Rebuilding A Wrecked Lamborghini Huracan

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/servo1056 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
it took just seconds for this Lamborghinis roar to turn into a Lamborghini wreck police dashcam video shows the powerful sports cars front end smashed to pieces what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are finally picking up our brand new build we got about seven hours to drive it's around five in the morning right now we're headed to Tampa Florida so let's hit the road hopefully we'll get there on time [Music] [Music] [Applause] my god so there was a standstill traffic pretty much on the highway so you try to go a different route going a shortcut right here's some dirt roads I don't know where this is gonna take us but there ain't no turning back there's only backing out there's no way we go back out with that trailer so we're gonna keep on going and hopefully we make it out I can't believe there's still roads like this in America yeah all right but we're gonna keep on moving here schedule hopefully we just don't get stuck or them signs meaning though we're in full send mode we survived the treacherous journey railroad railroad successfully checked off a shortcut right there yes though I think that was a lot faster than sitting in that stance steel oh yeah that was a dead standstill dude look at this look at the highway now it's moving so we're gonna hit at Florida [Music] when ago today Nicole and it's beautiful out here but I think we are very close about seven minutes seven minutes away so we're going to pull up on these boys over here in Tampa Florida I've never been out here so this is a very unique experience of weather is amazing out here I don't want to live out here this is hospital definitely going to move down here for sure I think I think I may hear some no that is that's not gril ocean to this specific Gulf of Mexico specifically look at that ladies nice palms I bet you give you real and bats and whatever all day long every day holiday you see them cook - hey look how they put the heck I've never seen that they stack these cars up this is gonna be pretty cool guys we already spotted it look at that like I'm coming mouth awesome just stop right here go go do this go do the normal thing pay the people your pay to get a fat check so they better be happy ha no right I'm excited let's go can't waste no time because I've got a long drive back guys so we are officially Lamborghini owners right here 2016 Lamborghini Huracan dude this is super crazy I'm still in shock right now that we're we own a Lamborghini is crazy man because like a year ago we were jobless so this is just insane for us we I mean I'm speechless right now I mean until I'm like stuttering and stuff so I'm gonna give him the forum we heard a bunch of crazy things about it from the people inside actually know who wrecked it and they do have a video guide here that lays share that later so let's go ahead I'm excited to get this thing on the trailer so let's give him that pull out form and get this Lambo loaded up if anybody wants to California it needs to be cleaned up though but we're gonna sneak over here to this Lamborghini though that's the wheel for it right there yeah and that's that's the pile of wheat when we got it they had that stuff all jammed inside yeah that's up the seat now everything still pretty decent condition was up there's a kid out here yesterday with one of the loaders oh don't you know what not him the suspension is still intact it's still there I put the I put the disclaimer on there just because it covers us yeah but I said she yeah I've seen that video that's crazy we got a good headlight here which is around five grand front end is here all here just like aluminum brackets what not done but this side looks good though get a pile of parts here man this thing is gonna be sick sketchy sounds but it is what it is look at that guy's looks sick they seem to clean too I hate when they load from the bottom get her set up right what do you think let's go grab all the miscellaneous pieces that they got leftover oh yeah we need all these little bits and pieces master sure so I might have to put the camera down and just try to grab as much things as I can throw it in the back of the truck let's do it alrighty guys so we got her strapped up so we're gonna hit the road and start heading back home pulled over at the gas station but that little crowd going on here but we're guessing fuel we're gonna hit the road again and head back home man FX is getting a lot of attention so I know everybody's going like it alright guys so we're finally back and we're about ready to unload this thing but before we do that you know how we like to wash our cars before they get into the garage so let's go ahead give us a quick wash and then unloaded [Music] alright guys now that we got it all washed up the real challenge is gonna be trying to get this thing off the trailer because as you know one of the wheels is damaged it pretty much is broke in half like the outer piece broke off of the inner piece so we're gonna try to figure something out and hopefully we can get this thing possibly started what do you think maybe hopefully started hopefully we can throw the booster on it and see if it'll print bride I know a nice if we could just drive it off but if not we're gonna pop it in neutral and roll it off so hopefully we can roll it off because that wheel is pretty bad so let's back it up towards the garage we do have a winch set up if some of you guys know we did set up a winch on one of our base so let's back this trailer up and try to get this Lambo off so it's getting pretty dark on us but we're trying to get it off because we got to return this trailer that we borrow but we couldn't find the Torx bit large enough but we managed to find something close enough where it could break him free in which was a t70 right yeah it calls 4080 sucks these cars don't come with it but we managed to find a t70 from around our area couldn't find a t-80 in store anywhere so if it worked came off pretty easily now you know what if we welded this to the broken rim and rolled it off that way if we had a strong enough welder we do have a volkswagen spare tire here in the same lug pattern right and lug pattern so hopefully this thing will fit let's test it that's it now we may have to remove that caliper so we're probably gonna remove this caliper and hang it up here so we don't have to break the line loose Andry pump these CalPERS but if we have to we're gonna remove it anyway we got to get this car off so let's get this caliper loosened up hang it up here and hopefully we have enough room to throw this Volkswagen wheel on it because looks to be a same lug pattern so hopefully it works fingers crossed let's get this thing off never broken ever first time since the factory unless they changed the brake pads since Timmy there's only 7,000 miles on the car so yes there are on it hardwood you don't look like the path that I mean the rotors look phenomenal dude there's a lot really yeah now what we need to do is throw a piece of 2x4 in here so we can actually use the breaks because we're gonna need the breaks to roll it off and if you put a 2x4 right here that won't completely compress there just stay open and won't mess up your brakes and strap this thing gonna strap it up like up here somewhere towards the back like that should be plenty of room this wheel is not that wide it's just a spare tire so let's get this thing done see if it works all right guys so moment of truth hopefully this will fit it's gonna make it a lot easier on us thank is that the rotor too big the rotor is so huge it's bigger than the wheels so we actually found a 16 inch for Volkswagen wheel it didn't work that way because the suspensions all still touching the wheel but we ended up just flipping it around and just going full a savage mode on this and we're just gonna send it like this it's gonna work so that's just the only way we got to do it and we're just going straight back anyway so yeah all we need to do is for it to get off the trailer smoothly without damaging anything dang this thing just needs a wide-body now yeah crazy but hopefully it doesn't like rub up against this trailer here but other than that I think we'll be fine yeah let's keep it moving I guess I just drop it down and we'll slightly do some turns and we're gonna try to get this thing started hopefully we are golden alright let's see if this thing will start I'm not gonna say it will because I don't know if it will but the battery's all charged up we gave it a nice charge while we were working on this and it says it's a hundred percent so let me grab the key see if this thing will crank over the handles pop out for ya that is insane that's pretty crazy so do the thing man do the thing make it rip nothing listen clicking what sit down fasten seatbelt mmm something did you do something different that took off the Hebraic ebrake yeah seat bill didn't lock up I guess we're just gonna have to roll it off engine system fault management management system so it's probably I'm sure there's a cut wire up there for sure from yeah looks like a wire or a ground so hey it's gonna be exciting once we do get it started so let's just roll this thing off pop neutrals in neutral because I just took off the e breaking yeah so let's start pushing dude I mean that's freaking cool we just found like secret flaps yeah like I really can see you can barely see him really good but that's the screws that are holding this panel down and that's where that he's ball should reside front heads yeah looks like just flat heads and we should be good man hopefully we find some blowing fuses hopefully we're doing crank this thing right up do that would be amazing drive it right off pull will send backwards pull sin so let me get that tools and hopefully you can find that fuse so guys we couldn't manage to put it in neutral whatsoever so we actually just went ahead put some wheel dollies on the rear tires so it doesn't mess up the transmission we're gonna drag it by this winter already got everything hooked up ready to go everything is safe and secure so it's gonna take a good minute to pull this off because we want to be very careful so we're gonna set up the time-lapse for you guys and show you guys exactly how we take it off [Music] hi guys we've loaded it and got it into the garage and took quite a bit of tries and we tried a bunch of little things to get this thing off that's safest possible without damaging anything else but it is in the garage and we are happy and it is super late so we're gonna have to catch you guys tomorrow alrighty guys so it's actually the next state here we're gonna do a little bit of a more in-depth walk around because we didn't have much time at the auction in Florida because we had a long drive home and we just wanted to make it here but now that we're here let's go ahead and walk around and show you guys pretty much what it's going to take to get this thing repaired so clearly up front here you notice that you need the front bumper cover the hood and these parts are expensive man but oh yeah like two thousand dollars for a fender hopefully we can find some used parts a lot cheaper and then once we start taking apart the front end there's a bunch of miscellaneous pieces yeah it just it's just gonna take to take apart this whole entire car all the damaged pieces and then stuff is just gonna keep adding up as you can see under there radiators and stuff like that but as for the major parts though it's just the ones that you can see like the door and the quarter panel and if you didn't catch that little clip somebody some woman woman actually white out wide out the videos on the news actually so that's pretty crazy and it looked like she actually ran into a little pole or something nothing too crazy a road sign yeah you can just see right there it was like a little pole that hit it could've been a lot worse but luckily I could put my hand back here so it's a hot there's a hollow space back there which is a very good sign because we wouldn't want anything to be damaged behind there and luckily it didn't really hit the monocoque you know your carbon fiber monocoque you see that it's carbon fiber here but and also this quarter panel bleep just unbolts it's not like your typical quarter panel where it's welded on with what are those called spotless pot wells this is kind of like the Viper Yeun bolts and snaps on there so that is legit and another thing that I actually noticed just off of this door it is still aligned here pretty much you see what I'm talking about yeah all the alignments are actually pretty decent even the quarter panel like if you come here and see how I got smashed but as you can see right here everything is pretty decent obviously it's gonna be off by a few inches as you can see not inches enemy yeah obviously it's off by millimeters right here and we'll ask for the rear end though the rear end is just perfect and flawless nothing too major nothing at all honestly what am I saying major I'm just excited about this part guys we didn't wash the engine because we didn't really want to pour water on it honestly it's true we just wanted to keep it clean because it didn't start and we're trying to work something out try to get it started as you've seen we're on the trailer looking through all the little fuses and stuff like that and also guys I can't wait to start taking apart this stuff we already have to take it apart to get to that starter because I believe that could be our issue but if you anybody out there is a Lamborghini of specialists out there that knows anything about this we definitely need your help you guys guy over there honking for you don't take care of the UPS guy over there I said moving on to the interior here everything is actually all there other than this actual seat airbag which is deployed which is not a big deal because you could actually get these suckers so dried up it's just gonna be I guess hopefully if we can just find that air bag you know what I mean because I don't want to buy this whole entire see I know that it's gonna be a couple thousand yeah it's a black leather with red stitching so no Alcantara here actually is a good thing on these cars because I heard their seats the Alcantara seats actually wear out and really they get a lot of stains in them so yeah that makes sense because there is a Alcantara just on this door right here yeah I do like the leather can't wait to detail this interior yeah that's pretty dirty in there look at that guy's it looks like some water got in there from the door not shutting all the way but everything is fair dude look there's leather - freakin red stitching that is nice through that interior looks like it looks like a fighter that's what I was just about to say it looks like a tank the center console and stuff that is insane dude it's so beautiful in here I think that's who they were trying to go for basically the Lamborghini is kind of like a fighter jet but then vente doors is complete full-on jet that thing is like a military helicopter the Aventador okay so I'm glad I'm glad it's not too bad in here I'm glad it's not a - here bag that would have been a nightmare yeah especially the door that's what I'm thinking about you see how it got hit in the inside of the door is actually pretty good so here so saved like our moldings our door panel and all this accessories right here they were gonna need for probably our new door because that's not gonna come with it right check this out this is still good piece right here look at that yeah it's a whole separate piece I think there's a little crack right here the rocker panel does unbolt yes that's awesome that's what I love it sure does oh dang that's legit con that is awesome dude I can't wait to start tearing this thing apart what you guys are gonna just have to wait I really want to see how they put this card together how this car is made and how it's different from any other vehicle I'm sure they all got their differences but most cars it's the same stuff and you guys are gonna go right along with us in this process show you guys exactly everything basically everything how we're gonna take it apart everything we're gonna learn together this our first exotic and we're just we're not afraid to dig right into it so VIPRE was kind of exotic - yeah that was that one looks pretty difficult and as for this you can kind of see it a little bit good this is just the driver's side right here that man is so filthy in there but clean it up as I mentioned before and it does have just 7,000 7,000 miles let me get in here melodies control you got the key on you dude just check that out so sick you got the course of sport when in strata you got all these switches in here we'll figure out what they are later on but it's just amazing what's going on here so it's like my second time sitting in a Lambo because we did sit in one when we were picking up that healthcast so it is amazing to actually finally own one and get to work on yeah that's the fun part is working on it some people may think the fun part you're not driving it but for us the fun part is actually taking it apart and working on it see what it's made of you know what I mean you see what these Italians put together for us here so that's pretty much gonna be a wrap for today's video be sure to stay tuned to see what these Americans do to this Italian car also guys be sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also guys if you're brand new to the channel be sure to LIKE and subscribe because we're going to bring you some awesome content if you want to support us and this channel be sure to visit us Qualcomm Coffee submerge so thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 9,042,965
Rating: 4.8283896 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini huracan, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini, rebuilding a wrecked huracan, lamborghini huracan build, lamborghini huraca rebuild, wrecked lamborghini huracan, wrecked lamborghini, salvaged lamborghini, salvaged huracan
Id: CNb4Y8qCuhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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