a heaven that's where I'm trying to get there and all the things that are promised about in heaven I look to see I want to walk on the streets to go I want to see Jesus Amen I want to be able to go to a tree and if I'm sick which I won't be in heaven but they say it's a tree up there that's good but I hear another body and I want to see just how Jesus is gonna just take heed how he just wipes all the tears away those are some of the things that I want to see there's nothing about Hell that interests me but hail is real now if you don't believe that you just go right into the Bible and you're gonna read about a man they went to hell and you know we like to say we're going down here cuz I find song so down and we have a power Harrell ain't gonna be like that and you have nerve enough to name the folks could you think I'll be down there but those folks who you think gonna be down there they trying to get themselves together but we have this little picture of what we think hell is going to be like but it's a need you're in eternal torment when you inhale hell was so bad that the man down there wanting to come up from down there to tell his brother don't come here this is a bad you don't want to come here so we've got to prepare ourselves for one destination or the other I'm going to try to enlighten you about the destination that I envision or I'm going to and that's heaven now to get to heaven you've got to prepare yourself to do anything we prepare for college exams we prepare for weddings we prepared this morning to come to church but sometimes we come to church and we come just out of form and we're not too interested in where we're going that's evident we leave before the message is over we're disrespectful during the service because somehow other we don't believe that this is God's house and there are certain ways that we should be in here give that certain things that should be carried out while we are in here so as you prepare to heaven you've got to know your Bible that's your guy that's the way you're gonna make it you're gonna have to study that book you're gonna have to meditate in it and then you're gonna have to be like the person that it talks about and that's Christ we know that he was a man that had no sin neither was any guile in his mouth he died that we might live and all we have to do is just get the book to learn how to be like him well just like you are natural children that you have if you have children that don't look like you you don't think something is funny I don't care how they go back and say you know John him it looks like it's great-great-great-great daddy daddy's not gonna feel so good if John here it doesn't look a little bit like him amen so if you don't look like him you need to fix yourself up you need to look into the book of the word and it will show you where you are lacking it's sort of like self-examination mirror mirror on the wall do you see Christ in me at all it's what some of us need to say mirror mirror on the wall do you see Christ in me at all woe is me I'm a man I'm a woman of unclean lips and I dwell in a place with unclean people you know that so God has given you the privilege to examine yourself and when you see where you are short then you come on up because it is not the will of God that any of us should perish he wants all of us to be saved he died for our sin to make us righteous in him so it would just be hoop us to get into the book that's your - to study the book to learn the way to get from Earth to glory God's people should be holy because God's Word says that he is holy he was sinless yet he died for the sinful he wants us to only be saved ourselves but he wants us to share the word go into the highways and hedges and compel men to come it's not enough for you to be saved and nobody else is saved when you go to meet the Lord in pee in heaven hopefully you will have a soul that you are born to bring with you because when you get there and it's nobody but you then I'm afraid the Lord is going to kind of charge you would being slothful because you didn't do what he charged us to do so in preparing yourself you're gonna have to be saved you're gonna have to accept Christ you can't just say I'm gonna clean up what I missed up and start all over again that's a nice song but you can't do that you can't clean up what you messed up because no matter how you try to keep it straight if you clean it up you gonna mess up I remember and I can talk about myself a little bit I remember when I smoked that's been a long time ago so y'all I haven't backslidden since then if I did I wouldn't smoke Amen but I smoked and I would tell my mom I was gonna quit smoking me coffee but didn't make me calm for whatever and I said now I want you to give me one cigarette today just get me one and if I thought smoked that one if she didn't give me another one I just got me I was trying to do it myself give me my cigarettes and that's the way you do when you have habits that you cannot control now I'm not the only one in here that went through that Amen I'm not the only one but I'm saying it so that you can be helped you cannot sell Reformation when I do it what can wash away our sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what could make us whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus we were redeemed not with anything corruptible but we were redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ we were all dead as two the devil he had us all in his clinches but God saved us and he saved us to reach others all right I remember before I was saved and the reason I'm so on sharing the gospel no one really told me about being saved we had Saints that stayed in our house but no one ever said anything about being saved mother Mason I bless you on today so happy to have you with us because a part of our theme is just say yes why yes that's the theme of the church yes Lord when you say yes it means everything I have forsake for you yes Lord I'll go I'll do what you want me to do yes lo it's the song of total surrender and we sing it just to be singing it but when it gets down in you and you start internalizing that and realizing what you say when you're saying yes Lord yes Lord endowed me to say yes yes means that I'm committing my way to you we don't like to commit ourselves we brother rent them by we brother Shack didn't get married we rather visit a church than to join wine because there's no real obligation but when you accept Christ in your life you are obligated you will have to live holy be holy for I am holy when you get to know the Lord then you don't fear the unknown like some are now as it relates to the Millennium I don't feel that unknown because I know they're all knowing God and I know that if I'm in him and if he's in me but I don't have anything to worry about we don't have to fear as those who have because I hope it's in Christ but you're gonna have to learn how to submit yourself to the ways of Christ and not do it begrudgingly I'm afraid not the day we live in everybody has somewhat of the prodigal son syndrome everybody is at home looking out at home looking out we don't have enough daal to go out like the prodigal son did he went out and wasted himself away from home and I'm afraid many of us are wasting ourselves right here in the church our children are newly the scripture tells us to train them up in the way that they should go but we don't train our children and that's evident when they come here and their actions portray the fact that they have not been trained amen it's left up to you women we have a great part in the work of the Lord a very great part to play man we have something to say women the men have something to say we are living in a time when the enemy has put that split between men and women because the women are so heady they won't want to hear and the women are so independent that they don't want to hear but that was not the way God planned it he planned for us to work together as a unit and when the enemy comes in and split us up then he's the one that's victory I did not write the book where it says wives submit yourselves I didn't write that but what's wrong with submission it just means you're just giving from your will from some of the things that you want to do what's wrong with that if that promotes peace and harmony in your house what is wrong with that if God says submit then we submit that's why your children are unruly they see households with two heads a two headed household it's not a household that has if it's rain Jesus Christ I have a problem with Saints having to divorce if you have nothing in common and both of you call yourself Saints you have Jesus Christ in common you should be able to come to grips with whatever your differences are because brokenness triples down when your unit is broken then the children are broken and then their children are broken it's a syndrome that God is not pleased with it's a syndrome that God is not pleased with we are in this race to win we are running for our lives the scripture says you did run well what hindered you what's hindering your race your run with Christ are you going to let something as narrow as having your own way be something that would hinder you get into the Word of God and let it dictate how you should walk and do you know you will find yourself not finding the task so hard if you know that's what God wants you to do he's there to remove every mountain every obstacle every hindrance in your life we are all going to have shortages in our lives always there's always going to be something lacking in our lives I don't care how fulfil the person is there's something lacking and the thing that I love about the Word of God if you get into his book he has situations that you can identify with most women the greatest thing that they could give their husband is a baby most women but we have example in Scripture are women who found themselves grievious in spirit because they had not given children to their husband being a woman myself with no children I know how that feels you feels like you shortchanged your partner you know it's not anything that he may say I do but it's some where other that you feel like you've let him down but in Scripture God gives us to know that children our heritage they come from God he gives life and in the scripture there are so many women one that I'm really reminded of it I think touches the heart of men and women and that was the Shunammite woman who simply just was good to the Prophet she let the Prophet stay in her home and in doing so he prayed for her to have a child and we know how that child died and how when she should have been frustrated and all bent out of shape she went to get the Prophet after the son died supposedly from a heat stroke the responsibility was laid on that woman he was out in the field with his dad women we have a responsibility that men cannot feel he was in the field with his dad but what did his dad do he bought the baby tomorrow Mama's have a nurturing trait about them that men don't have this woman didn't get discouraged because she knew the Prophet and enroute to getting where the Prophet was and they asked how you're doing she says well can you say it as well when things are not well but we speak through the eyes of faith and in the eyes of faith that woman felt like if I can get to the Prophet whose prayers bless me with this Sun then I will be alright so what did she tell the driver but drive and go forward that's what we've got to say when we meet obstacles drive and go forward because she felt when she got to her destination it would be alright we have got to learn how to trust God far and in everything without faith it is impossible to please God but when you say yes to the Lord then you know that everything that's gone down he will build it up this woman had said yes to the Lord and what did Lord the Lord do he restored her son back faith and this is a confidence that we have that if you asked anything he'll give it faith I have a little song that I a little analogy that I use when I'm teaching the women on Sunday nights there was this lady they say that had real short hair and the other lady had real long hair and this lady had so much faith the later was combing her hair and she was saying a swing low sweet yeah yeah common for me huh lady didn't have no hair but she had faith she got that comb ain't got none but it will have some ain't got none but a wheel look David they are on your heart Holly Lou Holly Lou that's what it's all about it's about seeing those things that are not they were [Applause] stand firm on God's Word it will not fail studying meditating meditate in it it will get you from earth to glory don't let the devil fool you because you do not know God's Word the scripture says you do err not knowing the Word of God do you know the devil will sit right in here and make you think that you are not good enough to be saved because of your past and then a lot of us claim salvation and still haven't forgiven ourselves for some of the things that we've done in the past we allow people to remind us of things that we did when we were in the past now I would simply tell them if God forget it you might if God forgot it you might as well so the devil would tell you that you are too bad to be saved you've done too many bad things to be saved what's our example in the Bible David was an adulterer and a murderer and all of the beautiful songs that you read were penned by him simply because he repented create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me so God can use a repentant murderer you are not too bad you retreat and some of our other you found yourselves out in the world selling yourself but somebody even for yourself however you feel dirty and you feel unclean you feel that God will not clean you up you know what the song says Jesus will pick you up if he has to reach way down he will pick you up if he has to reach way down people won't pick you up but God will evidences of that I in the scripture Rahab the harlot she's in the lineage of Jesus Christ she was a hollow but she recognized the men of God when they came to our house for her to hide them and she made them promise that her household her family would be saved now with something about that woman that was discerning and she was a loose woman they she could have thought they were coming there whatever she supplied but the Lord did that as an example for those of us who feel that we are too bad if you feel like you are too bad for God you are just right for him because you are the one that he died for it would not make sense for God to die for a righteous person he died for the sinner Mary Magdalene the woman of whom Seven Devils God rose from her Seven Devils she ended up being one of his disciples one of his devout followers if I make no mistake she was at the tomb upon his resurrection you are just right for God's Center if you're in here maybe I didn't call off whatever dilemma you were in but don't let that hinder you you are just right for God he died for you it was not the will of God than any of us perish he wants us all to come into they have a lasting life with him Paul one of the greatest writers in the book persecuted the Saints but when Paul decided to say yes to the Lord on the road to Damascus when he was persecuting enroute to do harm to the Saints the Lord got his attention when the Lord gets your attention you say yes no I'm not where I ought to be you don't have to clean you up and it takes a little while and in doing so you're gonna mess up but when you mess up get up start all over again don't wallow there get up and start all over again because God is merciful it is a mercies of God that we enjoy man is not merciful here holding over you that's why we are gone we are glad that nobody is God but God one of the greatest evangelists in the Bible we know why as a Samaritan woman and I think many times the scripture does not give name simply so that you can put yourself in that situation this woman was at the well getting our water and when she saw Jesus she probably thought he was just another suitor he said to her that he the water that he would give her she would never thirst again she said evermore give me this water and that's what our prayer should be today evermore give me this water it simply means that he would be her sufficiency he would be all that she needed when he got through talking to her she was so excited the Word of God should excite you she's excited a speaker shouldn't have to get up and just go all home while the Word of God Jesus taught the Word of God and people were saved healed and delivered he sent his word he spoke his word and thereby things happen this woman was so entrenched in the conversation of this man who simply asked her woman where's your husband she said I have none he let her know she had five she didn't dispute that but it just baffled her that this man knew all into her life and what we have thought about that had we seen Jesus talking to what we call a prostitute we would have felt like he had no business talking to her but that's why he came it was Father's calls that Jesus came into the world to save the world the scripture said Jesus must needs go to Samaria now you know that made me feel good because I feel like when I got saved the Lord must needs to come to hold the temple Church of God in Christ 12:54 Wilson Street Amen January the 22nd 1964 he had make a house called a church call and he came to get me amen I was a wretched undone not like the Samaritan woman but I was unclean many of you might not be like the Samaritan woman but unless you have said accepted Christ and his way of life you are unclean you're not ready you're not prepared you might not lie you might not steal or do any other things but if you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you won't be there Amen you will not be there what did this woman do she was so exciting just like you were when you first got saved you know how you were you went to tell everybody what had happened to me I know I went to work I worked in an office and I went out to my said guess what I'm saying and you know I was a great witness because the office where I worked in I was a life of that office I'd go in every Monday morning to tell him what a good time I'd had all the week hey man I tell them what kind of dress I had on whatever when I was just sassy just sassy but when I got saved they thought it was just gonna last one day because hey when I got say like a real say Amen I'd be I used to I would go to work walk to work and I mean every call on that street was stuff cuz I mean looking good have you looking good after I got saved time your time I'm cleaning up I took off everything I was going I was wondering you know why I guess my posture was different because I wasn't getting that same response but that's how I supposed to be a man be a man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things are become new and I just like to feel like that holding this we're just beaming out and I went to the office building we were talking to my older girls that's all what'd I tell you about it if I don't get it it ain't nothing to and there wasn't that foolish wasn't that foolish and I had everybody in the office waiting for me to get the Holy Ghost bhishma had a 30-day revival I was there every night seeking for a Holy Ghost I didn't know much about the Holy Ghost coming from a Methodist Church but I knew how I wanted to get him I wanted to have on if I had on a red skirt I'd have to have on the red slip because they always got in the floor and I wanted my stuff to be looking good a man had long fingernails and I went to the church and Bishop has always been a man full of wisdom he said you go get somebody whose spirit is kinder to us to pray with you I feel bad cuz one night I'm trying to get the hold of those four children and back then if you to get the Holy Ghost and a dog they said you were singing that was the reason you didn't get but I tell you I prayed and I tear it and I tear it but God knows you sister God knows you brother he knew what it would take for me at the end of a 30 day revival the very last night I still hadn't received him the devil they won't let me go because he knew once I got the Holy Ghost I would have that power that would keep me that power to talk about God never will forget it as long as I live Bishop looked like he had preached so hard and he sat at his seat sister sitting behind me the Lord was healing her and she was simply saying thank you Jesus thank you Jesus your seat pine is contagious st. where she said thank you Jesus I said thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and the more I began to thank him my hands went up thank you Jesus by acute Jesus and It was as if there was a stained glass window in holy temples window it was if then when I lifted my arms all the way up that's why we tell you to surrender that the Lord Himself hallelujah hallelujah the Lord Himself just reach down and before you know it on I spoke in tongues like everybody in the church knew I spoke in tongues the Lord took me to a place I've never experienced it before but it was like I went somewhere I didn't know where I was I could see what was going on I knew that people were around me but I was not mindful of them and when I got up on it I had the Holy Ghost Bishop came home said sister doubted what happened to you I let him know I had the Holy Ghost now this this is gonna help somebody Bishop and I we were going to lunch at that time everything ever since I've known Bishop he has been a man of God but I had got so deep Bishop said I wasn't talking to him since dr. something wrong I was just in the deepness you know if you don't watch yourself you're getting you'll get carried off into something crazy you know what I'm saying I had gotten out just so holy till it wasn't real so whole I couldn't help nobody else amen but guess what happened after I received the Holy Ghost I didn't know the bishop as saith the mother wall my while raised him told mother while right there that he had me in man to marry but he wanted me to be saved on his ministry I had the guidance saved on hizmet and I didn't know all this now and that he wanted me to be baptized on his ministry I didn't know that either and to receive the Holy Ghost before he asked me to marry him now I don't you know the devil would have used me had I known that either ba ba ba ba ba [Applause] but I went back to work and told those people I said real if the whole ethos is real because I spoke and talked and I praise God for that that woman was so excited she went back to those men and said come see a man come see a man that told me everything that I've ever done and that woman became a great evangelist God knows how to reach you where you are praise God and I love [Applause] I love him and I'm concerned about those people who are content without having the gift of the Holy Ghost time for people to come down or don't have the Holy Ghost we leave out of the church but you are going to need him if you intend to walk this Christian way and this book that we study from it's so intricate in your walk you need to read it to your children I'm concerned about our children the Bible tells you to train them up you need to let them see you on your knees in prayer you don't have to worry about praying in school they need to see you on your knees you need to have family prayer the Bible has been set in order and it tells us what to do as it relates to our children women we are losing our men I have nothing against you being educated not going to guess you being independent but I have a problem when you have to do that and have a boyfriend instead of a husband you can live save without a husband I'm not saying that but it's much easier because the war that we have is with flesh the war that we are in is a war between the carnal and the spiritual that carnal man will try to take over every time because we were born in San shapen in iniquity you don't have to tell a little child a lie here just lie that's his nature he quiet somewhere in a room you came ok what you doing nothing and you know he's doing something so it's not too early for you to train your children that Liars will not meet it is not too late to tell your young girls how they should be with their so-called boyfriends that you all let them have too early a man they've grown up too fast and I know we we I know where we headed for but your children headed for hell because you're letting them grow too fast they need to know that it's in vogue to be chase you'll have to run with the crowd lay around you don't have to do that if he wants to lay make him pay it's the mayor's license that's right don't let him abuse you like that and then go out and so call get somebody who's fresh and clean it's left up to you parents mothers you got to be mothers not girlfriends you've got to let them see you over there I know I'm gonna get in trouble now I know I am I'm having a real problem with these mothers who have daughters I mean and it's evident they in their teens they wearing a little short dressing you wore yours long and now you start hanging yours up what's your problem what is your problem your children will have to see a difference tell you the man my mama don't do that you know what I'm saying it needs to be where they can come to you and say anything but you have got to be a person who keeps the standard up they're gonna go through stage they're young folk that's why the Bible says flee youthful lust young girl she's gonna feel a self you know she cute you know I'm gonna let everything show but you don't try to match her and let your show to cause y'all don't look good as her [Applause] don't care how bid not let you lose weight don't care how much weight you lose I have good god bless some us of us to look as we get older they are still some things about you to show your age your knees don't look like her knees and your other parts don't look like hers there was a woman in scripture who was given a great challenge her name was Esther we know was a woman that saved her nation but it wasn't until Mordecai and her uncle let her know that the dilemma that they were in that if she didn't do what he asked her to do she would go down with him so what did she do she got her a plan first thing she did she fasted and she prayed women and I say women I mean men too but by this being Woman's Day I tend to be a little prejudiced toward the women you're gonna have to do some fasting and some praying this is praying time seems like nobody's happy in marriage anymore come to church he's sitting on the he shoes sitting on the west side sit together in church what's wrong with that this woman had a plan she prayed and she had all the handmaidens to pray and her plan was that she would invite the king and the very man who was supposed to help get rid of her nation her people she invited them to dinner she knew that she could not go in to the king except he summons to her but she went anyway that's the kind of courage that this woman had and apparently the King must have really loved her and it had to have been in the will of God that she was the one that he favored because even the people that had to fix the the Virgin's up before they sent him into the King she found favor with them and she was the one I love all of that harem of women that seemingly the king was fond of and she went into the king and he asked her what do you want I'll give it to you up to half of the king that's a powerful one women we have the power we've just got to know how to use it we have the power to bring our households back together again but you have to have a plan stop griping so much he knows his shortages he knows yours to stop being what the scripture calls a contentious and a brawl and woman at home this woman had her plan together three times she went I think it was three into the king and let him know I just want to have dinner and you bring Haman with you and Haman felt himself so part of the of the King's business because he was invited in with Esther and the King but you know what her plan was she fed him good what am I saying you ladies out first I'm gonna say ouch Bishop said you can't say any man say ouch so I say I don't you before I say this this woman cooked up some good meals and I believe that that's where we kind of got this thing way to a man's heart is through his stomach and I say to you women there's still power in the pot there is still power in the pot a man you can be ever so amorous and so whatever so loving and whatever with your husband and after you've been amorous you had a good meal he's saying honey where's that chicken madam chitlins where them greens he's not gonna be so concerned with anything other than that good meal that you fixed I'm saying something to you some of the always that we forsaken is the reason that we don't have our homes intact I know it doesn't sound good cuz I eat out every day myself for my husband nice a whole lot of different kinds of foods so we didn't whole lot of different places you just got to know your own man that's the way they'd go but I'm saying if you want to make home home you need to have it where you sit down together any dinner you shouldn't have to eat in ships a man you sit down with your family and let them see that family environmental it's a job that we will have to undertake women we have a grave responsibility but God has given us the key and I know from the beginning how the Lord meant for it to be he meant for us to walk equal with man but because Eve was so curious and her first independent act was a bad one we are in the shape that we in so since we are here let's make the best of it amen now I've got to wonder and I really hate to say this but I've got to wonder why was Eve somewhere.i walking what was she looking for I mean the Garden of Eden supposed to had everything that that she wanted so what was she looking for but my next question is where was Adam when he went with her where I was Adam I mean he didn't go with her and a half asking why did he eat that fruit so readily like he could have said I don't want none then we wouldn't be in the shape we're here amen he listened at that woman sometimes we have good things to say can you imagine what would it happen if Pilate had listened to his wife when she told him she had a dream for him not to bother that man Jesus Christ can you imagine what it would be like Joba righteous man he says nothing not to listen to its wife but men sometimes we have something to say we have something to say sometimes the song that says I'm strong I'm invincible I'm woman we don't want to be strong we strong sometimes we have to be strong we don't want to be strong we want you to come on in we love you we want you to come on inside sit on down honey you don't have to go to work don't you lady sure you do we just we just took on all that stuff cuz we had to but we are ready to relinquish it today amen I think when things like in order and in place its harmony and I thank God for the way and I hope that I've said something that just kind of touched you to make you want to continue your walk with car God and the one good thing about the walk is that it doesn't stop here that's the good thing about it we're running for our lives because we have a better place than this to go to we are going to a better place to those people who we say are physically challenged to whatever and you say well I can't run you run with your mind you keep your mind pure keep your heart pure amen your victory is in the purity of your heart blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God God knew what he was doing when he made man and woman but he made them to be a union now everybody's not going to be married so if you're not married then you owe your life to the Lord single women because you don't have a husband you owe your life to the Lord you belong to him until you accept a mate he will be he said I will be your husband he said that and we hold him to his word he does not intend for any of us to walk like we don't know where we are going he does not intend that for women he made women we and he made all of us for his Express glory he made us to glorify Him we can't give him glory if we're burdened down we can't give him glory if we are bogged down with things that we don't know what to do but once you say yes to him he will give you a bond in life he'll be to you what you let him be if you abide in him and his word abide in you you can ask what you will and he'll give it to you he'll give you the courage to face the challenges of the day each and every day he'll be there for you he'll give you the faith to walk into areas that you feared he will take away the fear because perfect the perfect love of God cast out fear he has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind he's God all the time therefore he's good all the time His grace and mercy is present all the time when you say yes Kevin is your home amen it takes patience to get there your patience possess you your soul he's quick he'll be there when you need him you can rest in him he's our strong tower that the righteous run in and they are saved amen you can trust God he won't let you down many times we intend to do things that we find ourselves unable to do but God has never made a promise that he did not keep because he's a God that cannot lie he cannot live he wanted a lot he cannot lie so you can trust and stand on what His Word says he's willing to do for you he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me you have to get into the book to learn of him he says my yoke is easy the way of holiness is not a hard life not when it's a submitted life a committed life you commit your ways unto Him and when you do he'll be your partner he'll be a partner they won't step off when things get rough but when it gets rough he'll get closer he's ngayon to them that our broken heart and a contrite spirit if your heart is broken God is right there to heal the brokenness wherever it is in your life God is there he was there all of the time he's your victory he's your deliverance but you have to know that and the only way you know that is that you prepare yourself through the reading of his word through the assembling of yourselves in church we don't just come to church to just sit we come to church to learn of the Lord that's why this place is here this beautiful edifice was not built just to be beautiful but it is the hope and prayer of the pastor here that this church it's a lighthouse the hospital for wayfarer us for those who don't know the Lord and you know what I like about God what he did for me he'll do for you the scripture says we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses there are some people here who have undertaken and gone through some of the same things than I have and they can tell you it pays to serve Jesus it pays to serve Jesus trust and obey there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey to those of you who have habits I don't hardly think that there's a habit that I can name in here that God did not deliver from now if you got enough courage so that you may help somebody else who has a type habit that you have and you don't mind being a witness for God I want every cigarette smoker its cigarette smoker this thing here every snuff Dipper every wine drinker every hole my god I don't sit there too long now because you did something I want every sinner who knew that if we're not for the saving grace of Jesus Christ you'd be on your way to hell hallelujah these are the witnesses that we have that God will keep you if you want to be careful there's nothing too hard for God God will be anything and everything that you want him to be and I praise him I thank him I bless his name but salvation you didn't have to do it but you clean me up put my feet leading me in the right direction and I praise you for it God I wasn't worthy while I was yet sinner if you died for my sin and I thank you and I thank you let's bless him for your mercy new every morning great is the faithfulness of God he's a faithful God Saints you can trust him he's a faithful time he's a faithful God and whatever you need now I'm asking you everybody want to leave leave then we're gonna have all to service and have some church in here if you're in a hurry just go right on god bless you but those of us who are left here we're going to have some serious church in here because God came here today to meet us and to meet our needs that's where we are open to lift us up where we are falling down and we say Lord do it do it again lower do it again Lord touch me again Lord in the name of Jesus God I thank you for your word I thank your car for these that are cymbal here and I pray O God that they can take some of what I said apply it and want to be like you we want to be like Jesus oh how I want to be like him because I want to see him face to face I want to meet him in peace praise God wherever I am should he come I want to be ready and I thank him now and I bless him now [Music] thank you we thank you lord right now we thank you for your Saints we thank you for your word we thank you for your way in the name of Jesus I ask now if there is anyone present that don't know the Lord if you don't know the Lord then you please come forward the door the church is open you don't know the Lord praise the name of Jesus he's waiting come to Jesus now in the name of Jesus come to Jesus now come to Jesus [Applause] [Music] come on praise God praise God come to Jesus he will save you he will save you [Music] [Music] won't you come is there wine perhaps you already saved and you know the Lord and your partner love your sin and you want to make this place your church home don't leave today if you don't know the Lord we don't beg or ask that you just have to join this church but if you feel that the Lord has touched you on today won't you come and just thank the Lord for his touch won't you come is there one I'm going to ask all the goals who feel like they know the Lord and the partner their best and to be seated and those persons who feel that maybe I don't want to come I just want prayer won't you come won't you come come to Jesus just now come to Jesus come to Jesus come to Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] touch me Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's waiting for you we have the time Jesus is called Santa please don't let this harvest pass you over to Jesus don't let this pass come to Jesus now come to Jesus now I know you're here and I know some of you might be ashamed but in when the day comes and you have to stand before the Lord you got to stand for yourself so you're just gonna have to be bold that's the Lord to give you holy boulders and come down come now in the name of [Music] not the Lord what to break the sky and come right now are you ready can you say I'm ready can you say I got my house and all of my things are fixed are you ready for his coming you don't know the minute or the hour when he comes so it behooves you to be ready Amen there that's no place for milk plants inhale it's just hair whether you're young or old you have to make your decision on today whom you will serve won't you serve God he'll do you good he'll be your everything here take you through your every trouble in trial young folk I know it's hard but with God you can make it he's there to help you praise the name of Jesus won't you come my brother bless the name of Jesus watch your time god help me praise Jesus kept me lift ISA with [Music] watch your tongue is there another one won't you come this time we're gonna have our pastor come give you the right hand of fellowship and then you may go with the worship coordinator thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] let me say while these are standing here we've heard a very powerful message today and I praise God for these souls who have come and yet I sense in my spirit that there are at least twelve more persons whom the Lord has touched it's a different day it's Women's Day it's not the general routine and somehow the enemy is trying to cloud your mind and said I wait till next Sunday a far more convenient time but all that you have is right now next Sunday is really not guaranteed to you and while you're right now on the conviction for the salvation of your soul in your backslidden condition knowing that you need to return to the Lord and even you are saved and you know this is where God wants you to be I want the other 12 of you to get up right now don't don't wait get up now have the courage to get up now and make your way down the nearest aisle the Lord is speaking to you and you know who you are come on hallelujah that's right my sister come on Tom give it in play [Music] come on don't don't wait on anybody else get up get up [Music] hallelujah they have ten more come on my sister let's should 9 more of you come on hallelujah you should have eight more seven more six more [Music] three to and here there are some Bible [Applause] with less than engines oh we've got you man oh we bless your name we bless your name some old and giving please come on and give him glory hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah somebody ought to give God breathe in here man thank you yes thank ya hallelujah or my soul magnifier bless the name of Jesus even now you were here on the altar I'm gonna send you with to certain tendencies but as I see the tears flowing lift your hands in surrender instead ah and just tell the Lord yes Lord I'm ready to surrender my life I put myself on the altar before you I'm surrendering to you right now come on open your mouth and tell him Lord I'm surrendering to you right now [Music] hallelujah that's right go ahead all this crazy [Applause] he's given you power gets it receive you [Music] a new life if beginning at you right now glory to Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give a soul delight in you Jesus bless your name bless your name of saints come on and praising catch a hole to the breeze mr. Bopp he'll touch you while you pleasing him Paula knew we don't break your shackles while your Grady's in it [Music] praising him he'll deliver you while you're praising it come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] over the cheese's all my soul that I didn't thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] Jamal thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] safety law [Applause] yes yes [Music] you know thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus thank you for your word thank you for your touch thank you for mine the little fire you see you wanna thank you hopefully goes back heal your body in here [Music] what's your name bless your name bless your name let's the Lord O my soul and all that it within me bless His Holy Name let's the law is the law that's the law [Music] Thank You Man hallelujah thank you lord I thank you lord I thank you for right now you deliver the happen is rebuked in the name of Jesus the sin is rebuked new creatures in Christ right now where they stand [Music] listen each one of you that came up I just want to shake hands with you you're gonna follow superintendent singers for further instruction god bless you young fella don't do that gentleman over there want you to follow god bless you my brother god bless you my sister Saints you ought to be freezin god bless you my brother hallelujah glory to Jesus god bless you young lady god bless you god bless ya hallelujah yes I want you to follow me with this line here let's you God bless you God bless you Oh in the Lord wonderful [Applause] welcome home ha ha so she coming home at the welcome home hallelujah glory to Jesus god bless you hallelujah god bless you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jamar A. Boyd II
Views: 93,610
Rating: 4.7301292 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Church of God in Christ, GE Patterson, Louise Patterson, Bishop Patterson, Mother Patterson
Id: KbS8843VMAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 6sec (6006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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